cathath 2867 -- Chathath -- {cathath}.

Mathat 3158 ** Matthat ** {Mathat}.

Michmethath 4366 -- Mikm@thath -- {Michmethath}.

that 0116 -- /edayin -- now, {that} time, then.

that 0305 -- /achalay -- O {that}, would God.

that 0310 -- /achar -- after ({that}, -ward), again, at, away
from, back (from,-side), behind, beside, by, follow (after, -
ing), forasmuch, from,hereafter, hinder end, + out (over) live,
+ persecute, posterity, pursuing,remnant, seeing, since, thence[-
forth], when, with.

that 0376 -- /iysh -- also, another, any (man), a certain, +
champion, consent,each, every (one), fellow, [foot-, husband-
]man, [good-, great, mighty)man, he, high (degree), him ({that}
is), husband, man[-kind], + none, one,people, person, + steward,
what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy.

that 0518 -- /im -- (and, can-, doubtless, if, that) (not), +
but, either, +except, + more(-over if, than), neither,
nevertheless, nor, oh {that}, or,+ save (only, -ing), seeing,
since, sith, + surely (no more, none, not),though, + of a truth,
+ unless, + verily, when, whereas, whether, while, +yet.

that 0518 -- /im -- (and, can-, doubtless, if, {that}) (not), +
but, either, +except, + more(-over if, than), neither,
nevertheless, nor, oh that, or, +save (only, -ing), seeing,
since, sith, + surely (no more, none, not),though, + of a truth,
+ unless, + verily, when, whereas, whether, while, +yet.

that 0559 -- /amar -- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self,
call, certify,challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment),
commune, consider,declare, demand, X desire, determine, X
expressly, X indeed, X intend,name, X plainly, promise, publish,
report, require, say, speak (against,of), X still, X suppose,
talk, tell, term, X {that} is, X think, use[speech], utter, X
verily, X yet.

that 0834 -- /aher -- X after, X alike, as (soon as), because, X
every, for, +forasmuch, + from whence, + how(-soever), X if,
(so) {that} ([thing] which,wherein), X though, + until, +
whatsoever, when, where (+ -as, -in, -of,-on, -soever, -with),
which, whilst, + whither(-soever), who(-m, -soever,-se).

that 0865 -- /ethmowl -- + before ({that}) time, + heretofore,
of late (old), + timespast, yester[day].

that 1023 -- Beyth ham-Merchaq -- place {that} was far off.

that 1077 -- bal -- lest, neither, no, none ({that}...), not
(any), nothing.

that 1097 -- b@liy -- corruption, ig[norantly], for lack of,
where no ... is, so{that} no, none, not, un[awares], without.

that 1105 -- bela\ -- devouring, {that} which he hath swallowed

that 1115 -- biltiy -- because un[satiable], beside, but, +
continual, except, from,lest, neither, no more, none, not,
nothing, save, {that} no, without.

that 1167 -- ba\al -- + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain,
chief man, +confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom
it is due, + furious,those that are given to it, great, + hairy,
he {that} hath it, have, +horseman, husband, lord, man, +
married, master, person, + sworn, the of.

that 1167 -- ba\al -- + archer, + babbler, + bird, captain,
chief man, +confederate, + have to do, + dreamer, those to whom
it is due, + furious,those {that} are given to it, great, +
hairy, he that hath it, have, +horseman, husband, lord, man, +
married, master, person, + sworn, the of.

that 1172 -- ba\alah -- {that} hath, mistress.

that 1408 -- Gad -- {that} troop.

that 1500 -- g@zelah -- {that} (he had robbed) [which he took
violently away], spoil,violence.

that 1546 -- galuwth -- (they {that} are carried away) captives(-

that 1576 -- g@muwl -- + as hast served, benefit, desert,
deserving, {that} which hehath given, recompense, reward.

that 1697 -- dabar -- act, advice, affair, answer, X any such
(thing), because of,book, business, care, case, cause, certain
rate, + chronicles, commandment,X commune(-ication), + concern[-
ing], + confer, counsel, + dearth, decree,deed, X disease, due,
duty, effect, + eloquent, errand, [evilfavoured-]ness, + glory,
+ harm, hurt, + iniquity, + judgment, language, +lying, manner,
matter, message, [no] thing, oracle, X ought, X parts,
+pertaining, + please, portion, + power, promise, provision,
purpose,question, rate, reason, report, request, X (as hast)
said, sake, saying,sentence, + sign, + so, some [uncleanness],
somewhat to say, + song,speech, X spoken, talk, task, + {that},
X there done, thing (concerning),thought, + thus, tidings, what[-
soever], + wherewith, which, word, work.

that 1739 -- daveh -- faint, menstruous cloth, she {that} is
sick, having sickness.

