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+romemuth 23_ISA_33_03 At the noise (06963 +qowl ) of the tumult (01995 +hamown ) the people (05971 +(am ) fled (05074 +nadad ) ; at the lifting (07427 {+romemuth} ) up of thyself the nations (01471 +gowy ) were scattered (05310 +naphats ) .

-euthudromeo 44_ACT_16_11 Therefore (3767 -oun -) loosing (0321 -anago -) from Troas (5174 -Troas -) , we came (2113 -euthudromeo -) with a straight (2113 -euthudromeo -) course (2113 {-euthudromeo} -) to Samothracia (4543 -Samothraike -) , and the next (1966 -epiousa -) [ day ] to Neapolis (3496 -Neapolis -) ;

-euthudromeo 44_ACT_16_11 Therefore (3767 -oun -) loosing (0321 -anago -) from Troas (5174 -Troas -) , we came (2113 -euthudromeo -) with a straight (2113 {-euthudromeo} -) course (2113 -euthudromeo -) to Samothracia (4543 -Samothraike -) , and the next (1966 -epiousa -) [ day ] to Neapolis (3496 -Neapolis -) ;

-euthudromeo 44_ACT_16_11 Therefore (3767 -oun -) loosing (0321 -anago -) from Troas (5174 -Troas -) , we came (2113 {-euthudromeo} -) with a straight (2113 -euthudromeo -) course (2113 -euthudromeo -) to Samothracia (4543 -Samothraike -) , and the next (1966 -epiousa -) [ day ] to Neapolis (3496 -Neapolis -) ;

-euthudromeo 44_ACT_21_01 . And it came (1096 -ginomai -) to pass , that after (5613 -hos -) we were gotten (0645 -apospao -) from them , and had launched (0321 -anago -) , we came (2064 -erchomai -) with a straight (2113 {-euthudromeo} -) course (4144 -ploos -) unto Coos (2972 -Kos -) , and the [ day ] following (1836 -hexes -) unto Rhodes (4499 -Rhodos -) , and from thence (1564 -ekeithen -) unto Patara (3959 -Patara -) :

-promeletao 46_1CO_02_07 But we speak (2980 -laleo -) the wisdom (4678 -sophia -) of God (2316 -theos -) in a mystery (3466 -musterion -) , [ even ] the hidden (0613 -apokrupto -) [ wisdom ] , which (3739 -hos -) God (2316 -theos -) ordained (4304 {-promeletao} -) before (4253 -pro -) the world (0165 -aion -) unto our glory (1391 -doxa -) :

-promeletao 42_LUK_21_14 Settle 5087 -tithemi - [ it ] therefore 3767 -oun - in your 5216 -humon - hearts 2588 -kardia - , not to meditate 4304 -promeletao - before 4304 {-promeletao} - what ye shall answer 0626 -apologeomai - :

-promeletao 42_LUK_21_14 Settle 5087 -tithemi - [ it ] therefore 3767 -oun - in your 5216 -humon - hearts 2588 -kardia - , not to meditate 4304 {-promeletao} - before 4304 -promeletao - what ye shall answer 0626 -apologeomai - :

-promerimnao 41_MAR_13_11 But when (3752 -hotan -) they shall lead (0071 -ago -) [ you ] , and deliver (3860 -paradidomi -) you up , take no (3361 -me -) thought (4305 -promerimnao -) beforehand (4305 {-promerimnao} -) what (5101 -tis -) ye shall speak (2980 -laleo -) , neither (3366 -mede -) do ye premeditate (3191 -meletao -):but whatsoever (1437 -ean -) shall be given (1325 -didomi -) you in that hour (5610 -hora -) , that speak (2980 -laleo -) ye:for it is not ye that speak (2980 -laleo -) , but the Holy (0040 -hagios -) Ghost (4151 -pneuma -) .

