farthings 012 006 Luk /${farthings /and not one of
them is forgotten before God ?

things 011 027 Luk /${things /a certain woman
of the company lifted up her voice , and said unto him , Blessed
is the womb that bare thee , and the paps which thou hast sucked

things 025 006 Isa /^{things /a feast of wines
on the lees , of fat things full of marrow , of wines on the
lees well refined .

things 004 007 Rut /^{things /a man plucked off
his shoe , and gave it to his neighbour : and this was a
testimony in Israel .

things 004 019 Num /^{things /Aaron and his
sons shall go in , and appoint them every one to his service and
to his burden :

things 003 002 Col /${things /above , not on
things on the earth .

things 002 039 Luk /${things /according to the
law of the Lord , they returned into Galilee , to their own city
Nazareth .

things 008 005 Heb /${things /according to the
pattern shewed to thee in the mount .

things 001 011 Eph /${things /after the counsel
of his own will :

things 010 007 IICo /${things /after the outward
appearance ? If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's ,
let him of himself think this again , that , as he is Christ's ,
even so are we Christ's .

things 015 013 Num /^{things /after this manner,
in offering an offering made by fire , of a sweet savour unto
the LORD .

things 013 026 Job /^{things /against me, and
makest me to possess the iniquities of my youth .

things 011 036 Dan /^{things /against the God
of gods , and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished
: for that that is determined shall be done .

things 002 014 Rev /${things /against thee ,
because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam ,
who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of
Israel , to eat things sacrificed unto idols , and to commit
fornication .

things 002 020 Rev /${things /against thee ,
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel , which calleth
herself a prophetess , to teach and to seduce my servants to
commit fornication , and to eat things sacrificed unto idols .

things 013 017 Luk /${things /all his
adversaries were ashamed : and all the people rejoiced for all
the glorious things that were done by him .

things 024 023 Pro /^{things /also belong to
the wise . It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment

things 002 013 ICo /${things /also we speak ,
not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth , but which the
Holy Ghost teacheth ; comparing spiritual things with spiritual .

things 001 015 IIPe /${things /always in
remembrance .

things 008 010 Eze /^{things /and abominable
beasts , and all the idols of the house of Israel , pourtrayed
upon the wall round about .

things 025 016 Deu /^{things /and all that do
unrighteously , are an abomination unto the LORD thy God .

things 012 018 IIKi /^{things /and all the gold
that was found in the treasures of the house of the LORD , and
in the king's house , and sent it to Hazael king of Syria : and
he went away from Jerusalem .

things 094 004 Psa /^{things /and all the
workers of iniquity boast themselves?

things 026 025 ISa /^{things /and also shalt
still prevail . So David went on his way , and Saul returned to
his place .

things 012 035 Mat /${things /and an evil man
out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things .

things 002 040 Dan /^{things /and as iron that
breaketh all these , shall it break in pieces and bruise .

things 008 031 Mar /${things /and be rejected
of the elders , and of the chief priests , and scribes , and be
killed , and after three days rise again .

things 009 022 Luk /${things /and be rejected
of the elders and chief priests and scribes , and be slain , and
be raised the third day .

things 017 025 Luk /${things /and be rejected
of this generation .

things 009 012 Mar /${things /and be set at
nought .

things 006 013 ITi /${things /and before Christ
Jesus , who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession ;

things 013 005 Rev /${things /and blasphemies ;
and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months .

things 014 026 Joh /${things /and bring all
things to your remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you .

things 001 017 Col /${things /and by him all
things consist .

things 032 008 Isa /^{things /and by liberal
things shall he stand .

things 002 010 Heb /${things /and by whom are
all things , in bringing many sons unto glory , to make the
captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings .

things 017 009 Jer /^{things /and desperately
wicked : who can know it?

things 003 008 Php /${things /and do count them
but dung , that I may win Christ ,

things 002 003 Rom /${things /and doest the
same , that thou shalt escape the judgment of God ?

things 044 030 Eze /^{things /and every
oblation of all, of every sort of your oblations , shall be the
priest's : ye shall also give unto the priest the first of your
dough , that he may cause the blessing to rest in thine house .

things 148 010 Psa /^{things /and flying fowl :

things 006 011 ITi /${things /and follow after
righteousness , godliness , faith , love , patience , meekness .

things 010 033 Neh /^{things /and for the sin
offerings to make an atonement for Israel , and for all the work
of the house of our God .

things 004 011 Rev /${things /and for thy
pleasure they are and were created .

things 010 012 Act /${things /and fowls of the
air .

things 011 006 Act /${things /and fowls of the
air .

things 022 008 Eze /^{things /and hast profaned
my sabbaths .

things 044 018 Jer /^{things /and have been
consumed by the sword and by the famine .

things 009 009 Luk /${things /And he desired to
see him .

things 028 048 Deu /^{things /and he shall put
a yoke of iron upon thy neck , until he have destroyed thee.

things 006 020 Mar /${things /and heard him
gladly .

things 022 008 Rev /${things /and heard them.
And when I had heard and seen , I fell down to worship before
the feet of the angel which shewed me these things .

things 001 049 Luk /${things /and holy is his
name .

things 009 012 Mar /${things /and how it is
written of the Son of man , that he must suffer many things ,
and be set at nought .

things 008 002 Job /^{things /and how long
shall the words of thy mouth be like a strong wind ?

things 021 007 Rev /${things /and I will be his
God , and he shall be my son .

things 005 002 Lev /^{things /and if it be
hidden from him; he also shall be unclean , and guilty .

things 038 012 Psa /^{things /and imagine
deceits all the day long.

things 002 027 IJo /${things /and is truth ,
and is no lie , and even as it hath taught you , ye shall abide
in him .

things 010 016 Jer /^{things /and Israel is the
rod of his inheritance : The LORD of hosts is his name .

things 051 019 Jer /^{things /and Israel is the
rod of his inheritance : the LORD of hosts is his name .

things 019 007 ISa /^{things /And Jonathan
brought David to Saul , and he was in his presence , as in times
past .

things 011 002 ICo /${things /and keep the
ordinances , as I delivered them to you .

things 016 025 Luk /${things /and likewise
Lazarus evil things : but now he is comforted , and thou art
tormented .

things 016 030 Joh /${things /and needest not
that any man should ask thee : by this we believe that thou
camest forth from God .

things 029 017 ICh /^{things /and now have I
seen with joy thy people , which are present here, to offer
willingly unto thee.

things 011 011 Mar /${things /and now the
eventide was come , he went out unto Bethany with the twelve .

things 004 033 IKi /^{things /and of fishes .

things 002 019 Luk /${things /and pondered them
in her heart .

things 009 020 Est /^{things /and sent letters
unto all the Jews that were in all the provinces of the king
Ahasuerus , both nigh and far ,

things 005 032 Act /${things /and so is also
the Holy Ghost , whom God hath given to them that obey him .

things 023 005 IISa /^{things /and sure : for
this is all my salvation , and all my desire , although he make
it not to grow .

things 007 023 IISa /^{things /and terrible ,
for thy land , before thy people , which thou redeemedst to thee
from Egypt , from the nations and their gods ?

things 032 001 IICh /^{things /and the
establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came , and
entered into Judah , and encamped against the fenced cities ,
and thought to win them for himself.

things 007 023 Gen /^{things /and the fowl of
the heaven ; and they were destroyed from the earth : and Noah
only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark .

things 042 013 Eze /^{things /and the meat
offering , and the sin offering , and the trespass offering ;
for the place is holy .

things 008 006 Pro /^{things /and the opening
of my lips shall be right things .

things 001 053 Luk /${things /and the rich he
hath sent empty away .

things 023 028 ICh /^{things /and the work of
the service of the house of God ;

things 011 021 Eze /^{things /and their
abominations , I will recompense their way upon their own heads ,
saith the Lord GOD .

things 020 023 Lev /^{things /and therefore I
abhorred them.

things 016 014 Luk /${things /and they derided
him .

things 024 019 Luk /${things /And they said
unto him , Concerning Jesus of Nazareth , which was a prophet
mighty in deed and word before God and all the people :

things 018 034 Luk /${things /and this saying
was hid from them , neither knew they the things which were
spoken .

things 048 006 Isa /^{things /and thou didst
not know them.

things 029 019 ICh /^{things /and to build the
palace , for the which I have made provision .

things 024 026 Luk /${things /and to enter into
his glory ?

things 007 025 Ecc /^{things /and to know the
wickedness of folly , even of foolishness and madness :

things 005 009 Job /^{things /and unsearchable ;
marvellous things without number :

things 008 006 ICo /${things /and we by him .

things 008 006 ICo /${things /and we in him ;
and one Lord Jesus Christ , by whom are all things , and we by
him .

things 021 024 Joh /${things /and we know that
his testimony is true .

things 006 002 Mar /${things /and what wisdom
is this which is given unto him , that even such mighty works
are wrought by his hands ?

things 021 023 Mat /${things /and who gave thee
this authority ?

things 011 028 Mar /${things /and who gave thee
this authority to do these things ?

things 005 011 Eze /^{things /and with all
thine abominations , therefore will I also diminish thee;
neither shall mine eye spare , neither will I have any pity .

things 021 024 Joh /${things /and wrote these
things : and we know that his testimony is true .

things 003 012 Joh /${things /and ye believe
not , how shall ye believe , if I tell you of heavenly things ?

things 005 025 Jer /^{things /and your sins
have withholden good things from you.

things 014 002 Rom /${things /another , who is
weak , eateth herbs .

things 006 004 IICo /${things /approving
ourselves as the ministers of God , in much patience , in
afflictions , in necessities , in distresses ,

things 042 036 Gen /^{things /are against me.

things 018 012 Deu /^{things /are an
abomination unto the LORD : and because of these abominations
the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

things 004 024 Gal /${things /are an allegory :
for these are the two covenants ; the one from the mount Sinai ,
which gendereth to bondage , which is Agar .

things 005 017 IICo /${things /are become new .

things 009 022 Heb /${things /are by the law
purged with blood ; and without shedding of blood is no
remission .

things 011 041 Luk /${things /are clean unto
you .

things 042 009 Isa /^{things /are come to pass ,
and new things do I declare : before they spring forth I tell
you of them.

things 051 019 Isa /^{things /are come unto
thee; who shall be sorry for thee? desolation , and destruction ,
and the famine , and the sword : by whom shall I comfort thee?

things 004 030 Deu /^{things /are come upon
thee, even in the latter days , if thou turn to the LORD thy God
, and shalt be obedient unto his voice ;

things 030 001 Deu /^{things /are come upon
thee, the blessing and the curse , which I have set before thee,
and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations , whither
the LORD thy God hath driven thee,

things 023 015 Jos /^{things /are come upon you,
which the LORD your God promised you; so shall the LORD bring
upon you all evil things , until he have destroyed you from off
this good land which the LORD your God hath given you.

things 004 020 Num /^{things /are covered ,
lest they die .

things 010 022 Luk /${things /are delivered to
me of my Father : and no man knoweth who the Son is , but the
Father ; and who the Father is , but the Son , and he to whom
the Son will reveal him.

things 011 027 Mat /${things /are delivered
unto me of my Father : and no man knoweth the Son , but the
Father ; neither knoweth any man the Father , save the Son , and
he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

things 004 011 Mar /${things /are done in
parables :

things 004 015 IICo /${things /are for your
sakes , that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving
of many redound to the glory of God .

things 026 005 Job /^{things /are formed from
under the waters , and the inhabitants thereof.

things 001 008 Ecc /^{things /are full of
labour ; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with
seeing , nor the ear filled with hearing .

things 003 008 Tit /${things /are good and
profitable unto men .

things 026 026 Act /${things /are hidden from
him ; for this thing was not done in a corner .

things 004 008 Php /${things /are honest ,
whatsoever things are just , whatsoever things are pure ,
whatsoever things are lovely , whatsoever things are of good
report ; if there be any virtue , and if there be any praise ,
think on these things .

things 004 008 Php /${things /are just ,
whatsoever things are pure , whatsoever things are lovely ,
whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue ,
and if there be any praise , think on these things .

things 064 011 Isa /^{things /are laid waste .

things 010 023 ICo /${things /are lawful for me
, but all things are not expedient : all things are lawful for
me , but all things edify not .

things 010 023 ICo /${things /are lawful for me
, but all things edify not .

