Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
aground ^ 44_ACT_27_41 And <1161> falling <4045> (5631) into <1519> a place <5117> where two seas met <1337>, they ran <2027> <0> the ship <3491> {aground} <2027> (5656); and <2532> the forepart <4408> <3303> stuck fast <2043> (5660), and remained <3306> (5656) unmoveable <0761>, but <1161> the hinder part <4403> was broken <3089> (5712) with <5259> the violence <0970> of the waves <2949>.

ground ^ 54_1TI_03_15 But <1161> if <1437> I tarry long <1019> (5725), that <2443> thou mayest know <1492> (5762) how <4459> thou oughtest <1163> (5748) to behave thyself <0390> (5745) in <1722> the house <3624> of God <2316>, which <3748> is <2076> (5748) the church <1577> of the living <2198> (5723) God <2316>, the pillar <4769> and <2532> {ground} <1477> of the truth <0225>.

ground ^ 44_ACT_07_33 Then <1161> said <2036> (5627) the Lord <2962> to him <0846>, Put off <3089> (5657) thy shoes <5266> from thy <4675> feet <4228>: for <1063> the place <5117> where <1722> <3739> thou standest <2476> (5758) is <2076> (5748) holy <0040> {ground} <1093>.

ground ^ 44_ACT_22_07 And <5037> I fell <4098> (5627) unto <1519> the {ground} <1475>, and <2532> heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) unto me <3427>, Saul <4549>, Saul <4549>, why <5101> persecutest thou <1377> (5719) me <3165>?

ground ^ 43_JOH_08_06 <1161> This <5124> they said <3004> (5707), tempting <3985> (5723) him <0846>, that <2443> they might have <2192> (5725) to accuse <2723> (5721) him <0846>. But <1161> Jesus <2424> stooped <2955> (5660) down <2736>, and with his finger <1147> wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the {ground} <1093>, as though he heard <4364> (5740) them not <3361>.

ground ^ 43_JOH_08_08 And <2532> again <3825> he stooped <2955> (5660) down <2736>, and wrote <1125> (5707) on <1519> the {ground} <1093>.

ground ^ 43_JOH_09_06 When he had thus <5023> spoken <2036> (5631), he spat <4429> (5656) on the {ground} <5476>, and <2532> made <4160> (5656) clay <4081> of <1537> the spittle <4427>, and <2532> he anointed <2025> (5656) <1909> the eyes <3788> of the blind man <5185> with the clay <4081>,

ground ^ 43_JOH_04_05 Then <3767> cometh he <2064> (5736) to <1519> a city <4172> of Samaria <4540>, which is called <3004> (5746) Sychar <4965>, near <4139> to the parcel of {ground} <5564> that <3739> Jacob <2384> gave <1325> (5656) to his <0846> son <5207> Joseph <2501>.

ground ^ 43_JOH_12_24 Verily <0281>, verily <0281>, I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Except <3362> a corn <2848> of wheat <4621> fall <4098> (5631) into <1519> the {ground} <1093> and die <0599> (5632), it <0846> abideth <3306> (5719) alone <3441>: but <1161> if <1437> it die <0599> (5632), it bringeth forth <5342> (5719) much <4183> fruit <2590>.

ground ^ 43_JOH_18_06 As soon <5613> then <3767> as he had said <2036> (5627) unto them <0846>, <3754> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) he, they went <0565> (5627) backward <1519> <3694>, and <2532> fell <4098> (5627) to the {ground} <5476>.

ground ^ 42_LUK_13_07 Then <1161> said he <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the dresser of his vineyard <0289>, Behold <2400> (5628), these three <5140> years <2094> I come <2064> (5736) seeking <2212> (5723) fruit <2590> on <1722> this <5026> fig tree <4808>, and <2532> find <2147> (5719) none <3756>: cut <1581> <0> it <0846> down <1581> (5657); why <2444> <2532> cumbereth <2673> (5719) it <0846> the {ground} <1093>?

ground ^ 42_LUK_19_44 And <2532> shall lay <1474> <0> thee <4571> even with the {ground} <1474> (5692), and <2532> thy <4675> children <5043> within <1722> thee <4671>; and <2532> they shall <0863> <0> not <3756> leave <0863> (5692) in <1722> thee <4671> one stone <3037> upon <1909> another <3037>; because <0473> <3739> thou knewest <1097> (5627) not <3756> the time <2540> of thy <4675> visitation <1984>.

