thence 013 023 Num /^{thence /a branch with one
cluster of grapes , and they bare it between two upon a staff ;
and they brought of the pomegranates , and of the figs .

thence 017 049 ISa /^{thence /a stone , and
slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead , that the
stone sunk into his forehead ; and he fell upon his face to the
earth .

thence 014 002 IISa /^{thence /a wise woman ,
and said unto her, I pray thee, feign thyself to be a mourner ,
and put on now mourning apparel , and anoint not thyself with
oil , but be as a woman that had a long time mourned for the
dead :

thence 030 032 Gen /^{thence /all the speckled
and spotted cattle , and all the brown cattle among the sheep ,
and the spotted and speckled among the goats : and of such shall
be my hire .

thence 024 013 IIKi /^{thence /all the treasures
of the house of the LORD , and the treasures of the king's house
, and cut in pieces all the vessels of gold which Solomon king
of Israel had made in the temple of the LORD , as the LORD had
said .

thence 027 012 Act /${thence /also , if by any
means they might attain to Phenice , and there to winter ; which
is an haven of Crete , and lieth toward the south west and north
west .

thence 007 008 IIKi /^{thence /also, and went
and hid it.

thence 019 018 Jug /^{thence /am I: and I went
to Bethlehemjudah , but I am now going to the house of the LORD ;
and there is no man that receiveth me to house .

thence 065 020 Isa /^{thence /an infant of days
, nor an old man that hath not filled his days : for the child
shall die an hundred years old ; but the sinner being an hundred
years old shall be accursed .

thence 012 025 IKi /^{thence /and built Penuel .

thence 006 001 Mar /${thence /and came into his
own country ; and his disciples follow him .

thence 015 029 Mat /${thence /and came nigh
unto the sea of Galilee ; and went up into a mountain , and sat
down there .

thence 020 015 Act /${thence /and came the next
day over against Chios ; and the next day we arrived at Samos ,
and tarried at Trogyllium ; and the next day we came to Miletus .

thence 023 012 IIKi /^{thence /and cast the dust
of them into the brook Kidron .

thence 010 001 Mar /${thence /and cometh into
the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan : and the
people resort unto him again ; and , as he was wont , he taught
them again .

thence 018 014 Jos /^{thence /and compassed the
corner of the sea southward , from the hill that lieth before
Bethhoron southward ; and the goings out thereof were at
Kirjathbaal , which is Kirjathjearim , a city of the children of
Judah : this was the west quarter .

thence 019 012 Deu /^{thence /and deliver him
into the hand of the avenger of blood , that he may die .

thence 015 021 Mat /${thence /and departed into
the coasts of Tyre and Sidon .

thence 026 022 Gen /^{thence /and digged
another well ; and for that they strove not: and he called the
name of it Rehoboth ; and he said , For now the LORD hath made
room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land .

thence 023 029 ISa /^{thence /and dwelt in
strong holds at Engedi .

thence 018 007 Act /${thence /and entered into
a certain man's house , named Justus , one that worshipped God ,
whose house joined hard to the synagogue .

thence 022 001 ISa /^{thence /and escaped to
the cave Adullam : and when his brethren and all his father's
house heard it, they went down thither to him.

thence 019 019 IKi /^{thence /and found Elisha
the son of Shaphat , who was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen
before him, and he with the twelfth : and Elijah passed by him,
and cast his mantle upon him.

thence 012 015 Mat /${thence /and great
multitudes followed him , and he healed them all ;

thence 017 027 IIKi /^{thence /and let them go
and dwell there, and let him teach them the manner of the God of
the land .

thence 018 016 Gen /^{thence /and looked toward
Sodom : and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way .

thence 009 030 Mar /${thence /and passed
through Galilee ; and he would not that any man should know it.

thence 026 017 Gen /^{thence /and pitched his
tent in the valley of Gerar , and dwelt there .

