Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
contribution ^ 45_ROM_15_26 For <1063> it hath pleased them <2106> (5656) of Macedonia <3109> and <2532> Achaia <0882> to make <4160> (5670) a certain <5100> {contribution} <2842> for <1519> the poor <4434> saints <0040> which <3588> are at <1722> Jerusalem <2419>.

describeth ^ 45_ROM_04_06 Even as <2509> David <1138> also <2532> {describeth} <3004> (5719) the blessedness <3108> of the man <0444>, unto whom <3739> God <2316> imputeth <3049> (5736) righteousness <1343> without <5565> works <2041>,

describeth ^ 45_ROM_10_05 For <1063> Moses <3475> {describeth} <1125> (5719) the righteousness <1343> which <3588> is of <1537> the law <3551>, That <3754> the man <0444> which doeth <4160> (5660) those things <0846> shall live <2198> (5695) by <1722> them <0846>.

distribute ^ 54_1TI_06_18 That they do good <0014> (5721), that they be rich <4147> (5721) in <1722> good <2570> works <2041>, ready to {distribute} <1511> (5750) <2130>, willing to communicate <2843>;

distribute ^ 42_LUK_18_22 Now <1161> when Jesus <2424> heard <0191> (5660) these things <5023>, he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Yet <2089> lackest <3007> (5719) thou <4671> one <1520> thing: sell <4453> (5657) all <3956> that <3745> thou hast <2192> (5719), and <2532> {distribute} <1239> (5628) unto the poor <4434>, and <2532> thou shalt have <2192> (5692) treasure <2344> in <1722> heaven <3772>: and <2532> come <1204> (5773), follow <0190> (5720) me <3427>.

distributed ^ 46_1CO_07_17 But <1508> as <5613> God <2316> hath {distributed} <3307> (5656) to every man <1538>, as <5613> the Lord <2962> hath called <2564> (5758) every one <1538>, so <3779> let him walk <4043> (5720). And <2532> so <3779> ordain I <1299> (5731) in <1722> all <3956> churches <1577>.

distributed ^ 43_JOH_06_11 And <1161> Jesus <2424> took <2983> (5627) the loaves <0740>; and <2532> when he had given thanks <2168> (5660), he {distributed} <1239> (5656) to the disciples <3101>, and <1161> the disciples <3101> to them that were set down <0345> (5740); and <2532> likewise <3668> of <1537> the fishes <3795> as much as <3745> they would <2309> (5707).

distributed ^ 47_2CO_10_13 But <1161> we <2249> will <2744> <0> not <3780> boast <2744> (5695) of things without <1519> our measure <0280>, but <0235> according <2596> to the measure <3358> of the rule <2583> which <3739> God <2316> hath {distributed} <3307> (5656) to us <2254>, a measure <3358> to reach <2185> (5635) even <2532> unto <0891> you <5216>.

Distributing ^ 45_ROM_12_13 {Distributing} <2841> (5723) to the necessity <5532> of saints <0040>; given <1377> (5723) to hospitality <5381>.

distribution ^ 44_ACT_04_35 And <2532> laid them down <5087> (5707) at <3844> the apostles <0652> feet <4228>: and <1161> {distribution} was made <1239> (5712) unto every man <1538> according <2530> as <0302> he had <2192> (5707) need <5100> <5532>.

distribution ^ 47_2CO_09_13 Whiles by <1223> the experiment <1382> of this <5026> ministration <1248> they glorify <1392> (5723) God <2316> for <1909> your <5216> professed <3671> subjection <5292> unto <1519> the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547>, and <2532> for your liberal <0572> {distribution} <2842> unto <1519> them <0846>, and <2532> unto <1519> all <3956> men;

scribe ^ 46_1CO_01_20 Where <4226> is the wise <4680>? where <4226> is the {scribe} <1122>? where <4226> is the disputer <4804> of this <5127> world <0165>? hath <3471> <0> not <3780> God <2316> made foolish <3471> (5656) the wisdom <4678> of this <5127> world <2889>?

scribe ^ 40_MAT_08_19 And <2532> a certain <1520> {scribe} <1122> came <4334> (5631), and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Master <1320>, I will follow <0190> (5692) thee <4671> whithersoever <1437> <3699> thou goest <0565> (5741).

scribe ^ 41_MAR_12_32 And <2532> the {scribe} <1122> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Well <2573>, Master <1320>, thou hast said <2036> (5627) the <1909> truth <0225>: for <3754> there is <2076> (5748) one <1520> God <2316>; and <2532> there is <2076> (5748) none <3756> other <0243> but <4133> he <0846>:

scribe ^ 40_MAT_13_52 Then <1161> said <2036> (5627) he unto them <0846>, Therefore <1223> <5124> every <3956> {scribe} <1122> which is instructed <3100> (5685) unto <1519> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> is <2076> (5748) like <3664> unto a man <0444> that is an householder <3617>, which <3748> bringeth forth <1544> (5719) out of <1537> his <0846> treasure <2344> things new <2537> and <2532> old <3820>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_11_18 And <2532> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> chief priests <0749> heard <0191> (5656) it, and <2532> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might destroy <0622> (5692) him <0846>: for <1063> they feared <5399> (5711) him <0846>, because <3754> all <3956> the people <3793> was astonished <1605> (5712) at <1909> his <0846> doctrine <1322>.

