bethink , 1KI , 8:47

bethink , 2CH , 6:37

think , 1CO , 4:6 , 1CO , 4:9 , 1CO , 7:36 , 1CO , 7:40 ,
1CO , 8:2 , 1CO , 12:23 , 1CO , 14:37

think , 1PE , 4:4 , 1PE , 4:12

think , 2CH , 13:8

think , 2CO , 3:5 , 2CO , 10:2 , 2CO , 10:2 , 2CO , 10:7 ,
2CO , 10:11 , 2CO , 11:16 , 2CO , 12:6 , 2CO , 12:19

think , 2PE , 1:13

think , 2SA , 13:33

think , AC , 13:25 , AC , 17:29 , AC , 26:2

think , DA , 7:25

think , EC , 8:17

think , EPH , 3:20

think , ES , 4:13

think , EZE , 38:10

think , GA , 6:3

think , GE , 40:14

think , ISA , 10:7

think , JAS , 1:7 , JAS , 4:5

think , JER , 23:27 , JER , 29:11

think , JOB , 31:1 , JOB , 41:32

think , JOH , 5:39 , JOH , 5:45 , JOH , 11:56 , JOH , 16:2

think , JON , 1:6

think , LU , 12:40 , LU , 13:4

think , MR , 14:64

think , MT , 3:9 , MT , 5:17 , MT , 6:7 , MT , 9:4 , MT , 10:
34 , MT , 18:12 , MT , 21:28 , MT , 22:42 , MT , 24:44 , MT
, 26:66

think , NE , 5:19 , NE , 6:6 , NE , 6:14

think , NU , 36:6

think , PHP , 1:7 , PHP , 4:8

think , RO , 12:3 , RO , 12:3 , RO , 12:3

think , ZEC , 11:12

thinkest , 1CH , 19:3

thinkest , 2SA , 10:3

thinkest , AC , 28:22

thinkest , JOB , 35:2

thinkest , LU , 10:36

thinkest , MT , 17:25 , MT , 22:17 , MT , 26:53

thinkest , RO , 2:3

thinketh , 1CO , 10:12 , 1CO , 13:5

thinketh , 2SA , 18:27

thinketh , PHP , 3:4

thinketh , PR , 23:7

thinketh , PS , 40:17

thinking , 2SA , 4:10 , 2SA , 5:6


account 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, ({ac-)count} (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

allow 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and
2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified
with: -- {allow}, assent, be pleased, have pleasure.[ql

assent 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and
2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified
with: -- allow, {assent}, be pleased, have pleasure.[ql

be 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to think
well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, {be} willing.[ql

be 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to think
well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), {be} the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

be 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to think
well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, ({be} well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

be 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106;
to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with:
-- allow, assent, {be} pleased, have pleasure.[ql

beat 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- {beat} into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

cast 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, {cast} (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

conclude 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- {conclude}, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

count 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, think good, {count} (think) worthy.[ql

deem 5282 # huponoeo {hoop-on-o-eh'-o; from 5259 and 3539; to
think under (privately), i.e. to surmise or conjecture: -- think,
suppose, {deem}.[ql

desire 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- {desire}, think good, count (think) worthy.[ql

despise 2706 # kataphroneo {kat-af-ron-eh'-o}; from 2596 and
5426; to think against, i.e. disesteem: -- {despise}.[ql

despise 4065 # periphroneo {per-ee-fron-eh'-o}; from 4012 and
5426; to think beyond, i.e. depreciate (contemn): -- {despise}.

despise 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + {despise}, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

fall 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, {fall}, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

forth 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch {forth}, think on.[ql

good 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, think {good}, count (think) worthy.[ql

good 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be the
{good} (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

good 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think {good}, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

have 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and 2106;
to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified with:
-- allow, assent, be pleased, {have} pleasure.[ql

have 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good ({have}, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

highly 5252 # huperphroneo {hoop-er-fron-eh'-o}; from 5228 and
5426; to esteem oneself overmuch, i.e. be vain or arrogant: --
think more {highly}.[ql

impute 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
{impute}, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

into 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat {into}, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

it 3579 # xenizo {xen-id'-zo}; from 3581; to be a host
(passively, a guest); by implication be (make, appear) strange: -
- entertain, lodge, (think {it}) strange.[ql

lay 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, {lay} (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

lay 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056;
to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively):
-- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, {lay},
number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

lodge 3579 # xenizo {xen-id'-zo}; from 3581; to be a host
(passively, a guest); by implication be (make, appear) strange: -
- entertain, {lodge}, (think it) strange.[ql

more 5252 # huperphroneo {hoop-er-fron-eh'-o}; from 5228 and
5426; to esteem oneself overmuch, i.e. be vain or arrogant: --
think {more} highly.[ql

number 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, {number}, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

of 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056;
to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively):
-- conclude, (ac-)count ({of}), + despise, esteem, impute, lay,
number, reason, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

on 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to throw
upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually
with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to
reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-)on,
fall, lay ({on}), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

on 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to throw
upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive; usually
with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied) to
reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-)on,
fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think {on}.[ql

on 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 3056;
to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or figuratively):
-- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem, impute, lay,
number, reason, reckon, suppose, think ({on}).[ql

pleased 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and
2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified
with: -- allow, assent, be {pleased}, have pleasure.[ql

pleasure 4909 # suneudokeo {soon-yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 4862 and
2106; to think well of in common, i.e. assent to, feel gratified
with: -- allow, assent, be pleased, have {pleasure}.[ql

please 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) {please}(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

pleasure 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) {pleasure}, be willing.[ql

put 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), {put} (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

reason 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, {reason}, reckon, suppose, think (on).[ql

reckon 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, {reckon}, suppose, think (on).[ql

repent 3340 # metanoeo {met-an-o-eh'-o}; from 3326 and 3539; to
think differently or afterwards, i.e. reconsider (morally, feel
compunction): -- {repent}.[ql

strange 3579 # xenizo {xen-id'-zo}; from 3581; to be a host
(passively, a guest); by implication be (make, appear) strange: -
- entertain, lodge, (think it) {strange}.[ql

stretch 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), {stretch} forth, think on.[ql

suppose 5282 # huponoeo {hoop-on-o-eh'-o; from 5259 and 3539;
to think under (privately), i.e. to surmise or conjecture: --
think, {suppose}, deem.[ql

suppose 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, {suppose}, think (on).[ql

take 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, {take}) pleasure, be willing.[ql

the 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be {the}
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

think 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, {think} good, count (think) worthy.[ql

think 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, think good, count ({think}) worthy.[ql

think 1760 # enthumeomai {en-thoo-meh'-om-ahee}; from a
compound of 1722 and 2372; to be inspirited, i.e. ponder: --

think 5252 # huperphroneo {hoop-er-fron-eh'-o}; from 5228 and
5426; to esteem oneself overmuch, i.e. be vain or arrogant: --
{think} more highly.[ql

think 5282 # huponoeo {hoop-on-o-eh'-o; from 5259 and 3539; to
think under (privately), i.e. to surmise or conjecture: --
{think}, suppose, deem.[ql

think 3539 # noieo {noy-eh'-o}; from 3563; to exercise the mind
(observe), i.e. (figuratively) to comprehend, heed: -- consider,
perceive, {think}, understand.[ql

think 3579 # xenizo {xen-id'-zo}; from 3581; to be a host
(passively, a guest); by implication be (make, appear) strange: -
- entertain, lodge, ({think} it) strange.[ql

think 3633 # oiomai {oy'-om-ahee}; or (shorter) oimai {oy'-
mahee}; middle voice apparently from 3634; to make like
(oneself), i.e. imagine (be of the opinion): -- suppose, {think}.

think 5316 # phaino {fah'-ee-no}; prolongation for the base of
5457; to lighten (shine), i.e. show (transitive or intransitive,
literal or figurative): -- appear, seem, be seen, shine, X

think 1260 # dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 1223
and 3049; to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to
deliberate (by reflection or discussion): -- cast in mind,
consider, dispute, muse, reason, {think}.[ql

think 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- {think} good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

think 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, {think} (on).[ql

think 2233 # hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a
(presumed) strengthened form of 71; to lead, i.e. command (with
official authority); figuratively, to deem, i.e. consider: --
account, (be) chief, count, esteem, governor, judge, have the
rule over, suppose, {think}.[ql

think 2919 # krino {kree'-no}; properly, to distinguish, i.e.
decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn,
punish: -- avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine,
esteem, judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in question,
sentence to, {think}.[ql

think 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, {think} on.[ql

think 1380 # dokeo {dok-eh'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, doko {dok'-o} (used only in an alternate in certain tenses;
compare the base of 1166) of the same meaning; to think; by
implication, to seem (truthfully or uncertainly): -- be
accounted, (of own) please(-ure), be of reputation, seem (good),
suppose, {think}, trow.[ql

think 5426 # phroneo {fron-eh'-o}; from 5424; to exercise the
mind, i.e. entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by
implication, to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly
in a certain direction); intensively, to interest oneself in
(with concern or obedience): -- set the affection on, (be) care(-
ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this)
mind(-ed), regard, savour, {think}.[ql

unto 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put ({unto}), stretch forth, think on.[ql

upon 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast ({up-
)on}, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, think on.[ql

well 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be {well}) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

willing 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- think good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be {willing}.[ql

worthy 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, think good, count (think) {worthy}.[ql


think Interlinear Index Study

think GEN 040 014 But {think} <02142 +zakar > on me when <00834
+>aher > it shall be well <03190 +yatab > with thee , and shew
<06213 + kindness <02617 +checed > , I pray <04994 +na> >
thee , unto me , and make mention <02142 +zakar > of me unto
Pharaoh <06547 +Par , and bring <03318 +yatsa> > me out of
this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith > :

think NUM 036 006 This <02088 +zeh > [ is ] the thing <01697
+dabar > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > doth
command <06680 +tsavah > concerning the daughters <01121 +ben >
of Zelophehad <06765 +Ts@lophchad > , saying <00559 +>amar > ,
Let them marry <00802 +>ishshah > to whom they {think} <05869
+ best <02896 +towb > ; only <00389 +>ak > to the family
<04940 +mishpachah > of the tribe <04294 +matteh > of their
father <1> shall they marry <00802 +>ishshah > .

think 2SA 013 033 Now <06258 + therefore let not my lord
<00113 +>adown > the king <04428 +melek > take <07760 +suwm >
the thing <01697 +dabar > to his heart <03820 +leb > , to
{think} <00559 +>amar > that all <03605 +kol > the king s <04428
+melek > sons <01121 +ben > are dead <04191 +muwth > : for Amnon
<00550 +>Amnown > only <00905 +bad > is dead <04191 +muwth > .

think 2CH 013 008 And now <06258 + ye {think} <00559
+>amar > to withstand <02388 +chazaq > the kingdom <04467
+mamlakah > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > in the hand <03027
+yad > of the sons <01121 +ben > of David <01732 +David > ; and
ye [ be ] a great <07227 +rab > multitude <01995 +hamown > , and
[ there are ] with you golden <02091 +zahab > calves <05695
+ , which <00834 +>aher > Jeroboam <03379 +Yarob
made <06213 + you for gods <00430 +>elohiym > .

