rode 1Ki_18_45 /^{rode /and went to Jezreel .

rode 2Ki_09_16 /^{rode /in a chariot , and
went to Jezreel ; for Joram lay there. And Ahaziah king of Judah
was come down to see Joram .

rode 1Sa_25_20 /^{rode /on the ass , that she
came down by the covert of the hill , and, behold, David and his
men came down against her; and she met them.

rode Jud_10_04 /^{rode /on thirty ass colts ,
and they had thirty cities , which are called Havothjair unto
this day , which are in the land of Gilead .

rode Jud_12_14 /^{rode /on threescore and ten
ass colts : and he judged Israel eight years .

rode 1Ki_13_13 /^{rode /thereon,

rode 2Ki_09_25 /^{rode /together after Ahab
his father , the LORD laid this burden upon him;

rode Neh_02_12 /^{rode /upon .

rode 2Sa_22_11 /^{rode /upon a cherub , and
did fly : and he was seen upon the wings of the wind .

rode Psa_18_10 /^{rode /upon a cherub , and
did fly : yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind .

rode 2Sa_18_09 /^{rode /upon a mule , and the
mule went under the thick boughs of a great oak , and his head
caught hold of the oak , and he was taken up between the heaven
and the earth ; and the mule that was under him went away .

rode 1Sa_25_42 /^{rode /upon an ass , with
five damsels of hers that went after her; and she went after the
messengers of David , and became his wife .

rode 1Sa_30_17 /^{rode /upon camels , and
fled .

rode Est_08_14 /^{rode /upon mules and camels
went out , being hastened and pressed on by the king's
commandment . And the decree was given at Shushan the palace .

rode Gen_24_61 /^{rode /upon the camels , and
followed the man : and the servant took Rebekah , and went his
way .

trode 2Ki_14_09 /^{trode /down the thistle .

trode 2Ch_25_18 /^{trode /down the thistle .

trode 2Ki_09_33 /^{trode /her under foot .

trode Luk_12_01 /${trode /one upon another ,
he began to say unto his disciples first of all , Beware ye of
the leaven of the Pharisees , which is hypocrisy .

trode Jud_09_27 /^{trode /the grapes, and made
merry , and went into the house of their god , and did eat and
drink , and cursed Abimelech .

trode Jud_20_43 /^{trode /them down with ease
over against Gibeah toward the sunrising .

trode 2Ki_07_17 /^{trode /upon him in the gate ,
and he died , as the man of God had said , who spake when the
king came down to him.

trode 2Ki_07_20 /^{trode /upon him in the gate ,
and he died .
