Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

abridge 2856 - koloboo {kol-ob-o'-o}; from a derivative of the base of 2849; to dock, i.e. (figuratively) {abridge}: -- shorten.

abridged 01662 ## Gath-ha-Chepher {gath-hah-khay'- fer} ; or ({abridged}) Gittah-Chepher {ghit-taw-khay'- fer} ; from 01660 and 02658 with the article inserted ; wine-press of (the) well ; Gath-Chepher , a place in Palestine : -- Gath-kephr , Gittah-kephr .

abridged 02297 ## chad {khad} ; {abridged} from 00259 ; one : -- one .

abridged 03746 ## kariy {kaw-ree'} ; perhaps an {abridged} plural of 03733 in the sense of leader (of the flock) ; a life-guardsman : -- captains , Cherethites [from the margin ] .

abridged 08289 ## Sharown {shaw-rone'} ; probably {abridged} from 03474 ; plain , Sharon , the name of a place in Palestine : -- Lasharon , Sharon .

acrid 4089 - pikros {pik-ros'}; perhaps from 4078 (through the idea of piercing); sharp (pungent), i.e. {acrid} (literally or figuratively): -- bitter.

acridity 4088 - pikria {pik-ree'-ah}; from 4089; {acridity} (especially poison), literally or figuratively: -- bitterness.

arid 02788 ## charer {khaw-rare'} ; from 02787 ; {arid} : -- parched place .

arid 3584 - xeros {xay-ros'}; from the base of 3582 (through the idea of scorching); {arid}; by implication shrunken, earth (as opposed to water): -- dry land, withered.

Aridai 00742 ## 'Ariyday {ar-ee-dah'- ee} ; of Persian origin ; Aridai , a son of Haman : -- {Aridai} .

Aridai 00742 ## 'Ariyday {ar-ee-dah'- ee} ; of Persian origin ; {Aridai} , a son of Haman : -- Aridai .

Aridatha 00743 ## 'Ariydatha'{ar-ee-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; Aridatha , a son of Haman : -- {Aridatha} .

Aridatha 00743 ## 'Ariydatha'{ar-ee-daw-thaw'} ; of Persian origin ; {Aridatha} , a son of Haman : -- Aridatha .

aridity 06723 ## tsiyah {tsee-yaw'} ; from an unused root meaning to parch ; {aridity} ; concretely , a desert : -- barren , drought , dry (land , place) , solitary place , wilderness .

bibliaridion 0974 - {bibliaridion} {bib-lee-ar-id'-ee-on}; a diminutive of 0975; a booklet: -- little book.

bridal 3567 - numphon {noom-fohn'}; from 3565; the {bridal} room: -- bridechamber.

bride 01330 ## b@thuwlah {beth-oo-law'} ; feminine passive participle of an unused root meaning to separate ; a virgin (from her privacy) ; sometimes (by continuation) a {bride} ; also (figuratively) a city or state : -- maid , virgin .

bride 02860 ## chathan {khaw-thawn'} ; from 02859 ; a relative by marriage (especially through the {bride}) ; figuratively , a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal) : -- bridegroom , husband , son in law .

bride 03618 ## kallah {kal-law'} ; from 03634 ; a bride (as if perfect) ; hence , a son's wife : -- {bride} , daughter-in-law , spouse .

bride 03618 ## kallah {kal-law'} ; from 03634 ; a {bride} (as if perfect) ; hence , a son's wife : -- bride , daughter-in-law , spouse .

bride 3565 - numphe {noom-fay'}; from a primary but obsolete verb nupto (to veil as a bride; compare Latin " nupto, " to marry); a young married woman (as veiled), including a bethrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: -- {bride}, daughter in law.

bride 3565 - numphe {noom-fay'}; from a primary but obsolete verb nupto (to veil as a {bride}; compare Latin " nupto, " to marry); a young married woman (as veiled), including a bethrothed girl; by implication a son's wife: -- bride, daughter in law.

bride-groom 3566 - numphios {noom-fee'-os}; from 3565; a {bride-groom} (literally or figuratively): -- bridegroom.

