about 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- array, cast {about}, clothe(-d me), put on.[ql

adorning 2889 # kosmos {kos'-mos}; probably from the base of
2865; orderly arrangement, i.e. decoration; by implication, the
world (in a wide or narrow sense, including its inhabitants,
literally or figuratively [morally]): -- {adorning}, world.[ql

an 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-no};
from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle
promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into
disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, stir up,
be in {an} uproar.[ql

apron 4612 # simikinthion {sim-ee-kin'-thee-on}; of Latin
origin; a semicinctium or half-girding, i.e. narrow covering
(apron): -- {apron}.[ql

arise 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): --
{arise}, cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send,
strike, throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

array 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- {array}, cast about, clothe(-d me), put on.[ql

arrive 3846 # paraballo {par-ab-al'-lo}; from 3844 and 906; to
throw alongside, i.e. (reflexively) to reach a place, or
(figuratively) to liken: -- {arrive}, compare.[ql

away 0577 # apoballo {ap-ob-al'-lo}; from 575 and 906; to throw
off; figuratively, to lose: -- cast {away}.[ql

be 2655 # katanarkao {kat-an-ar-kah'-o}; from 2596 and narkao
(to be numb); to grow utterly torpid, i.e. (by implication)
slothful (figuratively, expensive): -- {be} burdensome

be 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to loosen
down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, {be} guest, lodge, come to
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

be 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-no};
from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle
promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into
disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, stir up,
{be} in an uproar.[ql

be 4818 # sullupeo {sool-loop-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 3076; to
afflict jointly, i.e. (passive) sorrow at (on account of)
someone: -- {be} grieved.[ql

beat 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- {beat} into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

begin 2020 # epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}; a form of 2017; to
begin to grow light: -- {begin} to dawn, X draw on.[ql

borrow 1155 # daneizo {dan-ide'-zo}; from 1156; to loan on
interest; reflexively, to borrow: -- {borrow}, lend.[ql

brow 3790 # ophrus {of-roos'}; perhaps from 3700 (through the
idea of the shading or proximity to the organ of vision); the
eye-"brow" or forehead, i.e. (figuratively) the brink of a
precipice: -- {brow}.[ql

burdensome 2655 # katanarkao {kat-an-ar-kah'-o}; from 2596 and
narkao (to be numb); to grow utterly torpid, i.e. (by
implication) slothful (figuratively, expensive): -- be
{burdensome} (chargeable).[ql

cast 1000 # bole {bol-ay'}; from 906; a throw (as a measure of
distance): -- {cast}.[ql

cast 2598 # kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}; from 2596 and 906; to
throw down: -- {cast} down, lay.[ql

cast 0577 # apoballo {ap-ob-al'-lo}; from 575 and 906; to throw
off; figuratively, to lose: -- {cast} away.[ql

cast 1977 # epirrhipto {ep-ir-hrip'-to}; from 1909 and 4496; to
throw upon (literally or figuratively): -- {cast} upon.[ql

cast 3036 # lithoboleo {lith-ob-ol-eh'-o}; from a compound of
3037 and 906; to throw stones, i.e. lapidate: -- stone, {cast}

cast 1685 # emballo {em-bal'-lo}; from 1722 and 906; to throw
on, i.e. (figuratively) subject to (eternal punishment): --
{cast} into.[ql

cast 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- array, {cast} about, clothe(-d me), put on.[ql

cast 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
{cast} (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

cast 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, {cast} (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

change 3328 # metaballo {met-ab-al'-lo}; from 3326 and 906; to
throw over, i.e. (middle voice figuratively) to turn about in
opinion: -- {change} mind.[ql

chargeable 2655 # katanarkao {kat-an-ar-kah'-o}; from 2596 and
narkao (to be numb); to grow utterly torpid, i.e. (by
implication) slothful (figuratively, expensive): -- be
burdensome ({chargeable}).[ql

clothe 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- array, cast about, {clothe}(-d me), put on.[ql

come 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, {come} to
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

compare 3846 # paraballo {par-ab-al'-lo}; from 3844 and 906; to
throw alongside, i.e. (reflexively) to reach a place, or
(figuratively) to liken: -- arrive, {compare}.[ql

confound 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-
khoo'-no}; from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to
commingle promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an
assembly) into disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- {confound},
confuse, stir up, be in an uproar.[ql

confuse 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-
khoo'-no}; from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to
commingle promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an
assembly) into disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound,
{confuse}, stir up, be in an uproar.[ql

crow 5455 # phoneo {fo-neh'-o}; from 5456; to emit a sound
(animal, human or instrumental); by implication, to address in
words or by name, also in imitation: -- call (for), {crow}, cry.