Think NEH 005 019 {Think} <02142 +zakar > upon me , my God
<00430 +>elohiym > , for good <02896 +towb > , [ according ] to
all <03605 +kol > that I have done <06213 + for this
<02088 +zeh > people <05971 + .

think NEH 006 006 Wherein [ was ] written <03789 +kathab > , It
is reported <08085 +shama< > among the heathen <01471 +gowy > ,
and Gashmu <01654 +Geshem > saith <00559 +>amar > [ it , that ]
thou and the Jews <03064 +Y@huwdiy > {think} <02803 +chashab >
to rebel <04775 +marad > : for which <03651 +ken > cause thou
buildest <01129 +banah > the wall <02346 +chowmah > , that thou
mayest be their king <04428 +melek > , according to these <00428
+>el - leh > words <01697 +dabar > .

think NEH 006 014 My God <00430 +>elohiym > , {think} <02142
+zakar > thou upon Tobiah <02900 +Towbiyah > and Sanballat
<05571 +Canballat > according to these <00428 +>el - leh > their
works <04639 +ma , and on the prophetess <05031 +n@biy>ah
> Noadiah <05129 +Now , and the rest <03499 +yether > of
the prophets <05030 +nabiy> > , that would have put me in fear
<03372 +yare> > .

Think EST 004 013 Then Mordecai <04782 +Mord@kay > commanded
<00559 +>amar > to answer <07725 +shuwb > Esther <00635 +>Ecter
> , {Think} <01819 +damah > not with thyself <05315 +nephesh >
that thou shalt escape <04422 +malat > in the king s <04428
+melek > house <01004 +bayith > , more than all <03605 +kol >
the Jews <03064 +Y@huwdiy > .

think JOB 031 001 . I made <03772 +karath > a covenant <01285
+b@riyth > with mine eyes <05869 + ; why <04100 +mah >
then should I {think} <00995 +biyn > upon a maid <01330
+b@thuwlah > ?

think JOB 041 032 He maketh a path <05410 +nathiyb > to shine
<00215 +>owr > after <00310 +>achar > him ; [ one ] would
{think} <02803 +chashab > the deep <08415 +t@howm > [ to be ]
hoary <07872 +seybah > .

think ECC 008 017 Then I beheld <07200 +ra>ah > all <03605 +kol
> the work <04639 +ma of God <00430 +>elohiym > , that a
man <00120 +>adam > cannot find <04672 +matsa> > out the work
<04639 +ma that is done <06466 +pa under <08478
+tachath > the sun <08121 +shemesh > : because <00834 +>aher >
though <00834 +>aher > a man <00120 +>adam > labour <05998
+ to seek <01245 +baqash > [ it ] out , yet he shall not
find <04672 +matsa> > [ it ] ; yea <01571 +gam > further <03254
+yacaph > ; though <00518 +>im > a wise <02450 +chakam > [ man ]
{think} <00559 +>amar > to know <03045 +yada< > [ it ] , yet
shall he not be able <03201 +yakol > to find <04672 +matsa> > [
it ] .

think ISA 010 007 Howbeit he meaneth <01819 +damah > not so
<03651 +ken > , neither <03808 +lo> > doth his heart <03824
+lebab > {think} <02803 +chashab > so <03651 +ken > ; but [ it
is ] in his heart <03824 +lebab > to destroy <08045 +shamad >
and cut <03772 +karath > off nations <01471 +gowy > not a few
<04592 +m@ .

think JER 023 027 Which {think} <02803 +chashab > to cause my
people <05971 + to forget <07911 +shakach > my name <08034
+shem > by their dreams <02472 +chalowm > which <00834 +>aher >
they tell <05608 +caphar > every man <00376 +>iysh > to his
neighbour <07453 +rea< > , as their fathers <1> have forgotten
<07911 +shakach > my name <08034 +shem > for Baal <01168 +Ba > .

think JER 029 011 For I know <03045 +yada< > the thoughts <04284
+machashabah > that I {think} <02803 +chashab > toward <05921
+ you , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
thoughts <04284 +machashabah > of peace <07965 +shalowm > , and
not of evil <07451 +ra< > , to give <05414 +nathan > you an
expected <08615 +tiqvah > end <00319 +>achariyth > .

think EZE 038 010 Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the
Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; It shall also
come <01961 +hayah > to pass , [ that ] at the same <01931 +huw>
> time <03117 +yowm > shall things <01697 +dabar > come <05927
+ into <05921 + thy mind <03824 +lebab > , and thou
shalt {think} <02803 +chashab > an evil <07451 +ra< > thought
<04284 +machashabah > :

think DAN 007 025 And he shall speak <04449 +m@lal > [ great ]
words <04406 +millah > against<06655 +tsad > the most <05943
+ High <05943 + , and shall wear <01080 +b@la> >
out the saints <06922 +qaddiysh > of the most <05946 +
High <05946 + , and {think} <05452 +c@bar > to change
<08133 +sh@na> > times <02166 +z@man > and laws <01882 +dath > :
and they shall be given <03052 +y@hab > into his hand <03028
+yad > until <05704 + a time <05732 + and times
<05732 + and the dividing <06387 +p@lag > of time <05732
+ .

think JONAH 001 006 So the shipmaster came <07126 +qarab > to
him , and said <00559 +>amar > unto him , What <04100 +mah >
meanest thou , O sleeper <07290 +radam > ? arise <06965 +quwm > ,
call <07121 +qara> > upon thy God <00430 +>elohiym > , if
<00194 +>uwlay > so be that God <00430 +>elohiym > will {think}
<06245 + upon us , that we perish <6> not .

think ZEC 011 012 And I said <00559 +>amar > unto them , If
<00518 +>im > ye {think} <05869 + good <02896 +towb > ,
give <03051 +yahab > [ me ] my price <07939 +sakar > ; and if
<00518 +>im > not , forbear <02308 +chadal > . So they weighed
<08254 +shaqal > for my price <07939 +sakar > thirty <07970
+sh@lowshiym > [ pieces ] of silver <03701 +keceph > .

think MAT 003 009 And {think} <1380 -dokeo -> not to say <3004 -
lego -> within <1722 -en -> yourselves <1438 -heautou -> , We
have <2192 -echo -> Abraham <0011 -Abraam ->to [ our ] father
<3962 -pater -> : for I say <3004 -lego -> unto you , that God
<2316 -theos -> is able <1410 -dunamai -> of these <5130 -touton
-> stones <3037 -lithos -> to raise <1453 -egeiro -> up children
<5043 -teknon -> unto Abraham <11> .

Think MAT 005 017 . {Think} <3543 -nomizo -> not that I am come
<2064 -erchomai -> to destroy <2647 -kataluo -> the law <3551 -
nomos -> , or <2228 -e -> the prophets <4396 -prophetes -> : I
am not come <2064 -erchomai -> to destroy <2647 -kataluo -> ,
but to fulfil <4137 -pleroo ->.

think MAT 006 007 But when ye pray <4336 -proseuchomai -> , use
not vain repetitions <0945 -battologeo -> , as the heathen <1482
-ethnikos -> [ do ] : for they {think} <1380 -dokeo -> that they
shall be heard <1522 -eisakouo -> for their much <4180 -
polulogia -> speaking <4180 -polulogia -> .

think MAT 009 004 And Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> knowing <1492 -eido
-> their thoughts <1761 -enthumesis -> said <4483 -rheo -> ,
Wherefore <5101 -tis -> {think} <1760 -enthumeomai -> ye evil
<4190 -poneros -> in your <5216 -humon -> hearts <2588 -kardia -
> ?

