Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
freely ^ 46_1CO_02_12 Now <1161> we <2249> have received <2983> (5627), not <3756> the spirit <4151> of the world <2889>, but <0235> the spirit <4151> which <3588> is of <1537> God <2316>; that <2443> we might know <1492> (5762) the things that are {freely} given <5483> (5685) to us <2254> of <5259> God <2316>.

freely ^ 47_2CO_11_07 <2228> Have I committed <4160> (5656) an offence <0266> in abasing <5013> (5723) myself <1683> that <2443> ye <5210> might be exalted <5312> (5686), because <3754> I have preached <2097> (5668) to you <5213> the gospel <2098> of God <2316> {freely} <1432>?

freely ^ 44_ACT_26_26 For <1063> the king <0935> knoweth <1987> (5736) of <4012> these <5130> things, before <4314> whom <3739> also <2532> I speak <2980> (5719) {freely} <3955> (5740): for <1063> I am persuaded <3982> (5743) that <3756> none <5100> <3762> of these things <5130> are hidden <2990> (5721) from him <0846>; for <1063> this thing <5124> was <2076> (5748) not <3756> done <4238> (5772) in <1722> a corner <1137>.

freely ^ 44_ACT_02_29 Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, let <2036> <0> me <1832> (5752) {freely} <3326> <3954> speak <2036> (5629) unto <4314> you <5209> of <4012> the patriarch <3966> David <1138>, that <3754> he is <5053> <0> both <2532> dead <5053> (5656) and <2532> buried <2290> (5648), and <2532> his <0846> sepulchre <3418> is <2076> (5748) with <1722> us <2254> unto <0891> this <5026> day <2250>.

freely ^ 40_MAT_10_08 Heal <2323> (5720) the sick <0770> (5723), cleanse <2511> (5720) the lepers <3015>, raise <1453> (5720) the dead <3498>, cast out <1544> (5720) devils <1140>: freely <1432> ye have received <2983> (5627), {freely} <1432> give <1325> (5628).

freely ^ 40_MAT_10_08 Heal <2323> (5720) the sick <0770> (5723), cleanse <2511> (5720) the lepers <3015>, raise <1453> (5720) the dead <3498>, cast out <1544> (5720) devils <1140>: {freely} <1432> ye have received <2983> (5627), freely <1432> give <1325> (5628).

freely ^ 45_ROM_08_32 He that <3739> <1065> spared <5339> (5662) not <3756> his own <2398> Son <5207>, but <0235> delivered <3860> <0> him <0846> up <3860> (5656) for <5228> us <2257> all <3956>, how <4459> shall he <5483> <0> not <3780> with <4862> him <0846> also <2532> {freely} give <5483> (5695) us <2254> all things <3956>?

freely ^ 45_ROM_03_24 Being justified <1344> (5746) {freely} <1432> by his <0846> grace <5485> through <1223> the redemption <0629> that is in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>:

freely ^ 66_REV_22_17 And <2532> the Spirit <4151> and <2532> the bride <3565> say <3004> (5719), Come <2064> (5628). And <2532> let him that heareth <0191> (5723) say <2036> (5628), Come <2064> (5628). And <2532> let him that is athirst <1372> (5723) come <2064> (5628). And <2532> whosoever will <2309> (5723), let him take <2983> (5720) the water <5204> of life <2222> {freely} <1432>.

freely ^ 66_REV_21_06 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto me <3427>, It is done <1096> (5754). I <1473> am <1510> (5748) Alpha <1> and <2532> Omega <5598>, the beginning <0746> and <2532> the end <5056>. I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) unto him that is athirst <1372> (5723) of <1537> the fountain <4077> of the water <5204> of life <2222> {freely} <1432>.