ruler Interlinear Index Study

ruler GEN 041 043 And he made him to ride <07392 +rakab > in the
second <04932 +mishneh > chariot <04818 +merkabah > which <00834
+>aher > he had ; and they cried <07121 +qara> > before <06440
+paniym > him , Bow <86> the knee : and he made <05414 +nathan >
him [ {ruler} ] over <05921 + all <03605 +kol > the land
<00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > .

ruler GEN 043 016 And when <03588 +kiy > Joseph <03130 +Yowceph
> saw <07200 +ra>ah > Benjamin <01144 +Binyamiyn > with them ,
he said <00559 +>amar > to the {ruler} of his house <01004
+bayith > , Bring <00935 +bow> > [ these ] men <00582 +>enowsh >
home <01004 +bayith > , and slay <02875 +Tebach > , and make
ready <03559 +kuwn > ; for [ these ] men <00582 +>enowsh > shall
dine <00398 +>akal > with me at noon <06672 +tsohar > .

ruler GEN 045 008 So now <06258 + [ it was ] not you [
that ] sent <07971 +shalach > me hither , but God <00430
+>elohiym > : and he hath made <07760 +suwm > me a father <1> to
Pharaoh <06547 +Par , and lord <00113 +>adown > of all
<03605 +kol > his house <01004 +bayith > , and a {ruler} <04910
+mashal > throughout all <03605 +kol > the land <00776 +>erets >
of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > .

ruler EXO 022 028 Thou shalt not revile <07043 +qalal > the gods
<00430 +>elohiym > , nor <03808 +lo> > curse <00779 +>arar > the
{ruler} <05387 +nasiy> > of thy people <05971 + .

ruler LEV 004 022 . When <00834 +>aher > a {ruler} <05387
+nasiy> > hath sinned <02398 +chata> > , and done <06213 + > [ somewhat ] through ignorance <07684 +sh@gagah > [ against ]
any <00259 +>echad > of the commandments <04687 +mitsvah > of
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > his God <00430 +>elohiym > [
concerning things ] which <00834 +>aher > should not be done
<06213 + , and is guilty <00816 +>asham > ;

ruler NUM 013 002 Send <07971 +shalach > thou men <00582
+>enowsh > , that they may search <08446 +tuwr > the land <00776
+>erets > of Canaan <03667 +K@na , which <00834 +>aher > I
give <05414 +nathan > unto the children <01121 +ben > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > : of every <00376 +>iysh > tribe <04294
+matteh > of their fathers <1> shall ye send <07971 +shalach > a
man <00376 +>iysh > , every <03605 +kol > one a {ruler} <05387
+nasiy> > among them .

ruler JUDG 009 030 And when Zebul <02083 +Z@bul > the {ruler}
<08269 +sar > of the city <05892 + heard <08085 +shama< >
the words <01697 +dabar > of Gaal <01603 +Ga the son <01121
+ben > of Ebed <05651 + , his anger <00639 +>aph > was
kindled <02734 +charah > .

ruler 1SA 025 030 And it shall come <01961 +hayah > to pass ,
when <03588 +kiy > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall have done
<06213 + to my lord <00113 +>adown > according to all
<03605 +kol > the good <02896 +towb > that he hath spoken <01696
+dabar > concerning <05921 + thee , and shall have
appointed <06680 +tsavah > thee {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > over
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ;

ruler 2SA 006 021 And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar >
unto Michal <04324 +Miykal > , [ It was ] before <06440 +paniym
> the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , which <00834 +>aher > chose
<00977 +bachar > me before thy father <1> , and before all
<03605 +kol > his house <01004 +bayith > , to appoint <06680
+tsavah > me {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > over <05921 + the
people <05971 + of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , over <05921
+ Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : therefore will I play <07832
+sachaq > before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

ruler 2SA 007 008 Now <06258 + therefore so shalt thou
say <00559 +>amar > unto my servant <05650 + David <01732
+David > , Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , I took <03947
+laqach > thee from the sheepcote <05116 +naveh > , from
following <00310 +>achar > the sheep <06629 +tso>n > , to be
{ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > over <05921 + my people <05971
+ , over <05921 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > :

ruler 2SA 020 026 And Ira <05896 + > also <01571 +gam >
the Jairite <02972 +Ya>iriy > was a chief <03548 +kohen >
{ruler} about David <01732 +David > .

ruler 1KI 001 035 Then ye shall come <05927 + up after
<00310 +>achar > him , that he may come <00935 +bow> > and sit
<03427 +yashab > upon my throne <03678 +kicce> > ; for he shall
be king <04427 +malak > in my stead <08478 +tachath > : and I
have appointed <06680 +tsavah > him to be {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd
> over <05921 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > and over <05921
+ Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > .

ruler 1KI 011 028 And the man <00376 +>iysh > Jeroboam <03379
+Yarob [ was ] a mighty <01368 +gibbowr > man of valour
<02428 +chayil > : and Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > seeing <07200
+ra>ah > the young <05288 +na man that he was industrious ,
he made him {ruler} <06485 +paqad > over all <03605 +kol > the
charge <05447 +cebel > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Joseph
<03130 +Yowceph > .

