testator Interlinear Index Study

testator HEB 009 016 For where <3699 -hopou -> a testament <1242
-diatheke -> [ is ] , there must also of necessity <0318 -anagke
-> be the death <2288 -thanatos -> of the {testator} <1303 -
diatithemai -> .

testator HEB 009 017 For a testament <1242 -diatheke -> [ is ]
of force <0949 -bebaios -> after men are dead <3498 -nekros -> :
otherwise <1893 -epei -> it is of no <3361 -me -> strength <2480
-ischuo -> at <3379 -mepote -> all <4219 -pote -> while <3753 -
hote -> the {testator} <1303 -diatithemai -> liveth <2198 -zao -
> .
