accepteth not

adulterer waiteth for

also solomon sitteth on <1KI1 -:46 >

as wax melteth before

because he delighteth

because he trusteth

because my lord fighteth <1SA25 -:28 >

bird hasteth

blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake

boasteth great things

bruising him hardly departeth from him

but he casteth away

but me it hateth

but perfect love casteth out fear <1JO4 -:18 >

but setteth

but whoso putteth his trust

by his understanding he smiteth through

camp setteth forward

casteth down

casteth not her calf

casteth silver chains

charity vaunteth not itself <1CO13 -:4 >

city saluteth you

coveteth an evil covetousness

creature waiteth for

cutteth him out windows

departeth from evil

departeth from evil maketh himself

devils casteth he out devils

doubteth is damned if he eat

earth sitteth still

eateth any manner

eateth any manner

eateth blood

eateth bread with me hath lifted up his heel against me -:18 >

eateth despise him

eateth grass

eateth herbs

eateth his own flesh

eateth it shall bear his iniquity

eateth me

eateth my flesh

eateth not <1CO9 -:7 >

eateth not <1CO9 -:7 >

eateth not

eateth not

eateth not

eateth up

eateth with them

eubulus greeteth thee <2TI4 -:21 >

even fainteth for

exalteth himself above all <2TH2 -:4 >

exalteth himself shall be abased

exalteth his gate seeketh destruction

exalteth itself against <2CO10 -:5 >

executeth his word

executeth judgment

executeth my counsel from

fainteth not

fig tree casteth her untimely figs

fig tree putteth forth her green figs

fighteth for you

flesh lusteth against

flesh profiteth nothing

fool cutteth off

for bodily exercise profiteth little <1TI4 -:8 >

for god now accepteth thy works

for it repenteth me

for she sitteth at

for whosoever eateth leavened bread from

for whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased

fountain casteth out her waters

getteth riches

getteth understanding

getteth up out

getteth wisdom loveth his own soul

god accepteth no man's person

god exalteth by his power

god resteth upon you <1PE4 -:14 >

god sitteth upon

god thrusteth him down

hart panteth after

hasteth greatly

hasteth not

hasteth with

hateth covetousness shall prolong

hateth dissembleth with his lips

hateth gifts shall live

hateth him

hateth his brother <1JO2 -:9 >

hateth his brother <1JO4 -:20 >

hateth his brother is <1JO2 -:11 >

hateth his life

hateth lying

hateth me hateth my father also

hateth peace

hateth reproof

hateth reproof shall die

hateth right govern

hateth suretiship is sure

hateth thee lying under his burden

he casteth forth his ice like morsels

he casteth out devils through

he casteth out devils through beelzebub

he counteth me for his enemy

he counteth me unto him as

he coveteth greedily all

he cutteth out rivers among

he delighteth not

he directeth his way

he directeth it under

he eateth grass as an ox

he fitteth it with planes

he forgetteth not

he hateth her

he hateth putting away

he planteth an ash

he putteth down one

he putteth forth his hand upon

he putteth his mouth

he putteth my feet

he putteth no trust

he respecteth not any

he roasteth roast

he setteth an end

he setteth himself

he shutteth his eyes

he shutteth out my prayer

he shutteth up

he sitteth alone

he wanteth nothing for his soul

heareth reproof getteth understanding

his affliction hasteth fast

his branch shooteth forth

his hand he eateth it up

his heart fretteth against

his work trusteth therein

horseman lifteth up both

hungry eateth up

husband committeth adultery

is divorced committeth adultery

israel committeth here

it profiteth me nothing <1CO13 -:3 >

it repenteth me <1SA15 -:11 >

land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants

last it biteth like

let not him which eateth not judge him

lifteth himself up

lifteth up <1SA2 -:7 >

lifteth up <1SA2 -:8 >

lighteth upon his neighbour

lord accepteth them not

lord directeth his steps

lord executeth righteousness

lord fighteth for them against

lord he eateth not

lord imputeth not iniquity

lord lifteth up

lord sitteth king for ever

