estranged Eze_14_05 /^{estranged /from me through
their idols .

estranged Job_19_13 /^{estranged /from me.

estranged Psa_58_03 /^{estranged /from the womb :
they go astray as soon as they be born , speaking lies .

estranged Psa_78_30 /^{estranged /from their lust .
But while their meat was yet in their mouths ,

estranged Jer_19_04 /^{estranged /this place , and
have burned incense in it unto other gods , whom neither they
nor their fathers have known , nor the kings of Judah , and have
filled this place with the blood of innocents ;

rang 1Sa_04_05 /^{rang /again .

rang 1Ki_01_45 /^{rang /again . This is the
noise that ye have heard .

range Job_39_08 /^{range /of the mountains is
his pasture , and he searcheth after every green thing .

ranges 2Ki_11_15 /^{ranges /and him that
followeth her kill with the sword . For the priest had said ,
Let her not be slain in the house of the LORD .

ranges 2Ch_23_14 /^{ranges /and whoso followeth
her, let him be slain with the sword . For the priest said ,
Slay her not in the house of the LORD .

ranges Lev_11_35 /^{ranges /for pots, they
shall be broken down : for they are unclean , and shall be
unclean unto you.

ranges 2Ki_11_08 /^{ranges /let him be slain :
and be ye with the king as he goeth out and as he cometh in .

ranging Pro_28_15 /^{ranging /bear ; so is a
wicked ruler over the poor people .

sprang Act_16_29 /${sprang /in , and came
trembling , and fell down before Paul and Silas ,

sprang Heb_07_14 /${sprang /out of Juda ; of
which tribe Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood .

sprang Heb_11_12 /${sprang /there even of one ,
and him as good as dead , so many as the stars of the sky in
multitude , and as the sand which is by the sea shore
innumerable .

sprang Luk_08_08 /${sprang /up , and bare fruit
an hundredfold . And when he had said these things , he cried ,
He that hath ears to hear , let him hear .

sprang Mar_04_05 /${sprang /up , because it had
no depth of earth :

sprang Mar_04_08 /${sprang /up and increased ;
and brought forth , some thirty , and some sixty , and some an
hundred .

sprang Luk_08_07 /${sprang /up with it , and
choked it .

strange Isa_28_21 /^{strange /act .

strange Zep_01_08 /^{strange /apparel .

strange Pro_21_08 /^{strange /but as for the
pure , his work is right .

strange Psa_144_11 /^{strange /children , whose
mouth speaketh vanity , and their right hand is a right hand of
falsehood :

strange Hos_05_07 /^{strange /children : now
shall a month devour them with their portions .

strange Psa_144_07 /^{strange /children ;

strange Act_26_11 /${strange /cities .

strange 1Pe_04_12 /${strange /concerning the
fiery trial which is to try you , as though some strange thing
happened unto you :

strange Heb_11_09 /${strange /country , dwelling
in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob , the heirs with him of the
same promise :

strange Heb_13_09 /${strange /doctrines . For it
is a good thing that the heart be established with grace ; not
with meats , which have not profited them that have been
occupied therein .

strange Num_03_04 /^{strange /fire before the
LORD , in the wilderness of Sinai , and they had no children :
and Eleazar and Ithamar ministered in the priest's office in the
sight of Aaron their father .

strange Lev_10_01 /^{strange /fire before the
LORD , which he commanded them not.

strange Num_26_61 /^{strange /fire before the

strange 001 007 Jud /${strange /flesh , are set
forth for an example , suffering the vengeance of eternal fire .

strange Dan_11_39 /^{strange /god , whom he
shall acknowledge and increase with glory : and he shall cause
them to rule over many , and shall divide the land for gain .

strange Mal_02_11 /^{strange /god .

strange Psa_81_09 /^{strange /god .

strange Psa_44_20 /^{strange /god ;

strange Isa_43_12 /^{strange /god among you:
therefore ye are my witnesses , saith the LORD , that I am God .