things 006 012 ICo /${things /are lawful for me
, but I will not be brought under the power of any .

things 006 012 ICo /${things /are lawful unto
me , but all things are not expedient : all things are lawful
for me , but I will not be brought under the power of any .

things 004 008 Php /${things /are lovely ,
whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue ,
and if there be any praise , think on these things .

things 004 013 Heb /${things /are naked and
opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do .

things 010 023 ICo /${things /are not expedient
: all things are lawful for me , but all things edify not .

things 006 012 ICo /${things /are not expedient
: all things are lawful for me , but I will not be brought under
the power of any .

things 014 017 Luk /${things /are now ready .

things 005 018 IICo /${things /are of God , who
hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ , and hath given
to us the ministry of reconciliation ;

things 004 008 Php /${things /are of good
report ; if there be any virtue , and if there be any praise ,
think on these things .

things 021 004 Rev /${things /are passed away .

things 005 017 IICo /${things /are passed away ;
behold , all things are become new .

things 010 027 Mar /${things /are possible .

things 019 026 Mat /${things /are possible .

things 009 023 Mar /${things /are possible to
him that believeth .

things 014 036 Mar /${things /are possible unto
thee ; take away this cup from me : nevertheless not what I will
, but what thou wilt.

things 004 008 Php /${things /are pure ,
whatsoever things are lovely , whatsoever things are of good
report ; if there be any virtue , and if there be any praise ,
think on these things .

things 001 015 Tit /${things /are pure : but
unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure ; but
even their mind and conscience is defiled .

things 015 027 ICo /${things /are put under him,
it is manifest that he is excepted , which did put all things
under him .

things 022 004 Mat /${things /are ready : come
unto the marriage .

things 087 003 Psa /^{things /are spoken of
thee, O city of God . Selah .

things 007 013 Heb /${things /are spoken
pertaineth to another tribe , of which no man gave attendance at
the altar .

things 004 015 Num /^{things /are the burden of
the sons of Kohath in the tabernacle of the congregation .

things 024 019 Eze /^{things /are to us, that
thou doest so?

things 004 008 Php /${things /are true ,
whatsoever things are honest , whatsoever things are just ,
whatsoever things are pure , whatsoever things are lovely ,
whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue ,
and if there be any praise , think on these things .

things 023 014 Job /^{things /are with him.

things 001 032 Rom /${things /are worthy of
death , not only do the same , but have pleasure in them that do

things 003 021 ICo /${things /are yours ;

things 009 008 ICo /${things /as a man ? or
saith not the law the same also ?

things 010 008 Luk /${things /as are set before
you :

things 002 009 Est /^{things /as belonged to
her, and seven maidens , which were meet to be given her, out of
the king's house : and he preferred her and her maids unto the
best place of the house of the women .

things 021 026 IKi /^{things /as did the
Amorites , whom the LORD cast out before the children of Israel .

things 019 029 IIKi /^{things /as grow of
themselves, and in the second year that which springeth of the
same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap , and plant
vineyards , and eat the fruits thereof.

things 025 018 Act /${things /as I supposed :

things 014 003 IIKi /^{things /as Joash his
father did .

things 008 005 Heb /${things /as Moses was
admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle : for
, See , saith he , that thou make all things according to the
pattern shewed to thee in the mount .

things 001 018 IPe /${things /as silver and
gold , from your vain conversation received by tradition from
your fathers ;

things 013 023 Jug /^{things /as these .

things 012 003 Job /^{things /as these?

things 010 006 ICo /${things /as they also
lusted .

things 010 007 Luk /${things /as they give :
for the labourer is worthy of his hire . Go not from house to
house .

things 003 006 IICh /^{things /as they offered
for the burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea was for
the priests to wash in .

things 012 036 Exo /^{things /as they required.
And they spoiled the Egyptians .

things 003 005 Jer /^{things /as thou couldest .

things 028 010 Act /${things /as were necessary

things 025 015 IIKi /^{things /as were of gold ,
in gold , and of silver , in silver , the captain of the guard
took away .

things 013 005 Heb /${things /as ye have : for
he hath said , I will never leave thee , nor forsake thee .

things 011 041 Luk /${things /as ye have ; and ,
behold , all things are clean unto you .

things 002 010 Dan /^{things /at any magician ,
or astrologer , or Chaldean .

things 018 036 IKi /^{things /at thy word .

things 012 020 Luk /${things /be , which thou
hast provided ?

things 003 009 Joh /${things /be ?

things 024 003 Mat /${things /be ? and what
shall be the sign of thy coming , and of the end of the world ?

things 013 004 Mar /${things /be ? and what
shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled ?

things 021 007 Luk /${things /be ? and what
sign will there be when these things shall come to pass ?

things 003 014 IIPe /${things /be diligent that
ye may be found of him in peace , without spot , and blameless .

things 013 030 Mar /${things /be done .

things 014 040 ICo /${things /be done decently
and in order .

things 014 026 ICo /${things /be done unto
edifying .

things 016 014 ICo /${things /be done with
charity .

things 024 034 Mat /${things /be fulfilled .

things 001 008 IIPe /${things /be in you , and
abound , they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor
unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ .

things 022 007 Lev /^{things /because it is his
food .

things 003 017 IIPe /${things /before , beware
lest ye also , being led away with the error of the wicked ,
fall from your own stedfastness .

things 025 009 Act /${things /before me ?

things 014 011 Lev /^{things /before the LORD ,
at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation :

things 026 026 Act /${things /before whom also
I speak freely : for I am persuaded that none of these things
are hidden from him ; for this thing was not done in a corner .

things 021 028 Luk /${things /begin to come to
pass , then look up , and lift up your heads ; for your
redemption draweth nigh .

things 003 005 Jam /${things /Behold , how
great a matter a little fire kindleth !

things 001 020 Mat /${things /behold , the
angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream , saying , Joseph
, thou son of David , fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife :
for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost .

things 016 043 Eze /^{things /behold ,
therefore I also will recompense thy way upon thine head , saith
the Lord GOD : and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all
thine abominations .

things 013 010 IICo /${things /being absent ,
lest being present I should use sharpness , according to the
power which the Lord hath given me to edification , and not to
destruction .

things 013 007 ICo /${things /believeth all
things , hopeth all things , endureth all things .

things 029 029 Deu /^{things /belong unto the
LORD our God : but those things which are revealed belong unto
us and to our children for ever , that we may do all the words
of this law .

things 001 006 Ezr /^{things /beside all that
was willingly offered .

things 022 065 Luk /${things /blasphemously
spake they against him .

things 026 010 Pro /^{things /both rewardeth
the fool , and rewardeth transgressors .

things 021 012 Act /${things /both we , and
they of that place , besought him not to go up to Jerusalem .

things 006 030 Mar /${things /both what they
had done , and what they had taught .

things 004 006 ICo /${things /brethren , I have
in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes ;
that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which
is written , that no one of you be puffed up for one against
another .

things 031 005 IICh /^{things /brought they in
abundantly .

things 012 016 Rom /${things /but condescend to
men of low estate . Be not wise in your own conceits .

things 002 004 Php /${things /but every man
also on the things of others .

things 015 003 Mar /${things /but he answered
nothing .

things 003 008 Php /${things /but loss for the
excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord : for whom I
have suffered the loss of all things , and do count them but
dung , that I may win Christ ,

things 010 021 Dan /^{things /but Michael your
prince .

things 016 025 Luk /${things /but now he is
comforted , and thou art tormented .

things 008 022 IICo /${things /but now much more
diligent , upon the great confidence which I have in you .

things 022 018 Job /^{things /but the counsel
of the wicked is far from me.

things 042 020 Isa /^{things /but thou
observest not; opening the ears , but he heareth not.

things 026 023 Lev /^{things /but will walk
contrary unto me;

things 044 008 Eze /^{things /but ye have set
keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves.

things 003 009 Eph /${things /by Jesus Christ :

things 015 027 Act /${things /by mouth .

things 004 002 Mar /${things /by parables , and
said unto them in his doctrine ,

things 106 022 Psa /^{things /by the Red sea .

things 001 003 Heb /${things /by the word of
his power , when he had by himself purged our sins , sat down on
the right hand of the Majesty on high ;

things 001 002 Heb /${things /by whom also he
made the worlds ;

things 003 022 Joh /${things /came Jesus and
his disciples into the land of Judaea ; and there he tarried
with them , and baptized .

things 011 022 Act /${things /came unto the
ears of the church which was in Jerusalem : and they sent forth
Barnabas , that he should go as far as Antioch .

things 010 001 Heb /${things /can never with
those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually
make the comers thereunto perfect .

things 019 036 Act /${things /cannot be spoken
against , ye ought to be quiet , and to do nothing rashly .

things 021 010 ICh /^{things /choose thee one
of them , that I may do it unto thee.

things 024 012 IISa /^{things /choose thee one
of them, that I may do it unto thee .

things 009 002 Ecc /^{things /come alike to all:
there is one event to the righteous , and to the wicked ; to
the good and to the clean , and to the unclean ; to him that
sacrificeth , and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good ,
so is the sinner ; and he that sweareth , as he that feareth an
oath .

things 007 023 Mar /${things /come from within ,
and defile the man .

things 038 010 Eze /^{things /come into thy
mind , and thou shalt think an evil thought :

things 029 014 ICh /^{things /come of thee, and
of thine own have we given thee.

things 013 029 Mar /${things /come to pass ,
know that it is nigh , even at the doors .

things 021 031 Luk /${things /come to pass ,
know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand .

things 005 006 Eph /${things /cometh the wrath
of God upon the children of disobedience .

things 004 011 ITi /${things /command and teach

things 004 032 Act /${things /common .

things 002 044 Act /${things /common ;

things 007 032 Joh /${things /concerning him ;
and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take
him .

things 024 027 Luk /${things /concerning
himself .

things 022 037 Luk /${things /concerning me
have an end .

things 008 012 Act /${things /concerning the
kingdom of God , and the name of Jesus Christ , they were
baptized , both men and women .

things 019 008 Act /${things /concerning the
kingdom of God .

things 011 018 IISa /^{things /concerning the
war ;

things 001 017 Col /${things /consist .

things 002 014 Rom /${things /contained in the
law , these , having not the law , are a law unto themselves :

things 003 004 IIPe /${things /continue as they
were from the beginning of the creation .

things 026 009 Act /${things /contrary to the
name of Jesus of Nazareth .

things 001 016 Col /${things /created , that
are in heaven , and that are in earth , visible and invisible ,
whether they be thrones , or dominions , or principalities , or
powers : all things were created by him , and for him :

things 104 025 Psa /^{things /creeping
innumerable , both small and great beasts .

things 012 019 IICo /${things /dearly beloved ,
for your edifying .

things 011 014 Heb /${things /declare plainly
that they seek a country .

things 024 023 IISa /^{things /did Araunah , as
a king , give unto the king . And Araunah said unto the king ,
The LORD thy God accept thee.

things 011 024 ICh /^{things /did Benaiah the
son of Jehoiada , and had the name among the three mighties .

things 023 022 IISa /^{things /did Benaiah the
son of Jehoiada , and had the name among three mighty men .

things 078 012 Psa /^{things /did he in the
sight of their fathers , in the land of Egypt , in the field of
Zoan .

things 003 001 Est /^{things /did king
Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite , and
advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were
with him.

things 011 019 ICh /^{things /did these three
mightiest .

things 023 017 IISa /^{things /did these three
mighty men .

things 001 030 Rom /${things /disobedient to
parents ,

things 042 009 Isa /^{things /do I declare :
before they spring forth I tell you of them.

things 012 030 Luk /${things /do the nations of
the world seek after : and your Father knoweth that ye have need
of these things .

things 007 013 Mar /${things /do ye .

things 037 005 Job /^{things /doeth he, which
we cannot comprehend .

things 006 008 Neh /^{things /done as thou
sayest , but thou feignest them out of thine own heart .

things 005 010 IICo /${things /done in his body ,
according to that he hath done , whether it be good or bad .

things 006 016 Pro /^{things /doth the LORD
hate : yea, seven are an abomination unto him :

things 010 023 ICo /${things /edify not .

things 004 005 IITi /${things /endure
afflictions , do the work of an evangelist , make full proof of
thy ministry .