-promerimnao 41_MAR_13_11 But when (3752 -hotan -) they shall lead (0071 -ago -) [ you ] , and deliver (3860 -paradidomi -) you up , take no (3361 -me -) thought (4305 {-promerimnao} -) beforehand (4305 -promerimnao -) what (5101 -tis -) ye shall speak (2980 -laleo -) , neither (3366 -mede -) do ye premeditate (3191 -meletao -):but whatsoever (1437 -ean -) shall be given (1325 -didomi -) you in that hour (5610 -hora -) , that speak (2980 -laleo -) ye:for it is not ye that speak (2980 -laleo -) , but the Holy (0040 -hagios -) Ghost (4151 -pneuma -) .

-sundrome 44_ACT_21_30 And all (3650 -holos -) the city (4172 -polis -) was moved (2795 -kineo -) , and the people (2992 -laos -) ran (4890 -sundrome -) together (4890 {-sundrome} -):and they took (1949 -epilambanomai -) Paul (3972 -Paulos -) , and drew (1670 -helkuo -) him out of the temple (2411 -hieron -):and forthwith (2112 -eutheos -) the doors (2374 -thura -) were shut (2808 -kleio -) .

-sundrome 44_ACT_21_30 And all (3650 -holos -) the city (4172 -polis -) was moved (2795 -kineo -) , and the people (2992 -laos -) ran (4890 {-sundrome} -) together (4890 -sundrome -):and they took (1949 -epilambanomai -) Paul (3972 -Paulos -) , and drew (1670 -helkuo -) him out of the temple (2411 -hieron -):and forthwith (2112 -eutheos -) the doors (2374 -thura -) were shut (2808 -kleio -) .

Rome 55_2TI_01_17 But , when he was in {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) , he sought (2212 -zeteo -) me out very (4708 -spoudaioteros -) diligently (4706 -spoudaioteron -) , and found (2147 -heurisko -) [ me ] .

Rome 44_ACT_02_10 Phrygia (5435 -Phrugia -) , and Pamphylia (3828 -Pamphulia -) , in Egypt (0125 -Aiguptos -) , and in the parts (3313 -meros -) of Libya (3033 -Libue -) about (2596 -kata -) Cyrene (2957 -Kurene -) , and strangers (1927 -epidemeo -) of {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) , Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) and proselytes (4339 -proselutos -) ,

Rome 44_ACT_18_02 And found (2147 -heurisko -) a certain (5100 -tis -) Jew (2453 -Ioudaios -) named (3686 -onoma -) Aquila (0207 -Akulas -) , born (1085 -genos -) in Pontus (4195 -Pontos -) , lately (4373 -prosphatos -) come (2064 -erchomai -) from Italy (2482 -Italia -) , with his wife (1135 -gune -) Priscilla (4252 -Priscilla -) ; ( because that Claudius (2804 -Klaudios -) had commanded (1299 -diatasso -) all (3956 -pas -) Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) to depart (5562 -choreo -) from {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -):) and came (4334 -proserchomai -) unto them .

Rome 44_ACT_19_21 . After (5613 -hos -) these (5023 -tauta -) things were ended (4137 -pleroo -) , Paul (3972 -Paulos -) purposed (5087 -tithemi -) in the spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , when he had passed (1330 -dierchomai -) through (1330 -dierchomai -) Macedonia (3109 -Makedonia -) and Achaia (0882 -Achaia -) , to go (4198 -poreuomai -) to Jerusalem (2419 -Hierousalem -) , saying (2036 -epo -) , After (3326 -meta -) I have been (1096 -ginomai -) there (1563 -ekei -) , I must (1163 -dei -) also (2532 -kai -) see (1492 -eido -) {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) .

Rome 44_ACT_23_11 And the night (3571 -nux -) following the Lord (2962 -kurios -) stood (2186 -ephistemi -) by him , and said (2036 -epo -) , Be of good cheer (2293 -tharseo -) , Paul (3972 -Paulos -):for as thou hast testified (1263 -diamarturomai -) of me in Jerusalem (2419 -Hierousalem -) , so (3779 -houto -) must (1163 -dei -) thou bear (3140 -martureo -) witness (3140 -martureo -) also (2532 -kai -) at (1519 -eis -) {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) .

