allowed 1Th_02_04 /${allowed /of God to be put
in trust with the gospel , even so we speak ; not as pleasing
men , but God , which trieth our hearts .

bestowed 2Ch_09_25 /^{bestowed /in the chariot
cities , and with the king at Jerusalem .

bestowed 1Ki_10_26 /^{bestowed /in the cities for
chariots , and with the king at Jerusalem .

bestowed Rom_16_06 /${bestowed /much labour on us

bestowed Joh_04_38 /${bestowed /no labour : other
men laboured , and ye are entered into their labours .

bestowed 2Co_08_01 /${bestowed /on the churches of
Macedonia ;

bestowed Isa_63_07 /^{bestowed /on them according
to his mercies , and according to the multitude of his
lovingkindnesses .

bestowed Isa_63_07 /^{bestowed /on us, and the
great goodness toward the house of Israel , which he hath
bestowed on them according to his mercies , and according to the
multitude of his lovingkindnesses .

bestowed 2Ki_12_15 /^{bestowed /on workmen : for
they dealt faithfully .

bestowed 2Ki_05_24 /^{bestowed /them in the house :
and he let the men go , and they departed .

bestowed 1Ch_29_25 /^{bestowed /upon him such
royal majesty as had not been on any king before him in Israel .

bestowed 1Co_15_10 /${bestowed /upon me was not
in vain ; but I laboured more abundantly than they all : yet not
I , but the grace of God which was with me .

bestowed 1Jo_03_01 /${bestowed /upon us , that we
should be called the sons of God : therefore the world knoweth
us not , because it knew him not .

bestowed 2Co_01_11 /${bestowed /upon us by the
means of many persons thanks may be given by many on our behalf .

bestowed Gal_04_11 /${bestowed /upon you labour
in vain .

borrowed Neh_05_04 /^{borrowed /money for the
king's tribute , and that upon our lands and vineyards .

borrowed Exo_12_35 /^{borrowed /of the Egyptians
jewels of silver , and jewels of gold , and raiment :

bowed 1Ki_01_16 /^{bowed /and did obeisance
unto the king . And the king said , What wouldest thou?

bowed Est_03_02 /^{bowed /and reverenced Haman
: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai
bowed not, nor did him reverence .

bowed Isa_02_17 /^{bowed /down , and the
haughtiness of men shall be made low : and the LORD alone shall
be exalted in that day .

bowed Isa_02_11 /^{bowed /down , and the LORD
alone shall be exalted in that day .

bowed Psa_145_14 /^{bowed /down .

bowed Psa_146_08 /^{bowed /down : the LORD
loveth the righteous :

bowed Psa_57_06 /^{bowed /down : they have
digged a pit before me, into the midst whereof they are fallen
themselves. Selah .

bowed Isa_21_03 /^{bowed /down at the hearing
of it; I was dismayed at the seeing of it.

bowed Psa_38_06 /^{bowed /down greatly ; I go
mourning all the day long.

bowed Psa_35_14 /^{bowed /down heavily , as
one that mourneth for his mother .

bowed Gen_23_12 /^{bowed /down himself before
the people of the land .

bowed 2Ch_25_14 /^{bowed /down himself before
them, and burned incense unto them.

bowed Gen_24_26 /^{bowed /down his head , and
worshipped the LORD .

bowed Num_22_31 /^{bowed /down his head, and
fell flat on his face .

bowed Gen_24_48 /^{bowed /down my head , and
worshipped the LORD , and blessed the LORD God of my master
Abraham , which had led me in the right way to take my master's
brother's daughter unto his son .

bowed Luk_24_05 /${bowed /down their faces to
the earth , they said unto them , Why seek ye the living among
the dead ?

bowed Gen_43_28 /^{bowed /down their heads ,
and made obeisance .

bowed 1Ch_29_20 /^{bowed /down their heads ,
and worshipped the LORD , and the king .

bowed Gen_42_06 /^{bowed /down themselves
before him with their faces to the earth .

bowed Psa_44_25 /^{bowed /down to the dust :
our belly cleaveth unto the earth .

bowed Num_25_02 /^{bowed /down to their gods .

