Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
adulteries ^ 40_MAT_15_19 For <1063> out of <1537> the heart <2588> proceed <1831> (5736) evil <4190> thoughts <1261>, murders <5408>, {adulteries} <3430>, fornications <4202>, thefts <2829>, false witness <5577>, blasphemies <0988>:

adulteries ^ 41_MAR_07_21 For <1063> from within <2081>, out of <1537> the heart <2588> of men <0444>, proceed <1607> (5736) evil <2556> thoughts <1261>, {adulteries} <3430>, fornications <4202>, murders <5408>,

adversaries ^ 58_HEB_10_27 But <1161> a certain <5100> fearful <5398> looking for <1561> of judgment <2920> and <2532> fiery <4442> indignation <2205>, which shall <3195> (5723) devour <2068> (5721) the {adversaries} <5227>.

adversaries ^ 42_LUK_13_17 And <2532> when he <0846> had said <3004> (5723) these things <5023>, all <3956> his <0846> {adversaries} <0480> (5740) were ashamed <2617> (5712): and <2532> all <3956> the people <3793> rejoiced <5463> (5707) for <1909> all <3956> the glorious things <1741> that were done <1096> (5740) by <5259> him <0846>.

adversaries ^ 42_LUK_21_15 For <1063> I <1473> will give <1325> (5692) you <5213> a mouth <4750> and <2532> wisdom <4678>, which <3739> all <3956> your <5213> {adversaries} <0480> (5740) shall <1410> <0> not <3756> be able <1410> (5695) to gainsay <0471> (5629) nor <3761> resist <0436> (5629).

adversaries ^ 50_PHP_01_28 And <2532> in <1722> nothing <3367> <3361> terrified <4426> (5746) by <5259> your {adversaries} <0480> (5740): which <3748> is <2076> (5748) to them <0846> <3303> an evident token <1732> of perdition <0684>, but <1161> to you <5213> of salvation <4991>, and <2532> that <5124> of <0575> God <2316>.

adversaries ^ 46_1CO_16_09 For <1063> a great <3173> door <2374> and <2532> effectual <1756> is opened <0455> (5754) unto me <3427>, and <2532> there are many <4183> {adversaries} <0480> (5740).

berries ^ 59_JAM_03_12 Can <3361> <1410> (5736) the fig tree <4808>, my <3450> brethren <0080>, bear <4160> (5658) olive {berries} <1636>? either <2228> a vine <0288>, figs <4810>? so <3779> can no <3762> fountain <4077> both yield <4160> (5658) salt <0252> water <5204> and <2532> fresh <1099>.

briefly ^ 60_1PE_05_12 By <1223> Silvanus <4610>, a faithful <4103> brother <0080> unto you <5213>, as <5613> I suppose <3049> (5736), I have written <1125> (5656) {briefly} <1223> <3641>, exhorting <3870> (5723), and <2532> testifying <1957> (5723) that this <5026> is <1511> (5750) the true <0227> grace <5485> of God <2316> wherein <1519> <3739> ye stand <2476> (5758).

briefly ^ 45_ROM_13_09 For <1063> this, Thou shalt <3431> <0> not <3756> commit adultery <3431> (5692), Thou shalt <5407> <0> not <3756> kill <5407> (5692), Thou shalt <2813> <0> not <3756> steal <2813> (5692), Thou shalt <5576> <0> not <3756> bear false witness <5576> (5692), Thou shalt <1937> <0> not <3756> covet <1937> (5692); and <2532> if there be any <1536> other <2087> commandment <1785>, it is {briefly} comprehended <0346> (5743) in <1722> this <5129> saying <3056>, namely <1722>, Thou shalt love <0025> (5692) thy <4675> neighbour <4139> as <5613> thyself <1438>.

briers ^ 58_HEB_06_08 But <1161> that which beareth <1627> (5723) thorns <0173> and <2532> {briers} <5146> is rejected <0096>, and <2532> is nigh <1451> unto cursing <2671>; whose <3739> end <5056> is to <1519> be burned <2740>.

buried ^ 46_1CO_15_04 And <2532> that <3754> he was {buried} <2290> (5648), and <2532> that <3754> he rose again <1453> (5769) the third <5154> day <2250> according <2596> to the scriptures <1124>:

buried ^ 44_ACT_02_29 Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, let <2036> <0> me <1832> (5752) freely <3326> <3954> speak <2036> (5629) unto <4314> you <5209> of <4012> the patriarch <3966> David <1138>, that <3754> he is <5053> <0> both <2532> dead <5053> (5656) and <2532> {buried} <2290> (5648), and <2532> his <0846> sepulchre <3418> is <2076> (5748) with <1722> us <2254> unto <0891> this <5026> day <2250>.

buried ^ 44_ACT_05_10 Then <1161> fell she down <4098> (5627) straightway <3916> at <3844> his <0846> feet <4228>, and <2532> yielded up the ghost <1634> (5656): and <1161> the young men <3495> came in <1525> (5631), and found <2147> (5627) her <0846> dead <3498>, and <2532>, carrying her forth <1627> (5660), {buried} <2290> (5656) her by <4314> her <0846> husband <0435>.

buried ^ 44_ACT_05_06 And <1161> the young men <3501> arose <0450> (5631), wound <4958> <0> him <0846> up <4958> (5656), and <2532> carried him out <1627> (5660), and {buried} <2290> (5656) him.

buried ^ 44_ACT_05_09 Then <1161> Peter <4074> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> her <0846>, How <5101> is it that <3754> ye <5213> have agreed together <4856> (5681) to tempt <3985> (5658) the Spirit <4151> of the Lord <2962>? behold <2400> (5628), the feet <4228> of them which have {buried} <2290> (5660) thy <4675> husband <0435> are at <1909> the door <2374>, and <2532> shall carry <1627> <0> thee <4571> out <1627> (5692).

Buried ^ 51_COL_02_12 {Buried} with <4916> (5651) him <0846> in <1722> baptism <0908>, wherein <1722> <3739> also <2532> ye are risen with <4891> (5681) him through <1223> the faith <4102> of the operation <1753> of God <2316>, who <3588> hath raised <1453> (5660) him <0846> from <1537> the dead <3498>.

buried ^ 42_LUK_16_22 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that the beggar <4434> died <0599> (5629), and <2532> was carried <0667> (5683) by <5259> the angels <0032> into <1519> Abraham's <0011> bosom <2859>: the rich man <4145> also <1161> <2532> died <0599> (5627), and <2532> was {buried} <2290> (5648);

buried ^ 40_MAT_14_12 And <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> came <4334> (5631), and took up <0142> (5656) the body <4983>, and <2532> {buried} <2290> (5656) it <0846>, and <2532> went <2064> (5631) and told <0518> (5656) Jesus <2424>.

buried ^ 45_ROM_06_04 Therefore <3767> we are {buried} with <4916> (5648) him <0846> by <1223> baptism <0908> into <1519> death <2288>: that <2443> like as <5618> Christ <5547> was raised up <1453> (5681) from <1537> the dead <3498> by <1223> the glory <1391> of the Father <3962>, even so <3779> we <2249> also <2532> should walk <4043> (5661) in <1722> newness <2538> of life <2222>.

carried ^ 65_JDE_01_12 These <3778> are <1526> (5748) spots <4694> in <1722> your <5216> feasts of charity <0026>, when they feast <4910> (5740) with you <5213>, feeding <4165> (5723) themselves <1438> without fear <0870>: clouds <3507> they are without water <0504>, {carried} about <4064> (5746) of <5259> winds <0417>; trees <1186> whose fruit withereth <5352>, without fruit <0175>, twice <1364> dead <0599> (5631), plucked up by the roots <1610> (5685);

carried ^ 42_LUK_07_12 Now <1161> when <5613> he came nigh <1448> (5656) to the gate <4439> of the city <4172>, behold <2532> <2400> (5628), there was <1580> <0> a dead man <2348> (5761) {carried} out <1580> (5712), the only <3439> son <5207> of his <0846> mother <3384>, and <2532> she <0846> was <2258> (5713) a widow <5503>: and <2532> much <2425> people <3793> of the city <4172> was <2258> (5713) with <4862> her <0846>.

carried ^ 58_HEB_13_09 Be <4064> <0> not <3361> {carried} about <4064> (5744) with divers <4164> and <2532> strange <3581> doctrines <1322>. For <1063> it is a good thing <2570> that the heart <2588> be established <0950> (5745) with grace <5485>; not <3756> with meats <1033>, which have <5623> <0> not <3756> profited <5623> (5681) them that have been occupied <4043> (5660) therein <1722> <3739>.

carried ^ 42_LUK_16_22 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that the beggar <4434> died <0599> (5629), and <2532> was {carried} <0667> (5683) by <5259> the angels <0032> into <1519> Abraham's <0011> bosom <2859>: the rich man <4145> also <1161> <2532> died <0599> (5627), and <2532> was buried <2290> (5648);

carried ^ 48_GAL_02_13 And <2532> the other <3062> Jews <2453> dissembled <4942> (5681) likewise <2532> with him <0846>; insomuch <5620> that Barnabas <0921> also <2532> was {carried} away <4879> (5681) with their <0846> dissimulation <5272>.

carried ^ 42_LUK_24_51 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), while <1722> he <0846> blessed <2127> (5721) them <0846>, he was parted <1339> (5627) from <0575> them <0846>, and <2532> {carried} up <0399> (5712) into <1519> heaven <3772>.

carried ^ 41_MAR_15_01 And <2532> straightway <2112> in <1909> the morning <4404> the chief priests <0749> held <4160> (5660) a consultation <4824> with <3326> the elders <4245> and <2532> scribes <1122> and <2532> the whole <3650> council <4892>, and bound <1210> (5660) Jesus <2424>, and {carried} him away <0667> (5656), and <2532> delivered <3860> (5656) him to Pilate <4091>.

carried ^ 40_MAT_01_11 And <1161> Josias <2502> begat <1080> (5656) Jechonias <2423> and <2532> his <0846> brethren <0080>, about the time <1909> they were {carried} away <3350> to Babylon <0897>:

carried ^ 66_REV_17_03 So <2532> he {carried} <0667> <0> me <3165> away <0667> (5656) in <1722> the spirit <4151> into <1519> the wilderness <2048>: and <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) a woman <1135> sit <2521> (5740) upon <1909> a scarlet coloured <2847> beast <2342>, full of <1073> (5723) names <3686> of blasphemy <0988>, having <2192> (5723) seven <2033> heads <2776> and <2532> ten <1176> horns <2768>.

carried ^ 66_REV_21_10 And <2532> he {carried} <0667> <0> me <3165> away <0667> (5656) in <1722> the spirit <4151> to <1909> a great <3173> and <2532> high <5308> mountain <3735>, and <2532> shewed <1166> (5656) me <3427> that great <3173> city <4172>, the holy <0040> Jerusalem <2419>, descending <2597> (5723) out of <1537> heaven <3772> from <0575> God <2316>,

carried ^ 44_ACT_08_02 And <1161> devout <2126> men <0435> {carried} <4792> (5656) Stephen <4736> to his burial, and <2532> made <4160> (5668) great <3173> lamentation <2870> over <1909> him <0846>.

carried ^ 44_ACT_21_34 And <1161> some <0243> cried <0994> (5707) one thing <5100>, some another <0243>, among <1722> the multitude <3793>: and <1161> when he could <1410> (5740) not <3361> know <1097> (5629) the certainty <0804> for <1223> the tumult <2351>, he commanded <2753> (5656) him <0846> to be {carried} <0071> (5745) into <1519> the castle <3925>.

carried ^ 49_EPH_04_14 That <2443> we henceforth be <5600> (5753) no more <3371> children <3516>, tossed to and fro <2831> (5740), and <2532> {carried} about with <4064> (5746) every <3956> wind <0417> of doctrine <1319>, by <1722> the sleight <2940> of men <0444>, and cunning craftiness <1722> <3834>, whereby <4314> they lie in wait <3180> to deceive <4106>;

carried ^ 66_REV_12_15 And <2532> the serpent <3789> cast <0906> (5627) out of <1537> his <0846> mouth <4750> water <5204> as <5613> a flood <4215> after <3694> the woman <1135>, that <2443> he might cause <4160> (5661) her <5026> to be {carried} away of the flood <4216>.

carried ^ 44_ACT_03_02 And <2532> a certain <5100> man <0435> lame <5225> (5723) <5560> from <1537> his <0846> mother's <3384> womb <2836> was {carried} <0941> (5712), whom <3739> they laid <5087> (5707) daily <2250> <2596> at <4314> the gate <2374> of the temple <2411> which <3588> is called <3004> (5746) Beautiful <5611>, to ask <0154> (5721) alms <1654> of <3844> them that entered <1531> (5740) into <1519> the temple <2411>;

carried ^ 44_ACT_07_16 And <2532> were {carried} over <3346> (5681) into <1519> Sychem <4966>, and <2532> laid <5087> (5681) in <1722> the sepulchre <3418> that <3739> Abraham <0011> bought <5608> (5662) for a sum <5092> of money <0694> of <3844> the sons <5207> of Emmor <1697> the father <3588> of Sychem <4966>.

carried ^ 61_2PE_02_17 These <3778> are <1526> (5748) wells <4077> without water <0504>, clouds <3507> that are {carried} <1643> (5746) with <5259> a tempest <2978>; to whom <3739> the mist <2217> of darkness <4655> is reserved <5083> (5769) for <1519> ever <0165>.

carried ^ 44_ACT_05_06 And <1161> the young men <3501> arose <0450> (5631), wound <4958> <0> him <0846> up <4958> (5656), and <2532> {carried} him out <1627> (5660), and buried <2290> (5656) him.

carried ^ 46_1CO_12_02 Ye know <1492> (5758) that <3754> ye were <2258> (5713) Gentiles <1484>, {carried} away <0520> (5746) unto <4314> these dumb <0880> idols <1497>, even as <5613> <0302> ye were led <0071> (5712).

carrieth ^ 66_REV_17_07 And <2532> the angel <0032> said <2036> (5627) unto me <3427>, Wherefore <1302> didst thou marvel <2296> (5656)? I <1473> will tell <2046> (5692) thee <4671> the mystery <3466> of the woman <1135>, and <2532> of the beast <2342> that {carrieth} <0941> (5723) her <0846>, which <3588> hath <2192> (5723) the seven <2033> heads <2776> and <2532> ten <1176> horns <2768>.

countries ^ 42_LUK_21_21 Then <5119> let them <5343> <0> which are in <1722> Judaea <2449> flee <5343> (5720) to <1519> the mountains <3735>; and <2532> let them <1633> <0> which are in <1722> the midst <3319> of it <0846> depart out <1633> (5720); and <2532> let <1525> <0> not <3361> them that are in <1722> the {countries} <5561> enter <1525> (5737) thereinto <1519> <0846>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_07_57 Then <1161> they {cried} out <2896> (5660) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, and stopped <4912> (5627) their <0846> ears <3775>, and <2532> ran <3729> (5656) upon <1909> him <0846> with one accord <3661>,

cried ^ 44_ACT_24_21 Except <2228> it be for <4012> this <5026> one <3391> voice <5456>, that <3739> I {cried} <2896> (5656) standing <2476> (5761) among <1722> them <0846>, Touching <3754> <4012> the resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498> I <1473> am called in question <2919> (5743) by <5259> you <5216> this day <4594>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_22_23 And <1161> as they <0846> {cried} out <2905> (5723), and <2532> cast off <4495> (5723) their clothes <2440>, and <2532> threw <0906> (5723) dust <2868> into <1519> the air <0109>,

cried ^ 44_ACT_23_06 But <1161> when Paul <3972> perceived <1097> (5631) that <3754> the one <1520> part <3313> were <2076> (5748) Sadducees <4523>, and <1161> the other <2087> Pharisees <5330>, he {cried} out <2896> (5656) in <1722> the council <4892>, Men <0435> and brethren <0080>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) a Pharisee <5330>, the son <5207> of a Pharisee <5330>: of <4012> the hope <1680> and <2532> resurrection <0386> of the dead <3498> I <1473> am called in question <2919> (5743).