bridechamber 3567 - numphon {noom-fohn'}; from 3565; the bridal room: -- {bridechamber}.

bridegroom 02860 ## chathan {khaw-thawn'} ; from 02859 ; a relative by marriage (especially through the bride) ; figuratively , a circumcised child (as a species of religious espousal) : -- {bridegroom} , husband , son in law .

bridegroom 3566 - numphios {noom-fee'-os}; from 3565; a bride-groom (literally or figuratively): -- {bridegroom}.

bridehood 03623 ## k@luwlah {kel-oo-law'} ; denominative passive participle from 03618 ; {bridehood} (only in the plural) : -- espousal .

bridge 01650 ## G@shuwr {ghesh-oor'} ; from an unused root (meaning to join) ; {bridge} ; Geshur , a district of Syria : -- Geshur , Geshurite .

bridged 4194 - Pontios {pon'-tee-os}; of Latin origin; apparently {bridged}; Pontius, a Roman: -- Pontius.

bridle 04269 ## machcowm {makh-sohm'} ; from 02629 ; a muzzle : -- {bridle} .

bridle 04964 ## metheg {meh-theg} ; from an unused root meaning to curb ; a bit : -- bit , {bridle} .

bridle 07448 ## recen {reh'- sen} ; from an unused root meaning to curb ; a halter (as restraining) ; by implication , the jaw : -- {bridle} .

bridle 5468 - chalinagogeo {khal-in-ag-ogue-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5469 and the reduplicated form of 0071; to be a bit-leader, i.e. to curb (figuratively): -- {bridle}.

bridle 5469 - chalinos {khal-ee-nos'}; from 5465; a curb or head-stall (as curbing the spirit): -- bit, {bridle}.

deride 02048 ## hathal {haw-thal'} ; a primitive root ; to {deride} ; by implication , to cheat : -- deal deceitfully , deceive , mock .

deride 03931 ## la` ab {law-ab'} ; a primitive root ; to {deride} : -- mock .

deride 03932 ## la` ag {law-ag'} ; a primitive root ; to {deride} ; by implication (as if imitating a foreigner) to speak unintelligibly : -- have in derision , laugh (to scorn) , mock (on) , stammering .

deride 03945 ## latsats {law-tsats'} ; a primitive root ; to {deride} : -- scorn .

deride 07832 ## sachaq {saw-khak'} ; a primitive root ; to laugh (in pleasure or detraction) ; by implication , to play : -- {deride} , have in derision , laugh , make merry , mock (- er) , play , rejoice , (laugh to) scorn , be in (make) sport .

deride 1592 - ekmukterizo {ek-mook-ter-id'-zo}; from 1537 and 3456; to sneer outright at: -- {deride}.

deride 1702 - empaizo {emp-aheed'-zo}; from 1722 and 3815; to jeer at, i.e. {deride}: -- mock.

deride 2606 - katagelao {kat-ag-el-ah'-o}; to laugh down, i.e. {deride}: -- laugh to scorn.

derider 1703 - empaiktes {emp-aheek-tace'}; from 1702; a {derider}, i.e. (by implication) a false teacher: -- mocker, scoffer.

griddle-cake 02281 ## chabeth {khaw-bayth'} ; from an unused root probably meaning to cook [compare 04227 ] ; something fried , probably a {griddle-cake} : -- pan .

horrid 08182 ## sho` ar {sho-awr'} ; from 08176 ; harsh or {horrid} , i . e . offensive : -- vile .

partridge 01031 ## Beyth Choglah {bayth chog-law'} ; from 01004 and the same as 02295 ; house of a {partridge} ; Beth-Choglah , a place in Palestine : -- Beth-hoglah .

partridge 02295 ## Choglah {khog-law'} ; of uncertain derivation ; probably a {partridge} ; Choglah , an Israelitess : -- Hoglah . See also 01031 .

partridge 07124 ## qore'{ko-ray'} ; properly , active participle of 07121 ; a caller , i . e . {partridge} (from its cry) : -- partridge . See also 06981 .