strange Psa_81_09 /^{strange /god be in thee;
neither shalt thou worship any strange god .

strange Deu_32_12 /^{strange /god with him.

strange 2Ch_33_15 /^{strange /gods , and the idol
out of the house of the LORD , and all the altars that he had
built in the mount of the house of the LORD , and in Jerusalem ,
and cast them out of the city .

strange 027 020 Jos /^{strange /gods , then he
will turn and do you hurt , and consume you, after that he hath
done you good .

strange Act_17_18 /${strange /gods : because he
preached unto them Jesus , and the resurrection .

strange 1Sa_07_03 /^{strange /gods and Ashtaroth
from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD , and
serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the
Philistines .

strange Jud_10_16 /^{strange /gods from among
them, and served the LORD : and his soul was grieved for the
misery of Israel .

strange Jer_05_19 /^{strange /gods in your land ,
so shall ye serve strangers in a land that is not yours.

strange Gen_35_02 /^{strange /gods that are
among you , and be clean , and change your garments :

strange 027 023 Jos /^{strange /gods which are
among you, and incline your heart unto the LORD God of Israel .

strange Gen_35_04 /^{strange /gods which were in
their hand , and all their earrings which were in their ears ;
and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem .

strange 2Ch_14_03 /^{strange /gods, and the high
places , and brake down the images , and cut down the groves :

strange Deu_32_16 /^{strange /gods, with
abominations provoked they him to anger .

strange Exo_30_09 /^{strange /incense thereon,
nor burnt sacrifice , nor meat offering ; neither shall ye pour
drink offering thereon.

strange Exo_02_22 /^{strange /land .

strange Exo_18_03 /^{strange /land :

strange Act_07_06 /${strange /land ; and that
they should bring them into bondage , and entreat them evil four
hundred years .

strange Psa_137_04 /^{strange /land ?

strange Psa_114_01 /^{strange /language ;

strange Exo_21_08 /^{strange /nation he shall
have no power , seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her.

strange Job_31_03 /^{strange /punishment to the
workers of iniquity ?

strange Isa_17_10 /^{strange /slips :

strange Eze_03_05 /^{strange /speech and of an
hard language , but to the house of Israel ;

strange Eze_03_06 /^{strange /speech and of an
hard language , whose words thou canst not understand . Surely,
had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee.

strange 1Pe_04_04 /${strange /that ye run not
with them to the same excess of riot , speaking evil of you:

strange Hos_08_12 /^{strange /thing .

strange 1Pe_04_12 /${strange /thing happened
unto you :

strange Luk_05_26 /${strange /things to day .

strange Act_17_20 /${strange /things to our ears
: we would know therefore what these things mean .

strange Job_19_03 /^{strange /to me.

strange Job_19_17 /^{strange /to my wife ,
though I intreated for the children's sake of mine own body .

strange Gen_42_07 /^{strange /unto them, and
spake roughly unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come ye?
And they said , From the land of Canaan to buy food .

strange Jer_08_19 /^{strange /vanities ?

strange Jer_02_21 /^{strange /vine unto me?

strange 2Ki_19_24 /^{strange /waters , and with
the sole of my feet have I dried up all the rivers of besieged
places .

strange Ezr_10_10 /^{strange /wives , to
increase the trespass of Israel .

strange 1Ki_11_08 /^{strange /wives , which
burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods .

strange Ezr_10_11 /^{strange /wives .

strange Ezr_10_44 /^{strange /wives : and some
of them had wives by whom they had children .

strange Ezr_10_18 /^{strange /wives : namely, of
the sons of Jeshua the son of Jozadak , and his brethren ;
Maaseiah , and Eliezer , and Jarib , and Gedaliah .

strange Neh_13_27 /^{strange /wives ?

strange Ezr_10_17 /^{strange /wives by the first
day of the first month .