cried ^ 44_ACT_22_24 The chief captain <5506> commanded <2753> (5656) him <0846> to be brought <0071> (5745) into <1519> the castle <3925>, and bade <2036> (5631) that he <0846> should be examined <0426> (5745) by scourging <3148>; that <2443> he might know <1921> (5632) wherefore <1223> <3739> <0156> they {cried} <2019> <0> so <3779> against <2019> (5707) him <0846>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_19_34 But <1161> when they knew <1921> (5631) that <3754> he was <2076> (5748) a Jew <2453>, all <3956> <1096> (5633) with <1537> one <3391> voice <5456> about <5613> the space <1909> of two <1417> hours <5610> {cried} out <2896> (5723), Great <3173> is Diana <0735> of the Ephesians <2180>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_21_34 And <1161> some <0243> {cried} <0994> (5707) one thing <5100>, some another <0243>, among <1722> the multitude <3793>: and <1161> when he could <1410> (5740) not <3361> know <1097> (5629) the certainty <0804> for <1223> the tumult <2351>, he commanded <2753> (5656) him <0846> to be carried <0071> (5745) into <1519> the castle <3925>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_19_28 And <1161> when they heard <0191> (5660) these sayings, they were <1096> (5637) full <4134> of wrath <2372>, and <2532> {cried} out <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Great <3173> is Diana <0735> of the Ephesians <2180>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_16_28 But <1161> Paul <3972> {cried} <5455> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), Do <4238> (5661) thyself <4572> no <3367> harm <2556>: for <1063> we are <2070> (5748) all <0537> here <1759>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_19_32 Some <0243> therefore <3767> <3303> {cried} <2896> (5707) one thing <5100>, and some another <0243>: for <1063> the assembly <1577> was <2258> (5713) confused <4797> (5772); and <2532> the more part <4119> knew <1492> (5715) not <3756> wherefore <5101> <1752> they were come together <4905> (5715).

cried ^ 44_ACT_16_17 The same <3778> followed <2628> (5660) Paul <3972> and <2532> us <2254>, and {cried} <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), These <3778> men <0444> are <1526> (5748) the servants <1401> of the most high <5310> God <2316>, which <3748> shew <2605> (5719) unto us <2254> the way <3598> of salvation <4991>.

cried ^ 44_ACT_07_60 And <1161> he kneeled down <5087> (5631) <1119>, and {cried} <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, Lord <2962>, lay <2476> (5661) not <3361> this <5026> sin <0266> to their <0846> charge. And <2532> when he had said <2036> (5631) this <5124>, he fell asleep <2837> (5681).

cried ^ 43_JOH_19_15 But <1161> they {cried} out <2905> (5656), Away with <0142> (5657) him, away with <0142> (5657) him, crucify <4717> (5657) him <0846>. Pilate <4091> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Shall I crucify <4717> (5692) your <5216> King <0935>? The chief priests <0749> answered <0611> (5662), We have <2192> (5719) no <3756> king <0935> but <1508> Caesar <2541>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_12_44 <1161> Jesus <2424> {cried} <2896> (5656) and <2532> said <2036> (5627), He that believeth <4100> (5723) on <1519> me <1691>, believeth <4100> (5719) not <3756> on <1519> me <1691>, but <0235> on <1519> him that sent <3992> (5660) me <3165>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_19_06 When <3753> the chief priests <0749> therefore <3767> and <2532> officers <5257> saw <1492> (5627) him <0846>, they {cried} out <2905> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Crucify <4717> (5657) him, crucify <4717> (5657) him. Pilate <4091> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Take <2983> (5628) ye <5210> him <0846>, and <2532> crucify <4717> (5657) him: for <1063> I <1473> find <2147> (5719) no <3756> fault <0156> in <1722> him <0846>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_12_13 Took <2983> (5627) branches <0902> of palm trees <5404>, and <2532> went forth <1831> (5627) to <1519> meet <5222> him <0846>, and <2532> {cried} <2896> (5707), Hosanna <5614>: Blessed <2127> (5772) is the King <0935> of Israel <2474> that cometh <2064> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_18_40 Then <3767> {cried} they <2905> (5656) all <3956> again <3825>, saying <3004> (5723), Not <3361> this man <5126>, but <0235> Barabbas <0912>. Now <1161> Barabbas <0912> was <2258> (5713) a robber <3027>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_19_12 And from <1537> thenceforth <5127> Pilate <4091> sought <2212> (5707) to release <0630> (5658) him <0846>: but <1161> the Jews <2453> {cried} out <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), If <1437> thou let <0630> <0> this man <5126> go <0630> (5661), thou art <1488> (5748) not <3756> Caesar's <2541> friend <5384>: whosoever <3956> maketh <4160> (5723) himself <0846> a king <0935> speaketh against <0483> (5719) Caesar <2541>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_07_28 Then <3767> {cried} <2896> (5656) Jesus <2424> in <1722> the temple <2411> as he taught <1321> (5723), <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Ye both <2504> know me <1492> (5758), and <2532> ye know <1492> (5758) whence <4159> I am <1510> (5748): and <2532> I am <2064> <0> not <3756> come <2064> (5754) of <0575> myself <1683>, but <0235> he that sent <3992> (5660) me <3165> is <2076> (5748) true <0228>, whom <3739> ye <5210> know <1492> (5758) not <3756>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_07_37 <1161> In <1722> the last <2078> day <2250>, that great <3173> day of the feast <1859>, Jesus <2424> stood <2476> (5715) and <2532> {cried} <2896> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), If <1437> any man <5100> thirst <1372> (5725), let him come <2064> (5737) unto <4314> me <3165>, and <2532> drink <4095> (5720).

cried ^ 43_JOH_11_43 And <2532> when he thus <5023> had spoken <2036> (5631), he {cried} <2905> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, Lazarus <2976>, come <1204> (5773) forth <1854>.

cried ^ 43_JOH_01_15 John <2491> bare witness <3140> (5719) of <4012> him <0846>, and <2532> {cried} <2896> (5754), saying <3004> (5723), This <3778> was he <2258> (5713) of whom <3739> I spake <2036> (5627), He that cometh <2064> (5740) after <3694> me <3450> is preferred <1096> (5754) before <1715> me <3450>: for <3754> he was <2258> (5713) before <4413> me <3450>.

cried ^ 42_LUK_23_18 And <1161> they {cried} out <0349> (5656) all at once <3826>, saying <3004> (5723), Away with <0142> (5720) this <5126> man, and <1161> release <0630> (5657) unto us <2254> Barabbas <0912>:

cried ^ 42_LUK_23_21 But <1161> they {cried} <2019> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Crucify <4717> (5657) him, crucify <4717> (5657) him <0846>.

cried ^ 42_LUK_18_39 And <2532> they which went before <4254> (5723) rebuked <2008> (5707) him <0846>, that <2443> he should hold his peace <4623> (5661): but <1161> he <0846> {cried} <2896> (5707) so much <4183> the more <3123>, Thou Son <5207> of David <1138>, have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>.

cried ^ 42_LUK_23_46 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> had {cried} <5455> (5660) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, he said <2036> (5627), Father <3962>, into <1519> thy <4675> hands <5495> I commend <3908> (5695) my <3450> spirit <4151>: and <2532> having said <2036> (5631) thus <5023>, he gave up the ghost <1606> (5656).

cried ^ 42_LUK_16_24 And <2532> <0846> he {cried} <5455> (5660) and said <2036> (5627), Father <3962> Abraham <0011>, have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>, and <2532> send <3992> (5657) Lazarus <2976>, that <2443> he may dip <0911> (5661) the tip <0206> of his <0846> finger <1147> in water <5204>, and <2532> cool <2711> (5661) my <3450> tongue <1100>; for <3754> I am tormented <3600> (5743) in <1722> this <5026> flame <5395>.

cried ^ 42_LUK_08_08 And <2532> other <2087> fell <4098> (5627) on <1909> good <0018> ground <1093>, and <2532> sprang up <5453> (5651), and bare <4160> (5656) fruit <2590> an hundredfold <1542>. And when he had said <3004> (5723) these things <5023>, he {cried} <5455> (5707), He that hath <2192> (5723) ears <3775> to hear <0191> (5721), let him hear <0191> (5720).

cried ^ 42_LUK_09_38 And, <2532> behold <2400> (5628), a man <0435> of <0575> the company <3793> {cried} out <0310> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Master <1320>, I beseech <1189> (5736) thee <4675>, look <1914> (5657) upon <1909> my <3450> son <5207>: for <3754> he is <2076> (5748) mine <3427> only child <3439>.

cried ^ 42_LUK_18_38 And <2532> he {cried} <0994> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Jesus <2424>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>, have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>.

cried ^ 42_LUK_04_33 And <2532> in <1722> the synagogue <4864> there was <2258> (5713) a man <0444>, which had <2192> (5723) a spirit <4151> of an unclean <0169> devil <1140>, and <2532> {cried} out <0349> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>,

cried ^ 42_LUK_08_28 When <1161> he saw <1492> (5631) Jesus <2424>, he {cried} out <0349> (5660), and <2532> fell down before <4363> (5627) him <0846>, and <2532> with a loud <3173> voice <5456> said <2036> (5627), What <5101> have I <1698> to do with <2532> thee <4671>, Jesus <2424>, thou Son <5207> of God <2316> most high <5310>? I beseech <1189> (5736) thee <4675>, torment <0928> (5661) me <3165> not <3361>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_01_23 And <2532> there was <2258> (5713) in <1722> their <0846> synagogue <4864> a man <0444> with <1722> an unclean <0169> spirit <4151>; and <2532> he {cried} out <0349> (5656),

cried ^ 41_MAR_03_11 And <2532> unclean <0169> spirits <4151>, when <3752> they saw <2334> (5707) him <0846>, fell down before <4363> (5707) him <0846>, and <2532> {cried} <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), <3754> Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_01_26 And <2532> when the unclean <0169> spirit <4151> had torn <4682> (5660) him <0846>, and <2532> {cried} <2896> (5660) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, he came <1831> (5627) out of <1537> him <0846>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_15_34 And <2532> at the ninth <1766> hour <5610> Jesus <2424> {cried} <0994> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), Eloi <1682>, Eloi <1682>, lama <2982> sabachthani <4518>? which <3739> is <2076> (5748), being interpreted <3177> (5746), My <3450> God <2316>, my <3450> God <2316>, why <5101> hast <1519> thou forsaken <1459> (5627) me <3165>?

cried ^ 41_MAR_15_37 And <1161> Jesus <2424> {cried} <0863> (5631) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, and gave up the ghost <1606> (5656).

cried ^ 40_MAT_27_46 And <1161> about <4012> the ninth <1766> hour <5610> Jesus <2424> {cried} <0310> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), Eli <2241>, Eli <2241>, lama <2982> sabachthani <4518>? that <5123> (5748) is to say, My <3450> God <2316>, my <3450> God <2316>, why <2444> hast thou forsaken <1459> (5627) me <3165>?

cried ^ 41_MAR_15_39 And <1161> when the centurion <2760>, which <3588> stood <3936> (5761) over <1537> against <1727> him <0846>, saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> he so <3779> {cried} out <2896> (5660), and gave up the ghost <1606> (5656), he said <2036> (5627), Truly <0230> this <3778> man <0444> was <2258> (5713) the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_14_26 And <2532> when the disciples <3101> saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> walking <4043> (5723) on <1909> the sea <2281>, they were troubled <5015> (5681), saying <3004> (5723) <3754>, It is <2076> (5748) a spirit <5326>; and <2532> they {cried} out <2896> (5656) for <0575> fear <5401>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_20_30 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), two <1417> blind men <5185> sitting <2521> (5740) by the way <3598> side <3844>, when they heard <0191> (5660) that <3754> Jesus <2424> passed by <3855> (5719), {cried} out <2896> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Have mercy <1653> (5657) on us <2248>, O Lord <2962>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_20_31 And <1161> the multitude <3793> rebuked <2008> (5656) them <0846>, because <2443> they should hold their peace <4623> (5661): but <1161> they {cried} <2896> (5707) the more <3185>, saying <3004> (5723), Have mercy <1653> (5657) on us <2248>, O Lord <2962>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_21_09 And <1161> the multitudes <3793> that went before <4254> (5723), and <2532> that followed <0190> (5723), {cried} <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Hosanna <5614> to the Son <5207> of David <1138>: Blessed <2127> (5772) is he that cometh <2064> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>; Hosanna <5614> in <1722> the highest <5310>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_27_23 And <1161> the governor <2232> said <5346> (5713), Why <1063>, what <5101> evil <2556> hath he done <4160> (5656)? But <1161> they {cried} out <2896> (5707) the more <4057>, saying <3004> (5723), Let him be crucified <4717> (5682).

cried ^ 40_MAT_27_50 <1161> Jesus <2424>, when he had {cried} <2896> (5660) again <3825> with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, yielded up <0863> (5656) the ghost <4151>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_08_29 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), they {cried} out <2896> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> have we <2254> to do with <2532> thee <4671>, Jesus <2424>, thou Son <5207> of God <2316>? art thou come <2064> (5627) hither <5602> to torment <0928> (5658) us <2248> before <4253> the time <2540>?

cried ^ 40_MAT_14_30 But <1161> when he saw <0991> (5723) the wind <0417> boisterous <2478>, he was afraid <5399> (5675); and <2532> beginning <0756> (5671) to sink <2670> (5745), he {cried} <2896> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, save <4982> (5657) me <3165>.

cried ^ 40_MAT_15_22 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a woman <1135> of Canaan <5478> came <1831> (5631) out of <0575> the same <1565> coasts <3725>, and {cried} <2905> (5656) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>, O Lord <2962>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>; my <3450> daughter <2364> is grievously <2560> vexed with a devil <1139> (5736).

cried ^ 41_MAR_05_07 And <2532> {cried} <2896> (5660) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, and said <2036> (5627), What <5101> have I <1698> to do <2532> with thee <4671>, Jesus <2424>, thou Son <5207> of the most high <5310> God <2316>? I adjure <3726> (5719) thee <4571> by God <2316>, that thou torment <0928> (5661) me <3165> not <3361>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_06_49 But <1161> when they saw <1492> (5631) him <0846> walking <4043> (5723) upon <1909> the sea <2281>, they supposed <1380> (5656) it had been <1511> (5750) a spirit <5326>, and <2532> {cried} out <0349> (5656):

cried ^ 41_MAR_09_24 And <2532> straightway <2112> the father <3962> of the child <3813> {cried} out <2896> (5660), and said <3004> (5707) with <3326> tears <1144>, Lord <2962>, I believe <4100> (5719); help thou <0997> (5720) mine <3450> unbelief <0570>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_09_26 And <2532> the spirit {cried} <2896> (5660), and <2532> rent <4682> (5660) him <0846> sore <4183>, and came out of him <1831> (5627): and <2532> he was <1096> (5633) as <5616> one dead <3498>; insomuch <5620> that <3754> many <4183> said <3004> (5721), He is dead <0599> (5627).

cried ^ 41_MAR_10_48 And <2532> many <4183> charged <2008> (5707) him <0846> that <2443> he should hold his peace <4623> (5661): but <1161> he {cried} <2896> (5707) the more <3123> a great deal <4183>, Thou Son <5207> of David <1138>, have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_11_09 And <2532> they that went before <4254> (5723), and <2532> they that followed <0190> (5723), {cried} <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), Hosanna <5614>; Blessed <2127> (5772) is he that cometh <2064> (5740) in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>:

cried ^ 41_MAR_15_13 And <1161> they {cried} out <2896> (5656) again <3825>, Crucify <4717> (5657) him <0846>.

cried ^ 41_MAR_15_14 Then <1161> Pilate <4091> said <3004> (5707) unto them <0846>, Why <1063>, what <5101> evil <2556> hath he done <4160> (5656)? And <1161> they {cried} out <2896> (5656) the more exceedingly <4056>, Crucify <4717> (5657) him <0846>.

cried ^ 66_REV_19_17 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) an <1520> angel <0032> standing <2476> (5761) in <1722> the sun <2246>; and <2532> he {cried} <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723) to all <3956> the fowls <3732> that fly <4072> (5740) in <1722> the midst of heaven <3321>, Come <1205> (5773) and <2532> gather yourselves together <4863> (5744) unto <1519> the supper <1173> of the great <3173> God <2316>;

cried ^ 66_REV_18_19 And <2532> they cast <0906> (5627) dust <5522> on <1909> their <0846> heads <2776>, and <2532> {cried} <2896> (5707), weeping <2799> (5723) and <2532> wailing <3996> (5723), saying <3004> (5723), Alas <3759>, alas <3759>, that great <3173> city <4172>, wherein <1722> <3739> were made rich <4147> (5656) all <3956> that had <2192> (5723) ships <4143> in <1722> the sea <2281> by reason of <1537> her <0846> costliness <5094>! for <3754> in one <3391> hour <5610> is she made desolate <2049> (5681).

cried ^ 66_REV_12_02 And <2532> she being <2192> (5723) with <1722> child <1064> {cried} <2896> (5719), travailing in birth <5605> (5723), and <2532> pained <0928> (5746) to be delivered <5088> (5629).

cried ^ 66_REV_18_18 And <2532> {cried} <2896> (5707) when they saw <3708> (5723) the smoke <2586> of her <0846> burning <4451>, saying <3004> (5723), What <5101> city is like <3664> unto this great <3173> city <4172>!

cried ^ 66_REV_10_03 And <2532> {cried} <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, as <5618> when a lion <3023> roareth <3455> (5736): and <2532> when <3753> he had cried <2896> (5656), seven <2033> thunders <1027> uttered <2980> (5656) their <1438> voices <5456>.