Think MAT 010 034 {Think} <3543 -nomizo -> not that I am come
<2064 -erchomai -> to send <0906 -ballo -> peace <1515 -eirene -
> on <1909 -epi -> earth <1093 -ge -> : I came <2064 -erchomai -
> not to send <0906 -ballo -> peace <1515 -eirene -> , but a
sword <3162 -machaira -> .

think MAT 018 012 How <5101 -tis -> {think} <1380 -dokeo -> ye ?
if <1437 -ean -> a man <0444 -anthropos -> have <1099 -glukus ->
an hundred <1540 -hekaton -> sheep <4263 -probaton -> , and one
<1520 -heis -> of them be gone <4105 -planao -> astray <4105 -
planao -> , doth he not leave <0863 -aphiemi -> the ninety <1768
-ennenekontaennea -> and nine <1768 -ennenekontaennea -> , and
goeth <4198 -poreuomai -> into <1909 -epi -> the mountains <3735
-oros -> , and seeketh <2212 -zeteo -> that which <3588 -ho ->
is gone astray <4105 -planao -> ?

think MAT 021 028 . But what <5101 -tis -> {think} <1380 -dokeo -
> ye ? A [ certain ] man <0444 -anthropos -> had <2192 -echo ->
two <1417 -duo -> sons <5043 -teknon -> ; and he came <4334 -
proserchomai -> to the first <4413 -protos -> , and said <2036 -
epo -> , Son <5043 -teknon -> , go <5217 -hupago -> work <2038 -
ergazomai -> to day <4594 -semeron -> in my vineyard <0290 -
ampelon -> .

think MAT 022 042 Saying <3004 -lego -> , What <5101 -tis ->
{think} <1380 -dokeo -> ye of Christ <5547 -Christos -> ? whose
<5101 -tis -> son <5207 -huios -> is he ? They say <3004 -lego -
> unto him , [ The Son ] of David <1138 -Dabid -> .

think MAT 024 044 Therefore <5124 -touto -> be ye also <2532 -
kai -> ready <2092 -hetoimos -> : for in such an hour <5610 -
hora -> as ye {think} <1380 -dokeo -> not the Son <5207 -huios -
> of man <0444 -anthropos -> cometh <2064 -erchomai -> .

think MAT 026 066 What <5101 -tis -> {think} <1380 -dokeo -> ye
? They answered <0611 -apokrinomai -> and said <2036 -epo -> ,
He is guilty <1777 -enochos -> of death <2288 -thanatos -> .

think MAR 014 064 Ye have heard <0191 -akouo -> the blasphemy
<0988 -blasphemia -> : what <5101 -tis -> {think} <5316 -phaino -
> ye ? And they all <3956 -pas -> condemned <2632 -katakrino ->
him to be guilty <1777 -enochos -> of death <2288 -thanatos -> .

think LUK 012 040 Be ye therefore 3767 -oun - ready 2092 -
hetoimos - also 2532 -kai - : for the Son 5207 -huios - of man
LUK 0444 -anthropos - cometh 2064 -erchomai - at an hour 5610 -
hora - when ye {think} 1380 -dokeo - not .

think LUK 013 004 Or 2228 -e - those 1565 -ekeinos - eighteen
3638 -oktos - , upon whom 3739 -hos - the tower 4444 -purgos -
in Siloam 4611 -Siloam - fell 4098 -pipto - , and slew LUK 0615 -
apokteino - them , {think} 1380 -dokeo - ye that they were
sinners 3781 -opheiletes - above 3844 -para - all 3956 -pas -
men LUK 0444 -anthropos - that dwelt 2730 -katoikeo - in
Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem - ?

think JOH 005 039 Search <2045 -ereunao -> the scriptures <1124 -
graphe -> ; for in them ye {think} <1380 -dokeo -> ye have <2192
-echo -> eternal <0166 -aionios -> life <2222 -zoe -> : and they
are they which testify <3140 -martureo -> of me .

think JOH 005 045 Do not {think} <1380 -dokeo -> that I will
accuse <2723 -kategoreo -> you to the Father <3962 -pater -> :
there is [ one ] that accuseth <2723 -kategoreo -> you , [ even
] Moses <3475 -Moseus -> , in whom <3739 -hos -> ye trust <1679 -
elpizo -> .

think JOH 011 056 Then <3767 -oun -> sought <2212 -zeteo -> they
for Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> , and spake <3004 -lego -> among
<3326 -meta -> themselves <0240 -allelon -> , as they stood
<2476 -histemi -> in the temple <2411 -hieron -> , What <5101 -
tis -> {think} <1380 -dokeo -> ye , that he will not come <2064 -
erchomai -> to the feast <1859 -heorte -> ?

think JOH 016 002 They shall put <4160 -poieo -> you out of the
synagogues <0656 -aposunagogos -> : yea <0235 -alla -> , the
time <5610 -hora -> cometh <2064 -erchomai -> , that whosoever
<3588 -ho -> killeth <0615 -apokteino -> you will {think} <1380 -
dokeo -> that he doeth <4374 -prosphero -> God <2316 -theos ->
service <2999 -latreia -> .

think ACT 013 025 And as John <2491 -Ioannes -> fulfilled <4137 -
pleroo -> his course <1408 -dromos -> , he said <3004 -lego -> ,
Whom <5101 -tis -> {think} <5282 -huponoeo -> ye that I am <1511
-einai -> ? I am <1510 -eimi -> not [ he ] . But , behold <2400 -
idou -> , there cometh <2064 -erchomai -> one after <3326 -meta -
> me , whose <3739 -hos -> shoes <5266 -hupodema -> of [ his ]
feet <4228 -pous -> I am <1510 -eimi -> not worthy <0514 -axios -
> to loose <3089 -luo -> .

think ACT 017 029 Forasmuch then <3767 -oun -> as we are the
offspring <1085 -genos -> of God <2316 -theos -> , we ought
<3784 -opheilo -> not to {think} <3543 -nomizo -> that the
Godhead <2304 -theios -> is like <3664 -homoios -> unto gold
<5557 -chrusos -> , or <2228 -e -> silver <0696 -arguros -> , or
<2228 -e -> stone <3037 -lithos -> , graven <5480 -charagma ->
by art <5078 -techne -> and man s <0444 -anthropos -> device
<1761 -enthumesis -> .

think ACT 026 002 I {think} <2233 -hegeomai -> myself <1683 -
emautou -> happy <3107 -makarios -> , king <0935 -basileus ->
Agrippa <0067 -Agrippas -> , because I shall answer <0626 -
apologeomai -> for myself this <4594 -semeron -> day <4594 -
semeron -> before <1909 -epi -> thee touching <4012 -peri -> all
<3956 -pas -> the things whereof <3739 -hos -> I am accused
<1458 -egkaleo -> of the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> :

think ROM 012 003 For I say <3004 -lego -> , through <1223 -dia -
> the grace <5485 -charis -> given <1325 -didomi -> unto me , to
every <3956 -pas -> man that is among <1722 -en -> you , not to
think <5252 -huperphroneo -> [ of himself ] more <3844 -para ->
highly <5252 -huperphroneo -> than he ought <1163 -dei -> to
think <5426 -phroneo -> ; but to {think} <5426 -phroneo ->
soberly <4993 -sophroneo -> , according as God <2316 -theos ->
hath dealt <3307 -merizo -> to every <1538 -hekastos -> man the
measure <3358 -metron -> of faith <4102 -pistis -> .

think ROM 012 003 For I say <3004 -lego -> , through <1223 -dia -
> the grace <5485 -charis -> given <1325 -didomi -> unto me , to
every <3956 -pas -> man that is among <1722 -en -> you , not to
think <5252 -huperphroneo -> [ of himself ] more <3844 -para ->
highly <5252 -huperphroneo -> than he ought <1163 -dei -> to
{think} <5426 -phroneo -> ; but to think <5426 -phroneo ->
soberly <4993 -sophroneo -> , according as God <2316 -theos ->
hath dealt <3307 -merizo -> to every <1538 -hekastos -> man the
measure <3358 -metron -> of faith <4102 -pistis -> .

think ROM 012 003 For I say <3004 -lego -> , through <1223 -dia -
> the grace <5485 -charis -> given <1325 -didomi -> unto me , to
every <3956 -pas -> man that is among <1722 -en -> you , not to
{think} <5252 -huperphroneo -> [ of himself ] more <3844 -para -
> highly <5252 -huperphroneo -> than he ought <1163 -dei -> to
think <5426 -phroneo -> ; but to think <5426 -phroneo -> soberly
<4993 -sophroneo -> , according as God <2316 -theos -> hath
dealt <3307 -merizo -> to every <1538 -hekastos -> man the
measure <3358 -metron -> of faith <4102 -pistis -> .

think 1CO 004 006 And these <5023 -tauta -> things , brethren
<0080 -adephos -> , I have in a figure <3345 -metaschematizo ->
transferred <3345 -metaschematizo -> to myself <1683 -emautou ->
and [ to ] Apollos <0625 -Apollos -> for your <5209 -humas ->
sakes ; that ye might learn <3129 -manthano -> in us not to
{think} <5426 -phroneo -> [ of men ] above <5228 -huper -> that
which <3739 -hos -> is written <1125 -grapho -> , that no <3361 -
me -> one <1520 -heis -> of you be puffed <5448 -phusioo -> up
for one <1520 -heis -> against <2596 -kata -> another <2087 -
heteros -> .

think 1CO 004 009 For I {think} <1380 -dokeo -> that God <2316 -
theos -> hath set <0584 -apodeiknumi -> forth <0584 -apodeiknumi
-> us the apostles <0652 -apostolos -> last <2078 -eschatos -> ,
as it were appointed <1935 -epithanatios -> to death <1935 -
epithanatios -> : for we are made <1096 -ginomai -> a spectacle
<2302 -theatron -> unto the world <2889 -kosmos -> , and to
angels <0032 -aggelos -> , and to men <0444 -anthropos -> .

think 1CO 007 036 . But if <1487 -ei -> any <5100 -tis -> man
{think} <3543 -nomizo -> that he behaveth <0807 -aschemoneo ->
himself uncomely <0807 -aschemoneo -> toward <1909 -epi -> his
virgin <3933 -parthenos -> , if <1437 -ean -> she pass <5230 -
huperakmos -> the flower <5230 -huperakmos -> of [ her ] age
<5230 -huperakmos -> , and need <3784 -opheilo -> so <3779 -
houto -> require <1096 -ginomai -> , let him do <4160 -poieo ->
what <3739 -hos -> he will <2309 -thelo -> , he sinneth <0264 -
hamartano -> not : let them marry <1060 -gameo -> .

think 1CO 007 040 But she is happier <3107 -makarios -> if <1437
-ean -> she so <3779 -houto -> abide <3306 -meno -> , after
<2596 -kata -> my judgment <1106 -gnome -> : and I {think} <1380
-dokeo -> also <2504 -kago -> that I have <2192 -echo -> the
Spirit <4151 -pneuma -> of God <2316 -theos -> .

