rulers Eze_23_06 /^{rulers /all of them
desirable young men , horsemen riding upon horses .

rulers Joh_12_42 /${rulers /also many believed
on him ; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him,
lest they should be put out of the synagogue :

rulers Luk_23_35 /${rulers /also with them
derided him, saying , He saved others ; let him save himself ,
if he be Christ , the chosen of God .

rulers Act_04_05 /${rulers /and elders , and
scribes ,

rulers Jer_51_57 /^{rulers /and her mighty men :
and they shall sleep a perpetual sleep , and not wake , saith
the King , whose name is the LORD of hosts .

rulers Mar_13_09 /${rulers /and kings for my
sake , for a testimony against them .

rulers Neh_13_11 /^{rulers /and said , Why is
the house of God forsaken ? And I gathered them together , and
set them in their place .

rulers Neh_05_07 /^{rulers /and said unto them,
Ye exact usury , every one of his brother . And I set a great
assembly against them.

rulers Luk_23_13 /${rulers /and the people ,

rulers Neh_07_05 /^{rulers /and the people ,
that they might be reckoned by genealogy . And I found a
register of the genealogy of them which came up at the first ,
and found written therein,

rulers Neh_04_14 /^{rulers /and to the rest of
the people , Be not ye afraid of them : remember the Lord ,
which is great and terrible , and fight for your brethren , your
sons , and your daughters , your wives , and your houses .

rulers Neh_04_19 /^{rulers /and to the rest of
the people , The work is great and large , and we are separated
upon the wall , one far from another .

rulers Isa_22_03 /^{rulers /are fled together ,
they are bound by the archers : all that are found in thee are
bound together , which have fled from far .

rulers Rom_13_03 /${rulers /are not a terror to
good works , but to the evil . Wilt thou then not be afraid of
the power ? do that which is good , and thou shalt have praise
of the same :

rulers Act_13_27 /${rulers /because they knew
him not , nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read
every sabbath day , they have fulfilled them in condemning him.

rulers Neh_05_17 /^{rulers /beside those that
came unto us from among the heathen that are about us .

rulers Exo_35_27 /^{rulers /brought onyx stones
, and stones to be set , for the ephod , and for the breastplate

rulers Eze_23_12 /^{rulers /clothed most
gorgeously , horsemen riding upon horses , all of them desirable
young men .

rulers Luk_24_20 /${rulers /delivered him to be
condemned to death , and have crucified him .

rulers Luk_21_12 /${rulers /for my name's sake .

rulers Eze_23_23 /^{rulers /great lords and
renowned , all of them riding upon horses .

rulers Ezr_09_02 /^{rulers /hath been chief in
this trespass .

rulers Isa_49_07 /^{rulers /Kings shall see and
arise , princes also shall worship , because of the LORD that is
faithful , and the Holy One of Israel , and he shall choose thee.

rulers Neh_02_16 /^{rulers /knew not whither I
went , or what I did ; neither had I as yet told it to the Jews ,
nor to the priests , nor to the nobles , nor to the rulers ,
nor to the rest that did the work .

rulers Joh_07_26 /${rulers /know indeed that
this is the very Christ ?

rulers Neh_02_16 /^{rulers /nor to the rest
that did the work .

rulers Ezr_10_14 /^{rulers /of all the
congregation stand , and let all them which have taken strange
wives in our cities come at appointed times , and with them the
elders of every city , and the judges thereof, until the fierce
wrath of our God for this matter be turned from us.

rulers Est_03_12 /^{rulers /of every people of
every province according to the writing thereof, and to every
people after their language ; in the name of king Ahasuerus was
it written , and sealed with the king's ring .

rulers Exo_18_25 /^{rulers /of fifties , and
rulers of tens .

rulers Exo_18_21 /^{rulers /of fifties , and
rulers of tens :

rulers 1Ki_09_22 /^{rulers /of his chariots ,
and his horsemen .

rulers Exo_18_25 /^{rulers /of hundreds ,
rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens .

rulers Exo_18_21 /^{rulers /of hundreds ,
rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens :

rulers 2Ki_10_01 /^{rulers /of Jezreel , to the
elders , and to them that brought up Ahab's children, saying ,

rulers Isa_01_10 /^{rulers /of Sodom ; give ear
unto the law of our God , ye people of Gomorrah .