strange Ezr_10_14 /^{strange /wives in our
cities come at appointed times , and with them the elders of
every city , and the judges thereof, until the fierce wrath of
our God for this matter be turned from us.

strange Ezr_10_02 /^{strange /wives of the
people of the land : yet now there is hope in Israel concerning
this thing.

strange Pro_05_20 /^{strange /woman , and
embrace the bosom of a stranger ?

strange Pro_02_16 /^{strange /woman , even from
the stranger which flattereth with her words ;

strange Pro_07_05 /^{strange /woman , from the
stranger which flattereth with her words .

strange Pro_27_13 /^{strange /woman .

strange Jud_11_02 /^{strange /woman .

strange Pro_06_24 /^{strange /woman .

strange Pro_20_16 /^{strange /woman .

strange Pro_05_03 /^{strange /woman drop as an
honeycomb , and her mouth is smoother than oil :

strange Pro_23_27 /^{strange /woman is a narrow
pit .

strange Pro_23_33 /^{strange /women , and thine
heart shall utter perverse things .

strange 1Ki_11_01 /^{strange /women , together
with the daughter of Pharaoh , women of the Moabites , Ammonites
, Edomites , Zidonians , and Hittites ;

strange Pro_22_14 /^{strange /women is a deep
pit : he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein.

strange Isa_28_21 /^{strange /work ; and bring
to pass his act , his strange act .

strangely Deu_32_27 /^{strangely /and lest they
should say , Our hand is high , and the LORD hath not done all

stranger Gen_17_08 /^{stranger /all the land of
Canaan , for an everlasting possession ; and I will be their God

stranger 2Sa_01_13 /^{stranger /an Amalekite .

stranger Gen_23_04 /^{stranger /and a sojourner
with you: give me a possession of a buryingplace with you, that
I may bury my dead out of my sight .

stranger 2Sa_15_19 /^{stranger /and also an exile .

stranger Num_09_14 /^{stranger /and for him that
was born in the land .

stranger Num_35_15 /^{stranger /and for the
sojourner among them: that every one that killeth any person
unawares may flee thither.

stranger Psa_94_06 /^{stranger /and murder the
fatherless .

stranger Pro_27_02 /^{stranger /and not thine own
lips .

stranger Pro_20_16 /^{stranger /and take a pledge
of him for a strange woman .

stranger Pro_27_13 /^{stranger /and take a pledge
of him for a strange woman .

stranger Deu_16_11 /^{stranger /and the
fatherless , and the widow , that are among you, in the place
which the LORD thy God hath chosen to place his name there.

stranger Deu_16_14 /^{stranger /and the
fatherless , and the widow , that are within thy gates .

stranger Deu_14_29 /^{stranger /and the
fatherless , and the widow , which are within thy gates , shall
come , and shall eat and be satisfied ; that the LORD thy God
may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest .

stranger Mat_25_38 /${stranger /and took thee in
? or naked , and clothed thee?

stranger Mat_25_35 /${stranger /and ye took me in

stranger Mat_25_43 /${stranger /and ye took me
not in : naked , and ye clothed me not : sick , and in prison ,
and ye visited me not .

stranger Lev_24_22 /^{stranger /as for one of
your own country : for I am the LORD your God .

stranger Lev_24_16 /^{stranger /as he that is
born in the land , when he blasphemeth the name of the LORD,
shall be put to death .

stranger Jos_08_33 /^{stranger /as he that was
born among them; half of them over against mount Gerizim , and
half of them over against mount Ebal ; as Moses the servant of
the LORD had commanded before , that they should bless the
people of Israel .

stranger Num_15_15 /^{stranger /be before the

stranger 1Ki_08_43 /^{stranger /calleth to thee
for: that all people of the earth may know thy name , to fear
thee, as do thy people Israel ; and that they may know that this
house , which I have builded , is called by thy name .