Perida 06514 ## P@ruwda'{per-oo-daw'} ; or P@riyda'{per-ee-daw'} ; from 06504 ; dispersion ; Peruda or {Perida} , one of " Solomon's servants " : -- Perida , Peruda .

Perida 06514 ## P@ruwda'{per-oo-daw'} ; or P@riyda'{per-ee-daw'} ; from 06504 ; dispersion ; Peruda or Perida , one of " Solomon's servants " : -- {Perida} , Peruda .

perideo 4019 - {perideo} {per-ee-deh'-o}; from 4012 and 1210; to bind around one, i.e. enwrap: -- bind about. ***. peridremo. See 4063. ***. periello. See 4014. ***. perieltho. See 4022.

peridremo 4019 - perideo {per-ee-deh'-o}; from 4012 and 1210; to bind around one, i.e. enwrap: -- bind about. ***. {peridremo}. See 4063. ***. periello. See 4014. ***. perieltho. See 4022.

pride 01344 ## ge'ah {gay-aw'} ; feminine from 01342 ; arrogance : -- {pride} .

pride 01346 ## ga` avah {gah-av-aw'} ; from 01342 ; arrogance or majesty ; by implication , (concretely) ornament : -- excellency , haughtiness , highness , {pride} , proudly , swelling .

pride 01347 ## ga'own {gaw-ohn'} ; from 01342 ; the same as 01346 : -- arrogancy , excellency (- lent) , majesty , pomp , {pride} , proud , swelling .

pride 01348 ## ge'uwth {gay-ooth'} ; from 01342 ; the same as 01346 : -- excellent things , lifting up , majesty , {pride} , proudly , raging .

pride 01363 ## gobahh {go'- bah} ; from 01361 ; elation , grandeur , arrogance : -- excellency , haughty , height , high , loftiness , {pride} .

pride 01365 ## gabhuwth {gab-hooth'} ; from 01361 ; {pride} : -- loftiness , lofty .

pride 01431 ## gadal {gaw-dal'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to twist [compare 01434 ] , i . e . to be (causatively make) large (in various senses , as in body , mind , estate or honor , also in {pride}) : -- advance , boast , bring up , exceed , excellent , be (- come , do , give , make , wax) , great (- er , come to . . . estate , + things) , grow (up) , increase , lift up , magnify (- ifical) , be much set by , nourish (up) , pass , promote , proudly [spoken ] , tower .

pride 01466 ## gevah {gay-vaw'} ; the same as 01465 ; exaltation ; (figuratively) arrogance : -- lifting up , {pride} .

pride 01467 ## gevah (Aramaic) {gay-vaw'} ; corresponding to 01466 : -- {pride} .

pride 02087 ## zadown {zaw-done'} ; from 02102 ; arrogance : -- presumptuously , {pride} , proud (man) .

pride 02103 ## zuwd (Aramaic) {zood} ; corresponding to 02102 ; to be proud : -- in {pride} .

pride 07296 ## rohab {ro'- hab} ; from 07292 ; {pride} : -- strength .

pride 07407 ## rokec {ro'- kes} ; from 07405 ; a snare (as of tied meshes) : -- {pride} .

pride 07830 ## shachats {shakh'- ats} ; from an unused root apparently meaning to strut ; haughtiness (as evinced by the attitude) : -- X lion , {pride} .

pride 0212 - alazoneia {al-ad-zon-i'-a}; from 0213; braggadocio, i.e. (by implication) self-confidence: -- boasting, {pride}.

pride 5187 - tuphoo {toof-o'-o}; from a derivative of 5188; to envelop with smoke, i.e. (figuratively) to inflate with self-conceit: -- high-minded, be lifted up with {pride}, be proud.

pride 5243 - huperephania {hoop-er-ay-fan-ee'-ah}; from 5244; haughtiness: -- {pride}.

putridity 04716 ## maq {mak} ; from 04743 ; properly , a melting , i . e . {putridity} : -- rottenness , stink .

rid 05337 ## natsal {naw-tsal'} ; a primitive root ; to snatch away , whether in a good or a bad sense : -- X at all , defend , deliver (self) , escape , X without fail , part , pluck , preserve , recover , rescue , {rid} , save , spoil , strip , X surely , take (out) .