ruler 1CH 005 002 For Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > prevailed <01396
+gabar > above his brethren <00251 +>ach > , and of him [ came ]
the chief <05059 +nagan > {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > ; but the
birthright <01062 +b@kowrah > [ was ] Joseph s <03130 +Yowceph >
: )

ruler 1CH 009 011 And Azariah <05838 + the son <01121
+ben > of Hilkiah <02518 +Chilqiyah > , the son <01121 +ben > of
Meshullam <04918 +M@shullam > , the son <01121 +ben > of Zadok
<06659 +Tsadowq > , the son <01121 +ben > of Meraioth <04812
+M@rayowth > , the son <01121 +ben > of Ahitub <00285
+>Achiytuwb > , the {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > of the house <01004
+bayith > of God <00430 +>elohiym > ;

ruler 1CH 009 020 And Phinehas <06372 +Piyn@chac > the son
<01121 +ben > of Eleazar <00499 +>El was the {ruler}
<05057 +nagiyd > over <05921 + them in time <06440 +paniym
> past , [ and ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ was ] with him .

ruler 1CH 011 002 And moreover <01571 +gam > in time <08543
+t@mowl > past <08032 +shilshowm > , even <01571 +gam > when
Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > was king <04428 +melek > , thou [ wast ]
he that leddest <03318 +yatsa> > out and broughtest <00935 +bow>
> in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : and the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
thy God <00430 +>elohiym > said <00559 +>amar > unto thee , Thou
shalt feed <07462 +ra my people <05971 + Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , and thou shalt be {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > over
<05921 + my people <05971 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

ruler 1CH 017 007 Now <06258 + therefore thus <03541
+koh > shalt thou say <00559 +>amar > unto my servant <05650
+ David <01732 +David > , Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559
+>amar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > ,
I took <03947 +laqach > thee from the sheepcote <05116 +naveh > ,
[ even ] from following <00310 +>achar > the sheep <06629
+tso>n > , that thou shouldest be {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > over
<05921 + my people <05971 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > :

ruler 1CH 026 024 And Shebuel <07619 +Sh@buw>el > the son <01121
+ben > of Gershom <1648Ger@shown > , the son <01121 +ben > of
Moses <04872 +Mosheh > , [ was ] {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > of the
treasures <00214 +>owtsar > .

ruler 1CH 027 004 And over <05921 + the course <04256
+machaloqeth > of the second <08145 +sheniy > month <02320
+chodesh > [ was ] Dodai <01739 +daveh > an Ahohite <00266
+>Achowchiy > , and of his course <04256 +machaloqeth > [ was ]
Mikloth <04732 +Miqlowth > also the {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > :
in his course <04256 +machaloqeth > likewise [ were ] twenty
<06242 + and four <00702 +>arba< > thousand <00505
+>eleph > .

ruler 1CH 027 016 . Furthermore over <05921 + the tribes
<07626 +shebet > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : the {ruler}
<05057 +nagiyd > of the Reubenites <07206 +R@>uwbeniy > [ was ]
Eliezer <00461 +>Eliy the son <01121 +ben > of Zichri
<02147 +Zikriy > : of the Simeonites <08099 +Shim ,
Shephatiah <08203 +Sh@phatyah > the son <01121 +ben > of Maachah
<04601 +Ma :

ruler 1CH 028 004 Howbeit the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430
+>elohiym > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > chose <00977 +bachar >
me before all <03605 +kol > the house <01004 +bayith > of my
father <25> to be king <04428 +melek > over <05921 + Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > for ever <05769 + : for he hath
chosen <00977 +bachar > Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ to be ] the
{ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > ; and of the house <01004 +bayith > of
Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , the house <01004 +bayith > of my
father <25> ; and among the sons <01121 +ben > of my father <25>
he liked <07521 +ratsah > me to make [ me ] king <04427 +malak >
over <05921 + all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > :

ruler 2CH 006 005 Since <04480 +min > the day <03117 +yowm >
that I brought <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > my people
<05971 + out of the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > I chose <00977 +bachar > no <03808 +lo> > city
<05892 + among all <03605 +kol > the tribes <07626 +shebet
> of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > to build <01129 +banah > an house
<01004 +bayith > in , that my name <08034 +shem > might be there
<08033 +sham > ; neither <03808 +lo> > chose <00977 +bachar > I
any man <00376 +>iysh > to be a {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > over
<05921 + my people <05971 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > :

ruler 2CH 007 018 Then will I stablish <06965 +quwm > the throne
<03678 +kicce> > of thy kingdom <04438 +malkuwth > , according
as I have covenanted <03772 +karath > with David <01732 +David >
thy father <25> , saying <00559 +>amar > , There shall not fail
<03772 +karath > thee a man <00376 +>iysh > [ to be ] {ruler}
<04910 +mashal > in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

ruler 2CH 011 022 And Rehoboam <07346 +R@chab made Abijah
<29> the son <01121 +ben > of Maachah <04601 +Ma the
chief <07218 +ro>sh > , [ to be ] {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > among
his brethren <00251 +>ach > : for [ he thought ] to make him
king <04427 +malak > .

