anointing 8081 ## shemen {sheh'-men}; from 8080; grease,
especially liquid (as from the olive, often perfumed);
figuratively, richness: -- {anointing}, X fat (things), X
fruitful, oil([-ed]), ointment, olive, + pine.[ql

anointing 5545 # chrisma {khris'-mah}; from 5548; an unguent or
smearing, i.e. (figuratively) the special endowment ("chrism")
of the Holy Spirit: -- {anointing}, unction.[ql

backbiting 5643 ## cether {say'-ther}; or (feminine) cithrah
(Deut. 32:38), {sith-raw'}; from 5641; a cover (in a good or a
bad, a literal or a figurative sense): -- {backbiting}, covering,
covert, X disguise[-th], hiding place, privily, protection,
secret(-ly, place).[ql

backbiting 2636 # katalalia {kat-al-al-ee'-ah}; from 2637;
defamation: -- {backbiting}, evil speaking.[ql

banqueting 3196 ## yayin {yah'-yin}; from an unused root meaning
to effervesce; wine (as fermented); by implication, intoxication:
-- {banqueting}, wine, wine[-bibber]. [ql

banqueting 4224 # potos {pot'-os}; from the alternate of 4095; a
drinking-bout or carousal: -- {banqueting}.[ql

bleating 6963 ## qowl {kole}; or qol {kole}; from an unused root
meaning to call aloud; a voice or sound: -- + aloud, {bleating},
crackling, cry (+ out), fame, lightness, lowing, noise, + hold
peace, [pro-]claim, proclamation, + sing, sound, + spark,
thunder(-ing), voice, + yell.[ql

bleating 8292 ## sh@ruwqah {sher-oo-kaw'}; or (by permutation)
sh@riyqah {sher-ee-kaw'}; feminine passive participle of 8319; a
whistling (in scorn); by analogy, a piping: -- {bleating},

boasting 0212 # alazoneia {al-ad-zon-i'-a}; from 213;
braggadocio, i.e. (by implication) self-confidence: --
{boasting}, pride.[ql

boasting 2745 # kauchema {kow'-khay-mah}; from 2744; a boast
(properly, the object; by implication, the act) in a good or a
bad sense: -- {boasting}, (whereof) to glory (of), glorying,

boasting 2746 # kauchesis {kow'-khay-sis}; from 2744; boasting
(properly, the act; by implication, the object), in a good or a
bad sense: -- {boasting}, whereof I may glory, glorying,

bursting 4386 ## m@kittah {mek-it-taw'}; from 3807; a fracture: -
- {bursting}.[ql

casting 2866 ## chathath {khath-ath'}; from 2865; dismay: --
{casting} down. [ql

casting 3445 ## yeshach {yeh'-shakh}; from an unused root
meaning to gape (as the empty stomach); hunger: -- {casting}
down. [ql

casting 4165 ## muwtsaq {moo-tsawk'}; from 5694; properly,
fusion, i.e. literally, a casting (of metal); figuratively, a
mass (of clay): -- {casting}, hardness.[ql

casting 0580 # apobole {ap-ob-ol-ay'}; from 577; rejection;
figuratively, loss: -- {casting} away, loss.[ql

continual 1065 ## B@kiy {bek-ee'}; from 1058; a weeping; by
analogy, a dripping: -- overflowing, X sore, ({continual})
weeping, wept. [ql

continual 1115 ## biltiy {bil-tee'}; constructive feminine of
1086 (equivalent to 1097); properly, a failure of, i.e. (used
only as a negative particle, usually with a prepositional
prefix) not, except, without, unless, besides, because not,
until, etc.: -- because un[satiable], beside, but, + {continual},
except, from, lest, neither, no more, none, not, nothing, save,
that no, without. [ql

continual 2956 ## tarad {taw-rad'}; a primitive root; to drive
on; figuratively, to follow close: -- {continual}. [ql

continual 5627 ## carah {saw-raw'}; from 5493; apostasy, crime;
figuratively, remission: -- X {continual}, rebellion, revolt([-
ed]), turn away, wrong.[ql