things 013 007 ICo /${things /endureth all
things .

things 025 023 Mat /${things /enter thou into
the joy of thy lord .

things 025 021 Mat /${things /enter thou into
the joy of thy lord .

things 004 019 Mar /${things /entering in ,
choke the word , and it becometh unfruitful .

things 107 043 Psa /^{things /even they shall
understand the lovingkindness of the LORD .

things 031 012 IICh /^{things /faithfully : over
which Cononiah the Levite was ruler , and Shimei his brother was
the next .

things 016 004 Pro /^{things /for himself : yea,
even the wicked for the day of evil .

things 002 023 ISa /^{things /for I hear of
your evil dealings by all this people .

things 022 016 Lev /^{things /for I the LORD do
sanctify them.

things 018 024 Lev /^{things /for in all these
the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:

things 057 002 Psa /^{things /for me.

things 001 011 Lam /^{things /for meat to
relieve the soul : see , O LORD , and consider ; for I am become
vile .

things 012 034 Mat /${things /for out of the
abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh .

things 002 009 Est /^{things /for purification ,
with such things as belonged to her, and seven maidens , which
were meet to be given her, out of the king's house : and he
preferred her and her maids unto the best place of the house of
the women .

things 002 003 Est /^{things /for purification
be given them:

things 001 010 Lam /^{things /for she hath seen
that the heathen entered into her sanctuary , whom thou didst
command that they should not enter into thy congregation .

things 002 010 IITi /${things /for the elect's
sakes , that they may also obtain the salvation which is in
Christ Jesus with eternal glory .

things 002 012 Est /^{things /for the purifying
of the women ;

things 042 005 Jer /^{things /for the which the
LORD thy God shall send thee to us.

things 002 014 Lam /^{things /for thee: and
they have not discovered thine iniquity , to turn away thy
captivity ; but have seen for thee false burdens and causes of
banishment .

things 126 002 Psa /^{things /for them.

things 004 010 Zec /^{things /for they shall
rejoice , and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel
with those seven ; they are the eyes of the LORD , which run to
and fro through the whole earth .

things 003 020 Col /${things /for this is well
pleasing unto the Lord .

things 045 005 Jer /^{things /for thyself? seek
them not: for, behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh , saith
the LORD : but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all
places whither thou goest .

things 041 022 Isa /^{things /for to come .

things 126 003 Psa /^{things /for us; whereof
we are glad .

things 019 003 IICh /^{things /found in thee, in
that thou hast taken away the groves out of the land , and hast
prepared thine heart to seek God .

things 001 002 Zep /^{things /from off the land
, saith the LORD .

things 048 003 Isa /^{things /from the
beginning ; and they went forth out of my mouth , and I shewed
them; I did them suddenly , and they came to pass .

things 001 003 Luk /${things /from the very
first , to write unto thee in order , most excellent Theophilus ,

things 011 025 Mat /${things /from the wise and
prudent , and hast revealed them unto babes .

things 010 021 Luk /${things /from the wise and
prudent , and hast revealed them unto babes : even so , Father ;
for so it seemed good in thy sight .

things 048 006 Isa /^{things /from this time ,
even hidden things , and thou didst not know them.

things 013 039 Act /${things /from which ye
could not be justified by the law of Moses .

things 005 025 Jer /^{things /from you.

things 025 006 Isa /^{things /full of marrow ,
of wines on the lees well refined .

things 005 007 ITi /${things /give in charge ,
that they may be blameless .

things 004 015 ITi /${things /give thyself
wholly to them ; that thy profiting may appear to all .

things 021 019 Act /${things /God had wrought
among the Gentiles by his ministry .

things 008 039 Luk /${things /God hath done
unto thee . And he went his way , and published throughout the
whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him .

things 022 018 Rev /${things /God shall add
unto him the plagues that are written in this book :

things 011 009 Ecc /^{things /God will bring
thee into judgment .

things 010 011 ICo /${things /happened unto
them for ensamples : and they are written for our admonition ,
upon whom the ends of the world are come .

things 013 017 Joh /${things /happy are ye if
ye do them .

things 003 016 IIPe /${things /hard to be
understood , which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest ,
as they do also the other scriptures , unto their own
destruction .

things 050 021 Psa /^{things /hast thou done ,
and I kept silence ; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such
an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in
order before thine eyes .

things 010 013 Job /^{things /hast thou hid in
thine heart : I know that this is with thee.

things 066 002 Isa /^{things /hath mine hand
made , and all those things have been, saith the LORD : but to
this man will I look , even to him that is poor and of a
contrite spirit , and trembleth at my word .

things 066 002 Isa /^{things /have been, saith
the LORD : but to this man will I look , even to him that is
poor and of a contrite spirit , and trembleth at my word .

things 010 019 Lev /^{things /have befallen me:
and if I had eaten the sin offering to day , should it have been
accepted in the sight of the LORD ?

things 004 008 IPe /${things /have fervent
charity among yourselves : for charity shall cover the multitude
of sins .

things 019 020 Mat /${things /have I kept from
my youth up : what lack I yet ?

things 030 007 Pro /^{things /have I required
of thee; deny me them not before I die :

things 007 015 Ecc /^{things /have I seen in
the days of my vanity : there is a just man that perisheth in
his righteousness , and there is a wicked man that prolongeth
his life in his wickedness .

things 014 025 Joh /${things /have I spoken
unto you , being yet present with you .

things 015 011 Joh /${things /have I spoken
unto you , that my joy might remain in you , and that your joy
might be full .

things 016 001 Joh /${things /have I spoken
unto you , that ye should not be offended .

things 016 025 Joh /${things /have I spoken
unto you in proverbs : but the time cometh , when I shall no
more speak unto you in proverbs , but I shall shew you plainly
of the Father .

things 016 004 Joh /${things /have I told you ,
that when the time shall come , ye may remember that I told you
of them . And these things I said not unto you at the beginning ,
because I was with you .

things 002 026 IJo /${things /have I written
unto you concerning them that seduce you .

things 005 013 IJo /${things /have I written
unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God ; that ye
may know that ye have eternal life , and that ye may believe on
the name of the Son of God .

things 002 023 Col /${things /have indeed a
shew of wisdom in will worship , and humility , and neglecting
of the body ; not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh .

things 024 022 Act /${things /having more
perfect knowledge of that way , he deferred them , and said ,
When Lysias the chief captain shall come down , I will know the
uttermost of your matter .

things 004 008 ITi /${things /having promise of
the life that now is , and of that which is to come .

things 019 011 Luk /${things /he added and
spake a parable , because he was nigh to Jerusalem , and because
they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear .

things 023 013 ICh /^{things /he and his sons
for ever , to burn incense before the LORD , to minister unto
him, and to bless in his name for ever .

things 008 008 Luk /${things /he cried , He
that hath ears to hear , let him hear .

things 003 008 Mar /${things /he did , came
unto him .

things 012 024 ISa /^{things /he hath done for

things 041 034 Job /^{things /he is a king over
all the children of pride .

things 002 022 Dan /^{things /he knoweth what
is in the darkness , and the light dwelleth with him .

things 007 009 Luk /${things /he marvelled at
him , and turned him about , and said unto the people that
followed him , I say unto you , I have not found so great faith ,
no, not in Israel .

things 001 018 Col /${things /he might have the
preeminence .

things 001 018 IITi /${things /he ministered
unto me at Ephesus , thou knowest very well .

things 009 016 Act /${things /he must suffer
for my name's sake .

things 014 015 Luk /${things /he said unto him ,
Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God .

things 018 022 Luk /${things /he said unto him ,
Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast , and
distribute unto the poor , and thou shalt have treasure in
heaven : and come , follow me .

things 017 018 Eze /^{things /he shall not
escape .

things 002 003 Mat /${things /he was troubled ,
and all Jerusalem with him .

things 013 021 IISa /^{things /he was very wroth

things 005 027 Luk /${things /he went forth ,
and saw a publican , named Levi , sitting at the receipt of
custom : and he said unto him , Follow me .

things 002 016 Joh /${things /hence ; make not
my Father's house an house of merchandise .

things 098 001 Psa /^{things /his right hand ,
and his holy arm , hath gotten him the victory .

things 005 021 ITh /${things /hold fast that
which is good .

things 012 017 Rom /${things /honest in the
sight of all men .

things 011 001 Heb /${things /hoped for , the
evidence of things not seen .

things 013 007 ICo /${things /hopeth all things
, endureth all things .

things 020 035 Act /${things /how that so
labouring ye ought to support the weak , and to remember the
words of the Lord Jesus , how he said , It is more blessed to
give than to receive .

things 004 012 Php /${things /I am instructed
both to be full and to be hungry , both to abound and to suffer
need .

things 015 017 Joh /${things /I command you ,
that ye love one another .

things 009 024 Jer /^{things /I delight , saith
the LORD .

things 011 009 IICo /${things /I have kept
myself from being burdensome unto you , and so will I keep

things 016 033 Joh /${things /I have spoken
unto you , that in me ye might have peace . In the world ye
shall have tribulation : but be of good cheer ; I have overcome
the world .

things 010 002 Exo /^{things /I have wrought in
Egypt , and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may
know how that I am the LORD .

things 019 001 Rev /${things /I heard a great
voice of much people in heaven , saying , Alleluia ; Salvation ,
and glory , and honour , and power , unto the Lord our God :

things 042 004 Psa /^{things /I pour out my
soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude , I went with them
to the house of God , with the voice of joy and praise , with a
multitude that kept holyday .

things 016 004 Joh /${things /I said not unto
you at the beginning , because I was with you .

things 018 001 Rev /${things /I saw another
angel come down from heaven , having great power ; and the earth
was lightened with his glory .

things 007 001 Rev /${things /I saw four angels
standing on the four corners of the earth , holding the four
winds of the earth , that the wind should not blow on the earth ,
nor on the sea , nor on any tree .

things 005 034 Joh /${things /I say , that ye
might be saved .

things 017 013 Joh /${things /I speak in the
world , that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves .

things 001 016 Lam /^{things /I weep ; mine eye
, mine eye runneth down with water , because the comforter that
should relieve my soul is far from me: my children are desolate ,
because the enemy prevailed .

things 025 021 Mat /${things /I will make thee
ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy lord .

things 025 023 Mat /${things /I will make thee
ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy lord .

things 003 008 Tit /${things /I will that thou
affirm constantly , that they which have believed in God might
be careful to maintain good works . These things are good and
profitable unto men .

things 008 031 Rom /${things /If God be for us ,
who can be against us ?

things 023 031 Luk /${things /in a green tree ,
what shall be done in the dry ?

things 009 003 Hos /^{things /in Assyria .

things 027 024 Eze /^{things /in blue clothes ,
and broidered work , and in chests of rich apparel , bound with
cords , and made of cedar , among thy merchandise .

things 002 010 Heb /${things /in bringing many
sons unto glory , to make the captain of their salvation perfect
through sufferings .

things 001 010 Eph /${things /in Christ , both
which are in heaven , and which are on earth ; even in him :

things 022 020 Pro /^{things /in counsels and
knowledge ,

things 002 010 Php /${things /in earth , and
things under the earth ;

things 001 020 Col /${things /in earth , or
things in heaven .

things 106 021 Psa /^{things /in Egypt ;

things 002 010 Php /${things /in heaven , and
things in earth , and things under the earth ;

things 001 020 Col /${things /in heaven .

things 003 018 Luk /${things /in his
exhortation preached he unto the people .

things 028 010 Pro /^{things /in possession .

things 065 005 Psa /^{things /in righteousness
wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation ; who art the
confidence of all the ends of the earth , and of them that are
afar off upon the sea :

things 002 008 Heb /${things /in subjection
under his feet . For in that he put all in subjection under him ,
he left nothing that is not put under him . But now we see not
yet all things put under him .

things 022 016 Rev /${things /in the churches .
I am the root and the offspring of David , and the bright and
morning star .

things 009 023 Heb /${things /in the heavens
should be purified with these ; but the heavenly things
themselves with better sacrifices than these .

things 044 013 Eze /^{things /in the most holy
place: but they shall bear their shame , and their abominations
which they have committed .