scribes ^ 42_LUK_15_02 And <2532> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> murmured <1234> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), This man <3754> <3778> receiveth <4327> (5736) sinners <0268>, and <2532> eateth <4906> (5719) with them <0846>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_09_14 And <2532> when he came <2064> (5631) to <4314> his disciples <3101>, he saw <1492> (5627) a great <4183> multitude <3793> about <4012> them <0846>, and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> questioning <4802> (5723) with them <0846>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_09_16 And <2532> he asked <1905> (5656) the {scribes} <1122>, What <5101> question ye <4802> (5719) with <4314> them <0846>?

scribes ^ 41_MAR_11_27 And <2532> they come <2064> (5736) again <3825> to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>: and <2532> as he <0846> was walking <4043> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, there come <2064> (5736) to <4314> him <0846> the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> the {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> the elders <4245>,

scribes ^ 42_LUK_19_47 And <2532> he taught <2258> (5713) <1321> (5723) daily <2596> <2250> in <1722> the temple <2411>. But <1161> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the chief <4413> of the people <2992> sought <2212> (5707) to destroy <0622> (5658) him <0846>,

scribes ^ 42_LUK_20_01 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that on <1722> one <3391> of those <1565> days <2250>, as he <0846> taught <1321> (5723) the people <2992> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <2532> preached the gospel <2097> (5734), the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> came upon <2186> (5627) him with <4862> the elders <4245>,

scribes ^ 42_LUK_20_19 And <2532> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> the same <1722> <0846> hour <5610> sought <2212> (5656) to lay <1911> (5629) hands <5495> on <1909> him <0846>; and <2532> they feared <5399> (5675) the people <2992>: for <1063> they perceived <1097> (5627) that <3754> he had spoken <2036> (5627) this <5026> parable <3850> against <4314> them <0846>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_08_31 And <2532> he began <0756> (5662) to teach <1321> (5721) them <0846>, that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> the elders <4245>, and <2532> of the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> rise again <0450> (5629).

scribes ^ 41_MAR_09_11 And <2532> they asked <1905> (5707) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <3754> say <3004> (5719) the {scribes} <1122> that <3754> Elias <2243> must <1163> (5748) first <4412> come <2064> (5629)?

scribes ^ 41_MAR_10_33 Saying, <3754> Behold <2400> (5628), we go up <0305> (5719) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>; and <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall be delivered <3860> (5701) unto the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> unto the {scribes} <1122>; and <2532> they shall condemn <2632> (5692) him <0846> to death <2288>, and <2532> shall deliver <3860> (5692) him <0846> to the Gentiles <1484>:

scribes ^ 40_MAT_27_41 <1161> Likewise <3668> also <2532> the chief priests <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) him, with <3326> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> elders <4245>, said <3004> (5707),

scribes ^ 41_MAR_07_05 Then <1899> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> asked <1905> (5719) him <0846>, Why <1302> walk <4043> (5719) not <3756> thy <4675> disciples <3101> according <2596> to the tradition <3862> of the elders <4245>, but <0235> eat <2068> (5719) bread <0740> with unwashen <0449> hands <5495>?

scribes ^ 41_MAR_12_28 And <2532> one <1520> of the {scribes} <1122> came <4334> (5631), and having heard <0191> (5660) them <0846> reasoning together <4802> (5723), and perceiving <1492> (5761) that <3754> he had answered <0611> (5662) them <0846> well <2573>, asked <1905> (5656) him <0846>, Which <4169> is <2076> (5748) the first <4413> commandment <1785> of all <3956>?

scribes ^ 41_MAR_14_53 And <2532> they led <0520> <0> Jesus <2424> away <0520> (5627) to <4314> the high priest <0749>: and <2532> with him <0846> were assembled <4905> (5736) all <3956> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the elders <4245> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_23 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye pay tithe <0586> (5719) of mint <2238> and <2532> anise <0432> and <2532> cummin <2951>, and <2532> have omitted <0863> (5656) the weightier <0926> matters of the law <3551>, judgment <2920>, <2532> mercy <1656>, and <2532> faith <4102>: these <5023> ought ye <1163> (5713) to have done <4160> (5658), and not <3361> to leave <0863> <0> the other <2548> undone <0863> (5721).

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_25 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye make clean <2511> (5719) the outside <1855> of the cup <4221> and <2532> of the platter <3953>, but <1161> within <2081> they are full <1073> (5719) of <1537> extortion <0724> and <2532> excess <0192>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_29 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! because <3754> ye build <3618> (5719) the tombs <5028> of the prophets <4396>, and <2532> garnish <2885> (5719) the sepulchres <3419> of the righteous <1342>,

scribes ^ 42_LUK_20_39 Then <1161> certain <5100> of the {scribes} <1122> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627), Master <1320>, thou hast well <2573> said <2036> (5627).