dance 3738 # orcheomai {or-kheh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from
orchos (a row or ring); to dance (from the ranklike or regular
motion): -- {dance}.[ql

dawn 2020 # epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}; a form of 2017; to
begin to grow light: -- begin to {dawn}, X draw on.[ql

destroy 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- {destroy}, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

dissolve 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, {dissolve}, be guest, lodge, come to
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

down 2598 # kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}; from 2596 and 906; to
throw down: -- cast {down}, lay.[ql

down 4952 # susparasso {soos-par-as'-so}; from 4862 and 4682;
to rend completely, i.e. (by analogy) to convulse violently: --
throw {down}.[ql

down 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw ({down}), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

down 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to
nought, overthrow, throw {down}.[ql

draw 2020 # epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}; a form of 2017; to
begin to grow light: -- begin to dawn, X {draw} on.[ql

dung 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X {dung}, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

embrace 4843 # sumperilambano {soom-per-ee-lam-ban'-o}; from
4862 and a compound of 4012 and 2983; to take by enclosing
altogether, i.e. earnestly throw the arms about one: --

exceedingly 5232 # huperauxano {hoop-er-owx-an'-o}; from 5228
and 837; to increase above ordinary degree: -- grow

exceeding 5235 # huperballo {hoop-er-bal'-lo}; from 5228 and
906; to throw beyod the usual mark, i.e. (figuratively) to
surpass (only active participle supereminent): -- {exceeding},
excel, pass.[ql

excel 5235 # huperballo {hoop-er-bal'-lo}; from 5228 and 906;
to throw beyod the usual mark, i.e. (figuratively) to surpass
(only active participle supereminent): -- exceeding, {excel},

fall 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, {fall}, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

forth 4261 # proballo {prob-al'-lo}; from 4253 and 906; to
throw forward, i.e. push to the front, germinate: -- put forward,
shoot {forth}.[ql

forth 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch {forth}, think on.[ql

forward 4261 # proballo {prob-al'-lo}; from 4253 and 906; to
throw forward, i.e. push to the front, germinate: -- put
{forward}, shoot forth.[ql

give 0837 # auzano {owx-an'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb; to grow ("wax"), i.e. enlarge (literal or figurative,
active or passive): -- grow (up), ({give} the) increase.[ql

grieved 4818 # sullupeo {sool-loop-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 3076;
to afflict jointly, i.e. (passive) sorrow at (on account of)
someone: -- be {grieved}.[ql

grow 3373 # mekuno {may-koo'-no}; from 3372; to lengthen, i.e.
(middle voice) to enlarge: -- {grow} up.[ql

grow 4885 # sunauxano {soon-owx-an'-o}; from 4862 and 837; to
increase (grow up) together: -- {grow} together.[ql

grow 5232 # huperauxano {hoop-er-owx-an'-o}; from 5228 and 837;
to increase above ordinary degree: -- {grow} exceedingly.[ql

grow 0305 # anabaino {an-ab-ah'-ee-no}; from 303 and the base
of 939; to go up (literally or figuratively): -- arise, ascend
(up), climb (go, {grow}, rise, spring) up, come (up).[ql

grow 0837 # auzano {owx-an'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb; to grow ("wax"), i.e. enlarge (literal or figurative,
active or passive): -- {grow} (up), (give the) increase.[ql

grow 2064 # erchomai {er'-khom-ahee}; middle voice of a primary
verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others
being supplied by a kindred [middle voice] eleuthomai {el-yoo'-
thom-ahee}; or [active] eltho {el'-tho}; which do not otherwise
occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications,
literally and figuratively): -- accompany, appear, bring, come,
enter, fall out, go, {grow}, X light, X next, pass, resort, be

grow 1096 # ginomai {ghin'-om-ahee}; a prolongation and middle
voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-erate), i.e.
(reflexively) to become (come into being), used with great
latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.): -- arise, be
assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought (to pass),
(be) come (to pass), continue, be divided, draw, be ended, fall,
be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God forbid,
{grow}, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be ordained
to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published, require, seem,
be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be turned, use,
wax, will, would, be wrought.[ql