things 007 001 Ezr /^{things /in the reign of
Artaxerxes king of Persia , Ezra the son of Seraiah , the son of
Azariah , the son of Hilkiah ,

things 003 007 Jam /${things /in the sea , is
tamed , and hath been tamed of mankind :

things 026 016 Act /${things /in the which I
will appear unto thee ;

things 020 008 Gen /^{things /in their ears :
and the men were sore afraid .

things 003 004 Gal /${things /in vain ? if it
be yet in vain .

things 003 016 IIPe /${things /in which are some
things hard to be understood , which they that are unlearned and
unstable wrest , as they do also the other scriptures , unto
their own destruction .

things 006 018 Heb /${things /in which it was
impossible for God to lie , we might have a strong consolation ,
who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us

things 002 008 Mar /${things /in your hearts ?

things 014 020 Rom /${things /indeed are pure ;
but it is evil for that man who eateth with offence .

things 003 035 Joh /${things /into his hand .

things 013 003 Joh /${things /into his hands ,
and that he was come from God , and went to God ;

things 004 007 IPe /${things /is at hand : be
ye therefore sober , and watch unto prayer .

things 001 009 IIPe /${things /is blind , and
cannot see afar off , and hath forgotten that he was purged from
his old sins .

things 006 021 Rom /${things /is death .

things 003 004 Heb /${things /is God .

things 065 004 Isa /^{things /is in their
vessels ;

things 009 011 ICo /${things /is it a great
thing if we shall reap your carnal things ?

things 038 016 Isa /^{things /is the life of my
spirit : so wilt thou recover me, and make me to live .

things 002 017 Heb /${things /it behoved him to
be made like unto his brethren , that he might be a merciful and
faithful high priest in things pertaining to God , to make
reconciliation for the sins of the people .

things 011 046 Joh /${things /Jesus had done .

things 005 020 Mar /${things /Jesus had done
for him : and all men did marvel .

things 008 039 Luk /${things /Jesus had done
unto him .

things 021 001 Joh /${things /Jesus shewed
himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias ; and on
this wise shewed he himself.

things 007 001 Joh /${things /Jesus walked in
Galilee : for he would not walk in Jewry , because the Jews
sought to kill him .

things 006 001 Joh /${things /Jesus went over
the sea of Galilee , which is the sea of Tiberias .

things 024 033 Mat /${things /know that it is
near , even at the doors .

things 009 012 ICo /${things /lest we should
hinder the gospel of Christ .

things 043 009 Isa /^{things /let them bring
forth their witnesses , that they may be justified : or let them
hear , and say , It is truth .

things 009 013 ICo /${things /live of the
things of the temple ? and they which wait at the altar are
partakers with the altar ?

things 031 020 Num /^{things /made of wood .

things 010 016 IICo /${things /made ready to our
hand .

things 009 008 IICo /${things /may abound to
every good work :

things 004 011 IPe /${things /may be glorified
through Jesus Christ , to whom be praise and dominion for ever
and ever . Amen .

things 017 020 Act /${things /mean .

things 017 012 Eze /^{things /mean? tell them,
Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem , and hath
taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them
with him to Babylon ;

things 015 026 Luk /${things /meant .

things 038 016 Isa /^{things /men live , and in
all these things is the life of my spirit : so wilt thou recover
me, and make me to live .

things 016 002 Job /^{things /miserable
comforters are ye all.

things 020 024 Act /${things /move me , neither
count I my life dear unto myself , so that I might finish my
course with joy , and the ministry , which I have received of
the Lord Jesus , to testify the gospel of the grace of God .

things 016 030 Pro /^{things /moving his lips
he bringeth evil to pass .

things 024 044 Luk /${things /must be fulfilled
, which were written in the law of Moses , and in the prophets ,
and in the psalms , concerning me .

things 024 006 Mat /${things /must come to pass
, but the end is not yet .

things 021 009 Luk /${things /must first come
to pass ; but the end is not by and by .

things 013 007 Mar /${things /must needs be ;
but the end shall not be yet .

things 005 012 Jam /${things /my brethren ,
swear not , neither by heaven , neither by the earth , neither
by any other oath : but let your yea be yea ; and your nay , nay
; lest ye fall into condemnation .

things 043 018 Isa /^{things /neither consider
the things of old .

things 009 015 ICo /${things /neither have I
written these things , that it should be so done unto me : for
it were better for me to die , than that any man should make my
glorying void .

things 001 011 Ecc /^{things /neither shall
there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those
that shall come after .

things 001 012 IITi /${things /nevertheless I am
not ashamed : for I know whom I have believed , and am persuaded
that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him
against that day .

things 021 005 Rev /${things /new . And he said
unto me , Write : for these words are true and faithful .

things 013 052 Mat /${things /new and old .

things 037 023 Eze /^{things /nor with any of
their transgressions : but I will save them out of all their
dwellingplaces , wherein they have sinned , and will cleanse
them: so shall they be my people , and I will be their God .

things 013 023 Jug /^{things /nor would as at
this time have told us such things as these .

things 002 009 Tit /${things /not answering
again ;

things 008 021 IICo /${things /not only in the
sight of the Lord , but also in the sight of men .

things 010 033 ICo /${things /not seeking mine
own profit , but the profit of many , that they may be saved .

things 011 001 Heb /${things /not seen .

things 011 007 Heb /${things /not seen as yet ,
moved with fear , prepared an ark to the saving of his house ;
by the which he condemned the world , and became heir of the
righteousness which is by faith .

things 009 025 ICo /${things /Now they do it to
obtain a corruptible crown ; but we an incorruptible .

things 071 019 Psa /^{things /O God , who is
like unto thee!

things 064 012 Isa /^{things /O LORD ? wilt
thou hold thy peace , and afflict us very sore ?

things 002 011 ICo /${things /of a man , save
the spirit of man which is in him ? even so the things of God
knoweth no man , but the Spirit of God .

things 029 002 ICh /^{things /of brass , the
iron for things of iron , and wood for things of wood ; onyx
stones , and stones to be set , glistering stones , and of
divers colours , and all manner of precious stones , and marble
stones in abundance .

things 004 005 ICo /${things /of darkness , and
will make manifest the counsels of the hearts : and then shall
every man have praise of God .

things 004 002 IICo /${things /of dishonesty ,
not walking in craftiness , nor handling the word of God
deceitfully ; but by manifestation of the truth commending
ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God .

things 045 023 Gen /^{things /of Egypt , and
ten she asses laden with corn and bread and meat for his father
by the way .

things 011 043 Dan /^{things /of Egypt : and
the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps .

things 001 006 Oba /^{things /of Esau searched
out ! how are his hidden things sought up !

things 011 012 ICo /${things /of God .

things 002 010 ICo /${things /of God .

things 002 011 ICo /${things /of God knoweth no
man , but the Spirit of God .

things 029 005 ICh /^{things /of gold , and the
silver for things of silver , and for all manner of work to be
made by the hands of artificers . And who then is willing to
consecrate his service this day unto the LORD ?

things 028 014 ICh /^{things /of gold , for all
instruments of all manner of service ; silver also for all
instruments of silver by weight , for all instruments of every
kind of service :

things 033 013 Deu /^{things /of heaven , for
the dew , and for the deep that coucheth beneath ,

things 023 008 Luk /${things /of him ; and he
hoped to have seen some miracle done by him .

things 001 020 Rom /${things /of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen , being understood by the
things that are made , even his eternal power and Godhead ; so
that they are without excuse :

things 029 002 ICh /^{things /of iron , and
wood for things of wood ; onyx stones , and stones to be set ,
glistering stones , and of divers colours , and all manner of
precious stones , and marble stones in abundance .

things 006 034 Mat /${things /of itself .
Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof .

things 005 026 Mar /${things /of many
physicians , and had spent all that she had , and was nothing
bettered , but rather grew worse ,

things 008 012 Hos /^{things /of my law , but
they were counted as a strange thing .

things 043 018 Isa /^{things /of old .

things 046 009 Isa /^{things /of old : for I am
God , and there is none else; I am God , and there is none like

things 002 004 Php /${things /of others .

things 029 005 ICh /^{things /of silver , and
for all manner of work to be made by the hands of artificers .
And who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto
the LORD ?

things 029 002 ICh /^{things /of silver , and
the brass for things of brass , the iron for things of iron ,
and wood for things of wood ; onyx stones , and stones to be set
, glistering stones , and of divers colours , and all manner of
precious stones , and marble stones in abundance .

things 033 015 Deu /^{things /of the ancient
mountains , and for the precious things of the lasting hills ,

things 022 002 Lev /^{things /of the children
of Israel , and that they profane not my holy name in those
things which they hallow unto me: I am the LORD .

things 018 032 Num /^{things /of the children
of Israel , lest ye die .

things 005 009 Num /^{things /of the children
of Israel , which they bring unto the priest , shall be his.

things 022 015 Lev /^{things /of the children
of Israel , which they offer unto the LORD ;

things 018 008 Num /^{things /of the children
of Israel ; unto thee have I given them by reason of the
anointing , and to thy sons , by an ordinance for ever .

things 033 016 Deu /^{things /of the earth and
fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the
bush : let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph , and upon
the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren .

things 016 021 Mat /${things /of the elders and
chief priests and scribes , and be killed , and be raised again
the third day .

things 008 005 Rom /${things /of the flesh ;
but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit .

things 002 018 Hos /^{things /of the ground :
and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the
earth , and will make them to lie down safely .

things 024 007 IICh /^{things /of the house of
the LORD did they bestow upon Baalim .

things 033 015 Deu /^{things /of the lasting
hills ,

things 018 025 Act /${things /of the Lord ,
knowing only the baptism of John .

things 007 034 ICo /${things /of the Lord ,
that she may be holy both in body and in spirit : but she that
is married careth for the things of the world , how she may
please her husband .

things 005 015 Lev /^{things /of the LORD ;
then he shall bring for his trespass unto the LORD a ram without
blemish out of the flocks , with thy estimation by shekels of
silver , after the shekel of the sanctuary , for a trespass
offering :

things 008 005 Rom /${things /of the Spirit .

things 002 014 ICo /${things /of the Spirit of
God : for they are foolishness unto him : neither can he know
them, because they are spiritually discerned .

things 009 013 ICo /${things /of the temple ?
and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar ?

things 001 028 ICo /${things /of the world ,
and things which are despised , hath God chosen , yea, and
things which are not , to bring to nought things that are :

things 007 034 ICo /${things /of the world ,
how she may please her husband .

things 001 027 ICo /${things /of the world to
confound the things which are mighty ;

things 001 027 ICo /${things /of the world to
confound the wise ; and God hath chosen the weak things of the
world to confound the things which are mighty ;

things 029 002 ICh /^{things /of wood ; onyx
stones , and stones to be set , glistering stones , and of
divers colours , and all manner of precious stones , and marble
stones in abundance .

things 006 009 Heb /${things /of you , and
things that accompany salvation , though we thus speak .

things 002 014 ITh /${things /of your own
countrymen , even as they have of the Jews :

things 021 025 Act /${things /offered to idols ,
and from blood , and from strangled , and from fornication .

things 008 001 ICo /${things /offered unto
idols , we know that we all have knowledge . Knowledge puffeth
up , but charity edifieth .

things 003 002 Col /${things /on the earth .

things 005 016 Joh /${things /on the sabbath
day .

things 017 015 Eze /^{things /or shall he break
the covenant , and be delivered ?

things 020 002 Luk /${things /or who is he that
gave thee this authority ?

things 003 010 Jam /${things /ought not so to
be .

things 005 017 Lam /^{things /our eyes are dim .

things 002 011 Jos /^{things /our hearts did
melt , neither did there remain any more courage in any man ,
because of you: for the LORD your God , he is God in heaven
above , and in earth beneath.

things 012 022 Job /^{things /out of darkness ,
and bringeth out to light the shadow of death .

things 026 013 Deu /^{things /out of mine house
, and also have given them unto the Levite , and unto the
stranger , to the fatherless , and to the widow , according to
all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not
transgressed thy commandments , neither have I forgotten them:

things 119 001 Psa /^{things /out of thy law .

things 009 010 Job /^{things /past finding out ;
yea, and wonders without number .

things 018 001 Act /${things /Paul departed
from Athens , and came to Corinth ;

things 005 001 Heb /${things /pertaining to God
, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins :

things 002 017 Heb /${things /pertaining to God
, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people .

things 001 003 Act /${things /pertaining to the
kingdom of God :

things 006 004 ICo /${things /pertaining to
this life , set them to judge who are least esteemed in the
church .