scribes ^ 40_MAT_20_18 Behold <2400> (5628), we go up <0305> (5719) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>; and <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall be betrayed <3860> (5701) unto the chief priests <0749> and <2532> unto the {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> they shall condemn <2632> (5692) him <0846> to death <2288>,

scribes ^ 40_MAT_26_57 And <1161> they that had laid hold <2902> (5660) on Jesus <2424> led him away <0520> (5627) to <4314> Caiaphas <2533> the high priest <0749>, where <3699> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the elders <4245> were assembled <4863> (5681).

scribes ^ 42_LUK_20_46 Beware <4337> (5720) of <0575> the {scribes} <1122>, which <3588> desire <2309> (5723) to walk <4043> (5721) in <1722> long robes <4749>, and <2532> love <5368> (5723) greetings <0783> in <1722> the markets <0058>, and <2532> the highest seats <4410> in <1722> the synagogues <4864>, and <2532> the chief rooms <4411> at <1722> feasts <1173>;

scribes ^ 41_MAR_07_01 Then <2532> came together <4863> (5743) unto <4314> him <0846> the Pharisees <5330>, and <2532> certain <5100> of the {scribes} <1122>, which came <2064> (5631) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_14_01 After <1161> two <1417> days <2250> was <2258> (5713) the feast of the passover <3957>, and <2532> of <3326> unleavened bread <0106>: and <2532> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might take <2902> (5660) him <0846> by <1722> craft <1388>, and put him to death <0615> (5725).

scribes ^ 40_MAT_21_15 And <1161> when the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> saw <1492> (5631) the wonderful things <2297> that <3739> he did <4160> (5656), and <2532> the children <3816> crying <2896> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Hosanna <5614> to the Son <5207> of David <1138>; they were sore displeased <0023> (5656),

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_14 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye devour <2719> (5719) widows <5503> houses <3614>, and <2532> for a pretence <4392> make <4336> <0> long <3117> prayer <4336> (5740): therefore <1223> <5124> ye shall receive <2983> (5695) the greater <4055> damnation <2917>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_15 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye compass <4013> (5719) sea <2281> and <2532> land <3584> to make <4160> (5658) one <1520> proselyte <4339>, and <2532> when <3752> he is made <1096> (5638), ye make <4160> (5719) him <0846> twofold more <1362> the child <5207> of hell <1067> than yourselves <5216>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_26_03 Then <5119> assembled together <4863> (5681) the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> the {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> the elders <4245> of the people <2992>, unto <1519> the palace <0833> of the high priest <0749>, who <3588> was called <3004> (5746) Caiaphas <2533>,

scribes ^ 44_ACT_04_05 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633) on <1909> the morrow <0839>, that their <0846> rulers <0758>, and <2532> elders <4245>, and <2532> {scribes} <1122>,

scribes ^ 42_LUK_05_30 But <2532> their <0846> {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> murmured <1111> (5707) against <4314> his <0846> disciples <3101>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <1302> do ye eat <2068> (5719) and <2532> drink <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

scribes ^ 42_LUK_06_07 And <1161> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> watched <3906> (5707) him <0846>, whether <1487> he would heal <2323> (5692) on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>; that <2443> they might find <2147> (5632) an accusation <2724> against him <0846>.

scribes ^ 42_LUK_09_22 Saying <2036> (5631), <3754> The Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> the elders <4245> and <2532> chief priests <0749> and <2532> {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> be slain <0615> (5683), and <2532> be raised <1453> (5683) the third <5154> day <2250>.

scribes ^ 42_LUK_11_44 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye are <2075> (5748) as <5613> graves <3419> which <3588> appear not <0082>, and <2532> the men <0444> that walk <4043> (5723) over <1883> them are <1492> <0> not <3756> aware <1492> (5758) of them.

scribes ^ 42_LUK_22_02 And <2532> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might kill <0337> (5661) him <0846>; for <1063> they feared <5399> (5711) the people <2992>.

scribes ^ 42_LUK_22_66 And <2532> as soon as <5613> it was <1096> (5633) day <2250>, the elders <4244> of the people <2992> and <5037> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> came together <4863> (5681), and <2532> led <0321> (5627) him <0846> into <1519> their <1438> council <4892>, saying <3004> (5723),

scribes ^ 40_MAT_05_20 For <1063> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> except <3362> your <5216> righteousness <1343> shall exceed <4052> (5661) <4119> the righteousness of the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, ye shall in no case <3364> enter <1525> (5632) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_07_29 For <1063> he taught <1321> (5723) <2258> (5713) them <0846> as <5613> one having <2192> (5723) authority <1849>, and <2532> not <3756> as <5613> the {scribes} <1122>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_34 Wherefore <1223> <5124>, behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> send <0649> (5719) unto <4314> you <5209> prophets <4396>, and <2532> wise men <4680>, and <2532> {scribes} <1122>: and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> ye shall kill <0615> (5692) and <2532> crucify <4717> (5692); and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> shall ye scourge <3146> (5692) in <1722> your <5216> synagogues <4864>, and <2532> persecute <1377> (5692) them from <0575> city <4172> to <1519> city <4172>:

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_27 Woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye are like <3945> (5719) unto whited <2867> (5772) sepulchres <5028>, which <3748> indeed <3303> appear <5316> (5727) beautiful <5611> outward <1855>, but <1161> are within <2081> full <1073> (5719) of dead <3498> men's bones <3747>, and <2532> of all <3956> uncleanness <0167>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_15_01 And <2532> straightway <2112> in <1909> the morning <4404> the chief priests <0749> held <4160> (5660) a consultation <4824> with <3326> the elders <4245> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the whole <3650> council <4892>, and bound <1210> (5660) Jesus <2424>, and carried him away <0667> (5656), and <2532> delivered <3860> (5656) him to Pilate <4091>.

scribes ^ 44_ACT_06_12 And <5037> they stirred up <4787> (5656) the people <2992>, and <2532> the elders <4245>, and <2532> the {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> came upon <2186> (5631) him, and caught <4884> (5656) him <0846>, and <2532> brought <0071> (5627) him to <1519> the council <4892>,

scribes ^ 41_MAR_14_43 And <2532> immediately <2112>, while he <0846> yet <2089> spake <2980> (5723), cometh <3854> (5736) Judas <2455>, one <1520> <5607> (5752) of the twelve <1427>, and <2532> with <3326> him <0846> a great <4183> multitude <3793> with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> staves <3586>, from <3844> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the elders <4245>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_02 Saying <3004> (5723), The {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> sit <2523> (5656) in <1909> Moses <3475> seat <2515>:

scribes ^ 40_MAT_23_13 But <1161> woe <3759> unto you <5213>, {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, hypocrites <5273>! for <3754> ye shut up <2808> (5719) the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772> against <1715> men <0444>: for <1063> ye <5210> neither <3761> go in <1525> (5736) yourselves, neither <3756> suffer ye <0863> (5719) them that are entering <1525> (5740) to go in <1525> (5629).

scribes ^ 41_MAR_12_38 And <2532> he said <3004> (5707) unto them <0846> in <1722> his <0846> doctrine <1322>, Beware <0991> (5720) of <0575> the {scribes} <1122>, which <3588> love <2309> (5723) to go <4043> (5721) in <1722> long clothing <4749>, and <2532> love salutations <0783> in <1722> the marketplaces <0058>,

scribes ^ 41_MAR_12_35 And <2532> Jesus <2424> answered <0611> (5679) and said <3004> (5707), while he taught <1321> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, How <4459> say <3004> (5719) the {scribes} <1122> that <3754> Christ <5547> is <2076> (5748) the Son <5207> of David <1138>?

scribes ^ 44_ACT_23_09 And <1161> there arose <1096> (5633) a great <3173> cry <2906>: and <2532> the {scribes} <1122> that were of the Pharisees <5330>' part <3313> arose <0450> (5631), and strove <1264> (5711), saying <3004> (5723), We find <2147> (5719) no <3762> evil <2556> in <1722> this <5129> man <0444>: but <1161> if <1487> a spirit <4151> or <2228> an angel <0032> hath spoken <2980> (5656) to him <0846>, let us <2313> <0> not <3361> fight <2313> (5725) against God.

scribes ^ 43_JOH_08_03 And <1161> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> brought <0071> (5719) unto <4314> him <0846> a woman <1135> taken <2638> (5772) in <1722> adultery <3430>; and <2532> when they had set <2476> (5660) her <0846> in <1722> the midst <3319>,

scribes ^ 42_LUK_05_21 And <2532> the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> began <0756> (5662) to reason <1260> (5738), saying <3004> (5723), Who <5101> is <2076> (5748) this <3778> which <3739> speaketh <2980> (5719) blasphemies <0988>? Who <5101> can <1410> (5736) forgive <0863> (5721) sins <0266>, but <1508> God <2316> alone <3441>?

scribes ^ 42_LUK_23_10 And <1161> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> stood <2476> (5715) and vehemently <2159> accused <2723> (5723) him <0846>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_01_22 And <2532> they were astonished <1605> (5712) at <1909> his <0846> doctrine <1322>: for <1063> he taught <1321> (5723) <2258> (5713) them <0846> as <5613> one that had <2192> (5723) authority <1849>, and <2532> not <3756> as <5613> the {scribes} <1122>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_02_16 And <2532> when the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> eat <2068> (5723) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>, they said <3004> (5707) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, How <5101> is it that <3754> he eateth <2068> (5719) and <2532> drinketh <4095> (5719) with <3326> publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>?

scribes ^ 41_MAR_03_22 And <2532> the {scribes} <1122> which <3588> came down <2597> (5631) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414> said <3004> (5707), <3754> He hath <2192> (5719) Beelzebub <0954>, <3754> and <2532> by <1722> the prince <0758> of the devils <1140> casteth he out <1544> (5719) devils <1140>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_09_03 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), certain <5100> of the {scribes} <1122> said <2036> (5627) within <1722> themselves <1438>, This <3778> man blasphemeth <0987> (5719).

scribes ^ 40_MAT_12_38 Then <5119> certain <5100> of the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> of the Pharisees <5330> answered <0611> (5662), saying <3004> (5723), Master <1320>, we would <2309> (5719) see <1492> (5629) a sign <4592> from <0575> thee <4675>.

scribes ^ 40_MAT_02_04 And <2532> when he had gathered <4863> <0> all <3956> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> {scribes} <1122> of the people <2992> together <4863> (5631), he demanded <4441> (5711) of <3844> them <0846> where <4226> Christ <5547> should be born <1080> (5743).

