altogether 016 013 Num /^{altogether /a prince over

altogether 018 021 Gen /^{altogether /according to
the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know .

altogether 012 012 IICh /^{altogether /and also in
Judah things went well .

altogether 053 003 Psa /^{altogether /become filthy
; there is none that doeth good , no, not one .

altogether 024 010 Num /^{altogether /blessed them
these three times .

altogether 009 034 Joh /${altogether /born in sins ,
and dost thou teach us ? And they cast him out .

altogether 005 005 Jer /^{altogether /broken the
yoke , and burst the bonds .

altogether 010 008 Jer /^{altogether /brutish and
foolish : the stock is a doctrine of vanities .

altogether 009 010 ICo /${altogether /for our sakes
? For our sakes , no doubt , this is written : that he that
ploweth should plow in hope ; and that he that thresheth in hope
should be partaker of his hope .

altogether 049 012 Jer /^{altogether /go unpunished
? thou shalt not go unpunished , but thou shalt surely drink of

altogether 030 014 Num /^{altogether /hold his
peace at her from day to day ; then he establisheth all her vows
, or all her bonds , which are upon her: he confirmeth them,
because he held his peace at her in the day that he heard them.

altogether 013 005 Job /^{altogether /hold your
peace ! and it should be your wisdom .

altogether 004 014 Est /^{altogether /holdest thy
peace at this time , then shall there enlargement and
deliverance arise to the Jews from another place ; but thou and
thy father's house shall be destroyed : and who knoweth whether
thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

altogether 016 020 Deu /^{altogether /just shalt
thou follow , that thou mayest live , and inherit the land which
the LORD thy God giveth thee.

altogether 010 008 Isa /^{altogether /kings ?

altogether 062 009 Psa /^{altogether /lighter than
vanity .

altogether 005 016 Son /^{altogether /lovely . This
is my beloved , and this is my friend , O daughters of Jerusalem

altogether 019 018 Exo /^{altogether /on a smoke ,
because the LORD descended upon it in fire : and the smoke
thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace , and the whole mount
quaked greatly .

altogether 050 021 Psa /^{altogether /such an one
as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order
before thine eyes .

altogether 026 029 Act /${altogether /such as I am ,
except these bonds .

altogether 030 011 Jer /^{altogether /unpunished .

altogether 015 018 Jer /^{altogether /unto me as a
liar , and as waters that fail ?

altogether 027 012 Job /^{altogether /vain ?

altogether 039 005 Psa /^{altogether /vanity .
Selah .

altogether 005 010 ICo /${altogether /with the
fornicators of this world , or with the covetous , or
extortioners , or with idolaters ; for then must ye needs go out
of the world .

arrogancy 048 029 Jer /^{arrogancy /and his pride ,
and the haughtiness of his heart .

arrogancy 008 013 Pro /^{arrogancy /and the evil
way , and the froward mouth , do I hate .

arrogancy 002 003 ISa /^{arrogancy /come out of
your mouth : for the LORD is a God of knowledge , and by him
actions are weighed .

arrogancy 013 011 Isa /^{arrogancy /of the proud
to cease , and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible .

astrologer 002 010 Dan /^{astrologer /or Chaldean .

astrologers 002 002 Dan /^{astrologers /and the
sorcerers , and the Chaldeans , for to shew the king his dreams .
So they came and stood before the king .

astrologers 005 011 Dan /^{astrologers /Chaldeans ,
and soothsayers ;

astrologers 005 015 Dan /^{astrologers /have been
brought in before me, that they should read this writing , and
make known unto me the interpretation thereof: but they could
not shew the interpretation of the thing :

astrologers 001 020 Dan /^{astrologers /that were in
all his realm .

astrologers 005 007 Dan /^{astrologers /the
Chaldeans , and the soothsayers . And the king spake , and said
to the wise men of Babylon , Whosoever shall read this writing ,
and shew me the interpretation thereof, shall be clothed with
scarlet , and have a chain of gold about his neck , and shall be
the third ruler in the kingdom .

astrologers 004 007 Dan /^{astrologers /the
Chaldeans , and the soothsayers : and I told the dream before
them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation

astrologers 002 027 Dan /^{astrologers /the
magicians , the soothsayers , shew unto the king ;

astrologers 047 013 Isa /^{astrologers /the
stargazers , the monthly prognosticators , stand up , and save
thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

Bethhogla 015 006 Jos /^{Bethhogla /and passed
along by the north of Betharabah ; and the border went up to the
stone of Bohan the son of Reuben :

Bethhoglah 018 021 Jos /^{Bethhoglah /and the
valley of Keziz ,

Bethhoglah 018 019 Jos /^{Bethhoglah /northward :
and the outgoings of the border were at the north bay of the
salt sea at the south end of Jordan : this was the south coast .

cogitations 007 028 Dan /^{cogitations /much
troubled me, and my countenance changed in me : but I kept the
matter in my heart .

dog 024 014 ISa /^{dog /after a flea .

dog 059 006 Psa /^{dog /and go round about
the city .

dog 059 014 Psa /^{dog /and go round about
the city .

dog 009 008 IISa /^{dog /as I am?

dog 026 017 Pro /^{dog /by the ears .

dog 016 009 IISa /^{dog /curse my lord the
king ? let me go over , I pray thee, and take off his head .

dog 023 018 Deu /^{dog /into the house of
the LORD thy God for any vow : for even both these are
abomination unto the LORD thy God .

dog 009 004 Ecc /^{dog /is better than a
dead lion .

dog 002 022 IIPe /${dog /is turned to his own
vomit again ; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in
the mire .

dog 007 005 Jug /^{dog /lappeth , him shalt
thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down upon
his knees to drink .

dog 011 007 Exo /^{dog /move his tongue ,
against man or beast : that ye may know how that the LORD doth
put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel .

dog 026 011 Pro /^{dog /returneth to his
vomit , so a fool returneth to his folly .

dog 008 013 IIKi /^{dog /that he should do
this great thing ? And Elisha answered , The LORD hath shewed me
that thou shalt be king over Syria .

dog 017 043 ISa /^{dog /that thou comest to
me with staves ? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods .

dog's 003 008 IISa /^{dog's /head , which
against Judah do shew kindness this day unto the house of Saul
thy father , to his brethren , and to his friends , and have not
delivered thee into the hand of David , that thou chargest me to
day with a fault concerning this woman ?

dog's 066 003 Isa /^{dog's /neck ; he that
offereth an oblation , as if he offered swine's blood ; he that
burneth incense , as if he blessed an idol . Yea, they have
chosen their own ways , and their soul delighteth in their
abominations .

dogs 022 015 Rev /${dogs /and sorcerers , and
whoremongers , and murderers , and idolaters , and whosoever
loveth and maketh a lie .

dogs 003 002 Php /${dogs /beware of evil
workers , beware of the concision .

dogs 016 021 Luk /${dogs /came and licked his
sores .

dogs 014 011 IKi /^{dogs /eat ; and him that
dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat : for the LORD
hath spoken it.

dogs 016 004 IKi /^{dogs /eat ; and him that
dieth of his in the fields shall the fowls of the air eat .

dogs 015 027 Mat /${dogs /eat of the crumbs
which fall from their masters table .

dogs 009 036 IIKi /^{dogs /eat the flesh of
Jezebel :

dogs 022 016 Psa /^{dogs /have compassed me:
the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my
hands and my feet .

dogs 068 023 Psa /^{dogs /in the same.

dogs 021 019 IKi /^{dogs /lick thy blood ,
even thine.

dogs 021 019 IKi /^{dogs /licked the blood of
Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood , even thine.

dogs 022 038 IKi /^{dogs /licked up his blood
; and they washed his armour ; according unto the word of the
LORD which he spake .

dogs 007 006 Mat /${dogs /neither cast ye
your pearls before swine , lest they trample them under their
feet , and turn again and rend you .

dogs 030 001 Job /^{dogs /of my flock .

dogs 021 024 IKi /^{dogs /shall eat ; and him
that dieth in the field shall the fowls of the air eat .

dogs 021 023 IKi /^{dogs /shall eat Jezebel
by the wall of Jezreel .

dogs 009 010 IIKi /^{dogs /shall eat Jezebel
in the portion of Jezreel , and there shall be none to bury her.
And he opened the door , and fled .

dogs 056 010 Isa /^{dogs /they cannot bark ;
sleeping , lying down , loving to slumber .

dogs 015 003 Jer /^{dogs /to tear , and the
fowls of the heaven , and the beasts of the earth , to devour
and destroy .

dogs 007 028 Mar /${dogs /under the table eat
of the children's crumbs .

dogs 056 011 Isa /^{dogs /which can never
have enough , and they are shepherds that cannot understand :
they all look to their own way , every one for his gain , from
his quarter .

