risen Mat_11_11 /${risen /a greater than John
the Baptist : notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of
heaven is greater than he .

risen Mat_26_32 /${risen /again , I will go
before you into Galilee .

risen Rom_08_34 /${risen /again , who is even
at the right hand of God , who also maketh intercession for us .

risen Luk_09_08 /${risen /again .

risen Luk_09_19 /${risen /again .

risen Mat_17_09 /${risen /again from the dead .

risen Act_17_03 /${risen /again from the dead ;
and that this Jesus , whom I preach unto you , is Christ .

risen Psa_86_14 /^{risen /against me, and the
assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul ; and have
not set thee before them.

risen 2Sa_14_07 /^{risen /against thine
handmaid , and they said , Deliver him that smote his brother ,
that we may kill him, for the life of his brother whom he slew ;
and we will destroy the heir also: and so they shall quench my
coal which is left , and shall not leave to my husband neither
name nor remainder upon the earth .

risen Psa_20_08 /^{risen /and stand upright .

risen Mat_28_06 /${risen /as he said . Come ,
see the place where the Lord lay .

risen 2Ki_06_15 /^{risen /early , and gone
forth , behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and
chariots . And his servant said unto him, Alas , my master ! how
shall we do ?

risen Mar_16_09 /${risen /early the first day
of the week , he appeared first to Mary Magdalene , out of whom
he had cast seven devils .

risen 1Co_15_20 /${risen /from the dead , and
become the firstfruits of them that slept .

risen Mar_06_14 /${risen /from the dead , and
therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him .

risen Joh_02_22 /${risen /from the dead , his
disciples remembered that he had said this unto them ; and they
believed the scripture , and the word which Jesus had said .

risen Mar_06_16 /${risen /from the dead .

risen Mar_09_09 /${risen /from the dead .

risen Joh_21_14 /${risen /from the dead .

risen Mat_27_64 /${risen /from the dead : so
the last error shall be worse than the first .

risen Luk_09_07 /${risen /from the dead ;

risen Mat_28_07 /${risen /from the dead ; and ,
behold , he goeth before you into Galilee ; there shall ye see
him : lo , I have told you .

risen Mat_14_02 /${risen /from the dead ; and
therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him .

risen Mar_16_06 /${risen /he is not here :
behold the place where they laid him .

risen Mar_14_28 /${risen /I will go before you
into Galilee .

risen Luk_24_34 /${risen /indeed , and hath
appeared to Simon .

risen Luk_24_06 /${risen /remember how he
spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee ,

risen 1Co_15_14 /${risen /then is our
preaching vain , and your faith is also vain .

risen 1Sa_25_29 /^{risen /to pursue thee, and
to seek thy soul : but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the
bundle of life with the LORD thy God ; and the souls of thine
enemies , them shall he sling out , as out of the middle of a
sling .

risen 2Ch_13_06 /^{risen /up , and hath
rebelled against his lord .

risen Luk_13_25 /${risen /up , and hath shut
to the door , and ye begin to stand without , and to knock at
the door , saying , Lord , Lord , open unto us ; and he shall
answer and say unto you , I know you not whence ye are :

risen Psa_54_03 /^{risen /up against me, and
oppressors seek after my soul : they have not set God before
them. Selah .

risen Psa_27_12 /^{risen /up against me, and
such as breathe out cruelty .

risen Jud_09_18 /^{risen /up against my
father's house this day , and have slain his sons , threescore
and ten persons , upon one stone , and have made Abimelech , the
son of his maidservant , king over the men of Shechem , because
he is your brother ;

risen Luk_07_16 /${risen /up among us ; and ,
That God hath visited his people .

risen Mic_02_08 /^{risen /up as an enemy : ye
pull off the robe with the garment from them that pass by
securely as men averse from war .

risen 2Ch_06_10 /^{risen /up in the room of
David my father , and am set on the throne of Israel , as the
LORD promised , and have built the house for the name of the
LORD God of Israel .

risen 1Ki_08_20 /^{risen /up in the room of
David my father , and sit on the throne of Israel , as the LORD
promised , and have built an house for the name of the LORD God
of Israel .

risen Num_32_14 /^{risen /up in your fathers
stead, an increase of sinful men , to augment yet the fierce
anger of the LORD toward Israel .

risen Eze_07_11 /^{risen /up into a rod of
wickedness : none of them shall remain, nor of their multitude ,
nor of any of theirs: neither shall there be wailing for them.

risen Rut_02_15 /^{risen /up to glean , Boaz
commanded his young men , saying , Let her glean even among the
sheaves , and reproach her not:

risen 2Ch_21_04 /^{risen /up to the kingdom of
his father , he strengthened himself, and slew all his brethren
with the sword , and divers also of the princes of Israel .

risen Exo_22_03 /^{risen /upon him, there
shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution
; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft .

risen Gen_19_23 /^{risen /upon the earth when
Lot entered into Zoar .

risen Isa_60_01 /^{risen /upon thee.

risen Eze_47_05 /^{risen /waters to swim in ,
a river that could not be passed over .

risen Jam_01_11 /${risen /with a burning heat ,
but it withereth the grass , and the flower thereof falleth ,
and the grace of the fashion of it perisheth : so also shall the
rich man fade away in his ways .

risen Col_03_01 /${risen /with Christ , seek
those things which are above , where Christ sitteth on the right
hand of God .

risen Col_02_12 /${risen /with him through the
faith of the operation of God , who hath raised him from the
dead .