ground ^ 42_LUK_08_08 And <2532> other <2087> fell <4098> (5627) on <1909> good <0018> {ground} <1093>, and <2532> sprang up <5453> (5651), and bare <4160> (5656) fruit <2590> an hundredfold <1542>. And when he had said <3004> (5723) these things <5023>, he cried <5455> (5707), He that hath <2192> (5723) ears <3775> to hear <0191> (5721), let him hear <0191> (5720).

ground ^ 42_LUK_08_15 But <1161> that on <1722> the good <2570> {ground} <1093> are <1526> (5748) they <3778>, which <3748> in <1722> an honest <2570> and <2532> good <0018> heart <2588>, having heard <0191> (5660) the word <3056>, keep <2722> (5719) it, and <2532> bring forth fruit <2592> (5719) with <1722> patience <5281>.

ground ^ 42_LUK_12_16 And <1161> he spake <2036> (5627) a parable <3850> unto <4314> them <0846>, saying <3004> (5723), The {ground} <5561> of a certain <5100> rich <4145> man <0444> brought forth plentifully <2164> (5656):

ground ^ 42_LUK_22_44 And <2532> being <1096> (5637) in <1722> an agony <0074> he prayed <4336> (5711) more earnestly <1617>: and <1161> his <0846> sweat <2402> was <1096> (5633) as it were <5616> great drops <2361> of blood <0129> falling down <2597> (5723) to <1909> the {ground} <1093>.

ground ^ 42_LUK_14_18 And <2532> they all <3956> with <0575> one <3391> consent began <0756> (5662) to make excuse <3868> (5738). The first <4413> said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, I have bought <0059> (5656) a piece of {ground} <0068>, and <2532> I must <2192> (5719) needs <0318> go <1831> (5629) and <2532> see <1492> (5629) it <0846>: I pray <2065> (5719) thee <4571> have <2192> (5720) me <3165> excused <3868> (5772).

ground ^ 40_MAT_13_08 But <1161> other <0243> fell <4098> (5627) into <1909> good <2570> {ground} <1093>, and <2532> brought forth <1325> (5707) fruit <2590>, some <3739> <3303> an hundredfold <1540>, <1161> some <3739> sixtyfold <1835>, <1161> some <3739> thirtyfold <5144>.

ground ^ 40_MAT_10_29 Are <4453> <0> not <3780> two <1417> sparrows <4765> sold <4453> (5743) for a farthing <0787>? and <2532> one <1520> of <1537> them <0846> shall <4098> <0> not <3756> fall <4098> (5695) on <1909> the {ground} <1093> without <0427> your <5216> Father <3962>.

ground ^ 41_MAR_09_20 And <2532> they brought <5342> (5656) him <0846> unto <4314> him <0846>: and <2532> when he saw <1492> (5631) him <0846>, straightway <2112> the spirit <4151> tare <4682> (5656) him <0846>; and <2532> he fell <4098> (5631) on <1909> the {ground} <1093>, and wallowed <2947> (5709) foaming <0875> (5723).

ground ^ 41_MAR_14_35 And <2532> he went forward <4281> (5631) a little <3397>, and fell <4098> (5627) on <1909> the {ground} <1093>, and <2532> prayed <4336> (5711) that <2443>, if <1487> it were <2076> (5748) possible <1415>, the hour <5610> might pass <3928> (5632) from <0575> him <0846>.

ground ^ 41_MAR_04_05 And <1161> some <0243> fell <4098> (5627) on <1909> stony {ground} <4075>, where <3699> it had <2192> (5707) not <3756> much <4183> earth <1093>; and <2532> immediately <2112> it sprang up <1816> (5656), because <1223> it had <2192> (5721) no <3361> depth <0899> of earth <1093>:

ground ^ 41_MAR_04_08 And <2532> other <0243> fell <4098> (5627) on <1519> good <2570> {ground} <1093>, and <2532> did yield <1325> (5707) fruit <2590> that sprang up <0305> (5723) and <2532> increased <0837> (5723); and <2532> brought forth <5342> (5707), some <1520> thirty <5144>, and <2532> some <1520> sixty <1835>, and <2532> some <1520> an hundred <1540>.