Enrogel 001 009 IKi /^{Enrogel /and called all
his brethren the king's sons , and all the men of Judah the
king's servants :

Enrogel 017 017 IISa /^{Enrogel /for they might
not be seen to come into the city : and a wench went and told
them; and they went and told king David .

frogs 008 003 Exo /^{frogs /abundantly , which
shall go up and come into thine house , and into thy bedchamber ,
and upon thy bed , and into the house of thy servants , and
upon thy people , and into thine ovens , and into thy
kneadingtroughs :

frogs 008 006 Exo /^{frogs /came up , and
covered the land of Egypt .

frogs 016 013 Rev /${frogs /come out of the
mouth of the dragon , and out of the mouth of the beast , and
out of the mouth of the false prophet .

frogs 008 013 Exo /^{frogs /died out of the
houses , out of the villages , and out of the fields .

frogs 008 008 Exo /^{frogs /from me, and from
my people ; and I will let the people go , that they may do
sacrifice unto the LORD .

frogs 008 009 Exo /^{frogs /from thee and thy
houses , that they may remain in the river only?

frogs 105 030 Psa /^{frogs /in abundance , in
the chambers of their kings .

frogs 008 004 Exo /^{frogs /shall come up both
on thee, and upon thy people , and upon all thy servants .

frogs 008 011 Exo /^{frogs /shall depart from
thee, and from thy houses , and from thy servants , and from thy
people ; they shall remain in the river only.

frogs 008 005 Exo /^{frogs /to come up upon
the land of Egypt .

frogs 008 007 Exo /^{frogs /upon the land of
Egypt .

frogs 078 045 Psa /^{frogs /which destroyed

frogs 008 012 Exo /^{frogs /which he had
brought against Pharaoh .

genealogies 031 019 IICh /^{genealogies /among the
Levites .

genealogies 003 009 Tit /${genealogies /and
contentions , and strivings about the law ; for they are
unprofitable and vain .

genealogies 012 015 IICh /^{genealogies /And there
were wars between Rehoboam and Jeroboam continually .

genealogies 009 001 ICh /^{genealogies /and, behold,
they were written in the book of the kings of Israel and Judah ,
who were carried away to Babylon for their transgression .

genealogies 007 005 ICh /^{genealogies /fourscore
and seven thousand .

genealogies 005 017 ICh /^{genealogies /in the days
of Jotham king of Judah , and in the days of Jeroboam king of
Israel .

genealogies 007 007 ICh /^{genealogies /twenty and
two thousand and thirty and four .

genealogies 001 004 ITi /${genealogies /which
minister questions , rather than godly edifying which is in
faith : so do.

genealogy 007 005 Neh /^{genealogy /And I found a
register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first ,
and found written therein,

genealogy 007 064 Neh /^{genealogy /but it was not
found : therefore were they, as polluted , put from the
priesthood .

genealogy 002 062 Ezr /^{genealogy /but they were
not found : therefore were they, as polluted , put from the
priesthood .

genealogy 007 009 ICh /^{genealogy /by their
generations , heads of the house of their fathers , mighty men
of valour , was twenty thousand and two hundred .

genealogy 009 022 ICh /^{genealogy /in their
villages , whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their
set office .

genealogy 005 001 ICh /^{genealogy /is not to be
reckoned after the birthright .

genealogy 031 018 IICh /^{genealogy /of all their
little ones , their wives , and their sons , and their daughters
, through all the congregation : for in their set office they
sanctified themselves in holiness :

genealogy 031 016 IICh /^{genealogy /of males ,
from three years old and upward , even unto every one that
entereth into the house of the LORD , his daily portion for
their service in their charges according to their courses ;

genealogy 008 003 Ezr /^{genealogy /of the males
an hundred and fifty .

genealogy 031 017 IICh /^{genealogy /of the priests
by the house of their fathers , and the Levites from twenty
years old and upward , in their charges by their courses ;

genealogy 005 007 ICh /^{genealogy /of their
generations was reckoned , were the chief , Jeiel , and
Zechariah ,

genealogy 008 001 Ezr /^{genealogy /of them that
went up with me from Babylon , in the reign of Artaxerxes the
king .

genealogy 007 040 ICh /^{genealogy /of them that
were apt to the war and to battle was twenty and six thousand
men .

genealogy 007 005 Neh /^{genealogy /of them which
came up at the first , and found written therein,

Gog 039 011 Eze /^{Gog /a place there of
graves in Israel , the valley of the passengers on the east of
the sea : and it shall stop the noses of the passengers : and
there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude : and they shall
call it The valley of Hamongog .

Gog 039 011 Eze /^{Gog /and all his
multitude : and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog .

Gog 020 008 Rev /${Gog /and Magog , to
gather them together to battle : the number of whom is as the
sand of the sea .

Gog 039 001 Eze /^{Gog /and say , Thus saith
the Lord GOD ; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog , the chief
prince of Meshech and Tubal :

Gog 038 016 Eze /^{Gog /before their eyes .

Gog 005 004 ICh /^{Gog /his son , Shimei his
son ,

Gog 038 018 Eze /^{Gog /shall come against
the land of Israel , saith the Lord GOD , that my fury shall
come up in my face .

Gog 038 003 Eze /^{Gog /the chief prince of
Meshech and Tubal :

Gog 039 001 Eze /^{Gog /the chief prince of
Meshech and Tubal :

Gog 038 002 Eze /^{Gog /the land of Magog ,
the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal , and prophesy against him,

Gog 038 014 Eze /^{Gog /Thus saith the Lord
GOD ; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely ,
shalt thou not know it?

Hoglah 036 011 Num /^{Hoglah /and Milcah , and
Noah , the daughters of Zelophehad , were married unto their
father's brothers' sons :

Hoglah 027 001 Num /^{Hoglah /and Milcah , and
Tirzah .

Hoglah 026 033 Num /^{Hoglah /Milcah , and
Tirzah .

Hoglah 017 003 Jos /^{Hoglah /Milcah , and
Tirzah .

Jogbehah 008 011 Jug /^{Jogbehah /and smote the
host : for the host was secure .

log 014 015 Lev /^{log /of oil , and pour it
into the palm of his own left hand :

log 014 024 Lev /^{log /of oil , and the
priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD :

log 014 012 Lev /^{log /of oil , and wave
them for a wave offering before the LORD :

log 014 010 Lev /^{log /of oil .

log 014 021 Lev /^{log /of oil ;

Magog 039 006 Eze /^{Magog /and among them
that dwell carelessly in the isles : and they shall know that I
am the LORD .

Magog 001 005 ICh /^{Magog /and Madai , and
Javan , and Tubal , and Meshech , and Tiras .

Magog 010 002 Gen /^{Magog /and Madai , and
Javan , and Tubal , and Meshech , and Tiras .

Magog 038 002 Eze /^{Magog /the chief prince
of Meshech and Tubal , and prophesy against him,

Magog 020 008 Rev /${Magog /to gather them
together to battle : the number of whom is as the sand of the
sea .

Nogah 003 007 ICh /^{Nogah /and Nepheg , and
Japhia ,

Nogah 014 006 ICh /^{Nogah /and Nepheg , and
Japhia ,

Og 003 003 Deu /^{Og /also, the king of
Bashan , and all his people : and we smote him until none was
left to him remaining .

Og 003 013 Deu /^{Og /gave I unto the half
tribe of Manasseh ; all the region of Argob , with all Bashan ,
which was called the land of giants .

Og 013 031 Jos /^{Og /in Bashan , were
pertaining unto the children of Machir the son of Manasseh ,
even to the one half of the children of Machir by their families

Og 013 012 Jos /^{Og /in Bashan , which
reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei , who remained of the remnant
of the giants : for these did Moses smite , and cast them out .

Og 003 004 Deu /^{Og /in Bashan .

Og 003 010 Deu /^{Og /in Bashan .

Og 135 011 Psa /^{Og /king of Bashan , and
all the kingdoms of Canaan :

Og 013 030 Jos /^{Og /king of Bashan , and
all the towns of Jair , which are in Bashan , threescore cities :

Og 032 033 Num /^{Og /king of Bashan , the
land , with the cities thereof in the coasts , even the cities
of the country round about .

Og 004 047 Deu /^{Og /king of Bashan , two
kings of the Amorites , which were on this side Jordan toward
the sunrising ;

Og 009 010 Jos /^{Og /king of Bashan ,
which was at Ashtaroth .

Og 012 004 Jos /^{Og /king of Bashan ,
which was of the remnant of the giants , that dwelt at Ashtaroth
and at Edrei ,

Og 009 022 Neh /^{Og /king of Bashan .

Og 004 019 IKi /^{Og /king of Bashan ; and
he was the only officer which was in the land .

Og 003 011 Deu /^{Og /king of Bashan
remained of the remnant of giants ; behold, his bedstead was a
bedstead of iron ; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon
? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the
breadth of it, after the cubit of a man .