scribes ^ 40_MAT_15_01 Then <5119> came <4334> (5736) to Jesus <2424> {scribes} <1122> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, which were of <0575> Jerusalem <2414>, saying <3004> (5723),

scribes ^ 40_MAT_17_10 And <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> asked <1905> (5656) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Why <5101> then <3767> say <3004> (5719) the {scribes} <1122> that <3754> Elias <2243> must <1163> (5748) first <4412> come <2064> (5629)?

scribes ^ 40_MAT_16_21 From <0575> that time forth <5119> began <0756> (5662) Jesus <2424> to shew <1166> (5721) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, how that <3754> he <0846> must <1163> (5748) go <0565> (5629) unto <1519> Jerusalem <2414>, and <2532> suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183> of <0575> the elders <4245> and <2532> chief priests <0749> and <2532> {scribes} <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> be raised again <1453> (5683) the third <5154> day <2250>.

scribes ^ 41_MAR_15_31 Likewise <1161> <3668> also <2532> the chief priests <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) said <3004> (5707) among <4314> themselves <0240> with <3326> the {scribes} <1122>, He saved <4982> (5656) others <0243>; himself <1438> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) save <4982> (5658).

scribes ^ 42_LUK_11_53 And <1161> as he <0846> said <3004> (5723) these things <5023> unto <4314> them <0846>, the {scribes} <1122> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> began <0756> (5662) to urge <1758> (5721) him vehemently <1171>, and <2532> to provoke <0653> <0> him <0846> to speak <0653> (5721) of <4012> many things <4119>:

scribes ^ 41_MAR_02_06 But <1161> there were <2258> (5713) certain <5100> of the {scribes} <1122> sitting <2521> (5740) there <1563>, and <2532> reasoning <1260> (5740) in <1722> their <0846> hearts <2588>,

terrible ^ 58_HEB_12_21 And <2532> so <3779> {terrible} <5398> was <2258> (5713) the sight <5324> (5746), that Moses <3475> said <2036> (5627), I exceedingly fear <1630> <1510> (5748) and <2532> quake <1790>:)

tribe ^ 44_ACT_13_21 And afterward <2547> they desired <0154> (5668) a king <0935>: and <2532> God <2316> gave <1325> (5656) unto them <0846> Saul <4549> the son <5207> of Cis <2797>, a man <0435> of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Benjamin <0958>, by the space of forty <5062> years <2094>.

tribe ^ 58_HEB_07_13 For <1063> he of <1909> whom <3739> these things <5023> are spoken <3004> (5743) pertaineth <3348> (5758) to another <2087> {tribe} <5443>, of <0575> which <3739> no man <3762> gave attendance <4337> (5758) at the altar <2379>.

tribe ^ 58_HEB_07_14 For <1063> it is evident <4271> that <3754> our <2257> Lord <2962> sprang <0393> (5758) out of <1537> Juda <2455>; of <1519> which <3739> {tribe} <5443> Moses <3475> spake <2980> (5656) nothing <3762> concerning <4012> priesthood <2420>.

tribe ^ 42_LUK_02_36 And <2532> there was <2258> (5713) one Anna <0451>, a prophetess <4398>, the daughter <2364> of Phanuel <5323>, of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Aser <0768>: she <3778> (5625) <0846> was of a great <4183> <1722> age <2250> <4260> (5761), and had lived <2198> (5660) with <3326> an husband <0435> seven <2033> years <2094> from <0575> her <0846> virginity <3932>;

tribe ^ 50_PHP_03_05 Circumcised <4061> the eighth <3637> day, of <1537> the stock <1085> of Israel <2474>, of the {tribe} <5443> of Benjamin <0958>, an Hebrew <1445> of <1537> the Hebrews <1445>; as touching <2596> the law <3551>, a Pharisee <5330>;

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_06 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Aser <0768> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Nepthalim <3508> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Manasses <3128> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_08 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Zabulon <2194> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Joseph <2501> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Benjamin <0958> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_05_05 And <2532> one <1520> of <1537> the elders <4245> saith <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, Weep <2799> (5720) not <3361>: behold <2400> (5628), the Lion <3023> of <5607> (5752) <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Juda <2455>, the Root <4491> of David <1138>, hath prevailed <3528> (5656) to open <0455> (5658) the book <0975>, and <2532> to loose <3089> (5658) the seven <2033> seals <4973> thereof <0846>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_06 Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Aser <0768> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Nepthalim <3508> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Manasses <3128> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_07 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Simeon <4826> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Levi <3017> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Issachar <2466> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_07 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Simeon <4826> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Levi <3017> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Issachar <2466> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_07 Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Simeon <4826> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Levi <3017> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Issachar <2466> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_08 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Zabulon <2194> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Joseph <2501> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Benjamin <0958> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_08 Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Zabulon <2194> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Joseph <2501> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Benjamin <0958> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_05 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Juda <2455> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Reuben <4502> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Gad <1045> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_05 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Juda <2455> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Reuben <4502> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Gad <1045> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_05 Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Juda <2455> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Reuben <4502> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Gad <1045> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 66_REV_07_06 Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Aser <0768> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the tribe <5443> of Nepthalim <3508> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>. Of <1537> the {tribe} <5443> of Manasses <3128> were sealed <4972> (5772) twelve <1427> thousand <5505>.

