Reuben Num_34_14 /^{Reuben /according to the
house of their fathers , and the tribe of the children of Gad
according to the house of their fathers , have received their
inheritance; and half the tribe of Manasseh have received their
inheritance :

Reuben Num_02_10 /^{Reuben /according to their
armies : and the captain of the children of Reuben shall be
Elizur the son of Shedeur .

Reuben Jos_13_23 /^{Reuben /after their
families , the cities and the villages thereof.

Reuben Jos_22_25 /^{Reuben /and children of Gad
; ye have no part in the LORD : so shall your children make our
children cease from fearing the LORD .

Reuben Jos_22_32 /^{Reuben /and from the
children of Gad , out of the land of Gilead , unto the land of
Canaan , to the children of Israel , and brought them word again

Reuben Jos_22_33 /^{Reuben /and Gad dwelt .

Reuben Jos_18_07 /^{Reuben /and half the tribe
of Manasseh , have received their inheritance beyond Jordan on
the east , which Moses the servant of the LORD gave them.

Reuben Jos_21_07 /^{Reuben /and out of the
tribe of Gad , and out of the tribe of Zebulun , twelve cities .

Reuben 1Ch_06_63 /^{Reuben /and out of the
tribe of Gad , and out of the tribe of Zebulun , twelve cities .

Reuben Jos_20_08 /^{Reuben /and Ramoth in
Gilead out of the tribe of Gad , and Golan in Bashan out of the
tribe of Manasseh .

Reuben Gen_48_05 /^{Reuben /and Simeon , they
shall be mine.

Reuben Jos_04_12 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad , and half the tribe of Manasseh , passed over armed before
the children of Israel , as Moses spake unto them:

Reuben Jos_22_30 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad and the children of Manasseh spake , it pleased them.

Reuben Jos_22_21 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh answered , and said unto the
heads of the thousands of Israel ,

Reuben Jos_22_10 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built there an altar by
Jordan , a great altar to see to .

Reuben Jos_22_11 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh have built an altar over
against the land of Canaan , in the borders of Jordan , at the
passage of the children of Israel .

Reuben Jos_22_09 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh returned , and departed from
the children of Israel out of Shiloh , which is in the land of
Canaan , to go unto the country of Gilead , to the land of their
possession , whereof they were possessed , according to the word
of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

Reuben Jos_22_34 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad called the altar Ed: for it shall be a witness between us
that the LORD is God .

Reuben Num_32_01 /^{Reuben /and the children of
Gad had a very great multitude of cattle : and when they saw the
land of Jazer , and the land of Gilead , that, behold, the place
was a place for cattle ;

Reuben 1Ch_05_18 /^{Reuben /and the Gadites ,
and half the tribe of Manasseh , of valiant men , men able to
bear buckler and sword , and to shoot with bow , and skilful in
war , were four and forty thousand seven hundred and threescore ,
that went out to the war .

Reuben Jos_22_31 /^{Reuben /and to the children
of Gad , and to the children of Manasseh , This day we perceive
that the LORD is among us, because ye have not committed this
trespass against the LORD : now ye have delivered the children
of Israel out of the hand of the LORD .

Reuben Jos_22_13 /^{Reuben /and to the children
of Gad , and to the half tribe of Manasseh , into the land of
Gilead , Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest ,

Reuben Jos_22_15 /^{Reuben /and to the children
of Gad , and to the half tribe of Manasseh , unto the land of
Gilead , and they spake with them, saying ,

Reuben Num_32_33 /^{Reuben /and unto half the
tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph , the kingdom of Sihon king
of the Amorites , and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan , the
land , with the cities thereof in the coasts , even the cities
of the country round about .

Reuben Num_32_31 /^{Reuben /answered , saying ,
As the LORD hath said unto thy servants , so will we do .

Reuben Gen_42_22 /^{Reuben /answered them,
saying , Spake I not unto you, saying , Do not sin against the
child ; and ye would not hear ? therefore, behold, also his
blood is required .