stranger 2Ch_06_33 /^{stranger /calleth to thee
for; that all people of the earth may know thy name , and fear
thee, as doth thy people Israel , and may know that this house
which I have built is called by thy name .

stranger Job_31_32 /^{stranger /did not lodge in
the street : but I opened my doors to the traveller .

stranger Pro_14_10 /^{stranger /doth not
intermeddle with his joy .

stranger Lev_22_10 /^{stranger /eat of the holy
thing : a sojourner of the priest , or an hired servant , shall
not eat of the holy thing .

stranger Lev_22_13 /^{stranger /eat thereof.

stranger Exo_12_43 /^{stranger /eat thereof:

stranger Ecc_06_02 /^{stranger /eateth it: this
is vanity , and it is an evil disease .

stranger Deu_27_19 /^{stranger /fatherless , and
widow . And all the people shall say , Amen .

stranger Deu_24_21 /^{stranger /for the
fatherless , and for the widow .

stranger Deu_24_20 /^{stranger /for the
fatherless , and for the widow .

stranger Deu_24_19 /^{stranger /for the
fatherless , and for the widow : that the LORD thy God may bless
thee in all the work of thine hands .

stranger Exo_23_09 /^{stranger /for ye know the
heart of a stranger , seeing ye were strangers in the land of
Egypt .

stranger Deu_10_19 /^{stranger /for ye were
strangers in the land of Egypt .

stranger Mal_03_05 /^{stranger /from his right,
and fear not me, saith the LORD of hosts .

stranger Lev_17_15 /^{stranger /he shall both
wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be unclean
until the even : then shall he be clean .

stranger Deu_25_05 /^{stranger /her husband's
brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife , and
perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.

stranger Job_19_15 /^{stranger /I am an alien in
their sight .

stranger Lev_23_22 /^{stranger /I am the LORD
your God .

stranger Lev_19_10 /^{stranger /I am the LORD
your God .

stranger Gen_15_13 /^{stranger /in a land that is
not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them
four hundred years ;

stranger Exo_02_22 /^{stranger /in a strange land

stranger Deu_10_18 /^{stranger /in giving him
food and raiment .

stranger Deu_23_07 /^{stranger /in his land .

stranger Luk_24_18 /${stranger /in Jerusalem ,
and hast not known the things which are come to pass there in
these days ?

stranger Psa_119_001 /^{stranger /in the earth :
hide not thy commandments from me.

stranger Jer_14_08 /^{stranger /in the land , and
as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night ?

stranger Gen_37_01 /^{stranger /in the land of
Canaan .

stranger Act_07_29 /${stranger /in the land of
Madian , where he begat two sons .

stranger Eze_22_07 /^{stranger /in thee have they
vexed the fatherless and the widow .

stranger Exo_23_12 /^{stranger /may be refreshed .

stranger Oba_01_12 /^{stranger /neither shouldest
thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in the day of
their destruction ; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly
in the day of distress .

stranger Deu_24_17 /^{stranger /nor of the
fatherless ; nor take a widow's raiment to pledge :

stranger Exo_22_21 /^{stranger /nor oppress him:
for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt .

stranger Zec_07_10 /^{stranger /nor the poor ;
and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your
heart .

stranger Lev_25_35 /^{stranger /or a sojourner ;
that he may live with thee.

stranger Exo_12_19 /^{stranger /or born in the
land .

stranger Mat_25_44 /${stranger /or naked , or
sick , or in prison , and did not minister unto thee ?

stranger Lev_25_47 /^{stranger /or sojourner by
thee, or to the stock of the stranger's family :

stranger Deu_17_15 /^{stranger /over thee, which
is not thy brother .

stranger Job_15_19 /^{stranger /passed among them.

stranger Exo_23_09 /^{stranger /seeing ye were
strangers in the land of Egypt .

stranger Exo_30_33 /^{stranger /shall even be cut
off from his people .