ground ^ 41_MAR_08_06 And <2532> he commanded <3853> (5656) the people <3793> to sit down <0377> (5629) on <1909> the {ground} <1093>: and <2532> he took <2983> (5631) the seven <2033> loaves <0740>, and gave thanks <2168> (5660), and brake <2806> (5656), and <2532> gave <1325> (5707) to his <0846> disciples <3101> to <2443> set before <3908> (5632) them; and <2532> they did set them before <3908> (5656) the people <3793>.

ground ^ 41_MAR_04_26 And <2532> he said <3004> (5707), So <3779> is <2076> (5748) the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>, as <5613> if <1437> a man <0444> should cast <0906> (5632) seed <4703> into <1909> the {ground} <1093>;

ground ^ 41_MAR_04_20 And <2532> these <3778> are <1526> (5748) they which are sown <4687> (5651) on <1909> good <2570> {ground} <1093>; such as <3748> hear <0191> (5719) the word <3056>, and <2532> receive <3858> (5736) it, and <2532> bring forth fruit <2592> (5719), some <1520> thirtyfold <5144>, some <2532> <1520> sixty <1835>, and <2532> some <1520> an hundred <1540>.

ground ^ 41_MAR_04_16 And <2532> these <3778> are they <1526> (5748) likewise <3668> which are sown <4687> (5746) on <1909> stony {ground} <4075>; who <3739>, when <3752> they have heard <0191> (5661) the word <3056>, immediately <2112> receive <2983> (5719) it <0846> with <3326> gladness <5479>;

ground ^ 40_MAT_13_23 But <1161> he that received seed <4687> (5651) into <1909> the good <2570> {ground} <1093> is <2076> (5748) he <3778> that heareth <0191> (5723) the word <3056>, and <2532> understandeth <4920> (5723) it; which <3739> also <1211> beareth fruit <2592> (5719), and <2532> bringeth forth <4160> (5719), some <3739> <3303> an hundredfold <1540>, <1161> some <3739> sixty <1835>, <1161> some <3739> thirty <5144>.

ground ^ 40_MAT_15_35 And <2532> he commanded <2753> (5656) the multitude <3793> to sit down <0377> (5629) on <1909> the {ground} <1093>.

grounded ^ 51_COL_01_23 If <1489> ye continue <1961> (5719) in the faith <4102> {grounded} <2311> (5772) and <2532> settled <1476>, and <2532> be not <3361> moved away <3334> (5746) from <0575> the hope <1680> of the gospel <2098>, which <3739> ye have heard <0191> (5656), and which <3588> was preached <2784> (5685) to <1722> every <3956> creature <2937> which is under <5259> heaven <3772>; whereof <3739> I <1473> Paul <3972> am made <1096> (5633) a minister <1249>;

grounded ^ 49_EPH_03_17 That Christ <5547> may dwell <2730> (5658) in <1722> your <5216> hearts <2588> by <1223> faith <4102>; that <2443> ye, being rooted <4492> (5772) and <2532> {grounded} <2311> (5772) in <1722> love <0026>,

round ^ 44_ACT_09_03 And <1161> as he <0846> journeyed <4198> (5738) <1722>, he came <1096> (5633) near <1448> (5721) Damascus <1154>: and <2532> suddenly <1810> there shined {round} about <4015> (5656) him <0846> a light <5457> from <0575> heaven <3772>:

round ^ 44_ACT_14_06 They were ware <4894> (5631) of it, and fled <2703> (5627) unto <1519> Lystra <3082> and <2532> Derbe <1191>, cities <4172> of Lycaonia <3071>, and <2532> unto the region that lieth {round} about <4066>:

round ^ 44_ACT_14_20 Howbeit <1161>, as the disciples <3101> stood {round} about <2944> (5660) him <0846>, he rose up <0450> (5631), and came <1525> (5627) into <1519> the city <4172>: and <2532> the next day <1887> he departed <1831> (5627) with <4862> Barnabas <0921> to <1519> Derbe <1191>.