that 1768 -- diy -- X as, but, for(-asmuch +), + now, of, seeing,
than, {that},therefore, until, + what (-soever), when, which,
whom, whose.

that 1797 -- dikken -- same, {that}, this.

that 1931 -- huw/ -- he, as for her, him(-self), it, the same,
she (herself), such,{that} (, these, they, this, those,
which (is), who.

that 1975 -- hallaz -- side, {that}, this.

that 2006 -- hen -- ({that}) if, or, whether.

that 2008 -- hennah -- here, hither[-to], now, on this (that)
side, + since, this({that}) way, thitherward, + thus far, to...
fro, + yet.

that 2008 -- hennah -- here, hither[-to], now, on this ({that})
side, + since, this(that) way, thitherward, + thus far, to...fro,
+ yet.

that 2063 -- zo/th -- hereby (-in, -- with), it, likewise, the
one (other, same),she, so (much), such (deed), {that}, therefore,
these, this (thing), thus.

that 2088 -- zeh -- he, X hence, X here, it(-self), X now, X of
him, the one...theother, X than the other, (X out of) the (self)
same, such (a one) that,these, this (hath, man), on this side...
on {that} side, X thus, very,which.

that 2088 -- zeh -- he, X hence, X here, it(-self), X now, X of
him, the one...theother, X than the other, (X out of) the (self)
same, such (a one) {that},these, this (hath, man), on this side..
.on that side, X thus, very, which.

that 2090 -- zoh -- as well as another, it, this, {that}, thus
and thus.

that 2097 -- zow -- {that}, this.

that 2098 -- zuw -- {that}, this, X wherein, which, whom.

that 2116 -- zuwreh -- {that} which is crushed.

that 2221 -- zeruwa\ -- sowing, thing {that} is sown.

that 2310 -- chadel -- he {that} forbeareth, frail, rejected.

that 2374 -- chozeh -- agreement, prophet, see {that}, seer,

that 2417 -- chay -- life, {that} liveth, living.

that 2966 -- t@rephah -- ravin, ({that} which was) torn (of
beasts, in pieces).

that 2976 -- ya/ash -- (cause to) despair, one {that} is
desperate, be no hope.

that 3022 -- yaga\ -- {that} which he laboured for.

that 3117 -- yowm -- age, + always, + chronicals, continually(-
ance), daily,([birth-], each, to) day, (now a, two) days (agone),
+ elder, X end, + evening, + (for) ever(-lasting, -- more), X
full, life, as (so) long as(live), (even) now, + old, + outlived,
+ perpetually, presently, +remaineth, X required, season, X
since, space, then, (process of) time, +as at other times, + in
trouble, weather, (as) when, (a, the, within a)while ({that}), X
whole (+ age), (full) year(-ly), + younger.

that 3154 -- yeza\ -- any thing {that} causeth sweat.

that 3205 -- yalad -- bear, beget, birth([-day]), born, (make
to) bring forth(children, young), bring up, calve, child, come,
be delivered (of a child),time of delivery, gender, hatch,
labour, (do the office of a) midwife, declare pedigrees, be the
son of, (woman in, woman {that}) travail(-eth, --ing woman).

that 3249 -- yacuwr -- they {that} depart

that 3282 -- ya\an -- because (that), forasmuch (+ as), seeing
then, + {that}, +wheras, + why.

that 3282 -- ya\an -- because ({that}), forasmuch (+ as), seeing
then, + that, +wheras, + why.

that 3329 -- yatsiy/ -- those {that} came forth.

that 3401 -- yariyb -- that content(-eth), {that} strive.

that 3401 -- yariyb -- {that} content(-eth), that strive.

that 3426 -- yesh -- (there) are, (he, it, shall, there, there
may, there shall,there should) be, thou do, had, hast, (which)
hath, (I, shalt, {that})have, (he, it, there) is, substance, it
(there) was, (there) were, ye will,thou wilt, wouldest.

that 3429 -- Yosheb bash-Shebeth -- {that} sat in the seat.

that 3499 -- yether -- + abundant, cord, exceeding, excellancy(-
ent), what theyleave, {that} hath left, plentifully, remnant,
residue, rest, string, with.

that 3528 -- k@bar -- already, (seeing {that} which), now.

that 3541 -- koh -- also, here, + hitherto, like, on the other
side, so (andmuch), such, on that manner, (on) this (manner,
side, way, way and {that}way), + mean while, yonder.

that 3541 -- koh -- also, here, + hitherto, like, on the other
side, so (andmuch), such, on {that} manner, (on) this (manner,
side, way, way and thatway), + mean while, yonder.

that 3588 -- kiy -- and, + (forasmuch, inasmuch, where-)as,
assured[-ly], + but,certainly, doubtless, + else, even, + except,
for, how, (because, in, so,than) {that}, + nevertheless, now,
rightly, seeing, since, surely, then,therefore, + (al- )though,
+ till, truly, + until, when, whether, while,whom, yea, yet.