things 008 038 Rom /${things /present , nor
things to come ,

things 003 022 ICo /${things /present , or
things to come ; all are yours ;

things 030 010 Isa /^{things /prophesy deceits :

things 031 018 Psa /^{things /proudly and
contemptuously against the righteous .

things 014 009 Hos /^{things /prudent , and he
shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right , and the
just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall

things 033 014 Deu /^{things /put forth by the
moon ,

things 003 014 Col /${things /put on charity ,
which is the bond of perfectness .

things 002 014 IITi /${things /put them in
remembrance , charging them before the Lord that they strive not
about words to no profit , but to the subverting of the hearers .

things 002 008 Heb /${things /put under him .

things 018 009 Num /^{things /reserved from the
fire : every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs,
and every sin offering of theirs, and every trespass offering of
theirs, which they shall render unto me, shall be most holy for
thee and for thy sons .

things 021 014 Jer /^{things /round about it.

things 002 014 Rev /${things /sacrificed unto
idols , and to commit fornication .

things 002 020 Rev /${things /sacrificed unto
idols .

things 012 041 Joh /${things /said Esaias ,
when he saw his glory , and spake of him .

things 011 011 Joh /${things /said he : and
after that he saith unto them , Our friend Lazarus sleepeth ;
but I go , that I may awake him out of sleep .

things 006 059 Joh /${things /said he in the
synagogue , as he taught in Capernaum .

things 022 020 Rev /${things /saith , Surely I
come quickly . Amen . Even so , come , Lord Jesus .

things 003 001 Rev /${things /saith he that
hath the seven Spirits of God , and the seven stars ; I know thy
works , that thou hast a name that thou livest , and art dead .

things 002 001 Rev /${things /saith he that
holdeth the seven stars in his right hand , who walketh in the
midst of the seven golden candlesticks ;

things 003 007 Rev /${things /saith he that is
holy , he that is true , he that hath the key of David , he that
openeth , and no man shutteth ; and shutteth , and no man
openeth ;

things 002 012 Rev /${things /saith he which
hath the sharp sword with two edges ;

things 003 014 Rev /${things /saith the Amen ,
the faithful and true witness , the beginning of the creation of
God ;

things 002 008 Rev /${things /saith the first
and the last , which was dead , and is alive ;

things 005 009 Jer /^{things /saith the LORD :
and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

things 005 029 Jer /^{things /saith the LORD :
shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

things 009 009 Jer /^{things /saith the LORD :
shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?

things 002 018 Rev /${things /saith the Son of
God , who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire , and his feet
are like fine brass ;

things 030 015 Pro /^{things /say not, It is
enough :

things 028 057 Deu /^{things /secretly in the
siege and straitness , wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee
in thy gates .

things 014 018 Rom /${things /serveth Christ is
acceptable to God , and approved of men .

things 006 033 Mat /${things /shall be added
unto you .

things 012 031 Luk /${things /shall be added
unto you .

things 003 011 IIPe /${things /shall be
dissolved , what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy
conversation and godliness ,

things 012 007 Dan /^{things /shall be finished

things 035 029 Num /^{things /shall be for a
statute of judgment unto you throughout your generations in all
your dwellings .

things 013 004 Mar /${things /shall be
fulfilled ?

things 005 010 Num /^{things /shall be his:
whatsoever any man giveth the priest , it shall be his.

things 001 020 Luk /${things /shall be
performed , because thou believest not my words , which shall be
fulfilled in their season .

things 015 028 ICo /${things /shall be subdued
unto him , then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him
that put all things under him , that God may be all in all .

things 015 027 Lev /^{things /shall be unclean ,
and shall wash his clothes , and bathe himself in water , and
be unclean until the even .

things 021 007 Luk /${things /shall come to
pass ?

things 047 009 Isa /^{things /shall come to
thee in a moment in one day , the loss of children , and
widowhood : they shall come upon thee in their perfection for
the multitude of thy sorceries , and for the great abundance of
thine enchantments .

things 023 036 Mat /${things /shall come upon
this generation .

things 032 008 Isa /^{things /shall he stand .

things 010 005 Rom /${things /shall live by
them .

things 015 005 Psa /^{things /shall never be
moved .

things 016 016 Eze /^{things /shall not come ,
neither shall it be so.

things 005 021 Gal /${things /shall not inherit
the kingdom of God .

things 044 009 Isa /^{things /shall not profit ;
and they are their own witnesses ; they see not, nor know ;
that they may be ashamed .

things 066 008 Isa /^{things /Shall the earth
be made to bring forth in one day ? or shall a nation be born at
once ? for as soon as Zion travailed , she brought forth her
children .

things 015 010 Lev /^{things /shall wash his
clothes , and bathe himself in water , and be unclean until the
even .

things 007 004 Joh /${things /shew thyself to
the world .

things 002 007 Tit /${things /shewing thyself a
pattern of good works : in doctrine shewing uncorruptness ,
gravity , sincerity ,

things 010 032 Mar /${things /should happen
unto him ,

things 007 001 Act /${things /so ?

things 103 005 Psa /^{things /so that thy youth
is renewed like the eagle's .

things 001 017 Jos /^{things /so will we
hearken unto thee: only the LORD thy God be with thee, as he was
with Moses .

things 005 019 Joh /${things /soever he doeth ,
these also doeth the Son likewise .

things 003 019 Rom /${things /soever the law
saith , it saith to them who are under the law : that every
mouth may be stopped , and all the world may become guilty
before God .

things 011 024 Mar /${things /soever ye desire ,
when ye pray , believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have

things 001 006 Oba /^{things /sought up !

things 012 036 Joh /${things /spake Jesus , and
departed , and did hide himself from them .

things 013 034 Mat /${things /spake Jesus unto
the multitude in parables ; and without a parable spake he not
unto them :

things 002 015 Tit /${things /speak , and
exhort , and rebuke with all authority . Let no man despise thee

things 030 010 Isa /^{things /speak unto us
smooth things , prophesy deceits :

things 042 016 Isa /^{things /straight . These
things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.

things 015 020 Act /${things /strangled , and
from blood .

things 015 029 Act /${things /strangled , and
from fornication : from which if ye keep yourselves , ye shall
do well . Fare ye well .

things 006 002 ITi /${things /teach and exhort .

things 012 024 Heb /${things /than that of Abel

things 001 050 Joh /${things /than these .

things 026 022 Act /${things /than those which
the prophets and Moses did say should come :

things 006 009 Heb /${things /that accompany
salvation , though we thus speak .

things 001 028 ICo /${things /that are :

things 012 017 Mar /${things /that are Caesar's
, and to God the things that are God's . And they marvelled at
him .

things 044 007 Isa /^{things /that are coming ,
and shall come , let them shew unto them.

things 010 033 Act /${things /that are
commanded thee of God .

things 001 013 Ecc /^{things /that are done
under heaven : this sore travail hath God given to the sons of
man to be exercised therewith.

things 009 003 Ecc /^{things /that are done
under the sun , that there is one event unto all: yea, also the
heart of the sons of men is full of evil , and madness is in
their heart while they live , and after that they go to the dead

things 017 002 Psa /^{things /that are equal .

things 001 010 Php /${things /that are
excellent ; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the
day of Christ ;

things 002 012 ICo /${things /that are freely
given to us of God .

things 022 021 Mat /${things /that are God's .

things 012 017 Mar /${things /that are God's .
And they marvelled at him .

things 113 006 Psa /^{things /that are in
heaven , and in the earth !

things 020 015 IIKi /^{things /that are in mine
house have they seen : there is nothing among my treasures that
I have not shewed them.

things 014 020 IISa /^{things /that are in the
earth .

things 002 015 IJo /${things /that are in the
world . If any man love the world , the love of the Father is
not in him .

things 001 020 Rom /${things /that are made ,
even his eternal power and Godhead ; so that they are without
excuse :

things 012 027 Heb /${things /that are made ,
that those things which cannot be shaken may remain .

things 002 018 Rom /${things /that are more
excellent , being instructed out of the law ;

things 030 015 Pro /^{things /that are never
satisfied , yea, four things say not, It is enough :

things 046 010 Isa /^{things /that are not yet
done , saying , My counsel shall stand , and I will do all my
pleasure :

things 007 033 ICo /${things /that are of the
world , how he may please his wife .

things 008 004 ICo /${things /that are offered
in sacrifice unto idols , we know that an idol is nothing in the
world , and that there is none other God but one .

things 003 022 IJo /${things /that are pleasing
in his sight .

things 005 013 Eph /${things /that are reproved
are made manifest by the light : for whatsoever doth make
manifest is light .

things 045 019 Isa /^{things /that are right .

things 012 027 Heb /${things /that are shaken ,
as of things that are made , that those things which cannot be
shaken may remain .

things 061 011 Isa /^{things /that are sown in
it to spring forth ; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness
and praise to spring forth before all the nations .

things 014 015 Act /${things /that are therein :

things 009 006 Neh /^{things /that are therein,
the seas , and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all;
and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.

things 040 004 Exo /^{things /that are to be
set in order upon it; and thou shalt bring in the candlestick ,
and light the lamps thereof.

things 041 023 Isa /^{things /that are to come
hereafter , that we may know that ye are gods : yea, do good ,
or do evil , that we may be dismayed , and behold it together .

things 001 011 Ecc /^{things /that are to come
with those that shall come after .

things 001 005 Tit /${things /that are wanting ,
and ordain elders in every city , as I had appointed thee :

things 011 028 IICo /${things /that are without ,
that which cometh upon me daily , the care of all the churches .

things 018 031 Luk /${things /that are written
by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished .

things 008 033 Mar /${things /that be of God ,
but the things that be of men .

things 016 023 Mat /${things /that be of God ,
but those that be of men .

things 008 033 Mar /${things /that be of men .

things 002 023 Jos /^{things /that befell them:

things 001 050 Num /^{things /that belong to it:
they shall bear the tabernacle , and all the vessels thereof;
and they shall minister unto it, and shall encamp round about
the tabernacle .

things 007 032 ICo /${things /that belong to
the Lord , how he may please the Lord :

things 040 026 Isa /^{things /that bringeth out
their host by number : he calleth them all by names by the
greatness of his might , for that he is strong in power ; not
one faileth .

things 034 001 Isa /^{things /that come forth
of it.

things 011 005 Eze /^{things /that come into
your mind , every one of them.

things 038 020 Eze /^{things /that creep upon
the earth , and all the men that are upon the face of the earth ,
shall shake at my presence , and the mountains shall be thrown
down , and the steep places shall fall , and every wall shall
fall to the ground .

things 011 042 Lev /^{things /that creep upon
the earth , them ye shall not eat ; for they are an abomination .

things 011 029 Lev /^{things /that creep upon
the earth ; the weasel , and the mouse , and the tortoise after
his kind ,

things 005 001 IICh /^{things /that David his
father had dedicated ; and the silver , and the gold , and all
the instruments , put he among the treasures of the house of God

things 002 008 Jer /^{things /that do not
profit .

things 008 004 IIKi /^{things /that Elisha hath
done .

things 004 029 Joh /${things /that ever I did :
is not this the Christ ?

things 022 001 Gen /^{things /that God did
tempt Abraham , and said unto him, Abraham : and he said ,
Behold, here I am.

things 015 004 Act /${things /that God had done
with them .

things 001 014 Hab /^{things /that have no
ruler over them?

things 021 015 Mat /${things /that he did , and
the children crying in the temple , and saying , Hosanna to the
Son of David ; they were sore displeased ,

things 004 045 Joh /${things /that he did at
Jerusalem at the feast : for they also went unto the feast .

things 024 066 Gen /^{things /that he had done .

things 003 017 ISa /^{things /that he said unto

things 001 002 Rev /${things /that he saw .

things 011 001 Jos /^{things /that he sent to
Jobab king of Madon , and to the king of Shimron , and to the
king of Achshaph ,

things 005 005 Lev /^{things /that he shall
confess that he hath sinned in that thing:

things 005 020 Joh /${things /that himself
doeth : and he will shew him greater works than these , that ye
may marvel .

things 015 018 IICh /^{things /that his father
had dedicated , and that he himself had dedicated , silver , and
gold , and vessels .

things 025 037 ISa /^{things /that his heart
died within him, and he became as a stone .