Reuben 1Ch_06_78 /^{Reuben /Bezer in the
wilderness with her suburbs , and Jahzah with her suburbs ,

Reuben Jos_21_36 /^{Reuben /Bezer with her
suburbs, and Jahazah with her suburbs,

Reuben Num_32_37 /^{Reuben /built Heshbon , and
Elealeh , and Kirjathaim ,

Reuben Num_32_02 /^{Reuben /came and spake unto
Moses , and to Eleazar the priest , and unto the princes of the
congregation , saying ,

Reuben Num_07_30 /^{Reuben /did offer:

Reuben Num_01_05 /^{Reuben /Elizur the son of
Shedeur .

Reuben Gen_29_32 /^{Reuben /for she said ,
Surely the LORD hath looked upon my affliction ; now therefore
my husband will love me.

Reuben Eze_48_07 /^{Reuben /from the east side
unto the west side , a portion for Judah .

Reuben Deu_27_13 /^{Reuben /Gad , and Asher ,
and Zebulun , Dan , and Naphtali .

Reuben Gen_46_09 /^{Reuben /Hanoch , and Phallu
, and Hezron , and Carmi .

Reuben Num_26_05 /^{Reuben /Hanoch , of whom
cometh the family of the Hanochites : of Pallu , the family of
the Palluites :

Reuben Gen_37_21 /^{Reuben /heard it, and he
delivered him out of their hands ; and said , Let us not kill

Reuben Deu_11_06 /^{Reuben /how the earth
opened her mouth , and swallowed them up , and their households ,
and their tents , and all the substance that was in their
possession , in the midst of all Israel :

Reuben Jos_13_15 /^{Reuben /inheritance
according to their families .

Reuben Num_01_20 /^{Reuben /Israel's eldest son
, by their generations , after their families , by the house of
their fathers , according to the number of the names , by their
polls , every male from twenty years old and upward , all that
were able to go forth to war ;

Reuben Gen_35_23 /^{Reuben /Jacob's firstborn ,
and Simeon , and Levi , and Judah , and Issachar , and Zebulun :

Reuben Gen_46_08 /^{Reuben /Jacob's firstborn .

Reuben Deu_33_06 /^{Reuben /live , and not die ;
and let not his men be few .

Reuben Eze_48_31 /^{Reuben /one gate of Judah ,
one gate of Levi .

Reuben Gen_37_29 /^{Reuben /returned unto the
pit ; and, behold, Joseph was not in the pit ; and he rent his
clothes .

Reuben Gen_37_22 /^{Reuben /said unto them,
Shed no blood , but cast him into this pit that is in the
wilderness , and lay no hand upon him; that he might rid him out
of their hands , to deliver him to his father again .

Reuben Num_10_18 /^{Reuben /set forward
according to their armies : and over his host was Elizur the son
of Shedeur .

Reuben Num_02_10 /^{Reuben /shall be Elizur the
son of Shedeur .

Reuben Num_32_06 /^{Reuben /Shall your brethren
go to war , and shall ye sit here?

Reuben Num_13_04 /^{Reuben /Shammua the son of
Zaccur .

Reuben Exo_01_02 /^{Reuben /Simeon , Levi , and
Judah ,

Reuben 1Ch_02_01 /^{Reuben /Simeon , Levi , and
Judah , Issachar , and Zebulun ,

Reuben Gen_42_37 /^{Reuben /spake unto his
father , saying , Slay my two sons , if I bring him not to thee:
deliver him into my hand , and I will bring him to thee again .

Reuben Num_32_25 /^{Reuben /spake unto Moses ,
saying , Thy servants will do as my lord commandeth .

Reuben Num_26_05 /^{Reuben /the eldest son of
Israel : the children of Reuben ; Hanoch , of whom cometh the
family of the Hanochites : of Pallu , the family of the
Palluites :

Reuben 1Ch_05_01 /^{Reuben /the firstborn of
Israel , his father's bed , his birthright was given unto the
sons of Joseph the son of Israel : and the genealogy is not to
be reckoned after the birthright .