Og 031 004 Deu /^{Og /kings of the Amorites
, and unto the land of them, whom he destroyed .

Og 029 007 Deu /^{Og /the king of Bashan ,
came out against us unto battle , and we smote them:

Og 001 004 Deu /^{Og /the king of Bashan ,
which dwelt at Astaroth in Edrei :

Og 136 020 Psa /^{Og /the king of Bashan :
for his mercy endureth for ever :

Og 003 001 Deu /^{Og /the king of Bashan
came out against us, he and all his people , to battle at Edrei .

Og 021 033 Num /^{Og /the king of Bashan
went out against them, he, and all his people , to the battle at
Edrei .

Og 002 010 Jos /^{Og /whom ye utterly
destroyed .

Philologus 016 015 Rom /${Philologus /and Julia ,
Nereus , and his sister , and Olympas , and all the saints which
are with them .

progenitors 049 026 Gen /^{progenitors /unto the
utmost bound of the everlasting hills : they shall be on the
head of Joseph , and on the crown of the head of him that was
separate from his brethren .

prognosticators 047 013 Isa /^{prognosticators /stand up
, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

Rogelim 019 031 IISa /^{Rogelim /and went over
Jordan with the king , to conduct him over Jordan .

synagogue 001 023 Mar /${synagogue /a man with an
unclean spirit ; and he cried out ,

synagogue 018 017 Act /${synagogue /and beat him
before the judgment seat . And Gallio cared for none of those
things .

synagogue 026 011 Act /${synagogue /and compelled
them to blaspheme ; and being exceedingly mad against them , I
persecuted them even unto strange cities .

synagogue 004 038 Luk /${synagogue /and entered
into Simon's house . And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a
great fever ; and they besought him for her .

synagogue 008 041 Luk /${synagogue /and he fell
down at Jesus feet , and besought him that he would come into
his house :

synagogue 018 020 Joh /${synagogue /and in the
temple , whither the Jews always resort ; and in secret have I
said nothing .

synagogue 006 002 Mar /${synagogue /and many
hearing him were astonished , saying , From whence hath this man
these things ? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him ,
that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands ?

synagogue 018 019 Act /${synagogue /and reasoned
with the Jews .

synagogue 005 038 Mar /${synagogue /and seeth the
tumult , and them that wept and wailed greatly .

synagogue 019 008 Act /${synagogue /and spake
boldly for the space of three months , disputing and persuading
the things concerning the kingdom of God .

synagogue 001 021 Mar /${synagogue /and taught .

synagogue 006 006 Luk /${synagogue /and taught :
and there was a man whose right hand was withered .

synagogue 003 001 Mar /${synagogue /and there was
a man there which had a withered hand .

synagogue 013 014 Luk /${synagogue /answered with
indignation , because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day,
and said unto the people , There are six days in which men ought
to work : in them therefore come and be healed , and not on the
sabbath day .

synagogue 006 059 Joh /${synagogue /as he taught
in Capernaum .

synagogue 005 036 Mar /${synagogue /Be not afraid ,
only believe .

synagogue 018 008 Act /${synagogue /believed on
the Lord with all his house ; and many of the Corinthians
hearing believed , and were baptized .

synagogue 018 004 Act /${synagogue /every sabbath ,
and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks .

synagogue 013 054 Mat /${synagogue /insomuch that
they were astonished , and said , Whence hath this man this
wisdom , and these mighty works ?

synagogue 005 022 Mar /${synagogue /Jairus by name
; and when he saw him , he fell at his feet ,

synagogue 003 009 Rev /${synagogue /of Satan ,
which say they are Jews , and are not , but do lie ; behold , I
will make them to come and worship before thy feet , and to know
that I have loved thee .

synagogue 002 009 Rev /${synagogue /of Satan .

synagogue 014 001 Act /${synagogue /of the Jews ,
and so spake , that a great multitude both of the Jews and also
of the Greeks believed .

synagogue 017 010 Act /${synagogue /of the Jews .

synagogue 017 001 Act /${synagogue /of the Jews :

synagogue 006 009 Act /${synagogue /of the
Libertines , and Cyrenians , and Alexandrians , and of them of
Cilicia and of Asia , disputing with Stephen .

synagogue 013 014 Act /${synagogue /on the sabbath
day , and sat down .

synagogue 004 016 Luk /${synagogue /on the sabbath
day , and stood up for to read .

synagogue 013 015 Act /${synagogue /sent unto them
, saying , Ye men and brethren , if ye have any word of
exhortation for the people , say on .

synagogue 013 042 Act /${synagogue /the Gentiles
besought that these words might be preached to them the next
sabbath .

synagogue 022 019 Act /${synagogue /them that
believed on thee :

synagogue 004 033 Luk /${synagogue /there was a
man , which had a spirit of an unclean devil , and cried out
with a loud voice ,

synagogue 001 029 Mar /${synagogue /they entered
into the house of Simon and Andrew , with James and John .

synagogue 004 020 Luk /${synagogue /were fastened
on him .

synagogue 004 028 Luk /${synagogue /when they
heard these things , were filled with wrath ,

synagogue 006 009 Act /${synagogue /which is
called the synagogue of the Libertines , and Cyrenians , and
Alexandrians , and of them of Cilicia and of Asia , disputing
with Stephen .

synagogue 018 026 Act /${synagogue /whom when
Aquila and Priscilla had heard , they took him unto them, and
expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly .

synagogue 017 017 Act /${synagogue /with the Jews ,
and with the devout persons , and in the market daily with them
that met with him .

synagogue's 005 035 Mar /${synagogue's /house
certain which said , Thy daughter is dead : why troublest thou
the Master any further ?

synagogue's 008 049 Luk /${synagogue's /house,
saying to him , Thy daughter is dead ; trouble not the Master .

synagogues 011 043 Luk /${synagogues /and greetings
in the markets .

synagogues 006 005 Mat /${synagogues /and in the
corners of the streets , that they may be seen of men . Verily I
say unto you , They have their reward .

synagogues 006 002 Mat /${synagogues /and in the
streets , that they may have glory of men . Verily I say unto
you , They have their reward .

synagogues 021 012 Luk /${synagogues /and into
prisons , being brought before kings and rulers for my name's
sake .

synagogues 023 034 Mat /${synagogues /and persecute
them from city to city :

synagogues 004 023 Mat /${synagogues /and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom , and healing all manner of sickness
and all manner of disease among the people .

synagogues 009 035 Mat /${synagogues /and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom , and healing every sickness and every
disease among the people .

synagogues 020 046 Luk /${synagogues /and the chief
rooms at feasts ;

synagogues 012 039 Mar /${synagogues /and the
uppermost rooms at feasts :

synagogues 012 011 Luk /${synagogues /and unto
magistrates , and powers , take ye no thought how or what thing
ye shall answer , or what ye shall say :

synagogues 004 015 Luk /${synagogues /being
glorified of all .

synagogues 015 021 Act /${synagogues /every sabbath
day .

synagogues 024 012 Act /${synagogues /nor in the
city :

synagogues 004 044 Luk /${synagogues /of Galilee .

synagogues 074 008 Psa /^{synagogues /of God in the
land .

synagogues 013 005 Act /${synagogues /of the Jews :
and they had also John to their minister .

synagogues 013 010 Luk /${synagogues /on the
sabbath .

synagogues 009 020 Act /${synagogues /that he is
the Son of God .

synagogues 009 002 Act /${synagogues /that if he
found any of this way , whether they were men or women , he
might bring them bound unto Jerusalem .

synagogues 001 039 Mar /${synagogues /throughout
all Galilee , and cast out devils .

synagogues 013 009 Mar /${synagogues /ye shall be
beaten : and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my
sake , for a testimony against them .

synagogues 016 002 Joh /${synagogues /yea , the
time cometh , that whosoever killeth you will think that he
doeth God service .

Togarmah 038 006 Eze /^{Togarmah /of the north
quarters , and all his bands : and many people with thee.

