Chedorlaomer 014 004 Gen /^{Chedorlaomer /and in the
thirteenth year they rebelled .

Chedorlaomer 014 017 Gen /^{Chedorlaomer /and of the
kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh , which is the
king's dale .

Chedorlaomer 014 005 Gen /^{Chedorlaomer /and the
kings that were with him, and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth
Karnaim , and the Zuzims in Ham , and the Emims in Shaveh
Kiriathaim ,

Chedorlaomer 014 001 Gen /^{Chedorlaomer /king of
Elam , and Tidal king of nations ;

Chedorlaomer 014 009 Gen /^{Chedorlaomer /the king of
Elam , and with Tidal king of nations , and Amraphel king of
Shinar , and Arioch king of Ellasar ; four kings with five .

comers 010 001 Heb /${comers /thereunto perfect

Gomer 038 006 Eze /^{Gomer /and all his bands ;
the house of Togarmah of the north quarters , and all his bands
: and many people with thee.

Gomer 010 002 Gen /^{Gomer /and Magog , and
Madai , and Javan , and Tubal , and Meshech , and Tiras .

Gomer 001 005 ICh /^{Gomer /and Magog , and
Madai , and Javan , and Tubal , and Meshech , and Tiras .

Gomer 001 006 ICh /^{Gomer /Ashchenaz , and
Riphath , and Togarmah .

Gomer 010 003 Gen /^{Gomer /Ashkenaz , and
Riphath , and Togarmah .

Gomer 001 003 Hos /^{Gomer /the daughter of
Diblaim ; which conceived , and bare him a son .

homer 045 011 Eze /^{homer /and the ephah the
tenth part of an homer : the measure thereof shall be after the
homer .

homer 003 002 Hos /^{homer /of barley , and an
half homer of barley :

homer 003 002 Hos /^{homer /of barley :

homer 045 013 Eze /^{homer /of barley :

homer 027 016 Lev /^{homer /of barley seed
shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver .

homer 045 014 Eze /^{homer /of ten baths ; for
ten baths are an homer :

homer 045 013 Eze /^{homer /of wheat , and ye
shall give the sixth part of an ephah of an homer of barley :

homer 005 010 Isa /^{homer /shall yield an
ephah .

homer 045 011 Eze /^{homer /the measure
thereof shall be after the homer .

homers 011 032 Num /^{homers /and they spread
them all abroad for themselves round about the camp .

omer 016 016 Exo /^{omer /for every man ,
according to the number of your persons ; take ye every man for
them which are in his tents .

omer 016 033 Exo /^{omer /full of manna
therein, and lay it up before the LORD , to be kept for your
generations .

omer 016 018 Exo /^{omer /he that gathered
much had nothing over , and he that gathered little had no lack ;
they gathered every man according to his eating .

omer 016 036 Exo /^{omer /is the tenth part
of an ephah .

omer 016 032 Exo /^{omer /of it to be kept
for your generations ; that they may see the bread wherewith I
have fed you in the wilderness , when I brought you forth from
the land of Egypt .

omers 016 022 Exo /^{omers /for one man: and
all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses .

Shomer 007 032 ICh /^{Shomer /and Hotham , and
Shua their sister .

Shomer 012 021 IIKi /^{Shomer /his servants ,
smote him, and he died ; and they buried him with his fathers in
the city of David : and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead.