tribe ^ 45_ROM_11_01 I say <3004> (5719) then <3767>, <3361> Hath <0683> <0> God <2316> cast away <0683> (5662) his <0846> people <2992>? God forbid <3361> <1096> (5636). For <1063> I <1473> also <2532> am <1510> (5748) an Israelite <2475>, of <1537> the seed <4690> of Abraham <0011>, of the {tribe} <5443> of Benjamin <0958>.

tribes ^ 44_ACT_26_07 Unto <1519> which <3739> promise our <2257> twelve {tribes} <1429>, instantly <1722> <1616> serving <3> (5723) God day <2250> and <2532> night <3571>, hope <1679> (5719) to come <2658> (5658). For <4012> which <3739> hope's sake <1680>, king <0935> Agrippa <0067>, I am accused <1458> (5743) of <5259> the Jews <2453>.

tribes ^ 59_JAM_01_01 James <2385>, a servant <1401> of God <2316> and <2532> of the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, to the twelve <1427> {tribes} <5443> which <1722> are scattered abroad <1290>, greeting <5463> (5721).

tribes ^ 42_LUK_22_30 That <2443> ye may eat <2068> (5725) and <2532> drink <4095> (5725) at <1909> my <3450> table <5132> in <1722> my <3450> kingdom <0932>, and <2532> sit <2523> (5667) on <1909> thrones <2362> judging <2919> (5723) the twelve <1427> {tribes} <5443> of Israel <2474>.

tribes ^ 40_MAT_19_28 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, That <3754> ye <5210> which <3588> have followed <0190> (5660) me <3427>, in <1722> the regeneration <3824> when <3752> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall sit <2523> (5661) in <1909> the throne <2362> of his <0846> glory <1391>, ye <5210> also <2532> shall sit <2523> (5695) upon <1909> twelve <1427> thrones <2362>, judging <2919> (5723) the twelve <1427> {tribes} <5443> of Israel <2474>.

tribes ^ 40_MAT_24_30 And <2532> then <5119> shall appear <5316> (5691) the sign <4592> of the Son <5207> of man <0444> in <1722> heaven <3772>: and <2532> then <5119> shall <2875> <0> all <3956> the {tribes} <5443> of the earth <1093> mourn <2875> (5695), and <2532> they shall see <3700> (5695) the Son <5207> of man <0444> coming <2064> (5740) in <1909> the clouds <3507> of heaven <3772> with <3326> power <1411> and <2532> great <4183> glory <1391>.

tribes ^ 66_REV_21_12 And <5037> had <2192> (5723) a wall <5038> great <3173> and <2532> high <5308>, and had <2192> (5723) twelve <1427> gates <4440>, and <2532> at <1909> the gates <4440> twelve <1427> angels <0032>, and <2532> names <3686> written thereon <1924> (5772), which <3739> are <2076> (5748) the names of the twelve <1427> {tribes} <5443> of the children <5207> of Israel <2474>:

tribes ^ 66_REV_07_04 And <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) the number <0706> of them which were sealed <4972> (5772): and there were sealed <4972> (5772) an hundred <1540> and forty <5062> and four <5064> thousand <5505> of <1537> all <3956> the {tribes} <5443> of the children <5207> of Israel <2474>.

Tribulation ^ 45_ROM_02_09 {Tribulation} <2347> and <2532> anguish <4730>, upon <1909> every <3956> soul <5590> of man <0444> that doeth <2716> (5740) evil <2556>, of the Jew <2453> first <4412>, and <5037> also <2532> of the Gentile <1672>;

tribulation ^ 45_ROM_12_12 Rejoicing <5463> (5723) in hope <1680>; patient <5278> (5723) in {tribulation} <2347>; continuing instant <4342> (5723) in prayer <4335>;

tribulation ^ 45_ROM_08_35 Who <5101> shall separate <5563> (5692) us <2248> from <0575> the love <0026> of Christ <5547>? shall {tribulation} <2347>, or <2228> distress <4730>, or <2228> persecution <1375>, or <2228> famine <3042>, or <2228> nakedness <1132>, or <2228> peril <2794>, or <2228> sword <3162>?

tribulation ^ 66_REV_07_14 And <2532> I said <2046> (5758) unto him <0846>, Sir <2962>, thou <4771> knowest <1492> (5758). And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) to me <3427>, These <3778> are they <1526> (5748) which came <2064> (5740) out of <1537> great <3173> {tribulation} <2347>, and <2532> have washed <4150> (5656) their <0846> robes <4749>, and <2532> made <3021> <0> them <4749> <0846> white <3021> (5656) in <1722> the blood <0129> of the Lamb <0721>.

tribulation ^ 45_ROM_05_03 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> so, but <0235> we glory <2744> (5736) in <1722> tribulations <2347> also <2532>: knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754> {tribulation} <2347> worketh <2716> (5736) patience <5281>;

tribulation ^ 52_1TH_03_04 For <1063> verily <2532>, when <3753> we were <2258> (5713) with <4314> you <5209>, we told <4302> <0> you <5213> before <4302> (5707) that <3754> we should <3195> (5719) suffer {tribulation} <2346> (5745); even <2532> as <2531> it came to pass <1096> (5633), and <2532> ye know <1492> (5758).