lord sitteth upon

man perverteth his way

man who eateth with offence

man's life consisteth not

melteth them

mine eye affecteth mine heart because

money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after

mouth tasteth meat

my master wotteth not what

my soul fainteth for thy salvation

my soul melteth for heaviness

my soul thirsteth for god

my soul thirsteth for thee

neither tempteth he any man

neriah setteth thee on against us

never eateth with pleasure

no man putteth new wine into old bottles

no man putteth new wine into old bottles

nor waiteth for

our god which sitteth upon

our soul waiteth for

parteth between

planteth any thing <1CO3 -:7 >

poor committeth himself unto thee

praise waiteth for thee

prey departeth not

prudent getteth knowledge

putteth forth her hand

putteth forth leaves

putteth forth leaves

putteth his trust

putteth his trust

putteth it off <1KI20 -:11 >

putteth not into their mouths

putteth not out his money

rejecteth me

repenteth him

roasteth not

saluteth you <1PE5 -:13 >

saluteth you

saluteth you

setteth him on

setteth his heart upon it

setteth light by his father or his mother

setteth me upon my high places <2SA22 -:34 >

setteth me upon my high places

setteth on fire

setteth snares

setteth up another

setteth up his idols

setteth up his idols

setteth up kings

setteth up over it

she committeth adultery

she eateth

she sitteth upon shall be unclean

shepherd putteth on his garment

shooteth out great branches

shouteth by reason

shutteth his eyes from seeing evil

shutteth his lips

shutteth up his bowels <1JO3 -:17 >

sitteth at

sitteth at meat

sitteth at meat

sitteth by <1CO14 -:30 >

sitteth not down first

sitteth not down first

sitteth on

sitteth on

sitteth on

sitteth thereon

sitteth upon

sitteth upon

sitteth upon

sitteth upon his throne

sitteth upon many waters

smiteth him

smiteth him

smiteth his father

smiteth his neighbour secretly

smiteth kirjathsepher

smiteth kirjathsepher

smiteth thee on

smiteth them

so panteth my soul after thee

so she casteth out her wickedness

spareth his rod hateth his son

spirit exalteth folly

stranger eateth it

then he boasteth

thief hateth his own soul

thine heart lifteth thee up <2CH25 -:19 >

truly my soul waiteth upon god

unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works

waiteth for him

waiteth on his master shall be honoured

wanteth not liquor

wanteth understanding

wanteth understanding

wanteth understanding

wasteth at noonday

wasteth away

what profiteth

what time she lifteth up herself on high

when aaron lighteth

when esau my brother meeteth thee

when he lifteth up an ensign on

when he meeteth him

when he meeteth him

when he putteth forth his own sheep

when he quieteth

when he sitteth among

when he sitteth upon

when he visiteth

when he writeth up

when it shooteth forth

when one letteth out water

where christ sitteth on

whereon he resteth

whereon he sitteth

which by his strength setteth fast

which executeth judgment for

which he hateth

which he separateth

which he wanteth

which hunteth

which lifteth up

which lighteth every man

which separateth himself from me

whisperer separateth chief friends

who casteth firebrands

who comforteth us <2CO1 -:4 >

who hateth me

who planteth <1CO9 -:7 >

whore sitteth

whose heart departeth from

whoso boasteth himself

whoso committeth adultery with

whoso eateth my flesh

whoso trusteth

whosoever committeth sin is

whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also <1JO3 -:4 >

whosoever eateth it shal lev

whosoever getteth up <2SA5 -:8 >

whosoever hateth his brother is <1JO3 -:15 >

whosoever putteth away his wife

whosoever smiteth <1CH11 -:6 >

whosoever therefore resisteth

why eateth your master with publicans

wicked boasteth

wicked plotteth against

wife treacherously departeth from her husband

wind bloweth where it listeth

wisdom resteth

with part thereof he eateth flesh

woman sitteth

words there wanteth not sin

workman melteth

world hateth you

yet setteth he

you which eateth with me shall betray me
