Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

contents 1124 - graphe {graf-ay'}; a document, i.e. holy Writ (or its {contents} or a statement in it): -- scripture.

contents 4138 - pleroma {play'-ro-mah}; from 4137; repletion or completion, i.e. (subjectively) what fills (as {contents}, supplement, copiousness, multitude), or (objectively) what is filled (as container, performance, period): -- which is put in to fill up, piece that filled up, fulfilling, full, fulness.

contents 4221 - poterion {pot-ay'-ree-on}; neuter of a derivative of the alternate of 4095; a drinking-vessel; by extension, the {contents} thereof, i.e. a cupful (draught); figuratively, a lot or fate: -- cup.

tents 02583 ## chanah {khaw-naw'} ; a primitive root [compare 02603 ] ; properly , to incline ; by implication , to decline (of the slanting rays of evening) ; specifically , to pitch a tent ; gen . to encamp (for abode or siege) : -- abide (in {tents}) , camp , dwell , encamp , grow to an end , lie , pitch (tent) , rest in tent .

tents 04264 ## machaneh {makh-an-eh'} ; from 02583 ; an encampment (of travellers or troops) ; hence , an army , whether literal (of soldiers) or figurative (of dancers , angels , cattle , locusts , stars ; or even the sacred courts) : -- army , band , battle , camp , company , drove , host , {tents} .

tents 04550 ## macca` {mas-sah'} ; from 05265 ; a departure (from striking the {tents}) , i . e . march (not necessarily a single day's travel) ; by implication , a station (or point of departure) : -- journey (- ing) .

tents 05524 ## Cukkowth b@nowth {sook-kohth'ben-ohth'} ; from 05523 and the (irreg .) plural of 01323 ; booths of (the) daughters ; brothels , i . e . idoalatrous {tents} for impure purpose : -- Succoth-benoth .

tents 4635 - skenopoios {skay-nop-oy-os'}; from 4633 and 4160; a manufacturer of {tents}: -- tent-maker.