that 3602 -- kakah -- after {that} (this) manner, this matter,
(even) so, in such acase, thus.

that 3627 -- k@liy -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag,
carriage, + furnish,furniture, instrument, jewel, that is made
of, X one from another, {that}which pertaineth, pot, + psaltery,
sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware,weapon, + whatsoever

that 3627 -- k@liy -- armour ([-bearer]), artillery, bag,
carriage, + furnish,furniture, instrument, jewel, {that} is made
of, X one from another, thatwhich pertaineth, pot, + psaltery,
sack, stuff, thing, tool, vessel, ware,weapon, + whatsoever

that 3651 -- ken -- + after {that} (this, -- ward, -- wards), as
. . as, +[for-]asmuch as yet, + be (for which) cause, +
following, howbeit, in (the) like (manner, -- wise), X the more,
right, (even) so, state, straightway,such (thing), surely, +
there (where)-fore, this, thus, true, well, X you.

that 3863 -- luw/ -- if (haply), peradventure, I pray thee,
though, I would, wouldGod ({that}).

that 3884 -- luwle/ -- except, had not, if (...not), unless,
were it not {that}.

that 3885 -- luwn -- abide (all night), continue, dwell, endure,
grudge, be left, lie all night, (cause to) lodge (all night, in,
-- ing, this night), (maketo) murmur, remain, tarry (all night,
{that} night).

that 4008 -- mibta\ -- ({that} which ...) uttered (out of).

that 4101 -- mah -- how great (mighty), {that} which, what(-
soever), why.

that 4161 -- mowtsa/ -- brought out, bud, that which came out,
east, going forth,goings out, that which (thing {that}) is gone
out, outgoing, proceeded out,spring, vein, [water-]course

that 4161 -- mowtsa/ -- brought out, bud, that which came out,
east, going forth,goings out, {that} which (thing that) is gone
out, outgoing, proceeded out,spring, vein, [water-]course

that 4161 -- mowtsa/ -- brought out, bud, {that} which came out,
east, going forth,goings out, that which (thing that) is gone
out, outgoing, proceeded out,spring, vein, [water-]course

that 4172 -- mowra/ -- dread, ({that} ought to be) fear(-ed),
terribleness, terror.

that 4186 -- mowshab -- assembly, dwell in, dwelling(-place),
wherein ({that}) dwelt(in), inhabited place, seat, sitting,
situation, sojourning.

that 4310 -- miy -- any (man), X he, X him, + O {that}! what,
which, who(-m, -se,-soever), + would to God.

that 4339 -- meyshar -- agreement, aright, that are equal,
equity, (things {that} are)right(-eously, things), sweetly,
upright(-ly, -ness).

that 4339 -- meyshar -- agreement, aright, {that} are equal,
equity, (things that are)right(-eously, things), sweetly,
upright(-ly, -ness).

that 4348 -- mikvah -- {that} burneth, burning.

that 4374 -- m@kacceh -- clothing, to cover, {that} which

that 4392 -- male/ -- X she {that} was with child, fill(-ed, -ed
with), full(-ly),multitude, as is worth.

that 4393 -- m@lo/ -- X all along, X all that is (there-)in,
fill, (X {that}whereof...was) full, fulness, [hand-]full,

that 4393 -- m@lo/ -- X all along, X all {that} is (there-)in,
fill, (X thatwhereof...was) full, fulness, [hand-]full,

that 4465 -- mimkar -- X ought, (that which cometh of) sale,
{that} which...sold,ware.

that 4465 -- mimkar -- X ought, ({that} which cometh of) sale,
that which...sold,ware.

that 4474 -- mimshal -- dominion, {that} ruled.

that 4524 -- mecab -- {that} compass about, (place) round about,
at table.

that 4608 -- ma\aleh -- ascent, before, chiefest, cliff, {that}
goeth up, going up,hill, mounting up, stairs.

that 4609 -- ma\alah -- things {that} come up, (high) degree,
deal, go up, stair,step, story.

that 4616 -- ma\an -- because of, to the end (intent) that, for
(to, 's sake), +lest, {that}, to.

that 4616 -- ma\an -- because of, to the end (intent) {that},
for (to, 's sake), +lest, that, to.

that 4666 -- miphras -- {that} which...spreadest forth,

that 4695 -- matstsuwth -- {that} contended.

that 4736 -- miqnah -- (he {that} is) bought, possession, piece,

that 4833 -- mirpas -- {that} which...have fouled.

that 5003 -- na/aph -- adulterer(-ess), commit(-ing) adultery,
woman {that} breakethwedlock.

that 5030 -- nabiy/ -- prophecy, {that} prophesy, prophet.

