intents 030 024 Jer /^{intents /of his heart :
in the latter days ye shall consider it.

intents 004 012 Heb /${intents /of the heart .

tents 024 002 Num /^{tents /according to their
tribes ; and the spirit of God came upon him.

tents 005 030 Deu /^{tents /again .

tents 006 003 Jer /^{tents /against her round
about ; they shall feed every one in his place .

tents 009 020 Num /^{tents /and according to
the commandment of the LORD they journeyed .

tents 011 006 Deu /^{tents /and all the
substance that was in their possession , in the midst of all
Israel :

tents 009 023 Num /^{tents /and at the
commandment of the LORD they journeyed : they kept the charge of
the LORD , at the commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

tents 030 018 Jer /^{tents /and have mercy on
his dwellingplaces ; and the city shall be builded upon her own
heap , and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof.

tents 035 010 Jer /^{tents /and have obeyed ,
and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.

tents 106 025 Psa /^{tents /and hearkened not
unto the voice of the LORD .

tents 009 022 Num /^{tents /and journeyed not:
but when it was taken up , they journeyed .

tents 011 011 IISa /^{tents /and my lord Joab ,
and the servants of my lord , are encamped in the open fields ;
shall I then go into mine house , to eat and to drink , and to
lie with my wife ? as thou livest , and as thy soul liveth , I
will not do this thing .

tents 004 020 Gen /^{tents /and of such as
have cattle .

tents 001 027 Deu /^{tents /and said , Because
the LORD hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of
Egypt , to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites , to destroy

tents 004 041 ICh /^{tents /and the
habitations that were found there, and destroyed them utterly
unto this day , and dwelt in their rooms: because there was
pasture there for their flocks .

tents 049 029 Jer /^{tents /and their flocks
shall they take away : they shall take to themselves their
curtains , and all their vessels , and their camels ; and they
shall cry unto them, Fear is on every side .

tents 007 007 IIKi /^{tents /and their horses ,
and their asses , even the camp as it was, and fled for their
life .

tents 016 027 Num /^{tents /and their wives ,
and their sons , and their little children .

tents 006 005 Jug /^{tents /and they came as
grasshoppers for multitude ; for both they and their camels were
without number : and they entered into the land to destroy it.

tents 022 004 Jos /^{tents /and unto the land
of your possession , which Moses the servant of the LORD gave
you on the other side Jordan .

tents 022 008 Jos /^{tents /and with very much
cattle , with silver , and with gold , and with brass , and with
iron , and with very much raiment : divide the spoil of your
enemies with your brethren .

tents 013 005 IIKi /^{tents /as beforetime .

tents 007 010 IIKi /^{tents /as they were.

tents 014 015 Zec /^{tents /as this plague .

tents 031 033 Gen /^{tents /but he found them
not. Then went he out of Leah's tent , and entered into Rachel's
tent .

tents 001 052 Num /^{tents /every man by his
own camp , and every man by his own standard , throughout their
hosts .

tents 007 010 IICh /^{tents /glad and merry in
heart for the goodness that the LORD had shewed unto David , and
to Solomon , and to Israel his people .

tents 001 033 Deu /^{tents /in, in fire by
night , to shew you by what way ye should go , and in a cloud by
day .

tents 008 066 IKi /^{tents /joyful and glad of
heart for all the goodness that the LORD had done for David his
servant , and for Israel his people .

tents 020 001 IISa /^{tents /O Israel .

tents 010 016 IICh /^{tents /O Israel : and now,
David , see to thine own house . So all Israel went to their
tents .

tents 012 016 IKi /^{tents /O Israel : now see
to thine own house , David . So Israel departed unto their tents

tents 024 005 Num /^{tents /O Jacob , and thy
tabernacles , O Israel !

tents 014 015 IICh /^{tents /of cattle , and
carried away sheep and camels in abundance , and returned to
Jerusalem .

tents 003 007 Hab /^{tents /of Cushan in
affliction : and the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble .

tents 012 007 Zec /^{tents /of Judah first ,
that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the
inhabitants of Jerusalem do not magnify themselves against Judah

tents 120 005 Psa /^{tents /of Kedar !

tents 001 005 Son /^{tents /of Kedar , as the
curtains of Solomon .

tents 009 027 Gen /^{tents /of Shem ; and
Canaan shall be his servant .

tents 031 002 IICh /^{tents /of the LORD .

tents 007 016 IIKi /^{tents /of the Syrians .
So a measure of fine flour was sold for a shekel , and two
measures of barley for a shekel , according to the word of the

tents 016 026 Num /^{tents /of these wicked
men , and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all
their sins .

tents 084 010 Psa /^{tents /of wickedness .

tents 008 011 Jug /^{tents /on the east of
Nobah and Jogbehah , and smote the host : for the host was
secure .

tents 013 019 Num /^{tents /or in strong holds

tents 004 020 Jer /^{tents /spoiled , and my
curtains in a moment .

tents 035 007 Jer /^{tents /that ye may live
many days in the land where ye be strangers .

tents 022 007 Jos /^{tents /then he blessed

tents 008 015 Ezr /^{tents /three days : and I
viewed the people , and the priests , and found there none of
the sons of Levi .

tents 005 010 ICh /^{tents /throughout all the
east land of Gilead .

tents 003 014 Jos /^{tents /to pass over
Jordan , and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before
the people ;
