foreordained 001 020 IPe /${foreordained /before the
foundation of the world , but was manifest in these last times
for you ,

ordained 012 032 IKi /^{ordained /a feast in the
eighth month , on the fifteenth day of the month , like unto the
feast that is in Judah , and he offered upon the altar . So did
he in Bethel , sacrificing unto the calves that he had made :
and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he
had made .

ordained 012 033 IKi /^{ordained /a feast unto
the children of Israel : and he offered upon the altar , and
burnt incense .

ordained 132 017 Psa /^{ordained /a lamp for mine
anointed .

ordained 002 007 ITi /${ordained /a preacher ,
and an apostle , the truth in Christ , and lie not ; a teacher
of the Gentiles in faith and verity .

ordained 009 027 Est /^{ordained /and took upon
them, and upon their seed , and upon all such as joined
themselves unto them, so as it should not fail , that they would
keep these two days according to their writing , and according
to their appointed time every year ;

ordained 002 007 ICo /${ordained /before the
world unto our glory :

ordained 003 019 Gal /${ordained /by angels in
the hand of a mediator .

ordained 023 018 IICh /^{ordained /by David .

ordained 029 027 IICh /^{ordained /by David king
of Israel .

ordained 005 001 Heb /${ordained /for men in
things pertaining to God , that he may offer both gifts and
sacrifices for sins :

ordained 011 015 IICh /^{ordained /him priests for
the high places , and for the devils , and for the calves which
he had made .

ordained 081 005 Psa /^{ordained /in Joseph for a
testimony , when he went out through the land of Egypt : where I
heard a language that I understood not.

ordained 028 006 Num /^{ordained /in mount Sinai
for a sweet savour , a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD .

ordained 013 001 Rom /${ordained /of God .

ordained 010 042 Act /${ordained /of God to be
the Judge of quick and dead .

ordained 030 033 Isa /^{ordained /of old ; yea,
for the king it is prepared ; he hath made it deep and large :
the pile thereof is fire and much wood ; the breath of the LORD ,
like a stream of brimstone , doth kindle it.

ordained 016 004 Act /${ordained /of the apostles
and elders which were at Jerusalem .

ordained 008 002 Psa /^{ordained /strength
because of thine enemies , that thou mightest still the enemy
and the avenger .

ordained 009 014 ICo /${ordained /that they which
preach the gospel should live of the gospel .

ordained 002 010 Eph /${ordained /that we should
walk in them .

ordained 003 015 Tit /${ordained /the first
bishop of the church of the Cretians , from Nicopolis of
Macedonia .>>

ordained 004 022 IITi /${ordained /the first
bishop of the church of the Ephesians , was written from Rome ,
when Paul was brought before Nero the second time .>>

ordained 009 006 Heb /${ordained /the priests
went always into the first tabernacle , accomplishing the
service of God.

ordained 001 005 Jer /^{ordained /thee a prophet
unto the nations .

ordained 014 023 Act /${ordained /them elders in
every church , and had prayed with fasting , they commended them
to the Lord , on whom they believed .

ordained 001 012 Hab /^{ordained /them for
judgment ; and, O mighty God , thou hast established them for
correction .

ordained 001 022 Act /${ordained /to be a witness
with us of his resurrection .

ordained 023 005 IIKi /^{ordained /to burn incense
in the high places in the cities of Judah , and in the places
round about Jerusalem ; them also that burned incense unto Baal ,
to the sun , and to the moon , and to the planets , and to all
the host of heaven .

ordained 002 024 Dan /^{ordained /to destroy the
wise men of Babylon : he went and said thus unto him; Destroy
not the wise men of Babylon : bring me in before the king , and
I will shew unto the king the interpretation .

ordained 013 048 Act /${ordained /to eternal life
believed .

ordained 007 010 Rom /${ordained /to life , I
found to be unto death .

ordained 008 003 Heb /${ordained /to offer gifts
and sacrifices : wherefore it is of necessity that this man have
somewhat also to offer .

ordained 001 004 Jud /${ordained /to this
condemnation , ungodly men , turning the grace of our God into
lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God , and our Lord
Jesus Christ .

ordained 003 014 Mar /${ordained /twelve , that
they should be with him , and that he might send them forth to
preach ,

ordained 017 031 Act /${ordained /whereof he hath
given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from
the dead .

ordained 015 016 Joh /${ordained /you , that ye
should go and bring forth fruit , and that your fruit should
remain : that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name ,
he may give it you .