Togarmah 027 014 Eze /^{Togarmah /traded in thy
fairs with horses and horsemen and mules .

together 031 008 Jer /^{together /a great company
shall return thither.

together 003 005 Ecc /^{together /a time to
embrace , and a time to refrain from embracing ;

together 022 006 IKi /^{together /about four
hundred men , and said unto them, Shall I go against
Ramothgilead to battle , or shall I forbear ? And they said , Go
up ; for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king .

together 026 024 Exo /^{together /above the head
of it unto one ring : thus shall it be for them both ; they
shall be for the two corners .

together 002 025 IISa /^{together /after Abner ,
and became one troop , and stood on the top of an hill .

together 009 025 IIKi /^{together /after Ahab his
father , the LORD laid this burden upon him;

together 013 004 ISa /^{together /after Saul to
Gilgal .

together 003 020 Mar /${together /again , so that
they could not so much as eat bread .

together 007 005 ICo /${together /again , that
Satan tempt you not for your incontinency .

together 051 027 Jer /^{together /against her the
kingdoms of Ararat , Minni , and Ashchenaz ; appoint a captain
against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough
caterpillers .

together 012 003 Zec /^{together /against it.

together 035 015 Psa /^{together /against me, and
I knew it not; they did tear me, and ceased not:

together 034 030 Gen /^{together /against me, and
slay me ; and I shall be destroyed , I and my house .

together 031 013 Psa /^{together /against me,
they devised to take away my life .

together 016 010 Job /^{together /against me.

together 041 007 Psa /^{together /against me:
against me do they devise my hurt .

together 014 035 Num /^{together /against me: in
this wilderness they shall be consumed , and there they shall
die .

together 016 003 Num /^{together /against Moses
and against Aaron , and said unto them, Ye take too much upon
you, seeing all the congregation are holy , every one of them,
and the LORD is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves
above the congregation of the LORD ?

together 020 002 Num /^{together /against Moses
and against Aaron .

together 002 002 Psa /^{together /against the
LORD , and against his anointed , saying,

together 004 026 Act /${together /against the
Lord , and against his Christ .

together 016 011 Num /^{together /against the
LORD : and what is Aaron , that ye murmur against him?

together 027 003 Num /^{together /against the
LORD in the company of Korah ; but died in his own sin , and had
no sons .

together 094 021 Psa /^{together /against the
soul of the righteous , and condemn the innocent blood .

together 054 015 Isa /^{together /against thee
shall fall for thy sake.

together 016 022 Act /${together /against them :
and the magistrates rent off their clothes , and commanded to
beat them.

together 010 006 Jos /^{together /against us.

together 022 010 Mat /${together /all as many as
they found , both bad and good : and the wedding was furnished
with guests .

together 004 013 Jug /^{together /all his
chariots , even nine hundred chariots of iron , and all the
people that were with him, from Harosheth of the Gentiles unto
the river of Kishon .

together 006 020 Ezr /^{together /all of them
were pure , and killed the passover for all the children of the
captivity , and for their brethren the priests , and for

together 006 001 IISa /^{together /all the chosen
men of Israel , thirty thousand .

together 034 029 IICh /^{together /all the elders
of Judah and Jerusalem .

together 004 029 Exo /^{together /all the elders
of the children of Israel :

together 002 003 Est /^{together /all the fair
young virgins unto Shushan the palace , to the house of the
women , unto the custody of Hege the king's chamberlain , keeper
of the women ; and let their things for purification be given

together 004 016 Est /^{together /all the Jews
that are present in Shushan , and fast ye for me, and neither
eat nor drink three days , night or day : I also and my maidens
will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king , which is
not according to the law : and if I perish , I perish .

together 005 011 ISa /^{together /all the lords
of the Philistines , and said , Send away the ark of the God of
Israel , and let it go again to his own place , that it slay us
not, and our people : for there was a deadly destruction
throughout all the city ; the hand of God was very heavy there.

together 012 004 Jug /^{together /all the men of
Gilead , and fought with Ephraim : and the men of Gilead smote
Ephraim , because they said , Ye Gileadites are fugitives of
Ephraim among the Ephraimites , and among the Manassites .

together 029 022 Gen /^{together /all the men of
the place , and made a feast .

together 023 002 ICh /^{together /all the princes
of Israel , with the priests and the Levites .

together 029 001 ISa /^{together /all their
armies to Aphek : and the Israelites pitched by a fountain which
is in Jezreel .

together 012 001 Luk /${together /an innumerable
multitude of people , insomuch that they trode one upon another ,
he began to say unto his disciples first of all , Beware ye of
the leaven of the Pharisees , which is hypocrisy .

together 011 006 Isa /^{together /and a little
child shall lead them.

together 050 033 Jer /^{together /and all that
took them captives held them fast ; they refused to let them go .

together 009 006 Jug /^{together /and all the
house of Millo , and went , and made Abimelech king , by the
plain of the pillar that was in Shechem .

together 005 021 Act /${together /and all the
senate of the children of Israel , and sent to the prison to
have them brought .

together 038 007 Job /^{together /and all the
sons of God shouted for joy?

together 001 011 Hos /^{together /and appoint
themselves one head , and they shall come up out of the land :
for great shall be the day of Jezreel .

together 024 010 Num /^{together /and Balak said
unto Balaam , I called thee to curse mine enemies , and, behold,
thou hast altogether blessed them these three times .

together 002 035 Dan /^{together /and became like
the chaff of the summer threshingfloors ; and the wind carried
them away , that no place was found for them: and the stone that
smote the image became a great mountain , and filled the whole
earth .

together 040 013 Job /^{together /and bind their
faces in secret .

together 023 012 Act /${together /and bound
themselves under a curse , saying that they would neither eat
nor drink till they had killed Paul .

together 019 019 Act /${together /and burned them
before all men: and they counted the price of them , and found
it fifty thousand pieces of silver .

together 028 004 ISa /^{together /and came and
pitched in Shunem : and Saul gathered all Israel together , and
they pitched in Gilboa .

together 008 004 ISa /^{together /and came to
Samuel unto Ramah ,

together 049 014 Jer /^{together /and come
against her, and rise up to the battle .

together 049 018 Isa /^{together /and come to
thee. As I live , saith the LORD , thou shalt surely clothe thee
with them all, as with an ornament , and bind them on thee, as a
bride doeth.

together 004 016 Eph /${together /and compacted
by that which every joint supplieth , according to the effectual
working in the measure of every part , maketh increase of the
body unto the edifying of itself in love .

together 013 011 Luk /${together /and could in no
wise lift up herself.

together 016 035 ICh /^{together /and deliver us
from the heathen , that we may give thanks to thy holy name ,
and glory in thy praise .

together 004 005 Ecc /^{together /and eateth his
own flesh .

together 005 011 ITh /${together /and edify one
another , even as also ye do .

together 012 028 IISa /^{together /and encamp
against the city , and take it: lest I take the city , and it be
called after my name .

together 010 017 Jug /^{together /and encamped in
Gilead . And the children of Israel assembled themselves
together , and encamped in Mizpeh .

together 010 017 Jug /^{together /and encamped in
Mizpeh .

together 006 014 Rev /${together /and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places .

together 006 013 Joh /${together /and filled
twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves ,
which remained over and above unto them that had eaten .

together 009 001 Luk /${together /and gave them
power and authority over all devils , and to cure diseases .

together 002 044 Act /${together /and had all
things common ;

together 002 013 Exo /^{together /and he said to
him that did the wrong , Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow ?

together 049 002 Gen /^{together /and hear , ye
sons of Jacob ; and hearken unto Israel your father .

together 021 017 Eze /^{together /and I will
cause my fury to rest : I the LORD have said it.

together 021 016 Num /^{together /and I will give
them water .

together 004 010 Deu /^{together /and I will make
them hear my words , that they may learn to fear me all the days
that they shall live upon the earth , and that they may teach
their children .

together 008 010 Isa /^{together /and it shall
come to nought ; speak the word , and it shall not stand : for
God is with us.

together 025 001 ISa /^{together /and lamented
him, and buried him in his house at Ramah . And David arose ,
and went down to the wilderness of Paran .

together 104 022 Psa /^{together /and lay them
down in their dens .

together 022 066 Luk /${together /and led him
into their council , saying ,

together 043 009 Isa /^{together /and let the
people be assembled : who among them can declare this, and shew
us former things ? let them bring forth their witnesses , that
they may be justified : or let them hear , and say , It is truth

together 021 014 Eze /^{together /and let the
sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain : it is
the sword of the great men that are slain , which entereth into
their privy chambers .

together 025 005 IICh /^{together /and made them
captains over thousands , and captains over hundreds , according
to the houses of their fathers , throughout all Judah and
Benjamin : and he numbered them from twenty years old and above ,
and found them three hundred thousand choice men, able to go
forth to war , that could handle spear and shield .

together 003 007 Gen /^{together /and made
themselves aprons .

together 002 006 Eph /${together /and made us sit
together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus :

together 034 015 Job /^{together /and man shall
turn again unto dust .

together 002 010 Nah /^{together /and much pain
is in all loins , and the faces of them all gather blackness .

together 005 004 ICo /${together /and my spirit ,
with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ ,

together 001 031 Isa /^{together /and none shall
quench them.

together 015 004 ISa /^{together /and numbered
them in Telaim , two hundred thousand footmen , and ten thousand
men of Judah .

together 025 005 Deu /^{together /and one of them
die , and have no child , the wife of the dead shall not marry
without unto a stranger : her husband's brother shall go in unto
her, and take her to him to wife , and perform the duty of an
husband's brother unto her.