Rome 44_ACT_28_14 Where (3757 -hou -) we found (2147 -heurisko -) brethren (0080 -adephos -) , and were desired (3870 -parakaleo -) to tarry (1961 -epimeno -) with them seven (2033 -hepta -) days (2250 -hemera -):and so (3779 -houto -) we went (2064 -erchomai -) toward (1519 -eis -) {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) .

Rome 44_ACT_28_16 And when (3753 -hote -) we came (2064 -erchomai -) to {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) , the centurion (1543 -hekatontarches -) delivered (3860 -paradidomi -) the prisoners (1198 -desmios -) to the captain (4759 -stratopedarches -) of the guard (4759 -stratopedarches -):but Paul (3972 -Paulos -) was suffered (2010 -epitrepo -) to dwell (3306 -meno -) by himself (1438 -heautou -) with a soldier (4757 -stratiotes -) that kept (5442 -phulasso -) him .

Rome 45_ROM_01_07 To all (3956 -pas -) that be in {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) , beloved (0027 -agapetos -) of God (2316 -theos -) , called (2822 -kletos -) [ to be ] saints (0040 -hagios -):Grace (5485 -charis -) to you and peace (1515 -eirene -) from God (2316 -theos -) our Father (3962 -pater -) , and the Lord (2962 -kurios -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) Christ (5547 -Christos -) .

Rome 45_ROM_01_15 So (3779 -houto -) , as much (3588 -ho -) as in me is , I am ready (4289 -prothumos -) to preach (2097 -euaggelizo -) the gospel (2097 -euaggelizo -) to you that are at (1722 -en -) {Rome} (4516 -Rhome -) also (2532 -kai -) .

dromedaries 11_1KI_04_28 Barley (08184 +s@(orah ) also and straw (08401 +teben ) for the horses (05483 +cuwc ) and {dromedaries} (07409 +rekesh ) brought (00935 +bow) ) they unto the place (04725 +maqowm ) where [ the officers ] were , every man (00376 +)iysh ) according to his charge (04941 +mishpat ) .

dromedaries 17_EST_08_10 And he wrote (03789 +kathab ) in the king (04428 +melek ) Ahasuerus (00325 +)Achashverowsh ) name (08034 +shem ) , and sealed (02856 +chatham ) [ it ] with the king s (04428 +melek ) ring (02885 +tabba(ath ) , and sent (07971 +shalach ) letters (05612 +cepher ) by posts (07323 +ruwts ) on horseback (05483 +cuwc ) , [ and ] riders (07392 +rakab ) on mules (07409 +rekesh ) , camels (00327 +)achastaran ) , [ and ] young (01121 +ben ) {dromedaries} (07424 +rammak ) :

dromedaries 23_ISA_60_06 The multitude (08229 +shiph(ah ) of camels (01581 +gamal ) shall cover (03680 +kacah ) thee , the {dromedaries} (01070 +beker ) of Midian (04080 +Midyan ) and Ephah (05891 +(Eyphah ) ; all (03605 +kol ) they from Sheba (07614 +Sh@ba) ) shall come (00935 +bow) ):they shall bring (05375 +nasa) ) gold (02091 +zahab ) and incense (03828 +l@bownah ) ; and they shall shew (01319 +basar ) forth the praises (08416 +t@hillah ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) .

dromedary 24_JER_02_23 How (00349 +)eyk ) canst thou say (00559 +)amar ) , I am not polluted (02930 +tame) ) , I have not gone (01980 +halak ) after (00310 +)achar ) Baalim (01168 +Ba(al ) ? see (07200 +ra)ah ) thy way (01870 +derek ) in the valley (01516 +gay) ) , know (03045 +yada( ) what (04100 +mah ) thou hast done (06213 +(asah ):[ thou art ] a swift (07031 + qal ) {dromedary} (01072 +bikrah ) traversing (08308 +sarak ) her ways (01870 +derek ) ;


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