thunder 6963 ## qowl {kole}; or qol {kole}; from an unused root
meaning to call aloud; a voice or sound: -- + aloud, bleating,
crackling, cry (+ out), fame, lightness, lowing, noise, + hold
peace, [pro-]claim, proclamation, + sing, sound, + spark,
{thunder}(-ing), voice, + yell.[ql

thunder 7481 ## ra e. be violently agitated; specifically, to crash (of thunder);
figuratively, to irritate (with anger): -- make to fret, roar,
{thunder}, trouble.[ql

thunder 7482 ## ra {thunder}.[ql

thunder 7483 ## ra a horse (as quivering in the wind): -- {thunder}.[ql

thunder 1027 # bronte {bron-tay'}; akin to bremo (to roar);
thunder: -- {thunder}(-ing).[ql

thunderbolt 7565 ## resheph {reh'-shef}; from 8313; a live coal;
by analogy lightning; figuratively, an arrow, (as flashing
through the air); specifically, fever: -- arrow, (burning) coal,
burning heat, + spark, hot {thunderbolt}.[ql