cried ^ 66_REV_14_18 And <2532> another <0243> angel <0032> came <1831> (5627) out <1537> from the altar <2379>, which had <2192> (5723) power <1849> over <1909> fire <4442>; and <2532> {cried} <5455> (5656) with a loud <3173> cry <2906> to him that had <2192> (5723) the sharp <3691> sickle <1407>, saying <3004> (5723), Thrust in <3992> (5657) thy <4675> sharp <3691> sickle <1407>, and <2532> gather <5166> (5657) the clusters <1009> of the vine <0288> of the earth <1093>; for <3754> her <0846> grapes <4718> are fully ripe <0187> (5656).

cried ^ 66_REV_18_02 And <2532> he {cried} <2896> (5656) mightily <2479> with <1722> a strong <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), Babylon <0897> the great <3173> is fallen <4098> (5627), is fallen <4098> (5627), and <2532> is become <1096> (5633) the habitation <2732> of devils <1142>, and <2532> the hold <5438> of every <3956> foul <0169> spirit <4151>, and <2532> a cage <5438> of every <3956> unclean <0169> and <2532> hateful <3404> (5772) bird <3732>.

cried ^ 66_REV_10_03 And <2532> cried <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, as <5618> when a lion <3023> roareth <3455> (5736): and <2532> when <3753> he had {cried} <2896> (5656), seven <2033> thunders <1027> uttered <2980> (5656) their <1438> voices <5456>.

cried ^ 66_REV_06_10 And <2532> they {cried} <2896> (5707) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), How <2193> long <4219>, O Lord <1203>, holy <0040> and <2532> true <0228>, dost thou <2919> <0> not <3756> judge <2919> (5719) and <2532> avenge <1556> (5719) our <2257> blood <0129> on <0575> them that dwell <2730> (5723) on <1909> the earth <1093>?

cried ^ 66_REV_07_02 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) another <0243> angel <0032> ascending <0305> (5631) (5625) <0305> (5723) from <0575> the east <0395> <2246>, having <2192> (5723) the seal <4973> of the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>: and <2532> he {cried} <2896> (5656) with a loud <3173> voice <5456> to the four <5064> angels <0032>, to whom <3739> it <0846> was given <1325> (5681) to hurt <0091> (5658) the earth <1093> and <2532> the sea <2281>,

cried ^ 66_REV_07_10 And <2532> {cried} <2896> (5723) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, saying <3004> (5723), Salvation <4991> to our <2257> God <2316> which <3588> sitteth <2521> (5740) upon <1909> the throne <2362>, and <2532> unto the Lamb <0721>.

cries ^ 59_JAM_05_04 Behold <2400> (5628), the hire <3408> of the labourers <2040> who <3588> have reaped down <0270> (5660) your <5216> fields <5561>, which <3588> is of <0575> you <5216> kept back by fraud <0650> (5772), crieth <2896> (5719): and <2532> the {cries} <0995> of them which have reaped <2325> (5660) are entered <1525> (5754) into <1519> the ears <3775> of the Lord <2962> of sabaoth <4519>.

crieth ^ 59_JAM_05_04 Behold <2400> (5628), the hire <3408> of the labourers <2040> who <3588> have reaped down <0270> (5660) your <5216> fields <5561>, which <3588> is of <0575> you <5216> kept back by fraud <0650> (5772), {crieth} <2896> (5719): and <2532> the cries <0995> of them which have reaped <2325> (5660) are entered <1525> (5754) into <1519> the ears <3775> of the Lord <2962> of sabaoth <4519>.

crieth ^ 42_LUK_09_39 And <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), a spirit <4151> taketh <2983> (5719) him <0846>, and <2532> he suddenly <1810> {crieth} out <2896> (5719); and <2532> it teareth <4682> (5719) him <0846> that he foameth <0876> again <3326>, and <2532> bruising <4937> (5723) him <0846> hardly <3425> departeth <0672> (5719) from <0575> him <0846>.

crieth ^ 40_MAT_15_23 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5662) her <0846> not <3756> a word <3056>. And <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> came <4334> (5631) and besought <2065> (5707) him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Send <0630> <0> her <0846> away <0630> (5657); for <3754> she {crieth} <2896> (5719) after <3693> us <2257>.

crieth ^ 45_ROM_09_27 Esaias <2268> also <1161> {crieth} <2896> (5719) concerning <5228> Israel <2474>, Though <1437> the number <0706> of the children <5207> of Israel <2474> be <5600> (5753) as <5613> the sand <0285> of the sea <2281>, a remnant <2640> shall be saved <4982> (5701):

dried ^ 41_MAR_05_29 And <2532> straightway <2112> the fountain <4077> of her <0846> blood <0129> was {dried} up <3583> (5681); and <2532> she felt <1097> (5627) in her body <4983> that <3754> she was healed <2390> (5769) of <0575> that plague <3148>.

dried ^ 41_MAR_11_20 And <2532> in the morning <4404>, as they passed by <3899> (5740), they saw <1492> (5627) the fig tree <4808> {dried} up <3583> (5772) from <1537> the roots <4491>.

dried ^ 66_REV_16_12 And <2532> the sixth <1623> angel <0032> poured out <1632> (5656) his <0846> vial <5357> upon <1909> the great <3173> river <4215> Euphrates <2166>; and <2532> the water <5204> thereof <0846> was {dried} up <3583> (5681), that <2443> the way <3598> of the kings <0935> of <0575> the east <0395> <2246> might be prepared <2090> (5686).

experience ^ 45_ROM_05_04 And <1161> patience <5281>, experience <1382>; and <1161> {experience} <1382>, hope <1680>:

experience ^ 45_ROM_05_04 And <1161> patience <5281>, {experience} <1382>; and <1161> experience <1382>, hope <1680>:

friend ^ 44_ACT_12_20 And <1161> Herod <2264> was <2258> (5713) highly displeased <2371> (5723) with them of Tyre <5183> and <2532> Sidon <4606>: but <1161> they came <3918> (5713) with one accord <3661> to <4314> him <0846>, and <2532>, having made <3982> <0> Blastus <0986> the king's <0935> chamberlain <1909> <2846> their {friend} <3982> (5660), desired <0154> (5710) peace <1515>; because <1223> their <0846> country <5561> was nourished <5142> (5745) by <0575> the king's <0937> country.

Friend ^ 59_JAM_02_23 And <2532> the scripture <1124> was fulfilled <4137> (5681) which saith <3004> (5723), <1161> Abraham <0011> believed <4100> (5656) God <2316>, and <2532> it was imputed <3049> (5681) unto him <0846> for <1519> righteousness <1343>: and <2532> he was called <2564> (5681) the {Friend} <5384> of God <2316>.

friend ^ 43_JOH_03_29 He that hath <2192> (5723) the bride <3565> is <2076> (5748) the bridegroom <3566>: but <1161> the {friend} <5384> of the bridegroom <3566>, which <3588> standeth <2476> (5761) and <2532> heareth <0191> (5723) him <0846>, rejoiceth <5463> (5719) greatly <5479> because <1223> of the bridegroom's <3566> voice <5456>: this <3778> my <1699> joy <5479> therefore <3767> is fulfilled <4137> (5769).

friend ^ 43_JOH_19_12 And from <1537> thenceforth <5127> Pilate <4091> sought <2212> (5707) to release <0630> (5658) him <0846>: but <1161> the Jews <2453> cried out <2896> (5707), saying <3004> (5723), If <1437> thou let <0630> <0> this man <5126> go <0630> (5661), thou art <1488> (5748) not <3756> Caesar's <2541> {friend} <5384>: whosoever <3956> maketh <4160> (5723) himself <0846> a king <0935> speaketh against <0483> (5719) Caesar <2541>.

friend ^ 59_JAM_04_04 Ye adulterers <3432> and <2532> adulteresses <3428>, know ye <1492> (5758) not <3756> that <3754> the friendship <5373> of the world <2889> is <2076> (5748) enmity <2189> with God <2316>? whosoever <3739> <0302> therefore <3767> will be <1511> (5750) <1014> (5680) a {friend} <5384> of the world <2889> is <2525> (5743) the enemy <2190> of God <2316>.

friend ^ 43_JOH_11_11 These things <5023> said <2036> (5627) he <0846>: and <2532> after <3326> that <5124> he saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Our <2257> {friend} <5384> Lazarus <2976> sleepeth <2837> (5769); but <0235> I go <4198> (5736), that <2443> I may awake <1852> <0> him <0846> out of sleep <1852> (5661).

Friend ^ 42_LUK_11_05 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Which <5101> of <1537> you <5216> shall have <2192> (5692) a friend <5384>, and <2532> shall go <4198> (5695) unto <4314> him <0846> at midnight <3317>, and <2532> say <2036> (5632) unto him <0846>, {Friend} <5384>, lend <5531> (5657) me <3427> three <5140> loaves <0740>;

Friend ^ 42_LUK_14_10 But <0235> when <3752> thou art bidden <2564> (5686), go <4198> (5679) and sit down <0377> (5657) in <1519> the lowest <2078> room <5117>; that <2443> when <3752> he that bade <2564> (5761) thee <4571> cometh <2064> (5632), he may say <2036> (5632) unto thee <4671>, {Friend} <5384>, go up <4320> (5628) higher <0511>: then <5119> shalt thou <4671> have <2071> (5704) worship <1391> in the presence <1799> of them that sit at meat <4873> (5740) with thee <4671>.

friend ^ 42_LUK_11_08 I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Though <1499> he will <1453> <0> not <3756> rise <1453> (5685) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846>, because <1223> he is <1511> (5750) his <0846> {friend} <5384>, yet <1065> because <1223> of his <0846> importunity <0335> he will rise <0450> (5631) and give <1325> (5692) him <0846> as many as <3745> he needeth <5535> (5719).

friend ^ 42_LUK_11_06 For <1894> a {friend} <5384> of mine <3450> in <1537> his journey <3598> is come <3854> (5633) to <4314> me <3165>, and <2532> I have <2192> (5719) nothing <3756> <3739> to set before <3908> (5692) him <0846>?

friend ^ 42_LUK_11_05 And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>, Which <5101> of <1537> you <5216> shall have <2192> (5692) a {friend} <5384>, and <2532> shall go <4198> (5695) unto <4314> him <0846> at midnight <3317>, and <2532> say <2036> (5632) unto him <0846>, Friend <5384>, lend <5531> (5657) me <3427> three <5140> loaves <0740>;

friend ^ 42_LUK_07_34 The Son <5207> of man <0444> is come <2064> (5754) eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723); and <2532> ye say <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628) a gluttonous <5314> man <0444>, and <2532> a winebibber <3630>, a {friend} <5384> of publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>!

Friend ^ 40_MAT_20_13 But <1161> he answered <0611> (5679) one <1520> of them <0846>, and said <2036> (5627), {Friend} <2083>, I do <0091> <0> thee <4571> no <3756> wrong <0091> (5719): didst <4856> <0> not <3780> thou agree <4856> (5656) with me <3427> for a penny <1220>?

Friend ^ 40_MAT_26_50 And <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, {Friend} <2083>, wherefore <1909> <3739> art thou come <3918> (5748)? Then <5119> came they <4334> (5631), and laid <1911> (5627) hands <5495> on <1909> Jesus <2424>, and <2532> took <2902> (5656) him <0846>.

Friend ^ 40_MAT_22_12 And <2532> he saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, {Friend} <2083>, how <4459> camest thou <1525> (5627) in hither <5602> not <3361> having <2192> (5723) a wedding <1062> garment <1742>? And <1161> he was speechless <5392> (5681).

friend ^ 40_MAT_11_19 The Son <5207> of man <0444> came <2064> (5627) eating <2068> (5723) and <2532> drinking <4095> (5723), and <2532> they say <3004> (5719), Behold <2400> (5628) a man <0444> gluttonous <5314>, and <2532> a winebibber <3630>, a {friend} <5384> of publicans <5057> and <2532> sinners <0268>. But <2532> wisdom <4678> is justified <1344> (5681) of <0575> her <0846> children <5043>.

friends ^ 64_3JO_01_14 But <1161> I trust <1679> (5719) I shall <1492> <0> shortly <2112> see <1492> (5629) thee <4571>, and <2532> we shall speak <2980> (5692) face <4750> to <4314> face <4750>. Peace <1515> be to thee <4671>. Our friends <5384> salute <0782> (5736) thee <4571>. Greet <0782> (5737) the {friends} <5384> by <2596> name <3686>.

friends ^ 64_3JO_01_14 But <1161> I trust <1679> (5719) I shall <1492> <0> shortly <2112> see <1492> (5629) thee <4571>, and <2532> we shall speak <2980> (5692) face <4750> to <4314> face <4750>. Peace <1515> be to thee <4671>. Our {friends} <5384> salute <0782> (5736) thee <4571>. Greet <0782> (5737) the friends <5384> by <2596> name <3686>.

friends ^ 42_LUK_15_29 And <1161> he answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) to his father <3962>, Lo <2400> (5628), these many <5118> years <2094> do I serve <1398> (5719) thee <4671>, neither <3763> <0> transgressed I <3928> (5627) at any time <3763> thy <4675> commandment <1785>: and <2532> yet <2532> thou <1325> <0> never <3763> gavest <1325> (5656) me <1698> a kid <2056>, that <2443> I might make merry <2165> (5686) with <3326> my <3450> {friends} <5384>:

friends ^ 42_LUK_16_09 And I <2504> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Make <4160> (5657) to yourselves <1438> {friends} <5384> of <1537> the mammon <3126> of unrighteousness <0093>; that <2443>, when <3752> ye fail <1587> (5632), they may receive <1209> (5667) you <5209> into <1519> everlasting <0166> habitations <4633>.

friends ^ 41_MAR_05_19 Howbeit <1161> Jesus <2424> suffered <0863> (5656) him <0846> not <3756>, but <0235> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Go <5217> (5720) home <1519> <3624> <4675> to <4314> thy {friends} <4674>, and <2532> tell <0312> (5657) them <0846> how great things <3745> the Lord <2962> hath done <4160> (5656) for thee <4671>, and <2532> hath had compassion <1653> (5656) on thee <4571>.

friends ^ 43_JOH_15_14 Ye <5210> are <2075> (5748) my <3450> {friends} <5384>, if <1437> ye do <4160> (5725) whatsoever <3745> I <1473> command <1781> (5736) you <5213>.

friends ^ 43_JOH_15_15 Henceforth <3765> <0> I call <3004> (5719) you <5209> not <3765> servants <1401>; for <3754> the servant <1401> knoweth <1492> (5758) not <3756> what <5101> his <0846> lord <2962> doeth <4160> (5719): but <1161> I have called <2046> (5758) you <5209> {friends} <5384>; for <3754> all things <3956> that <3739> I have heard <0191> (5656) of <3844> my <3450> Father <3962> I have made known <1107> (5656) unto you <5213>.

friends ^ 42_LUK_15_09 And <2532> when she hath found <2147> (5631) it, she calleth <4779> <0> her {friends} <5384> and <2532> her neighbours <1069> together <4779> (5731), saying <3004> (5723), Rejoice <4796> (5645) with me <3427>; for <3754> I have found <2147> (5627) the piece <1406> which <3739> I had lost <0622> (5656).

friends ^ 42_LUK_21_16 And <1161> ye shall be betrayed <3860> (5701) both <2532> by <5259> parents <1118>, and <2532> brethren <0080>, and <2532> kinsfolks <4773>, and <2532> {friends} <5384>; and <2532> some of <1537> you <5216> shall they cause to be put to death <2289> (5692).

friends ^ 42_LUK_23_12 And <1161> <3739> the same <1722> <0846> day <2250> Pilate <4091> and <2532> Herod <2264> were made <1096> (5633) {friends} <5384> together <3326> <5037> <0240>: for <1063> before <4391> (5707) they were <5607> (5752) at <1722> enmity <2189> between <4314> themselves <1438>.

friends ^ 44_ACT_10_24 And <2532> the morrow <1887> after they entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> Caesarea <2542>. And <1161> Cornelius <2883> waited for <4328> (5723) them <0846> <2258> (5713), and had called together <4779> (5671) his <0846> kinsmen <4773> and <2532> near <0316> {friends} <5384>.

friends ^ 44_ACT_19_31 And <1161> <2532> certain <5100> of the chief of Asia <0775>, which were <5607> (5752) his <0846> {friends} <5384>, sent <3992> (5660) unto <4314> him <0846>, desiring <3870> (5707) him that he would <1325> <0> not <3361> adventure <1325> (5629) himself <1438> into <1519> the theatre <2302>.

friends ^ 44_ACT_27_03 And <5037> the next <2087> day we touched <2609> (5648) at <1519> Sidon <4605>. And <5037> Julius <2457> courteously <5364> entreated <5530> (5666) Paul <3972>, and gave him liberty <2010> (5656) to go <4198> (5679) unto <4314> his {friends} <5384> to refresh himself <5177> (5629) <1958>.

