dromedaries 1Ki_04_28 /^{dromedaries /brought they
unto the place where the officers were, every man according to
his charge .

dromedaries Isa_60_06 /^{dromedaries /of Midian and
Ephah ; all they from Sheba shall come : they shall bring gold
and incense ; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD .

dromedary Jer_02_23 /^{dromedary /traversing her
ways ;

Rome Rom_01_15 /${Rome /also .

Rome Act_18_02 /${Rome /and came unto them .

Rome Rom_01_07 /${Rome /beloved of God ,
called to be saints : Grace to you and peace from God our Father
, and the Lord Jesus Christ .

Rome Php_04_23 /${Rome /by Epaphroditus .>>

Rome Eph_06_24 /${Rome /by Tychicus .>>

Rome 2Ti_01_17 /${Rome /he sought me out very
diligently , and found me.

Rome Act_02_10 /${Rome /Jews and proselytes ,

Rome Act_28_16 /${Rome /the centurion
delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard : but Paul
was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him .

Rome Col_03_18 /${Rome /to Colossians by
Tychicus and Onesimus .>>

Rome Phm_01_25 /${Rome /to Philemon , by
Onesimus a servant .>>

Rome 2Ti_04_22 /${Rome /when Paul was brought
before Nero the second time .>>