bowed Jud_07_06 /^{bowed /down upon their
knees to drink water .

bowed Jud_05_27 /^{bowed /he fell , he lay
down : at her feet he bowed , he fell : where he bowed , there
he fell down dead .

bowed Jud_05_27 /^{bowed /he fell : where he
bowed , there he fell down dead .

bowed 1Sa_04_19 /^{bowed /herself and
travailed ; for her pains came upon her.

bowed 1Sa_25_41 /^{bowed /herself on her face
to the earth , and said , Behold, let thine handmaid be a
servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord .

bowed 1Sa_25_23 /^{bowed /herself to the
ground ,

bowed Rut_02_10 /^{bowed /herself to the
ground , and said unto him, Why have I found grace in thine eyes
, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a
stranger ?

bowed 2Ki_04_37 /^{bowed /herself to the ground
, and took up her son , and went out .

bowed 2Sa_24_20 /^{bowed /himself before the
king on his face upon the ground .

bowed 1Ki_01_23 /^{bowed /himself before the
king with his face to the ground .

bowed 2Sa_14_33 /^{bowed /himself on his face
to the ground before the king : and the king kissed Absalom .

bowed 1Sa_20_41 /^{bowed /himself three times :
and they kissed one another , and wept one with another , until
David exceeded .

bowed 1Ch_21_21 /^{bowed /himself to David
with his face to the ground .

bowed 1Ki_01_53 /^{bowed /himself to king
Solomon : and Solomon said unto him, Go to thine house .

bowed Gen_33_03 /^{bowed /himself to the
ground seven times , until he came near to his brother .

bowed Gen_23_07 /^{bowed /himself to the
people of the land , even to the children of Heth .

bowed Gen_18_02 /^{bowed /himself toward the
ground ,

bowed 1Ki_02_19 /^{bowed /himself unto her,
and sat down on his throne , and caused a seat to be set for the
king's mother ; and she sat on his right hand .

bowed 2Sa_18_21 /^{bowed /himself unto Joab ,
and ran .

bowed 1Ki_01_47 /^{bowed /himself upon the bed

bowed Gen_47_31 /^{bowed /himself upon the
bed's head .

bowed Jud_16_30 /^{bowed /himself with all his
might ; and the house fell upon the lords , and upon all the
people that were therein. So the dead which he slew at his death
were more than they which he slew in his life .

bowed Gen_48_12 /^{bowed /himself with his
face to the earth .

bowed Gen_19_01 /^{bowed /himself with his
face toward the ground ;

bowed 2Sa_09_08 /^{bowed /himself, and said ,
What is thy servant , that thou shouldest look upon such a dead
dog as I am?

bowed 2Sa_14_22 /^{bowed /himself, and thanked
the king : and Joab said , To day thy servant knoweth that I
have found grace in thy sight , my lord , O king , in that the
king hath fulfilled the request of his servant .

bowed 1Sa_28_14 /^{bowed /himself.

bowed 1Sa_24_08 /^{bowed /himself.

bowed Joh_19_30 /${bowed /his head , and gave
up the ghost .

bowed Exo_34_08 /^{bowed /his head toward the
earth , and worshipped .

bowed 2Ch_20_18 /^{bowed /his head with his
face to the ground : and all Judah and the inhabitants of
Jerusalem fell before the LORD , worshipping the LORD .

bowed Gen_49_15 /^{bowed /his shoulder to bear
, and became a servant unto tribute .

bowed Est_03_05 /^{bowed /not, nor did him
reverence , then was Haman full of wrath .

bowed Est_03_02 /^{bowed /not, nor did him
reverence .

bowed Exo_12_27 /^{bowed /the head and
worshipped .

bowed 2Sa_19_14 /^{bowed /the heart of all the
men of Judah , even as the heart of one man ; so that they sent
this word unto the king , Return thou, and all thy servants .

bowed Psa_18_09 /^{bowed /the heavens also,
and came down : and darkness was under his feet .

bowed 2Sa_22_10 /^{bowed /the heavens also, and
came down ; and darkness was under his feet .

bowed Mat_27_29 /${bowed /the knee before him ,
and mocked him , saying , Hail , King of the Jews !