friends ^ 43_JOH_15_13 Greater <3187> <0> love <0026> hath <2192> (5719) no man <3762> than <3187> this <5026>, that <2443> a man <5100> lay down <5087> (5632) his <0846> life <5590> for <5228> his <0846> {friends} <5384>.

friends ^ 42_LUK_07_06 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> went <4198> (5711) with <4862> them <0846>. And <1161> when he <0846> was <0568> (5723) now <2235> not <3756> far <3112> from <0575> the house <3614>, the centurion <1543> sent <3992> (5656) {friends} <5384> to <4314> him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, trouble <4660> <0> not <3361> thyself <4660> (5744): for <1063> I am <1510> (5748) not <3756> worthy <2425> that <2443> thou shouldest enter <1525> (5632) under <5259> my <3450> roof <4721>:

friends ^ 42_LUK_15_06 And <2532> when he cometh <2064> (5631) <1519> home <3624>, he calleth together <4779> (5719) his {friends} <5384> and <2532> neighbours <1069>, saying <3004> (5723) unto them <0846>, Rejoice <4796> (5645) with me <3427>; for <3754> I have found <2147> (5627) my <3450> sheep <4263> which <3588> was lost <0622> (5756).

friends ^ 41_MAR_03_21 And <2532> when his <0846> {friends} <3844> heard <0191> (5660) of it, they went out <1831> (5627) to lay hold <2902> (5658) on him <0846>: for <1063> they said <3004> (5707), <3754> He is beside himself <1839> (5627).

friends ^ 42_LUK_12_04 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213> my <3450> {friends} <5384>, Be <5399> <0> not <3361> afraid <5399> (5676) of them <0575> that kill <0615> (5723) the body <4983>, and <2532> after <3326> that <5023> have <2192> (5723) no <3361> <5100> more <4055> that they can do <4160> (5658).

friends ^ 42_LUK_14_12 Then <1161> said he <3004> (5707) also <2532> to him that bade <2564> (5761) him <0846>, When <3752> thou makest <4160> (5725) a dinner <0712> or <2228> a supper <1173>, call <5455> (5720) not <3361> thy <4675> {friends} <5384>, nor <3366> thy <4675> brethren <0080>, neither <3366> thy <4675> kinsmen <4773>, nor <3366> thy rich <4145> neighbours <1069>; lest <3379> they <0846> also <2532> bid <0479> <0> thee <4571> again <0479> (5661), and <2532> a recompence <0468> be made <1096> (5638) thee <4671>.

friendship ^ 59_JAM_04_04 Ye adulterers <3432> and <2532> adulteresses <3428>, know ye <1492> (5758) not <3756> that <3754> the {friendship} <5373> of the world <2889> is <2076> (5748) enmity <2189> with God <2316>? whosoever <3739> <0302> therefore <3767> will be <1511> (5750) <1014> (5680) a friend <5384> of the world <2889> is <2525> (5743) the enemy <2190> of God <2316>.

Gabriel ^ 42_LUK_01_19 And <2532> the angel <0032> answering <0611> (5679) said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) {Gabriel} <1043>, that stand <3936> (5761) in the presence <1799> of God <2316>; and <2532> am sent <0649> (5648) to speak <2980> (5658) unto <4314> thee <4571>, and <2532> to shew <2097> <0> thee <4671> these <5023> glad tidings <2097> (5670).

Gabriel ^ 42_LUK_01_26 And <1161> in <1722> the sixth <1623> month <3376> the angel <0032> {Gabriel} <1043> was sent <0649> (5648) from <5259> God <2316> unto <1519> a city <4172> of Galilee <1056>, named <3739> <3686> Nazareth <3478>,

glorieth ^ 47_2CO_10_17 But <1161> he that {glorieth} <2744> (5740), let him glory <2744> (5737) in <1722> the Lord <2962>.

glorieth ^ 46_1CO_01_31 That <2443>, according as <2531> it is written <1125> (5769), He that {glorieth} <2744> (5740), let him glory <2744> (5737) in <1722> the Lord <2962>.

grief ^ 60_1PE_02_19 For <1063> this <5124> is thankworthy <5485>, if <1487> a man <5100> for <1223> conscience <4893> toward God <2316> endure <5297> (5719) {grief} <3077>, suffering <3958> (5723) wrongfully <0095>.

grief ^ 47_2CO_02_05 But <1161> if any <1536> have caused {grief} <3076> (5758), he hath <3076> <0> not <3756> grieved <3076> (5758) me <1691>, but <0235> in <0575> part <3313>: that <3363> <0> I may <1912> <0> not <3363> overcharge <1912> (5725) you <5209> all <3956>.

grief ^ 58_HEB_13_17 Obey <3982> (5732) them that have the rule <2233> (5740) over you <5216>, and <2532> submit yourselves <5226> (5720): for <1063> they <0846> watch <0069> (5719) for <5228> your <5216> souls <5590>, as <5613> they that must give <0591> (5694) account <3056>, that <2443> they may do <4160> (5725) it <5124> with <3326> joy <5479>, and <2532> not <3361> with {grief} <4727> (5723): for <1063> that <5124> is unprofitable <0255> for you <5213>.

grieve ^ 49_EPH_04_30 And <2532> {grieve} <3076> (5720) not <3361> the holy <0040> Spirit <4151> of God <2316>, whereby <1722> <3739> ye are sealed <4972> (5681) unto <1519> the day <2250> of redemption <0629>.

grieved ^ 47_2CO_02_05 But <1161> if any <1536> have caused grief <3076> (5758), he hath <3076> <0> not <3756> {grieved} <3076> (5758) me <1691>, but <0235> in <0575> part <3313>: that <3363> <0> I may <1912> <0> not <3363> overcharge <1912> (5725) you <5209> all <3956>.

grieved ^ 45_ROM_14_15 But <1161> if <1487> thy <4675> brother <0080> be {grieved} <3076> (5743) with <1223> thy meat <1033>, now <3765> <0> walkest thou <4043> (5719) not <3765> charitably <0026> <2596>. Destroy <0622> (5720) not <3361> him <1565> with thy <4675> meat <1033>, for <5228> whom <3739> Christ <5547> died <0599> (5627).

grieved ^ 47_2CO_02_04 For <1063> out of <1537> much <4183> affliction <2347> and <2532> anguish <4928> of heart <2588> I wrote <1125> (5656) unto you <5213> with <1223> many <4183> tears <1144>; not <3756> that <2443> ye should be {grieved} <3076> (5686), but <0235> that <2443> ye might know <1097> (5632) the love <0026> which <3739> I have <2192> (5719) more abundantly <4056> unto <1519> you <5209>.

grieved ^ 44_ACT_04_02 Being {grieved} <1278> (5740) that <1223> they <0846> taught <1321> (5721) the people <2992>, and <2532> preached <2605> (5721) through <1722> Jesus <2424> the resurrection <0386> from <1537> the dead <3498>.

grieved ^ 44_ACT_16_18 And <1161> this <5124> did she <4160> (5707) <1909> many <4183> days <2250>. But <1161> Paul <3972>, being {grieved} <1278> (5666), turned <1994> (5660) and <2532> said <2036> (5627) to the spirit <4151>, I command <3853> (5719) thee <4671> in <1722> the name <3686> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> to come <1831> (5629) out of <0575> her <0846>. And <2532> he came out <1831> (5627) the same <0846> hour <5610>.

grieved ^ 58_HEB_03_10 Wherefore <1352> I was {grieved} <4360> (5656) with that <1565> generation <1074>, and <2532> said <2036> (5627), They do <4105> <0> alway <0104> err <4105> (5746) in their heart <2588>; and <1161> they <0846> have <1097> <0> not <3756> known <1097> (5627) my <3450> ways <3598>.

grieved ^ 58_HEB_03_17 But <1161> with whom <5101> was he {grieved} <4360> (5656) forty <5062> years <2094>? was it not <3780> with them that had sinned <0264> (5660), whose <3739> carcases <2966> fell <4098> (5627) in <1722> the wilderness <2048>?

grieved ^ 43_JOH_21_17 He saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846> the third <5154> time, Simon <4613>, son of Jonas <2495>, lovest <5368> (5719) thou me <3165>? Peter <4074> was {grieved} <3076> (5681) because <3754> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846> the third <5154> time, Lovest <5368> (5719) thou me <3165>? And <2532> he said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Lord <2962>, thou <4771> knowest <1492> (5758) all things <3956>; thou <4771> knowest <1097> (5719) that <3754> I love <5368> (5719) thee <4571>. Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Feed <1006> (5720) my <3450> sheep <4263>.

grieved ^ 41_MAR_10_22 And <1161> he was sad <4768> (5660) at <1909> that saying <3056>, and went away <0565> (5627) {grieved} <3076> (5746): for <1063> he had <2192> (5723) <2258> (5713) great <4183> possessions <2933>.

grieved ^ 41_MAR_03_05 And <2532> when he had looked round about <4017> (5671) on them <0846> with <3326> anger <3709>, being {grieved} <4818> (5740) for <1909> the hardness <4457> of their <0846> hearts <2588>, he saith <3004> (5719) unto the man <0444>, Stretch forth <1614> (5657) thine <4675> hand <5495>. And <2532> he stretched it out <1614> (5656): and <2532> his <0846> hand <5495> was restored <0600> (5681) whole <5199> as <5613> the other <0243>.

grievous ^ 40_MAT_23_04 For <1063> they bind <1195> (5719) heavy <0926> burdens <5413> and <2532> {grievous} to be borne <1419>, and <2532> lay <2007> (5719) them on <1909> men's <0444> shoulders <5606>; but <1161> they themselves will <2309> (5719) not <3756> move <2795> (5658) them <0846> with one of their <0846> fingers <1147>.

grievous ^ 50_PHP_03_01 Finally <3063>, my <3450> brethren <0080>, rejoice <5463> (5720) in <1722> the Lord <2962>. To write <1125> (5721) the same things <0846> to you <5213>, to me <1698> indeed <3303> is not <3756> {grievous} <3636>, but <1161> for you <5213> it is safe <0804>.

grievous ^ 66_REV_16_02 And <2532> the first <4413> went <0565> (5627), and <2532> poured out <1632> (5656) his <0846> vial <5357> upon <1909> the earth <1093>; and <2532> there fell <1096> (5633) a noisome <2556> and <2532> {grievous} <4190> sore <1668> upon <1519> the men <0444> which <3588> had <2192> (5723) the mark <5480> of the beast <2342>, and <2532> upon them which worshipped <4352> (5723) his <0846> image <1504>.

grievous ^ 42_LUK_11_46 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Woe <3759> unto you <5213> also <2532>, ye lawyers <3544>! for <3754> ye lade <5412> (5719) men <0444> with burdens <5413> {grievous} to be borne <1419>, and <2532> ye yourselves <0846> touch <4379> (5719) not <3756> the burdens <5413> with one <1520> of your <5216> fingers <1147>.

grievous ^ 44_ACT_25_07 And <1161> when he <0846> was come <3854> (5637), the Jews <2453> which came down <2597> (5761) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414> stood round about <4026> (5627), and <2532> laid <5342> (5723) many <4183> and {grievous} <0926> complaints <0157> against <2596> Paul <3972>, which <3739> they could <2480> (5707) not <3756> prove <0584> (5658).

grievous ^ 44_ACT_20_29 For <1063> I <1473> know <1492> (5758) this <5124>, that <3754> after <3326> my <3450> departing <0867> shall {grievous} <0926> wolves <3074> enter in <1525> (5695) among <1519> you <5209>, not <3361> sparing <5339> (5740) the flock <4168>.

grievous ^ 58_HEB_12_11 Now <1161> no <3956> <3756> chastening <3809> for <4314> <3303> the present <3918> (5752) seemeth <1380> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) joyous <5479>, but <0235> {grievous} <3077>: nevertheless <1161> afterward <5305> it yieldeth <0591> (5719) the peaceable <1516> fruit <2590> of righteousness <1343> unto them which are exercised <1128> (5772) thereby <1223> <0846>.

grievous ^ 62_1JO_05_03 For <1063> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) the love <0026> of God <2316>, that <2443> we keep <5083> (5725) his <0846> commandments <1785>: and <2532> his <0846> commandments <1785> are <1526> (5748) not <3756> {grievous} <0926>.

grievously ^ 40_MAT_08_06 And <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Lord <2962>, my <3450> servant <3816> lieth <0906> (5769) at <1722> home <3614> sick of the palsy <3885>, {grievously} <1171> tormented <0928> (5746).

grievously ^ 40_MAT_15_22 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), a woman <1135> of Canaan <5478> came <1831> (5631) out of <0575> the same <1565> coasts <3725>, and cried <2905> (5656) unto him <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), Have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>, O Lord <2962>, thou Son <5207> of David <1138>; my <3450> daughter <2364> is {grievously} <2560> vexed with a devil <1139> (5736).

idolatries ^ 60_1PE_04_03 For <1063> the time <5550> past <3928> (5756) of our life <0979> may suffice <0713> us <2254> to have wrought <2716> (5664) the will <2307> of the Gentiles <1484>, when we walked <4198> (5768) in <1722> lasciviousness <0766>, lusts <1939>, excess of wine <3632>, revellings <2970>, banquetings <4224>, and <2532> abominable <0111> {idolatries} <1495>:

married ^ 46_1CO_07_33 But <1161> he that is {married} <1060> (5660) careth <3309> (5719) for the things that are <3588> of the world <2889>, how <4459> he may please <0700> (5692) his wife <1135>.

married ^ 46_1CO_07_10 And <1161> unto the {married} <1060> (5761) I command <3853> (5719), yet not <3756> I <1473>, but <0235> the Lord <2962>, Let <5563> <0> not <3361> the wife <1135> depart <5563> (5683) from <0575> her husband <0435>:

married ^ 46_1CO_07_34 There is difference also between <3307> (5769) a wife <1135> and <2532> a virgin <3933>. The unmarried woman <0022> careth for <3309> (5719) the things <3588> of the Lord <2962>, that <2443> she may be <5600> (5753) holy <0040> both <2532> in body <4983> and <2532> in spirit <4151>: but <1161> she that is {married} <1060> (5660) careth <3309> (5719) for the things <3588> of the world <2889>, how <4459> she may please <0700> (5692) her husband <0435>.

married ^ 46_1CO_07_39 The wife <1135> is bound <1210> (5769) by the law <3551> <1909> as long <5550> as <3745> her <0846> husband <0435> liveth <2198> (5719); but <1161> if <1437> her <0846> husband <0435> be dead <2837> (5686), she is <2076> (5748) at liberty <1658> to be {married} <1060> (5683) to whom <3739> she will <2309> (5719); only <3440> in <1722> the Lord <2962>.

married ^ 42_LUK_14_20 And <2532> another <2087> said <2036> (5627), I have {married} <1060> (5656) a wife <1135>, and <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> I cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) come <2064> (5629).

married ^ 40_MAT_22_25 Now <1161> there were <2258> (5713) with <3844> us <2254> seven <2033> brethren <0080>: and <2532> the first <4413>, when he had {married} a wife <1060> (5660), deceased <5053> (5656), and <2532>, having <2192> (5723) no <3361> issue <4690>, left <0863> (5656) his <0846> wife <1135> unto his <0846> brother <0080>:

married ^ 41_MAR_10_12 And <2532> if <1437> a woman <1135> shall put away <0630> (5661) her <0846> husband <0435>, and <2532> be {married} <1060> (5686) to another <0243>, she committeth adultery <3429> (5736).

married ^ 41_MAR_06_17 For <1063> Herod <2264> himself <0846> had sent forth <0649> (5660) and laid hold <2902> (5656) upon John <2491>, and <2532> bound <1210> (5656) him <0846> in <1722> prison <5438> for <1223> <0> Herodias <2266> sake <1223>, his <0846> brother <0080> Philip's <5376> wife <1135>: for <3754> he had {married} <1060> (5656) her <0846>.

married ^ 45_ROM_07_04 Wherefore <5620>, my <3450> brethren <0080>, ye <5210> also <2532> are become dead <2289> (5681) to the law <3551> by <1223> the body <4983> of Christ <5547>; that <1519> ye <5209> should be {married} <1096> (5635) to another <2087>, even to him who is raised <1453> (5685) from <1537> the dead <3498>, that <2443> we should bring forth fruit <2592> (5661) unto God <2316>.

married ^ 45_ROM_07_03 So then <0686> <3767> if <1437>, while her husband <0435> liveth <2198> (5723), she be {married} <1096> (5638) to another <2087> man <0435>, she shall be called <5537> (5692) an adulteress <3428>: but <1161> if <1437> her husband <0435> be dead <0599> (5632), she is <2076> (5748) free <1658> from <0575> that law <3551>; so that she <0846> is <1511> (5750) no <3361> adulteress <3428>, though she be married <1096> (5637) to another <2087> man <0435>.