that 5038 -- n@belah -- (dead) body, (dead) carcase, dead of
itself, which died,(beast) {that} (which) dieth of itself.

that 5187 -- n@tiyl -- {that} bear.

that 5211 -- niyc -- {that} fleeth.

that 5259 -- nacak -- {that} is spread.

that 5397 -- n@shamah -- blast, ({that}) breath(-eth),
inspiration, soul, spirit.

that 5401 -- nashaq -- armed (men), rule, kiss, {that} touched.

that 5414 -- nathan -- add, apply, appoint, ascribe, assign, X
avenge, X be([healed]), bestow, bring (forth, hither), cast,
cause, charge, come,commit, consider, count, + cry, deliver (up),
direct, distribute, do, Xdoubtless, X without fail, fasten,
frame, X get, give (forth, over, up),grant, hang (up), X have, X
indeed, lay (unto charge, up), (give) leave,lend, let (out), +
lie, lift up, make, + O {that}, occupy, offer, ordain,pay,
perform, place, pour, print, X pull , put (forth), recompense,
render,requite, restore, send (out), set (forth), shew, shoot
forth (up), + sing,+ slander, strike, [sub-]mit, suffer, X
surely, X take, thrust, trade,turn, utter, + weep, + willingly,
+ withdraw, + would (to) God, yield.

that 5668 -- \abuwr -- because of, for (...'s sake), (intent)
{that}, to.

that 5704 -- \ad -- against, and, as, at, before, by (that),
even (to),for(-asmuch as), [hither-]to, + how long, into, as
long (much) as, (so){that}, till, toward, until, when, while, (+
as) yet.

that 5704 -- \ad -- against, and, as, at, before, by ({that}),
even (to),for(-asmuch as), [hither-]to, + how long, into, as
long (much) as, (so)that, till, toward, until, when, while, (+
as) yet.

that 5775 -- \owph -- bird, {that} flieth, flying, fowl.

that 5921 -- \al -- above, according to(-ly), after, (as)
against, among, and, Xas, at, because of, beside (the rest of),
between, beyond the time, X bothand, by (reason of), X had the
charge of, concerning for, in ({that}),(forth, out) of, (from)
(off), (up-)on, over, than, through(-out), to,touching, X with.

that 5938 -- \alez -- {that} rejoiceth.

that 5947 -- \alliyz -- joyous, ({that}) rejoice(-ing)

that 5978 -- \immad -- against, by, from, + me, + mine, of, +
{that} I take, unto,upon, with(-in.)

that 6001 -- \amel -- that laboureth, {that} is a misery, had
taken [labour],wicked, workman.

that 6001 -- \amel -- {that} laboureth, that is a misery, had
taken [labour],wicked, workman.

that 6140 -- \aqash -- make crooked, (prove, {that} is)

that 6187 -- \erek -- equal, estimation, (things {that} are set
in) order, price,proportion, X set at, suit, taxation, X valuest.

that 6202 -- \araph -- {that} is beheaded, break down, break
(cut off, strike off)neck.

that 6264 -- \athiyd -- things {that} shall come, ready,

that 6299 -- padah -- X at all, deliver, X by any means, ransom,
({that} are to be,let be) redeem(-ed), rescue, X surely.

that 6302 -- paduwy -- (that are) to be ({that} were) redeemed.

that 6302 -- paduwy -- ({that} are) to be (that were) redeemed.

that 6306 -- pidyowm -- ransom, {that} were redeemed, redemption.

that 6311 -- poh -- here, hither, the one (other, this, {that})

that 6412 -- paliyt -- ({that} have) escape(-d, -th), fugitive.

that 6413 -- p@leytah -- deliverance, ({that} is) escape(-d),

that 6486 -- p@quddah -- account, (that have the) charge,
custody, {that} which...laidup, numbers, office(-r), ordering,
oversight, + prison, reckoning,visitation.

that 6486 -- p@quddah -- account, ({that} have the) charge,
custody, that which...laidup, numbers, office(-r), ordering,
oversight, + prison, reckoning,visitation.

that 6487 -- piqqadown -- {that} which was delivered (to keep),

that 6496 -- paqiyd -- which had the charge, governor, office,
overseer, [{that}] wasset.

that 6627 -- tsa/ah -- {that} (which) cometh from (out).

that 6631 -- tse/etsa/ -- {that} which cometh forth (out),

that 6664 -- tsedeq -- X even, (X {that} which is altogether)
just(-ice),([un-])right(-eous) (cause, -ly, -ness).

that 6718 -- tsayid -- X catcheth, food, X hunter, ({that} which
he took in) hunting,venison, victuals.

that 6728 -- tsiyiy -- wild beast of the desert, {that} dwell in
(inhabiting) thewilderness.

that 6771 -- tsame/ -- ({that}) thirst(-eth, -y).