bowed Rom_11_04 /${bowed /the knee to the
image of Baal .

bowed Exo_04_31 /^{bowed /their heads and
worshipped .

bowed 2Ch_29_30 /^{bowed /their heads and
worshipped .

bowed Neh_08_06 /^{bowed /their heads, and
worshipped the LORD with their faces to the ground .

bowed Gen_33_06 /^{bowed /themselves .

bowed Gen_33_07 /^{bowed /themselves : and
after came Joseph near and Rachel , and they bowed themselves.

bowed Gen_43_26 /^{bowed /themselves to him to
the earth .

bowed 2Ki_02_15 /^{bowed /themselves to the
ground before him.

bowed Jud_02_12 /^{bowed /themselves unto them,
and provoked the LORD to anger .

bowed Jud_02_17 /^{bowed /themselves unto them:
they turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked
in , obeying the commandments of the LORD ; but they did not so.

bowed 2Ch_07_03 /^{bowed /themselves with their
faces to the ground upon the pavement , and worshipped , and
praised the LORD , saying, For he is good ; for his mercy
endureth for ever .

bowed 2Ch_29_29 /^{bowed /themselves, and
worshipped .

bowed Gen_33_07 /^{bowed /themselves.

bowed Jud_05_27 /^{bowed /there he fell down
dead .

bowed Luk_13_11 /${bowed /together , and could
in no wise lift up herself.

bowed 1Ki_19_18 /^{bowed /unto Baal , and
every mouth which hath not kissed him.

bowed 1Ki_01_31 /^{bowed /with her face to the
earth , and did reverence to the king , and said , Let my lord
king David live for ever .

bowed Jos_23_16 /^{bowed /yourselves to them;
then shall the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and ye
shall perish quickly from off the good land which he hath given
unto you.

disallowed Num_30_11 /^{disallowed /her not: then
all her vows shall stand , and every bond wherewith she bound
her soul shall stand .

disallowed Num_30_08 /^{disallowed /her on the day
that he heard it; then he shall make her vow which she vowed ,
and that which she uttered with her lips , wherewith she bound
her soul , of none effect : and the LORD shall forgive her.

disallowed Num_30_05 /^{disallowed /her.

disallowed 1Pe_02_04 /${disallowed /indeed of men ,
but chosen of God , and precious ,

disallowed 1Pe_02_07 /${disallowed /the same is
made the head of the corner ,

flowed Isa_64_03 /^{flowed /down at thy
presence .

flowed Jos_04_18 /^{flowed /over all his banks ,
as they did before .

flowed Lam_03_54 /^{flowed /over mine head ;
then I said , I am cut off .

followed Jud_09_49 /^{followed /Abimelech , and
put them to the hold , and set the hold on fire upon them; so
that all the men of the tower of Shechem died also, about a
thousand men and women .

followed Luk_22_54 /${followed /afar off .

followed Luk_23_55 /${followed /after , and
beheld the sepulchre , and how his body was laid .

followed Act_21_36 /${followed /after , crying ,
Away with him .

followed Psa_68_25 /^{followed /after ; among
them were the damsels playing with timbrels .

followed Mar_01_36 /${followed /after him .

followed 2Ki_09_27 /^{followed /after him, and
said , Smite him also in the chariot . And they did so at the
going up to Gur , which is by Ibleam . And he fled to Megiddo ,
and died there.

followed 2Ki_05_21 /^{followed /after Naaman . And
when Naaman saw him running after him, he lighted down from the
chariot to meet him, and said , Is all well ?

followed Rom_09_31 /${followed /after the law of
righteousness , hath not attained to the law of righteousness .

followed Rev_14_08 /${followed /another angel ,
saying , Babylon is fallen , is fallen , that great city ,
because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of
her fornication .

followed 1Ki_18_18 /^{followed /Baalim .

followed Deu_04_03 /^{followed /Baalpeor , the
LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you.

followed Mar_11_09 /${followed /cried , saying ,
Hosanna ; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord :

followed Mat_21_09 /${followed /cried , saying ,
Hosanna to the Son of David : Blessed is he that cometh in the
name of the Lord ; Hosanna in the highest .