ruler 2CH 019 011 And , behold <02009 +hinneh > , Amariah <00568
+>Amaryah > the chief <07218 +ro>sh > priest <03548 +kohen > [
is ] over <05921 + you in all <03605 +kol > matters <01697
+dabar > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ; and Zebadiah <02069
+Z@badyah > the son <01121 +ben > of Ishmael <03458 +Yishmal
> , the {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > of the house <01004 +bayith >
of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , for all <03605 +kol > the king s
<04428 +melek > matters <01697 +dabar > : also the Levites
<03881 +Leviyiy > [ shall be ] officers <07860 +shoter > before
<06440 +paniym > you . Deal <06213 + courageously <02388
+chazaq > , and the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall be with the
good <02896 +towb > .

ruler 2CH 026 011 Moreover Uzziah <05818 + had an host
<02428 +chayil > of fighting <04421 +milchamah > men , that went
<03318 +yatsa> > out to war <06635 +tsaba> > by bands <01416
+g@duwd > , according to the number <04557 +micpar > of their
account <06486 +p@quddah > by the hand <03027 +yad > of Jeiel
<03273 +Y@el > the scribe <05608 +caphar > and Maaseiah
<04641 +Ma the {ruler} <07860 +shoter > , under <05921
+ the hand <03027 +yad > of Hananiah <02608 +Chananyah > ,
[ one ] of the king s <04428 +melek > captains <08269 +sar > .

ruler 2CH 031 012 And brought <00935 +bow> > in the offerings
<08641 +t@ruwmah > and the tithes <04643 +ma and the
dedicated <06944 +qodesh > [ things ] faithfully <00530
+>emuwnah > : over <05921 + which Cononiah <03562
+Kownanyahuw > the Levite <03881 +Leviyiy > [ was ] {ruler}
<05057 +nagiyd > , and Shimei <08096 +Shim his brother
<00251 +>ach > [ was ] the next <04932 +mishneh > .

ruler 2CH 031 013 And Jehiel <03171 +Y@chiy>el > , and Azaziah
<05812 + , and Nahath <05184 +Nachath > , and Asahel
<06214 +el > , and Jerimoth <03406 +Y@riymowth > , and
Jozabad <03107 +Yowzabad > , and Eliel <00447 +>Eliy>el > , and
Ismachiah <03253 +Yicmakyahuw > , and Mahath <04287 +Machath > ,
and Benaiah <01141 +B@nayah > , [ were ] overseers <06496
+paqiyd > under the hand <03027 +yad > of Cononiah <03562
+Kownanyahuw > and Shimei <08096 +Shim his brother <00251
+>ach > , at the commandment <04662 +miphqad > of Hezekiah
<02396 +Chizqiyah > the king <04428 +melek > , and Azariah
<05838 + the {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > of the house
<01004 +bayith > of God <00430 +>elohiym > .

ruler NEH 003 009 And next unto them repaired <02388 +chazaq >
Rephaiah <07509 +R@phayah > the son <01121 +ben > of Hur <02354
+Chuwr > , the {ruler} <08269 +sar > of the half <02677 +chetsiy
> part <06418 +pelek > of Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > .

ruler NEH 003 012 And next unto him repaired <02388 +chazaq >
Shallum <07967 +Shalluwm > the son <01121 +ben > of Halohesh
<03873 +Lowchesh > , the {ruler} <08269 +sar > of the half
<02677 +chetsiy > part <06418 +pelek > of Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > , he and his daughters <01121 +ben > .

ruler NEH 003 014 But the dung <00830 +>ashpoth > gate <08179
+sha repaired <02388 +chazaq >Malchiah <04441 +Malkiyah >
the son <01121 +ben > of Rechab <07394 +Rekab > , the {ruler}
<08269 +sar > of part <06418 +pelek > of Bethhaccerem <01021
+Beyth hak - Kerem > ; he built <01129 +banah > it , and set
<05975 + up the doors <01817 +deleth > thereof , the
locks <04514 +man thereof , and the bars <01280 +b@riyach
> thereof .

ruler NEH 003 015 But the gate <08179 +sha of the fountain
<05869 + repaired <02388 +chazaq > Shallun <07968
+Shalluwn > the son <01121 +ben > of Colhozeh <03626 +Kol -
Chozeh > , the {ruler} <08269 +sar > of part <06418 +pelek > of
Mizpah <04709 +Mitspah > ; he built <01129 +banah > it , and
covered <02926 +talal > it , and set <05975 + up the
doors <01817 +deleth > thereof , the locks <04514 +man
thereof , and the bars <01280 +b@riyach > thereof , and the wall
<02346 +chowmah > of the pool <01295 +b@rekah > of Siloah <07975
+Shiloach > by the king s <04428 +melek > garden <01588 +gan > ,
and unto the stairs <04609 +ma that go <03381 +yarad >
down <03381 +yarad > from the city <05892 + of David
<01732 +David > .

