restore Act_01_06 /${restore /again the kingdom
to Israel ?

Restore 2Ki_08_06 /^{Restore /all that was hers,
and all the fruits of the field since the day that she left the
land , even until now.

restore Mat_17_11 /${restore /all things .

restore Job_20_18 /^{restore /and shall not
swallow it down : according to his substance shall the
restitution be, and he shall not rejoice therein.

restore 1Ki_20_34 /^{restore /and thou shalt
make streets for thee in Damascus , as my father made in Samaria
. Then said Ahab, I will send thee away with this covenant . So
he made a covenant with him, and sent him away .

restore Dan_09_25 /^{restore /and to build
Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks , and
threescore and two weeks : the street shall be built again , and
the wall , even in troublous times .

restore Isa_57_18 /^{restore /comforts unto him
and to his mourners .

restore Exo_22_04 /^{restore /double .

restore Gen_42_25 /^{restore /every man's money
into his sack , and to give them provision for the way : and
thus did he unto them.

restore Exo_22_01 /^{restore /five oxen for an
ox , and four sheep for a sheep .

restore Jer_30_17 /^{restore /health unto thee,
and I will heal thee of thy wounds , saith the LORD ; because
they called thee an Outcast , saying, This is Zion , whom no man
seeketh after .

restore Gen_20_07 /^{restore /her not, know thou
that thou shalt surely die , thou, and all that are thine.

restore Luk_19_08 /${restore /him fourfold .

restore Num_35_25 /^{restore /him to the city of
his refuge , whither he was fled : and he shall abide in it unto
the death of the high priest , which was anointed with the holy
oil .

Restore Neh_05_11 /^{Restore /I pray you, to
them, even this day , their lands , their vineyards , their
oliveyards , and their houses , also the hundredth part of the
money , and of the corn , the wine , and the oil , that ye exact
of them.

restore Lev_06_05 /^{restore /it in the
principal , and shall add the fifth part more thereto, and give
it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trespass
offering .

restore Deu_22_02 /^{restore /it to him again .

restore Lev_25_28 /^{restore /it to him, then
that which is sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath
bought it until the year of jubile : and in the jubile it shall
go out , and he shall return unto his possession .

restore Jud_17_03 /^{restore /it unto thee.

restore 1Sa_12_03 /^{restore /it you.

restore Lev_24_21 /^{restore /it: and he that
killeth a man , he shall be put to death .

restore 2Sa_16_03 /^{restore /me the kingdom of
my father .

restore Pro_06_31 /^{restore /sevenfold ; he
shall give all the substance of his house .

restore Gal_06_01 /${restore /such an one in the
spirit of meekness ; considering thyself , lest thou also be
tempted .

restore Lev_06_04 /^{restore /that which he took
violently away , or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten ,
or that which was delivered him to keep , or the lost thing
which he found ,

restore 2Sa_12_06 /^{restore /the lamb fourfold ,
because he did this thing , and because he had no pity .

restore Gen_20_07 /^{restore /the man his wife ;
for he is a prophet , and he shall pray for thee , and thou
shalt live : and if thou restore her not, know thou that thou
shalt surely die , thou, and all that are thine.

restore Lev_25_27 /^{restore /the overplus unto
the man to whom he sold it; that he may return unto his
possession .

restore Eze_33_15 /^{restore /the pledge , give
again that he had robbed , walk in the statutes of life ,
without committing iniquity ; he shall surely live , he shall
not die .

restore Isa_49_06 /^{restore /the preserved of
Israel : I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles ,
that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth .

restore 2Sa_09_07 /^{restore /thee all the land
of Saul thy father ; and thou shalt eat bread at my table
continually .

restore Gen_40_13 /^{restore /thee unto thy
place : and thou shalt deliver Pharaoh's cup into his hand ,
after the former manner when thou wast his butler .

restore Job_20_10 /^{restore /their goods .

restore Jer_27_22 /^{restore /them to this place

restore Neh_05_12 /^{restore /them, and will
require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest . Then I
called the priests , and took an oath of them, that they should
do according to this promise .

restore Jud_11_13 /^{restore /those lands again
peaceably .

restore Isa_01_26 /^{restore /thy judges as at
the first , and thy counsellors as at the beginning : afterward
thou shalt be called , The city of righteousness , the faithful
city .

restore Joe_02_25 /^{restore /to you the years
that the locust hath eaten , the cankerworm , and the
caterpiller , and the palmerworm , my great army which I sent
among you.