followed 2Pe_01_16 /${followed /cunningly devised
fables , when we made known unto you the power and coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ , but were eyewitnesses of his majesty .

followed 2Sa_02_10 /^{followed /David .

followed 1Ti_05_10 /${followed /every good work .

followed Rev_08_07 /${followed /hail and fire
mingled with blood , and they were cast upon the earth : and the
third part of trees was burnt up , and all green grass was burnt
up .

followed 2Sa_01_06 /^{followed /hard after him.

followed 1Ch_10_02 /^{followed /hard after Saul ,
and after his sons ; and the Philistines slew Jonathan , and
Abinadab , and Malchishua , the sons of Saul .

followed 1Sa_14_22 /^{followed /hard after them
in the battle .

followed 1Sa_31_02 /^{followed /hard upon Saul
and upon his sons ; and the Philistines slew Jonathan , and
Abinadab , and Malchishua , Saul's sons .

followed 2Sa_17_23 /^{followed /he saddled his ass
, and arose , and gat him home to his house , to his city , and
put his household in order , and hanged himself, and died , and
was buried in the sepulchre of his father .

followed Joh_11_31 /${followed /her , saying ,
She goeth unto the grave to weep there .

followed 2Ki_04_30 /^{followed /her.

followed Mar_03_07 /${followed /him , and from
Judaea ,

followed Mat_12_15 /${followed /him , and he
healed them all ;

followed Mar_15_41 /${followed /him , and
ministered unto him ; and many other women which came up with
him unto Jerusalem .

followed Mat_09_19 /${followed /him , and so did
his disciples .

followed Mar_05_24 /${followed /him , and
thronged him .

followed Joh_06_02 /${followed /him , because
they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased .

followed Mat_09_27 /${followed /him , crying ,
and saying , Thou Son of David , have mercy on us .

followed Luk_18_43 /${followed /him , glorifying
God : and all the people , when they saw it, gave praise unto
God .

followed Luk_07_09 /${followed /him , I say unto
you , I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel .

followed Joh_01_40 /${followed /him , was Andrew ,
Simon Peter's brother .

followed Luk_05_11 /${followed /him .

followed Mat_04_22 /${followed /him .

followed Jud_09_04 /^{followed /him .

followed Mat_20_34 /${followed /him .

followed Num_16_25 /^{followed /him .

followed Mat_08_23 /${followed /him .

followed Mar_01_18 /${followed /him .

followed Mar_02_15 /${followed /him .

followed Mat_04_20 /${followed /him .

followed Mat_20_29 /${followed /him .

followed Luk_05_28 /${followed /him .

followed Mat_08_01 /${followed /him .

followed Mat_09_09 /${followed /him .

followed Mar_02_14 /${followed /him .

followed Luk_22_39 /${followed /him .

followed Luk_09_11 /${followed /him : and he
received them , and spake unto them of the kingdom of God , and
healed them that had need of healing .

followed Mat_19_02 /${followed /him ; and he
healed them there .

followed Act_12_09 /${followed /him ; and wist
not that it was true which was done by the angel ; but thought
he saw a vision .

followed Mar_14_51 /${followed /him a certain
young man , having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and
the young men laid hold on him :

followed Luk_23_27 /${followed /him a great
company of people , and of women , which also bewailed and
lamented him .

followed 2Sa_11_08 /^{followed /him a mess of meat
from the king .

followed Mar_14_54 /${followed /him afar off ,
even into the palace of the high priest : and he sat with the
servants , and warmed himself at the fire .

followed Mat_26_58 /${followed /him afar off unto
the high priest's palace , and went in , and sat with the
servants , to see the end .

followed Luk_23_49 /${followed /him from Galilee ,
stood afar off , beholding these things .

followed Mat_04_25 /${followed /him great
multitudes of people from Galilee , and from Decapolis , and
from Jerusalem , and from Judaea , and from beyond Jordan .

followed Mat_14_13 /${followed /him on foot out
of the cities .

followed 1Sa_13_07 /^{followed /him trembling .

followed Rev_19_14 /${followed /him upon white
horses , clothed in fine linen , white and clean .