things 039 007 Gen /^{things /that his master's
wife cast her eyes upon Joseph ; and she said , Lie with me.

things 008 017 Zec /^{things /that I hate ,
saith the LORD .

things 008 013 Jer /^{things /that I have given
them shall pass away from them.

things 015 015 Joh /${things /that I have heard
of my Father I have made known unto you .

things 023 013 Exo /^{things /that I have said
unto you be circumspect : and make no mention of the name of
other gods , neither let it be heard out of thy mouth .

things 035 011 Psa /^{things /that I knew not.

things 001 017 IICo /${things /that I purpose ,
do I purpose according to the flesh , that with me there should
be yea yea , and nay nay ?

things 014 037 ICo /${things /that I write unto
you are the commandments of the Lord .

things 006 011 Ecc /^{things /that increase
vanity , what is man the better ?

things 012 004 IIKi /^{things /that is brought
into the house of the LORD , even the money of every one that
passeth the account, the money that every man is set at , and
all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into the
house of the LORD ,

things 009 015 ICo /${things /that it should be
so done unto me : for it were better for me to die , than that
any man should make my glorying void .

things 022 020 Gen /^{things /that it was told
Abraham , saying , Behold, Milcah , she hath also born children
unto thy brother Nahor ;

things 011 009 IIKi /^{things /that Jehoiada the
priest commanded : and they took every man his men that were to
come in on the sabbath , with them that should go out on the
sabbath , and came to Jehoiada the priest .

things 023 008 IICh /^{things /that Jehoiada the
priest had commanded , and took every man his men that were to
come in on the sabbath , with them that were to go out on the
sabbath : for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses .

things 012 018 IIKi /^{things /that Jehoshaphat ,
and Jehoram , and Ahaziah , his fathers , kings of Judah , had
dedicated , and his own hallowed things , and all the gold that
was found in the treasures of the house of the LORD , and in the
king's house , and sent it to Hazael king of Syria : and he went
away from Jerusalem .

things 010 041 Joh /${things /that John spake
of this man were true .

things 027 029 Jos /^{things /that Joshua the
son of Nun , the servant of the LORD , died , being an hundred
and ten years old .

things 008 011 Pro /^{things /that may be
desired are not to be compared to it.

things 006 007 Job /^{things /that my soul
refused to touch are as my sorrowful meat .

things 021 001 IKi /^{things /that Naboth the
Jezreelite had a vineyard , which was in Jezreel , hard by the
palace of Ahab king of Samaria .

things 013 041 Mat /${things /that offend , and
them which do iniquity ;

things 048 001 Gen /^{things /that one told
Joseph , Behold, thy father is sick : and he took with him his
two sons , Manasseh and Ephraim .

things 006 003 ICo /${things /that pertain to
this life ?

things 001 003 IIPe /${things /that pertain unto
life and godliness , through the knowledge of him that hath
called us to glory and virtue :

things 008 029 Joh /${things /that please him .

things 056 004 Isa /^{things /that please me,
and take hold of my covenant ;

things 020 022 Act /${things /that shall befall
me there :

things 021 036 Luk /${things /that shall come
to pass , and to stand before the Son of man .

things 047 013 Isa /^{things /that shall come
upon thee.

things 032 035 Deu /^{things /that shall come
upon them make haste .

things 001 007 Lam /^{things /that she had in
the days of old , when her people fell into the hand of the
enemy , and none did help her: the adversaries saw her, and did
mock at her sabbaths .

things 018 004 Joh /${things /that should come
upon him , went forth , and said unto them , Whom seek ye ?

things 044 024 Isa /^{things /that stretcheth
forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by

things 040 001 Gen /^{things /that the butler
of the king of Egypt and his baker had offended their lord the
king of Egypt .

things 016 015 Joh /${things /that the Father
hath are mine : therefore said I , that he shall take of mine ,
and shall shew it unto you .

things 011 025 Eze /^{things /that the LORD had
shewed me.

things 017 017 IKi /^{things /that the son of
the woman , the mistress of the house , fell sick ; and his
sickness was so sore , that there was no breath left in him.

things 010 006 Rev /${things /that therein are ,
and the earth , and the things that therein are , and the sea ,
and the things which are therein , that there should be time no
longer :

things 010 006 Rev /${things /that therein are ,
and the sea , and the things which are therein , that there
should be time no longer :

things 002 020 Luk /${things /that they had
heard and seen , as it was told unto them .

things 002 012 IIPe /${things /that they
understand not ; and shall utterly perish in their own
corruption ;

things 023 017 IIKi /^{things /that thou hast
done against the altar of Bethel .

things 002 002 IITi /${things /that thou hast
heard of me among many witnesses , the same commit thou to
faithful men , who shall be able to teach others also .

things 001 023 Jo /${things /that thou mayest
prosper and be in health , even as thy soul prospereth .

things 004 007 Deu /^{things /that we call upon
him for?

things 012 008 Deu /^{things /that we do here
this day , every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes .

things 013 029 Joh /${things /that we have need
of against the feast ; or , that he should give something to the
poor .

things 017 009 Luk /${things /that were
commanded him ? I trow not .

things 027 054 Mat /${things /that were done ,
they feared greatly , saying , Truly this was the Son of God .

things 028 011 Mat /${things /that were done .

things 013 017 Luk /${things /that were done by
him .

things 009 031 ICh /^{things /that were made in
the pans .

things 017 009 IIKi /^{things /that were not
right against the LORD their God , and they built them high
places in all their cities , from the tower of the watchmen to
the fenced city .

things 004 034 Act /${things /that were sold ,

things 010 023 Luk /${things /that ye see :

things 008 016 Zec /^{things /that ye shall do ;
Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour ; execute the
judgment of truth and peace in your gates :

things 005 017 Gal /${things /that ye would .

things 001 012 IPe /${things /the angels desire
to look into .

things 030 021 Pro /^{things /the earth is
disquieted , and for four which it cannot bear :

things 010 001 Luk /${things /the Lord
appointed other seventy also , and sent them two and two before
his face into every city and place , whither he himself would
come .

things 005 019 Mar /${things /the Lord hath
done for thee , and hath had compassion on thee .

things 048 014 Isa /^{things /The LORD hath
loved him: he will do his pleasure on Babylon , and his arm
shall be on the Chaldeans .

things 020 013 IIKi /^{things /the silver , and
the gold , and the spices , and the precious ointment , and all
the house of his armour , and all that was found in his
treasures : there was nothing in his house , nor in all his
dominion , that Hezekiah shewed them not.

things 039 002 Isa /^{things /the silver , and
the gold , and the spices , and the precious ointment , and all
the house of his armour , and all that was found in his
treasures : there was nothing in his house , nor in all his
dominion , that Hezekiah shewed them not.

things 018 013 Jer /^{things /the virgin of
Israel hath done a very horrible thing .

things 015 001 Gen /^{things /the word of the
LORD came unto Abram in a vision , saying , Fear not, Abram : I
am thy shield , and thy exceeding great reward .

things 016 030 Eze /^{things /the work of an
imperious whorish woman ;

things 015 027 Rom /${things /their duty is
also to minister unto them in carnal things .

things 009 023 Heb /${things /themselves with
better sacrifices than these .

things 014 021 Luk /${things /Then the master
of the house being angry said to his servant , Go out quickly
into the streets and lanes of the city , and bring in hither the
poor , and the maimed , and the halt , and the blind .

things 026 010 Jer /^{things /then they came up
from the king's house unto the house of the LORD , and sat down
in the entry of the new gate of the LORD'S house.

things 007 004 Mar /${things /there be , which
they have received to hold , as the washing of cups , and pots ,
brasen vessels , and of tables .

things 042 013 Eze /^{things /there shall they
lay the most holy things , and the meat offering , and the sin
offering , and the trespass offering ; for the place is holy .

things 019 024 Joh /${things /therefore the
soldiers did .

things 017 024 Act /${things /therein , seeing
that he is Lord of heaven and earth , dwelleth not in temples
made with hands ;

things 007 020 Eze /^{things /therein:
therefore have I set it far from them.

things 011 018 Eze /^{things /thereof and all
the abominations thereof from thence.

things 020 005 Jer /^{things /thereof, and all
the treasures of the kings of Judah will I give into the hand of
their enemies , which shall spoil them, and take them, and carry
them to Babylon .

things 023 020 Mat /${things /thereon .

things 001 010 Jud /${things /they corrupt
themselves .

things 005 024 Act /${things /they doubted of
them whereunto this would grow .

things 009 009 Mar /${things /they had seen ,
till the Son of man were risen from the dead .

things 022 025 Eze /^{things /they have made
her many widows in the midst thereof.

things 022 026 Eze /^{things /they have put no
difference between the holy and profane , neither have they
shewed difference between the unclean and the clean , and have
hid their eyes from my sabbaths , and I am profaned among them.

things 011 018 Act /${things /they held their
peace , and glorified God , saying , Then hath God also to the
Gentiles granted repentance unto life .

things 013 051 Mat /${things /They say unto him
, Yea , Lord .

things 007 054 Act /${things /they were cut to
the heart , and they gnashed on him with their teeth .

things 006 016 Neh /^{things /they were much
cast down in their own eyes : for they perceived that this work
was wrought of our God .

things 010 006 Joh /${things /they were which
he spake unto them .

things 015 004 Mar /${things /they witness
against thee .

things 027 013 Mat /${things /they witness
against thee ?

things 027 019 Mat /${things /this day in a
dream because of him .

things 012 005 Isa /^{things /this is known in
all the earth .

things 086 010 Psa /^{things /thou art God

things 003 015 Pro /^{things /thou canst desire
are not to be compared unto her.

things 060 003 Psa /^{things /thou hast made us
to drink the wine of astonishment .

things 021 017 Joh /${things /thou knowest that
I love thee . Jesus saith unto him , Feed my sheep .

things 004 006 ITi /${things /thou shalt be a
good minister of Jesus Christ , nourished up in the words of
faith and of good doctrine , whereunto thou hast attained .

things 001 012 IIPe /${things /though ye know
them, and be established in the present truth .

things 004 013 Php /${things /through Christ
which strengtheneth me .

things 025 001 Isa /^{things /thy counsels of
old are faithfulness and truth .

things 007 065 Neh /^{things /till there stood
up a priest with Urim and Thummim .

things 002 063 Ezr /^{things /till there stood
up a priest with Urim and with Thummim .

things 009 022 ICo /${things /to all men, that
I might by all means save some .

things 029 002 ICh /^{things /to be made of
gold , and the silver for things of silver , and the brass for
things of brass , the iron for things of iron , and wood for
things of wood ; onyx stones , and stones to be set , glistering
stones , and of divers colours , and all manner of precious
stones , and marble stones in abundance .

things 119 012 Psa /^{things /to be right ; and
I hate every false way .

things 008 038 Rom /${things /to come ,

things 010 001 Heb /${things /to come , and not
the very image of the things , can never with those sacrifices
which they offered year by year continually make the comers
thereunto perfect .

things 009 011 Heb /${things /to come , by a
greater and more perfect tabernacle , not made with hands , that
is to say , not of this building ;

things 016 013 Joh /${things /to come .

things 011 020 Heb /${things /to come .

things 003 022 ICo /${things /to come ; all are
yours ;

things 002 017 Col /${things /to come ; but the
body is of Christ .

things 045 011 Isa /^{things /to come
concerning my sons , and concerning the work of my hands command
ye me.

things 005 026 Luk /${things /to day .

things 020 030 Act /${things /to draw away
disciples after them .

things 006 017 ITi /${things /to enjoy ;

things 004 034 Mar /${things /to his disciples .

things 007 021 IISa /^{things /to make thy
servant know them.

things 023 022 Act /${things /to me .

things 017 020 Act /${things /to our ears : we
would know therefore what these things mean .

things 017 011 IIKi /^{things /to provoke the
LORD to anger :

things 005 011 Heb /${things /to say , and hard
to be uttered , seeing ye are dull of hearing .

things 008 026 Joh /${things /to say and to
judge of you : but he that sent me is true ; and I speak to the
world those things which I have heard of him .

things 016 012 Joh /${things /to say unto you ,
but ye cannot bear them now .

things 004 014 ICo /${things /to shame you ,
but as my beloved sons I warn you.

things 001 022 Eph /${things /to the church ,

things 007 011 Mat /${things /to them that ask
him ?