think 1CO 008 002 And if <1487 -ei -> any <5100 -tis -> man
{think} <1380 -dokeo -> that he knoweth <1492 -eido -> any <5100
-tis -> thing , he knoweth <1097 -ginosko -> nothing <3762 -
oudeis -> yet <3764 -oudepo -> as he ought <1163 -dei -> to know
<1097 -ginosko -> .

think 1CO 012 023 And those [ members ] of the body <4983 -soma -
> , which <3739 -hos -> we {think} <1380 -dokeo -> to be less
<0820 -atimos -> honourable <0820 -atimos -> , upon these <5125 -
toutois -> we bestow <4060 -peritithemi -> more <4055 -
perissoteros -> abundant <4055 -perissoteros -> honour <5092 -
time -> ; and our uncomely <0809 -askemon -> [ parts ] have
<2192 -echo -> more <4055 -perissoteros -> abundant <4055 -
perissoteros -> comeliness <2157 -eushemosune -> .

think 1CO 014 037 If <1487 -ei -> any <1536 -ei tis -> man
{think} <1380 -dokeo -> himself to be a prophet <4396 -prophetes
-> , or <2228 -e -> spiritual <4152 -pneumatikos -> , let him
acknowledge <1921 -epiginosko -> that the things that I write
<1125 -grapho -> unto you are the commandments <1785 -entole ->
of the Lord <2962 -kurios -> .

think 2CO 003 005 Not that we are sufficient <2425 -hikanos ->
of ourselves <1438 -heautou -> to {think} <3049 -logizomai ->
any <5100 -tis -> thing as of ourselves <1438 -heautou -> ; but
our sufficiency <2426 -hikanotes -> [ is ] of God <2316 -theos -
> ;

think 2CO 010 002 But I beseech <1189 -deomai -> [ you ] , that
I may not be bold <2292 -tharrheo -> when I am present <3918 -
pareimi -> with that confidence <4006 -pepoithesis -> ,
wherewith <3739 -hos -> I think <3049 -logizomai -> to be bold
<5111 -tolmao -> against <1909 -epi -> some <5100 -tis -> ,
which <3588 -ho -> {think} <3049 -logizomai -> of us as if we
walked <4043 -peripateo -> according <2596 -kata -> to the flesh
<4561 -sarx -> .

think 2CO 010 002 But I beseech <1189 -deomai -> [ you ] , that
I may not be bold <2292 -tharrheo -> when I am present <3918 -
pareimi -> with that confidence <4006 -pepoithesis -> ,
wherewith <3739 -hos -> I {think} <3049 -logizomai -> to be bold
<5111 -tolmao -> against <1909 -epi -> some <5100 -tis -> ,
which <3588 -ho -> think <3049 -logizomai -> of us as if we
walked <4043 -peripateo -> according <2596 -kata -> to the flesh
<4561 -sarx -> .

think 2CO 010 007 . Do ye look <0991 -blepo -> on <0991 -blepo -
> things after <2596 -kata -> the outward <4383 -prosopon ->
appearance <4383 -prosopon -> ? If <1487 -ei -> any <5100 -tis -
> man trust <3982 -peitho -> to himself <1438 -heautou -> that
he is Christ s <5547 -Christos -> , let him of himself <1438 -
heautou -> {think} <3049 -logizomai -> this <5124 -touto ->
again <3825 -palin -> , that , as he [ is ] Christ s <5547 -
Christos -> , even <2532 -kai -> so <3779 -houto -> [ are ] we
Christ s <5547 -Christos -> .

think 2CO 010 011 Let such <3634 -hoios -> an one {think} <3049 -
logizomai -> this <5124 -touto -> , that , such <5108 -toioutos -
> as we are in word <3056 -logos -> by letters <1992 -epistole -
> when we are absent <0548 -apeimi -> , such <5108 -toioutos ->
[ will we be ] also <2532 -kai -> in deed <2041 -ergon -> when
we are present <3918 -pareimi -> .

think 2CO 011 016 . I say <3004 -lego -> again <3825 -palin -> ,
Let no <3367 -medeis -> man <5100 -tis -> {think} <1380 -dokeo -
> me a fool <0878 -aphron -> ; if <1490 -ei de me ( ge ) ->
otherwise <1490 -ei de me ( ge ) -> , yet <2579 -kan -> as a
fool <0878 -aphron -> receive <1209 -dechomai -> me , that I may
boast <2744 -kauchaomai -> myself a little <3397 -mikron -> .

think 2CO 012 006 For though <1437 -ean -> I would desire <2309 -
thelo -> to glory <2744 -kauchaomai -> , I shall not be a fool
<0878 -aphron -> ; for I will say <2046 -ereo -> the truth <0225
-aletheia -> : but [ now ] I forbear <5339 -pheidomai -> , lest
<3361 -me -> any <5100 -tis -> man should {think} <3049 -
logizomai -> of me above <5228 -huper -> that which <3739 -hos -
> he seeth <0991 -blepo -> me [ to be ] , or <2228 -e -> [ that
] he heareth <0191 -akouo -> of me .

think 2CO 012 019 Again <3825 -palin -> , {think} <1380 -dokeo -
> ye that we excuse <0626 -apologeomai -> ourselves unto you ?
we speak <2980 -laleo -> before <2714 -katenopion -> God <2316 -
theos -> in Christ <5547 -Christos -> : but [ we do ] all <3956 -
pas -> things , dearly beloved <0027 -agapetos -> , for your
<5216 -humon -> edifying <3619 -oikodome -> .

think GAL 006 003 For if <1487 -ei -> a man <5100 -tis ->
{think} <1380 -dokeo -> himself to be something <5100 -tis -> ,
when he is nothing <3367 -medeis -> , he deceiveth <5422 -
phrenapatao -> himself <1438 -heautou -> .

think EPH 003 020 Now <1161 -de -> unto him that is able <1410 -
dunamai -> to do <4160 -poieo -> exceeding <5228 -huper ->
abundantly <4053 -perissos -> above <5228 -huper -> all <3956 -
pas -> that we ask <0154 -aiteo -> or <2228 -e -> {think} <3539 -
noieo -> , according <2596 -kata -> to the power <1411 -dunamis -
> that worketh <1754 -energeo -> in us ,

think PHP 001 007 . Even <2531 -kathos -> as it is meet <1342 -
dikaios -> for me to {think} <5426 -phroneo -> this <5124 -touto
-> of you all <3956 -pas -> , because <1223 -dia -> I have <2192
-echo -> you in my heart <2588 -kardia -> ; inasmuch <3745 -
hosos -> as both <5037 -te -> in my bonds <1199 -desmon -> , and
in the defence <0627 -apologia -> and confirmation <0951 -
bebaiosis -> of the gospel <2098 -euaggelion -> , ye all <3956 -
pas -> are partakers <4791 -sugkoinonos -> of my grace <5485 -
charis -> .

think PHP 004 008 Finally <3063 -loipon -> , brethren <0080 -
adephos -> , whatsoever <3745 -hosos -> things are true <0227 -
alethes -> , whatsoever <3745 -hosos -> things [ are ] honest
<4586 -semnos -> , whatsoever <3745 -hosos -> things [ are ]
just <1342 -dikaios -> , whatsoever <3745 -hosos -> things [ are
] pure <0053 -hagnos -> , whatsoever <3745 -hosos -> things [
are ] lovely <4375 -prosphiles -> , whatsoever <3745 -hosos ->
things [ are ] of good <2163 -euphemos -> report <2163 -euphemos
-> ; if <1487 -ei -> [ there be ] any <1536 -ei tis -> virtue
<0703 -arete -> , and if <1487 -ei -> [ there be ] any <1536 -ei
tis -> praise <1868 -epainos -> , {think} <3049 -logizomai -> on
these <5023 -tauta -> things .

think JAS 001 007 For let not that man <0444 -anthropos ->
{think} <3633 -oiomai -> that he shall receive <2983 -lambano ->
any <5100 -tis -> thing of the Lord <2962 -kurios -> .

think JAS 004 005 Do ye {think} <1380 -dokeo -> that the
scripture <1124 -graphe -> saith <3004 -lego -> in vain <2761 -
kenos -> , The spirit <4151 -pneuma -> that dwelleth <2730 -
katoikeo -> in us lusteth <1971 -epipotheo -> to envy <5355 -
phthonos -> ?

