English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number.

English Synonyms with Greek Strong's Number
remain - 3062 other, others, {remain}, remnant, residue, rest,

remain - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, {remain}, remained, remaineth, remaining, tarried, tarry,

remain - 4035 {remain},

remain - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, abundance, abundant, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, redound, {remain}, remained,

remained - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, remain, {remained}, remaineth, remaining, tarried, tarry,

remained - 4052 abound, abounded, aboundeth, abounding, abundance, abundant, better, exceed, excel, increase, increased, left, make, over, redound, remain, {remained},

remainest - 1265 continue, {remainest},

remaineth - 0620 left, {remaineth},

remaineth - 3063 besides, finally, furthermore, henceforth, moreover, now, {remaineth}, then,

remaineth - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, remain, remained, {remaineth}, remaining, tarried, tarry,

remaining - 3306 abide, abideth, abiding, abode, continue, continued, continueth, continuing, dwell, dwellest, dwelleth, dwelt, endureth, enduring, present, remain, remained, remaineth, {remaining}, tarried, tarry,