things 047 007 Isa /^{things /to thy heart ,
neither didst remember the latter end of it.

things 011 036 Rom /${things /to whom be glory
for ever . Amen .

things 001 133 Jo /${things /to write , but I
will not with ink and pen write unto thee :

things 001 001 IIJo /${things /to write unto you
, I would not write with paper and ink : but I trust to come
unto you , and speak face to face , that our joy may be full .

things 003 001 Php /${things /to you , to me
indeed is not grievous , but for you it is safe .

things 007 014 IICo /${things /to you in truth ,
even so our boasting , which I made before Titus , is found a
truth .

things 014 026 Joh /${things /to your
remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you .

things 131 001 Psa /^{things /too high for me.

things 042 003 Job /^{things /too wonderful for
me, which I knew not.

things 003 007 Jer /^{things /Turn thou unto me.
But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it.

things 015 028 ICo /${things /under him , that
God may be all in all .

things 015 027 ICo /${things /under him .

things 001 022 Eph /${things /under his feet ,
and gave him to be the head over all things to the church ,

things 015 027 ICo /${things /under his feet .
But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest
that he is excepted , which did put all things under him .

things 008 006 Psa /^{things /under his feet :

things 002 010 Php /${things /under the earth ;

things 012 016 Joh /${things /understood not
his disciples at the first : but when Jesus was glorified , then
remembered they that these things were written of him , and that
they had done these things unto him .

things 022 006 Lev /^{things /unless he wash
his flesh with water .

things 022 004 Lev /^{things /until he be clean
. And whoso toucheth any thing that is unclean by the dead , or
a man whose seed goeth from him;

things 023 015 Jos /^{things /until he have
destroyed you from off this good land which the LORD your God
hath given you.

things 005 020 Eph /${things /unto God and the
Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ ;

things 020 018 Joh /${things /unto her .

things 012 016 Joh /${things /unto him .

things 003 021 Php /${things /unto himself .

things 001 020 Col /${things /unto himself ; by
him , I say, whether they be things in earth , or things in
heaven .

things 012 017 Act /${things /unto James , and
to the brethren . And he departed , and went into another place .

things 013 020 Job /^{things /unto me: then
will I not hide myself from thee .

things 024 010 Luk /${things /unto the apostles

things 024 009 Luk /${things /unto the eleven ,
and to all the rest .

things 012 047 Neh /^{things /unto the Levites ;
and the Levites sanctified them unto the children of Aaron .

things 002 008 Lev /^{things /unto the LORD :
and when it is presented unto the priest , he shall bring it
unto the altar .

things 023 030 Eze /^{things /unto thee,
because thou hast gone a whoring after the heathen , and because
thou art polluted with their idols .

things 030 015 Jer /^{things /unto thee.

things 004 018 Jer /^{things /unto thee; this
is thy wickedness , because it is bitter , because it reacheth
unto thine heart .

things 009 018 Mat /${things /unto them ,
behold , there came a certain ruler , and worshipped him ,
saying , My daughter is even now dead : but come and lay thy
hand upon her , and she shall live .

things 006 009 Eph /${things /unto them ,
forbearing threatening : knowing that your Master also is in
heaven ; neither is there respect of persons with him .

things 010 008 Act /${things /unto them , he
sent them to Joppa .

things 011 053 Luk /${things /unto them , the
scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently , and to
provoke him to speak of many things :

things 013 003 Mat /${things /unto them in
parables , saying , Behold , a sower went forth to sow ;

things 004 013 ICo /${things /unto this day .

things 005 019 Jer /^{things /unto us? then
shalt thou answer them, Like as ye have forsaken me, and served
strange gods in your land , so shall ye serve strangers in a
land that is not yours.

things 016 006 Joh /${things /unto you , sorrow
hath filled your heart .

things 001 013 IICo /${things /unto you , than
what ye read or acknowledge ; and I trust ye shall acknowledge
even to the end ;

things 013 022 Jer /^{things /upon me? For the
greatness of thine iniquity are thy skirts discovered , and thy
heels made bare .

things 041 030 Job /^{things /upon the mire .

things 029 016 Isa /^{things /upside down shall
be esteemed as the potter's clay : for shall the work say of him
that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of
him that framed it, He had no understanding ?

things 024 002 Mat /${things /verily I say unto
you , There shall not be left here one stone upon another , that
shall not be thrown down .

things 014 015 Act /${things /We also are men
of like passions with you , and preach unto you that ye should
turn from these vanities unto the living God , which made heaven
, and earth , and the sea , and all things that are therein :

things 008 037 Rom /${things /we are more than
conquerors through him that loved us .

things 003 002 Jam /${things /we offend all .
If any man offend not in word , the same is a perfect man , and
able also to bridle the whole body .

things 007 037 Mar /${things /well : he maketh
both the deaf to hear , and the dumb to speak .

things 012 012 IICh /^{things /went well .

things 001 016 Col /${things /were created by
him , and for him :

things 019 036 Joh /${things /were done , that
the scripture should be fulfilled , A bone of him shall not be
broken .

things 009 001 Ezr /^{things /were done , the
princes came to me, saying , The people of Israel , and the
priests , and the Levites , have not separated themselves from
the people of the lands , doing according to their abominations ,
even of the Canaanites , the Hittites , the Perizzites , the
Jebusites , the Ammonites , the Moabites , the Egyptians , and
the Amorites .

things 024 021 Luk /${things /were done .

things 001 028 Joh /${things /were done in
Bethabara beyond Jordan , where John was baptizing .

things 024 035 Luk /${things /were done in the
way , and how he was known of them in breaking of bread .

things 019 021 Act /${things /were ended , Paul
purposed in the spirit , when he had passed through Macedonia
and Achaia , to go to Jerusalem , saying , After I have been
there , I must also see Rome .

things 004 028 Luk /${things /were filled with
wrath ,

things 003 007 Php /${things /were gain to me ,
those I counted loss for Christ .

things 001 003 Joh /${things /were made by him ;
and without him was not any thing made that was made .

things 019 028 Joh /${things /were now
accomplished , that the scripture might be fulfilled , saith , I
thirst .

things 010 006 ICo /${things /were our examples
, to the intent we should not lust after evil things , as they
also lusted .

things 029 033 IICh /^{things /were six hundred
oxen and three thousand sheep .

things 017 011 Act /${things /were so .

things 024 009 Act /${things /were so .

things 009 006 Heb /${things /were thus
ordained , the priests went always into the first tabernacle ,
accomplishing the service of God.

things 015 004 Rom /${things /were written
aforetime were written for our learning , that we through
patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope .

things 012 016 Joh /${things /were written of
him , and that they had done these things unto him .

things 041 022 Isa /^{things /what they be,
that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or
declare us things for to come .

things 003 022 Act /${things /whatsoever he
shall say unto you .

things 028 020 Mat /${things /whatsoever I have
commanded you : and , lo , I am with you alway , even unto the
end of the world . Amen .

things 017 007 Joh /${things /whatsoever thou
hast given me are of thee .

things 021 022 Mat /${things /whatsoever ye
shall ask in prayer , believing , ye shall receive .

things 007 012 Mat /${things /whatsoever ye
would that men should do to you , do ye even so to them : for
this is the law and the prophets .

things 002 001 Est /^{things /when the wrath of
king Ahasuerus was appeased , he remembered Vashti , and what
she had done , and what was decreed against her.

things 002 003 IICh /^{things /wherein Solomon
was instructed for the building of the house of God . The length
by cubits after the first measure was threescore cubits , and
the breadth twenty cubits .

things 005 011 Est /^{things /wherein the king
had promoted him, and how he had advanced him above the princes
and servants of the king .

things 016 019 Jer /^{things /wherein there is
no profit .

things 001 004 Luk /${things /wherein thou hast
been instructed .

things 026 002 Act /${things /whereof I am
accused of the Jews :

things 025 011 Act /${things /whereof these
accuse me , no man may deliver me unto them . I appeal unto
Caesar .

things 024 013 Act /${things /whereof they now
accuse me .

things 021 024 Act /${things /whereof they were
informed concerning thee , are nothing ; but that thou thyself
also walkest orderly , and keepest the law .

things 024 008 Act /${things /whereof we accuse
him .

things 023 014 Luk /${things /whereof ye accuse
him :

things 006 021 Rom /${things /whereof ye are
now ashamed ? for the end of those things is death .

things 007 001 ICo /${things /whereof ye wrote
unto me : It is good for a man not to touch a woman .

things 014 019 Rom /${things /wherewith one may
edify another .

things 029 033 Exo /^{things /wherewith the
atonement was made , to consecrate and to sanctify them: but a
stranger shall not eat thereof, because they are holy .

things 001 019 Rev /${things /which are , and
the things which shall be hereafter ;

things 003 001 Col /${things /which are above ,
where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God .

things 022 010 Act /${things /which are
appointed for thee to do .

things 003 013 Php /${things /which are before ,

things 003 013 Php /${things /which are behind ,
and reaching forth unto those things which are before ,

things 022 021 Mat /${things /which are
Caesar's ; and unto God the things that are God's .

things 024 018 Luk /${things /which are come to
pass there in these days ?

things 021 026 Luk /${things /which are coming
on the earth : for the powers of heaven shall be shaken .

things 017 010 Luk /${things /which are
commanded you , say , We are unprofitable servants : we have
done that which was our duty to do .

things 001 028 ICo /${things /which are
despised , hath God chosen , yea, and things which are not , to
bring to nought things that are :

things 003 009 Col /${things /which are done
here .

things 005 012 Eph /${things /which are done of
them in secret .

things 042 014 Eze /^{things /which are for the
people .

things 005 017 Lev /^{things /which are
forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD ; though he
wist it not, yet is he guilty , and shall bear his iniquity .

things 018 027 Luk /${things /which are
impossible with men are possible with God .

things 002 021 Php /${things /which are Jesus
Christ's .

things 030 024 Pro /^{things /which are little
upon the earth , but they are exceeding wise :

things 001 027 ICo /${things /which are mighty ;

things 001 001 Luk /${things /which are most
surely believed among us ,

things 002 016 Jam /${things /which are needful
to the body ; what doth it profit ?

things 001 028 ICo /${things /which are not ,
to bring to nought things that are :

things 001 028 Rom /${things /which are not
convenient ;

things 004 018 IICo /${things /which are not
seen : for the things which are seen are temporal ; but the
things which are not seen are eternal .

things 004 018 IICo /${things /which are not
seen are eternal .

things 001 012 IPe /${things /which are now
reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you
with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven ; which things the
angels desire to look into .

things 008 010 ICo /${things /which are offered
to idols ;

things 029 029 Deu /^{things /which are
revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever , that we
may do all the words of this law .

things 004 018 IICo /${things /which are seen ,
but at the things which are not seen : for the things which are
seen are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are
eternal .

things 004 018 IICo /${things /which are seen
are temporal ; but the things which are not seen are eternal .

things 011 003 Heb /${things /which are seen
were not made of things which do appear .

things 010 006 Rev /${things /which are therein
, that there should be time no longer :

things 030 018 Pro /^{things /which are too
wonderful for me, yea, four which I know not:

things 003 010 Gal /${things /which are written
in the book of the law to do them .

things 024 014 Act /${things /which are written
in the law and in the prophets :

things 022 019 Rev /${things /which are written
in this book .

things 021 022 Luk /${things /which are written
may be fulfilled .

things 001 003 Rev /${things /which are written
therein : for the time is at hand .

things 020 025 Luk /${things /which be Caesar's
, and unto God the things which be God's .

things 020 025 Luk /${things /which be God's .

things 004 017 Rom /${things /which be not as
though they were .

things 002 001 Tit /${things /which become
sound doctrine :

things 019 042 Luk /${things /which belong unto
thy peace ! but now they are hid from thine eyes .

things 012 027 Heb /${things /which cannot be
shaken may remain .

things 012 021 ISa /^{things /which cannot
profit nor deliver ; for they are vain .

things 015 018 Rom /${things /which Christ hath
not wrought by me , to make the Gentiles obedient , by word and
deed ,

things 007 015 Mar /${things /which come out of
him , those are they that defile the man .

things 011 030 IICo /${things /which concern
mine infirmities .

things 028 031 Act /${things /which concern the
Lord Jesus Christ , with all confidence , no man forbidding him .