rid 06475 ## patsah {paw-tsaw'} ; a primitive root ; to rend , i . e . open (especially the mouth) : -- deliver , gape , open , {rid} , utter .

rid 07673 ## shabath {shaw-bath'} ; a primitive root ; to repose , i . e . desist from exertion ; used in many implied relations (causative , figurative or specific) : -- (cause to , let , make to) cease , celebrate , cause (make) to fail , keep (sabbath) , suffer to be lacking , leave , put away (down) , (make to) rest , {rid} , still , take away .

riddance 03615 ## kalah {kaw-law'} ; a primitive root ; to end , whether intransitive (to cease , be finished , perish) or transitived (to complete , prepare , consume) : -- accomplish , cease , consume (away) , determine , destroy (utterly) , be (when . . were) done , (be an) end (of) , expire , (cause to) fail , faint , finish , fulfil , X fully , X have , leave (off) , long , bring to pass , wholly reap , make clean {riddance} , spend , quite take away , waste .

riddance 03617 ## kalah {kaw-law'} ; from 03615 ; a completion ; adverb , completely ; also destruction : -- altogether , (be , utterly) consume (- d) , consummation (- ption) , was determined , (full , utter) end , {riddance} .

riddance 0629 - apolutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis}; from a compound of 0575 and 3083; (the act) ransom in full, i.e. (figuratively) {riddance}, or (specially) Christian salvation: -- deliverance, redemption.

ridden 07398 ## r@kuwb {rek-oob'} ; from passive participle of 07392 ; a vehicle (as {ridden} on) : -- chariot .

riddle 00284 ## 'Achiychud {akh-ee-khood'} ; from 00251 and 02330 ; brother of a {riddle} (i . e . mysterious) ; Achichud , an Israelite : -- Ahihud .

riddle 02330 ## chuwd {khood} ; a primitive root ; properly , to tie a knot , i . e . (figuratively) to propound a {riddle} : -- put forth .

riddle 02420 ## chiydah {khee-daw'} ; from 02330 ; a puzzle , hence , a trick , conundrum , sententious maxim : -- dark saying (sentence , speech) , hard question , proverb , {riddle} .

riddle 07001 ## q@tar (Aramaic) {ket-ar'} ; from a root corresponding to 07000 ; a knot (as tied up) , i . e . (figuratively) a {riddle} ; also a vertebra (as if a knot) : -- doubt , joint .

riddle 4617 - siniazo {sin-ee-ad'-zo}; from sinion (a sieve); to {riddle} (figuratively): -- sift. ***. sita. See 4621.

riddles 00263 ## 'achavah (Aramaic) {akh-av-aw'} ; corresponding to 00262 ; solution (of {riddles}) : -- showing .

ride 07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or generally) , to despatch : -- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) {ride} (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set .

ride 07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to {ride} (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for riding or generally) , to despatch : -- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set .

rider 07393 ## rekeb {reh'- keb} ; from 07392 ; a vehicle ; by implication , a team ; by extension , cavalry ; by analogy a {rider} , i . e . the upper millstone : -- chariot , (upper) millstone , multitude [from the margin ] , wagon .

rider 07394 ## Rekab {ray-kawb'} ; from 07392 ; {rider} ; Rekab , the name of two Arabs and of two Israelites : -- Rechab .

ridge 06077 ## ` Ophel {o'- fel} ; the same as 06076 ; Ophel , a {ridge} in Jerusalem : -- Ophel .

ridge 07406 ## rekec {reh'- kes} ; from 07405 ; a mountain {ridge} (as of tied summits) : -- rough place .

ridge 07927 ## Sh@kem {shek-em'} ; the same as 07926 ; {ridge} ; Shekem , a place in Palestine : -- Shechem .

ridge 08525 ## telem {teh'- lem} ; from an unused root meaning to accumulate ; a bank or terrace : -- furrow , {ridge} .

ridged 08526 ## Talmay {tal-mah'- ee} ; from 08525 ; {ridged} ; Talmai , the name of a Canaanite and a Syrian : -- Talmai .