round ^ 44_ACT_22_06 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that, as I made <4198> <0> my <3427> journey <4198> (5740), and <2532> was come nigh <1448> (5723) unto Damascus <1154> about <4012> noon <3314>, suddenly <1810> there shone <4015> <0> from <1537> heaven <3772> a great <2425> light <5457> {round} <4015> (5658) about <4012> me <1691>.

round ^ 44_ACT_25_07 And <1161> when he <0846> was come <3854> (5637), the Jews <2453> which came down <2597> (5761) from <0575> Jerusalem <2414> stood {round} about <4026> (5627), and <2532> laid <5342> (5723) many <4183> and grievous <0926> complaints <0157> against <2596> Paul <3972>, which <3739> they could <2480> (5707) not <3756> prove <0584> (5658).

round ^ 44_ACT_26_13 At midday <2250> <3319>, O king <0935>, I saw <1492> (5627) in <2596> the way <3598> a light <5457> from heaven <3771>, above <5228> the brightness <2987> of the sun <2246>, shining {round} about <4034> (5660) me <3165> and <2532> them which journeyed <4198> (5740) with <4862> me <1698>.

round ^ 44_ACT_05_16 <1161> There came <4905> (5711) also <2532> a multitude <4128> out of the cities <4172> {round} about <4038> unto <1519> Jerusalem <2419>, bringing <5342> (5723) sick <0772> folks, and <2532> them which were vexed <3791> (5746) with <5259> unclean <0169> spirits <4151>: and they <3748> were healed <2323> (5712) every one <0537>.

round ^ 58_HEB_09_04 Which had <2192> (5723) the golden <5552> censer <2369>, and <2532> the ark <2787> of the covenant <1242> overlaid <4028> (5772) {round} about <3840> with gold <5553>, wherein <1722> <3739> was the golden <5552> pot <4713> that had <2192> (5723) manna <3131>, and <2532> Aaron's <2> rod <4464> that budded <0985> (5660), and <2532> the tables <4109> of the covenant <1242>;

round ^ 43_JOH_10_24 Then <3767> came <2944> <0> the Jews <2453> {round} about <2944> (5656) him <0846>, and <2532> said <3004> (5707) unto him <0846>, How long <2193> <4219> dost thou make <0142> (5719) us <2257> to doubt <5590>? If <1487> thou <4771> be <1488> (5748) the Christ <5547>, tell <2036> (5628) us <2254> plainly <3954>.

round ^ 42_LUK_01_65 And <2532> fear <5401> came <1096> (5633) on <1909> all <3956> that dwelt {round} about <4039> (5723) them <0846>: and <2532> all <3956> these <5023> sayings <4487> were noised abroad <1255> (5712) throughout <1722> all <3650> the hill country <3714> of Judaea <2449>.

round ^ 42_LUK_02_09 And <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), the angel <0032> of the Lord <2962> came upon <2186> (5627) them <0846>, and <2532> the glory <1391> of the Lord <2962> shone {round} about <4034> (5656) them <0846>: and <2532> they were sore <3173> afraid <5399> (5675) <5401>.

round ^ 42_LUK_04_14 And <2532> Jesus <2424> returned <5290> (5656) in <1722> the power <1411> of the Spirit <4151> into <1519> Galilee <1056>: and <2532> there went out <1831> (5627) a fame <5345> of <4012> him <0846> through <2596> all <3650> the region {round} about <4066>.

round ^ 42_LUK_04_37 And <2532> the fame <2279> of <4012> him <0846> went out <1607> (5711) into <1519> every <3956> place <5117> of the country {round} about <4066>.

round ^ 42_LUK_06_10 And <2532> looking {round} about upon <4017> (5671) them <0846> all <3956>, he said <2036> (5627) unto the man <0444>, Stretch forth <1614> (5657) thy <4675> hand <5495>. And <1161> he did <4160> (5656) so <3779>: and <2532> his <0846> hand <5495> was restored <0600> (5681) whole <5199> as <5613> the other <0243>.

round ^ 42_LUK_07_17 And <2532> this <3778> rumour <3056> of <4012> him <0846> went forth <1831> (5627) throughout <1722> all <3650> Judaea <2449>, and <2532> throughout <1722> all <3956> the region {round} about <4066>.