that 6780 -- tsemach -- branch, bud, {that} which (where) grew
(upon), spring(-ing).

that 6903 -- q@bel -- + according to, + as, + because, before, +
for this cause, +forasmuch as, + by this means, over against, by
reason of, + {that}, +therefore, + though, + wherefore.

that 6931 -- qadmowniy -- ancient, they {that} went before, east,
(thing of) old.

that 7121 qara/ -- -- bewray [self], {that} are bidden, call
(for, forth, self,upon), cry (unto), (be) famous, guest, invite,
mention, (give) name,preach, (make) proclaim(-ation), pronounce,
publish, read, renowned, say.

that 7133 qorban -- -- oblation, {that} is offered, offering.

that 7137 qareh -- -- uncleanness {that} chanceth.

that 7138 qarowb -- -- allied, approach, at hand, + any of kin,
kinsfold(-sman),(that is) near (of kin), neighbour, (that is)
next, (them {that} come) nigh(at hand), more ready, short(-ly).

that 7138 qarowb -- -- allied, approach, at hand, + any of kin,
kinsfold(-sman),(that is) near (of kin), neighbour, ({that} is)
next, (them that come) nigh(at hand), more ready, short(-ly).

that 7138 qarowb -- -- allied, approach, at hand, + any of kin,
kinsfold(-sman),({that} is) near (of kin), neighbour, (that is)
next, (them that come) nigh(at hand), more ready, short(-ly).

that 7182 qesheb -- -- X diligently, hearing, much heed, {that}

that 7210 ro/iy -- -- gazingstock, look to, ({that}) see(-th).

that 7223 ri/shown -- -- ancestor, ({that} were) before(-time),
beginning, eldest,first, fore[-father] (-most), former (thing),
of old time, past.

that 7246 rabak -- -- baken, ({that} which is) fried.

that 7282 ragea\ -- -- {that} are quiet.

that 7290 radam -- -- (be fast a-, be in a deep, cast into a
dead, {that})sleep(-er, -eth).

that 7369 racheq -- -- {that} are far.

that 7431 remes -- -- {that} creepeth, creeping (moving) thing.

that 7535 raq -- -- but, even, except, howbeit howsoever, at the
least,nevertheless, nothing but, notwithstanding, only, save, so
[{that}],surely, yet (so), in any wise.

that 7563 rasha\ -- -- + condemned, guilty, ungodly, wicked
(man), {that} did wrong.

that 7590 sha/t -- -- {that} (which) despise(-d).

that 7600 sha/anan -- -- {that} is at ease, quiet, tumult.

that 7611 sh@/eriyth -- -- {that} had escaped, be left,
posterity, remain(-der), remnant,residue, rest.

that 7628 sh@biy -- -- captive(-ity), prisoners, X take away,
{that} was taken.

that 7683 shagag -- -- X also for {that}, deceived, err, go
astray, sin ignorantly.

that 7698 sheger -- -- {that} cometh of, increase.

that 7823 shachiyc -- -- ({that}) which springeth of the same.

that 7846 set -- -- revolter, {that} turn aside.

that 7917 s@kiyrah -- -- {that} is hired.

that 7989 shalliyt -- -- governor, mighty, {that} hath power,

that 7999 shalam -- -- make amends, (make an) end, finish, full,
give again, makegood, (re-)pay (again), (make) (to) (be at)
peace(-able), {that} isperfect, perform, (make) prosper(-ous),
recompense, render, requite, makerestitution, restore, reward, X

that 8032 -- shilshowm -- + before ({that} time, -time),
excellent things, + heretofore,three days, + time past.

that 8104 -- shamar -- beward, be circumspect, take heed (to
self), keep(-er, self),mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve,
regard, reserve, save (self), sure,({that} lay) wait (for),

that 8199 -- shaphat -- + avenge, X {that} condemn, contend,
defend, execute(judgment), (be a) judge(-ment), X needs, plead,
reason, rule.

that 8269 -- sar -- captain ({that} had rule), chief (captain),
general, governor,keeper, lord, ([-task-])master, prince(-ipal),
ruler, steward.

that 8437 -- towlal -- {that} wasted.

that 8454 -- tuwshiyah -- enterprise, {that} which (thing as it)
is, substance, (sound)wisdom, working.

that 8463 -- tachaluw/ -- disease, X grievous, ({that} are)

that 8587 -- ta\alummah -- thing {that} is hid, secret.

that 8609 -- taphar -- (women {that}) sew (together).

that 8615 -- tiqvah -- expectation ([-ted]), hope, live, thing
{that} I long for.

that 0017 ** agathopoios ** them {that} do well.

that 0176 ** akatagnostos ** {that} cannot be condemned.

that 0180 ** akatapaustos ** {that} cannot cease.

