Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

1367 + two + thousand +/ . dischilioi {dis-khil'-ee-oy}; from 1364 + twice + and again +/ and 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ ; two thousand: --two thousand .

2035 + seven + thousand +/ . heptakischilioi {hep-tak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from 2034 + seven + times + and seven + thee seven +/ and 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ ; seven times a thousand: --seven thousand .

3400 + thee to go a mile +/ . milion {mil'-ee-on}; of Latin origin; a thousand paces, i .e . a "mile": --mile .

3461 + company + hundred + it fifty + with ten + thousand + times ten + thousands + multitude + an innumerable + of them was ten + and to an innumerable +/ . murias {moo-ree'-as}; from 3463 + ten + him ten + thousand +/ ; a ten-thousand; by extension, a "myriad" or indefinite number: --ten thousand .

3463 + ten + him ten + thousand +/ . murioi {moo'-ree-oi}; plural of an apparently primary word (properly, meaning very many); ten thousand; by extension, innumerably many: --ten thousand .

4000 + Five + five + and five + thousand + And five + the five + them five + of the five + unto me five +/ . pentakischilioi {pen-tak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from 3999 + five + times +/ and 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ ; five times a thousand: --five thousand .

5070 + four + thousand + were four + of the four +/ . tetrakischilioi {tet-rak-is-khil'-ee-oy}; from the multiplicative adverb of 5064 + four + of four + by four + and four + The four + the four + were four + at the four + to the four + of the four + him to four + And the four + and the four + from the four + and of the four + are in the four +/ and 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ ; four times a thousand: --four thousand .

5153 + three + thousand +/ . trischilioi {tris-khil'-ee-oy}; from 5151 + three + times + thrice + Thrice + me thrice + that thou shalt thrice +/ and 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ ; three times a thousand: --three thousand .

5505 + thousand + of thousands + and thousands +/ . chilias {khil-ee-as'}; from 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ ; one thousand ("chiliad"): --thousand .

5506 + captain + captains + The chief + the chief + of captains + to the chief + But the chief + high captains + And the chief + with the chief + unto the chief + and the captain + him to the chief + men and the chief + him and the chief +/ . chiliarchos {khil-ee'-ar-khos}; from 5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ and 0757 + to rule + to reign +/ ; the commander of a thousand soldiers ("chiliarch"}; i .e . colonel: --(chief, high) captain .

5507 + a thousand + the thousand + of a thousand + as a thousand + him a thousand + and a thousand + with him a thousand +/ . chilioi {khil'-ee-oy}; plural of uncertain affinity; a thousand: --thousand .