followed Eze_10_11 /^{followed /it; they turned
not as they went .

followed Joh_18_15 /${followed /Jesus , and so
did another disciple : that disciple was known unto the high
priest , and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high
priest .

followed Joh_01_37 /${followed /Jesus .

followed Mat_27_55 /${followed /Jesus from
Galilee , ministering unto him :

followed Mar_10_52 /${followed /Jesus in the way .

followed Mat_19_28 /${followed /me , in the
regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his
glory , ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones , judging the
twelve tribes of Israel .

followed Num_14_24 /^{followed /me fully , him
will I bring into the land whereinto he went ; and his seed
shall possess it.

followed 1Ki_14_08 /^{followed /me with all his
heart , to do that only which was right in mine eyes ;

followed Neh_04_23 /^{followed /me, none of us
put off our clothes , saving that every one put them off for
washing .

followed Num_32_11 /^{followed /me:

followed Rom_09_30 /${followed /not after
righteousness , have attained to righteousness , even the
righteousness which is of faith .

followed 1Ki_16_21 /^{followed /Omri .

followed 1Ki_16_22 /^{followed /Omri prevailed
against the people that followed Tibni the son of Ginath : so
Tibni died , and Omri reigned .

followed Jud_02_12 /^{followed /other gods , of
the gods of the people that were round about them, and bowed
themselves unto them, and provoked the LORD to anger .

followed Act_13_43 /${followed /Paul and Barnabas
: who , speaking to them , persuaded them to continue in the
grace of God .

followed Act_16_17 /${followed /Paul and us , and
cried , saying , These men are the servants of the most high God
, which shew unto us the way of salvation .

followed 1Sa_17_14 /^{followed /Saul .

followed 1Sa_17_13 /^{followed /Saul to the
battle : and the names of his three sons that went to the battle
were Eliab the firstborn , and next unto him Abinadab , and the
third Shammah .

followed 2Sa_20_02 /^{followed /Sheba the son of
Bichri : but the men of Judah clave unto their king , from
Jordan even to Jerusalem .

followed 2Sa_03_31 /^{followed /the bier .

followed Mat_27_62 /${followed /the day of the
preparation , the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto
Pilate ,

followed Gen_32_19 /^{followed /the droves ,
saying , On this manner shall ye speak unto Esau , when ye find

followed Amo_07_15 /^{followed /the flock , and
the LORD said unto me, Go , prophesy unto my people Israel .

followed 1Ki_12_20 /^{followed /the house of
David , but the tribe of Judah only.

followed Deu_01_36 /^{followed /the LORD .

followed Num_32_12 /^{followed /the LORD .

followed Jos_14_14 /^{followed /the LORD God of
Israel .

followed Jos_14_08 /^{followed /the LORD my God .

followed Jos_14_09 /^{followed /the LORD my God .

followed Gen_24_61 /^{followed /the man : and the
servant took Rebekah , and went his way .

followed 2Ki_13_02 /^{followed /the sins of
Jeroboam the son of Nebat , which made Israel to sin ; he
departed not therefrom.

followed Mar_10_28 /${followed /thee .

followed Luk_18_28 /${followed /thee .

followed Mat_19_27 /${followed /thee ; what shall
we have therefore ?

followed Rev_14_09 /${followed /them , saying
with a loud voice , If any man worship the beast and his image ,
and receive his mark in his forehead , or in his hand ,

followed Jos_06_08 /^{followed /them .

followed 1Co_10_04 /${followed /them : and that
Rock was Christ .

followed 1Ki_20_19 /^{followed /them.

followed 2Ki_03_09 /^{followed /them.

followed Mar_10_32 /${followed /they were afraid .
And he took again the twelve , and began to tell them what
things should happen unto him ,

followed 1Ki_16_21 /^{followed /Tibni the son of
Ginath , to make him king ; and half followed Omri .

followed 1Ki_16_22 /^{followed /Tibni the son of
Ginath : so Tibni died , and Omri reigned .

followed 2Ki_17_15 /^{followed /vanity , and
became vain , and went after the heathen that were round about
them, concerning whom the LORD had charged them, that they
should not do like them.

followed Mat_08_10 /${followed /Verily I say unto
you , I have not found so great faith , no, not in Israel .

followed Rev_06_08 /${followed /with him . And
power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth , to
kill with sword , and with hunger , and with death , and with
the beasts of the earth .

followedst Rut_03_10 /^{followedst /not young men ,
whether poor or rich .

hallowed Lev_22_32 /^{hallowed /among the
children of Israel : I am the LORD which hallow you,

hallowed Exo_29_21 /^{hallowed /and his garments ,
and his sons , and his sons garments with him.

hallowed Num_16_38 /^{hallowed /and they shall be
a sign unto the children of Israel .