guest 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be {guest}, lodge, come to
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

hole 5454 # pholeos {fo-leh-os'}; of uncertain derivative; a
burrow or lurking-place: -- {hole}.[ql

in 4237 # prasia {pras-ee-ah'}; perhaps from prason (a leek,
and so an onion-patch); a garden plot, i.e. (by implication, of
regular beds) a row (repeated in plural by Hebraism, to indicate
an arrangement): -- {in} ranks.[ql

in 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-no};
from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle
promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into
disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, stir up,
be {in} an uproar.[ql

increase 0837 # auzano {owx-an'-o}; a prolonged form of a
primary verb; to grow ("wax"), i.e. enlarge (literal or
figurative, active or passive): -- grow (up), (give the)

into 1685 # emballo {em-bal'-lo}; from 1722 and 906; to throw
on, i.e. (figuratively) subject to (eternal punishment): -- cast

into 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat {into}, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

lay 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, {lay}, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

lay 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, {lay} (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

lay 2598 # kataballo {kat-ab-al'-lo}; from 2596 and 906; to
throw down: -- cast down, {lay}.[ql

lie 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, {lie}, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

lodge 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, {lodge}, come to
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

marrow 3452 # muelos {moo-el-os'}; perhaps a primary word; the
marrow: -- {marrow}.[ql

me 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- array, cast about, clothe(-d {me}), put on.[ql

mind 3328 # metaballo {met-ab-al'-lo}; from 3326 and 906; to
throw over, i.e. (middle voice figuratively) to turn about in
opinion: -- change {mind}.[ql

mock 5512 # chleuazo {khlyoo-ad'-zo}; from a derivative
probably of 5491; to throw out the lip, i.e. jeer at: -- {mock}.

morrow 1836 # hexes {hex-ace'}; from 2192 (in the sense of
taking hold of, i.e. adjoining); successive: -- after, following,
X {morrow}, next.[ql

morrow 1887 # epaurion {ep-ow'-ree-on}; from 1909 and 839;
occurring on the succeeding day, i.e. (2250 being implied) to-
morrow: -- day following, {morrow}, next day (after).[ql

move 4579 # seio {si'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to rock
(vibrate, properly, sideways or to and fro), i.e. (generally) to
agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively, to
throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): -- {move}, quake,

narrow 2346 # thlibo {thlee'-bo}; akin to the base of 5147; to
crowd (literally or figuratively): -- afflict, {narrow}, throng,
suffer tribulation, trouble.[ql

nought 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to
{nought}, overthrow, throw down.[ql

on 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to throw
upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually
with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to
reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-)on,
fall, lay ({on}), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

on 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to throw
upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually
with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to
reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-)on,
fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think {on}.[ql

on 2020 # epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}; a form of 2017; to begin
to grow light: -- begin to dawn, X draw {on}.[ql

on 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- array, cast about, clothe(-d me), put {on}.[ql

out 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast ({out}), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

overthrow 2690 # katastrepho {kat-as-tref'-o}; from 2596 and
4762; to turn upside down, i.e. upset: -- {overthrow}.[ql

overthrow 0396 # anatrepo {an-at-rep'-o}; from 303 and the base
of 5157; to overturn (figuratively): -- {overthrow}, subvert.[ql

overthrow 2693 # katastronnumi {kat-as-trone'-noo-mee}; from
2596 and 4766; to strew down, i.e. (by implication) to prostrate
(slay): -- {overthrow}.[ql

overthrow 2692 # katastrophe {kat-as-trof-ay'}; from 2690; an
overturn ("catastrophe"), i.e. demolition; figuratively,
apostasy: -- {overthrow}, subverting.[ql

overthrow 0390 # anastrepho {an-as-tref'-o}; from 303 and 4762;
to overturn; also to return; by implication, to busy oneself, i.
e. remain, live: -- abide, behave self, have conversation, live,
{overthrow}, pass, return, be used.[ql

overthrow 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to
nought, {overthrow}, throw down.[ql

pass 5235 # huperballo {hoop-er-bal'-lo}; from 5228 and 906; to
throw beyod the usual mark, i.e. (figuratively) to surpass (only
active participle supereminent): -- exceeding, excel, {pass}.[ql