ruler NEH 003 016 After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388
+chazaq > Nehemiah <05166 +N@chemyah> the son <01121 +ben > of
Azbuk <05802 + , the {ruler} <08269 +sar > of the half
<02677 +chetsiy > part <06418 +pelek > of Bethzur <01049 +Beyth
Tsuwr > , unto [ the place ] over <05048 +neged > against <05048
+neged > the sepulchres <06913 +qeber > of David <01732 +David >
, and to the pool <01295 +b@rekah > that was made <06213 + > , and unto the house <01004 +bayith > of the mighty <01368
+gibbowr > .

ruler NEH 003 017 After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388
+chazaq > the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > , Rehum <07348 +R@chuwm
> the son <01121 +ben > of Bani <01137 +Baniy > . Next unto him
repaired <02388 +chazaq > Hashabiah <02811 +Chashabyah > , the
{ruler} <08269 +sar > of the half <02677 +chetsiy > part <06418
+pelek > of Keilah <07084 +Q@ , in his part <06418
+pelek > .

ruler NEH 003 018 After <00310 +>achar > him repaired <02388
+chazaq > their brethren <00251 +>ach > , Bavai <00942 +Bavvay >
the son <01121 +ben > of Henadad <02582 +Chenadad > , the
{ruler} <08269 +sar > of the half <02677 +chetsiy > part <06418
+pelek > of Keilah <07084 +Q@ .

ruler NEH 003 019 And next to him repaired <02388 +chazaq > Ezer
<05829 + the son <01121 +ben > of Jeshua <03442 +Yeshuwa<
> , the {ruler} <08269 +sar > of Mizpah <04709 +Mitspah > ,
another <08145 +sheniy > piece <04060 +middah > over <05048
+neged > against <05048 +neged > the going <05927 + up to
the armoury <05402 +nesheq > at the turning <04740 +maqtsowa< >
[ of the wall ] .

ruler NEH 007 002 That I gave my brother <00251 +>ach > Hanani
<02607 +Chananiy > , and Hananiah <02608 +Chananyah > the
{ruler} <08269 +sar > of the palace <01002 +biyrah > , charge
<06680 +tsavah > over <05921 + Jerusalem <03389
+Y@ruwshalaim > : for he [ was ] a faithful <00571 +>emeth > man
<00376 +>iysh > , and feared <03372 +yare> > God <00430
+>elohiym > above many <07227 +rab > .

ruler NEH 011 011 Seraiah <08304 +S@rayah > the son <01121 +ben
> of Hilkiah <02518 +Chilqiyah > , the son <01121 +ben > of
Meshullam <04918 +M@shullam > , the son <01121 +ben > of Zadok
<06659 +Tsadowq > , the son <01121 +ben > of Meraioth <04812
+M@rayowth > , the son <01121 +ben > of Ahitub <00285
+>Achiytuwb > , [ was ] the {ruler} <05057 +nagiyd > of the
house <01004 +bayith > of God <00430 +>elohiym > .

ruler PSA 068 027 There <08033 +sham > [ is ] little <06810
+tsa Benjamin <01144 +Binyamiyn > [ with ] their {ruler}
<07287 +radah > , the princes <08269 +sar > of Judah <03063
+Y@huwdah > [ and ] their council <07277 +rigmah > , the princes
<08269 +sar > of Zebulun <02074 +Z@buwluwn > , [ and ] the
princes <08269 +sar > of Naphtali <05321 +Naphtaliy > .

ruler PSA 105 020 The king <04428 +melek > sent <07971 +shalach
> and loosed <05425 +nathar > him ; [ even ] the {ruler} <04910
+mashal > of the people <05971 + , and let him go free
<06605 +pathach > .

ruler PSA 105 021 He made <07760 +suwm > him lord <03050 +Yahh >
of his house <01004 +bayith > , and {ruler} <04910 +mashal > of
all <03605 +kol > his substance <07075 +qinyan > :

ruler PRO 006 007 Which <00834 +>aher > having no <00369 +>ayin
> guide <07101 +qatsiyn > , overseer <07860 +shoter > , or
{ruler} <04910 +mashal > ,

ruler PRO 023 001 . When <03588 +kiy > thou sittest <03427
+yashab > to eat <03898 +lacham > with a {ruler} <04910 +mashal
> , consider <00995 +biyn > diligently what [ is ] before <06440
+paniym > thee :

ruler PRO 028 015 . [ As ] a roaring <05098 +naham > lion <00739
+>ariy>el > , and a ranging <08264 +shaqaq > bear <01677 +dob > ;
[ so is ] a wicked <07563 +rasha< > {ruler} <04910 +mashal >
over <05921 + the poor <01800 +dal > people <05971 + .

ruler PRO 029 012 . If a {ruler} <04910 +mashal > hearken <07181
+qashab > to lies , all <03605 +kol > his servants <08334
+sharath > [ are ] wicked <07563 +rasha< > .

ruler PRO 029 026 . Many <07227 +rab > seek <01245 +baqash > the
{ruler} s <04910 +mashal > favour <06440 +paniym > ; but [ every
] man s <00376 +>iysh > judgment <04941 +mishpat > [ cometh ]
from the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

ruler ECC 010 004 . If the spirit <07307 +ruwach > of the
{ruler} <04910 +mashal > rise <05927 + up against <05921
+ thee , leave <03241 +Yaniym > not thy place <04725
+maqowm > ; for yielding <04832 +marpe> > pacifieth <03240
+yanach > great <01419 +gadowl > offences <02399 +chet> > .

