teman And the sons of Eliphaz were {Teman}, Omar,

and Gatam, and Kenaz.

teman These [were] dukes of the sons of Esau: the

of Eliphaz the firstborn [son] of Esau; duke {Teman}, duke Omar,

duke Zepho, duke Kenaz,

teman Duke Kenaz, duke {Teman}, duke Mibzar,

teman <1CH1 -36> The sons of Eliphaz; {Teman}, and Omar, Zephi,

Gatam, Kenaz, and Timna, and Amalek.

teman <1CH1 -53> Duke Kenaz, duke {Teman}, duke Mibzar,

teman Concerning Edom, thus saith the LORD of hosts;

wisdom no more in {Teman}? is counsel perished from the prudent?

their wisdom vanished?

teman Therefore hear the counsel of the LORD, that he

hath taken against Edom; and his purposes, that he hath purposed

against the inhabitants of {Teman}: Surely the least of the flock

shall draw them out: surely he shall make their habitation

s desolate with them.

teman Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also

stretch out mine hand upon Edom, and will cut off man and beast

it; and I will make it desolate from {Teman}; and they of Dedan

shall fall by the sword.

teman But I will send a fire upon {Teman}, which shall

devour the palaces of Bozrah.

teman And thy mighty [men], O {Teman}, shall be

to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by


teman God came from {Teman}, and the Holy One from

Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was

of his praise.