ridicule 07046 ## qalac {kaw-las'} ; a primitive root ; to disparage , i . e . {ridicule} : -- mock , scoff , scorn .

ridicule 07048 ## qallacah {kal-law-saw'} ; intensive from 07046 ; {ridicule} : -- mocking .

ridicule 3456 - mukterizo {mook-tay-rid'-zo}; from a derivative of the base of 3455 (meaning snout, as that whence lowing proceeds); to make mouths at, i.e. {ridicule}: -- mock.

riding 07392 ## rakab {raw-kab'} ; a primitive root ; to ride (on an animal or in a vehicle) ; causatively , to place upon (for {riding} or generally) , to despatch : -- bring (on [horse-] back) , carry , get [oneself ] up , on [horse-] back , put , (cause to , make to) ride (in a chariot , on ,-r) , set .

riding 4480 - rheda {hred'-ah}; of Latin origin; a rheda, i.e. four-wheeled carriage (wagon for {riding}): -- chariot.

Sarid 08301 ## Sariyd {suw-reed'} ; the same as 08300 ; Sarid , a place in Palestine : -- {Sarid} .

Sarid 08301 ## Sariyd {suw-reed'} ; the same as 08300 ; {Sarid} , a place in Palestine : -- Sarid .

stride 04667 ## miphsa` ah {mif-saw-aw'} ; from 06585 ; a {stride} , i . e . (by euphemism) the crotch : -- buttocks .

stride 06585 ## pasa` {paw-sah'} ; a primitive root ; to {stride} (from spreading the legs) , i . e . rush upon : -- go .

stride 06587 ## pesa` {peh'- sah} ; from 06585 ; a {stride} : -- step .

stridulous 00765 ## 'Aran {ar-awn'} ; from 07442 ; {stridulous} ; Aran , an Edomite : -- Aran .

stridulous 07442 ## ranan {raw-nan'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to creak (or emit a {stridulous} sound) , i . e . to shout (usually for joy) : -- aloud for joy , cry out , be joyful (greatly , make to) rejoice , (cause to) shout (for joy) , (cause to) sing (aloud , for joy , out) , triumph .

{af-rid'-zo} 0875 - aphrizo {{af-rid'-zo}}; from 0876; to froth at the mouth (in epilepsy): -- foam.

{an-ag-no-rid'-zom-ahee} 0319 - anagnorizomai {{an-ag-no-rid'-zom-ahee}}; middle voice from 0303 and 1107; to make (oneself) known: -- be made known.

{an-drid'-zom-ahee} 0407 - andrizomai {{an-drid'-zom-ahee}}; middle voice from 0435; to act manly: -- quit like men.

{ap-okh-o-rid'-zo} 0673 - apochorizo {{ap-okh-o-rid'-zo}}; from 0575 and 5563; to rend apart; reflexively, to separate: -- depart (asunder).

{ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo} 0597 - apothesaurizo {{ap-oth-ay-sow-rid'-zo}}; from 0575 and 2343; to treasure away: -- lay up in store.

{dee-ag-no-rid'-zo} 1232 - diagnorizo {{dee-ag-no-rid'-zo}}; from 1123 and 1107; to tell abroad: -- make known.

{dee-akh-i-rid'-zom-ahee} 1315 - diacheirizomai {{dee-akh-i-rid'-zom-ahee}}; from 1223 and a derivative of 5495; to handle thoroughly, i.e. lay violent hands upon: -- kill, slay.

{dee-akh-o-rid'-zom-ahee} 1316 - diachorizomai {{dee-akh-o-rid'-zom-ahee}}; from 1223 and the middle voice of 5563; to remove (oneself) wholly, i.e. retire: -- depart.

{dee-is-khoo-rid'-zom-ahee} 1340 - diischurizomai {{dee-is-khoo-rid'-zom-ahee}}; from 1223 and a derivative of 2478; to stout it through, i.e. asservate: -- confidently (constantly) affirm.

{ek-rid-zo'-o} 1610 - ekrizoo {{ek-rid-zo'-o}}; from 1537 and 4492; to uproot: -- pluck up by the root, root up.