ruler ECC 010 005 There is an evil <07451 +ra< > [ which ] I
have seen <07200 +ra>ah > under <08478 +tachath > the sun <08121
+shemesh > , as an error <07684 +sh@gagah > [ which ] proceedeth
<03318 +yatsa> > from the {ruler} <07989 +shalliyt > :

ruler ISA 003 006 When <03588 +kiy > a man <00376 +>iysh > shall
take <08610 +taphas > hold <08610 +taphas > of his brother
<00251 +>ach > of the house <01004 +bayith > of his father <1> ,
[ saying ] , Thou hast clothing <08071 +simlah > , be thou our
{ruler} <07101 +qatsiyn > , and [ let ] this <02063 +zo>th >
ruin <04384 +makshelah > [ be ] under <08478 +tachath > thy hand
<03027 +yad > :

ruler ISA 003 007 In that day <03117 +yowm > shall he swear
<05375 +nasa> > , saying <00559 +>amar > , I will not be an
healer <02280 +chabash > ; for in my house <01004 +bayith > [ is
] neither <00369 +>ayin > bread <03899 +lechem > nor <00369
+>ayin > clothing <08071 +simlah > : make <07760 +suwm > me not
a {ruler} <07101 +qatsiyn > of the people <05971 + .

ruler ISA 016 001 . Send <07971 +shalach > ye the lamb <03733
+kar > to the {ruler} <04910 +mashal > of the land <00776
+>erets > from Sela <05554 +Cela< > to the wilderness <04057
+midbar > , unto the mount <02022 +har > of the daughter <01323
+bath > of Zion <06726 +Tsiyown > .

ruler JER 051 046 And lest <06435 +pen > your heart <03824
+lebab > faint <07401 +rakak > , and ye fear <03372 +yare> > for
the rumour <08052 +sh@muw that shall be heard <08085
+shama< > in the land <00776 +>erets > ; a rumour <08052
+sh@muw shall both come <00935 +bow> > [ one ] year <08141
+shaneh > , and after <00310 +>achar > that in [ another ] year
<08141 +shaneh > [ shall come ] a rumour <08052 +sh@muw ,
and violence <02555 +chamac > in the land <00776 +>erets > ,
ruler <04910 +mashal > against <05921 + {ruler} <04910
+mashal > .

ruler JER 051 046 And lest <06435 +pen > your heart <03824
+lebab > faint <07401 +rakak > , and ye fear <03372 +yare> > for
the rumour <08052 +sh@muw that shall be heard <08085
+shama< > in the land <00776 +>erets > ; a rumour <08052
+sh@muw shall both come <00935 +bow> > [ one ] year <08141
+shaneh > , and after <00310 +>achar > that in [ another ] year
<08141 +shaneh > [ shall come ] a rumour <08052 +sh@muw ,
and violence <02555 +chamac > in the land <00776 +>erets > ,
{ruler} <04910 +mashal > against <05921 + ruler <04910
+mashal > .

ruler DAN 002 010 The Chaldeans <03779 +Kasday > answered <06032
+ before <06925 +qodam > the king <04430 +melek > , and
said <00560 +>amar > , There is not a man <00606 +>enash > upon
the earth <03007 +yabbesheth > that can <03202 +y@kel > shew
<02324 +chava> > the king s <04430 +melek > matter <04406
+millah > : therefore [ there is ] no king <04430 +melek > ,
lord <07229 +rab > , nor {ruler} <07990 +shalliyt > , [ that ]
asked <07593 +sh@>el > such <01836 +den > things at any <03606
+kol > magician <02749 +chartom > , or astrologer <00826
+>ashshaph > , or Chaldean <03777 +Kesed > .

ruler DAN 002 038 And wheresoever the children <01123 +ben > of
men <00606 +>enash > dwell <01753 +duwr > , the beasts <02423
+cheyva> > of the field <01251 +bar > and the fowls <05776
+ of the heaven <08065 +shamayin > hath he given <03052
+y@hab > into thine hand <03028 +yad > , and hath made thee
{ruler} <07981 +sh@let > over them all <03606 +kol > . Thou [
art ] this <01931 +huw> > head <07217 +re>sh > of gold <01722
+d@hab > .

ruler DAN 002 048 Then <00116 +>edayin > the king <04430 +melek
> made <07236 +r@bah > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > a great <07236
+r@bah > man , and gave <03052 +y@hab > him many <07690 +saggiy>
> great <07260 +rabrab > gifts <04978 +matt@na> > , and made him
{ruler} <07981 +sh@let > over <05922 + the whole <03606
+kol > province <04083 +m@diynah > of Babylon <00895 +Babel > ,
and chief <07229 +rab > of the governors <05461 +cagan > over
<05922 + all <03606 +kol > the wise <02445 +chakkiym > [
men ] of Babylon <00895 +Babel > .