think 1PE 004 004 . Wherein <3757 -hou -> they {think} it
strange <3579 -xenizo -> that ye run <4936 -suntrecho -> not
with [ them ] to the same <0846 -autos -> excess <0401 -
anachusis -> of riot <0810 -asotia -> , speaking <0987 -
blasphemeo -> evil <0987 -blasphemeo -> of [ you ] :

think 1PE 004 012 . Beloved <0027 -agapetos -> , {think} it not
strange <3579 -xenizo -> concerning <4012 -peri -> the fiery
<4451 -purosis -> trial which is to try <3986 -peirasmos -> you ,
as though some strange <3581 -xenos -> thing happened <4819 -
sumbaino -> unto you :

think 2PE 001 013 Yea <1161 -de -> , I {think} <2233 -hegeomai -
> it meet <1342 -dikaios -> , as long as I am <1510 -eimi -> in
this <5129 -toutoi -> tabernacle <4638 -skenoma -> , to stir
<1326 -diegeiro -> you up by putting <5279 -hupomimnesko -> [
you ] in remembrance <5280 -hupomnesis -> ;


but if any man think <1CO7 -:36 >

but think on me when it shall be well with thee

but what think ye

god will think upon us

himself think this again <2CO10 -:7 >

how think ye

if any man think himself <1CO14 -:37 >

if they shall bethink themselves <1KI8 -:47 >

if ye think good

let no man think me <2CO11 -:16 >

let such an one think this <2CO10 -:11 >

man cometh at an hour when ye think not

man think himself

neither doth his heart think so

such an hour as ye think not

them ye think ye have eternal life

they bethink themselves <2CH6 -:37 >

think also <1CO7 -:40 >

think any thing as <2CO3 -:5 >

think it meet <2PE1 -:13 >

think it not strange concerning <1PE4 -:12 >

think myself happy

think not

think not

think not

think not with thyself

think soberly

think this

think thou upon tobiah

think toward you

think upon

think upon me

think ye <2CO12 -:19 >

think ye

thou shalt think an evil thought

we ask or think

what think ye

what think ye

what think ye

what think ye

wherefore think ye evil

wherein they think it strange <1PE4 -:4 >

which think <2CO10 -:2 >

which think

which we think <1CO12 -:23 >

whom they think best

whom think ye

whosoever killeth you will think

would think

- think , 0559 , 0995 , 1819 , 2142 , 2803 , 5452 , 5869 , 6245 ,

* think , 1380 , 1760 , 2233 , 3049 , 3539 , 3543 , 3633 , 5282 ,
5316 , 5426 ,

think GEN 040 014 But {think} <02142 +zakar > on me when
<00834 +>aher > it shall be well <03190 +yatab > with thee ,
and shew <06213 + kindness <02617 +checed > , I pray
<04994 +na> > thee , unto me , and make mention <02142
+zakar > of me unto Pharaoh <06547 +Par , and bring
<03318 +yatsa> > me out of this <02088 +zeh > house <01004
+bayith > :

think NUM 036 006 This <02088 +zeh > [ is ] the thing <01697
+dabar > which <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
doth command <06680 +tsavah > concerning the daughters <01121
+ben > of Zelophehad <06765 +Ts@lophchad > , saying <00559
+>amar > , Let them marry <00802 +>ishshah > to whom they
{think} <05869 + best <02896 +towb > ; only <00389
+>ak > to the family <04940 +mishpachah > of the tribe <04294
+matteh > of their father <1> shall they marry <00802 +>ishshah
> .

* think , 1380 dokeo , 1760 enthumeomai , 2233 hegeomai , 3049
logizomai , 3539 noieo , 3543 nomizo , 3633 oiomai , 5282
huponoeo , 5316 phaino , 5426 phroneo ,


think -1380 accounted, pleased, pleasure, reputation, seem,
seemed, seemeth, suppose, supposed, supposing, {think}, thinkest,
thinketh, thought,

think -1760 on, {think}, thought,

think -2233 account, chief, count, counted, esteem, esteeming,
governor, judged, rule, supposed, {think}, thought,

think -3049 account, accounted, accounting, charge, conclude,
count, counted, despised, impute, imputed, imputeth, imputing,
laid, numbered, reasoned, reckoned, suppose, {think}, thinkest,
thinketh, thought,

think -3539 consider, perceive, {think}, understand, understood,

think -3543 suppose, supposed, supposing, {think}, thought, wont,

think -3633 suppose, supposing, {think},

think -5282 deemed, supposed, {think},

think -5316 appear, appeared, appeareth, seen, shine, shineth,
shining, shone, {think},

think -5426 affection, care, careful, likeminded, mind, minded,
savourest, set, {think}, thinkest, understood,

thinkest -1380 accounted, pleased, pleasure, reputation, seem,
seemed, seemeth, suppose, supposed, supposing, think, {thinkest},
thinketh, thought,

thinkest -3049 account, accounted, accounting, charge, conclude,
count, counted, despised, impute, imputed, imputeth, imputing,
laid, numbered, reasoned, reckoned, suppose, think, {thinkest},
thinketh, thought,

thinkest -5426 affection, care, careful, likeminded, mind,
minded, savourest, set, think, {thinkest}, understood,

thinketh -1380 accounted, pleased, pleasure, reputation, seem,
seemed, seemeth, suppose, supposed, supposing, think, thinkest,
{thinketh}, thought,

thinketh -3049 account, accounted, accounting, charge, conclude,
count, counted, despised, impute, imputed, imputeth, imputing,
laid, numbered, reasoned, reckoned, suppose, think, thinkest,
{thinketh}, thought,


think -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed , as ,
avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called ,
certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded ,
commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared ,
demanded , desired , desireth , determined , expressly , intend ,
intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised ,
promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said ,
saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak
, speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed ,
the , {think} , thinking , thought , told , use , uttereth ,
verily , yet ,

think -0995 attended , consider , considered , considereth ,
considering , cunning , diligently , discern , discerned ,
discreet , eloquent , feel , informed , instruct , instructed ,
intelligence , know , looketh , mark , perceive , perceived ,
perceiveth , prudent , regard , regardest , regardeth , skilful ,
taught , teacher , {think} , understand , understandest ,
understandeth , understanding , understood , viewed , well ,
wise , wisely ,

think -1819 compared , devised , like , liken , likened ,
meaneth , similitudes , {think} , thought , thoughtest ,

think -2142 bringeth , bringing , burneth , call , calling ,
male , mention , mentioned , mindful , record , recorder ,
recount , remember , remembered , rememberest , remembereth ,
remembering , remembrance , {think} ,

think -2803 account , accounted , considered , count , counted ,
counteth , cunning , devise , devised , deviseth , esteem ,
esteemed , esteemeth , find , forecast , holdest , imagine ,
imagined , imagineth , impute , imputed , imputeth , invent ,
invented , like , meant , purpose , purposed , reckon , reckoned
, reckoning , regard , regardeth , {think} , thinkest , thinketh
, thought , workman ,

think -5452 {think} ,

think -5869 and , appearance , before , city , colour , conceit ,
countenance , eye , eyed , eyes , eyesight , face , fountain ,
fountains , furrows , knowledge , look , looks , of , open ,
outward , presence , resemblance , seem , seemed , seemeth ,
sight , {think} , thinkest , thought , to , well , wells ,
yourselves ,

think -6245 shine , {think} ,

thinkest -2803 account , accounted , considered , count ,
counted , counteth , cunning , devise , devised , deviseth ,
esteem , esteemed , esteemeth , find , forecast , holdest ,
imagine , imagined , imagineth , impute , imputed , imputeth ,
invent , invented , like , meant , purpose , purposed , reckon ,
reckoned , reckoning , regard , regardeth , think , {thinkest} ,
thinketh , thought , workman ,

thinkest -5869 and , appearance , before , city , colour ,
conceit , countenance , eye , eyed , eyes , eyesight , face ,
fountain , fountains , furrows , knowledge , look , looks , of ,
open , outward , presence , resemblance , seem , seemed ,
seemeth , sight , think , {thinkest} , thought , to , well ,
wells , yourselves ,

thinketh -2803 account , accounted , considered , count ,
counted , counteth , cunning , devise , devised , deviseth ,
esteem , esteemed , esteemeth , find , forecast , holdest ,
imagine , imagined , imagineth , impute , imputed , imputeth ,
invent , invented , like , meant , purpose , purposed , reckon ,
reckoned , reckoning , regard , regardeth , think , thinkest ,
{thinketh} , thought , workman ,

thinketh -7200 advise , appear , appeared , appeareth ,
approveth , beheld , behold , beholdeth , beholding , consider ,
considered , considerest , considereth , discern , enjoy ,
espied , experience , foreseeth , gaze , heed , lo , look ,
looked , looketh , mark , meet , near , perceive , perceived ,
presented , provide , provided , regard , regarded , regardeth ,
respect , respecteth , saw , sawest , see , seeing , seemeth ,
seen , seer , seers , seest , seeth , shew , shewed , shewedst ,
sheweth , sight , spied , spy , stare , take , {thinketh} , view
, visions ,

thinketh -8176 {thinketh} ,

thinking -0559 and , answer , answered , appoint , appointed ,
as , avouched , bade , bid , bidden , boast , call , called ,
certified , challengeth , charged , command , commanded ,
commandeth , commandment , commune , consider , declared ,
demanded , desired , desireth , determined , expressly , intend ,
intendest , name , named , people , plainly , promised ,
promisedst , published , purpose , reported , requirest , said ,
saidst , saith , say , sayest , saying , spake , spakest , speak
, speaketh , spoken , strong , suppose , talked , tell , termed ,
the , think , {thinking} , thought , told , use , uttereth ,
verily , yet ,


bethink 3824 -- lebab -- + {bethink} themselves, breast,
comfortably, courage,([faint], [tender-]heart([-ed]), midst,
mind, X unawares, understanding.

think 0559 -- /amar -- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self,
call, certify,challenge, charge, + (at the, give) command(-ment),
commune, consider,declare, demand, X desire, determine, X
expressly, X indeed, X intend,name, X plainly, promise, publish,
report, require, say, speak (against,of), X still, X suppose,
talk, tell, term, X that is, X {think}, use[speech], utter, X
verily, X yet.

think 0959 -- bazah -- despise, disdain, contemn(-ptible), +
{think} to scorn, vileperson.

think 0995 -- biyn -- attend, consider, be cunning, diligently,
direct, discern,eloquent, feel, inform, instruct, have
intelligence, know, look well to,mark, perceive, be prudent,
regard, (can) skill(-full), teach, {think},(cause, make to, get,
give, have) understand(-ing), view, (deal) wise(-ly,man).

think 1696 -- dabar -- answer, appoint, bid, command, commune,
declare, destroy,give, name, promise, pronounce, rehearse, say,
speak, be spokesman, subdue,talk, teach, tell, {think}, use
[entreaties], utter, X well, X work.

think 1819 -- damah -- compare, devise, (be) like(-n), mean,
{think}, usesimilitudes.

think 2142 -- zakar -- X burn [incense], X earnestly, be male,
(make) mention (of),be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember,
make to be remembered, bring(call, come, keep, put) to (in)
remembrance, X still, {think} on, X well.

think 2161 -- zamam -- consider, devise, imagine, plot, purpose,
{think} (evil).