things 007 051 IKi /^{things /which David his
father had dedicated ; even the silver , and the gold , and the
vessels , did he put among the treasures of the house of the

things 026 026 ICh /^{things /which David the
king , and the chief fathers , the captains over thousands and
hundreds , and the captains of the host , had dedicated .

things 015 020 Mat /${things /which defile a
man : but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man .

things 011 003 Heb /${things /which do appear .

things 030 029 Pro /^{things /which go well ,
yea, four are comely in going :

things 003 018 Act /${things /which God before
had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets , that Christ should
suffer , he hath so fulfilled .

things 002 009 ICo /${things /which God hath
prepared for them that love him .

things 003 021 Act /${things /which God hath
spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world
began .

things 014 019 Job /^{things /which grow out of
the dust of the earth ; and thou destroyest the hope of man .

things 024 014 Luk /${things /which had
happened .

things 001 012 Php /${things /which happened
unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the
gospel ;

things 013 035 Mat /${things /which have been
kept secret from the foundation of the world .

things 011 023 Lev /^{things /which have four
feet , shall be an abomination unto you.

things 010 039 Act /${things /which he did both
in the land of the Jews , and in Jerusalem ; whom they slew and
hanged on a tree :

things 002 018 Col /${things /which he hath not
seen , vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind ,

things 004 032 Act /${things /which he
possessed was his own ; but they had all things common .

things 012 015 Luk /${things /which he
possesseth .

things 011 023 Mar /${things /which he saith
shall come to pass ; he shall have whatsoever he saith .

things 005 008 Heb /${things /which he suffered

things 015 015 IKi /^{things /which himself had
dedicated , into the house of the LORD , silver , and gold , and
vessels .

things 015 015 IKi /^{things /which his father
had dedicated , and the things which himself had dedicated ,
into the house of the LORD , silver , and gold , and vessels .

things 002 018 Gal /${things /which I destroyed
, I make myself a transgressor .

things 029 035 Exo /^{things /which I have
commanded thee: seven days shalt thou consecrate them.

things 008 026 Joh /${things /which I have
heard of him .

things 045 001 Psa /^{things /which I have made
touching the king : my tongue is the pen of a ready writer .

things 003 012 ISa /^{things /which I have
spoken concerning his house : when I begin , I will also make an
end .

things 006 046 Luk /${things /which I say ?

things 025 022 Exo /^{things /which I will give
thee in commandment unto the children of Israel .

things 001 020 Gal /${things /which I write
unto you , behold , before God , I lie not .

things 004 015 Eph /${things /which is the head
, even Christ :

things 011 045 Joh /${things /which Jesus did ,
believed on him .

things 009 043 Luk /${things /which Jesus did ,
he said unto his disciples ,

things 021 025 Joh /${things /which Jesus did ,
the which , if they should be written every one , I suppose that
even the world itself could not contain the books that should be
written . Amen .

things 014 019 Rom /${things /which make for
peace , and things wherewith one may edify another .

things 018 027 Jug /^{things /which Micah had
made , and the priest which he had, and came unto Laish , unto a
people that were at quiet and secure : and they smote them with
the edge of the sword , and burnt the city with fire .

things 001 044 Mar /${things /which Moses
commanded , for a testimony unto them .

things 004 001 Rev /${things /which must be
hereafter .

things 022 006 Rev /${things /which must
shortly be done .

things 001 001 Rev /${things /which must
shortly come to pass ; and he sent and signified it by his angel
unto his servant John :

things 004 027 Lev /^{things /which ought not
to be done , and be guilty ;

things 004 002 Lev /^{things /which ought not
to be done , and shall do against any of them :

things 015 017 Rom /${things /which pertain to
God .

things 008 006 Act /${things /which Philip
spake , hearing and seeing the miracles which he did .

things 015 018 Mat /${things /which proceed out
of the mouth come forth from the heart ; and they defile the man

things 003 002 Rev /${things /which remain ,
that are ready to die : for I have not found thy works perfect
before God .

things 001 019 Rev /${things /which shall be
hereafter ;

things 015 021 ISa /^{things /which should have
been utterly destroyed , to sacrifice unto the LORD thy God in
Gilgal .

things 004 013 Lev /^{things /which should not
be done , and are guilty ;

things 004 022 Lev /^{things /which should not
be done , and is guilty ;

things 022 003 Lev /^{things /which the
children of Israel hallow unto the LORD , having his uncleanness
upon him, that soul shall be cut off from my presence : I am the

things 018 019 Num /^{things /which the
children of Israel offer unto the LORD , have I given thee, and
thy sons and thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever : it
is a covenant of salt for ever before the LORD unto thee and to
thy seed with thee.

things 028 038 Exo /^{things /which the
children of Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts ; and it
shall be always upon his forehead , that they may be accepted
before the LORD .

things 010 020 ICo /${things /which the
Gentiles sacrifice , they sacrifice to devils , and not to God :
and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils .

things 008 036 Lev /^{things /which the LORD
commanded by the hand of Moses .

things 023 014 Jos /^{things /which the LORD
your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you,
and not one thing hath failed thereof.

things 010 004 Rev /${things /which the seven
thunders uttered , and write them not .

things 009 036 Luk /${things /which they had
seen .

things 022 002 Lev /^{things /which they hallow
unto me: I am the LORD .

things 001 010 Jud /${things /which they know
not : but what they know naturally , as brute beasts , in those
things they corrupt themselves .

things 001 011 Tit /${things /which they ought
not , for filthy lucre's sake .

things 005 013 ITi /${things /which they ought
not .

things 004 009 Deu /^{things /which thine eyes
have seen , and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of
thy life : but teach them thy sons , and thy sons sons ;

things 010 021 Deu /^{things /which thine eyes
have seen .

things 006 011 Deu /^{things /which thou
filledst not, and wells digged , which thou diggedst not,
vineyards and olive trees , which thou plantedst not; when thou
shalt have eaten and be full ;

things 003 014 IITi /${things /which thou hast
learned and hast been assured of , knowing of whom thou hast
learned them;

things 026 016 Act /${things /which thou hast
seen , and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee ;

things 001 019 Rev /${things /which thou hast
seen , and the things which are , and the things which shall be
hereafter ;

things 012 026 Deu /^{things /which thou hast,
and thy vows , thou shalt take , and go unto the place which the
LORD shall choose :

things 033 003 Jer /^{things /which thou
knowest not.

things 005 008 IKi /^{things /which thou
sentest to me for: and I will do all thy desire concerning
timber of cedar , and concerning timber of fir .

things 002 010 Rev /${things /which thou shalt
suffer : behold , the devil shall cast some of you into prison ,
that ye may be tried ; and ye shall have tribulation ten days :
be thou faithful unto death , and I will give thee a crown of
life .

things 003 004 IITh /${things /which we command
you .

things 002 001 Heb /${things /which we have
heard , lest at any time we should let them slip .

things 004 020 Act /${things /which we have
seen and heard .

things 008 001 Heb /${things /which we have
spoken this is the sum : We have such an high priest , who is
set on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the
heavens ;

things 001 008 IIJo /${things /which we have
wrought , but that we receive a full reward .

things 064 003 Isa /^{things /which we looked
not for, thou camest down , the mountains flowed down at thy
presence .

things 031 006 IICh /^{things /which were
consecrated unto the LORD their God , and laid them by heaps .

things 018 014 Rev /${things /which were dainty
and goodly are departed from thee , and thou shalt find them no
more at all .

things 023 048 Luk /${things /which were done ,
smote their breasts , and returned .

things 018 015 Rev /${things /which were made
rich by her , shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment ,
weeping and wailing ,

things 004 018 Php /${things /which were sent
from you , an odour of a sweet smell , a sacrifice acceptable ,
wellpleasing to God .

things 028 024 Act /${things /which were spoken
, and some believed not .

things 018 034 Luk /${things /which were spoken

things 013 045 Act /${things /which were spoken
by Paul , contradicting and blaspheming .

things 027 011 Act /${things /which were spoken
by Paul .

things 002 033 Luk /${things /which were spoken
of him .

things 016 014 Act /${things /which were spoken
of Paul .

things 003 005 Heb /${things /which were to be
spoken after ;

things 001 045 Luk /${things /which were told
her from the Lord .

things 002 018 Luk /${things /which were told
them by the shepherds .

things 020 012 Rev /${things /which were
written in the books , according to their works .

things 021 006 Luk /${things /which ye behold ,
the days will come , in the which there shall not be left one
stone upon another , that shall not be thrown down .

things 011 004 Mat /${things /which ye do hear
and see :

things 004 009 Php /${things /which ye have
both learned , and received , and heard , and seen in me , do :
and the God of peace shall be with you .

things 008 024 Act /${things /which ye have
spoken come upon me .

things 013 017 Mat /${things /which ye hear ,
and have not heard them.

things 010 024 Luk /${things /which ye hear ,
and have not heard them.

things 010 024 Luk /${things /which ye see ,
and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear ,
and have not heard them.

things 013 017 Mat /${things /which ye see ,
and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear ,
and have not heard them.

things 001 018 Deu /^{things /which ye should
do .

things 001 009 Act /${things /while they beheld
, he was taken up ; and a cloud received him out of their sight .

things 007 020 Dan /^{things /whose look was
more stout than his fellows .

things 042 016 Isa /^{things /will I do unto
them, and not forsake them.

things 004 009 Mat /${things /will I give thee ,
if thou wilt fall down and worship me .

things 016 003 Joh /${things /will they do unto
you , because they have not known the Father , nor me .

things 015 021 Joh /${things /will they do unto
you for my name's sake , because they know not him that sent me .

things 013 018 Heb /${things /willing to live
honestly .

things 021 003 IICh /^{things /with fenced
cities in Judah : but the kingdom gave he to Jehoram ; because
he was the firstborn .

things 002 013 ICo /${things /with spiritual .

things 014 007 ICo /${things /without life
giving sound , whether pipe or harp , except they give a
distinction in the sounds , how shall it be known what is piped
or harped ?

things 002 014 Php /${things /without
murmurings and disputings :

things 005 009 Job /^{things /without number :

things 010 013 IICo /${things /without our
measure , but according to the measure of the rule which God
hath distributed to us , a measure to reach even unto you .

things 010 015 IICo /${things /without our
measure , that is, of other men's labours ; but having hope ,
when your faith is increased , that we shall be enlarged by you
according to our rule abundantly ,

things 005 021 ITi /${things /without
preferring one before another , doing nothing by partiality .

things 008 028 Rom /${things /work together for
good to them that love God , to them who are the called
according to his purpose .

things 033 029 Job /^{things /worketh God
oftentimes with man ,

things 012 048 Luk /${things /worthy of stripes
, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is
given , of him shall be much required : and to whom men have
committed much , of him they will ask the more .

things 003 014 ITi /${things /write I unto thee
, hoping to come unto thee shortly :

things 002 001 IJo /${things /write I unto you ,
that ye sin not . And if any man sin , we have an advocate with
the Father , Jesus Christ the righteous :

things 001 004 IJo /${things /write we unto you
, that your joy may be full .

things 017 022 Act /${things /ye are too
superstitious .

things 007 008 Mar /${things /ye do .

things 007 011 IICo /${things /ye have approved
yourselves to be clear in this matter .

things 006 008 Mat /${things /ye have need of ,
before ye ask him .

things 007 022 Luk /${things /ye have seen and
heard ; how that the blind see , the lame walk , the lepers are
cleansed , the deaf hear , the dead are raised , to the poor the
gospel is preached .

things 029 039 Num /^{things /ye shall do unto
the LORD in your set feasts , beside your vows , and your
freewill offerings , for your burnt offerings , and for your
meat offerings , and for your drink offerings , and for your
peace offerings .

things 001 010 IIPe /${things /ye shall never
fall :

things 002 010 ICo /${things /yea , the deep
things of God .

things 013 026 Neh /^{things /yet among many
nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God ,
and God made him king over all Israel : nevertheless even him
did outlandish women cause to sin .

things 002 015 ICo /${things /yet he himself is
judged of no man .

things 003 022 Col /${things /your masters
according to the flesh ; not with eyeservice , as menpleasers ;
but in singleness of heart , fearing God :

things' 003 006 Col /${things' /sake the wrath
of God cometh on the children of disobedience :