ruler DAN 005 007 The king <04430 +melek > cried <07123 +q@ra> >
aloud <02429 +chayil > to bring <05924 + > in the
astrologers <00826 +>ashshaph > , the Chaldeans <03779 +Kasday >
, and the soothsayers <01505 +g@zar > . [ And ] the king <04430
+melek > spake <06032 + , and said <00560 +>amar > to the
wise <02445 +chakkiym > [ men ] of Babylon <00895 +Babel > ,
Whosoever <03605 +kol > shall read <07123 +q@ra> > this <01836
+den > writing <03792 +k@thab > , and shew <02324 +chava> > me
the interpretation <06591 +p@shar > thereof , shall be clothed
<03848 +l@bash > with scarlet <00711 +>arg@van > , and [ have ]
a chain <02002 +hamniyk > of gold <01722 +d@hab > about <05922
+ his neck <06676 +tsavva>r > , and shall be the third
<08523 +t@liythay > {ruler} <07981 +sh@let > in the kingdom
<04437 +malkuw > .

ruler DAN 005 016 And I have heard <08086 +sh@ma< > of thee ,
that thou canst <03202 +y@kel > make interpretations <06591
+p@shar > , and dissolve <08271 +sh@re> > doubts <07001 +q@tar >
: now <03705 +k@ if <02006 +hen > thou canst <03202 +y@kel
> read <07123 +q@ra> > the writing <03792 +k@thab > , and make
known <03046 +y@da< > to me the interpretation <06591 +p@shar >
thereof , thou shalt be clothed <03848 +l@bash > with scarlet
<00711 +>arg@van > , and [ have ] a chain <02002 +hamniyk > of
gold <01722 +d@hab > about <05922 + thy neck <06676
+tsavva>r > , and shalt be the third <08531 +t@lath > {ruler}
<07981 +sh@let > in the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > .

ruler DAN 005 029 Then <00116 +>edayin > commanded <00560 +>amar
> Belshazzar <01113 +Belsha>tstsar > , and they clothed <03848
+l@bash > Daniel <01841 +Daniye>l > with scarlet <00711
+>arg@van > , and [ put ] a chain <02002 +hamniyk > of gold
<01722 +d@hab > about <05922 + his neck <06676 +tsavva>r > ,
and made a proclamation <03745 +k@raz > concerning <05922 + > him , that he should be the third <08531 +t@lath > {ruler}
<07990 +shalliyt > in the kingdom <04437 +malkuw > .

ruler MIC 005 002 But thou , Bethlehem <01035 +Beyth Lechem >
Ephratah <00672 +>Ephraath > , [ though ] thou be little <06810
+tsa among the thousands <00505 +>eleph > of Judah <03063
+Y@huwdah > , [ yet ] out of thee shall he come <03318 +yatsa> >
forth <03318 +yatsa> > unto me [ that is ] to be {ruler} <04910
+mashal > in Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ; whose goings <04163
+mowtsa>ah > forth <04163 +mowtsa>ah > [ have been ] from of old
<06924 +qedem > , from everlasting <05769 + .

ruler HAB 001 014 And makest <06213 + men <00120 +>adam >
as the fishes <01709 +dag > of the sea <03220 +yam > , as the
creeping <07431 +remes > things , [ that have ] no <03808 +lo> >
{ruler} <04910 +mashal > over them ?

ruler MAT 009 018 . While he spake <2980 -laleo -> these <5023 -
tauta -> things unto them , behold <2400 -idou -> , there came
<2064 -erchomai -> a certain {ruler} <0758 -archon -> , and
worshipped <4352 -proskuneo -> him , saying <3004 -lego -> , My
daughter <2364 -thugater -> is even <0737 -arti -> now <0737 -
arti -> dead <5053 -teleutao -> : but come <2064 -erchomai ->
and lay <2007 -epitithemi -> thy hand <5495 -cheir -> upon her ,
and she shall live <2198 -zao -> .

ruler MAT 009 023 And when Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> came <2064 -
erchomai -> into <1519 -eis -> the {ruler} s <0758 -archon ->
house <3614 -oikia -> , and saw <1492 -eido -> the minstrels
<0834 -auletes -> and the people <3793 -ochlos -> making <2350 -
thorubeo -> a noise <2350 -thorubeo -> ,

ruler MAT 024 045 Who <5101 -tis -> then <0686 -ara -> is a
faithful <4103 -pistos -> and wise <5429 -phronimos -> servant
<1401 -doulos -> , whom <3739 -hos -> his lord <2962 -kurios ->
hath made <2525 -kathistemi -> {ruler} <2525 -kathistemi -> over
<1909 -epi -> his household <2322 -therapeia -> , to give <1325 -
didomi -> them meat <5160 -trophe -> in due season <2540 -kairos
-> ?

ruler MAT 024 047 Verily <0281 -amen -> I say <3004 -lego ->
unto you , That he shall make <2525 -kathistemi -> him {ruler}
<2525 -kathistemi -> over <1909 -epi -> all <3956 -pas -> his
goods <5224 -huparchonta -> .