think 2803 -- chashab -- (make) account (of), conceive, consider,
count, cunning (man,work, workman), devise, esteem, find out,
forecast, hold, imagine, impute,invent, be like, mean, purpose,
reckon(-ing be made), regard, {think}.

think 5452 -- c@bar -- {think}.

think 5869 -- \ayin -- affliction, outward appearance, + before,
+ think best,colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, +
displease, eye([-brow], [-d],-sight), face, + favour, fountain,
furrow, X him, + humble, knowledge,look, (+ well), X me, open(-
ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard,resemblance, sight, X
thee, X them, + {think}, X us, well, X you(-rselves).

think 5869 -- \ayin -- affliction, outward appearance, + before,
+ {think} best,colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, +
displease, eye([-brow], [-d],-sight), face, + favour, fountain,
furrow, X him, + humble, knowledge,look, (+ well), X me, open(-
ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard,resemblance, sight, X
thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-rselves).

think 6245 -- \ashath -- shine, {think}.

think 6246 -- \ashith -- {think}.

think 7200 ra/ah -- -- advise self, appear, approve, behold, X
certainly, consider,discern, (make to) enjoy, have experience,
gaze, take heed, X indeed, Xjoyfully, lo, look (on, one another,
one on another, one upon another, out,up, upon), mark, meet, X
be near, perceive, present, provide, regard,(have) respect,
(fore-, cause to, let) see(-r, -m, one another), shew(self), X
sight of others, (e-)spy, stare, X surely, X {think}, view,

think 8176 -- sha\ar -- {think}.

think 8232 -- sh@phar -- be acceptable, please, + {think} good.

think 0515 ** axioo ** desire, think good, count ({think})

think 0515 ** axioo ** desire, {think} good, count (think)

think 1260 ** dialogizomai ** cast in mind, consider, dispute,
muse, reason, {think}.

think 1380 ** dokeo ** be accounted, (of own) please(-ure), be
of reputation, seem(good), suppose, {think}, trow.

think 1760 ** enthumeomai ** {think}.

think 1911 ** epiballo ** beat into, cast (up-)on, fall, lay
(on), put (unto), stretchforth, {think} on.

think 2106 ** eudokeo ** {think} good, (be well) please(-d), be
the good (have, take)pleasure, be willing.

think 2233 ** hegeomai ** account, (be) chief, count, esteem,
governor, judge, have therule over, suppose, {think}.

think 2919 ** krino ** avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree,
determine, esteem,judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in
question, sentence to,{think}.

think 3049 ** logizomai ** conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise,
esteem, impute, lay,number, reason, reckon, suppose, {think}

think 3539 ** noieo ** consider, perceive, {think}, understand.

think 3579 ** xenizo ** entertain, lodge, ({think} it) strange.

think 3633 ** oiomai ** suppose, {think}.

think 5252 ** huperphroneo ** {think} more highly.

think 5282 ** huponoeo ** {think}, suppose, deem.

think 5316 ** phaino ** appear, seem, be seen, shine, X {think}.

think 5426 ** phroneo ** set the affection on, (be) care(-ful),
(be like-, + be ofone, + be of the same, + let this) mind(-ed),
regard, savour, {think}.


think ......... an one think 3049 -logizomai->

think ......... and I think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... And think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... as ye think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... but to think 5426 -phroneo->

think ......... do : for they think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... Do not think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... Do ye think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... For I think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... for in them ye think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... for me to think 5426 -phroneo->

think ......... I think 2233 -hegeomai->

think ......... I think 3049 -logizomai->

think ......... in us not to think 5426 -phroneo->

think ......... man should think 3049 -logizomai->

think ......... man think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... man think 3543 -nomizo->

think ......... not to think 3543 -nomizo->

think ......... them , think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... they think it strange 3579 -xenizo->

think ......... think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... think 1760 -enthumeomai->

think ......... think 3049 -logizomai->

think ......... think 3539 -noieo->

Think ......... Think 3543 -nomizo->

think ......... think 3633 -oiomai->

think ......... think 5282 -huponoeo->

think ......... think 5316 -phaino->

think ......... think it not strange 3579 -xenizo->

think ......... to think 3049 -logizomai->

think ......... to think 5426 -phroneo->

think ......... we think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... when ye think 1380 -dokeo->

think ......... you , not to think 5252 -huperphroneo->

think ......... you will think 1380 -dokeo->

thinkest ......... And thinkest 3049 -logizomai->

Thinkest ......... Thinkest 1380 -dokeo->

thinkest ......... thinkest 1380 -dokeo->

thinkest ......... thou thinkest 5426 -phroneo->

thinketh ......... let him that thinketh 1380 -dokeo->

thinketh ......... man thinketh 1380 -dokeo->

thinketh ......... thinketh 3049 -logizomai->



bethink 3824 ## lebab {lay-bawb'}; from 3823; the heart (as the
most interior organ); used also like 3820: -- + {bethink}
themselves, breast, comfortably, courage, ([faint], [tender-
]heart([-ed]), midst, mind, X unawares, understanding. [ql

think 0559 ## >amar {aw-mar'}; a primitive root; to say (used
with great latitude): -- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast
self, call, certify, challenge, charge, + (at the, give)
command(-ment), commune, consider, declare, demand, X desire,
determine, X expressly, X indeed, X intend, name, X plainly,
promise, publish, report, require, say, speak (against, of), X
still, X suppose, talk, tell, term, X that is, X {think}, use
[speech], utter, X verily, X yet. [ql

think 0959 ## bazah {baw-zaw'}; a primitive root; to disesteem: -
- despise, disdain, contemn(-ptible), + {think} to scorn, vile
person. [ql

think 0995 ## biyn {bene}; a primitive root; to separate
mentally (or distinguish), i.e.(generally) understand: -- attend,
consider, be cunning, diligently, direct, discern, eloquent,
feel, inform, instruct, have intelligence, know, look well to,
mark, perceive, be prudent, regard, (can) skill(-full), teach,
{think}, (cause, make to, get, give, have) understand(-ing),
view, (deal) wise(-ly, man). [ql

think 1696 ## dabar {daw-bar'}; a primitive root; perhaps
properly, to arrange; but used figuratively (of words), to speak;
rarely (in a destructive sense) to subdue: -- answer, appoint,
bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise,
pronounce, rehearse, say, speak, be spokesman, subdue, talk,
teach, tell, {think}, use [entreaties], utter, X well, X work.

think 1819 ## damah {daw-maw'}; a primitive root; to compare; by
implication, to resemble, liken, consider: -- compare, devise,
(be) like(-n), mean, {think}, use similitudes. [ql

think 2142 ## zakar {zaw-kar'}; a primitive root; properly, to
mark (so as to be recognized), i.e. to remember; by implication,
to mention; also (as denominative from 2145) to be male: -- X
burn [incense], X earnestly, be male, (make) mention (of), be
mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered,
bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, X still,
{think} on, X well. [ql

think 2161 ## zamam {zaw-mam'}; a primitive root; to plan,
usually in a bad sense: -- consider, devise, imagine, plot,
purpose, {think} (evil). [ql

think 2803 ## chashab {khaw-shab'}; a primitive root; properly,
to plait or interpenetrate, i.e. (literally) to weave or (gen.)
to fabricate; figuratively, to plot or contrive (usually in a
malicious sense); hence (from the mental effort) to think,
regard, value, compute: -- (make) account (of), conceive,
consider, count, cunning (man, work, workman), devise, esteem,
find out, forecast, hold, imagine, impute, invent, be like, mean,
purpose, reckon(-ing be made), regard, {think}. [ql

think 5452 ## c@bar (Aramaic) {seb-ar'}; a primitive root; to
bear in mind, i.e. hope: -- {think}.[ql

think 5869 ## (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye
of the landscape): -- affliction, outward appearance, + before,
+ think best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, +
displease, eye([-brow], [-d], -sight), face, + favour, fountain,
furrow [from the margin], X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+
well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard,
resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + {think}, X us, well, X

think 5869 ## (literally or figuratively); by analogy, a fountain (as the eye
of the landscape): -- affliction, outward appearance, + before,
+ {think} best, colour, conceit, + be content, countenance, +
displease, eye([-brow], [-d], -sight), face, + favour, fountain,
furrow [from the margin], X him, + humble, knowledge, look, (+
well), X me, open(-ly), + (not) please, presence, + regard,
resemblance, sight, X thee, X them, + think, X us, well, X you(-

think 6245 ## be sleek, i.e. glossy; hence (through the idea of polishing) to
excogitate (as if forming in the mind): -- shine, {think}.[ql

think 6246 ## 6245; to purpose: -- {think}.[ql

think 7200 ## ra>ah {raw-aw'}; a primitive root; to see,
literally or figuratively (in numerous applications, direct and
implied, transitive, intransitive and causative): -- advise self,
appear, approve, behold, X certainly, consider, discern, (make
to) enjoy, have experience, gaze, take heed, X indeed, X
joyfully, lo, look (on, one another, one on another, one upon
another, out, up, upon), mark, meet, X be near, perceive,
present, provide, regard, (have) respect, (fore-, cause to, let)
see(-r, -m, one another), shew (self), X sight of others, (e-
)spy, stare, X surely, X {think}, view, visions.[ql

think 8176 ## sha open, i.e. (literally, but only as denominative from 8179) to
act as gate-keeper (see 7778): (figuratively) to estimate: --

think 8232 ## sh@phar (Aramaic) {shef-ar'}; corresponding to
8231; to be beautiful: -- be acceptable, please, + {think} good.