thence 028 006 Gen /^{thence /and that as he
blessed him he gave him a charge , saying , Thou shalt not take
a wife of the daughters of Canaan ;

thence 002 015 Hos /^{thence /and the valley of
Achor for a door of hope : and she shall sing there, as in the
days of her youth , and as in the day when she came up out of
the land of Egypt .

thence 010 003 ISa /^{thence /and thou shalt
come to the plain of Tabor , and there shall meet thee three men
going up to God to Bethel , one carrying three kids , and
another carrying three loaves of bread , and another carrying a
bottle of wine :

thence 009 003 Amo /^{thence /and though they
be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea , thence will I
command the serpent , and he shall bite them:

thence 004 043 Joh /${thence /and went into
Galilee .

thence 018 022 Gen /^{thence /and went toward
Sodom : but Abraham stood yet before the LORD .

thence 010 023 ISa /^{thence /and when he stood
among the people , he was higher than any of the people from his
shoulders and upward .

thence 001 009 Neh /^{thence /and will bring
them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there.

thence 002 021 IIKi /^{thence /any more death or
barren land.

thence 002 036 IKi /^{thence /any whither .

thence 021 024 Jug /^{thence /at that time ,
every man to his tribe and to his family , and they went out
from thence every man to his inheritance .

thence 014 013 Mat /${thence /by ship into a
desert place apart : and when the people had heard thereof, they
followed him on foot out of the cities .

thence 016 005 IISa /^{thence /came out a man of
the family of the house of Saul , whose name was Shimei , the
son of Gera : he came forth , and cursed still as he came .

thence 009 004 Luk /${thence /depart .

thence 011 009 Gen /^{thence /did the LORD
scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth .

thence 006 002 IIKi /^{thence /every man a beam ,
and let us make us a place there, where we may dwell . And he
answered , Go ye.

thence 021 024 Jug /^{thence /every man to his
inheritance .

thence 008 018 IICh /^{thence /four hundred and
fifty talents of gold , and brought them to king Solomon .

thence 006 002 Amo /^{thence /go ye to Hamath
the great : then go down to Gath of the Philistines : be they
better than these kingdoms ? or their border greater than your
border ?

thence 009 028 IKi /^{thence /gold , four
hundred and twenty talents , and brought it to king Solomon .

thence 007 024 Mar /${thence /he arose , and
went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon , and entered into an
house , and would have no man know it: but he could not be hid .

thence 010 015 IIKi /^{thence /he lighted on
Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him: and he saluted
him, and said to him, Is thine heart right , as my heart is with
thy heart ? And Jehonadab answered , It is . If it be, give me
thine hand . And he gave him his hand ; and he took him up to
him into the chariot .

thence 022 041 Num /^{thence /he might see the
utmost part of the people .

thence 002 025 IIKi /^{thence /he returned to
Samaria .

thence 009 009 Mat /${thence /he saw a man ,
named Matthew , sitting at the receipt of custom : and he saith
unto him , Follow me . And he arose , and followed him .

thence 001 019 Mar /${thence /he saw James the
son of Zebedee , and John his brother , who also were in the
ship mending their nets .

thence 004 021 Mat /${thence /he saw other two
brethren , James the son of Zebedee , and John his brother , in
a ship with Zebedee their father , mending their nets ; and he
called them .

thence 001 011 Jug /^{thence /he went against
the inhabitants of Debir : and the name of Debir before was
Kirjathsepher :

thence 012 009 Mat /${thence /he went into
their synagogue :

thence 043 012 Jer /^{thence /in peace .

thence 037 012 Jer /^{thence /in the midst of
the people .

thence 002 013 IICo /${thence /into Macedonia .

thence 018 018 Act /${thence /into Syria , and
with him Priscilla and Aquila ; having shorn his head in
Cenchrea : for he had a vow .

thence 015 004 Jos /^{thence /it passed toward
Azmon , and went out unto the river of Egypt ; and the goings
out of that coast were at the sea : this shall be your south
coast .

thence 002 010 Gen /^{thence /it was parted ,
and became into four heads .

thence 036 029 Jer /^{thence /man and beast ?

thence 028 002 Gen /^{thence /of the daughters
of Laban thy mother's brother .

