also take no heed unto all words

also take your flocks

another man take her

another young bullock shalt thou take for

but he shall take

but let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon <1CO3 -:
10 >

but she shall not overtake them

but take diligent heed

but take heed

but take heed lest by any means this liberty <1CO8 -:9 >

but take ye heed

but they shall take maidens

city shall take an heifer

clean person shall take hyssop

day seven women shall take hold

day should overtake you as <1TH5 -:4 >

did take knowledge

did they not take hold

doth god take care for oxen <1CO9 -:9 >

doth take away from jerusalem

earth take custom or tribute

eighth day he shall take two he lambs without blemish 10 >

eighth day she shall take unto her two turtles

even shall take hold

evil shall not overtake nor prevent us

except thou take away <2SA5 -:6 >

for he will take thereof

for thy servants take pleasure

for ye shall overtake them

giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering

goats should take away sins

god shall take away his part out

he may take away

he may take away from me this death only

he may take part

he might take away

he shall take all his fat from him

he shall take away all

he shall take away all

he shall take her multitude

he shall take it

he shall take it

he shall take it

he shall take off from it all

he shall take other mortar

he shall take thee away

he shall take them away as with

he shall take thereout his handful

he take away

he take up

he will take you away with hooks

he will take your daughters <1SA8 -:13 >

he will take your fields <1SA8 -:14 >

he will take your menservants <1SA8 -:16 >

he will take your sons <1SA8 -:11 >

her steps take hold on hell

his brother should take his wife

his brother should take his wife

his people shall he take away from off all

how shall he take care <1TI3 -:5 >

if any man shall take away from

if he take him another

if thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment

if thou take away from

if thou take forth

if thy children take heed <1KI2 -:4 >

if ye take this also from me

iniquity did not overtake them

it goeth forth it shall take you

it might take hold

it shall he take away

it shall he take away

it shall he take away

it shall he take away

it shall he take away

it shall he take off hard by

judah shall again take root downward

judah shall yet again take root downward <2KI19 -:30 >

justice take hold

king should take it <2SA19 -:19 >

king take out

lay wait for my soul take counsel together

lest he overtake us suddenly <2SA15 -:14 >

lest he take thee away with

lest some evil take me

let another take his office

let him take all <2SA19 -:30 >

let him take his rod away from me

let them take counsel together

let them take their portion

let thy wrathful anger take hold

let us take counsel together

let us take our fill

let us take our journey

let us take their daughters

levites shall take it down

levites take tithes

loops may take hold one

lord shall take shall come by households

lord will take away

lord will take away from thee all sickness

lord will take away thy master from thy head <2KI2 -:3 >

lord will take away thy master from thy head <2KI2 -:5 >

lord will take me up

lord will take vengeance on his adversaries

lord would take up elijah into heaven by <2KI2 -:1 >

man shall not take his father's wife

man shall take his brother's wife

man shall take his sister

man shall take hold

man take fire

man's uncle shall take him up

may not take her again

may take comfort

might take it again

mine hand take hold on judgment

moreover take thou unto thee an iron pan

moreover take thou up

moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for

morrow shall take thought for

my maker would soon take me away

my sinews take no rest

neither doth justice overtake us

neither let her take thee with her eyelids

neither shall they take for their wives

neither shalt thou take her son's daughter

neither take their daughters unto your sons

neither take they hold

new wine take away

no man take thy crown

nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son

nor take their daughters for our sons

nor take their daughters unto your sons

nor take up their names into my lips

not take heed

not utterly take from him

now therefore take you twelve men out

only take heed

or let him take hold

overtake him

overtake thee

overtake thee

overtake thee

overtake them <1SA30 -:8 >

people shall take them

priest shall take an handful

priest shall take cedar wood

priest shall take from

priest shall take his handful

priest shall take holy water

priest shall take one he lamb

rulers take counsel together

scribes sought how they might take him by craft

shall not all these take up

shall not sorrows take thee

shall overtake you there

shall take away

shall take away all thy labour

shall take away their sins

shall take many

shall take nothing

shall take thy fair jewels

shall take you away with it

shall they take away <2KI20 -:18 >

shall they take away

shall ye take for

shalt thou take unto thyself

sorrow shall take hold on

sorrows shall take hold

south side shall take their journey

take aaron

take aaron

take all

take all

take all

take also

take also

take also your brother

take an harp

take an heifer with thee <1SA16 -:2 >