round ^ 42_LUK_08_37 Then <2532> the whole <0537> multitude <4128> of the country <4066> <0> of the Gadarenes <1046> {round} about <4066> besought <2065> (5656) him <0846> to depart <0565> (5629) from <0575> them <0846>; for <3754> they were taken <4912> (5712) with great <3173> fear <5401>: and <1161> he <0846> went up <1684> (5631) into <1519> the ship <4143>, and returned back again <5290> (5656).

round ^ 42_LUK_09_12 And <1161> when the day <2250> began <0756> (5662) to wear away <2827> (5721), then <1161> came <4334> (5631) the twelve <1427>, and said <2036> (5632) unto him <0846>, Send <0630> <0> the multitude <3793> away <0630> (5657), that <2443> they may go <0565> (5631) into <1519> the towns <2968> and <2532> country <0068> {round} about <2945>, and lodge <2647> (5661), and <2532> get <2147> (5627) victuals <1979>: for <3754> we are <2070> (5748) here <5602> in <1722> a desert <2048> place <5117>.

round ^ 42_LUK_19_43 For <3754> the days <2250> shall come <2240> (5692) upon <1909> thee <4571>, that <2532> thine <4675> enemies <2190> shall cast <4016> <0> a trench <5482> about <4016> (5692) thee <4671>, and <2532> compass <4033> <0> thee <4571> {round} <4033> (5692), and <2532> keep <4912> <0> thee <4571> in <4912> (5692) on every side <3840>,

round ^ 41_MAR_11_11 And <2532> Jesus <2424> entered <1525> (5627) into <1519> Jerusalem <2414>, and <2532> into <1519> the temple <2411>: and <2532> when he had looked {round} about upon <4017> (5671) all things <3956>, and now <2235> the eventide <3798> <5610> was come <5607> (5752), he went out <1831> (5627) unto <1519> Bethany <0963> with <3326> the twelve <1427>.

round ^ 40_MAT_03_05 Then <5119> went out <1607> (5711) to <4314> him <0846> Jerusalem <2414>, and <2532> all <3956> Judaea <2449>, and <2532> all <3956> the region {round} about <4066> Jordan <2446>,

round ^ 40_MAT_14_35 And <2532> when the men <0435> of that <1565> place <5117> had knowledge <1921> (5631) of him <0846>, they sent out <0649> (5656) into <1519> all <3650> that <1565> country {round} about <4066>, and <2532> brought <4374> (5656) unto him <0846> all <3956> that were <2192> (5723) diseased <2560>;

round ^ 41_MAR_01_28 And <1161> immediately <2117> his <0846> fame <0189> spread abroad <1831> (5627) throughout <1519> all <3650> the region {round} about <4066> Galilee <1056>.

round ^ 41_MAR_03_05 And <2532> when he had looked {round} about <4017> (5671) on them <0846> with <3326> anger <3709>, being grieved <4818> (5740) for <1909> the hardness <4457> of their <0846> hearts <2588>, he saith <3004> (5719) unto the man <0444>, Stretch forth <1614> (5657) thine <4675> hand <5495>. And <2532> he stretched it out <1614> (5656): and <2532> his <0846> hand <5495> was restored <0600> (5681) whole <5199> as <5613> the other <0243>.

round ^ 41_MAR_03_34 And <2532> he looked <4017> (5671) {round} about <2945> on them which <3588> sat <2521> (5740) about <4012> him <0846>, and said <3004> (5719), Behold <2396> my <3450> mother <3384> and <2532> my <3450> brethren <0080>!

round ^ 41_MAR_06_36 Send <0630> <0> them <0846> away <0630> (5657), that <2443> they may go <0565> (5631) into <1519> the country <0068> {round} about <2945>, and <2532> into the villages <2968>, and buy <0059> (5661) themselves <1438> bread <0740>: for <1063> they have <2192> (5719) nothing <5101> <3756> to eat <5315> (5632).

round ^ 41_MAR_05_32 And <2532> he looked {round} about <4017> (5710) to see <1492> (5629) her that had done <4160> (5660) this thing <5124>.