thence 018 011 Jug /^{thence /of the family of
the Danites , out of Zorah and out of Eshtaol , six hundred men
appointed with weapons of war .

thence 038 011 Jer /^{thence /old cast clouts
and old rotten rags , and let them down by cords into the
dungeon to Jeremiah .

thence 019 013 Jos /^{thence /passeth on along
on the east to Gittahhepher , to Ittahkazin , and goeth out to
Remmonmethoar to Neah ;

thence 001 045 IKi /^{thence /rejoicing , so
that the city rang again . This is the noise that ye have heard .

thence 014 026 Act /${thence /sailed to Antioch
, from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for
the work which they fulfilled .

thence 049 016 Jer /^{thence /saith the LORD .

thence 006 011 Mar /${thence /shake off the
dust under your feet for a testimony against them . Verily I say
unto you , It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in
the day of judgment , than for that city .

thence 005 006 Jer /^{thence /shall be torn in
pieces : because their transgressions are many , and their
backslidings are increased .

thence 009 002 Amo /^{thence /shall mine hand
take them; though they climb up to heaven , thence will I bring
them down :

thence 039 029 Job /^{thence /she seeketh the
prey , and her eyes behold afar off .

thence 050 009 Jer /^{thence /she shall be
taken : their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert man ; none
shall return in vain .

thence 007 008 IIKi /^{thence /silver , and gold
, and raiment , and went and hid it; and came again , and
entered into another tent , and carried thence also, and went
and hid it.

thence 006 023 Deu /^{thence /that he might
bring us in , to give us the land which he sware unto our
fathers .

thence 042 002 Gen /^{thence /that we may live ,
and not die .

thence 006 002 IISa /^{thence /the ark of God ,
whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts that
dwelleth between the cherubims .

thence 013 006 ICh /^{thence /the ark of God
the LORD , that dwelleth between the cherubims , whose name is
called on it.

thence 004 004 ISa /^{thence /the ark of the
covenant of the LORD of hosts , which dwelleth between the
cherubims : and the two sons of Eli , Hophni and Phinehas , were
there with the ark of the covenant of God .

thence 021 013 IISa /^{thence /the bones of Saul
and the bones of Jonathan his son ; and they gathered the bones
of them that were hanged .

thence 049 038 Jer /^{thence /the king and the
princes , saith the LORD .

thence 015 014 Jos /^{thence /the three sons of
Anak , Sheshai , and Ahiman , and Talmai , the children of Anak .

thence 001 020 Jug /^{thence /the three sons of
Anak .

thence 006 022 Jos /^{thence /the woman , and
all that she hath, as ye sware unto her.

thence 024 018 Deu /^{thence /therefore I
command thee to do this thing .

thence 010 007 Deu /^{thence /they journeyed
unto Gudgodah ; and from Gudgodah to Jotbath , a land of rivers
of waters .

thence 021 012 Num /^{thence /they removed ,
and pitched in the valley of Zared .

thence 021 013 Num /^{thence /they removed ,
and pitched on the other side of Arnon , which is in the
wilderness that cometh out of the coasts of the Amorites : for
Arnon is the border of Moab , between Moab and the Amorites .

thence 027 013 Act /${thence /they sailed close
by Crete .

thence 013 004 Act /${thence /they sailed to
Cyprus .

thence 021 016 Num /^{thence /they went to Beer
: that is the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses , Gather
the people together , and I will give them water .

thence 004 029 Deu /^{thence /thou shalt seek
the LORD thy God , thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with
all thy heart and with all thy soul .

thence 005 015 Deu /^{thence /through a mighty
hand and by a stretched out arm : therefore the LORD thy God
commanded thee to keep the sabbath day .

thence 005 026 Mat /${thence /till thou hast
paid the uttermost farthing .

thence 012 059 Luk /${thence /till thou hast
paid the very last mite .

thence 026 023 Gen /^{thence /to Beersheba .