continual 8548 ## tamiyd {taw-meed'}; from an unused root
meaning to stretch; properly, continuance (as indefinite
extension); but used only (attributively as adjective) constant
(or adverbially, constantly); ellipt. the regular (daily)
sacrifice: -- alway(-s), {continual} (employment, -ly), daily,
([n-])ever(-more), perpetual.[ql

continual 0088 # adialeiptos {ad-ee-al'-ipe-tos}; from 1 (as a
negative particle) and a derivative of a compound of 1223 and
3007; unintermitted, i.e. permanent: -- without ceasing,

continual 1519 # eis {ice}; a primary preposition; to or into
(indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or
(figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases:
-- [abundant-]ly, against, among, as, at, [back-]ward, before,
by, concerning, + {continual}, + far more exceeding, for [intent,
purpose], fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -
to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, +
perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto),
throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), ...
ward, [where-]fore, with. Often used in composition with the
same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing
motion (literally or figuratively).[ql

continual 5056 # telos {tel'-os}; from a primary tello (to set
out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at
as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or
state (termination [literally, figuratively or indefinitely],
result [immediate, ultimate or prophetic], purpose);
specifically, an impost or levy (as paid): -- + {continual},
custom, end(-ing), finally, uttermost. Compare 5411.[ql

continually 1980 ## halak {haw-lak'}; akin to 3212; a primitive
root; to walk (in a great variety of applications, literally and
figuratively): -- (all) along, apace, behave (self), come, (on)
{continually}, be conversant, depart, + be eased, enter,
exercise (self), + follow, forth, forward, get, go (about,
abroad, along, away, forward, on, out, up and down), + greater,
grow, be wont to haunt, lead, march, X more and more, move
(self), needs, on, pass (away), be at the point, quite, run
(along), + send, speedily, spread, still, surely, + tale-bearer,
+ travel(-ler), walk (abroad, on, to and fro, up and down, to
places), wander, wax, [way-]faring man, X be weak, whirl. [ql

continually 2181 ## zanah {zaw-naw'}; a primitive root [highly-
fed and therefore wanton]; to commit adultery (usually of the
female, and less often of simple fornication, rarely of
involuntary ravishment); figuratively, to commit idolatry (the
Jewish people being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah): --
(cause to) commit fornication, X {continually}, X great, (be an,
play the) harlot, (cause to be, play the) whore, (commit, fall
to) whoredom, (cause to) go a-whoring, whorish. [ql

continually 5128 ## nuwa< {noo'-ah}; a primitive root; to waver,
in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively
(as subjoined): -- {continually}, fugitive, X make, to [go] up
and down, be gone away, (be) move(-able, -d), be promoted, reel,
remove, scatter, set, shake, sift, stagger, to and fro, be
vagabond, wag, (make) wander (up and down).[ql

continually 6256 ## (adverb with preposition) now, when, etc.: -- + after, [al-]ways,
X certain, + {continually}, + evening, long, (due) season, so
[long] as, [even-, evening-, noon-]tide, ([meal-]), what) time,

continually 7725 ## shuwb {shoob}; a primitive root; to turn
back (hence, away) transitively or intransitively, literally or
figuratively (not necessarily with the idea of return to the
starting point); generally to retreat; often adverbial, again: --
([break, build, circumcise, dig, do anything, do evil, feed,
lay down, lie down, lodge, make, rejoice, send, take, weep]) X
again, (cause to) answer (+ again), X in any case (wise), X at
all, averse, bring (again, back, home again), call [to mind],
carry again (back), cease, X certainly, come again (back), X
consider, + {continually}, convert, deliver (again), + deny,
draw back, fetch home again, X fro, get [oneself] (back) again,
X give (again), go again (back, home), [go] out, hinder, let,
[see] more, X needs, be past, X pay, pervert, pull in again, put
(again, up again), recall, recompense, recover, refresh, relieve,
render (again), requite, rescu e, restore, retrieve, (cause to,
make to) return, reverse, reward, + say nay, [ql