together 021 018 Exo /^{together /and one smite
another with a stone , or with his fist , and he die not, but
keepeth his bed :

together 018 022 Jug /^{together /and overtook
the children of Dan .

together 010 017 IISa /^{together /and passed over
Jordan , and came to Helam . And the Syrians set themselves in
array against David , and fought with him.

together 012 028 Mar /${together /and perceiving
that he had answered them well , asked him , Which is the first
commandment of all ?

together 017 002 ISa /^{together /and pitched by
the valley of Elah , and set the battle in array against the
Philistines .

together 011 020 Jug /^{together /and pitched in
Jahaz , and fought against Israel .

together 019 012 Job /^{together /and raise up
their way against me, and encamp round about my tabernacle .

together 024 015 Luk /${together /and reasoned ,
Jesus himself drew near , and went with them .

together 006 038 Luk /${together /and running
over , shall men give into your bosom . For with the same
measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again .

together 019 008 Exo /^{together /and said , All
that the LORD hath spoken we will do . And Moses returned the
words of the people unto the LORD .

together 010 018 IIKi /^{together /and said unto
them, Ahab served Baal a little ; but Jehu shall serve him much .

together 035 001 Exo /^{together /and said unto
them, These are the words which the LORD hath commanded , that
ye should do them.

together 004 005 Jer /^{together /and say ,
Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defenced cities .

together 003 016 Exo /^{together /and say unto
them, The LORD God of your fathers , the God of Abraham , of
Isaac , and of Jacob , appeared unto me, saying , I have surely
visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt :

together 013 011 Neh /^{together /and set them in
their place .

together 002 008 IIKi /^{together /and smote the
waters , and they were divided hither and thither, so that they
two went over on dry ground.

together 009 016 Est /^{together /and stood for
their lives , and had rest from their enemies , and slew of
their foes seventy and five thousand , but they laid not their
hands on the prey ,

together 102 022 Psa /^{together /and the
kingdoms , to serve the LORD .

together 036 007 Gen /^{together /and the land
wherein they were strangers could not bear them because of their
cattle .

together 065 025 Isa /^{together /and the lion
shall eat straw like the bullock : and dust shall be the
serpent's meat . They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy
mountain , saith the LORD .

together 011 007 Isa /^{together /and the lion
shall eat straw like the ox .

together 020 004 Joh /${together /and the other
disciple did outrun Peter , and came first to the sepulchre .

together 024 033 Luk /${together /and them that
were with them ,

together 020 001 IKi /^{together /and there were
thirty and two kings with him, and horses , and chariots : and
he went up and besieged Samaria , and warred against it.

together 028 004 ISa /^{together /and they
pitched in Gilboa .

together 001 028 Isa /^{together /and they that
forsake the LORD shall be consumed .

together 021 030 Act /${together /and they took
Paul , and drew him out of the temple : and forthwith the doors
were shut .

together 004 031 Act /${together /and they were
all filled with the Holy Ghost , and they spake the word of God
with boldness .

together 060 005 Isa /^{together /and thine heart
shall fear , and be enlarged ; because the abundance of the sea
shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall
come unto thee.

together 029 008 Gen /^{together /and till they
roll the stone from the well's mouth ; then we water the sheep .

together 008 011 Est /^{together /and to stand
for their life , to destroy , to slay , and to cause to perish ,
all the power of the people and province that would assault them,
both little ones and women , and to take the spoil of them for
a prey ,

together 015 013 Luk /${together /and took his
journey into a far country , and there wasted his substance with
riotous living .

together 007 024 Jug /^{together /and took the
waters unto Bethbarah and Jordan .

together 055 014 Psa /^{together /and walked unto
the house of God in company .

together 020 014 IISa /^{together /and went also
after him.

together 012 001 Jug /^{together /and went
northward , and said unto Jephthah , Wherefore passedst thou
over to fight against the children of Ammon , and didst not call
us to go with thee? we will burn thine house upon thee with fire

together 021 023 Num /^{together /and went out
against Israel into the wilderness : and he came to Jahaz , and
fought against Israel .

together 006 033 Jug /^{together /and went over ,
and pitched in the valley of Jezreel .

together 012 029 IISa /^{together /and went to
Rabbah , and fought against it, and took it.

together 010 005 Jos /^{together /and went up ,
they and all their hosts , and encamped before Gibeon , and made
war against it.

together 008 004 Luk /${together /and were come
to him out of every city , he spake by a parable :

together 002 006 Act /${together /and were
confounded , because that every man heard them speak in his own
language .

together 021 009 IISa /^{together /and were put to
death in the days of harvest , in the first days, in the
beginning of barley harvest .

together 028 017 Act /${together /and when they
were come together , he said unto them , Men and brethren ,
though I have committed nothing against the people , or customs
of our fathers , yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem
into the hands of the Romans .

together 006 038 Jug /^{together /and wringed the
dew out of the fleece , a bowl full of water .

together 051 044 Jer /^{together /any more unto
him: yea, the wall of Babylon shall fall .

together 013 034 Luk /${together /as a hen doth
gather her brood under her wings , and ye would not !

together 034 004 Isa /^{together /as a scroll :
and all their host shall fall down , as the leaf falleth off
from the vine , and as a falling fig from the fig tree .

together 033 007 Psa /^{together /as an heap : he
layeth up the depth in storehouses .

together 020 001 Jug /^{together /as one man ,
from Dan even to Beersheba , with the land of Gilead , unto the
LORD in Mizpeh .

together 020 011 Jug /^{together /as one man .

together 008 001 Neh /^{together /as one man into
the street that was before the water gate ; and they spake unto
Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses , which
the LORD had commanded to Israel .

together 003 001 Ezr /^{together /as one man to
Jerusalem .

together 024 022 Isa /^{together /as prisoners
are gathered in the pit , and shall be shut up in the prison ,
and after many days shall they be visited .

together 010 025 Heb /${together /as the manner
of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more , as
ye see the day approaching .

together 002 012 Mic /^{together /as the sheep of
Bozrah , as the flock in the midst of their fold : they shall
make great noise by reason of the multitude of men .

together 001 010 Nah /^{together /as thorns , and
while they are drunken as drunkards , they shall be devoured as
stubble fully dry .

together 041 015 Job /^{together /as with a close
seal .

together 004 006 Act /${together /at Jerusalem .

together 015 010 IICh /^{together /at Jerusalem in
the third month , in the fifteenth year of the reign of Asa .

together 013 011 ISa /^{together /at Michmash ;

together 018 001 Jos /^{together /at Shiloh , and
set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land
was subdued before them.

together 022 012 Jos /^{together /at Shiloh , to
go up to war against them.

together 017 001 ISa /^{together /at Shochoh ,
which belongeth to Judah , and pitched between Shochoh and
Azekah , in Ephesdammim .

together 001 033 Mar /${together /at the door .

together 036 029 Exo /^{together /at the head
thereof, to one ring : thus he did to both of them in both the
corners .

together 011 005 Jos /^{together /at the waters
of Merom , to fight against Israel .

together 014 003 Psa /^{together /become filthy :
there is none that doeth good , no, not one .

together 003 012 Rom /${together /become
unprofitable ; there is none that doeth good , no, not one .

together 020 010 Num /^{together /before the rock
, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels ; must we fetch you
water out of this rock ?

together 026 024 Exo /^{together /beneath , and
they shall be coupled together above the head of it unto one
ring : thus shall it be for them both ; they shall be for the
two corners .

together 037 007 Eze /^{together /bone to his
bone .

together 012 028 Neh /^{together /both out of the
plain country round about Jerusalem , and from the villages of
Netophathi ;

together 054 015 Isa /^{together /but not by me:
whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy

together 003 011 Ezr /^{together /by course in
praising and giving thanks unto the LORD ; because he is good ,
for his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel . And all the
people shouted with a great shout , when they praised the LORD ,
because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid .

together 001 011 IICo /${together /by prayer for
us , that for the gift bestowed upon us by the means of many
persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf .

together 002 013 IISa /^{together /by the pool of
Gibeon : and they sat down , the one on the one side of the pool
, and the other on the other side of the pool .

together 039 004 Exo /^{together /by the two
edges was it coupled together .

together 010 026 IKi /^{together /chariots and
horsemen : and he had a thousand and four hundred chariots , and
twelve thousand horsemen , whom he bestowed in the cities for
chariots , and with the king at Jerusalem .

together 043 026 Isa /^{together /declare thou,
that thou mayest be justified .

together 023 037 Mat /${together /even as a hen
gathereth her chickens under her wings , and ye would not !

together 047 009 Psa /^{together /even the people
of the God of Abraham : for the shields of the earth belong unto
God : he is greatly exalted .

together 014 026 ICo /${together /every one of
you hath a psalm , hath a doctrine , hath a tongue , hath a
revelation , hath an interpretation . Let all things be done
unto edifying .