that 0262 ** amarantinos ** {that} fadeth not away.

that 0263 ** amarantos ** {that} fadeth not away.

that 0361 ** anamartetos ** {that} is without sin.

that 0386 ** anastasis ** raised to life again, resurrection,
rise from the dead, {that}should rise, rising again.

that 0413 ** anekleiptos ** {that} faileth not.

that 0422 ** anepaischuntos ** {that} needeth not to be ashamed.

that 0475 ** antidiatithemai ** {that} oppose themselves.

that 0506 ** anupotaktos ** disobedient, {that} is not put under,

that 0571 ** apistos ** {that} believeth not, faithless,
incredible thing, infidel,unbeliever(-ing).

that 0652 ** apostolos ** apostle, messenger, he {that} is sent.

that 0701 ** arestos ** (things {that}) please(-ing), reason.

that 0733 ** arsenokoites ** abuser of ({that} defile) self with

that 0764 ** asebeo ** commit (live, {that} after should live)

that 0808 ** aschemosune ** shame, {that} which is unseemly.

that 0846 ** autos ** her, it(-self), one, the other, (mine) own,
said, ([self-],the) same, ([him-, my-, thy-])self, [your-
]selves, she, {that}, their(-s),them([-selves]), there[-at, -by,
-in, -into, -of, -on, -with], they,(these) things, this (man),
those, together, very, which.

that 0852 ** aphanes ** {that} is not manifest.

that 0865 ** aphilagathos ** despiser of those {that} are good.

that 0893 ** apseudes ** {that} cannot lie.

that 0982 ** biotikos ** of (pertaining to, things {that}
pertain to) this life.

that 1063 ** gar ** and, as, because ({that}), but, even, for,
indeed, no doubt,seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet.

that 1084 ** gennetos ** they {that} are born.

that 1223 ** dia ** after, always, among, at, to avoid, because
of (that),briefly, by, for (cause)...fore, from, in, by occasion
of, of, by reasonof, for sake, {that}, thereby, therefore, X
though, through(-out), to,wherefore, with(-in).

that 1223 ** dia ** after, always, among, at, to avoid, because
of ({that}),briefly, by, for (cause)...fore, from, in, by
occasion of, of, by reasonof, for sake, that, thereby, therefore,
X though, through(-out), to,wherefore, with(-in).

that 1291 ** diastellomai ** charge, {that} which was (give)

that 1360 ** dioti ** because ({that}), for, therefore.

that 1415 ** dunatos ** able, could, ({that} is) mighty (man),
possible, power,strong.

that 1438 ** heautou ** alone, her (own, -self), (he) himself,
his (own), itself, one(to) another, our (thine) own(-selves), +
{that} she had, their (own, ownselves), (of) them(-selves), they,
thyself, you, your (own, own conceits,own selves, -selves).

that 1487 ** ei ** forasmuch as, if, {that}, ([al-])though,

that 1489 ** eige ** if (so be {that}, yet).

that 1494 ** eidolothuton ** (meat, thing {that} is) offered (in
sacrifice, sacrificed) to(unto) idols.

that 1499 ** ei kai ** if ({that}), though.

that 1508 ** ei me ** but, except (that), if not, more than,
save (only) {that},saving, till.

that 1508 ** ei me ** but, except ({that}), if not, more than,
save (only) that,saving, till.

that 1512 ** ei per ** if so be ({that}), seeing, though.

that 1519 ** eis ** [abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-
]ward, before,by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding,
for [intent, purpose],fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so
much that, -to), to the intentthat, + of one mind, + never, of,
(up-)on, + perish, + set at one again,(so) {that}, therefore(-
unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward),(here-)until(-
to), ...ward, [where-]fore, with.

that 1519 ** eis ** [abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-
]ward, before,by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding,
for [intent, purpose],fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so
much that, -to), to the intent{that}, + of one mind, + never, of,
(up-)on, + perish, + set at one again,(so) that, therefore(-
unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward),(here-)until(-
to), ...ward, [where-]fore, with.

that 1519 ** eis ** [abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-
]ward, before,by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding,
for [intent, purpose],fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so
much {that}, -to), to the intentthat, + of one mind, + never, of,
(up-)on, + perish, + set at one again,(so) that, therefore(-
unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward),(here-)until(-
to), ...ward, [where-]fore, with.

that 1534 ** eita ** after {that}(-ward), furthermore, then.

that 1536 ** ei tis ** he {that}, if a(-ny) man('s thing, from
any, ought), whetherany, whosoever.

that 1564 ** ekeithen ** from {that} place, (from) thence, there.

that 1565 ** ekeinos ** he, it, the other (same), selfsame,
{that} (same, very), Xtheir, X them, they, this, those.