Hallowed Mat_06_09 /${Hallowed /be thy name .

Hallowed Luk_11_02 /${Hallowed /be thy name . Thy
kingdom come . Thy will be done , as in heaven , so in earth .

hallowed 1Sa_21_04 /^{hallowed /bread ; if the
young men have kept themselves at least from women .

hallowed 1Sa_21_06 /^{hallowed /bread: for there
was no bread there but the shewbread , that was taken from
before the LORD , to put hot bread in the day when it was taken
away .

hallowed 1Ki_09_07 /^{hallowed /for my name ,
will I cast out of my sight ; and Israel shall be a proverb and
a byword among all people :

hallowed 2Ch_36_14 /^{hallowed /in Jerusalem .

hallowed Exo_20_11 /^{hallowed /it.

hallowed Num_18_29 /^{hallowed /part thereof out
of it.

hallowed 2Ch_07_07 /^{hallowed /the middle of the
court that was before the house of the LORD : for there he
offered burnt offerings , and the fat of the peace offerings ,
because the brasen altar which Solomon had made was not able to
receive the burnt offerings , and the meat offerings , and the
fat .

hallowed Lev_19_08 /^{hallowed /thing of the LORD
: and that soul shall be cut off from among his people .

hallowed Lev_12_04 /^{hallowed /thing, nor come
into the sanctuary , until the days of her purifying be
fulfilled .

hallowed 2Ki_12_18 /^{hallowed /things , and all
the gold that was found in the treasures of the house of the
LORD , and in the king's house , and sent it to Hazael king of
Syria : and he went away from Jerusalem .

hallowed Num_18_08 /^{hallowed /things of the
children of Israel ; unto thee have I given them by reason of
the anointing , and to thy sons , by an ordinance for ever .

hallowed Deu_26_13 /^{hallowed /things out of
mine house , and also have given them unto the Levite , and unto
the stranger , to the fatherless , and to the widow , according
to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not
transgressed thy commandments , neither have I forgotten them:

hallowed Num_05_10 /^{hallowed /things shall be
his: whatsoever any man giveth the priest , it shall be his.

hallowed 2Ki_12_18 /^{hallowed /things that
Jehoshaphat , and Jehoram , and Ahaziah , his fathers , kings of
Judah , had dedicated , and his own hallowed things , and all
the gold that was found in the treasures of the house of the
LORD , and in the king's house , and sent it to Hazael king of
Syria : and he went away from Jerusalem .

hallowed 1Ki_09_03 /^{hallowed /this house ,
which thou hast built , to put my name there for ever ; and mine
eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually .

hallowed Num_03_13 /^{hallowed /unto me all the
firstborn in Israel , both man and beast : mine shall they be: I
am the LORD .

narrowed 1Ki_06_06 /^{narrowed /rests round about
, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the
house .

overflowed Psa_78_20 /^{overflowed /can he give
bread also? can he provide flesh for his people ?

overflowed 2Pe_03_06 /${overflowed /with water ,
perished :

overshadowed Mar_09_07 /${overshadowed /them : and a
voice came out of the cloud , saying , This is my beloved Son :
hear him .

overshadowed Mat_17_05 /${overshadowed /them : and
behold a voice out of the cloud , which said , This is my
beloved Son , in whom I am well pleased ; hear ye him .

overshadowed Luk_09_34 /${overshadowed /them : and
they feared as they entered into the cloud .

owed Luk_07_41 /${owed /five hundred pence ,
and the other fifty .