round ^ 41_MAR_06_06 And <2532> he marvelled <2296> (5707) because <1223> of their <0846> unbelief <0570>. And <2532> he went <4013> (5707) {round} about <2945> the villages <2968>, teaching <1321> (5723).

round ^ 41_MAR_06_55 And ran through <4063> (5631) that <1565> whole <3650> region {round} about <4066>, and began <0756> (5662) to carry about <4064> (5721) in <1909> beds <2895> those that were <2192> (5723) sick <2560>, where <3699> they heard <0191> (5707) he was <3754> <1563> <2076> (5748).

round ^ 41_MAR_09_08 And <2532> suddenly <1819>, when they had looked {round} about <4017> (5671), they saw <1492> (5627) no man <3762> any more <3765>, save <0235> Jesus <2424> only <3441> with <3326> themselves <1438>.

round ^ 41_MAR_10_23 And <2532> Jesus <2424> looked {round} about <4017> (5671), and saith <3004> (5719) unto his <0846> disciples <3101>, How <4459> hardly <1423> shall they that have <2192> (5723) riches <5536> enter <1525> (5695) into <1519> the kingdom <0932> of God <2316>!

round ^ 40_MAT_21_33 Hear <0191> (5657) another <0243> parable <3850>: There was <2258> (5713) a certain <0444> <5100> householder <3617>, which <3748> planted <5452> (5656) a vineyard <0290>, and <2532> hedged <5418> it <0846> {round} about <4060> (5656), and <2532> digged <3736> (5656) a winepress <3025> in <1722> it <0846>, and <2532> built <3618> (5656) a tower <4444>, and <2532> let <1554> <0> it <0846> out <1554> (5639) to husbandmen <1092>, and <2532> went into a far country <0589> (5656):

round ^ 66_REV_04_04 And <2532> {round} about <2943> the throne <2362> were four <5064> and <2532> twenty <1501> seats <2362>: and <2532> upon <1909> the seats <2362> I saw <1492> (5627) four <5064> and <2532> twenty <1501> elders <4245> sitting <2521> (5740), clothed <4016> (5772) in <1722> white <3022> raiment <2440>; and <2532> they had <2192> (5627) on <1909> their <0846> heads <2776> crowns <4735> of gold <5552>.

round ^ 66_REV_04_06 And <2532> before <1799> the throne <2362> there was a sea <2281> of glass <5193> like <3664> unto crystal <2930>: and <2532> in <1722> the midst <3319> of the throne <2362>, and <2532> {round} about <2945> the throne <2362>, were four <5064> beasts <2226> full <1073> (5723) of eyes <3788> before <1715> and <2532> behind <3693>.

round ^ 66_REV_05_11 And <2532> I beheld <1492> (5627), and <2532> I heard <0191> (5656) the voice <5456> of many <4183> angels <0032> {round} about <2943> the throne <2362> and <2532> the beasts <2226> and <2532> the elders <4245>: and <2532> the number <0706> of them <0846> was <2258> (5713) ten thousand <3461> times ten thousand <3461>, and <2532> thousands <5505> of thousands <5505>;

round ^ 66_REV_07_11 And <2532> all <3956> the angels <0032> stood <2476> (5715) {round} about <2945> the throne <2362>, and <2532> about the elders <4245> and <2532> the four <5064> beasts <2226>, and <2532> fell <4098> (5627) before <1799> the throne <2362> on <1909> their <0846> faces <4383>, and <2532> worshipped <4352> (5656) God <2316>,

round ^ 66_REV_04_03 And <2532> he that sat <2521> (5740) was <2258> (5713) to look upon <3706> like <3664> a jasper <2393> and <2532> a sardine <4555> stone <3037>: and <2532> there was a rainbow <2463> {round} about <2943> the throne <2362>, in sight <3706> like <3664> unto an emerald <4664>.

round ^ 45_ROM_15_19 Through <1722> mighty <1411> signs <4592> and <2532> wonders <5059>, by <1722> the power <1411> of the Spirit <4151> of God <2316>; so <5620> that from <0575> Jerusalem <2419>, and <2532> {round} about <2945> unto <3360> Illyricum <2437>, I <3165> have fully preached <4137> (5760) the gospel <2098> of Christ <5547>.