that 1722 ** en ** about, after, against, + almost, X altogether,
among, X as,at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (.
..sake of), + give selfwholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X
mightily, (because) of, (up-)on,[open-]ly, X outwardly, one, X
quickly, X shortly, [speedi-]ly, X {that}, Xthere(-in, -on),
through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with),while,

that 1752 ** heneka ** because, for (cause, sake), (where-)fore,
by reason of,{that}.

that 1786 ** entopios ** of {that} place.

that 1893 ** epei ** because, else, for that (then, -asmuch as),
otherwise, seeing{that}, since, when.

that 1893 ** epei ** because, else, for {that} (then, -asmuch
as), otherwise,seeing that, since, when.

that 1894 ** epeide ** after that, because, for ({that}, -asmuch
as), seeing, since.

that 1894 ** epeide ** after {that}, because, for (that, -asmuch
as), seeing, since.

that 1899 ** epeita ** after {that}(-ward), then.

that 1999 ** episustasis ** {that} which cometh upon, + raising

that 2076 ** esti ** are, be(-long), call, X can[-not], come,
consisteth, X durefor a while, + follow, X have, ({that}) is (to
say), make, meaneth, X mustneeds, + profit, + remaineth, +

that 2089 ** eti ** after {that}, also, ever, (any) further, (t-
)henceforth(more), hereafter, (any) longer, (any) more(-one),
now, still, yet.

that 2228 ** e ** and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be,
(n-)or (else),rather, save, than, {that}, what, yea.

that 2377 ** thuroros ** {that} kept the door, porter.

that 2443 ** hina ** albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest,
so as, (so){that}, (for) to.

that 2443 ** hina ** albeit, because, to the intent ({that}),
lest, so as, (so)that, (for) to.

that 2526 ** katholikos and 2526 katho ** according to {that},
(inasmuch) as.

that 2530 ** kathoti ** (according, forasmuch) as, because

that 2532 ** kai ** and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so,
{that}, then,therefore, when, yet.

that 3195 ** mello ** about, after that, be (almost), (that
which is, things, +which was for) to come, intend, was to (be),
mean, mind, be at the point,(be) ready, + return, shall (begin),
(which, {that}) should (after,afterwards, hereafter) tarry,
which was for, will, would, be yet.

that 3195 ** mello ** about, after that, be (almost), ({that}
which is, things, +which was for) to come, intend, was to (be),
mean, mind, be at the point,(be) ready, + return, shall (begin),
(which, that) should (after,afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which
was for, will, would, be yet.

that 3195 ** mello ** about, after {that}, be (almost), (that
which is, things, +which was for) to come, intend, was to (be),
mean, mind, be at the point,(be) ready, + return, shall (begin),
(which, that) should (after,afterwards, hereafter) tarry, which
was for, will, would, be yet.

that 3326 ** meta ** after(-ward), X {that} he again, against,
among, X and, +follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our,
X and setting, since,(un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out).

that 3361 ** me ** any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, +
lack, lest,neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, [can-]not,
nothing, {that} not,un[-taken], without.

that 3361 ** me ** any but ({that}), X forbear, + God forbid, +
lack, lest,neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, [can-]not,
nothing, that not,un[-taken], without.

that 3363 ** hina me ** albeit not, lest, {that}, no(-t, [-

that 3588 ** ho ** the, this, {that}, one, he, she, it, etc..

that 3603 ** ho esti ** called, which is (make), {that} is (to

that 3704 ** hopos ** because, how, (so) {that}, to, when.

that 3739 ** hos ** one, (an-, the) other, some, {that}, what,
which, who(-m,-se), etc.

that 3745 ** hosos ** all (that), as (long, many, much) (as),
how great (many,much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, {that} (ever),
the more, those things,what (great, -soever), wheresoever,
wherewithsoever, which, X while,who(-soever).

that 3745 ** hosos ** all ({that}), as (long, many, much) (as),
how great (many,much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever),
the more, those things,what (great, -soever), wheresoever,
wherewithsoever, which, X while,who(-soever).

that 3748 ** hostis ** X and (they), (such) as, (they) that, in
{that} they,what(-soever), whereas ye, (they) which, who(-

that 3748 ** hostis ** X and (they), (such) as, (they) {that},
in that they,what(-soever), whereas ye, (they) which, who(-

that 3752 ** hotan ** as long (soon) as, {that}, + till, when(-
soever), while.

that 3753 ** hote ** after (that), as soon as, {that}, when,

that 3753 ** hote ** after ({that}), as soon as, that, when,

that 3754 ** hoti ** as concerning that, as though, because
(that), for (that), how(that), (in) {that}, though, why.

that 3754 ** hoti ** as concerning that, as though, because
(that), for (that), how({that}), (in) that, though, why.

that 3754 ** hoti ** as concerning that, as though, because
(that), for ({that}),how (that), (in) that, though, why.