Reuben Exo_06_14 /^{Reuben /the firstborn of
Israel ; Hanoch , and Pallu , Hezron , and Carmi : these be the
families of Reuben .

Reuben 1Ch_05_03 /^{Reuben /the firstborn of
Israel were, Hanoch , and Pallu , Hezron , and Carmi .

Reuben Jud_05_16 /^{Reuben /there were great
searchings of heart .

Reuben Jud_05_15 /^{Reuben /there were great
thoughts of heart .

Reuben Gen_49_03 /^{Reuben /thou art my
firstborn , my might , and the beginning of my strength , the
excellency of dignity , and the excellency of power :

Reuben Num_16_01 /^{Reuben /took men:

Reuben Jos_13_23 /^{Reuben /was Jordan , and
the border thereof. This was the inheritance of the children of
Reuben after their families , the cities and the villages

Reuben Gen_35_22 /^{Reuben /went and lay with
Bilhah his father's concubine : and Israel heard it. Now the
sons of Jacob were twelve :

Reuben Gen_30_14 /^{Reuben /went in the days of
wheat harvest , and found mandrakes in the field , and brought
them unto his mother Leah . Then Rachel said to Leah , Give me ,
I pray thee, of thy son's mandrakes .

Reuben Num_02_16 /^{Reuben /were an hundred
thousand and fifty and one thousand and four hundred and fifty ,
throughout their armies . And they shall set forth in the second
rank .

Reuben Num_01_21 /^{Reuben /were forty and six
thousand and five hundred .

Reuben Rev_07_05 /${Reuben /were sealed twelve
thousand . Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelve thousand .

Reuben Num_32_29 /^{Reuben /will pass with you
over Jordan , every man armed to battle , before the LORD , and
the land shall be subdued before you; then ye shall give them
the land of Gilead for a possession :

Reubenite 1Ch_11_42 /^{Reubenite /a captain of the
Reubenites , and thirty with him,

Reubenites Deu_04_43 /^{Reubenites /and Ramoth in
Gilead , of the Gadites ; and Golan in Bashan , of the
Manassites .

Reubenites 1Ch_12_37 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and of the half tribe of Manasseh , with all manner of
instruments of war for the battle , an hundred and twenty
thousand .

Reubenites Jos_22_01 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and the half tribe of Manasseh ,

Reubenites 1Ch_05_26 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and the half tribe of Manasseh , and brought them unto Halah ,
and Habor , and Hara , and to the river Gozan , unto this day .

Reubenites Jos_12_06 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
, and the half tribe of Manasseh .

Reubenites Jos_13_08 /^{Reubenites /and the Gadites
have received their inheritance , which Moses gave them, beyond
Jordan eastward , even as Moses the servant of the LORD gave

Reubenites 2Ki_10_33 /^{Reubenites /and the
Manassites , from Aroer , which is by the river Arnon , even
Gilead and Bashan .

Reubenites Num_26_07 /^{Reubenites /and they that
were numbered of them were forty and three thousand and seven
hundred and thirty .

Reubenites 1Ch_11_42 /^{Reubenites /and thirty with

Reubenites Jos_01_12 /^{Reubenites /and to the
Gadites , and to half the tribe of Manasseh , spake Joshua ,
saying ,

Reubenites Deu_29_08 /^{Reubenites /and to the
Gadites , and to the half tribe of Manasseh .

Reubenites Deu_03_12 /^{Reubenites /and to the
Gadites .

Reubenites Deu_03_16 /^{Reubenites /and unto the
Gadites I gave from Gilead even unto the river Arnon half the
valley , and the border even unto the river Jabbok , which is
the border of the children of Ammon ;

Reubenites 1Ch_26_32 /^{Reubenites /the Gadites ,
and the half tribe of Manasseh , for every matter pertaining to
God , and affairs of the king .

Reubenites 1Ch_27_16 /^{Reubenites /was Eliezer the
son of Zichri : of the Simeonites , Shephatiah the son of
Maachah :