owed Mat_18_28 /${owed /him an hundred pence :
and he laid hands on him , and took him by the throat , saying ,
Pay me that thou owest .

owed Mat_18_24 /${owed /him ten thousand
talents .

plowed Mic_03_12 /^{plowed /as a field , and
Jerusalem shall become heaps , and the mountain of the house as
the high places of the forest .

plowed Jer_26_18 /^{plowed /like a field , and
Jerusalem shall become heaps , and the mountain of the house as
the high places of a forest .

plowed Psa_129_03 /^{plowed /upon my back :
they made long their furrows .

plowed Hos_10_13 /^{plowed /wickedness , ye
have reaped iniquity ; ye have eaten the fruit of lies : because
thou didst trust in thy way , in the multitude of thy mighty men

plowed Jud_14_18 /^{plowed /with my heifer , ye
had not found out my riddle .

rowed Joh_06_19 /${rowed /about five and
twenty or thirty furlongs , they see Jesus walking on the sea ,
and drawing nigh unto the ship : and they were afraid .

rowed Jon_01_13 /^{rowed /hard to bring it to
the land ; but they could not: for the sea wrought , and was
tempestuous against them.

sorrowed 2Co_07_11 /${sorrowed /after a godly sort
, what carefulness it wrought in you , yea , what clearing of
yourselves , yea , what indignation , yea , what fear , yea ,
what vehement desire , yea , what zeal , yea , what revenge ! In
all things ye have approved yourselves to be clear in this
matter .

sorrowed 2Co_07_09 /${sorrowed /to repentance :
for ye were made sorry after a godly manner , that ye might
receive damage by us in nothing .

sowed Mat_13_24 /${sowed /good seed in his
field :

sowed Mat_13_31 /${sowed /in his field :

sowed Gen_26_12 /^{sowed /in that land , and
received in the same year an hundredfold : and the LORD blessed

sowed Jud_09_45 /^{sowed /it with salt .

sowed Mat_25_26 /${sowed /not , and gather
where I have not strawed :

sowed Mar_04_04 /${sowed /some fell by the way
side , and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up .

sowed Luk_08_05 /${sowed /some fell by the way
side ; and it was trodden down , and the fowls of the air
devoured it .

sowed Mat_13_04 /${sowed /some seeds fell by
the way side , and the fowls came and devoured them up :

sowed Mat_13_25 /${sowed /tares among the
wheat , and went his way .

sowed Mat_13_39 /${sowed /them is the devil ;
the harvest is the end of the world ; and the reapers are the
angels .

sowedst Deu_11_10 /^{sowedst /thy seed , and
wateredst it with thy foot , as a garden of herbs :

strowed 2Ch_34_04 /^{strowed /it upon the graves
of them that had sacrificed unto them.

swallowed Job_20_15 /^{swallowed /down riches ,
and he shall vomit them up again : God shall cast them out of
his belly .

swallowed Lam_02_16 /^{swallowed /her up :
certainly this is the day that we looked for ; we have found ,
we have seen it.

swallowed Psa_35_25 /^{swallowed /him up .

swallowed Jer_51_34 /^{swallowed /me up like a
dragon , he hath filled his belly with my delicates , he hath
cast me out .

swallowed Isa_49_19 /^{swallowed /thee up shall be
far away .

swallowed Deu_11_06 /^{swallowed /them up , and
their households , and their tents , and all the substance that
was in their possession , in the midst of all Israel :

swallowed Num_16_32 /^{swallowed /them up , and
their houses , and all the men that appertained unto Korah , and
all their goods .

swallowed Num_26_10 /^{swallowed /them up together
with Korah , when that company died , what time the fire
devoured two hundred and fifty men : and they became a sign .

swallowed Exo_15_12 /^{swallowed /them.

swallowed 2Sa_17_16 /^{swallowed /up , and all the
people that are with him.

swallowed Job_37_20 /^{swallowed /up .

swallowed Job_06_03 /^{swallowed /up .

swallowed Jer_51_44 /^{swallowed /up : and the
nations shall not flow together any more unto him: yea, the wall
of Babylon shall fall .

swallowed Hos_08_08 /^{swallowed /up : now shall
they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure .

swallowed Lam_02_05 /^{swallowed /up all her
palaces : he hath destroyed his strong holds , and hath
increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation .

swallowed Lam_02_02 /^{swallowed /up all the
habitations of Jacob , and hath not pitied : he hath thrown down
in his wrath the strong holds of the daughter of Judah ; he hath
brought them down to the ground : he hath polluted the kingdom
and the princes thereof.

swallowed Psa_106_17 /^{swallowed /up Dathan , and
covered the company of Abiram .

swallowed 1Co_15_54 /${swallowed /up in victory .

swallowed Lam_02_05 /^{swallowed /up Israel , he
hath swallowed up all her palaces : he hath destroyed his strong
holds , and hath increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and
lamentation .

swallowed 2Co_05_04 /${swallowed /up of life .

swallowed Isa_28_07 /^{swallowed /up of wine ,
they are out of the way through strong drink ; they err in
vision , they stumble in judgment .

swallowed Rev_12_16 /${swallowed /up the flood
which the dragon cast out of his mouth .

swallowed Exo_07_12 /^{swallowed /up their rods .

swallowed 2Co_02_07 /${swallowed /up with overmuch
sorrow .

swallowed Psa_124_03 /^{swallowed /us up quick ,
when their wrath was kindled against us:

swallowed Eze_36_03 /^{swallowed /you up on every
side , that ye might be a possession unto the residue of the
heathen , and ye are taken up in the lips of talkers , and are
an infamy of the people :

vowed 1Sa_01_11 /^{vowed /a vow , and said , O
LORD of hosts , if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of
thine handmaid , and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid ,
but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child , then I will
give him unto the LORD all the days of his life , and there
shall no razor come upon his head .

vowed Gen_28_20 /^{vowed /a vow , saying , If
God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go ,
and will give me bread to eat , and raiment to put on ,

vowed Jud_11_30 /^{vowed /a vow unto the LORD ,
and said , If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of
Ammon into mine hands ,

vowed Num_21_02 /^{vowed /a vow unto the LORD ,
and said , If thou wilt indeed deliver this people into my hand
, then I will utterly destroy their cities .

vowed 2Sa_15_08 /^{vowed /a vow while I abode
at Geshur in Syria , saying , If the LORD shall bring me again
indeed to Jerusalem , then I will serve the LORD .

vowed Num_06_21 /^{vowed /and of his offering
unto the LORD for his separation , beside that that his hand
shall get : according to the vow which he vowed , so he must do
after the law of his separation .

vowed Jud_11_39 /^{vowed /and she knew no man .
And it was a custom in Israel ,

vowed Num_30_08 /^{vowed /and that which she
uttered with her lips , wherewith she bound her soul , of none
effect : and the LORD shall forgive her.

vowed Num_30_10 /^{vowed /in her husband's
house , or bound her soul by a bond with an oath ;

vowed Num_30_06 /^{vowed /or uttered ought out
of her lips , wherewith she bound her soul ;

vowed Jon_02_09 /^{vowed /Salvation is of the

vowed Lev_27_08 /^{vowed /shall the priest
value him.

vowed Num_06_21 /^{vowed /so he must do after
the law of his separation .

vowed Jer_44_25 /^{vowed /to burn incense to
the queen of heaven , and to pour out drink offerings unto her:
ye will surely accomplish your vows , and surely perform your
vows .

vowed 2Sa_15_07 /^{vowed /unto the LORD , in
Hebron .

vowed Deu_23_23 /^{vowed /unto the LORD thy
God , which thou hast promised with thy mouth .

vowed Psa_132_02 /^{vowed /unto the mighty God
of Jacob ;

vowedst Gen_31_13 /^{vowedst /a vow unto me: now
arise , get thee out from this land , and return unto the land
of thy kindred .

wallowed Mar_09_20 /${wallowed /foaming .

wallowed 2Sa_20_12 /^{wallowed /in blood in the
midst of the highway . And when the man saw that all the people
stood still , he removed Amasa out of the highway into the field
, and cast a cloth upon him, when he saw that every one that
came by him stood still .

winnowed Isa_30_24 /^{winnowed /with the shovel
and with the fan .