stranger Num_18_04 /^{stranger /shall not come
nigh unto you.

stranger Isa_62_08 /^{stranger /shall not drink
thy wine , for the which thou hast laboured :

stranger Exo_29_33 /^{stranger /shall not eat
thereof, because they are holy .

stranger Pro_11_15 /^{stranger /shall smart for
it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure .

stranger Num_09_14 /^{stranger /shall sojourn
among you, and will keep the passover unto the LORD ; according
to the ordinance of the passover , and according to the manner
thereof, so shall he do : ye shall have one ordinance , both for
the stranger , and for him that was born in the land .

stranger Exo_12_48 /^{stranger /shall sojourn
with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD , let all his
males be circumcised , and then let him come near and keep it;
and he shall be as one that is born in the land : for no
uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.

stranger Lev_22_12 /^{stranger /she may not eat
of an offering of the holy things .

stranger Lev_19_33 /^{stranger /sojourn with thee
in your land , ye shall not vex him.

stranger Num_15_14 /^{stranger /sojourn with you,
or whosoever be among you in your generations , and will offer
an offering made by fire , of a sweet savour unto the LORD ; as
ye do , so he shall do .

stranger Eze_47_23 /^{stranger /sojourneth ,
there shall ye give him his inheritance , saith the Lord GOD .

stranger Num_18_07 /^{stranger /that cometh nigh
shall be put to death .

stranger Num_01_51 /^{stranger /that cometh nigh
shall be put to death .

stranger Num_03_10 /^{stranger /that cometh nigh
shall be put to death .

stranger Num_03_38 /^{stranger /that cometh nigh
shall be put to death .

stranger Lev_19_34 /^{stranger /that dwelleth
with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt
love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt :
I am the LORD your God .

stranger Isa_56_03 /^{stranger /that hath joined
himself to the LORD , speak , saying , The LORD hath utterly
separated me from his people : neither let the eunuch say ,
Behold, I am a dry tree .

stranger Eze_44_09 /^{stranger /that is among the
children of Israel .

stranger Deu_26_11 /^{stranger /that is among you.

stranger Deu_29_11 /^{stranger /that is in thy
camp , from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy water :

stranger Deu_14_21 /^{stranger /that is in thy
gates , that he may eat it; or thou mayest sell it unto an alien
: for thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God . Thou shalt
not seethe a kid in his mother's milk .

stranger Jud_19_12 /^{stranger /that is not of
the children of Israel ; we will pass over to Gibeah .

stranger 1Ki_08_41 /^{stranger /that is not of
thy people Israel , but cometh out of a far country for thy
name's sake;

stranger Deu_01_16 /^{stranger /that is with him.

stranger Deu_28_43 /^{stranger /that is within
thee shall get up above thee very high ; and thou shalt come
down very low .

stranger Deu_31_12 /^{stranger /that is within
thy gates , that they may hear , and that they may learn , and
fear the LORD your God , and observe to do all the words of this
law :

stranger Exo_20_10 /^{stranger /that is within
thy gates :

stranger Deu_05_14 /^{stranger /that is within
thy gates ; that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest as
well as thou.

stranger Isa_56_06 /^{stranger /that join
themselves to the LORD , to serve him, and to love the name of
the LORD , to be his servants , every one that keepeth the
sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant ;

stranger Deu_29_22 /^{stranger /that shall come
from a far land , shall say , when they see the plagues of that
land , and the sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it;

stranger Num_19_10 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among them, for a statute for ever .

stranger Jos_20_09 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among them, that whosoever killeth any person at unawares might
flee thither, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood ,
until he stood before the congregation .

stranger Num_15_29 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among them.

stranger Num_15_26 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among them; seeing all the people were in ignorance .

stranger Lev_17_12 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among you eat blood .

stranger Exo_12_49 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among you.