together 003 003 Amo /^{together /except they be
agreed ?

together 013 030 Mat /${together /first the tares
, and bind them in bundles to burn them : but gather the wheat
into my barn .

together 002 022 Eph /${together /for an
habitation of God through the Spirit .

together 023 012 Luk /${together /for before they
were at enmity between themselves .

together 006 011 Jer /^{together /for even the
husband with the wife shall be taken , the aged with him that is
full of days .

together 008 028 Rom /${together /for good to
them that love God , to them who are the called according to his
purpose .

together 006 012 Jer /^{together /for I will
stretch out my hand upon the inhabitants of the land , saith the

together 031 013 Jer /^{together /for I will turn
their mourning into joy , and will comfort them, and make them
rejoice from their sorrow .

together 019 006 Jug /^{together /for the
damsel's father had said unto the man , Be content , I pray thee,
and tarry all night , and let thine heart be merry .

together 001 027 Php /${together /for the faith
of the gospel ;

together 011 006 Dan /^{together /for the king's
daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to
make an agreement : but she shall not retain the power of the
arm ; neither shall he stand , nor his arm : but she shall be
given up , and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and
he that strengthened her in these times .

together 005 003 Jam /${together /for the last
days .

together 040 005 Isa /^{together /for the mouth
of the LORD hath spoken it.

together 013 006 Gen /^{together /for their
substance was great , so that they could not dwell together .

together 011 022 Num /^{together /for them, to
suffice them?

together 021 022 Act /${together /for they will
hear that thou art come .

together 015 006 Act /${together /for to consider
of this matter .

together 016 023 Jug /^{together /for to offer a
great sacrifice unto Dagon their god , and to rejoice : for they
said , Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand .

together 011 053 Joh /${together /for to put him
to death .

together 140 002 Psa /^{together /for war .

together 028 001 ISa /^{together /for warfare ,
to fight with Israel . And Achish said unto David , Know thou
assuredly , that thou shalt go out with me to battle , thou and
thy men .

together 013 005 ICh /^{together /from Shihor of
Egypt even unto the entering of Hemath , to bring the ark of God
from Kirjathjearim .

together 019 007 ICh /^{together /from their
cities , and came to battle .

together 050 004 Jer /^{together /going and
weeping : they shall go , and seek the LORD their God .

together 014 014 Zec /^{together /gold , and
silver , and apparel , in great abundance .

together 002 021 Eph /${together /groweth unto an
holy temple in the Lord :

together 012 024 ICo /${together /having given
more abundant honour to that part which lacked :

together 011 029 Luk /${together /he began to say
, This is an evil generation : they seek a sign ; and there
shall no sign be given it , but the sign of Jonas the prophet .

together 002 004 Mat /${together /he demanded of
them where Christ should be born .

together 009 025 Mar /${together /he rebuked the
foul spirit , saying unto him , Thou dumb and deaf spirit , I
charge thee , come out of him , and enter no more into him .

together 028 017 Act /${together /he said unto
them , Men and brethren , though I have committed nothing
against the people , or customs of our fathers , yet was I
delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans .

together 024 031 Mat /${together /his elect from
the four winds , from one end of heaven to the other .

together 013 027 Mar /${together /his elect from
the four winds , from the uttermost part of the earth to the
uttermost part of heaven .

together 015 006 Luk /${together /his friends and
neighbours , saying unto them , Rejoice with me ; for I have
found my sheep which was lost .

together 010 024 Act /${together /his kinsmen and
near friends .

together 031 024 Jer /^{together /husbandmen ,
and they that go forth with flocks .

together 045 008 Isa /^{together /I the LORD have
created it.

together 020 007 Joh /${together /in a place by
itself .

together 017 010 Jos /^{together /in Asher on the
north , and in Issachar on the east .

together 002 006 Eph /${together /in heavenly
places in Christ Jesus :

together 009 032 Job /^{together /in judgment .

together 002 002 Col /${together /in love , and
unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding , to the
acknowledgement of the mystery of God , and of the Father , and
of Christ ;

together 041 001 Jer /^{together /in Mizpah .

together 018 020 Mat /${together /in my name ,
there am I in the midst of them .

together 001 010 Eph /${together /in one all
things in Christ , both which are in heaven , and which are on
earth ; even in him :

together 011 052 Joh /${together /in one the
children of God that were scattered abroad .

together 006 002 Neh /^{together /in some one of
the villages in the plain of Ono . But they thought to do me
mischief .

together 024 010 Lev /^{together /in the camp ;

together 011 018 ICo /${together /in the church ,
I hear that there be divisions among you ; and I partly believe
it .

together 014 006 IISa /^{together /in the field ,
and there was none to part them, but the one smote the other ,
and slew him.

together 006 010 Neh /^{together /in the house of
God , within the temple , and let us shut the doors of the
temple : for they will come to slay thee; yea, in the night will
they come to slay thee.

together 006 005 Rom /${together /in the likeness
of his death , we shall be also in the likeness of his
resurrection :

together 001 010 ICo /${together /in the same
mind and in the same judgment .

together 014 003 Gen /^{together /in the vale of
Siddim , which is the salt sea .

together 009 002 Est /^{together /in their cities
throughout all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus , to lay hand
on such as sought their hurt : and no man could withstand them ;
for the fear of them fell upon all people .

together 133 001 Psa /^{together /in unity !

together 002 019 Col /${together /increaseth with
the increase of God .

together 002 002 Mar /${together /insomuch that
there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the
door : and he preached the word unto them .

together 016 016 Rev /${together /into a place
called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon .

together 023 011 IISa /^{together /into a troop ,
where was a piece of ground full of lentiles : and the people
fled from the Philistines .

together 014 023 ICo /${together /into one place ,
and all speak with tongues , and there come in those that are
unlearned , or unbelievers , will they not say that ye are mad ?

together 029 004 IICh /^{together /into the east
street ,

together 014 001 Act /${together /into the
synagogue of the Jews , and so spake , that a great multitude
both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed .

together 003 001 Act /${together /into the temple
at the hour of prayer , being the ninth hour.

together 042 017 Gen /^{together /into ward three
days .

together 017 016 Job /^{together /is in the dust .

together 022 041 Mat /${together /Jesus asked
them ,

together 010 009 Mar /${together /let not man put
asunder .

together 019 006 Mat /${together /let not man put
asunder .

together 044 011 Isa /^{together /let them stand
up ; yet they shall fear , and they shall be ashamed together .

together 051 038 Jer /^{together /like lions :
they shall yell as lions whelps .

together 031 012 Deu /^{together /men , and women
, and children , and thy stranger that is within thy gates ,
that they may hear , and that they may learn , and fear the LORD
your God , and observe to do all the words of this law :

together 029 005 Eze /^{together /nor gathered :
I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the
fowls of the heaven .

together 011 017 ICo /${together /not for the
better , but for the worse .

together 002 001 Zep /^{together /O nation not
desired ;

together 024 014 Luk /${together /of all these
things which had happened .

together 003 017 Php /${together /of me , and
mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample .

together 018 005 IICh /^{together /of prophets
four hundred men , and said unto them, Shall we go to
Ramothgilead to battle , or shall I forbear ? And they said , Go
up ; for God will deliver it into the king's hand .

together 003 007 IPe /${together /of the grace of
life ; that your prayers be not hindered .

together 001 010 Gen /^{together /of the waters
called he Seas : and God saw that it was good .

together 001 018 Num /^{together /on the first
day of the second month , and they declared their pedigrees
after their families , by the house of their fathers , according
to the number of the names , from twenty years old and upward ,
by their polls .

together 009 015 Est /^{together /on the
fourteenth day also of the month Adar , and slew three hundred
men at Shushan ; but on the prey they laid not their hand .

together 009 018 Est /^{together /on the
thirteenth day thereof, and on the fourteenth thereof; and on
the fifteenth day of the same they rested , and made it a day of
feasting and gladness .

together 026 003 Exo /^{together /one to another ;
and other five curtains shall be coupled one to another .

together 025 011 Deu /^{together /one with
another , and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver
her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth
forth her hand , and taketh him by the secrets :

together 007 028 Ezr /^{together /out of Israel
chief men to go up with me.

together 007 023 Jug /^{together /out of Naphtali
, and out of Asher , and out of all Manasseh , and pursued after
the Midianites .

together 020 014 Jug /^{together /out of the
cities unto Gibeah , to go out to battle against the children of
Israel .

together 014 016 IISa /^{together /out of the
inheritance of God .

together 003 018 Jer /^{together /out of the land
of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance
unto your fathers .

together 022 055 Luk /${together /Peter sat down
among them .

together 027 017 Mat /${together /Pilate said
unto them , Whom will ye that I release unto you ? Barabbas , or
Jesus which is called Christ ?

together 012 012 Act /${together /praying .