continually 8411 ## t@diyra> (Aramaic) {ted-ee-raw'}; from 1753
in the original sense of enduring; permanence, i.e. (adverb)
constantly: -- {continually}.[ql

continually 1275 # diapantos {dee-ap-an-tos'}; from 1223 and the
genit. of 3956; through all the time, i.e. (adverbially)
constantly: -- alway(-s), {continually}.[ql

continually 1336 # dienekes {dee-ay-nek-es'}; neuter of a
compound of 1223 and a derivative of an alternate of 5342;
carried through, i.e. (adverbially with 1519 and 3588 prefixed)
perpetually: -- + {continually}, for ever.[ql

continually 4342 # proskartereo {pros-kar-ter-eh'-o}; from 4314
and 2594; to be earnest towards, i.e. (to a thing) to persevere,
be constantly diligent, or (in a place) to attend assiduously
all the exercises, or (to a person) to adhere closely to (as a
servitor): -- attend (give self) continually (upon), continue
(in, instant in, with), wait on ({continually}).[ql

continually 4342 # proskartereo {pros-kar-ter-eh'-o}; from 4314
and 2594; to be earnest towards, i.e. (to a thing) to persevere,
be constantly diligent, or (in a place) to attend assiduously
all the exercises, or (to a person) to adhere closely to (as a
servitor): -- attend (give self) {continually} (upon), continue
(in, instant in, with), wait on (continually).[ql

continuance 0539 ## >aman {aw-man'}; a primitive root; properly,
to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse;
figuratively to render (or be) firm or faithful, to trust or
believe, to be permanent or quiet; morally to be true or certain;
once (Isa. 30:21; interchangeable with 541) to go to the right
hand: -- hence, assurance, believe, bring up, establish, + fail,
be faithful (of long {continuance}, stedfast, sure, surely,
trusty, verified), nurse, (-ing father), (put), trust, turn to
the right. [ql

continuance 5769 ## 5956; properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally,
time out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity;
frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional
prefix) always: -- alway(-s), ancient (time), any more,
{continuance}, eternal, (for, [n-])ever(-lasting, -more, of old),
lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time,
(beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.[ql

continuance 5281 # hupomone {hoop-om-on-ay'}; from 5278;
cheerful (or hopeful) endurance, constancy: -- enduring,
patience, patient {continuance} (waiting).[ql

continue 0309 ## >achar {aw-khar'}; a primitive root; to loiter
(i.e. be behind); by implication to procrastinate: -- {continue},
defer, delay, hinder, be late (slack), stay (there), tarry
(longer). [ql

continue 3254 ## yacaph {yaw-saf'}; a primitive root; to add or
augment (often adverbial, to continue to do a thing): -- add, X
again, X any more, X cease, X come more, + conceive again,
{continue}, exceed, X further, X gather together, get more, give
more-over, X henceforth, increase (more and more), join, X
longer (bring, do, make, much, put), X (the, much, yet) more
(and more), proceed (further), prolong, put, be [strong-] er, X
yet, yield. [ql

continue 4900 ## mashak {maw-shak'}; a primitive root; to draw,
used in a great variety of applications (including to sow, to
sound, to prolong, to develop, to march, to remove, to delay, to
be tall, etc.): -- draw (along, out), {continue}, defer, extend,
forbear, X give, handle, make (pro-, sound)long, X sow, scatter,
stretch out.[ql

continue 5975 ## various relations (literal and figurative, intransitive and
transitive): -- abide (behind), appoint, arise, cease, confirm,
{continue}, dwell, be employed, endure, establish, leave, make,
ordain, be [over], place, (be) present (self), raise up, remain,
repair, + serve, set (forth, over, -tle, up), (make to, make to
be at a, with-)stand (by, fast, firm, still, up), (be at a) stay
(up), tarry.[ql