{en-oo-brid'-zo} 1796 - enubrizo {{en-oo-brid'-zo}}; from 1722 and 5195; to insult: -- do despite unto.

{eng-ken-trid'-zo} 1461 - egkentrizo {{eng-ken-trid'-zo}}; from 1722 and a derivative of 2759; to prick in, i.e. ingraft: -- graff in(-to).

{ep-af-rid'-zo} 1890 - epaphrizo {{ep-af-rid'-zo}}; from 1909 and 0875; to foam upon, i.e. (figuratively) to exhibit (a vile passion): -- foam out.

{ep-ee-stay-rid'-zo} 1991 - episterizo {{ep-ee-stay-rid'-zo}}; from 1909 and 4741; to support further, i.e. reestablish: -- confirm, strengthen.

{gno-rid'-zo} 1107 - gnorizo {{gno-rid'-zo}}; from a derivative of 1097; to make known; subjectively, to know: -- certify, declare, make known, give to understand, do to wit, wot.

{hoo-brid'-zo} 5195 - hubrizo {{hoo-brid'-zo}}; from 5196; to exercise violence, i.e. abuse: -- use despitefully, reproach, entreat shamefully (spitefully).

{hrid'-zah} 4491 - rhiza {{hrid'-zah}}; apparently a primary word; a " root " (literally or figuratively): -- root.

{hrid-zo'-o} 4492 - rhizoo {{hrid-zo'-o}}; from 4491; to root (figuratively, become stable): -- root.

{kat-op-trid'-zom-ahee} 2734 - katoptrizomai {{kat-op-trid'-zom-ahee}}; middle voice from a compound of 2596 and a derivative of 3700 [compare 2072]; to mirror oneself, i.e. to see reflected (figuratively): -- behold as in a glass.

{kho-rid'-zo} 5563 - chorizo {{kho-rid'-zo}}; from 5561; to place room between, i.e. part; reflexively, to go away: -- depart, put asunder, separate.

{met-eh-o-rid'-zo} 3349 - meteorizo {{met-eh-o-rid'-zo}}; from a compound of 3326 and a collateral form of 0142 or perhaps rather 0109 (compare " meteor " ); to raise in mid-air, i.e. (figuratively) suspend (passively, fluctuate or be anxious): -- be of doubtful mind.

{moo-rid'-zo} 3462 - murizo {{moo-rid'-zo}}; from 3464; to apply (perfumed) unguent to: -- anoint.

{mook-tay-rid'-zo} 3456 - mukterizo {{mook-tay-rid'-zo}}; from a derivative of the base of 3455 (meaning snout, as that whence lowing proceeds); to make mouths at, i.e. ridicule: -- mock.

{or-thrid'-zo} 3719 - orthrizo {{or-thrid'-zo}}; from 3722; to use the dawn, i.e. (by implication) to repair betimes: -- come early in the morning.

{prid'-zo} 4249 - prizo {{prid'-zo}}; a strengthened form of a primary prio (to saw); to saw in two: -- saw asunder.

{prokh-i-rid'-zom-ahee} 4400 - procheirizomai {{prokh-i-rid'-zom-ahee}}; middle voice from 4253 and a derivative of 5495; to handle for oneself in advance, i.e. (figuratively) to purpose: -- choose, make.

{stay-rid'-zo} 4741 - sterizo {{stay-rid'-zo}}; from a presumed derivative of 2476 (like 4731); to set fast, i.e. (literally) to turn resolutely in a certain direction, or (figuratively) to confirm: -- fix, (e-)stablish, stedfastly set, strengthen.

{thay-sow-rid'-zo} 2343 - thesaurizo {{thay-sow-rid'-zo}}; from 2344; to amass or reserve (literally or figuratively): -- lay up (treasure), (keep) in store, (heap) treasure (together, up).

{theh-at-rid'-zo} 2301 - theatrizo {{theh-at-rid'-zo}}; from 2302; to expose as a spectacle: -- make a gazing stock.

{trid'-zo} 5149 - trizo {{trid'-zo}}; apparently a primary verb; to creak (squeak), i.e. (by analogy) to grate the teeth (in frenzy): -- gnash.