stranger Lev_18_26 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among you:

stranger Lev_16_29 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
among you:

stranger Eze_14_07 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
in Israel , which separateth himself from me , and setteth up
his idols in his heart , and putteth the stumblingblock of his
iniquity before his face , and cometh to a prophet to enquire of
him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself:

stranger Lev_25_06 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
with thee,

stranger Num_15_15 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
with you, an ordinance for ever in your generations : as ye are,
so shall the stranger be before the LORD .

stranger Num_15_16 /^{stranger /that sojourneth
with you.

stranger Jer_07_06 /^{stranger /the fatherless ,
and the widow , and shed not innocent blood in this place ,
neither walk after other gods to your hurt :

stranger Deu_26_12 /^{stranger /the fatherless ,
and the widow , that they may eat within thy gates , and be
filled ;

stranger Jer_22_03 /^{stranger /the fatherless ,
nor the widow , neither shed innocent blood in this place .

stranger Num_15_30 /^{stranger /the same
reproacheth the LORD ; and that soul shall be cut off from among
his people .

stranger Deu_23_20 /^{stranger /thou mayest lend
upon usury ; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury
: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest
thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

stranger Deu_26_13 /^{stranger /to the fatherless
, and to the widow , according to all thy commandments which
thou hast commanded me: I have not transgressed thy commandments
, neither have I forgotten them:

stranger Eze_44_09 /^{stranger /uncircumcised in
heart , nor uncircumcised in flesh , shall enter into my
sanctuary , of any stranger that is among the children of Israel

stranger Psa_69_08 /^{stranger /unto my brethren ,
and an alien unto my mother's children .

stranger Lev_25_47 /^{stranger /wax rich by thee ,
and thy brother that dwelleth by him wax poor , and sell
himself unto the stranger or sojourner by thee, or to the stock
of the stranger's family :

stranger Gen_17_27 /^{stranger /were circumcised
with him.

stranger Pro_07_05 /^{stranger /which flattereth
with her words .

stranger Pro_02_16 /^{stranger /which flattereth
with her words ;

stranger Gen_28_04 /^{stranger /which God gave
unto Abraham .

stranger Num_16_40 /^{stranger /which is not of
the seed of Aaron , come near to offer incense before the LORD ;
that he be not as Korah , and as his company : as the LORD said
to him by the hand of Moses .

stranger 2Ch_06_32 /^{stranger /which is not of
thy people Israel , but is come from a far country for thy great
name's sake, and thy mighty hand , and thy stretched out arm ;
if they come and pray in this house ;

stranger Gen_17_12 /^{stranger /which is not of
thy seed .

stranger Joh_10_05 /${stranger /will they not
follow , but will flee from him : for they know not the voice of
strangers .

stranger Psa_39_12 /^{stranger /with thee, and a
sojourner , as all my fathers were.

stranger 1Ki_03_18 /^{stranger /with us in the
house , save we two in the house .

stranger Eze_22_29 /^{stranger /wrongfully .

stranger's Lev_25_47 /^{stranger's /family :

stranger's Lev_22_25 /^{stranger's /hand shall ye
offer the bread of your God of any of these; because their
corruption is in them, and blemishes be in them: they shall not
be accepted for you.

strangers Jer_02_25 /^{strangers /and after them
will I go .

strangers Neh_13_30 /^{strangers /and appointed
the wards of the priests and the Levites , every one in his
business ;

strangers Eph_02_19 /${strangers /and foreigners ,
but fellowcitizens with the saints , and of the household of God

strangers 1Pe_02_11 /${strangers /and pilgrims ,
abstain from fleshly lusts , which war against the soul ;

strangers Heb_11_13 /${strangers /and pilgrims on
the earth .

strangers Lev_25_23 /^{strangers /and sojourners
with me.

strangers Neh_09_02 /^{strangers /and stood and
confessed their sins , and the iniquities of their fathers .

strangers Eze_11_09 /^{strangers /and will execute
judgments among you.