take an horseman <2KI9 -:17 >

take any thing out

take any thing out

take away <2CH20 -:25 >

take away <2SA24 -:10 >

take away

take away

take away

take away

take away

take away

take away

take away all iniquity

take away all thy tin

take away both our place

take away cattle

take away from thee

take away her battlements

take away his sackcloth from him

take away his sin

take away mine head <2KI6 -:32 >

take away mine iniquity

take away my corn

take away my life <1KI19 -:4 >

take away my life

take away my reproach among men

take away our reproach

take away our sins <1JO3 -:5 >

take away their cattle <1CH7 -:21 >

take away this cup from me

take away thy coat

take away thy fair jewels

take away your exactions from my people

take back thy brethren <2SA15 -:20 >

take balm

take balm for her pain

take baruch

take before them

take bow <2KI13 -:15 >

take bread

take bread

take counsel

take counsel

take counsel

take counsel together

take david <1SA19 -:14 >

take david <1SA19 -:20 >

take deep root

take double money

take every man his censer

take fast hold

take fire from

take fire from between

take for him

take from hence thirty men with thee

take from him

take from them their strength

take good heed therefore unto yourselves

take great stones

take heed <1SA19 -:2 >

take heed <2CH19 -:7 >

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed

take heed lest any

take heed now <1CH28 -:10 >

take heed now

take heed therefore

take heed therefore how ye hear

take heed therefore unto yourselves

take heed unto thyself <1TI4 -:16 >

take heed unto yourselves

take heed what thou doest

take heed what ye do <2CH19 -:6 >

take heed what ye hear

take her

take her

take her

take her

take her prey

take her spoil

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him

take him away

take him away

take him by force

take him by force from among them

take him down

take him with them

take his brother's wife

take his clothes

take his garment

take his garment

take his portion

take hold

take hold

take hold

take it <2SA12 -:28 >

take it

take it

take it

take it

take it

take it again

take it away

take it by

take it not out <1KI22 -:3 >

take knowledge <1SA23 -:23 >

take mark <2TI4 -:11 >

take me

take me

take me

take me

take me an heifer

take me not away

take me not away

take me up

take meat

take micaiah <1KI22 -:26 >

take my breath

take my flesh

take my journey into spain

take my master's brother's daughter unto his son

take my staff <2KI4 -:29 >

take my yoke upon you

take nebuchadrezzar

take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak

take no thought for your life

take no thought for your life

take no thought how or what ye shall speak

take not

take not thy holy spirit from me

take nothing for

take now for thy brethren an ephah <1SA17 -:17 >

take now one <1SA9 -:3 >

take now thy son

take off

take off

take off his head <2SA16 -:9 >

take one young bullock

take our daughters unto you

take out

take peace from

take peter also

take pity

take pleasure <2CO12 -:10 >

take possession <1KI21 -:15 >

take possession <1KI21 -:16 >

take possession among us

take root

take somewhat <2KI5 -:20 >

take thee

take thee

take thee

take thee

take thee

take thee

take thee

take thee

take thee again another roll

take thee his armour <2SA2 -:21 >

take thee joshua

take thee much soap

take thee one stick

take thee ten pieces <1KI11 -:31 >

take their pledge <1SA17 -:18 >

take them <1SA20 -:21 >

take them <1SA23 -:26 >

take them alive <1KI20 -:18 >

take them alive <1KI20 -:18 >

take them alive <2KI10 -:14 >

take them out thence

take thence every man <2KI6 -:2 >

take therefore

take therefore no thought for

take these evidences

take these things hence

take these vessels

take thine ease

take thine head from thee <1SA17 -:46 >

take this

take this book

take this box <2KI9 -:1 >

take this child away

take thou also unto thee principal spices

take thou also unto thee wheat

take thou away from me

take thou heed

take thou no usury

take thou now <1SA26 -:11 >

take thou thy lord's servants <2SA20 -:6 >

take thou unto thee

take thou unto thee aaron thy brother

take thought for us <1SA9 -:5 >

take thy

take thy bill

take thy bill

take thy father's young bullock

take thy rod

take thy rod

take thy wife

take tithes

take two milch kine <1SA6 -:7 >

take two talents <2KI5 -:23 >

take unto him my two sons <2KI4 -:1 >

take unto thee

take unto thee mary thy wife

take unto thee sweet spices

take unto thee yet

take up <2KI9 -:25 >

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up

take up against you

take up his cross

take up his cross

take up his cross daily

take up his garment

take up jeremiah

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy bed

take up thy couch

take up thy son <2KI4 -:36 >

take upon us <2CO8 -:4 >

take us

take us for thine inheritance

take us gen

take vengeance

take vengeance for thee

take vengeance upon her

take victuals with you for

take water

take with thee

take with thee one or two more

take with thee ten loaves <1KI14 -:3 >

take with thee ten thousand men

take with them john

take with you <1KI1 -:33 >

take with you words

take witnesses

take witnesses

take wives for your sons

take ye <2KI10 -:6 >

take ye

take ye