Restore Psa_51_12 /^{Restore /unto me the joy of
thy salvation ; and uphold me with thy free spirit .

restored 2Ki_08_05 /^{restored /a dead body to
life , that, behold, the woman , whose son he had restored to
life , cried to the king for her house and for her land . And
Gehazi said , My lord , O king , this is the woman , and this is
her son , whom Elisha restored to life .

restored Ezr_06_05 /^{restored /and brought again
unto the temple which is at Jerusalem , every one to his place ,
and place them in the house of God .

restored Mar_08_25 /${restored /and saw every man
clearly .

restored Gen_42_28 /^{restored /and, lo , it is
even in my sack : and their heart failed them, and they were
afraid , saying one to another , What is this that God hath done
unto us?

restored 1Ki_13_06 /^{restored /him again , and
became as it was before .

restored Gen_20_14 /^{restored /him Sarah his
wife .

restored 2Ch_26_02 /^{restored /it to Judah ,
after that the king slept with his fathers .

restored 2Ki_14_22 /^{restored /it to Judah ,
after that the king slept with his fathers .

restored 1Ki_13_06 /^{restored /me again . And
the man of God besought the LORD , and the king's hand was
restored him again , and became as it was before .

restored Psa_69_04 /^{restored /that which I took
not away .

restored Gen_40_21 /^{restored /the chief butler
unto his butlership again ; and he gave the cup into Pharaoh's
hand :

restored 2Ki_14_25 /^{restored /the coast of
Israel from the entering of Hamath unto the sea of the plain ,
according to the word of the LORD God of Israel , which he spake
by the hand of his servant Jonah , the son of Amittai , the
prophet , which was of Gathhepher .

restored Jud_17_03 /^{restored /the eleven
hundred shekels of silver to his mother , his mother said , I
had wholly dedicated the silver unto the LORD from my hand for
my son , to make a graven image and a molten image : now
therefore I will restore it unto thee.

restored Jud_17_04 /^{restored /the money unto
his mother ; and his mother took two hundred shekels of silver ,
and gave them to the founder , who made thereof a graven image
and a molten image : and they were in the house of Micah .

restored Eze_18_12 /^{restored /the pledge , and
hath lifted up his eyes to the idols , hath committed
abomination ,

restored 1Sa_07_14 /^{restored /to Israel , from
Ekron even unto Gath ; and the coasts thereof did Israel deliver
out of the hands of the Philistines . And there was peace
between Israel and the Amorites .

restored 2Ki_08_05 /^{restored /to life , cried to
the king for her house and for her land . And Gehazi said , My
lord , O king , this is the woman , and this is her son , whom
Elisha restored to life .

restored 2Ki_08_01 /^{restored /to life , saying ,
Arise , and go thou and thine household , and sojourn
wheresoever thou canst sojourn : for the LORD hath called for a
famine ; and it shall also come upon the land seven years .

restored 2Ki_08_05 /^{restored /to life .

restored 2Ch_08_02 /^{restored /to Solomon ,
Solomon built them, and caused the children of Israel to dwell

restored Eze_18_07 /^{restored /to the debtor his
pledge , hath spoiled none by violence , hath given his bread to
the hungry , and hath covered the naked with a garment ;

restored Deu_28_31 /^{restored /to thee: thy
sheep shall be given unto thine enemies , and thou shalt have
none to rescue them.

restored Heb_13_19 /${restored /to you the sooner

restored Gen_41_13 /^{restored /unto mine office ,
and him he hanged .

restored Mat_12_13 /${restored /whole , like as
the other .

restored Mar_03_05 /${restored /whole as the
other .

restored Luk_06_10 /${restored /whole as the
other .

restorer Isa_58_12 /^{restorer /of paths to dwell
in .

restorer Rut_04_15 /^{restorer /of thy life , and
a nourisher of thine old age : for thy daughter in law , which
loveth thee, which is better to thee than seven sons , hath born

restoreth Mar_09_12 /${restoreth /all things ; and
how it is written of the Son of man , that he must suffer many
things , and be set at nought .

restoreth Psa_23_03 /^{restoreth /my soul : he
leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