pour 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, {pour}, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

put 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, {put} (up), send, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

put 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), {put} (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

put 4261 # proballo {prob-al'-lo}; from 4253 and 906; to throw
forward, i.e. push to the front, germinate: -- {put} forward,
shoot forth.[ql

put 4016 # periballo {per-ee-bal'-lo}; from 4012 and 906; to
throw all around, i.e. invest (with a palisade or with clothing):
-- array, cast about, clothe(-d me), {put} on.[ql

quake 4579 # seio {si'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to rock
(vibrate, properly, sideways or to and fro), i.e. (generally) to
agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively, to
throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): -- move, {quake},

ranks 4237 # prasia {pras-ee-ah'}; perhaps from prason (a leek,
and so an onion-patch); a garden plot, i.e. (by implication, of
regular beds) a row (repeated in plural by Hebraism, to indicate
an arrangement): -- in {ranks}.[ql

raven 2876 # korax {kor'-ax}; perhaps from 2880; a crow (from
its voracity): -- {raven}.[ql

row 1643 # elauno {el-ow'-no}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb (obsolete except in certain tenses as an altern. of this)
of uncertain affin; to push (as wind, oars or demonic power): --
carry, drive, {row}.[ql

send 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), {send}, strike,
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

shake 4579 # seio {si'-o}; apparently a primary verb; to rock
(vibrate, properly, sideways or to and fro), i.e. (generally) to
agitate (in any direction; cause to tremble); figuratively, to
throw into a tremor (of fear or concern): -- move, quake,

shoot 4261 # proballo {prob-al'-lo}; from 4253 and 906; to
throw forward, i.e. push to the front, germinate: -- put forward,
{shoot} forth.[ql

sorrow 3601 # odune {od-oo'-nay}; from 1416; grief (as
dejecting): -- {sorrow}.[ql

sorrow 3600 # odunao {od-oo-nah'-o}; from 3601; to grieve: --
{sorrow}, torment.[ql

sorrow 3997 # penthos {pen'-thos}; strengthened from the
alternate of 3958; grief: -- mourning, {sorrow}.[ql

sorrow 5604 # odin {o-deen'}; akin to 3601; a pang or throe,
especially of childbirth: -- pain, {sorrow}, travail.[ql

sorrow 3077 # lupe {loo'-pay}; apparently a primary word;
sadness: -- grief, grievous, + grudgingly, heaviness, {sorrow}.

sorrow 3076 # lupeo {loo-peh'-o}; from 3077; to distress;
reflexively or passively, to be sad: -- cause grief, grieve, be
in heaviness, (be) {sorrow}(-ful), be (make) sorry.[ql

sparrow 4765 # strouthion {stroo-thee'-on}; diminutive of
strouthos (a sparrow); a little sparrow: -- {sparrow}.[ql

spring 4855 # sumphuo {soom-foo'-o}; from 4862 and 5453;
passive, to grow jointly: -- {spring} up with.[ql

spring 5453 # phuo {foo'-o}; a primary verb; probably
originally, to "puff" or blow, i.e. to swell up; but only used
in the implied sense, to germinate or grow (sprout, produce),
literally or figuratively: -- {spring} (up).[ql

stir 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-
no}; from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle
promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into
disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, {stir} up,
be in an uproar.[ql

stone 3036 # lithoboleo {lith-ob-ol-eh'-o}; from a compound of
3037 and 906; to throw stones, i.e. lapidate: -- {stone}, cast

stones 3036 # lithoboleo {lith-ob-ol-eh'-o}; from a compound of
3037 and 906; to throw stones, i.e. lapidate: -- stone, cast

strait 4728 # stenos {sten-os'}; probably from the base of 2476;
narrow (from obstacles standing close about): -- {strait}.[ql

stretch 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), {stretch} forth, think on.[ql

strike 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, {strike},
throw (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

suborn 5260 # hupoballo {hoop-ob-al'-lo}; from 5259 and 906; to
throw in stealthily, i.e. introduce by collusion: -- {suborn}.[ql

the 0837 # auzano {owx-an'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb; to grow ("wax"), i.e. enlarge (literal or figurative,
active or passive): -- grow (up), (give {the}) increase.[ql

think 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, {think} on.[ql

through 2700 # katatoxeuo {kat-at-ox-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and a
derivative of 5115; to shoot down with an arrow or other missile:
-- thrust {through}.[ql