strangers Jer_51_51 /^{strangers /are come into
the sanctuaries of the LORD'S house .

strangers Psa_54_03 /^{strangers /are risen up
against me, and oppressors seek after my soul : they have not
set God before them. Selah .

strangers Isa_25_05 /^{strangers /as the heat in a
dry place ; even the heat with the shadow of a cloud : the
branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low .

strangers Pro_05_10 /^{strangers /be filled with
thy wealth ; and thy labours be in the house of a stranger ;

strangers 1Ch_29_15 /^{strangers /before thee, and
sojourners , as were all our fathers : our days on the earth are
as a shadow , and there is none abiding .

strangers Oba_01_11 /^{strangers /carried away
captive his forces , and foreigners entered into his gates , and
cast lots upon Jerusalem , even thou wast as one of them.

strangers Gen_36_07 /^{strangers /could not bear
them because of their cattle .

strangers Isa_01_07 /^{strangers /devour it in
your presence, and it is desolate , as overthrown by strangers .

strangers Isa_05_17 /^{strangers /eat .

strangers Eze_07_21 /^{strangers /for a prey , and
to the wicked of the earth for a spoil ; and they shall pollute

strangers Gen_31_15 /^{strangers /for he hath sold
us, and hath quite devoured also our money .

strangers Eze_28_10 /^{strangers /for I have
spoken it, saith the Lord GOD .

strangers Heb_13_02 /${strangers /for thereby some
have entertained angels unawares .

strangers Eph_02_12 /${strangers /from the
covenants of promise , having no hope , and without God in the
world :

Strangers Hos_07_09 /^{Strangers /have devoured
his strength , and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here
and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.

strangers Psa_146_09 /^{strangers /he relieveth
the fatherless and widow : but the way of the wicked he turneth
upside down .

strangers Eze_30_12 /^{strangers /I the LORD have
spoken it.

strangers 1Ti_05_10 /${strangers /if she have
washed the saints feet , if she have relieved the afflicted ,
if she have diligently followed every good work .

strangers Mat_27_07 /${strangers /in .

strangers Jer_05_19 /^{strangers /in a land that
is not yours.

strangers Lev_22_18 /^{strangers /in Israel , that
will offer his oblation for all his vows , and for all his
freewill offerings , which they will offer unto the LORD for a
burnt offering ;

strangers Psa_105_12 /^{strangers /in it.

strangers 1Ch_16_19 /^{strangers /in it.

strangers Act_13_17 /${strangers /in the land of
Egypt , and with an high arm brought he them out of it .

strangers Deu_10_19 /^{strangers /in the land of
Egypt .

strangers Exo_22_21 /^{strangers /in the land of
Egypt .

strangers Exo_23_09 /^{strangers /in the land of
Egypt .

strangers Lev_19_34 /^{strangers /in the land of
Egypt : I am the LORD your God .

strangers Eze_16_32 /^{strangers /instead of her
husband !

strangers Mat_17_26 /${strangers /Jesus saith unto
him , Then are the children free .

strangers Act_02_10 /${strangers /of Rome , Jews
and proselytes ,

strangers Deu_31_16 /^{strangers /of the land ,
whither they go to be among them, and will forsake me, and break
my covenant which I have made with them.

strangers Lam_05_02 /^{strangers /our houses to
aliens .

strangers Joe_03_17 /^{strangers /pass through her
any more.

strangers 1Pe_01_01 /${strangers /scattered
throughout Pontus , Galatia , Cappadocia , Asia , and Bithynia ,

strangers Isa_14_01 /^{strangers /shall be joined
with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob .

strangers Isa_29_05 /^{strangers /shall be like
small dust , and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as
chaff that passeth away : yea, it shall be at an instant
suddenly .

strangers Isa_60_10 /^{strangers /shall build up
thy walls , and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my
wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.

strangers Psa_18_45 /^{strangers /shall fade away ,
and be afraid out of their close places .