married ^ 45_ROM_07_03 So then <0686> <3767> if <1437>, while her husband <0435> liveth <2198> (5723), she be married <1096> (5638) to another <2087> man <0435>, she shall be called <5537> (5692) an adulteress <3428>: but <1161> if <1437> her husband <0435> be dead <0599> (5632), she is <2076> (5748) free <1658> from <0575> that law <3551>; so that she <0846> is <1511> (5750) no <3361> adulteress <3428>, though she be {married} <1096> (5637) to another <2087> man <0435>.

married ^ 42_LUK_17_27 They did eat <2068> (5707), they drank <4095> (5707), they {married} wives <1060> (5707), they were given in marriage <1547> (5712), until <0891> the day <2250> that <3739> Noe <3575> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the ark <2787>, and <2532> the flood <2627> came <2064> (5627), and <2532> destroyed <0622> (5656) them all <0537>.

marrieth ^ 42_LUK_16_18 Whosoever <3956> putteth away <0630> (5723) his <0846> wife <1135>, and <2532> {marrieth} <1060> (5723) another <2087>, committeth adultery <3431> (5719): and <2532> whosoever <3956> marrieth <1060> (5723) her that is put away <0630> (5772) from <0575> her husband <0435> committeth adultery <3431> (5719).

marrieth ^ 40_MAT_19_09 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, <3754> Whosoever <3739> <0302> shall put away <0630> (5661) his <0846> wife <1135>, except <1508> it be for <1909> fornication <4202>, and <2532> shall marry <1060> (5661) another <0243>, committeth adultery <3429> (5736): and <2532> whoso {marrieth} <1060> (5660) her which <3588> is put away <0630> (5772) doth commit adultery <3429> (5736).

marrieth ^ 42_LUK_16_18 Whosoever <3956> putteth away <0630> (5723) his <0846> wife <1135>, and <2532> marrieth <1060> (5723) another <2087>, committeth adultery <3431> (5719): and <2532> whosoever <3956> {marrieth} <1060> (5723) her that is put away <0630> (5772) from <0575> her husband <0435> committeth adultery <3431> (5719).

masteries ^ 55_2TI_02_05 And <1161> if <1437> a man <5100> also <2532> strive <0118> (5725) for {masteries}, yet is he <4737> <0> not <3756> crowned <4737> (5743), except <3362> he strive <0118> (5661) lawfully <3545>.

miseries ^ 59_JAM_05_01 Go to <0033> (5720) now <3568>, ye rich men <4145>, weep <2799> (5657) and howl <3649> (5723) for <1909> your <5216> {miseries} <5004> that shall come upon <1904> (5740) you.

mysteries ^ 46_1CO_13_02 And <2532> though <1437> I have <2192> (5725) the gift of prophecy <4394>, and <2532> understand <1492> (5762) all <3956> {mysteries} <3466>, and <2532> all <3956> knowledge <1108>; and <2532> though <1437> I have <2192> (5725) all <3956> faith <4102>, so <5620> that I could remove <3179> (5721) mountains <3735>, and <1161> have <2192> (5725) not <3361> charity <0026>, I am <1510> (5748) nothing <3762>.

mysteries ^ 46_1CO_04_01 Let <3049> <0> a man <0444> so <3779> account <3049> (5737) of us <2248>, as <5613> of the ministers <5257> of Christ <5547>, and <2532> stewards <3623> of the {mysteries} <3466> of God <2316>.

mysteries ^ 42_LUK_08_10 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Unto you <5213> it is given <1325> (5769) to know <1097> (5629) the {mysteries} <3466> of the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>: but <1161> to others <3062> in <1722> parables <3850>; that <2443> seeing <0991> (5723) they might <0991> <0> not <3361> see <0991> (5725), and <2532> hearing <0191> (5723) they might <4920> <0> not <3361> understand <4920> (5725).

mysteries ^ 40_MAT_13_11 He answered <0611> (5679) and <1161> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Because <3754> it is given <1325> (5769) unto you <5213> to know <1097> (5629) the {mysteries} <3466> of the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>, but <1161> to them <1565> it is <1325> <0> not <3756> given <1325> (5769).

mysteries ^ 46_1CO_14_02 For <1063> he that speaketh <2980> (5723) in an unknown tongue <1100> speaketh <2980> (5719) not <3756> unto men <0444>, but <0235> unto God <2316>: for <1063> no man <3762> understandeth <0191> (5719) him; howbeit <1161> in the spirit <4151> he speaketh <2980> (5719) {mysteries} <3466>.

phylacteries ^ 40_MAT_23_05 But <1161> all <3956> their <0846> works <2041> they do <4160> (5719) for <4314> to be seen <2300> (5683) of men <0444>: <1161> they make broad <4115> (5719) their <0846> {phylacteries} <5440>, and <2532> enlarge <3170> (5719) the borders <2899> of their <0846> garments <2440>,

priest ^ 44_ACT_05_24 Now <1161> when <5613> <5037> the high {priest} <2409> and <2532> the captain <4755> of the temple <2411> and <2532> the chief priests <0749> heard <0191> (5656) these <5128> things <3056>, they doubted <1280> (5707) of <4012> them <0846> whereunto <5101> <0302> this <5124> would grow <1096> (5636).

priest ^ 44_ACT_05_17 Then <1161> the high {priest} <0749> rose up <0450> (5631), and <2532> all they <3956> that were with <4862> him <0846>, (which <3588> is <5607> (5752) the sect <0139> of the Sadducees <4523>,) and were filled <4130> (5681) with indignation <2205>,

priest ^ 44_ACT_05_27 And <1161> when they had brought <0071> (5631) them <0846>, they set <2476> (5627) them before <1722> the council <4892>: and <2532> the high {priest} <0749> asked <1905> (5656) them <0846>,

priest ^ 44_ACT_04_06 And <2532> Annas <0452> the high priest <0749>, and <2532> Caiaphas <2533>, and <2532> John <2491>, and <2532> Alexander <0223>, and <2532> as many as <3745> were <2258> (5713) of <1537> the kindred <1085> of the high {priest} <0748>, were gathered together <4863> (5683) at <1519> Jerusalem <2419>.

priest ^ 44_ACT_05_21 And <1161> when they heard <0191> (5660) that, they entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> the temple <2411> early in the morning <5259> <3722>, and <2532> taught <1321> (5707). But <1161> the high {priest} <0749> came <3854> (5637), and <2532> they that were with <4862> him <0846>, and called <4779> <0> the council <4892> together <4779> (5656), and <2532> all <3956> the senate <1087> of the children <5207> of Israel <2474>, and <2532> sent <0649> (5656) to <1519> the prison <1201> to have <0071> <0> them <0846> brought <0071> (5683).

priest ^ 44_ACT_14_13 Then <1161> the {priest} <2409> of Jupiter <2203>, which <3588> was <5607> (5752) before <4253> their <0846> city <4172>, brought <5342> (5660) oxen <5022> and <2532> garlands <4725> unto <1909> the gates <4440>, and would <2309> (5707) have done sacrifice <2380> (5721) with <4862> the people <3793>.

priest ^ 44_ACT_04_06 And <2532> Annas <0452> the high {priest} <0749>, and <2532> Caiaphas <2533>, and <2532> John <2491>, and <2532> Alexander <0223>, and <2532> as many as <3745> were <2258> (5713) of <1537> the kindred <1085> of the high priest <0748>, were gathered together <4863> (5683) at <1519> Jerusalem <2419>.

priest ^ 44_ACT_07_01 Then <1161> said <2036> (5627) the high {priest} <0749>, Are <1487> <0686> <2192> (5719) these things <5023> so <3779>?

priest ^ 44_ACT_09_01 And <1161> Saul <4569>, yet <2089> breathing out <1709> (5723) threatenings <0547> and <2532> slaughter <5408> against <1519> the disciples <3101> of the Lord <2962>, went <4334> (5631) unto the high {priest} <0749>,

priest ^ 44_ACT_22_05 As <5613> also <2532> the high {priest} <0749> doth bear <3140> <0> me <3427> witness <3140> (5719), and <2532> all <3956> the estate of the elders <4244>: from <3844> whom <3739> also <2532> I received <1209> (5666) letters <1992> unto <4314> the brethren <0080>, and <2532> went <4198> (5711) to <1519> Damascus <1154>, to bring <0071> (5694) them which were <5607> (5752) there <1566> bound <1210> (5772) unto <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, for to <2443> be punished <5097> (5686).

priest ^ 44_ACT_23_04 And <1161> they that stood by <3936> (5761) said <2036> (5627), Revilest thou <3058> (5719) God's <2316> high {priest} <0749>?

priest ^ 44_ACT_23_05 Then <5037> said <5346> (5713) Paul <3972>, I wist <1492> (5715) not <3756>, brethren <0080>, that <3754> he was <2076> (5748) the high {priest} <0749>: for <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), Thou shalt <2046> <0> not <3756> speak <2046> (5692) evil <2560> of the ruler <0758> of thy <4675> people <2992>.

priest ^ 44_ACT_24_01 And <1161> after <3326> five <4002> days <2250> Ananias <0367> the high {priest} <0749> descended <2597> (5627) with <3326> the elders <4245>, and <2532> with a certain <5100> orator <4489> named Tertullus <5061>, who <3748> informed <1718> (5656) the governor <2232> against <2596> Paul <3972>.

priest ^ 44_ACT_25_02 Then <1161> the high {priest} <0749> and <2532> the chief <4413> of the Jews <2453> informed <1718> (5656) him <0846> against <2596> Paul <3972>, and <2532> besought <3870> (5707) him <0846>,

priest ^ 44_ACT_23_02 And <1161> the high {priest} <0749> Ananias <0367> commanded <2004> (5656) them that stood by <3936> (5761) him <0846> to smite <5180> (5721) him <0846> on the mouth <4750>.

Priest ^ 58_HEB_03_01 Wherefore <3606>, holy <0040> brethren <0080>, partakers <3353> of the heavenly <2032> calling <2821>, consider <2657> (5657) the Apostle <0652> and <2532> High {Priest} <0749> of our <2257> profession <3671>, Christ <5547> Jesus <2424>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_02_17 Wherefore <3606> in <2596> all things <3956> it behoved him <3784> (5707) to be made like <3666> (5683) unto his brethren <0080>, that <2443> he might be <1096> (5638) a merciful <1655> and <2532> faithful <4103> high {priest} <0749> in things pertaining to <4314> God <2316>, to <1519> make reconciliation for <2433> (5745) the sins <0266> of the people <2992>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_04_15 For <1063> we have <2192> (5719) not <3756> an high {priest} <0749> which cannot <3361> <1410> (5740) be touched with the feeling <4834> (5658) of our <2257> infirmities <0769>; but <1161> was <3985> <0> in <2596> all points <3956> tempted <3985> (5772) (5625) <3987> (5772) like <2596> as <3665> we are, yet without <5565> sin <0266>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_04_14 Seeing <2192> <0> then <3767> that we have <2192> (5723) a great <3173> high {priest} <0749>, that is passed into <1330> (5756) the heavens <3772>, Jesus <2424> the Son <5207> of God <2316>, let us hold fast <2902> (5725) our profession <3671>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_17 For <1063> he testifieth <3140> (5719), <3754> Thou <4771> art a {priest} <2409> for <1519> ever <0165> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_20 And <2532> inasmuch as <2596> <3745> not <3756> without <5565> an oath <3728> he was made {priest}:

priest ^ 58_HEB_08_01 Now <1161> of <1909> the things which we have spoken <3004> (5746) this is the sum <2774>: We have <2192> (5719) such <5108> an high {priest} <0749>, who <3739> is set <2523> (5656) on <1722> the right hand <1188> of the throne <2362> of the Majesty <3172> in <1722> the heavens <3772>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_08_03 For <1063> every <3956> high {priest} <0749> is ordained <2525> (5743) to <1519> offer <4374> (5721) gifts <1435> and <5037> <2532> sacrifices <2378>: wherefore <3606> it is of necessity <0316> that this man <5126> have <2192> (5721) somewhat <5100> also <2532> to <3739> offer <4374> (5661).

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_11 If <1487> <3303> therefore <3767> perfection <5050> were <2258> (5713) by <1223> the Levitical <3020> priesthood <2420>, (for <1063> under <1909> it <0846> the people <2992> received the law <3549> (5718),) what <5101> further <2089> need <5532> was there that another <2087> {priest} <2409> should rise <0450> (5733) after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>, and <2532> not <3756> be called <3004> (5745) after <2596> the order <5010> of Aaron <2>?

priest ^ 58_HEB_05_05 So <3779> also <2532> Christ <5547> glorified <1392> (5656) not <3756> himself <1438> to be made <1096> (5677) an high {priest} <0749>; but <0235> he that said <2980> (5660) unto <4314> him <0846>, Thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) my <3450> Son <5207>, to day <4594> have <1080> <0> I <1473> begotten <1080> (5758) thee <4571>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_03 Without father <0540>, without mother <0282>, without descent <0035>, having <2192> (5723) neither <3383> beginning <0746> of days <2250>, nor <3383> end <5056> of life <2222>; but <1161> made like <0871> (5772) unto the Son <5207> of God <2316>; abideth <3306> (5719) a {priest} <2409> continually <1519> <1336>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_01 For <1063> this <3778> Melchisedec <3198>, king <0935> of Salem <4532>, {priest} <2409> of the most high <5310> God <2316>, who <3588> met <4876> (5660) Abraham <0011> returning <5290> (5723) from <0575> the slaughter <2871> of the kings <0935>, and <2532> blessed <2127> (5660) him <0846>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_10_11 And <2532> <3303> every <3956> {priest} <2409> standeth <2476> (5707) (5758) daily <2596> <2250> ministering <3008> (5723) and <2532> offering <4374> (5723) oftentimes <4178> the same <0846> sacrifices <2378>, which <3748> can <1410> (5736) never <3763> take away <4014> (5629) sins <0266>:

priest ^ 58_HEB_08_04 For <1063> if <1487> <3303> he were <2258> (5713) on <1909> earth <1093>, he should <0302> not <3761> be <2258> (5713) a {priest} <2409>, seeing that there are <5607> (5752) priests <2409> that offer <4374> (5723) gifts <1435> according <2596> to the law <3551>:

priest ^ 58_HEB_05_10 Called <4316> (5685) of <5259> God <2316> an high {priest} <0749> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_15 And <2532> it is <2076> (5748) yet <2089> far more <4054> evident <2612>: for <1487> that after <2596> the similitude <3665> of Melchisedec <3198> there ariseth <0450> (5731) another <2087> {priest} <2409>,

priest ^ 58_HEB_09_07 But <1161> into <1519> the second <1208> went the high {priest} <0749> alone <3441> once <0530> every year <1763>, not <3756> without <5565> blood <0129>, which <3739> he offered <4374> (5719) for <5228> himself <1438>, and <2532> for the errors <0051> of the people <2992>:

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_21 (For <1063> those priests <2409> were <3303> <1526> (5748) made <1096> (5756) without <5565> an oath <3728>; but <1161> this with <3326> an oath <3728> by <1223> him that said <3004> (5723) unto <4314> him <0846>, The Lord <2962> sware <3660> (5656) and <2532> will <3338> <0> not <3756> repent <3338> (5700), Thou <4771> art a {priest} <2409> for <1519> ever <0165> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>:)

priest ^ 58_HEB_13_11 For <1063> the bodies <4983> of those <5130> beasts <2226>, whose <3739> blood <0129> is brought <1533> (5743) into <1519> the sanctuary <0039> by <1223> the high {priest} <0749> for <4012> sin <0266>, are burned <2618> (5743) without <1854> the camp <3925>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_05_01 For <1063> every <3956> high {priest} <0749> taken <2983> (5746) from among <1537> men <0444> is ordained <2525> (5743) for <5228> men <0444> in things pertaining to <4314> God <2316>, that <2443> he may offer <4374> (5725) both <5037> gifts <1435> and <2532> sacrifices <2378> for <5228> sins <0266>:

priest ^ 58_HEB_09_25 Nor <3761> yet that <2443> he should offer <4374> (5725) himself <1438> often <4178>, as <5618> the high {priest} <0749> entereth <1525> (5736) into <1519> the holy place <0039> every <2596> year <1763> with <1722> blood <0129> of others <0245>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_10_21 And <2532> having an high <3173> {priest} <2409> over <1909> the house <3624> of God <2316>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_05_06 As <2531> he saith <3004> (5719) also <2532> in <1722> another <2087> place, Thou <4771> art a {priest} <2409> for <1519> ever <0165> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>.

priest ^ 58_HEB_07_26 For <1063> such <5108> an high {priest} <0749> became <4241> (5707) us <2254>, who is holy <3741>, harmless <0172>, undefiled <0283>, separate <5563> (5772) from <0575> sinners <0268>, and <2532> made <1096> (5637) higher than <5308> the heavens <3772>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_09_11 But <1161> Christ <5547> being come <3854> (5637) an high {priest} <0749> of good things <0018> to come <3195> (5723), by <1223> a greater <3187> and <2532> more perfect <5046> tabernacle <4633>, not <3756> made with hands <5499>, that is to say <5123> (5748), not <3756> of this <5026> building <2937>;

priest ^ 58_HEB_06_20 Whither <3699> the forerunner <4274> is <1525> <0> for <5228> us <2257> entered <1525> (5627), even Jesus <2424>, made <1096> (5637) an high {priest} <0749> for <1519> ever <0165> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>.