continue 6965 ## quwm {koom}; a primitive root; to rise (in
various applications, literal, figurative, intensive and
causative): -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm,
{continue}, decree, X be dim, endure, X enemy, enjoin, get up,
make good, help, hold, (help to) lift up (again), make, X but
newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up), rear (up), remain, (a-
)rise (up) (again, against), rouse up, set (up), (e-)stablish,
(make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-, make)
sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).[ql

continue 7235 ## rabah {raw-baw'}; a primitive root; to increase
(in whatever respect): -- [bring in] abundance (X -antly), +
archer [by mistake for 7232], be in authority, bring up, X
{continue}, enlarge, excel, exceeding(-ly), be full of, (be,
make) great(-er, -ly, X -ness), grow up, heap, increase, be long,
(be, give, have, make, use) many (a time), (any, be, give, give
the, have) more (in number), (ask, be, be so, gather, over, take,
yield) much (greater, more), (make to) multiply, nourish,
plenty(-eous), X process [of time], sore, store, thoroughly,

continue 7931 ## shakan {shaw-kan'}; a primitive root
[apparently akin (by transmission) to 7901 through the idea of
lodging; compare 5531, 7925]; to reside or permanently stay
(literally or figuratively): -- abide, {continue}, (cause to,
make to) dwell(-er), have habitation, inhabit, lay, place,
(cause to) remain, rest, set (up).[ql

continue 1096 # ginomai {ghin'-om-ahee}; a prolongation and
middle voice form of a primary verb; to cause to be ("gen"-
erate), i.e. (reflexively) to become (come into being), used
with great latitude (literal, figurative, intensive, etc.): --
arise, be assembled, be(-come, -fall, -have self), be brought
(to pass), (be) come (to pass), {continue}, be divided, draw, be
ended, fall, be finished, follow, be found, be fulfilled, + God
forbid, grow, happen, have, be kept, be made, be married, be
ordained to be, partake, pass, be performed, be published,
require, seem, be showed, X soon as it was, sound, be taken, be
turned, use, wax, will, would, be wrought.[ql

continue 1265 # diameno {dee-am-en'-o}; from 1223 and 3306; to
stay constantly (in being or relation): -- {continue}, remain.[ql

continue 1273 # dianuktereuo {dee-an-ook-ter-yoo'-o}; from 1223
and a derivative of 3571; to sit up the whole night: --
{continue} all night.[ql

continue 1300 # diateleo {dee-at-el-eh'-o}; from 1223 and 5055;
to accomplish thoroughly, i.e. (subjectively) to persist: --

continue 1304 # diatribo {dee-at-ree'-bo}; from 1223 and the
base of 5147; to wear through (time), i.e. remain: -- abide, be,
{continue}, tarry.[ql

continue 1696 # emmeno {em-men'-o}; from 1722 and 3306; to stay
in the same place, i.e. (figuratively) persevere: -- {continue}.

continue 1961 # epimeno {ep-ee-men'-o}; from 1909 and 3306; to
stay over, i.e. remain (figuratively, persevere): -- abide (in),
{continue} (in), tarry.[ql

continue 2476 # histemi {his'-tay-mee}; a prolonged form of a
primary stao {stah'-o} (of the same meaning, and used for it in
certain tenses); to stand (transitively or intransitively), used
in various applications (literally or figuratively): -- abide,
appoint, bring, {continue}, covenant, establish, hold up, lay,
present, set (up), stanch, stand (by, forth, still, up). Compare

continue 2523 # kathizo {kath-id'-zo}; another (active) form for
2516; to seat down, i.e. set (figuratively, appoint);
intransitively, to sit (down); figuratively, to settle (hover,
dwell): -- {continue}, set, sit (down), tarry.[ql

continue 3306 # meno {men'-o}; a primary verb; to stay (in a
given place, state, relation or expectancy): -- abide,
{continue}, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand, tarry
(for), X thine own.[ql

continue 3887 # parameno {par-am-en'-o}; from 3844 and 3306; to
stay near, i.e. remain (literally, tarry; or 3844 and 3306; to
stay near, i.e. remain (literally, tarry; or figuratively, be
permanent, persevere): -- abide, {continue}.[ql

