reel Interlinear Index Study

reel PSA 107 027 They {reel} <02287 +chagag > to and fro , and
stagger <05128 +nuwa< > like a drunken <07910 +shikkowr > man ,
and are at their wits <02451 +chokmah > end <01104 +bala< > .

reel ISA 024 020 The earth <00776 +>erets > shall {reel} <05128
+nuwa< > to and fro like a drunkard <07910 +shikkowr > , and
shall be removed <05110 +nuwd > like a cottage <04412 +m@luwnah
> ; and the transgression <06588 +pesha< > thereof shall be
heavy <03513 +kabad > upon it ; and it shall fall <05307 +naphal
> , and not rise <06965 +quwm > again <03254 +yacaph > .