thence 019 034 Jos /^{thence /to Hukkok , and
reacheth to Zebulun on the south side , and reacheth to Asher on
the west side , and to Judah upon Jordan toward the sunrising .

thence 022 003 ISa /^{thence /to Mizpeh of Moab
: and he said unto the king of Moab , Let my father and my
mother , I pray thee, come forth , and be with you, till I know
what God will do for me.

thence 002 025 IIKi /^{thence /to mount Carmel ,
and from thence he returned to Samaria .

thence 008 008 Jug /^{thence /to Penuel , and
spake unto them likewise : and the men of Penuel answered him as
the men of Succoth had answered him.

thence 016 012 Act /${thence /to Philippi ,
which is the chief city of that part of Macedonia , and a colony
: and we were in that city abiding certain days .

thence 011 001 Mat /${thence /to teach and to
preach in their cities .

thence 015 015 Jos /^{thence /to the
inhabitants of Debir : and the name of Debir before was
Kirjathsepher .

thence 052 011 Isa /^{thence /touch no unclean
thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean , that bear
the vessels of the LORD .

thence 018 013 Jos /^{thence /toward Luz , to
the side of Luz , which is Bethel , southward ; and the border
descended to Atarothadar , near the hill that lieth on the south
side of the nether Bethhoron .

thence 020 001 Gen /^{thence /toward the south
country , and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur , and sojourned in
Gerar .

thence 009 027 Mat /${thence /two blind men
followed him , crying , and saying , Thou Son of David , have
mercy on us .

thence 027 009 Gen /^{thence /two good kids of
the goats ; and I will make them savoury meat for thy father ,
such as he loveth :

thence 011 054 Joh /${thence /unto a country
near to the wilderness , into a city called Ephraim , and there
continued with his disciples .

thence 012 008 Gen /^{thence /unto a mountain
on the east of Bethel , and pitched his tent , having Bethel on
the west , and Hai on the east : and there he builded an altar
unto the LORD , and called upon the name of the LORD .

thence 002 023 IIKi /^{thence /unto Bethel : and
as he was going up by the way , there came forth little children
out of the city , and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up ,
thou bald head ; go up , thou bald head .

thence 018 013 Jug /^{thence /unto mount
Ephraim , and came unto the house of Micah .

thence 021 001 Act /${thence /unto Patara :

thence 011 008 Gen /^{thence /upon the face of
all the earth : and they left off to build the city .

thence 028 013 Act /${thence /we fetched a
compass , and came to Rhegium : and after one day the south wind
blew , and we came the next day to Puteoli :

thence 027 004 Act /${thence /we sailed under
Cyprus , because the winds were contrary .

thence 007 004 Act /${thence /when his father
was dead , he removed him into this land , wherein ye now dwell .

thence 028 015 Act /${thence /when the brethren
heard of us , they came to meet us as far as Appii forum , and
The three taverns : whom when Paul saw , he thanked God , and
took courage .

thence 013 006 Jer /^{thence /which I commanded
thee to hide there.

thence 027 045 Gen /^{thence /why should I be
deprived also of you both in one day ?

thence 030 004 Deu /^{thence /will he fetch

thence 001 004 Oba /^{thence /will I bring thee
down , saith the LORD .

thence 009 002 Amo /^{thence /will I bring them
down :

thence 009 003 Amo /^{thence /will I command
the serpent , and he shall bite them:

thence 009 004 Amo /^{thence /will I command
the sword , and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes
upon them for evil , and not for good .

thence 030 004 Deu /^{thence /will the LORD thy
God gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee:

thence 026 020 IICh /^{thence /yea, himself
hasted also to go out , because the LORD had smitten him.

thenceforth 005 013 Mat /${thenceforth /good for
nothing , but to be cast out , and to be trodden under foot of
men .

thenceforth 022 027 Lev /^{thenceforth /it shall be
accepted for an offering made by fire unto the LORD .

thenceforth 019 012 Joh /${thenceforth /Pilate
sought to release him : but the Jews cried out , saying , If
thou let this man go , thou art not Caesar's friend : whosoever
maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar .
