tails , ISA , 7:4

tails , JG , 15:4

tails , RE , 9:10 , RE , 9:10 , RE , 9:19 , RE , 9:19



tails Interlinear Index Study

tails JUDG 015 004 And Samson <08123 +Shimshown > went <03212
+yalak > and caught <03920 +lakad > three <07969 +shalowsh >
hundred <03967 +me>ah > foxes <07776 +shuw , and took
<03947 +laqach > firebrands <03940 +lappiyd > , and turned
<06437 +panah > tail <02180 +zanab > to tail <02180 +zanab > ,
and put <07760 +suwm > a firebrand <03940 +lappiyd > in the
midst <08432 +tavek > between <00996 +beyn > two <08147
+sh@nayim > {tails} <02180 +zanab > .

tails ISA 007 004 And say <00559 +>amar > unto him , Take heed
<08104 +shamar > , and be quiet <08252 +shaqat > ; fear <03372
+yare> > not , neither <00408 +>al > be fainthearted <03824
+lebab > for the two <08147 +sh@nayim > {tails} <02180 +zanab >
of these <00428 +>el - leh > smoking <06226 + firebrands
<00181 +>uwd > , for the fierce <02750 +choriy > anger <00639
+>aph > of Rezin <07526 +R@tsiyn > with Syria <00758 +>Aram > ,
and of the son <01121 +ben > of Remaliah <07425 +R@malyahuw > .

tails REV 009 010 And they had <2192 -echo -> tails <3769 -oura -
> like <3664 -homoios -> unto scorpions <4651 -skorpios -> , and
there were stings <2759 -kentron -> in their {tails} <3769 -oura
-> : and their power <1849 -exousia -> [ was ] to hurt <0091 -
adikeo -> men <0444 -anthropos -> five <4002 -pente -> months
<3376 -men -> .

tails REV 009 010 And they had <2192 -echo -> {tails} <3769 -
oura -> like <3664 -homoios -> unto scorpions <4651 -skorpios ->
, and there were stings <2759 -kentron -> in their tails <3769 -
oura -> : and their power <1849 -exousia -> [ was ] to hurt
<0091 -adikeo -> men <0444 -anthropos -> five <4002 -pente ->
months <3376 -men -> .

tails REV 009 019 For their power <1849 -exousia -> is in their
mouth <4750 -stoma -> , and in their tails <3769 -oura -> : for
their {tails} <3769 -oura -> [ were ] like <3664 -homoios ->
unto serpents <3789 -ophis -> , and had <2192 -echo -> heads
<2776 -kephale -> , and with them they do hurt <0091 -adikeo -> .

tails REV 009 019 For their power <1849 -exousia -> is in their
mouth <4750 -stoma -> , and in their {tails} <3769 -oura -> :
for their tails <3769 -oura -> [ were ] like <3664 -homoios ->
unto serpents <3789 -ophis -> , and had <2192 -echo -> heads
<2776 -kephale -> , and with them they do hurt <0091 -adikeo -> .


their tails

their tails

they had tails like unto scorpions

two tails

- tails , 2180 ,

* tails , 3769 ,

* tails , 3769 oura ,


tails -3769 tail, {tails},


tails -2180 tail , {tails} ,



tails ......... and in their tails 3769 -oura->

tails ......... for their tails 3769 -oura->

tails ......... in their tails 3769 -oura->

tails ......... tails 3769 -oura->




tails 009 010 Rev /${tails /and their power
was to hurt men five months .

tails 009 019 Rev /${tails /for their tails
were like unto serpents , and had heads , and with them they do
hurt .

tails 009 010 Rev /${tails /like unto
scorpions , and there were stings in their tails : and their
power was to hurt men five months .

tails 007 004 Isa /^{tails /of these smoking
firebrands , for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria , and of
the son of Remaliah .

tails 009 019 Rev /${tails /were like unto
serpents , and had heads , and with them they do hurt .



tails And Samson went and caught three hundred foxes,

took firebrands, and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand in

midst between two {tails}.

tails And say unto him, Take heed, and be quiet; fear

neither be fainthearted for the two {tails} of these smoking

firebrands, for the fierce anger of Rezin with Syria, and of the

of Remaliah.

tails And they had tails like unto scorpions, and

were stings in their {tails}: and their power was] to hurt men


tails And they had {tails} like unto scorpions, and

were stings in their tails: and their power was] to hurt men five


tails For their power is in their mouth, and in their

tails: for their {tails} were] like unto serpents, and had heads,

and with them they do hurt.

tails For their power is in their mouth, and in their

{tails}: for their tails were] like unto serpents, and had heads,

and with them they do hurt.