ruler MAT 025 021 His lord <2962 -kurios -> said <5346 -phemi ->
unto him , Well <2095 -eu -> done , [ thou ] good <0018 -agathos
-> and faithful <4103 -pistos -> servant <1401 -doulos -> : thou
hast been <2258 -en -> faithful <4103 -pistos -> over <1909 -epi
-> a few <3641 -oligos -> things , I will make <2525 -kathistemi
-> thee {ruler} <2525 -kathistemi -> over <1909 -epi -> many
<4183 -polus -> things : enter <1525 -eiserchomai -> thou into
<1519 -eis -> the joy <5479 -chara -> of thy lord <2962 -kurios -
> .

ruler MAT 025 023 His lord <2962 -kurios -> said <5346 -phemi ->
unto him , Well <2095 -eu -> done , good <0018 -agathos -> and
faithful <4103 -pistos -> servant <1401 -doulos -> ; thou hast
been <2258 -en -> faithful <4103 -pistos -> over <1909 -epi -> a
few <3641 -oligos -> things , I will make <2525 -kathistemi ->
thee {ruler} <2525 -kathistemi -> over <1909 -epi -> many <4183 -
polus -> things : enter <1525 -eiserchomai -> thou into <1519 -
eis -> the joy <5479 -chara -> of thy lord <2962 -kurios -> .

ruler MAR 005 035 . While he yet <2089 -eti -> spake <2980 -
laleo -> , there came <2064 -erchomai -> from the {ruler} <0752 -
archisunagogos -> of the synagogue s <0752 -archisunagogos -> [
house certain ] which said <3004 -lego -> , Thy daughter <2364 -
thugater -> is dead <0599 -apothnesko -> : why <5101 -tis ->
troublest <4660 -skullo -> thou the Master <1320 -didaskalos ->
any <2089 -eti -> further <2089 -eti -> ?

ruler MAR 005 036 As soon <2112 -eutheos -> as Jesus <2424 -
Iesous -> heard <0191 -akouo -> the word <3056 -logos -> that
was spoken <2980 -laleo -> , he saith <3004 -lego -> unto the
{ruler} <0752 -archisunagogos -> of the synagogue <0752 -
archisunagogos -> , Be not afraid <5399 -phobeo -> , only <3440 -
monon -> believe <4100 -pisteuo -> .

ruler MAR 005 038 And he cometh <2064 -erchomai -> to the house
<3624 -oikos -> of the {ruler} <0752 -archisunagogos -> of the
synagogue <0752 -archisunagogos -> , and seeth <2334 -theoreo ->
the tumult <2351 -thorubos -> , and them that wept <2799 -klaio -
> and wailed <0214 -alalazo -> greatly <4183 -polus -> .

ruler LUK 008 041 And , behold 2400 -idou - , there came 2064 -
erchomai - a man 0435 -aner - named 3686 -onoma - Jairus 2383 -
Iaeiros - , and he was a {ruler} LUK 0758 -archon - of the
synagogue 4864 -sunagoge - : and he fell 4098 -pipto - down at
3844 -para - Jesus 2424 -Iesous - feet 4228 -pous - , and
besought 3870 -parakaleo - him that he would come 1525 -
eiserchomai - into 1519 -eis - his house 3624 -oikos - :

ruler LUK 008 049 While he yet 2089 -eti - spake 2980 -laleo - ,
there cometh 2064 -erchomai - one 5100 -tis - from the {ruler}
LUK 0752 -archisunagogos - of the synagogue s LUK 0752 -
archisunagogos - [ house ] , saying 3004 -lego - to him , Thy
daughter 2364 -thugater - is dead 2348 -thnesko - ; trouble 4460
-Rhaab - not the Master 1320 -didaskalos - .

ruler LUK 012 042 And the Lord 2962 -kurios - said 2036 -epo - ,
Who 5101 -tis - then 0686 -ara - is that faithful 4103 -pistos -
and wise 5429 -phronimos - steward 3623 -oikonomos - , whom 3739
-hos - [ his ] lord 2962 -kurios - shall make 2525 -kathistemi -
{ruler} 2525 -kathistemi - over 1909 -epi - his household 2322 -
therapeia - , to give 1325 -didomi - [ them their ] portion 4620
-sitometron - of meat 4620 -sitometron - in due season 2540 -
kairos - ?

ruler LUK 012 044 Of a truth LUK 0230 -alethos - I say 3004 -
lego - unto you , that he will make 2525 -kathistemi - him
{ruler} 2525 -kathistemi - over 1909 -epi - all 3956 -pas - that
he hath 5224 -huparchonta - .

ruler LUK 013 014 And the {ruler} LUK 0752 -archisunagogos - of
the synagogue 0752 -archisunagogos - answered LUK 0611 -
apokrinomai - with indignation 0023 -aganakteo - , because 3754 -
hoti - that Jesus 2424 -Iesous - had healed 2323 -therapeuo - on
the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton - day , and said 3004 -lego - unto
the people 3793 -ochlos - , There are six 1803 -hex - days 2250 -
hemera - in which 3739 -hos - men ought 1163 -dei - to work 2038
-ergazomai - : in them therefore 3767 -oun - come 2064 -erchomai
- and be healed 2323 -therapeuo - , and not on the sabbath 4521 -
sabbaton - day 2250 -hemera - .