think 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, think good, count ({think}) worthy.[ql

think 0515 # axioo {ax-ee-o'-o}; from 514; to deem entitled or
fit: -- desire, {think} good, count (think) worthy.[ql

think 1260 # dialogizomai {dee-al-og-id'-zom-ahee}; from 1223
and 3049; to reckon thoroughly, i.e. (genitive case) to
deliberate (by reflection or discussion): -- cast in mind,
consider, dispute, muse, reason, {think}.[ql

think 1380 # dokeo {dok-eh'-o}; a prolonged form of a primary
verb, doko {dok'-o} (used only in an alternate in certain tenses;
compare the base of 1166) of the same meaning; to think; by
implication, to seem (truthfully or uncertainly): -- be
accounted, (of own) please(-ure), be of reputation, seem (good),
suppose, {think}, trow.[ql

think 1760 # enthumeomai {en-thoo-meh'-om-ahee}; from a compound
of 1722 and 2372; to be inspirited, i.e. ponder: -- {think}.[ql

think 1911 # epiballo {ep-ee-bal'-lo}; from 1909 and 906; to
throw upon (literal or figurative, transitive or reflexive;
usually with more or less force); specially (with 1438 implied)
to reflect; impersonally, to belong to: -- beat into, cast (up-
)on, fall, lay (on), put (unto), stretch forth, {think} on.[ql

think 2106 # eudokeo {yoo-dok-eh'-o}; from 2095 and 1380; to
think well of, i.e. approve (an act); specially, to approbate (a
person or thing): -- {think} good, (be well) please(-d), be the
good (have, take) pleasure, be willing.[ql

think 2233 # hegeomai {hayg-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice of a
(presumed) strengthened form of 71; to lead, i.e. command (with
official authority); figuratively, to deem, i.e. consider: --
account, (be) chief, count, esteem, governor, judge, have the
rule over, suppose, {think}.[ql

think 2919 # krino {kree'-no}; properly, to distinguish, i.e.
decide (mentally or judicially); by implication, to try, condemn,
punish: -- avenge, conclude, condemn, damn, decree, determine,
esteem, judge, go to (sue at the) law, ordain, call in question,
sentence to, {think}.[ql

think 3049 # logizomai {log-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from
3056; to take an inventory, i.e. estimate (literally or
figuratively): -- conclude, (ac-)count (of), + despise, esteem,
impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose, {think} (on).[ql

think 3539 # noieo {noy-eh'-o}; from 3563; to exercise the mind
(observe), i.e. (figuratively) to comprehend, heed: -- consider,
perceive, {think}, understand.[ql

think 3579 # xenizo {xen-id'-zo}; from 3581; to be a host
(passively, a guest); by implication be (make, appear) strange: -
- entertain, lodge, ({think} it) strange.[ql

think 3633 # oiomai {oy'-om-ahee}; or (shorter) oimai {oy'-
mahee}; middle voice apparently from 3634; to make like
(oneself), i.e. imagine (be of the opinion): -- suppose, {think}.

think 5252 # huperphroneo {hoop-er-fron-eh'-o}; from 5228 and
5426; to esteem oneself overmuch, i.e. be vain or arrogant: --
{think} more highly.[ql

think 5282 # huponoeo {hoop-on-o-eh'-o; from 5259 and 3539; to
think under (privately), i.e. to surmise or conjecture: --
{think}, suppose, deem.[ql

think 5316 # phaino {fah'-ee-no}; prolongation for the base of
5457; to lighten (shine), i.e. show (transitive or intransitive,
literal or figurative): -- appear, seem, be seen, shine, X

think 5426 # phroneo {fron-eh'-o}; from 5424; to exercise the
mind, i.e. entertain or have a sentiment or opinion; by
implication, to be (mentally) disposed (more or less earnestly
in a certain direction); intensively, to interest oneself in
(with concern or obedience): -- set the affection on, (be) care(-
ful), (be like-, + be of one, + be of the same, + let this)
mind(-ed), regard, savour, {think}.[ql


bethink 006 037 IICh /^{bethink /themselves in
the land whither they are carried captive , and turn and pray
unto thee in the land of their captivity , saying , We have
sinned , we have done amiss , and have dealt wickedly ;

bethink 008 047 IKi /^{bethink /themselves in
the land whither they were carried captives , and repent , and
make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried
them captives , saying , We have sinned , and have done
perversely , we have committed wickedness ;

think 003 020 Eph /${think /according to the
power that worketh in us ,

think 007 040 ICo /${think /also that I have
the Spirit of God .

think 038 010 Eze /^{think /an evil thought :

think 003 005 IICo /${think /any thing as of
ourselves ; but our sufficiency is of God ;

think 036 006 Num /^{think /best ; only to the
family of the tribe of their father shall they marry .

think 012 003 Rom /${think /but to think
soberly , according as God hath dealt to every man the measure
of faith .

think 011 012 Zec /^{think /good , give me my
price ; and if not, forbear . So they weighed for my price
thirty pieces of silver .

think 014 037 ICo /${think /himself to be a
prophet , or spiritual , let him acknowledge that the things
that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord .

think 006 003 Gal /${think /himself to be
something , when he is nothing , he deceiveth himself .

think 001 013 IIPe /${think /it meet , as long
as I am in this tabernacle , to stir you up by putting you in
remembrance ;

think 004 012 IPe /${think /it not strange
concerning the fiery trial which is to try you , as though some
strange thing happened unto you :

think 004 004 IPe /${think /it strange that ye
run not with them to the same excess of riot , speaking evil of

think 011 016 IICo /${think /me a fool ; if
otherwise , yet as a fool receive me , that I may boast myself a
little .

think 026 002 Act /${think /myself happy ,
king Agrippa , because I shall answer for myself this day before
thee touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews :

think 012 040 Luk /${think /not .

Think 005 017 Mat /${Think /not that I am come
to destroy the law , or the prophets : I am not come to destroy ,
but to fulfil .

Think 010 034 Mat /${Think /not that I am come
to send peace on earth : I came not to send peace , but a sword .

think 024 044 Mat /${think /not the Son of man
cometh .

think 003 009 Mat /${think /not to say within
yourselves , We have Abraham to our father : for I say unto you ,
that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto
Abraham .

Think 004 013 Est /^{Think /not with thyself
that thou shalt escape in the king's house , more than all the
Jews .

think 012 003 Rom /${think /of himself more
highly than he ought to think ; but to think soberly , according
as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith .

think 012 006 IICo /${think /of me above that
which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me .

think 004 006 ICo /${think /of men above that
which is written , that no one of you be puffed up for one
against another .

think 010 002 IICo /${think /of us as if we
walked according to the flesh .

think 040 014 Gen /^{think /on me when it
shall be well with thee, and shew kindness , I pray thee, unto
me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh , and bring me out of
this house :

think 004 008 Php /${think /on these things .

think 010 007 Isa /^{think /so; but it is in
his heart to destroy and cut off nations not a few .

think 012 003 Rom /${think /soberly ,
according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith .

think 013 033 IISa /^{think /that all the
king's sons are dead : for Amnon only is dead .

think 004 009 ICo /${think /that God hath set
forth us the apostles last , as it were appointed to death : for
we are made a spectacle unto the world , and to angels , and to
men .

think 007 036 ICo /${think /that he behaveth
himself uncomely toward his virgin , if she pass the flower of
her age , and need so require , let him do what he will , he
sinneth not : let them marry .

think 016 002 Joh /${think /that he doeth God
service .

think 008 002 ICo /${think /that he knoweth
any thing , he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know .

think 001 007 Jam /${think /that he shall
receive any thing of the Lord .

think 005 045 Joh /${think /that I will accuse
you to the Father : there is one that accuseth you , even Moses ,
in whom ye trust .

think 017 029 Act /${think /that the Godhead
is like unto gold , or silver , or stone , graven by art and
man's device .

think 004 005 Jam /${think /that the scripture
saith in vain , The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy ?

think 006 007 Mat /${think /that they shall be
heard for their much speaking .

think 041 032 Job /^{think /the deep to be
hoary .

think 010 011 IICo /${think /this , that , such
as we are in word by letters when we are absent , such will we
be also in deed when we are present .

think 010 007 IICo /${think /this again , that ,
as he is Christ's , even so are we Christ's .

think 001 007 Php /${think /this of you all ,
because I have you in my heart ; inasmuch as both in my bonds ,
and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel , ye all are
partakers of my grace .

think 006 014 Neh /^{think /thou upon Tobiah
and Sanballat according to these their works , and on the
prophetess Noadiah , and the rest of the prophets , that would
have put me in fear .

think 010 002 IICo /${think /to be bold against
some , which think of us as if we walked according to the flesh .

think 012 023 ICo /${think /to be less
honourable , upon these we bestow more abundant honour ; and our
uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness .

think 023 027 Jer /^{think /to cause my people
to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to
his neighbour , as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal

think 007 025 Dan /^{think /to change times
and laws : and they shall be given into his hand until a time
and times and the dividing of time .

think 008 017 Ecc /^{think /to know it, yet
shall he not be able to find it.

think 006 006 Neh /^{think /to rebel : for
which cause thou buildest the wall , that thou mayest be their
king , according to these words .

think 013 008 IICh /^{think /to withstand the
kingdom of the LORD in the hand of the sons of David ; and ye be
a great multitude , and there are with you golden calves , which
Jeroboam made you for gods .

think 029 011 Jer /^{think /toward you, saith
the LORD , thoughts of peace , and not of evil , to give you an
expected end .

think 031 001 Job /^{think /upon a maid ?