tribulation ^ 41_MAR_13_24 But <0235> in <1722> those <1565> days <2250>, after <3326> that <1565> {tribulation} <2347>, the sun <2246> shall be darkened <4654> (5701), and <2532> the moon <4582> shall <1325> <0> not <3756> give <1325> (5692) her <0846> light <5338>,

tribulation ^ 40_MAT_24_29 Immediately <1161> <2112> after <3326> the {tribulation} <2347> of those <1565> days <2250> shall the sun <2246> be darkened <4654> (5701), and <2532> the moon <4582> shall <1325> <0> not <3756> give <1325> (5692) her <0846> light <5338>, and <2532> the stars <0792> shall fall <4098> (5699) from <0575> heaven <3772>, and <2532> the powers <1411> of the heavens <3772> shall be shaken <4531> (5701):

tribulation ^ 66_REV_02_22 Behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> will cast <0906> (5719) her <0846> into <1519> a bed <2825>, and <2532> them that commit adultery <3431> (5723) with <3326> her <0846> into <1519> great <3173> {tribulation} <2347>, except <3362> they repent <3340> (5661) of <1537> their <0846> deeds <2041>.

tribulation ^ 47_2CO_01_04 Who <3588> comforteth <3870> (5723) us <2248> in <1909> all <3956> our <2257> {tribulation} <2347>, that <1519> we <2248> may be able <1410> (5738) to comfort <3870> (5721) them which are in <1722> any <3956> trouble <2347>, by <1223> the comfort <3874> wherewith <3739> we <3870> <0> ourselves <0846> are comforted <3870> (5743) of <5259> God <2316>.

tribulation ^ 40_MAT_24_21 For <1063> then <5119> shall be <2071> (5704) great <3173> {tribulation} <2347>, such as <3634> was <1096> (5754) not <3756> since <0575> the beginning <0746> of the world <2889> to this <2193> time <3568>, no <3761>, nor ever <3364> shall be <1096> (5638).

tribulation ^ 40_MAT_13_21 Yet <1161> hath he <2192> (5719) not <3756> root <4491> in <1722> himself <1438>, but <0235> dureth <2076> (5748) for a while <4340>: for <1161> when {tribulation} <2347> or <2228> persecution <1375> ariseth <1096> (5637) because <1223> of the word <3056>, by and by <2117> he is offended <4624> (5743).

tribulation ^ 66_REV_01_09 I <1473> John <2491>, who <3588> also <2532> am your <5216> brother <0080>, and <2532> companion <4791> in <1722> {tribulation} <2347>, and <2532> in <1722> the kingdom <0932> and <2532> patience <5281> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>, was <1096> (5633) in <1722> the isle <3520> that is called <2564> (5746) Patmos <3963>, for <1223> the word <3056> of God <2316>, and <2532> for <1223> the testimony <3141> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

tribulation ^ 66_REV_02_10 Fear <5399> (5737) none <3367> of those things which <3739> thou shalt <3195> (5719) suffer <3958> (5721): behold <2400> (5628), the devil <1228> shall <3195> (5719) cast <0906> (5629) some of <1537> you <5216> into <1519> prison <5438>, that <2443> ye may be tried <3985> (5686); and <2532> ye shall have <2192> (5692) {tribulation} <2347> ten <1176> days <2250>: be thou <1096> (5737) faithful <4103> unto <0891> death <2288>, and <2532> I will give <1325> (5692) thee <4671> a crown <4735> of life <2222>.

tribulation ^ 43_JOH_16_33 These things <5023> I have spoken <2980> (5758) unto you <5213>, that <2443> in <1722> me <1698> ye might have <2192> (5725) peace <1515>. In <1722> the world <2889> ye shall have <2192> (5719) (5625) <2192> (5692) {tribulation} <2347>: but <0235> be of good cheer <2293> (5720); I <1473> have overcome <3528> (5758) the world <2889>.

tribulation ^ 47_2CO_07_04 Great <4183> is my <3427> boldness of speech <3954> toward <4314> you <5209>, great <4183> is my <3427> glorying <2746> of <5228> you <5216>: I am filled <4137> (5769) with comfort <3874>, I am exceeding <5248> (5731) joyful <5479> in <1909> all <3956> our <2257> {tribulation} <2347>.

tribulation ^ 44_ACT_14_22 Confirming <1991> (5723) the souls <5590> of the disciples <3101>, and exhorting them <3870> (5723) to continue <1696> (5721) in the faith <4102>, and <2532> that <3754> we <2248> must <1163> (5748) through <1223> much <4183> {tribulation} <2347> enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>.

tribulation ^ 66_REV_02_09 I know <1492> (5758) thy <4675> works <2041>, and <2532> {tribulation} <2347>, and <2532> poverty <4432>, (but <1161> thou art <1488> (5748) rich <4145>) and <2532> I know the blasphemy <0988> of them which <3588> say <3004> (5723) they <1438> are <1511> (5750) Jews <2453>, and <2532> are <1526> (5748) not <3756>, but <0235> are the synagogue <4864> of Satan <4567>.