throw 4952 # susparasso {soos-par-as'-so}; from 4862 and 4682;
to rend completely, i.e. (by analogy) to convulse violently: --
{throw} down.[ql

throw 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
{throw} (down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

throw 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to
loosen down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come to
nought, overthrow, {throw} down.[ql

throw 4496 # rhipto {hrip'-to}; a primary verb (perhaps rather
akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of sudden motion); to
fling (properly, with a quick toss, thus differing from 906,
which denotes a deliberate hurl; and from teino [see in 1614],
which indicates an extended projection); by qualification, to
deposit (as if a load); by extension, to disperse: -- cast (down,
out), scatter abroad, {throw}.[ql

thrust 2700 # katatoxeuo {kat-at-ox-yoo'-o}; from 2596 and a
derivative of 5115; to shoot down with an arrow or other missile:
-- {thrust} through.[ql

thrust 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in
various applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise,
cast (out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put (up), send, strike,
throw (down), {thrust}. Compare 4496.[ql

to 2020 # epiphosko {ep-ee-foce'-ko}; a form of 2017; to begin
to grow light: -- begin {to} dawn, X draw on.[ql

to 2647 # kataluo {kat-al-oo'-o}; from 2596 and 3089; to loosen
down (disintegrate), i.e. (by implication) to demolish
(literally or figuratively); specially [compare 2646] to halt
for the night: -- destroy, dissolve, be guest, lodge, come {to}
nought, overthrow, throw down.[ql

tomorrow 0839 # aurion {ow'-ree-on}; from a derivative of the
same as 109 (meaning a breeze, i.e. the morning air); properly,
fresh, i.e. (adverb with ellipsis of 2250) to-morrow: -- ({to-
)morrow}, next day.[ql

together 4885 # sunauxano {soon-owx-an'-o}; from 4862 and 837;
to increase (grow up) together: -- grow {together}.[ql

trow 1380 # dokeo {dok-eh'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, doko {dok'-o} (used only in an alternate in certain tenses;
compare the base of 1166) of the same meaning; to think; by
implication, to seem (truthfully or uncertainly): -- be
accounted, (of own) please(-ure), be of reputation, seem (good),
suppose, think, {trow}.[ql

unto 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put ({unto}), stretch forth, think on.[ql

up 0837 # auzano {owx-an'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb; to grow ("wax"), i.e. enlarge (literal or figurative,
active or passive): -- grow ({up}), (give the) increase.[ql

up 0906 # ballo {bal'-lo}; a primary verb; to throw (in various
applications, more or less violent or intense): -- arise, cast
(out), X dung, lay, lie, pour, put ({up}), send, strike, throw
(down), thrust. Compare 4496.[ql

up 3373 # mekuno {may-koo'-no}; from 3372; to lengthen, i.e.
(middle voice) to enlarge: -- grow {up}.[ql

up 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-no};
from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle
promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into
disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, stir {up},
be in an uproar.[ql

up 4855 # sumphuo {soom-foo'-o}; from 4862 and 5453; passive,
to grow jointly: -- spring {up} with.[ql

up 5453 # phuo {foo'-o}; a primary verb; probably originally,
to "puff" or blow, i.e. to swell up; but only used in the
implied sense, to germinate or grow (sprout, produce), literally
or figuratively: -- spring ({up}).[ql

upon 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast ({up-
)on}, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

upon 1977 # epirrhipto {ep-ir-hrip'-to}; from 1909 and 4496; to
throw upon (literally or figuratively): -- cast {upon}.[ql

uproar 4797 # sugcheo {soong-kheh'-o}; or sugchuno {soong-khoo'-
no}; from 4862 and cheo (to pour) or its alternate; to commingle
promiscuously, i.e. (figuratively) to throw (an assembly) into
disorder, to perplex (the mind): -- confound, confuse, stir up,
be in an {uproar}.[ql

with 4855 # sumphuo {soom-foo'-o}; from 4862 and 5453; passive,
to grow jointly: -- spring up {with}.[ql

world 2889 # kosmos {kos'-mos}; probably from the base of 2865;
orderly arrangement, i.e. decoration; by implication, the world
(in a wide or narrow sense, including its inhabitants, literally
or figuratively [morally]): -- adorning, {world}.[ql