that 3754 ** hoti ** as concerning that, as though, because
({that}), for (that),how (that), (in) that, though, why.

that 3754 ** hoti ** as concerning {that}, as though, because
(that), for (that),how (that), (in) that, though, why.

that 3765 ** ouketi ** after {that} (not), (not) any more,
henceforth (hereafter)not, no longer (more), not as yet (now),
now no more (not), yet (not).

that 3778 ** houtos ** he (it was {that}), hereof, it, she, such
as, the same, these,they, this (man, same, woman), which, who.

that 3779 ** houto ** after that, after (in) this manner, as,
even (so), for all{that}, like(-wise), no more, on this fashion(-
wise), so (in like manner),thus, what.

that 3779 ** houto ** after {that}, after (in) this manner, as,
even (so), for allthat, like(-wise), no more, on this fashion(-
wise), so (in like manner),thus, what.

that 3844 ** para ** above, against, among, at, before, by,
contrary to, X friend,from, + give [such things as they], +
{that} [she] had, X his, in, morethan, nigh unto, (out) of, past,
save,, in the sight of, than,[there-]fore, with.

that 3872 ** parakatatheke ** {that} (thing) which is committed
(un-)to (trust).

that 3885 ** paralutikos ** {that} had (sick of) the palsy.

that 4051 ** perisseuma ** abundance, {that} was left, over and

that 4066 ** perichoros ** country (round) about, region ({that}
lieth) round about.

that 4138 ** pleroma ** which is put in to fill up, piece {that}
filled up,fulfilling, full, fulness.

that 4161 ** poiema ** thing {that} is made, workmanship.

that 4250 ** prin ** before ({that}), ere.

that 4314 ** pros ** about, according to , against, among, at,
because of, before,between, ([where-])by, for, X at thy house,
in, for intent, nigh unto, of,which pertain to, that, to (the
end {that}), X together, to ([you]) -ward,unto, with(-in).

that 4314 ** pros ** about, according to , against, among, at,
because of, before,between, ([where-])by, for, X at thy house,
in, for intent, nigh unto, of,which pertain to, {that}, to (the
end that), X together, to ([you]) -ward,unto, with(-in).

that 4459 ** pos ** how, after (by) what manner (means), {that}.

that 4574 ** sebasma ** devotion, {that} is worshipped.

that 4625 ** skandalon ** occasion to fall (of stumbling),
offence, thing {that}offends, stumblingblock.

that 5023 ** tauta ** + afterward, follow, + hereafter, X him,
the same, so, such,{that}, then, these, they, this, those, thus.

that 5025 ** tautais ** hence, {that}, then, these, those.

that 5026 ** taute ** her, + hereof, it, {that}, + thereby, the
(same), this (same).

that 5100 ** tis ** a (kind of), any (man, thing, thing at all),
certain (thing),divers, he (every) man, one (X thing), ought, +
partly, some (man, -body,-thing, -what), (+ {that} no-)thing,
what(-soever), X wherewith,whom[-soever], whose([-soever]).

that 5119 ** tote ** {that} time, then.

that 5123 ** toutesti ** {that} is (to say).

that 5124 ** touto ** here [-unto], it, partly, self[-same], so,
{that} (intent),the same, there[-fore, -unto], this, thus,

that 5126 ** touton ** him, the same, {that}, this.

that 5127 ** toutou ** here[-by], him, it, + such manner of,
{that}, thence[-forth],thereabout, this, thus.

that 5224 ** huparchonta ** goods, that which one has, things
which (one) possesseth,substance, {that} hast.

that 5224 ** huparchonta ** goods, {that} which one has, things
which (one) possesseth,substance, that hast.

that 5303 ** husterema ** that which is behind, ({that} which
was) lack(-ing), penury,want.

that 5303 ** husterema ** {that} which is behind, (that which
was) lack(-ing), penury,want.

that 5613 ** hos ** about, after (that), (according) as (it had
been, it were), assoon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly),
like (as, unto), since, so(that), {that}, to wit, unto, when([-
soever]), while, X with all speed.

that 5613 ** hos ** about, after (that), (according) as (it had
been, it were), assoon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly),
like (as, unto), since, so({that}), that, to wit, unto, when([-
soever]), while, X with all speed.

that 5613 ** hos ** about, after ({that}), (according) as (it
had been, it were),as soon (as), even as (like), for, how
(greatly), like (as, unto), since,so (that), that, to wit, unto,
when([-soever]), while, X with all speed.

that 5620 ** hoste ** (insomuch) as, so that (then), (insomuch)
{that}, therefore,to, wherefore.

that 5620 ** hoste ** (insomuch) as, so {that} (then),
(insomuch) that, therefore,to, wherefore.

that not 6435 -- pen -- (lest) (peradventure), {that...not}.