continue 3905 # parateino {par-at-i'-no}; from 3844 and teino
(to stretch); to extend along, i.e. prolong (in point of time): -
- {continue}.[ql

continue 4160 # poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form
of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide
application, more or less direct): -- abide, + agree, appoint, X
avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast
out, cause, commit, + content, {continue}, deal, + without any
delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give,
have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship,
make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain,
perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X
secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the
law, work, yield. Compare 4238.[ql

continue 4342 # proskartereo {pros-kar-ter-eh'-o}; from 4314 and
2594; to be earnest towards, i.e. (to a thing) to persevere, be
constantly diligent, or (in a place) to attend assiduously all
the exercises, or (to a person) to adhere closely to (as a
servitor): -- attend (give self) continually (upon), {continue}
(in, instant in, with), wait on (continually).[ql

continue 4357 # prosmeno {pros-men'-o}; from 4314 and 3306; to
stay further, i.e. remain in a place, with a person;
figuratively, to adhere to, persevere in: -- abide still, be
with, cleave unto, {continue} in (with).[ql

continue 4839 # sumparameno {soom-par-am-en'-o}; from 4862 and
3887; to remain in company, i.e. still live: -- {continue} with.

continued 5125 ## nuwn {noon}; a primitive root; to resprout, i.
e. propagate by shoots; figuratively, to be perpetual: -- be

continuing 1641 ## garar {gaw-rar'}; a primitive root; to drag
off roughly; by implication, to bring up the cud (i.e. ruminate);
by analogy, to saw: -- catch, chew, X {continuing}, destroy,
saw. [ql

craftiness 6193 ## {craftiness}.[ql

craftiness 3834 # panourgia {pan-oorg-ee'-ah}; from 3835;
adroitness, i.e. (in a bad sense) trickery or sophistry: --
(cunning) {craftiness}, subtilty.[ql

cutting 1418 ## g@duwdah {ghed-oo-daw'}; feminine participle
passive of 1413; an incision: -- {cutting}. [ql

cutting 1824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'}; or domiy {dom-ee'}; from 1820;
quiet: -- {cutting} off, rest, silence. [ql

cutting 2799 ## charosheth {khar-o'-sheth}; from 2790;
mechanical work: -- carving, {cutting}. [ql

cutting 8296 ## seret {seh'-ret}; and sareteth {saw-reh'-teth};
from 8295; an incision: -- {cutting}.[ql

cuttings 8295 ## sarat {saw-rat'}; a primitive root; to gash: --
cut in pieces, make [{cuttings}] pieces.[ql

dedicating 2598 ## chanukkah {khan-ook-kaw'}; from 2596;
initiation, i.e. consecration: -- {dedicating}(-tion). [ql

departing 5253 ## nacag {naw-sag'}; a primitive root; to retreat:
-- {departing} away, remove, take (hold), turn away.[ql

departing 0867 # aphixis {af'-ix-is}; from 864; properly,
arrival, i.e. (by implication) departure: -- {departing}.[ql

departing 1841 # exodos {ex'-od-os}; from 1537 and 3598; an exit,
i.e. (figuratively) death: -- decease, {departing}.[ql

scrutinize, i.e. look intently at; hence (with recognition
implied), to acknowledge, be acquainted with, care for, respect,
revere, or (with suspicion implied), to disregard, ignore, be
strange toward, reject, resign, dissimulate (as if ignorant or
disowning): -- acknowledge, X could, deliver, {discern},
dissemble, estrange, feign self to be another, know, take
knowledge (notice), perceive, regard, (have) respect, behave
(make) self strange(-ly).[ql

discontinue 8058 ## shamat {shaw-mat'}; a primitive root; to
fling down; incipiently to jostle; figuratively, to let alone,
desist, remit: -- {discontinue}, overthrow, release, let rest,
shake, stumble, throw down.[ql