rulers Exo_18_25 /^{rulers /of tens .

rulers Exo_18_21 /^{rulers /of tens :

rulers 2Ch_29_20 /^{rulers /of the city , and
went up to the house of the LORD .

rulers Act_17_06 /${rulers /of the city ,
crying , These that have turned the world upside down are come
hither also ;

rulers Act_17_08 /${rulers /of the city , when
they heard these things .

rulers Exo_16_22 /^{rulers /of the congregation
came and told Moses .

rulers Exo_34_31 /^{rulers /of the congregation
returned unto him: and Moses talked with them.

rulers Eph_06_12 /${rulers /of the darkness of
this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places.

rulers 2Ch_35_08 /^{rulers /of the house of God ,
gave unto the priests for the passover offerings two thousand
and six hundred small cattle, and three hundred oxen .

rulers 1Ch_29_06 /^{rulers /of the king's work ,
offered willingly ,

rulers Act_04_08 /${rulers /of the people , and
elders of Israel ,

rulers 1Ch_21_02 /^{rulers /of the people , Go ,
number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan ; and bring the number
of them to me, that I may know it.

rulers Neh_11_01 /^{rulers /of the people dwelt
at Jerusalem : the rest of the people also cast lots , to bring
one of ten to dwell in Jerusalem the holy city , and nine parts
to dwell in other cities .

rulers Est_09_03 /^{rulers /of the provinces ,
and the lieutenants , and the deputies , and officers of the
king , helped the Jews ; because the fear of Mordecai fell upon

rulers Dan_03_02 /^{rulers /of the provinces ,
to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the
king had set up .

rulers Dan_03_03 /^{rulers /of the provinces ,
were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that
Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up ; and they stood before the
image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up .

rulers Est_08_09 /^{rulers /of the provinces
which are from India unto Ethiopia , an hundred twenty and seven
provinces , unto every province according to the writing thereof,
and unto every people after their language , and to the Jews
according to their writing , and according to their language .

rulers 1Ch_27_31 /^{rulers /of the substance
which was king David's .

rulers Mar_05_22 /${rulers /of the synagogue ,
Jairus by name ; and when he saw him , he fell at his feet ,

rulers Act_13_15 /${rulers /of the synagogue
sent unto them , saying , Ye men and brethren , if ye have any
word of exhortation for the people , say on .

rulers Exo_18_21 /^{rulers /of thousands , and
rulers of hundreds , rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens :

rulers Exo_18_25 /^{rulers /of thousands ,
rulers of hundreds , rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens .

rulers Joh_07_48 /${rulers /or of the Pharisees
believed on him ?

rulers 2Ki_11_19 /^{rulers /over hundreds , and
the captains , and the guard , and all the people of the land ;
and they brought down the king from the house of the LORD , and
came by the way of the gate of the guard to the king's house .
And he sat on the throne of the kings .

rulers 2Ki_11_04 /^{rulers /over hundreds , with
the captains and the guard , and brought them to him into the
house of the LORD , and made a covenant with them, and took an
oath of them in the house of the LORD , and shewed them the
king's son .

rulers Gen_47_06 /^{rulers /over my cattle .

rulers 1Ch_26_32 /^{rulers /over the Reubenites
, the Gadites , and the half tribe of Manasseh , for every
matter pertaining to God , and affairs of the king .

rulers Jer_33_26 /^{rulers /over the seed of
Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob : for I will cause their captivity
to return , and have mercy on them.

rulers Jud_15_11 /^{rulers /over us? what is
this that thou hast done unto us? And he said unto them, As they
did unto me, so have I done unto them.

rulers Deu_01_13 /^{rulers /over you.

rulers Psa_02_02 /^{rulers /take counsel
together , against the LORD , and against his anointed , saying,

rulers Isa_29_10 /^{rulers /the seers hath he
covered .

rulers Jer_51_28 /^{rulers /thereof, and all
the land of his dominion .

rulers Act_14_05 /${rulers /to use them
despitefully , and to stone them ,

rulers Neh_04_16 /^{rulers /were behind all the
house of Judah .

rulers Act_04_26 /${rulers /were gathered
together against the Lord , and against his Christ .

rulers Neh_12_40 /^{rulers /with me:

rulers Hos_04_18 /^{rulers /with shame do love ,
Give ye.