together 030 035 Exo /^{together /pure and holy :

together 085 010 Psa /^{together /righteousness
and peace have kissed each other.

together 003 011 Joe /^{together /round about :
thither cause thy mighty ones to come down , O LORD .

together 010 008 Job /^{together /round about ;
yet thou dost destroy me.

together 065 007 Isa /^{together /saith the LORD ,
which have burned incense upon the mountains , and blasphemed
me upon the hills : therefore will I measure their former work
into their bosom .

together 001 015 Amo /^{together /saith the LORD .

together 066 017 Isa /^{together /saith the LORD .

together 013 014 Jer /^{together /saith the LORD :
I will not pity , nor spare , nor have mercy , but destroy them.

together 001 018 Isa /^{together /saith the LORD :
though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be as white as snow
; though they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool .

together 003 027 Dan /^{together /saw these men ,
upon whose bodies the fire had no power , nor was an hair of
their head singed , neither were their coats changed , nor the
smell of fire had passed on them.

together 015 009 Luk /${together /saying ,
Rejoice with me ; for I have found the piece which I had lost .

together 009 021 Isa /^{together /shall be
against Judah . For all this his anger is not turned away , but
his hand is stretched out still .

together 062 009 Isa /^{together /shall drink it
in the courts of my holiness .

together 006 021 Jer /^{together /shall fall upon
them; the neighbour and his friend shall perish .

together 052 008 Isa /^{together /shall they sing
: for they shall see eye to eye , when the LORD shall bring
again Zion .

together 001 018 Mat /${together /she was found
with child of the Holy Ghost .

together 021 002 Joh /${together /Simon Peter ,
and Thomas called Didymus , and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee ,
and the sons of Zebedee , and two other of his disciples .

together 045 016 Isa /^{together /that are makers
of idols .

together 049 001 Gen /^{together /that I may tell
you that which shall befall you in the last days .

together 026 011 Exo /^{together /that it may be
one .

together 036 018 Exo /^{together /that it might
be one .

together 035 026 Psa /^{together /that rejoice at
mine hurt : let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that
magnify themselves against me.

together 040 014 Psa /^{together /that seek after
my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to
shame that wish me evil .

together 041 020 Isa /^{together /that the hand
of the LORD hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath
created it.

together 041 017 Job /^{together /that they
cannot be sundered .

together 050 029 Jer /^{together /the archers
against Babylon : all ye that bend the bow , camp against it
round about ; let none thereof escape : recompense her according
to her work ; according to all that she hath done , do unto her:
for she hath been proud against the LORD , against the Holy One
of Israel .

together 008 013 Neh /^{together /the chief of
the fathers of all the people , the priests , and the Levites ,
unto Ezra the scribe , even to understand the words of the law .

together 026 003 Mat /${together /the chief
priests , and the scribes , and the elders of the people , unto
the palace of the high priest , who was called Caiaphas ,

together 023 013 Luk /${together /the chief
priests and the rulers and the people ,

together 011 012 Isa /^{together /the dispersed
of Judah from the four corners of the earth .

together 037 038 Psa /^{together /the end of the
wicked shall be cut off .

together 015 008 Exo /^{together /the floods
stood upright as an heap , and the depths were congealed in the
heart of the sea .

together 022 002 Pro /^{together /the LORD is the
maker of them all.

together 029 013 Pro /^{together /the LORD
lighteneth both their eyes .

together 013 004 Isa /^{together /the LORD of
hosts mustereth the host of the battle .

together 034 017 IICh /^{together /the money that
was found in the house of the LORD , and have delivered it into
the hand of the overseers , and to the hand of the workmen .

together 007 005 Neh /^{together /the nobles ,
and the rulers , and the people , that they might be reckoned by
genealogy . And I found a register of the genealogy of them
which came up at the first , and found written therein,

together 017 035 Luk /${together /the one shall
be taken , and the other left .

together 147 002 Psa /^{together /the outcasts of
Israel .

together 024 005 IICh /^{together /the priests and
the Levites , and said to them, Go out unto the cities of Judah ,
and gather of all Israel money to repair the house of your God
from year to year , and see that ye hasten the matter . Howbeit
the Levites hastened it not.

together 003 002 Dan /^{together /the princes ,
the governors , and the captains , the judges , the treasurers ,
the counsellors , the sheriffs , and all the rulers of the
provinces , to come to the dedication of the image which
Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up .

together 002 019 Est /^{together /the second time
, then Mordecai sat in the king's gate .

together 022 002 ICh /^{together /the strangers
that were in the land of Israel ; and he set masons to hew
wrought stones to build the house of God .

together 028 024 IICh /^{together /the vessels of
the house of God , and cut in pieces the vessels of the house of
God , and shut up the doors of the house of the LORD , and he
made him altars in every corner of Jerusalem .

together 022 009 Isa /^{together /the waters of
the lower pool .

together 015 016 Mar /${together /the whole band .

together 017 001 ISa /^{together /their armies to
battle , and were gathered together at Shochoh , which belongeth
to Judah , and pitched between Shochoh and Azekah , in
Ephesdammim .

together 004 011 Ecc /^{together /then they have
heat : but how can one be warm alone?

together 011 010 Job /^{together /then who can
hinder him?

together 002 030 IISa /^{together /there lacked of
David's servants nineteen men and Asahel .

together 003 018 IKi /^{together /there was no
stranger with us in the house , save we two in the house .

together 011 020 ICo /${together /therefore into
one place , this is not to eat the Lord's supper .

together 022 003 Isa /^{together /they are bound
by the archers : all that are found in thee are bound together ,
which have fled from far .

together 041 023 Job /^{together /they are firm
in themselves; they cannot be moved .

together 001 006 Act /${together /they asked of
him , saying , Lord , wilt thou at this time restore again the
kingdom to Israel ?

together 011 005 Jos /^{together /they came and
pitched together at the waters of Merom , to fight against
Israel .

together 060 004 Isa /^{together /they come to
thee: thy sons shall come from far , and thy daughters shall be
nursed at thy side .

together 046 002 Isa /^{together /they could not
deliver the burden , but themselves are gone into captivity .

together 015 030 Act /${together /they delivered
the epistle :

together 046 021 Jer /^{together /they did not
stand , because the day of their calamity was come upon them,
and the time of their visitation .

together 074 008 Psa /^{together /they have
burned up all the synagogues of God in the land .

together 003 018 Job /^{together /they hear not
the voice of the oppressor .

together 056 006 Psa /^{together /they hide
themselves, they mark my steps , when they wait for my soul .

together 014 027 Act /${together /they rehearsed
all that God had done with them , and how he had opened the door
of faith unto the Gentiles .

together 011 014 Isa /^{together /they shall lay
their hand upon Edom and Moab ; and the children of Ammon shall
obey them.

together 043 017 Isa /^{together /they shall not
rise : they are extinct , they are quenched as tow .

together 020 008 Num /^{together /thou, and Aaron
thy brother , and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes ; and
it shall give forth his water , and thou shalt bring forth to
them water out of the rock : so thou shalt give the congregation
and their beasts drink .

together 020 004 IICh /^{together /to ask help of
the LORD : even out of all the cities of Judah they came to seek
the LORD .

together 023 009 IISa /^{together /to battle , and
the men of Israel were gone away :

together 011 013 ICh /^{together /to battle ,
where was a parcel of ground full of barley ; and the people
fled from before the Philistines .

together 020 008 Rev /${together /to battle : the
number of whom is as the sand of the sea .

together 060 013 Isa /^{together /to beautify the
place of my sanctuary ; and I will make the place of my feet
glorious .

together 022 019 Gen /^{together /to Beersheba ;
and Abraham dwelt at Beersheba .

together 020 007 Act /${together /to break bread ,
Paul preached unto them , ready to depart on the morrow ; and
continued his speech until midnight .

together 004 008 Neh /^{together /to come and to
fight against Jerusalem , and to hinder it.

together 002 011 Job /^{together /to come to
mourn with him and to comfort him.

together 003 010 IIKi /^{together /to deliver them
into the hand of Moab !

together 003 013 IIKi /^{together /to deliver them
into the hand of Moab .

together 011 033 ICo /${together /to eat , tarry
one for another .

together 006 007 Dan /^{together /to establish a
royal statute , and to make a firm decree , that whosoever shall
ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days , save of thee ,
O king , he shall be cast into the den of lions .

together 013 005 ISa /^{together /to fight with
Israel , thirty thousand chariots , and six thousand horsemen ,
and people as the sand which is on the sea shore in multitude :
and they came up , and pitched in Michmash , eastward from
Bethaven .

together 009 002 Jos /^{together /to fight with
Joshua and with Israel , with one accord .

together 005 015 Luk /${together /to hear , and
to be healed by him of their infirmities .

together 013 044 Act /${together /to hear the
word of God .