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_13 And <2532> led <0520> <0> him <0846> away <0520> (5627) to <4314> Annas <0452> first <4412>; for <1063> he was <2258> (5713) father in law <3995> to Caiaphas <2533>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) the high {priest} <0749> that same <1565> year <1763>.

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_15 And <1161> Simon <4613> Peter <4074> followed <0190> (5707) Jesus <2424>, and <2532> so did another <0243> disciple <3101>: <1161> that <1565> disciple <3101> was <2258> (5713) known <1110> unto the high priest <0749>, and <2532> went in with <4897> (5627) Jesus <2424> into <1519> the palace <0833> of the high {priest} <0749>.

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_15 And <1161> Simon <4613> Peter <4074> followed <0190> (5707) Jesus <2424>, and <2532> so did another <0243> disciple <3101>: <1161> that <1565> disciple <3101> was <2258> (5713) known <1110> unto the high {priest} <0749>, and <2532> went in with <4897> (5627) Jesus <2424> into <1519> the palace <0833> of the high priest <0749>.

priest ^ 43_JOH_11_49 And <1161> one <1520> <5100> of <1537> them <0846>, named Caiaphas <2533>, being <5607> (5752) the high {priest} <0749> that same <1565> year <1763>, said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Ye <5210> know <1492> (5758) nothing at all <3756> <3762>,

priest ^ 43_JOH_11_51 And <1161> this <5124> spake he <2036> (5627) not <3756> of <0575> himself <1438>: but <0235> being <5607> (5752) high {priest} <0749> that <1565> year <1763>, he prophesied <4395> (5656) that <3754> Jesus <2424> should <3195> (5707) die <0599> (5721) for that <5228> nation <1484>;

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_22 And <1161> when he <0846> had <2036> <0> thus <5023> spoken <2036> (5631), one <1520> of the officers <5257> which stood by <3936> (5761) struck <1325> <0> <4475> <0> Jesus <2424> with the palm of his hand <1325> (5656) <4475>, saying <2036> (5631), Answerest thou <0611> (5736) the high {priest} <0749> so <3779>?

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_26 One <1520> of <1537> the servants <1401> of the high {priest} <0749>, being <5607> (5752) his kinsman <4773> whose <3739> ear <5621> Peter <4074> cut off <0609> (5656), saith <3004> (5719), Did <1492> <0> not <3756> I <1473> see <1492> (5627) thee <4571> in <1722> the garden <2779> with <3326> him <0846>?

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_24 Now Annas <0452> had sent <0649> (5656) him <0846> bound <1210> (5772) unto <4314> Caiaphas <2533> the high {priest} <0749>.

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_19 The high {priest} <0749> then <3767> asked <2065> (5656) Jesus <2424> of <4012> his <0846> disciples <3101>, and <2532> of <4012> his <0846> doctrine <1322>.

priest ^ 43_JOH_18_16 But <1161> Peter <4074> stood <2476> (5715) at <4314> the door <2374> without <1854>. Then <3767> went out <1831> (5627) that other <0243> disciple <3101>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) known <1110> unto the high {priest} <0749>, and <2532> spake <2036> (5627) unto her that kept the door <2377>, and <2532> brought in <1521> (5627) Peter <4074>.

priest ^ 42_LUK_10_31 And <1161> by <2596> chance <4795> there came down <2597> (5707) a certain <5100> {priest} <2409> that <1722> <1565> way <3598>: and <2532> when he saw <1492> (5631) him <0846>, he passed by on the other side <0492> (5627).

priest ^ 42_LUK_01_05 There was <1096> (5633) in <1722> the days <2250> of Herod <2264>, the king <0935> of Judaea <2449>, a certain <5100> {priest} <2409> named <3686> Zacharias <2197>, of <1537> the course <2183> of Abia <7>: and <2532> his <0846> wife <1135> was of <1537> the daughters <2364> of Aaron <2>, and <2532> her <0846> name <3686> was Elisabeth <1665>.

priest ^ 42_LUK_22_50 And <2532> one <1520> <5100> of <1537> them <0846> smote <3960> (5656) the servant <1401> of the high {priest} <0749>, and <2532> cut off <0851> (5627) his <0846> right <1188> ear <3775>.

priest ^ 42_LUK_05_14 And <2532> he <0846> charged <3853> (5656) him <0846> to tell <2036> (5629) no man <3367>: but <0235> go <0565> (5631), and shew <1166> (5657) thyself <4572> to the {priest} <2409>, and <2532> offer <4374> (5628) for <4012> thy <4675> cleansing <2512>, according as <2531> Moses <3475> commanded <4367> (5656), for <1519> a testimony <3142> unto them <0846>.

priest ^ 40_MAT_26_63 But <1161> Jesus <2424> held his peace <4623> (5707). And <2532> the high {priest} <0749> answered <0611> (5679) and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, I adjure <1844> (5719) thee <4571> by <2596> the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>, that <2443> thou tell <2036> (5632) us <2254> whether <1487> thou <4771> be <1488> (5748) the Christ <5547>, the Son <5207> of God <2316>.

priest ^ 40_MAT_26_65 Then <5119> the high {priest} <0749> rent <1284> (5656) his <0846> clothes <2440>, saying <3004> (5723), <3754> He hath spoken blasphemy <0987> (5656); what <5101> further <2089> need <5532> have we <2192> (5719) of witnesses <3144>? behold <2396>, now <3568> ye have heard <0191> (5656) his <0846> blasphemy <0988>.

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_66 And <2532> as Peter <4074> was <5607> (5752) beneath <2736> in <1722> the palace <0833>, there cometh <2064> (5736) one <3391> of the maids <3814> of the high {priest} <0749>:

priest ^ 40_MAT_26_57 And <1161> they that had laid hold <2902> (5660) on Jesus <2424> led him away <0520> (5627) to <4314> Caiaphas <2533> the high {priest} <0749>, where <3699> the scribes <1122> and <2532> the elders <4245> were assembled <4863> (5681).

priest ^ 40_MAT_26_62 And <2532> the high {priest} <0749> arose <0450> (5631), and said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, Answerest thou <0611> (5736) nothing <3762>? what <5101> is it which these <3778> witness against <2649> (5719) thee <4675>?

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_61 But <1161> he held his peace <4623> (5707), and <2532> answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>. Again <3825> the high {priest} <0749> asked <1905> (5707) him <0846>, and <2532> said <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, Art <1488> (5748) thou <4771> the Christ <5547>, the Son <5207> of the Blessed <2128>?

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_63 Then <1161> the high {priest} <0749> rent <1284> (5660) his <0846> clothes <5509>, and saith <3004> (5719), What <5101> need <5532> we <2192> (5719) any further <2089> witnesses <3144>?

priest ^ 40_MAT_08_04 And <2532> Jesus <2424> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, See <3708> (5720) thou tell <2036> (5632) no man <3367>; but <0235> go thy way <5217> (5720), shew <1166> (5657) thyself <4572> to the {priest} <2409>, and <2532> offer <4374> (5628) the gift <1435> that <3739> Moses <3475> commanded <4367> (5656), for <1519> a testimony <3142> unto them <0846>.

priest ^ 40_MAT_26_03 Then <5119> assembled together <4863> (5681) the chief priests <0749>, and <2532> the scribes <1122>, and <2532> the elders <4245> of the people <2992>, unto <1519> the palace <0833> of the high {priest} <0749>, who <3588> was called <3004> (5746) Caiaphas <2533>,

priest ^ 41_MAR_01_44 And <2532> saith <3004> (5719) unto him <0846>, See <3708> (5720) thou say <2036> (5632) nothing <3367> to any man <3367>: but <0235> go thy way <5217> (5720), shew <1166> (5657) thyself <4572> to the {priest} <2409>, and <2532> offer <4374> (5628) for <4012> thy <4675> cleansing <2512> those things <3739> which Moses <3475> commanded <4367> (5656), for <1519> a testimony <3142> unto them <0846>.

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_54 And <2532> Peter <4074> followed <0190> (5656) him <0846> afar <3113> off <0575>, even <2193> into <2080> <1519> the palace <0833> of the high {priest} <0749>: and <2532> he sat <2258> (5713) <4775> (5740) with <3326> the servants <5257>, and <2532> warmed himself <2328> (5734) at <4314> the fire <5457>.

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_47 And <1161> one <5100> of them <1520> that stood by <3936> (5761) drew <4685> (5671) a sword <3162>, and smote <3817> (5656) a servant <1401> of the high {priest} <0749>, and <2532> cut off <0851> (5627) his <0846> ear <5621>.

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_53 And <2532> they led <0520> <0> Jesus <2424> away <0520> (5627) to <4314> the high {priest} <0749>: and <2532> with him <0846> were assembled <4905> (5736) all <3956> the chief priests <0749> and <2532> the elders <4245> and <2532> the scribes <1122>.

priest ^ 41_MAR_14_60 And <2532> the high {priest} <0749> stood up <0450> (5631) in <1519> the midst <3319>, and asked <1905> (5656) Jesus <2424>, saying <3004> (5723), Answerest <3756> thou <0611> (5736) nothing <3762>? what <5101> is it which these <3778> witness <2649> (5719) against thee <4675>?

priest ^ 41_MAR_02_26 How <4459> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316> in the days <1909> of Abiathar <8> the high {priest} <0749>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the priests <2409>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them which were <5607> (5752) with <4862> him <0846>?

priest's ^ 40_MAT_26_51 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), one <1520> of them which were with <3326> Jesus <2424> stretched out <1614> (5660) his hand <5495>, and drew <0645> (5656) his <0846> sword <3162>, and <2532> struck <3960> (5660) a servant <1401> of the high {priest's} <0749>, and smote off <0851> (5627) his <0846> ear <5621>.

priest's ^ 42_LUK_01_09 According <2596> to the custom <1485> of the {priest's} office <2405>, his lot <2975> (5627) was to burn incense <2370> (5658) when he went <1525> (5631) into <1519> the temple <3485> of the Lord <2962>.

priest's ^ 42_LUK_01_08 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that while <1722> he <0846> executed the {priest's} office <2407> (5721) before <1725> God <2316> in <1722> the order <5010> of his <0846> course <2183>,

priest's ^ 43_JOH_18_10 Then <3767> Simon <4613> Peter <4074> having <2192> (5723) a sword <3162> drew <1670> (5656) it <0846>, and <2532> smote <3817> (5656) the high {priest's} <0749> servant <1401>, and <2532> cut off <0609> (5656) his <0846> right <1188> ear <5621>. <1161> The servant's <1401> name <3686> was <2258> (5713) Malchus <3124>.

priest's ^ 42_LUK_22_54 Then <1161> took they <4815> (5631) him <0846>, and led <0071> (5627) him, and <2532> brought <1521> (5627) him <0846> into <1519> the high {priest's} <0749> house <3624>. And <1161> Peter <4074> followed <0190> (5707) afar off <3113>.

priest's ^ 40_MAT_26_58 But <1161> Peter <4074> followed <0190> (5707) him <0846> afar off <0575> <3113> unto <2193> the high {priest's} <0749> palace <0833>, and <2532> went <1525> (5631) in <2080>, and sat <2521> (5711) with <3326> the servants <5257>, to see <1492> (5629) the end <5056>.

priesthood ^ 60_1PE_02_09 But <1161> ye <5210> are a chosen <1588> generation <1085>, a royal <0934> {priesthood} <2406>, an holy <0040> nation <1484>, a peculiar <1519> <4047> people <2992>; that <3704> ye should shew forth <1804> (5661) the praises <0703> of him who hath called <2564> (5660) you <5209> out of <1537> darkness <4655> into <1519> his <0846> marvellous <2298> light <5457>:

priesthood ^ 58_HEB_07_05 And <2532> verily <3303> they that are of <1537> the sons <5207> of Levi <3017>, who <3588> receive <2983> (5723) the office of the {priesthood} <2405>, have <2192> (5719) a commandment <1785> to take tithes <0586> (5721) of the people <2992> according to <2596> the law <3551>, that is <5123> (5748), of their <0846> brethren <0080>, though <2539> they come <1831> (5761) out of <1537> the loins <3751> of Abraham <0011>:

priesthood ^ 58_HEB_07_11 If <1487> <3303> therefore <3767> perfection <5050> were <2258> (5713) by <1223> the Levitical <3020> {priesthood} <2420>, (for <1063> under <1909> it <0846> the people <2992> received the law <3549> (5718),) what <5101> further <2089> need <5532> was there that another <2087> priest <2409> should rise <0450> (5733) after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>, and <2532> not <3756> be called <3004> (5745) after <2596> the order <5010> of Aaron <2>?

priesthood ^ 58_HEB_07_12 For <1063> the {priesthood} <2420> being changed <3346> (5746), there is made <1096> (5736) of <1537> necessity <0318> a change <3331> also <2532> of the law <3551>.

priesthood ^ 60_1PE_02_05 Ye <0846> also <2532>, as <5613> lively <2198> (5723) stones <3037>, are built up <3618> (5743) a spiritual <4152> house <3624>, an holy <0040> {priesthood} <2406>, to offer up <0399> (5658) spiritual <4152> sacrifices <2378>, acceptable <2144> to God <2316> by <1223> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>.

priesthood ^ 58_HEB_07_14 For <1063> it is evident <4271> that <3754> our <2257> Lord <2962> sprang <0393> (5758) out of <1537> Juda <2455>; of <1519> which <3739> tribe <5443> Moses <3475> spake <2980> (5656) nothing <3762> concerning <4012> {priesthood} <2420>.

priesthood ^ 58_HEB_07_24 But <1161> this man, because <1223> he <0846> continueth <3306> (5721) ever <1519> <0165>, hath <2192> (5719) an unchangeable <0531> {priesthood} <2420>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_12_04 How <4459> he entered into <1525> (5627) <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, which <3739> was <2258> (5713) not <3756> lawful <1832> (5752) for him <0846> to eat <5315> (5629), neither for <3761> them which <3326> were with him <0846>, but <1508> only <3441> for the {priests} <2409>?

priests ^ 40_MAT_21_15 And <1161> when the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122> saw <1492> (5631) the wonderful things <2297> that <3739> he did <4160> (5656), and <2532> the children <3816> crying <2896> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723), Hosanna <5614> to the Son <5207> of David <1138>; they were sore displeased <0023> (5656),

priests ^ 40_MAT_02_04 And <2532> when he had gathered <4863> <0> all <3956> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122> of the people <2992> together <4863> (5631), he demanded <4441> (5711) of <3844> them <0846> where <4226> Christ <5547> should be born <1080> (5743).

priests ^ 40_MAT_12_05 Or <2228> have ye <0314> <0> not <3756> read <0314> (5627) in <1722> the law <3551>, how that <3754> on the sabbath days <4521> the {priests} <2409> in <1722> the temple <2411> profane <0953> (5719) the sabbath <4521>, and <2532> are <1526> (5748) blameless <0338>?

priests ^ 40_MAT_26_14 Then <5119> one <1520> of the twelve <1427>, called <3004> (5746) Judas <2455> Iscariot <2469>, went <4198> (5679) unto <4314> the chief {priests} <0749>,

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_12 And <2532> when <1722> he <0846> was accused <2723> (5745) of <5259> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245>, he answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_14_01 After <1161> two <1417> days <2250> was <2258> (5713) the feast of the passover <3957>, and <2532> of <3326> unleavened bread <0106>: and <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might take <2902> (5660) him <0846> by <1722> craft <1388>, and put him to death <0615> (5725).

priests ^ 41_MAR_15_31 Likewise <1161> <3668> also <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) said <3004> (5707) among <4314> themselves <0240> with <3326> the scribes <1122>, He saved <4982> (5656) others <0243>; himself <1438> he cannot <3756> <1410> (5736) save <4982> (5658).

priests ^ 40_MAT_16_21 From <0575> that time forth <5119> began <0756> (5662) Jesus <2424> to shew <1166> (5721) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, how that <3754> he <0846> must <1163> (5748) go <0565> (5629) unto <1519> Jerusalem <2414>, and <2532> suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183> of <0575> the elders <4245> and <2532> chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> be raised again <1453> (5683) the third <5154> day <2250>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_20_18 Behold <2400> (5628), we go up <0305> (5719) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>; and <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall be betrayed <3860> (5701) unto the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> unto the scribes <1122>, and <2532> they shall condemn <2632> (5692) him <0846> to death <2288>,

priests ^ 40_MAT_21_23 And <2532> when he <0846> was come <2064> (5631) into <1519> the temple <2411>, the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the elders <4245> of the people <2992> came <4334> (5656) unto him <0846> as he was teaching <1321> (5723), and said <3004> (5723), By <1722> what <4169> authority <1849> doest thou <4160> (5719) these things <5023>? and <2532> who <5101> gave <1325> (5656) thee <4671> this <5026> authority <1849>?