disputing 3859 # paradiatribe {par-ad-ee-at-ree-bay'}; from a
compound of 3844 and 1304; misemployment, i.e. meddlesomeness: --
perverse {disputing}.[ql

distinction 1293 # diastole {dee-as-tol-ay'}; from 1291; a
variation: -- difference, {distinction}.[ql

distinctly 6567 ## parash {paw-rash'}; a primitive root; to
separate, literally (to disperse) or figuratively (to specify);
also (by implication) to wound: -- scatter, declare,
{distinctly}, shew, sting.[ql

distinctly 6568 ## p@rash (Aramaic) {per-ash'}; corresponding to
6567; to specify: -- {distinctly}.[ql

eating 0400 ## >okel {o'-kel}; from 398; food: -- {eating}, food,
meal[-time], meat, prey, victuals. [ql

eating 3894 ## lachuwm {law-khoom'}; or lachum {law-khoom'};
passive participle of 3898; properly, eaten, i.e . food; also
flesh, i.e . body: -- {eating}, flesh. [ql

eating 1035 # brosis {bro'-sis}; from the base of 977;
(abstractly) eating (literally or figuratively); by extension
(concretely) food (literally or figuratively): -- {eating}, food,

emptiness 0922 ## bohuw {bo'-hoo}; from an unused root (meaning
to be empty); a vacuity, i.e. (superficially) an
undistinguishable ruin: -- {emptiness}, void. [ql

everlasting 0126 # aidios {ah-id'-ee-os}; from 104; everduring
(forward and backward, or forward only): -- eternal,

everlasting 0166 # aionios {ahee-o'-nee-os}; from 165; perpetual
(also used of past time, or past and future as well): -- eternal,
for ever, {everlasting}, world (began).[ql

extinct 1846 ## da extinguished; figuratively, to expire or be dried up: -- be
{extinct}, consumed, put out, quenched. [ql

extinct 2193 ## za -- be {extinct}. [ql

fasting 2908 ## t@vath (Aramaic) {tev-awth'}; from a root
corresponding to 2901; hunger (as twisting): -- {fasting}. [ql

fasting 0777 # asitos {as'-ee-tos}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 4621; without (taking) food: -- {fasting}.[ql

fasting 3523 # nestis {nace'-tis}; from the insep. negative
particle ne- (not) and 2068; not eating, i.e. abstinent from
food (religiously): -- {fasting}.[ql

fighting 3163 # mache {makh'-ay}; from 3164; a battle, i.e.
(figuratively) controversy: -- {fighting}, strive, striving.[ql

fretting 3992 ## ma>ar {maw-ar'}; a primitive root; to be bitter
or (causatively) to embitter, i.e. be painful: -- {fretting},
picking. [ql

getting 6467 ## po (concretely): -- act, deed, do, {getting}, maker, work.[ql

getting 7075 ## qinyan {kin-yawn'}; from 7069; creation, i.e.
(concretely) creatures; also acquisition, purchase, wealth: --
{getting}, goods, X with money, riches, substance.[ql

greeting 0783 # aspasmos {as-pas-mos'}; from 782; a greeting (in
person or by letter): -- {greeting}, salutation.[ql

greeting 5463 # chairo {khah'-ee-ro}; a primary verb; to be
"cheer"ful, i.e. calmly happy or well-off; impersonally,
especially as salutation (on meeting or parting), be well: --
farewell, be glad, God speed, {greeting}, hall, joy(-fully),

guiltiness 0817 ## >asham {aw-shawm'}; from 816; guilt; by
implication, a fault; also a sin-offering: -- {guiltiness},
(offering for) sin, trespass (offering). [ql

guiltiness 1818 ## dam {dawm}; from 1826 (compare 119); blood
(as that which when shed causes death) of man or an animal; by
analogy, the juice of the grape; figuratively (especially in the
plural) bloodshed (i.e. drops of blood): -- blood(-y, --
{guiltiness}, [-thirsty], + innocent. [ql