together 032 006 IICh /^{together /to him in the
street of the gate of the city , and spake comfortably to them,
saying ,

together 015 003 ICh /^{together /to Jerusalem ,
to bring up the ark of the LORD unto his place , which he had
prepared for it.

together 030 003 IICh /^{together /to Jerusalem .

together 012 005 IICh /^{together /to Jerusalem
because of Shishak , and said unto them, Thus saith the LORD ,
Ye have forsaken me, and therefore have I also left you in the
hand of Shishak .

together 041 001 Isa /^{together /to judgment .

together 019 019 Rev /${together /to make war
against him that sat on the horse , and against his army .

together 007 006 ISa /^{together /to Mizpeh , and
drew water , and poured it out before the LORD , and fasted on
that day , and said there, We have sinned against the LORD . And
Samuel judged the children of Israel in Mizpeh .

together 007 007 ISa /^{together /to Mizpeh , the
lords of the Philistines went up against Israel . And when the
children of Israel heard it, they were afraid of the Philistines

together 008 016 Jos /^{together /to pursue after
them: and they pursued after Joshua , and were drawn away from
the city .

together 003 009 Ezr /^{together /to set forward
the workmen in the house of God : the sons of Henadad , with
their sons and their brethren the Levites .

together 005 009 Act /${together /to tempt the
Spirit of the Lord ? behold , the feet of them which have buried
thy husband are at the door , and shall carry thee out .

together 023 048 Luk /${together /to that sight ,
beholding the things which were done , smote their breasts , and
returned .

together 033 017 Deu /^{together /to the ends of
the earth : and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim , and they
are the thousands of Manasseh .

together 031 012 Jer /^{together /to the goodness
of the LORD , for wheat , and for wine , and for oil , and for
the young of the flock and of the herd : and their soul shall be
as a watered garden ; and they shall not sorrow any more at all.

together 006 006 Dan /^{together /to the king ,
and said thus unto him , King Darius , live for ever .

together 008 015 Ezr /^{together /to the river
that runneth to Ahava ; and there abode we in tents three days :
and I viewed the people , and the priests , and found there none
of the sons of Levi .

together 023 008 ISa /^{together /to war , to go
down to Keilah , to besiege David and his men .

together 008 022 Rom /${together /until now .

together 013 030 Mat /${together /until the
harvest : and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers ,
Gather ye together first the tares , and bind them in bundles to
burn them : but gather the wheat into my barn .

together 032 001 Exo /^{together /unto Aaron ,
and said unto him, Up , make us gods , which shall go before us;
for as for this Moses , the man that brought us up out of the
land of Egypt , we wot not what is become of him.

together 011 034 ICo /${together /unto
condemnation . And the rest will I set in order when I come .

together 002 001 IITh /${together /unto him ,

together 013 002 Mat /${together /unto him , so
that he went into a ship , and sat ; and the whole multitude
stood on the shore .

together 006 033 Mar /${together /unto him .

together 007 001 Mar /${together /unto him the
Pharisees , and certain of the scribes , which came from
Jerusalem .

together 032 026 Exo /^{together /unto him.

together 010 007 Ezr /^{together /unto Jerusalem ;

together 010 009 Ezr /^{together /unto Jerusalem
within three days . It was the ninth month , on the twentieth
day of the month ; and all the people sat in the street of the
house of God , trembling because of this matter , and for the
great rain .

together 006 030 Mar /${together /unto Jesus ,
and told him all things , both what they had done , and what
they had taught .

together 050 005 Psa /^{together /unto me; those
that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice .

together 018 020 IKi /^{together /unto mount
Carmel .

together 001 009 Gen /^{together /unto one place ,
and let the dry land appear : and it was so.

together 027 062 Mat /${together /unto Pilate ,

together 002 008 Est /^{together /unto Shushan
the palace , to the custody of Hegai , that Esther was brought
also unto the king's house , to the custody of Hegai , keeper of
the women .

together 003 003 Dan /^{together /unto the
dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up ;
and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up .

together 008 004 Lev /^{together /unto the door
of the tabernacle of the congregation .

together 008 003 Lev /^{together /unto the door
of the tabernacle of the congregation .

together 018 006 Isa /^{together /unto the fowls
of the mountains , and to the beasts of the earth : and the
fowls shall summer upon them, and all the beasts of the earth
shall winter upon them.

together 004 006 Neh /^{together /unto the half
thereof: for the people had a mind to work .

together 010 017 ISa /^{together /unto the LORD
to Mizpeh ;

together 019 017 Rev /${together /unto the supper
of the great God ;

together 060 007 Isa /^{together /unto thee, the
rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up
with acceptance on mine altar , and I will glorify the house of
my glory .

together 003 011 Act /${together /unto them in
the porch that is called Solomon's , greatly wondering .

together 008 014 Exo /^{together /upon heaps :
and the land stank .

together 007 066 Neh /^{together /was forty and
two thousand three hundred and threescore ,

together 002 064 Ezr /^{together /was forty and
two thousand three hundred and threescore ,

together 029 007 Gen /^{together /water ye the
sheep , and go and feed them.

together 002 016 IISa /^{together /wherefore that
place was called Helkathhazzurim , which is in Gibeon .

together 022 003 Isa /^{together /which have fled
from far .

together 045 021 Isa /^{together /who hath
declared this from ancient time ? who hath told it from that
time? have not I the LORD ? and there is no God else beside me;
a just God and a Saviour ; there is none beside me.

together 050 008 Isa /^{together /who is mine
adversary ? let him come near to me.

together 032 004 IICh /^{together /who stopped all
the fountains , and the brook that ran through the midst of the
land , saying , Why should the kings of Assyria come , and find
much water ?

together 004 003 Ezr /^{together /will build unto
the LORD God of Israel , as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath
commanded us.

together 002 005 Eph /${together /with Christ ,
saved ;

together 003 009 ICo /${together /with God : ye
are God's husbandry , ye are God's building .

together 019 029 Jug /^{together /with her bones ,
into twelve pieces , and sent her into all the coasts of Israel

together 002 013 Col /${together /with him ,
having forgiven you all trespasses ;

together 005 010 ITh /${together /with him .

together 012 003 IISa /^{together /with him, and
with his children ; it did eat of his own meat , and drank of
his own cup , and lay in his bosom , and was unto him as a
daughter .

together 006 001 IICo /${together /with him,
beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain .

together 002 015 Mar /${together /with Jesus and
his disciples : for there were many , and they followed him .

together 026 010 Num /^{together /with Korah ,
when that company died , what time the fire devoured two hundred
and fifty men : and they became a sign .

together 015 030 Rom /${together /with me in your
prayers to God for me ;

together 026 019 Isa /^{together /with my dead
body shall they arise . Awake and sing , ye that dwell in dust :
for thy dew is as the dew of herbs , and the earth shall cast
out the dead .

together 083 005 Psa /^{together /with one
consent : they are confederate against thee:

together 011 001 IKi /^{together /with the
daughter of Pharaoh , women of the Moabites , Ammonites ,
Edomites , Zidonians , and Hittites ;

together 025 011 Isa /^{together /with the spoils
of their hands .

together 026 006 Exo /^{together /with the taches
: and it shall be one tabernacle .

together 028 023 ISa /^{together /with the woman ,
compelled him; and he hearkened unto their voice . So he arose
from the earth , and sat upon the bed .

together 019 025 Act /${together /with the
workmen of like occupation , and said , Sirs , ye know that by
this craft we have our wealth .

together 004 017 ITh /${together /with them in
the clouds , to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall we ever
be with the Lord .

together 001 004 Act /${together /with them,
commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem , but
wait for the promise of the Father , which , saith he, ye have
heard of me .

together 006 014 IICo /${together /with
unbelievers : for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness ? and what communion hath light with darkness ?

together 001 012 Rom /${together /with you by the
mutual faith both of you and me .

together 005 013 IPe /${together /with you,
saluteth you ; and so doth Marcus my son .

together 025 022 Gen /^{together /within her ;
and she said , If it be so, why am I thus ? And she went to
enquire of the LORD .

together 026 025 Lev /^{together /within your
cities , I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be
delivered into the hand of the enemy .

together 010 007 Num /^{together /ye shall blow ,
but ye shall not sound an alarm .

together 045 020 Isa /^{together /ye that are
escaped of the nations : they have no knowledge that set up the
wood of their graven image , and pray unto a god that cannot
save .

together 052 009 Isa /^{together /ye waste places
of Jerusalem : for the LORD hath comforted his people , he hath
redeemed Jerusalem .

together 002 001 Zep /^{together /yea, gather
together , O nation not desired ;

together 035 015 Psa /^{together /yea, the
abjects gathered themselves together against me, and I knew it
not; they did tear me, and ceased not:

Trogyllium 020 015 Act /${Trogyllium /and the next
day we came to Miletus .