priests ^ 40_MAT_21_45 And <2532> when the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> had heard <0191> (5660) his <0846> parables <3850>, they perceived <1097> (5627) that <3754> he spake <3004> (5719) of <4012> them <0846>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_26_03 Then <5119> assembled together <4863> (5681) the chief {priests} <0749>, and <2532> the scribes <1122>, and <2532> the elders <4245> of the people <2992>, unto <1519> the palace <0833> of the high priest <0749>, who <3588> was called <3004> (5746) Caiaphas <2533>,

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_06 And <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> took <2983> (5631) the silver pieces <0694>, and said <2036> (5627), It is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) for to put <0906> (5629) them <0846> into <1519> the treasury <2878>, because <1893> it is <2076> (5748) the price <5092> of blood <0129>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_14_55 And <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> all <3650> the council <4892> sought <2212> (5707) for witness <3141> against <2596> Jesus <2424> to <1519> put <2289> <0> him <0846> to death <2289> (5658); and <2532> found <2147> (5707) none <3756>.

priests ^ 66_REV_20_06 Blessed <3107> and <2532> holy <0040> is he that hath <2192> (5723) part <3313> in <1722> the first <4413> resurrection <0386>: on <1909> such <5130> the second <1208> death <2288> hath <2192> (5719) no <3756> power <1849>, but <0235> they shall be <2071> (5704) {priests} <2409> of God <2316> and <2532> of Christ <5547>, and <2532> shall reign <0936> (5692) with <3326> him <0846> a thousand <5507> years <2094>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_15_01 And <2532> straightway <2112> in <1909> the morning <4404> the chief {priests} <0749> held <4160> (5660) a consultation <4824> with <3326> the elders <4245> and <2532> scribes <1122> and <2532> the whole <3650> council <4892>, and bound <1210> (5660) Jesus <2424>, and carried him away <0667> (5656), and <2532> delivered <3860> (5656) him to Pilate <4091>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_15_03 And <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> accused <2723> (5707) him <0846> of many things <4183>: but <1161> he <0846> answered <0611> (5662) nothing <3762>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_14_10 And <2532> Judas <2455> Iscariot <2469>, one <1520> of the twelve <1427>, went <0565> (5627) unto <4314> the chief {priests} <0749>, to <2443> betray <3860> (5632) him <0846> unto them <0846>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_14_53 And <2532> they led <0520> <0> Jesus <2424> away <0520> (5627) to <4314> the high priest <0749>: and <2532> with him <0846> were assembled <4905> (5736) all <3956> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the elders <4245> and <2532> the scribes <1122>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_15_11 But <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> moved <0383> (5656) the people <3793>, that <2443> he should rather <3123> release <0630> (5661) Barabbas <0912> unto them <0846>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_03 Then <5119> Judas <2455>, which <3588> had betrayed <3860> (5723) him <0846>, when he saw <1492> (5631) that <3754> he was condemned <2632> (5681), repented himself <3338> (5679), and brought again <0654> (5656) the thirty <5144> pieces of silver <0694> to the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245>,

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_20 But <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245> persuaded <3982> (5656) the multitude <3793> that <2443> they should ask <0154> (5672) Barabbas <0912>, and <1161> destroy <0622> (5661) Jesus <2424>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_41 <1161> Likewise <3668> also <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> mocking <1702> (5723) him, with <3326> the scribes <1122> and <2532> elders <4245>, said <3004> (5707),

priests ^ 66_REV_01_06 And <2532> hath made <4160> (5656) us <2248> kings <0935> and <2532> {priests} <2409> unto God <2316> and <2532> his <0846> Father <3962>; to him <0846> be glory <1391> and <2532> dominion <2904> for <1519> ever <0165> and ever <0165>. Amen <0281>.

priests ^ 66_REV_05_10 And <2532> hast made <4160> (5656) us <2248> unto our <2257> God <2316> kings <0935> and <2532> {priests} <2409>: and <2532> we shall reign <0936> (5692) on <1909> the earth <1093>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_22_52 Then <1161> Jesus <2424> said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the chief {priests} <0749>, and <2532> captains <4755> of the temple <2411>, and <2532> the elders <4245>, which were come <3854> (5637) to <1909> him <0846>, Be ye come out <1831> (5758), as <5613> against <1909> a thief <3027>, with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> staves <3586>?

priests ^ 42_LUK_22_66 And <2532> as soon as <5613> it was <1096> (5633) day <2250>, the elders <4244> of the people <2992> and <5037> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> came together <4863> (5681), and <2532> led <0321> (5627) him <0846> into <1519> their <1438> council <4892>, saying <3004> (5723),

priests ^ 40_MAT_28_11 Now <1161> when they <0846> were going <4198> (5740), behold <2400> (5628), some <5100> of the watch <2892> came <2064> (5631) into <1519> the city <4172>, and shewed <0518> (5656) unto the chief {priests} <0749> all the things <0537> that were done <1096> (5637).

priests ^ 44_ACT_04_01 And <1161> as they <0846> spake <2980> (5723) unto <4314> the people <2992>, the {priests} <2409>, and <2532> the captain <4755> of the temple <2411>, and <2532> the Sadducees <4523>, came upon <2186> (5627) them <0846>,

priests ^ 44_ACT_06_07 And <2532> the word <3056> of God <2316> increased <0837> (5707); and <2532> the number <0706> of the disciples <3101> multiplied <4129> (5712) in <1722> Jerusalem <2419> greatly <4970>; and <5037> a great <4183> company <3793> of the {priests} <2409> were obedient <5219> (5707) to the faith <4102>.

priests ^ 44_ACT_09_14 And <2532> here <5602> he hath <2192> (5719) authority <1849> from <3844> the chief {priests} <0749> to bind <1210> (5658) all <3956> that call <1941> (5734) on thy <4675> name <3686>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_09_22 Saying <2036> (5631), <3754> The Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> the elders <4245> and <2532> chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122>, and <2532> be slain <0615> (5683), and <2532> be raised <1453> (5683) the third <5154> day <2250>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_22_02 And <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might kill <0337> (5661) him <0846>; for <1063> they feared <5399> (5711) the people <2992>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_10_33 Saying, <3754> Behold <2400> (5628), we go up <0305> (5719) to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>; and <2532> the Son <5207> of man <0444> shall be delivered <3860> (5701) unto the chief {priests} <0749>, and <2532> unto the scribes <1122>; and <2532> they shall condemn <2632> (5692) him <0846> to death <2288>, and <2532> shall deliver <3860> (5692) him <0846> to the Gentiles <1484>:

priests ^ 41_MAR_11_18 And <2532> the scribes <1122> and <2532> chief {priests} <0749> heard <0191> (5656) it, and <2532> sought <2212> (5707) how <4459> they might destroy <0622> (5692) him <0846>: for <1063> they feared <5399> (5711) him <0846>, because <3754> all <3956> the people <3793> was astonished <1605> (5712) at <1909> his <0846> doctrine <1322>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_11_27 And <2532> they come <2064> (5736) again <3825> to <1519> Jerusalem <2414>: and <2532> as he <0846> was walking <4043> (5723) in <1722> the temple <2411>, there come <2064> (5736) to <4314> him <0846> the chief {priests} <0749>, and <2532> the scribes <1122>, and <2532> the elders <4245>,

priests ^ 41_MAR_14_43 And <2532> immediately <2112>, while he <0846> yet <2089> spake <2980> (5723), cometh <3854> (5736) Judas <2455>, one <1520> <5607> (5752) of the twelve <1427>, and <2532> with <3326> him <0846> a great <4183> multitude <3793> with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> staves <3586>, from <3844> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> and <2532> the elders <4245>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_15_10 For <1063> he knew <1097> (5707) that <3754> the chief {priests} <0749> had delivered <3860> (5715) him <0846> for <1223> envy <5355>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_01 When <1161> the morning <4405> was come <1096> (5637), all <3956> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245> of the people <2992> took <2983> (5627) counsel <4824> against <2596> Jesus <2424> to <5620> put <2289> <0> him <0846> to death <2289> (5658):

priests ^ 40_MAT_27_62 Now <1161> the next day <1887>, that <3748> followed <2076> (5748) <3326> the day of the preparation <3904>, the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> Pharisees <5330> came together <4863> (5681) unto <4314> Pilate <4091>,

priests ^ 42_LUK_17_14 And <2532> when he saw <1492> (5631) them, he said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Go <4198> (5679) shew <1925> (5657) yourselves <1438> unto the {priests} <2409>. And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, as they <0846> went <5217> (5721) <1722>, they were cleansed <2511> (5681).

priests ^ 42_LUK_20_01 And <2532> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that on <1722> one <3391> of those <1565> days <2250>, as he <0846> taught <1321> (5723) the people <2992> in <1722> the temple <2411>, and <2532> preached the gospel <2097> (5734), the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> came upon <2186> (5627) him with <4862> the elders <4245>,

priests ^ 44_ACT_05_24 Now <1161> when <5613> <5037> the high priest <2409> and <2532> the captain <4755> of the temple <2411> and <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> heard <0191> (5656) these <5128> things <3056>, they doubted <1280> (5707) of <4012> them <0846> whereunto <5101> <0302> this <5124> would grow <1096> (5636).

priests ^ 42_LUK_06_04 How <5613> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316>, and <2532> did take <2983> (5627) and <2532> eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them that were with <3326> him <0846>; which <3739> it is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the {priests} <2409> alone <3441>?

priests ^ 42_LUK_19_47 And <2532> he taught <2258> (5713) <1321> (5723) daily <2596> <2250> in <1722> the temple <2411>. But <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> and <2532> the chief <4413> of the people <2992> sought <2212> (5707) to destroy <0622> (5658) him <0846>,

priests ^ 42_LUK_20_19 And <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the scribes <1122> the same <1722> <0846> hour <5610> sought <2212> (5656) to lay <1911> (5629) hands <5495> on <1909> him <0846>; and <2532> they feared <5399> (5675) the people <2992>: for <1063> they perceived <1097> (5627) that <3754> he had spoken <2036> (5627) this <5026> parable <3850> against <4314> them <0846>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_03_02 Annas <0452> and <2532> Caiaphas <2533> being <1909> the high {priests} <0749>, the word <4487> of God <2316> came <1096> (5633) unto <1909> John <2491> the son <5207> of Zacharias <2197> in <1722> the wilderness <2048>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_22_04 And <2532> he went his way <0565> (5631), and communed with <4814> (5656) the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> captains <4755>, how <4459> he might betray <3860> (5632) him <0846> unto them <0846>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_26_47 And <2532> while <2089> <0> he <0846> yet <2089> spake <2980> (5723), lo <2400> (5628), Judas <2455>, one <1520> of the twelve <1427>, came <2064> (5627), and <2532> with <3326> him <0846> a great <4183> multitude <3793> with <3326> swords <3162> and <2532> staves <3586>, from <0575> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245> of the people <2992>.

priests ^ 40_MAT_26_59 Now <1161> the chief {priests} <0749>, and <2532> elders <4245>, and <2532> all <3650> the council <4892>, sought <2212> (5707) false witness <5577> against <2596> Jesus <2424>, to <3704> put <2289> <0> him <0846> to death <2289> (5661);

priests ^ 43_JOH_19_06 When <3753> the chief {priests} <0749> therefore <3767> and <2532> officers <5257> saw <1492> (5627) him <0846>, they cried out <2905> (5656), saying <3004> (5723), Crucify <4717> (5657) him, crucify <4717> (5657) him. Pilate <4091> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Take <2983> (5628) ye <5210> him <0846>, and <2532> crucify <4717> (5657) him: for <1063> I <1473> find <2147> (5719) no <3756> fault <0156> in <1722> him <0846>.

priests ^ 44_ACT_04_23 And <1161> being let go <0630> (5685), they went <2064> (5627) to <4314> their own company <2398>, and <2532> reported <0518> (5656) all <3745> that the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245> had said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> them <0846>.

priests ^ 43_JOH_19_21 Then <3767> said <3004> (5707) the chief {priests} <0749> of the Jews <2453> to Pilate <4091>, Write <1125> (5720) not <3361>, The King <0935> of the Jews <2453>; but <0235> that <3754> he <1565> said <2036> (5627), I am <1510> (5748) King <0935> of the Jews <2453>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_23_04 Then <1161> said <2036> (5627) Pilate <4091> to <4314> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> to the people <3793>, I find <2147> (5719) no <3762> fault <0158> in <1722> this <5129> man <0444>.

priests ^ 41_MAR_02_26 How <4459> he went <1525> (5627) into <1519> the house <3624> of God <2316> in the days <1909> of Abiathar <8> the high priest <0749>, and <2532> did eat <5315> (5627) the shewbread <0740> <4286>, which <3739> is <1832> <0> not <3756> lawful <1832> (5748) to eat <5315> (5629) but for <1508> the {priests} <2409>, and <2532> gave <1325> (5656) also <2532> to them which were <5607> (5752) with <4862> him <0846>?

priests ^ 43_JOH_18_35 Pilate <4091> answered <0611> (5662), <3385> Am <1510> (5748) I <1473> a Jew <2453>? Thine own <4674> nation <1484> and <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> have delivered <3860> (5656) thee <4571> unto me <1698>: what <5101> hast thou done <4160> (5656)?

priests ^ 43_JOH_18_03 Judas <2455> then <3767>, having received <2983> (5631) a band <4686> of men and <2532> officers <5257> from <1537> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>, cometh <2064> (5736) thither <1563> with <3326> lanterns <5322> and <2532> torches <2985> and <2532> weapons <3696>.

priests ^ 43_JOH_19_15 But <1161> they cried out <2905> (5656), Away with <0142> (5657) him, away with <0142> (5657) him, crucify <4717> (5657) him <0846>. Pilate <4091> saith <3004> (5719) unto them <0846>, Shall I crucify <4717> (5692) your <5216> King <0935>? The chief {priests} <0749> answered <0611> (5662), We have <2192> (5719) no <3756> king <0935> but <1508> Caesar <2541>.

priests ^ 44_ACT_09_21 But <1161> all <3956> that heard <0191> (5723) him were amazed <1839> (5710), and <2532> said <3004> (5707); Is <2076> (5748) not <3756> this <3778> he that destroyed <4199> (5660) them which <3588> called on <1941> (5734) this <5124> name <3686> in <1722> Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> came <2064> (5715) hither <5602> for <1519> <0> that <5124> intent <1519>, that <2443> he might bring <0071> (5632) them <0846> bound <1210> (5772) unto <1909> the chief {priests} <0749>?

priests ^ 44_ACT_19_14 And <1161> there were <2258> (5713) seven <2033> sons <5207> of one Sceva <4630> <5100>, a Jew <2453>, and chief of the {priests} <0749>, which did <4160> (5723) so <5124>.

priests ^ 44_ACT_26_10 Which thing <3739> I <4160> <0> also <2532> did <4160> (5656) in <1722> Jerusalem <2414>: and <2532> many <4183> of the saints <0040> did <2623> <0> I <1473> shut up <2623> (5656) in prison <5438>, having received <2983> (5631) authority <1849> from <3844> the chief {priests} <0749>; and <5037> when they <0846> were put to death <0337> (5746), I gave <2702> (5656) my voice <5586> against them.

priests ^ 44_ACT_26_12 <2532> Whereupon <1722> <3739> as I went <4198> (5740) to <1519> Damascus <1154> with <3326> authority <1849> and <2532> commission <2011> from <3844> the chief {priests} <0749>,

priests ^ 58_HEB_07_28 For <1063> the law <3551> maketh <2525> (5719) men <0444> high {priests} <0749> which have <2192> (5723) infirmity <0769>; but <1161> the word <3056> of the oath <3728>, which <3588> was since <3326> the law <3551>, maketh the Son <5207>, who is consecrated <5048> (5772) for <1519> evermore <0165>.

priests ^ 58_HEB_08_04 For <1063> if <1487> <3303> he were <2258> (5713) on <1909> earth <1093>, he should <0302> not <3761> be <2258> (5713) a priest <2409>, seeing that there are <5607> (5752) {priests} <2409> that offer <4374> (5723) gifts <1435> according <2596> to the law <3551>:

priests ^ 43_JOH_07_45 Then <3767> came <2064> (5627) the officers <5257> to <4314> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> Pharisees <5330>; and <2532> they <1565> said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, Why <1302> have ye <0071> <0> not <3756> brought <0071> (5627) him <0846>?

priests ^ 43_JOH_11_57 Now <1161> both <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> had given <1325> (5715) a commandment <1785>, that <2443>, if <1437> any man <5100> knew <1097> (5632) where <4226> he were <2076> (5748), he should shew <3377> (5661) it, that <3704> they might take <4084> (5661) him <0846>.

