Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
Rock ^ 46_1CO_10_04 And <2532> did <4095> <0> all <3956> drink <4095> (5627) the same <0846> spiritual <4152> drink <4188>: for <1063> they drank <4095> (5707) of <1537> that spiritual <4152> Rock <4073> that followed them <0190> (5723): and <1161> that {Rock} <4073> was <2258> (5713) Christ <5547>.

Rock ^ 46_1CO_10_04 And <2532> did <4095> <0> all <3956> drink <4095> (5627) the same <0846> spiritual <4152> drink <4188>: for <1063> they drank <4095> (5707) of <1537> that spiritual <4152> {Rock} <4073> that followed them <0190> (5723): and <1161> that Rock <4073> was <2258> (5713) Christ <5547>.

rock ^ 60_1PE_02_08 And <2532> a stone <3037> of stumbling <4348>, and <2532> a {rock} <4073> of offence <4625>, even to them which <3739> stumble <4350> (5719) at the word <3056>, being disobedient <0544> (5723): whereunto <1519> <3739> also <2532> they were appointed <5087> (5681).

rock ^ 42_LUK_06_48 He is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> which <3739> built <3618> (5723) an house <3614>, and <2532> digged <4626> (5656) deep <0900> (5656), and <2532> laid <5087> (5656) the foundation <2310> on <1909> a rock <4073>: and <1161> when the flood <4132> arose <1096> (5637), the stream <4215> beat vehemently <4366> (5656) upon that <1565> house <3614>, and <2532> could <2480> (5656) not <3756> shake <4531> (5658) it <0846>: for <1063> it was founded <2311> (5718) upon <1909> a {rock} <4073>.

rock ^ 42_LUK_06_48 He is <2076> (5748) like <3664> a man <0444> which <3739> built <3618> (5723) an house <3614>, and <2532> digged <4626> (5656) deep <0900> (5656), and <2532> laid <5087> (5656) the foundation <2310> on <1909> a {rock} <4073>: and <1161> when the flood <4132> arose <1096> (5637), the stream <4215> beat vehemently <4366> (5656) upon that <1565> house <3614>, and <2532> could <2480> (5656) not <3756> shake <4531> (5658) it <0846>: for <1063> it was founded <2311> (5718) upon <1909> a rock <4073>.

rock ^ 42_LUK_08_06 And <2532> some <2087> fell <4098> (5627) upon <1909> a {rock} <4073>; and <2532> as soon as it was sprung up <5453> (5651), it withered away <3583> (5681), because <1223> it lacked <3361> <2192> (5721) moisture <2429>.

rock ^ 42_LUK_08_13 <1161> They on <1909> the {rock} <4073> are they, which <3739>, when <3752> they hear <0191> (5661), receive <1209> (5736) the word <3056> with <3326> joy <5479>; and <2532> these <3778> have <2192> (5719) no <3756> root <4491>, which <3739> for <4314> a while <2540> believe <4100> (5719), and <2532> in <1722> time <2540> of temptation <3986> fall away <0868> (5736).

rock ^ 41_MAR_15_46 And <2532> he bought <0059> (5660) fine linen <4616>, and <2532> took him down <2507> (5631), and wrapped <1750> (5656) him <0846> in the linen <4616>, and <2532> laid <2698> (5656) him <0846> in <1722> a sepulchre <3419> which <3739> was <2258> (5713) hewn <2998> (5772) out of <1537> a {rock} <4073>, and <2532> rolled <4351> (5656) a stone <3037> unto <1909> the door <2374> of the sepulchre <3419>.

rock ^ 40_MAT_07_24 Therefore <3767> whosoever <3956> <3748> heareth <0191> (5719) these <5128> sayings <3056> of mine <3450>, and <2532> doeth <4160> (5719) them <0846>, I will liken <3666> (5692) him <0846> unto a wise <5429> man <0435>, which <3748> built <3618> (5656) his <0846> house <3614> upon <1909> a {rock} <4073>:

rock ^ 40_MAT_07_25 And <2532> the rain <1028> descended <2597> (5627), and <2532> the floods <4215> came <2064> (5627), and <2532> the winds <0417> blew <4154> (5656), and <2532> beat upon <4363> (5627) that <1565> house <3614>; and <2532> it fell <4098> (5627) not <3756>: for <1063> it was founded <2311> (5718) upon <1909> a {rock} <4073>.

rock ^ 40_MAT_16_18 And <1161> I say <3004> (5719) also <2504> unto thee <4671>, That <3754> thou <4771> art <1488> (5748) Peter <4074>, and <2532> upon <1909> this <5026> {rock} <4073> I will build <3618> (5692) my <3450> church <1577>; and <2532> the gates <4439> of hell <0086> shall <2729> <0> not <3756> prevail against <2729> (5692) it <0846>.

rock ^ 40_MAT_27_60 And <2532> laid <5087> (5656) it <0846> in <1722> his own <0846> new <2537> tomb <3419>, which <3739> he had hewn out <2998> (5656) in <1722> the {rock} <4073>: and <2532> he rolled <4351> (5660) a great <3173> stone <3037> to the door <2374> of the sepulchre <3419>, and departed <0565> (5627).

rock ^ 45_ROM_09_33 As <2531> it is written <1125> (5769), Behold <2400> (5628), I lay <5087> (5719) in <1722> Sion <4622> a stumblingstone <3037> <4348> and <2532> {rock} <4073> of offence <4625>: and <2532> whosoever <3956> believeth <4100> (5723) on <1909> him <0846> shall <2617> <0> not <3756> be ashamed <2617> (5701).

rocks ^ 44_ACT_27_29 Then <5037> fearing <5399> (5740) lest <3381> <4458> we should have fallen <1601> (5632) (5625) <1601> (5632) upon <1519> {rocks} <5117> <5138>, they cast <4496> (5660) four <5064> anchors <0045> out of <1537> the stern <4403>, and wished <2172> (5711) <1096> (5635) for the day <2250>.

rocks ^ 40_MAT_27_51 And <2532>, behold <2400> (5628), the veil <2665> of the temple <3485> was rent <4977> (5681) in <1519> twain <1417> from <0575> the top <0509> to <2193> the bottom <2736>; and <2532> the earth <1093> did quake <4579> (5681), and <2532> the {rocks} <4073> rent <4977> (5681);

rocks ^ 66_REV_06_16 And <2532> said <3004> (5719) to the mountains <3735> and <2532> {rocks} <4073>, Fall <4098> (5628) on <1909> us <2248>, and <2532> hide <2928> (5657) us <2248> from <0575> the face <4383> of him that sitteth <2521> (5740) on <1909> the throne <2362>, and <2532> from <0575> the wrath <3709> of the Lamb <0721>:

rocks ^ 66_REV_06_15 And <2532> the kings <0935> of the earth <1093>, and <2532> the great men <3175>, and <2532> the rich men <4145>, and <2532> the chief captains <5506>, and <2532> the mighty men <1415>, and <2532> every <3956> bondman <1401>, and <2532> every <3956> free man <1658>, hid <2928> (5656) themselves <1438> in <1519> the dens <4693> and <2532> in <1519> the {rocks} <4073> of the mountains <3735>;