ruler LUK 018 018 . And a certain 5100 -tis - {ruler} LUK 0758 -
archon - asked 1905 -eperotao - him , saying 3004 -lego - , Good
LUK 0018 -agathos - Master 1320 -didaskalos - , what 5101 -tis -
shall I do 4160 -poieo - to inherit 2816 -kleronomeo - eternal
LUK 0166 -aionios - life 2222 -zoe - ?

ruler JOH 002 009 When <5613 -hos -> the {ruler} <0755 -
architriklinos -> of the feast <0755 -architriklinos -> had
tasted <1089 -geuomai -> the water <5204 -hudor -> that was made
<1096 -ginomai -> wine <3631 -oinos -> , and knew <1492 -eido ->
not whence <4159 -pothen -> it was : ( but the servants <1249 -
diakonos -> which <3588 -ho -> drew <0501 -antleo -> the water
<5204 -hudor -> knew <1492 -eido -> ; ) the governor <0755 -
architriklinos -> of the feast <0755 -architriklinos -> called
<5455 -phoneo -> the bridegroom <3566 -numphios -> ,

ruler JOH 003 001 . There was a man <0444 -anthropos -> of the
Pharisees <5330 -Pharisaios -> , named <3686 -onoma -> Nicodemus
<3530 -Nikodemos -> , a {ruler} <0758 -archon -> of the Jews
<2453 -Ioudaios -> :

ruler ACT 007 027 But he that did <0091 -adikeo -> his neighbour
<4139 -plesion -> wrong <0091 -adikeo -> thrust <0683 -
apotheomai -> him away <0683 -apotheomai -> , saying <2036 -epo -
> , Who <5101 -tis -> made <2525 -kathistemi -> thee a {ruler}
<0758 -archon -> and a judge <1348 -dikastes -> over <1909 -epi -
> us ?

ruler ACT 007 035 This <5126 -touton -> Moses <3475 -Moseus ->
whom <3739 -hos -> they refused <0720 -arneomai -> , saying
<2036 -epo -> , Who <5101 -tis -> made <2525 -kathistemi -> thee
a ruler <0758 -archon -> and a judge <1348 -dikastes -> ? the
same <5126 -touton -> did God <2316 -theos -> send <0649 -
apostello -> [ to be ] a {ruler} <0758 -archon -> and a
deliverer <3086 -lutrotes -> by the hand <5495 -cheir -> of the
angel <0032 -aggelos -> which <3588 -ho -> appeared <3700 -
optanomai -> to him in the bush <0942 -batos -> .

ruler ACT 007 035 This <5126 -touton -> Moses <3475 -Moseus ->
whom <3739 -hos -> they refused <0720 -arneomai -> , saying
<2036 -epo -> , Who <5101 -tis -> made <2525 -kathistemi -> thee
a {ruler} <0758 -archon -> and a judge <1348 -dikastes -> ? the
same <5126 -touton -> did God <2316 -theos -> send <0649 -
apostello -> [ to be ] a ruler <0758 -archon -> and a deliverer
<3086 -lutrotes -> by the hand <5495 -cheir -> of the angel
<0032 -aggelos -> which <3588 -ho -> appeared <3700 -optanomai -
> to him in the bush <0942 -batos -> .

ruler ACT 018 008 And Crispus <2921 -Krispos -> , the chief
<0752 -archisunagogos -> {ruler} <0752 -archisunagogos -> of the
synagogue <0752 -archisunagogos -> , believed <4100 -pisteuo ->
on the Lord <2962 -kurios -> with all <3650 -holos -> his house
<3624 -oikos -> ; and many <4183 -polus -> of the Corinthians
<2881 -Korinthios -> hearing <0191 -akouo -> believed <4100 -
pisteuo -> , and were baptized <0907 -baptizo -> .

ruler ACT 018 017 Then <1161 -de -> all <3956 -pas -> the Greeks
<1672 -Hellen -> took <1949 -epilambanomai -> Sosthenes <4988 -
Sosthenes -> , the chief <0752 -archisunagogos -> {ruler} <0752 -
archisunagogos -> of the synagogue <0752 -archisunagogos -> ,
and beat <5180 -tupto -> [ him ] before <1715 -emprosthen -> the
judgment <0968 -bema -> seat <0968 -bema -> . And Gallio <1058 -
Gallion -> cared <3199 -melo -> for none <3762 -oudeis -> of
those <5130 -touton -> things .

ruler ACT 023 005 Then <5037 -te -> said <5346 -phemi -> Paul
<3972 -Paulos -> , I wist <1492 -eido -> not , brethren <0080 -
adephos -> , that he was the high <0749 -archiereus -> priest
<0749 -archiereus -> : for it is written <1125 -grapho -> , Thou
shalt not speak <2046 -ereo -> evil <2560 -kakos -> of the
{ruler} <0758 -archon -> of thy people <2992 -laos -> .