priests ^ 43_JOH_12_10 But <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> consulted <1011> (5662) that <2443> they might put <0615> <0> Lazarus <2976> also <2532> to death <0615> (5725);

priests ^ 41_MAR_08_31 And <2532> he began <0756> (5662) to teach <1321> (5721) them <0846>, that <3754> the Son <5207> of man <0444> must <1163> (5748) suffer <3958> (5629) many things <4183>, and <2532> be rejected <0593> (5683) of <0575> the elders <4245>, and <2532> of the chief {priests} <0749>, and <2532> scribes <1122>, and <2532> be killed <0615> (5683), and <2532> after <3326> three <5140> days <2250> rise again <0450> (5629).

priests ^ 42_LUK_24_20 And how <3704> <5037> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> our <2257> rulers <0758> delivered <3860> (5656) him <0846> to <1519> be condemned <2917> to death <2288>, and <2532> have crucified <4717> (5656) him <0846>.

priests ^ 43_JOH_11_47 Then <3767> gathered <4863> (5627) the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> a council <4892>, and <2532> said <3004> (5707), What <5101> do we <4160> (5719)? for <3754> this <3778> man <0444> doeth <4160> (5719) many <4183> miracles <4592>.

priests ^ 42_LUK_23_13 And <1161> Pilate <4091>, when he had called together <4779> (5671) the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the rulers <0758> and <2532> the people <2992>,

priests ^ 42_LUK_23_23 And <1161> they were instant <1945> (5711) with loud <3173> voices <5456>, requiring <0154> (5734) that he <0846> might be crucified <4717> (5683). And <2532> the voices <5456> of them <0846> and <2532> of the chief {priests} <0749> prevailed <2729> (5707).

priests ^ 42_LUK_23_10 And <1161> the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> scribes <1122> stood <2476> (5715) and vehemently <2159> accused <2723> (5723) him <0846>.

priests ^ 43_JOH_01_19 And <2532> this <3778> is <2076> (5748) the record <3141> of John <2491>, when <3753> the Jews <2453> sent <0649> (5656) {priests} <2409> and <2532> Levites <3019> from <1537> Jerusalem <2414> to <2443> ask <2065> (5661) him <0846>, Who <5101> art <1488> (5748) thou <4771>?

priests ^ 44_ACT_25_15 About <4012> whom <3739>, when <1096> <0> I <3450> was <1096> (5637) at <1519> Jerusalem <2414>, the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> the elders <4245> of the Jews <2453> informed <1718> (5656) me, desiring <0154> (5734) to have judgment <1349> against <2596> him <0846>.

priests ^ 43_JOH_07_32 The Pharisees <5330> heard <0191> (5656) that the people <3793> murmured <1111> (5723) such things <5023> concerning <4012> him <0846>; and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> and <2532> the chief {priests} <0749> sent <0649> (5656) officers <5257> to <2443> take <4084> (5661) him <0846>.

priests ^ 44_ACT_23_14 And they <3748> came to <4334> (5631) the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> elders <4245>, and said <2036> (5627), We have bound <0332> (5656) ourselves <1438> under a great curse <0331>, that we will eat <1089> (5664) nothing <3367> until <2193> <3739> we have slain <0615> (5725) Paul <3972>.

priests ^ 58_HEB_07_21 (For <1063> those {priests} <2409> were <3303> <1526> (5748) made <1096> (5756) without <5565> an oath <3728>; but <1161> this with <3326> an oath <3728> by <1223> him that said <3004> (5723) unto <4314> him <0846>, The Lord <2962> sware <3660> (5656) and <2532> will <3338> <0> not <3756> repent <3338> (5700), Thou <4771> art a priest <2409> for <1519> ever <0165> after <2596> the order <5010> of Melchisedec <3198>:)

priests ^ 58_HEB_09_06 Now <1161> when these things <5130> were <2680> <0> thus <3779> ordained <2680> (5772), the {priests} <2409> went <1524> (5748) always <1275> into <1519> <3303> the first <4413> tabernacle <4633>, accomplishing <2005> (5723) the service <2999> of God.

priests ^ 58_HEB_07_27 Who <3739> needeth <2192> (5719) <0318> not <3756> daily <2596> <2250>, as <5618> those high {priests} <0749>, to offer up <0399> (5721) sacrifice <2378>, first <4386> for <5228> his own <2398> sins <0266>, and then <1899> for the people's <2992>: for <1063> this <5124> he did <4160> (5656) once <2178>, when he offered up <0399> (5660) himself <1438>.

priests ^ 44_ACT_22_30 <1161> On the morrow <1887>, because he would <1014> (5740) have known <1097> (5629) the certainty <0804> wherefore <5101> he was accused <2723> (5743) of <3844> the Jews <2453>, he loosed <3089> (5656) him <0846> from <0575> his bands <1199>, and <2532> commanded <2753> (5656) the chief {priests} <0749> and <2532> all <3650> their <0846> council <4892> to appear <2064> (5629), and <2532> brought <2609> <0> Paul <3972> down <2609> (5631), and set him <2476> (5656) before <1519> them <0846>.

priests ^ 58_HEB_07_23 And <2532> they <1526> <0> truly <3303> were <1526> (5748) <1096> (5756) many <4119> {priests} <2409>, because they were not suffered <2967> (5745) to continue <3887> (5721) by reason of <1223> death <2288>:

sobriety ^ 54_1TI_02_15 Notwithstanding <1161> she shall be saved <4982> (5701) in <1223> childbearing <5042>, if <1437> they continue <3306> (5661) in <1722> faith <4102> and <2532> charity <0026> and <2532> holiness <0038> with <3326> {sobriety} <4997>.

sobriety ^ 54_1TI_02_09 In like manner <5615> also <2532>, that women <1135> adorn <2885> (5721) themselves <1438> in <1722> modest <2887> apparel <2689>, with <3326> shamefacedness <0127> and <2532> {sobriety} <4997>; not <3361> with <1722> broided hair <4117>, or <2228> gold <5557>, or <2228> pearls <3135>, or <2228> costly <4185> array <2441>;

sorceries ^ 66_REV_18_23 And <2532> the light <5457> of a candle <3088> shall shine <5316> (5652) no more <3364> at all <2089> in <1722> thee <4671>; and <2532> the voice <5456> of the bridegroom <3566> and <2532> of the bride <3565> shall be heard <0191> (5686) no more <3364> at all <2089> in <1722> thee <4671>: for <3754> thy <4675> merchants <1713> were <2258> (5713) the great men <3175> of the earth <1093>; for <3754> by <1722> thy <4675> {sorceries} <5331> were <4105> <0> all <3956> nations <1484> deceived <4105> (5681).

sorceries ^ 66_REV_09_21 Neither <2532> <3756> repented they <3340> (5656) of <1537> their <0846> murders <5408>, nor <3777> of <1537> their <0846> {sorceries} <5331>, nor <3777> of <1537> their <0846> fornication <4202>, nor <3777> of <1537> their <0846> thefts <2809>.

sorceries ^ 44_ACT_08_11 And <1161> to him <0846> they had regard <4337> (5707), because <1223> that of long <2425> time <5550> he had bewitched <1839> (5760) them <0846> with {sorceries} <3095>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_18_18 And <1161> Paul <3972> after this {tarried} <4357> (5660) there yet <2089> a good <2425> while <2250>, and then took his leave <0657> (5671) of the brethren <0080>, and sailed thence <1602> (5707) into <1519> Syria <4947>, and <2532> with <4862> him <0846> Priscilla <4252> and <2532> Aquila <0207>; having shorn <2751> (5671) his head <2776> in <1722> Cenchrea <2747>: for <1063> he had <2192> (5707) a vow <2171>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_09_43 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that he <0846> {tarried} <3306> (5658) many <2425> days <2250> in <1722> Joppa <2445> with <3844> one <5100> Simon <4613> a tanner <1038>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_20_05 These <3778> going before <4281> (5631) {tarried} <3306> (5707) for us <2248> at <1722> Troas <5174>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_20_15 And <2547> <0> we sailed <0636> (5660) thence <2547>, and came <2658> (5656) the next <1966> (5752) day over against <0481> Chios <5508>; and <1161> the next <2087> day we arrived <3846> (5627) at <1519> Samos <4544>, and <2532> {tarried} <3306> (5660) at <1722> Trogyllium <5175>; and the next <2192> (5746) day we came <2064> (5627) to <1519> Miletus <3399>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_15_33 And <1161> after they had {tarried} <4160> (5660) there a space <5550>, they were let go <0630> (5681) in <3326> peace <1515> from <0575> the brethren <0080> unto <4314> the apostles <0652>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_21_10 And <1161> as we <2257> {tarried} <1961> (5723) there many <4119> days <2250>, there came down <2718> (5627) from <0575> Judaea <2449> a certain <5100> prophet <4396>, named <3686> Agabus <0013>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_21_04 And <2532> finding <0429> (5631) disciples <3101>, we {tarried} <1961> (5656) there <0847> seven <2033> days <2250>: who <3748> said <3004> (5707) to Paul <3972> through <1223> the Spirit <4151>, that he should <0305> <0> not <3361> go up <0305> (5721) to <1519> Jerusalem <2419>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_25_06 And <1161> when he had {tarried} <1304> (5660) among <1722> them <0846> more <4119> than <2228> ten <1176> days <2250>, he went down <2597> (5631) unto <1519> Caesarea <2542>; and the next day <1887> sitting <2523> (5660) on <1909> the judgment seat <0968> commanded <2753> (5656) Paul <3972> to be brought <0071> (5683).

tarried ^ 44_ACT_27_33 And <1161> while <0891> <3739> the day <2250> was coming <1096> (5738) on <3195> (5707), Paul <3972> besought <3870> (5707) them all <0537> to take <3335> (5629) meat <5160>, saying <3004> (5723), This day <4594> is the fourteenth <5065> day <2250> that ye have {tarried} <4328> (5723) and continued <1300> (5719) fasting <0777>, having taken <4355> (5642) nothing <3367>.

tarried ^ 44_ACT_28_12 And <2532> landing <2609> (5685) at <1519> Syracuse <4946>, we {tarried} <1961> (5656) there three <5140> days <2250>.

tarried ^ 43_JOH_03_22 After <3326> these things <5023> came <2064> (5627) Jesus <2424> and <2532> his <0846> disciples <3101> into <1519> the land <1093> of Judaea <2449>; and <2532> there <1563> he {tarried} <1304> (5707) with <3326> them <0846>, and <2532> baptized <0907> (5707).

tarried ^ 40_MAT_25_05 While <1161> the bridegroom <3566> {tarried} <5549> (5723), they all <3956> slumbered <3573> (5656) and <2532> slept <2518> (5707).

tarried ^ 42_LUK_01_21 And <2532> the people <2992> waited <2258> (5713) <4328> (5723) for Zacharias <2197>, and <2532> marvelled <2296> (5707) that <1722> he <0846> {tarried} so long <5549> (5721) in <1722> the temple <3485>.

tarried ^ 42_LUK_02_43 And <2532> when they had fulfilled <5048> (5660) the days <2250>, as <1722> they <0846> returned <5290> (5721), the child <3816> Jesus <2424> {tarried} behind <5278> (5656) in <1722> Jerusalem <2419>; and <2532> Joseph <2501> and <2532> his <0846> mother <3384> knew <1097> (5627) not <3756> of it.

tarriest ^ 44_ACT_22_16 And <2532> now <3568> why <5101> {tarriest} thou <3195> (5719)? arise <0450> (5631), and be baptized <0907> (5669), and <2532> wash away <0628> (5669) thy <4675> sins <0266>, calling on <1941> (5671) the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>.

tried ^ 60_1PE_01_07 That <2443> the trial <1383> of your <5216> faith <4102>, being much <4183> more precious <5093> than of gold <5553> that perisheth <0622> (5734), though <1223> <1161> it be {tried} <1381> (5746) with fire <4442>, might be found <2147> (5686) unto <1519> praise <1868> and <2532> honour <5092> and <2532> glory <1391> at <1722> the appearing <0602> of Jesus <2424> Christ <5547>:

tried ^ 58_HEB_11_17 By faith <4102> Abraham <0011>, when he was {tried} <3985> (5746), offered up <4374> (5754) Isaac <2464>: and <2532> he that had received <0324> (5666) the promises <1860> offered up <4374> (5707) his only begotten <3439> son,

tried ^ 59_JAM_01_12 Blessed <3107> is the man <0435> that <3739> endureth <5278> (5719) temptation <3986>: for <3754> when he is {tried} <1384> <1096> (5637), he shall receive <2983> (5695) the crown <4735> of life <2222>, which <3739> the Lord <2962> hath promised <1861> (5662) to them that love <0025> (5723) him <0846>.

tried ^ 66_REV_02_10 Fear <5399> (5737) none <3367> of those things which <3739> thou shalt <3195> (5719) suffer <3958> (5721): behold <2400> (5628), the devil <1228> shall <3195> (5719) cast <0906> (5629) some of <1537> you <5216> into <1519> prison <5438>, that <2443> ye may be {tried} <3985> (5686); and <2532> ye shall have <2192> (5692) tribulation <2347> ten <1176> days <2250>: be thou <1096> (5737) faithful <4103> unto <0891> death <2288>, and <2532> I will give <1325> (5692) thee <4671> a crown <4735> of life <2222>.

tried ^ 66_REV_02_02 I know <1492> (5758) thy <4675> works <2041>, and <2532> thy <4675> labour <2873>, and <2532> thy <4675> patience <5281>, and <2532> how <3754> thou canst <1410> (5736) not <3756> bear <0941> (5658) them which are evil <2556>: and <2532> thou hast {tried} <3985> (5668) them which say <5335> (5723) they are <1511> (5750) apostles <0652>, and <2532> are <1526> (5748) not <3756>, and <2532> hast found <2147> (5627) them <0846> liars <5571>:

tried ^ 66_REV_03_18 I counsel <4823> (5719) thee <4671> to buy <0059> (5658) of <3844> me <1700> gold <5553> {tried} <4448> (5772) in <1537> the fire <4442>, that <2443> thou mayest be rich <4147> (5661); and <2532> white <3022> raiment <2440>, that <2443> thou mayest be clothed <4016> (5643), and <2532> that the shame <0152> of thy <4675> nakedness <1132> do <5319> <0> not <3361> appear <5319> (5686); and <2532> anoint <1472> (5657) thine <4675> eyes <3788> with eyesalve <2854>, that <2443> thou mayest see <0991> (5725).

trieth ^ 52_1TH_02_04 But <0235> as <2531> we were allowed <1381> (5769) of <5259> God <2316> to be put in trust <4100> (5683) with the gospel <2098>, even so <3779> we speak <2980> (5719); not <3756> as <5613> pleasing <0700> (5723) men <0444>, but <0235> God <2316>, which {trieth} <1381> (5723) our <2257> hearts <2588>.

unmarried ^ 46_1CO_07_32 But <1161> I would have <1511> (5750) <2309> (5719) you <5209> without carefulness <0275>. He that is {unmarried} <0022> careth <3309> (5719) for the things that belong to <3588> the Lord <2962>, how <4459> he may please <0700> (5692) the Lord <2962>:

unmarried ^ 46_1CO_07_34 There is difference also between <3307> (5769) a wife <1135> and <2532> a virgin <3933>. The {unmarried} woman <0022> careth for <3309> (5719) the things <3588> of the Lord <2962>, that <2443> she may be <5600> (5753) holy <0040> both <2532> in body <4983> and <2532> in spirit <4151>: but <1161> she that is married <1060> (5660) careth <3309> (5719) for the things <3588> of the world <2889>, how <4459> she may please <0700> (5692) her husband <0435>.

unmarried ^ 46_1CO_07_08 I say <3004> (5719) therefore <1161> to the {unmarried} <0022> and <2532> widows <5503>, It is <2076> (5748) good <2570> for them <0846> if <1437> they abide <3306> (5661) even <2504> <0> as <5613> I <2504>.

unmarried ^ 46_1CO_07_11 But <1161> and <2532> if <1437> she depart <5563> (5681), let her remain <3306> (5720) {unmarried} <0022>, or <2228> be reconciled <2644> (5649) to her husband <0435>: and <2532> let <0863> <0> not <3361> the husband <0435> put away <0863> (5721) his wife <1135>.

wearied ^ 43_JOH_04_06 Now <1161> Jacob's <2384> well <4077> was <2258> (5713) there <1563>. Jesus <2424> therefore <3767>, being {wearied} <2872> (5761) with <1537> his journey <3597>, sat <2516> (5711) thus <3779> on <1909> the well <4077>: and it was <2258> (5713) about <5616> the sixth <1623> hour <5610>.

wearied ^ 58_HEB_12_03 For <1063> consider <0357> (5663) him that endured <5278> (5761) such <5108> contradiction <0485> of <5259> sinners <0268> against <1519> himself <0846>, lest <3363> ye be {wearied} <2577> (5632) and faint <1590> (5746) in your <5216> minds <5590>.