take ye

take ye away

take ye every man for

take ye from among you an offering unto

take ye good heed unto yourselves therefore

take ye heed

take ye heed every one

take ye him

take ye him

take ye micaiah <2CH18 -:25 >

take ye no thought how or what thing ye shall answer 11 >

take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves

take ye wives

take you

take you

take you away <2KI18 -:32 >

take you away

take you away from <2SA4 -:11 >

take you censers

take you hence out

take you twelve men out

take you up every man

take you wagons out

take you wise men

take your father

take your journey

take your journey

take your journey into

ten men shall take hold out

terrors take hold on him as waters

their flocks shall they take away

their land did joshua take at one time

their stock shall not take root

their wailing they shall take up

them may take

them take

then he shall take one lamb

then let them take

then shalt thou take

then take <1CO6 -:15 >

then take <2KI9 -:3 >

then take

then take another stick

then take my bread <1SA25 -:11 >

then take silver

then take thee balances

then thou shalt take an awl

then will we take our daughter

thence shall mine hand take them

therefore take heed

therefore take heed

therefore take no thought

therefore take unto you now seven bullocks

therefore we take up corn

these shall he not take

they could not take hold

they might take <2CH32 -:18 >

they might take him

they might take hold

they might take jesus by subtlety

they shall not take

they shall not take

they shall not take shame

they shall take

they shall take

they shall take

they shall take

they shall take all

they shall take away

they shall take away all

they shall take away her multitude

they shall take away his dominion

they shall take away thy nose

they shall take down

they shall take gold

they shall take him into

they shall take no wood out

they shall take other stones

they shall take them captives

they shall take thy sons

they shall take up

they shall take up serpents

they should take daniel up out

they should take his carcase down from

they should take nothing for

they take

they take

they take

they take away

they take away

they take delight

they take up all

they violently take away flocks

they will take heed <2CH33 -:8 >

thine enemies take

thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall <1CO10 -:12 >

this month they shall take

thou mayest take away <1KI2 -:31 >

thou shalt also take one ram

thou shalt also take thereof

thou shalt even take five shekels apiece by

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take

thou shalt not take thee

thou shalt quite take away their murmurings from me 10 >

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take

thou shalt take all

thou shalt take fine flour

thou shalt take gen

thou shalt take him from mine altar

thou shalt take his blood

thou shalt take hold

thou shalt take no gift

thou shalt take one portion

thou shalt take thine inheritance

thou shalt take this rod

thou shalt take thy rest

thou shalt take two onyx stones

thou shalt take up this proverb against

thou shouldest take hold

thou shouldest take it

thou shouldest take knowledge

thou shouldest take my covenant

thou shouldest take them out

thou take

thou wilt take

thy children take heed <1KI8 -:25 >

thy children take heed <2CH6 -:16 >

thy garments thou didst take

trembling shall take hold upon them

undertake for me

until ye take away

violent take it by force

we shall take our revenge

we will take ten men

we will take your daughters

what every man should take

when thou dost overtake them

when ye take

when ye take

wherefore take unto you

which can never take away sins

which shall take it

which would take account

whirlwind shall take them away as stubble

whom he may take uncleanness

whom thyself mayest take knowledge

why do ye not rather take wrong <1CO6 -:7 >

why should he take away thy bed from under thee

why take ye thought for

why take ye thought for raiment

will also take

will also take

will not take <1CH21 -:24 >

will not take <1KI11 -:34 >

will not take

will not take any thing

will not take my mercy away from him <1CH17 -:13 >

will overtake

will take <1KI11 -:35 >

will take <1SA2 -:16 >

will take

will take

will take

will take

will take

will take

will take away <1KI14 -:10 >

will take away <1KI16 -:3 >

will take away

will take away

will take away

will take away

will take away his blood out

will take away mine hand

will take away out

will take away thy posterity <1KI21 -:21 >

will take from them

will take heed

will take him away

will take hold

will take my rest

will take no bullock out

will take pleasure

will take sickness away from

will take thee <1KI11 -:37 >

will take thy wives before thine eyes <2SA12 -:11 >

will take vengeance

will take you

will take you from among

will take you one

will utterly take them away

wilt thou take him for

would take it upon my shoulder

wouldest thou take away my son's mandrakes also

ye shall take it patiently <1PE2 -:20 >

ye shall take no satisfaction for him

ye shall take one prince

ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you

ye shall take you on

ye take from him burdens

ye take heed <2PE1 -:19 >

ye take it patiently <1PE2 -:20 >

ye will take benjamin