tribulation ^ 53_2TH_01_06 Seeing <1512> it is a righteous thing <1342> with <3844> God <2316> to recompense <0467> (5629) {tribulation} <2347> to them that trouble <2346> (5723) you <5209>;

tribulations ^ 49_EPH_03_13 Wherefore <1352> I desire <0154> (5731) that ye faint <1573> (5721) not <3361> at <1722> my <3450> {tribulations} <2347> for <5228> you <5216>, which <3748> is <2076> (5748) your <5216> glory <1391>.

tribulations ^ 53_2TH_01_04 So <5620> that we <2248> ourselves <0846> glory <2744> (5738) in <1722> you <5213> in <1722> the churches <1577> of God <2316> for <5228> your <5216> patience <5281> and <2532> faith <4102> in <1722> all <3956> your <5216> persecutions <1375> and <2532> {tribulations} <2347> that <3739> ye endure <0430> (5736):

tribulations ^ 45_ROM_05_03 And <1161> not <3756> only <3440> so, but <0235> we glory <2744> (5736) in <1722> {tribulations} <2347> also <2532>: knowing <1492> (5761) that <3754> tribulation <2347> worketh <2716> (5736) patience <5281>;

tribute ^ 40_MAT_17_25 He saith <3004> (5719), Yes <3483>. And <2532> when <3753> he was come <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3614>, Jesus <2424> prevented <4399> (5656) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> thinkest <1380> (5719) thou <4671>, Simon <4613>? of <0575> whom <5101> do <2983> <0> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093> take <2983> (5719) custom <5056> or <2228> {tribute} <2778>? of <0575> their own <0846> children <5207>, or <2228> of <0575> strangers <0245>?

tribute ^ 40_MAT_17_24 And <1161> when they <0846> were come <2064> (5631) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>, they that received <2983> (5723) {tribute} <1323> money came <4334> (5656) to Peter <4074>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Doth <5055> <0> not <3756> your <5216> master <1320> pay <5055> (5719) tribute <1323>?

tribute ^ 40_MAT_22_19 Shew <1925> (5657) me <3427> the {tribute} <2778> money <3546>. And <1161> they brought <4374> (5656) unto him <0846> a penny <1220>.

tribute ^ 45_ROM_13_06 For <1063> for <1223> <0> this <5124> cause <1223> pay ye <5055> (5719) {tribute} <5411> also <2532>: for <1063> they are <1526> (5748) God's <2316> ministers <3011>, attending continually <4342> (5723) upon <1519> this <5124> very thing <0846>.

tribute ^ 41_MAR_12_14 And <1161> when they were come <2064> (5631), they say <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Master <1320>, we know <1492> (5758) that <3754> thou art <1488> (5748) true <0227>, and <2532> <4671> carest <3756> <3199> (5719) for <4012> no man <3762>: for <1063> thou regardest <0991> (5719) not <3756> the person <1519> <4383> of men <0444>, but <0235> teachest <1321> (5719) the way <3598> of God <2316> in <1909> truth <0225>: Is it lawful <1832> (5748) to give <1325> (5629) {tribute} <2778> to Caesar <2541>, or <2228> not <3756>?

tribute ^ 40_MAT_22_17 Tell <2036> (5628) us <2254> therefore <3767>, What <5101> thinkest <1380> (5719) thou <4671>? Is it lawful <1832> (5748) to give <1325> (5629) {tribute} <2778> unto Caesar <2541>, or <2228> not <3756>?

tribute ^ 42_LUK_23_02 And <1161> they began <0756> (5662) to accuse <2723> (5721) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), We found <2147> (5627) this <5126> fellow perverting <1294> (5723) the nation <1484>, and <2532> forbidding <2967> (5723) to give <1325> (5721) {tribute} <5411> to Caesar <2541>, saying <3004> (5723) that he himself <1438> is <1511> (5750) Christ <5547> a King <0935>.

tribute ^ 40_MAT_17_24 And <1161> when they <0846> were come <2064> (5631) to <1519> Capernaum <2584>, they that received <2983> (5723) tribute <1323> money came <4334> (5656) to Peter <4074>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), Doth <5055> <0> not <3756> your <5216> master <1320> pay <5055> (5719) {tribute} <1323>?

tribute ^ 45_ROM_13_07 Render <0591> (5628) therefore <3767> to all <3956> their dues <3782>: tribute <5411> to whom <3588> {tribute} <5411> is due; custom <5056> to whom <3588> custom <5056>; fear <5401> to whom <3588> fear <5401>; honour <5092> to whom <3588> honour <5092>.

tribute ^ 45_ROM_13_07 Render <0591> (5628) therefore <3767> to all <3956> their dues <3782>: {tribute} <5411> to whom <3588> tribute <5411> is due; custom <5056> to whom <3588> custom <5056>; fear <5401> to whom <3588> fear <5401>; honour <5092> to whom <3588> honour <5092>.

tribute ^ 42_LUK_20_22 Is it lawful <1832> (5748) for us <2254> to give <1325> (5629) {tribute} <5411> unto Caesar <2541>, or <2228> no <3756>?