Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0660 + off + shake + And he shook +/ . apotinasso {ap-ot-in-as'-so}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and tinasso (to jostle); to brush off: --shake off .

1530 + and ran + and sprang +/ . eispedao {ice-pay-dah'-o}; from 1519 + into 1519- into 1519- so + on + at + took + into + till + until + in at + among + toward + became + you on + not on + not at + him on + I into + we took + me into + that so + up into + ye into + us into + it into + down at + him not into 1519- him not into 1519- them at + against + him into + not into + But into + but into + you into + her into + in among + And into + one into + Insomuch + and took + and into + out into + them into + down into + away into + thou into + by him at + is become + thee into + fall into + me but on + it toward + place into + To the end + him before + to the end + with us at + concerning + throughout + you before + and toward + thence into + him up into + ye out into + us not into + to him into + things into + his eyes on + by you into + yet against + he fall into + them up into + her way into + thy way into + in me toward + they against + by me to make + for thee into + shall be made + with her into + when I was at + from them into + and throughout + with them into + him that is on + are they among + as we do toward + themselves into + and looked into + their ways into + up from you into + unto him against + for him to be at + from thence into + some of you into + up unto them into + when he cometh into + which are at home at + sort are they which creep +/ and pedao (to leap); to rush in: --run (spring) in .

4563 + swept + it swept + and sweep +/ . saroo {sar-o'-o}; from a derivative of sairo (to brush off; akin to 4951 + drew + dragging + and haling + them not they drew +/ ); meaning a broom; to sweep: --sweep .

4919 + and to break +/ . sunthrupto {soon-throop'-to}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and thrupto (to crumble); to crush together, i .e . (figuratively) to dispirit: --break .

4936 + ran + that ye run + him and ran +/ . suntrecho {soon-trekh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 5143 + run + ran + he ran + and ran + had run + running + they ran + Ye did run + of them ran + and did run + she runneth + I should run + us and let us run + of him that runneth + that I have not run + may have free course + ye not that they which run +/ (including its alternate); to rush together (hastily assemble) or headlong (figuratively): --run (together, with) .

4937 + broken + A bruised + to shivers + shall bruise + and bruising + and she brake + shall they be broken + of him shall not be broken +/ . suntribo {soon-tree'-bo}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and the base of 5147 + his paths +/ ; to crush completely, i .e . to shatter (literally or figuratively): --break (in pieces), broken to shivers (+ -hearted), bruise .

4979 + cords + of small + the ropes +/ . schoinion {skhoy-nee'-on}; diminutive of schoinos (a rush or flag-plant; of uncertain derivation); a rushlet, i .e . grass-withe or tie (generally): --small cord, rope .