Think 005 019 Neh /^{Think /upon me, my God ,
for good , according to all that I have done for this people .

think 001 006 Jon /^{think /upon us, that we
perish not.

think 011 056 Joh /${think /ye , that he will
not come to the feast ?

think 021 028 Mat /${think /ye ? A certain man
had two sons ; and he came to the first , and said , Son , go
work to day in my vineyard .

think 014 064 Mar /${think /ye ? And they all
condemned him to be guilty of death .

think 018 012 Mat /${think /ye ? if a man have
an hundred sheep , and one of them be gone astray , doth he not
leave the ninety and nine , and goeth into the mountains , and
seeketh that which is gone astray ?

think 026 066 Mat /${think /ye ? They answered
and said , He is guilty of death .

think 009 004 Mat /${think /ye evil in your
hearts ?

think 005 039 Joh /${think /ye have eternal
life : and they are they which testify of me .

think 022 042 Mat /${think /ye of Christ ?
whose son is he ? They say unto him , The Son of David .

think 013 025 Act /${think /ye that I am ? I
am not he. But , behold , there cometh one after me , whose
shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose .

think 013 004 Luk /${think /ye that they were
sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem ?

think 012 019 IICo /${think /ye that we excuse
ourselves unto you ? we speak before God in Christ : but we do
all things , dearly beloved , for your edifying .

thinkest 028 022 Act /${thinkest /for as
concerning this sect , we know that every where it is spoken
against .

thinkest 017 025 Mat /${thinkest /thou , Simon ?
of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute ? of
their own children , or of strangers ?

thinkest 010 036 Luk /${thinkest /thou , was
neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves ?

thinkest 022 017 Mat /${thinkest /thou ? Is it
lawful to give tribute unto Caesar , or not ?

Thinkest 019 003 ICh /^{Thinkest /thou that David
doth honour thy father , that he hath sent comforters unto thee?
are not his servants come unto thee for to search , and to
overthrow , and to spy out the land ?

Thinkest 010 003 IISa /^{Thinkest /thou that David
doth honour thy father , that he hath sent comforters unto thee?
hath not David rather sent his servants unto thee, to search the
city , and to spy it out , and to overthrow it?

Thinkest 026 053 Mat /${Thinkest /thou that I
cannot now pray to my Father , and he shall presently give me
more than twelve legions of angels ?

thinkest 002 003 Rom /${thinkest /thou this , O
man , that judgest them which do such things , and doest the
same , that thou shalt escape the judgment of God ?

Thinkest 035 002 Job /^{Thinkest /thou this to be
right , that thou saidst , My righteousness is more than God's ?

thinketh 010 012 ICo /${thinketh /he standeth
take heed lest he fall .

thinketh 023 007 Pro /^{thinketh /in his heart ,
so is he: Eat and drink , saith he to thee; but his heart is not
with thee.

thinketh 013 005 ICo /${thinketh /no evil ;

thinketh 003 004 Php /${thinketh /that he hath
whereof he might trust in the flesh , I more :

thinketh 018 027 IISa /^{thinketh /the running of
the foremost is like the running of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok .
And the king said , He is a good man , and cometh with good
tidings .

thinketh 040 017 Psa /^{thinketh /upon me: thou
art my help and my deliverer ; make no tarrying , O my God .

thinking 005 006 IISa /^{thinking /David cannot
come in hither.

thinking 004 010 IISa /^{thinking /to have brought
good tidings , I took hold of him, and slew him in Ziklag , who
thought that I would have given him a reward for his tidings :


think 65 *

thinkest 9 -

thinketh 6 -

thinking 2 -


think But {think} on me when it shall be well with

and show kindness, I pray thee, unto me, and make mention of me

Pharaoh, and bring me out of this house:

think This [is] the thing which the LORD doth command

concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, Let them marry to

whom they {think} best; only to the family of the tribe of their

father shall they marry.

think <2SA13 -33> Now therefore let not my lord the king take the

thing to his heart, to {think} that all the king's sons are dead:

for Amnon only is dead.

think <2CH13 -8> And now ye {think} to withstand the kingdom of

LORD in the hand of the sons of David; and ye [be] a great

multitude, and [there are] with you golden calves, which Jeroboam

made you for gods.

think {Think} upon me, my God, for good, [according]

all that I have done for this people.

think Wherein [was] written, It is reported among the

heathen, and Gashmu saith [it, that] thou and the Jews {think} to

rebel: for which cause thou buildest the wall, that thou mayest

their king, according to these words.

think My God, {think} thou upon Tobiah and Sanballat

according to these their works, and on the prophetess Noadiah,

the rest of the prophets, that would have put me in fear.

think Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther,

not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more

than all the Jews.

think I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then
should I

{think} upon a maid?

think He maketh a path to shine after him; [one]

{think} the deep [to be] hoary.

think Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man

cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because

a man labour to seek [it] out, yet he shall not find [it]; yea

farther; though a wise [man] {think} to know [it], yet shall

he not be able to find [it].

think Howbeit he meaneth not so, neither doth his

{think} so; but [it is] in his heart to destroy and cut off

not a few.

think Which {think} to cause my people to forget my

by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as

fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.

think For I know the thoughts that I {think} toward

saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you

expected end.

think Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to

pass, [that] at the same time shall things come into thy mind,

thou shalt {think} an evil thought:

think And he shall speak [great] words against the

High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and
{think} to

change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand
until a

time and times and the dividing of time.

think So the shipmaster came to him, and said unto him,

What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be

that God will {think} upon us, that we perish not.

think And I said unto them, If ye {think} good, give

[me] my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price

thirty [pieces] of silver.

think And {think} not to say within yourselves, We have

Abraham to [our] father: for I say unto you, that God is able of

these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

think {Think} not that I am come to destroy the law,

the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

think But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as

heathen [do]: for they {think} that they shall be heard for their

much speaking.

think And Jesus knowing their thoughts said, Wherefore

{think} ye evil in your hearts?

think {Think} not that I am come to send peace on

I came not to send peace, but a sword.

think How {think} ye? if a man have an hundred sheep,

and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and

nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is


think But what {think} ye? A [certain] man had two

and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my


think Saying, What {think} ye of Christ? whose son is

he? They say unto him, [The son] of David.

think Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an
hour as

ye {think} not the Son of man cometh.

think What {think} ye? They answered and said, He is

guilty of death.

think Ye have heard the blasphemy: what {think} ye?

they all condemned him to be guilty of death.

think Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man

cometh at an hour when ye {think} not.

think Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam

fell, and slew them, {think} ye that they were sinners above all

that dwelt in Jerusalem?

think Search the scriptures; for in them ye {think} ye

have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

think Do not {think} that I will accuse you to the

Father: there is one] that accuseth you, even] Moses, in whom ye


think Then sought they for Jesus, and spake among

themselves, as they stood in the temple, What {think} ye, that he

will not come to the feast?

think They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea,

time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will {think} that he

God service.

think And as John fulfilled his course, he said, Whom

{think} ye that I am? I am not he]. But, behold, there cometh one

after me, whose shoes of his] feet I am not worthy to loose.

think Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God,

ought not to {think} that the Godhead is like unto gold, or

or stone, graven by art and man's device.

think I {think} myself happy, king Agrippa, because I

shall answer for myself this day before thee touching all the

whereof I am accused of the Jews:

think For I say, through the grace given unto me, to

every man that is among you, not to {think} of himself] more

than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God

dealt to every man the measure of faith.

think For I say, through the grace given unto me, to

every man that is among you, not to think of himself] more highly

than he ought to {think}; but to think soberly, according as God

hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

think For I say, through the grace given unto me, to

every man that is among you, not to think of himself] more highly

than he ought to think; but to {think} soberly, according as God

hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

think <1CO4 -6> And these things, brethren, I have in a figure

transferred to myself and to] Apollos for your sakes; that ye

learn in us not to {think} of men] above that which is written,

no one of you be puffed up for one against another.

think <1CO4 -9> For I {think} that God hath set forth us the

apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a

spectacle unto the world, and to angels, and to men.

think <1CO7 -36> But if any man {think} that he behaveth himself

uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her] age,

need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let


think <1CO7 -40> But she is happier if she so abide, after my

judgment: and I {think} also that I have the Spirit of God.

think <1CO8 -2> And if any man {think} that he knoweth any thing,

knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.

think <1CO12 -23> And those members] of the body, which we

to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour;

and our uncomely parts] have more abundant comeliness.

think <1CO14 -37> If any man {think} himself to be a prophet, or

spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto

are the commandments of the Lord.

think <2CO3 -5> Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to

any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is] of God;

think <2CO10 -2> But I beseech you], that I may not be bold when

am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold

against some, which {think} of us as if we walked according to


think <2CO10 -2> But I beseech you], that I may not be bold when

am present with that confidence, wherewith I {think} to be bold

against some, which think of us as if we walked according to the


think <2CO10 -7> Do ye look on things after the outward

If any man trust to himself that he is Christ's, let him of

{think} this again, that, as he is] Christ's, even so are] we


think <2CO10 -11> Let such an one {think} this, that, such as we

in word by letters when we are absent, such will we be] also in

when we are present.

think <2CO11 -16> I say again, Let no man {think} me a fool; if

otherwise, yet as a fool receive me, that I may boast myself a


think <2CO12 -6> For though I would desire to glory, I shall not

a fool; for I will say the truth: but now] I forbear, lest any

should {think} of me above that which he seeth me to be], or

he heareth of me.

think <2CO12 -19> Again, {think} ye that we excuse ourselves unto

you? we speak before God in Christ: but we do] all things, dearly

beloved, for your edifying.

think For if a man {think} himself to be something,

he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.

think Now unto him that is able to do exceeding

abundantly above all that we ask or {think}, according to the

that worketh in us,

think Even as it is meet for me to {think} this of you

all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my

and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are

partakers of my grace.

think Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,

whatsoever things are] honest, whatsoever things are] just,

whatsoever things are] pure, whatsoever things are] lovely,

whatsoever things are] of good report; if there be] any virtue,

if t

here be] any praise, {think} on these things.

think For let not that man {think} that he shall

any thing of the Lord.

think Do ye {think} that the scripture saith in vain,

spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?

think <1PE4 -4> Wherein they {think} it strange that ye run not

them] to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you]:

think <1PE4 -12> Beloved, {think} it not strange concerning the

fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing

happened unto you:

think <2PE1 -13> Yea, I {think} it meet, as long as I am in this

tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you] in remembrance;
