rosh , GE , 46:21


Rosh Interlinear Index Study

Rosh GEN 046 021 And the sons <01121 +ben > of Benjamin <01144
+Binyamiyn > [ were ] Belah <01106 +Bela< > , and Becher <01071
+Beker > , and Ashbel <00788 +>Ashbel > , Gera <01617 +Gera> > ,
and Naaman <05283 +Na , Ehi <00278 +>Echiy > , and {Rosh}
<07220 +Ro>sh > , Muppim <04649 +Muppiym > , and Huppim <02650
+Chuppiym > , and Ard <00714 + .


- parosh , 6551 ,

- pharosh , 6551 ,

- rosh , 7220 ,

Rosh GEN 046 021 And the sons <01121 +ben > of Benjamin <01144
+Binyamiyn > [ were ] Belah <01106 +Bela< > , and Becher
<01071 +Beker > , and Ashbel <00788 +>Ashbel > , Gera <01617
+Gera> > , and Naaman <05283 +Na , Ehi <00278
+>Echiy > , and {Rosh} <07220 +Ro>sh > , Muppim <04649
+Muppiym > , and Huppim <02650 +Chuppiym > , and Ard <00714
+ .



harosheth -2800 {harosheth} ,

parosh -6551 {parosh} , pharosh ,

pharosh -6551 parosh , {pharosh} ,

rosh -7220 {rosh} ,


Harosheth 2800 -- Charosheth -- {Harosheth}.

Parosh 6551 -- Par\osh -- {Parosh}, Pharosh.

Pharosh 6551 -- Par\osh -- Parosh, {Pharosh}.

Rosh 7220 Ro/sh -- -- {Rosh}.




Harosheth 2800 ## Charosheth {khar-o'-sheth}; the same as 2799;
Charosheth, a place in Palestine: -- {Harosheth}. [ql

Parosh 6551 ## Par the name of our Israelite: -- {Parosh}, Pharosh.[ql

Pharosh 6551 ## Par the name of our Israelite: -- Parosh, {Pharosh}.[ql

Rosh 7220 ## Ro>sh {roshe}; probably the same as 7218; Rosh, the
name of an Israelite and of a foreign nation: -- {Rosh}.[ql


Harosheth 004 002 Jug /^{Harosheth /of the
Gentiles .

Harosheth 004 016 Jug /^{Harosheth /of the
Gentiles : and all the host of Sisera fell upon the edge of the
sword ; and there was not a man left .

Harosheth 004 013 Jug /^{Harosheth /of the
Gentiles unto the river of Kishon .

Parosh 010 014 Neh /^{Parosh /Pahathmoab , Elam
, Zatthu , Bani ,

Parosh 010 025 Ezr /^{Parosh /Ramiah , and
Jeziah , and Malchiah , and Miamin , and Eleazar , and Malchijah
, and Benaiah .

Parosh 002 003 Ezr /^{Parosh /two thousand an
hundred seventy and two .

Parosh 007 008 Neh /^{Parosh /two thousand an
hundred seventy and two .

Pharosh 008 003 Ezr /^{Pharosh /Zechariah : and
with him were reckoned by genealogy of the males an hundred and
fifty .

Rosh 046 021 Gen /^{Rosh /Muppim , and Huppim
, and Ard .



rosh And the sons of Benjamin [were] Belah, and

and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, Ehi, and {Rosh}, Muppim, and

and Ard.