Strangers 2Sa_22_46 /^{Strangers /shall fade away ,
and they shall be afraid out of their close places .

strangers Jer_30_08 /^{strangers /shall no more
serve themselves of him:

strangers Isa_61_05 /^{strangers /shall stand and
feed your flocks , and the sons of the alien shall be your
plowmen and your vinedressers .

strangers Psa_18_44 /^{strangers /shall submit
themselves unto me.

Strangers 2Sa_22_45 /^{Strangers /shall submit
themselves unto me: as soon as they hear , they shall be
obedient unto me.

strangers Hos_08_07 /^{strangers /shall swallow it
up .

strangers Psa_109_11 /^{strangers /spoil his
labour .

strangers Deu_24_14 /^{strangers /that are in thy
land within thy gates :

strangers 2Ch_30_25 /^{strangers /that came out of
the land of Israel , and that dwelt in Judah , rejoiced .

strangers Lev_25_45 /^{strangers /that do sojourn
among you, of them shall ye buy , and of their families that are
with you, which they begat in your land : and they shall be your
possession .

strangers Lev_17_10 /^{strangers /that sojourn
among you, that eateth any manner of blood ; I will even set my
face against that soul that eateth blood , and will cut him off
from among his people .

strangers Lev_17_13 /^{strangers /that sojourn
among you, which hunteth and catcheth any beast or fowl that may
be eaten ; he shall even pour out the blood thereof, and cover
it with dust .

strangers Eze_47_22 /^{strangers /that sojourn
among you, which shall beget children among you: and they shall
be unto you as born in the country among the children of Israel ;
they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel

strangers Lev_20_02 /^{strangers /that sojourn in
Israel , that giveth any of his seed unto Molech ; he shall
surely be put to death : the people of the land shall stone him
with stones .

strangers Jos_08_35 /^{strangers /that were
conversant among them.

strangers 2Ch_02_17 /^{strangers /that were in the
land of Israel , after the numbering wherewith David his father
had numbered them; and they were found an hundred and fifty
thousand and three thousand and six hundred .

strangers 1Ch_22_02 /^{strangers /that were in the
land of Israel ; and he set masons to hew wrought stones to
build the house of God .

strangers Eze_31_12 /^{strangers /the terrible of
the nations , have cut him off , and have left him: upon the
mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen , and
his boughs are broken by all the rivers of the land ; and all
the people of the earth are gone down from his shadow , and have
left him.

strangers Isa_25_02 /^{strangers /to be no city ;
it shall never be built .

strangers Eze_44_07 /^{strangers /uncircumcised in
heart , and uncircumcised in flesh , to be in my sanctuary , to
pollute it, even my house , when ye offer my bread , the fat and
the blood , and they have broken my covenant because of all your
abominations .

strangers Jer_03_13 /^{strangers /under every
green tree , and ye have not obeyed my voice , saith the LORD .

strangers Eze_28_07 /^{strangers /upon thee, the
terrible of the nations : and they shall draw their swords
against the beauty of thy wisdom , and they shall defile thy
brightness .

strangers Lev_17_08 /^{strangers /which sojourn
among you, that offereth a burnt offering or sacrifice ,

strangers Pro_05_17 /^{strangers /with thee.

strangers 2Ch_15_09 /^{strangers /with them out of
Ephraim and Manasseh , and out of Simeon : for they fell to him
out of Israel in abundance , when they saw that the LORD his God
was with him.

strangled Act_15_20 /${strangled /and from blood .

strangled Act_21_25 /${strangled /and from
fornication .

strangled Act_15_29 /${strangled /and from
fornication : from which if ye keep yourselves , ye shall do
well . Fare ye well .

strangled Nah_02_12 /^{strangled /for his
lionesses , and filled his holes with prey , and his dens with
ravin .

strangling Job_07_15 /^{strangling /and death
rather than my life .