handwriting 5498 # cheirographon {khi-rog'-raf-on}; neuter of a
compound of 5495 and 1125; something hand-written ("chirograph"),
i.e. a manuscript (specifically, a legal document or bond
[figuratively]): -- {handwriting}.[ql

haughtiness 1346 ## ga or majesty; by implication, (concretely) ornament: -- excellency,
{haughtiness}, highness, pride, proudly, swelling. [ql

haughtiness 7312 ## ruwm {room}; or rum {room}; from 7311;
(literally) elevation or (figuratively) elation: --
{haughtiness}, height, X high.[ql

hunting 6718 ## tsayid {tsah'-yid}; from a form of 6679 and
meaning the same; the chase; also game (thus taken); (generally)
lunch (especially for a journey): -- X catcheth, food, X hunter,
(that which he took in) {hunting}, venison, victuals.[ql

incontinency 0192 # akrasia {ak-ras-ee'-a}; from 193; want of
self-restraint: -- excess, {incontinency}.[ql

incontinent 0193 # akrates {ak-rat'-ace}; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 2904; powerless, i.e. without self-control: --

inhabiting 6728 ## tsiyiy {tsee-ee'}; from the same as 6723; a
desert-dweller, i.e. nomad or wild beast: -- wild beast of the
desert, that dwell in ({inhabiting}) the wilderness.[ql

interpreting 6590 ## p@shar (Aramaic) {pesh-ar'}; corresponding
to 6622; to interpret: -- make [interpretations], {interpreting}.

jesting 2160 # eutrapelia {yoo-trap-el-ee'-ah}; from a compound
of 2095 and a derivative of the base of 5157 (meaning well-
turned, i.e. ready at repartee, jocose); witticism, i.e. (in a
vulgar sense) ribaldry: -- {jesting}.[ql

lasting 5769 ## properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time
out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity;
frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional
prefix) always: -- alway(-s), ancient (time), any more,
continuance, eternal, (for, [n-])ever(-lasting, -more, of old),
{lasting}, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time,
(beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.[ql

lasting 5957 ## remote time, i.e. the future or past indefinitely; often adverb,
forever: -- for ([n-])ever ({lasting}), old.[ql

lasting 5703 ## terminus, i.e. (by implication) duration, in the sense of
advance or perpetuity (substantially as a noun, either with or
without a preposition): -- eternity, ever({-lasting}, -more),
old, perpetually, + world without end.[ql

lasting 5769 ## properly, concealed, i.e. the vanishing point; generally, time
out of mind (past or future), i.e. (practically) eternity;
frequentatively, adverbial (especially with prepositional
prefix) always: -- alway(-s), ancient (time), any more,
continuance, eternal, (for, [n-])ever({-lasting}, -more, of old),
lasting, long (time), (of) old (time), perpetual, at any time,
(beginning of the) world (+ without end). Compare 5331, 5703.[ql

lasting 6924 ## qedem {keh'-dem}; or qedmah {kayd'-maw}; from
6923; the front, of place (absolutely, the fore part, relatively
the East) or time (antiquity); often used adverbially (before,
anciently, eastward): -- aforetime, ancient (time), before, east
(end, part, side, -ward), eternal, X ever({-lasting}), forward,
old, past. Compare 6926.[ql

Latin 4513 # Rhomaikos {rho-mah-ee-kos'}; from 4514; Romaic, i.e.
Latin: -- {Latin}.[ql

Latin 4515 # Rhomaisti {hro-mah-is-tee'}; adverb from a presumed
derivative of 4516; Romaistically, i.e. in the Latin language: --

Libertine 3032 # Libertinos {lib-er-tee'-nos}; of Latin origin;
a Roman freedman: -- {Libertine}.[ql

lifting 1348 ## ge>uwth {gay-ooth'}; from 1342; the same as 1346:
-- excellent things, {lifting} up, majesty, pride, proudly,
raging. [ql

lifting 1466 ## gevah {gay-vaw'}; the same as 1465; exaltation;
(figuratively) arrogance: -- {lifting} up, pride. [ql

lifting 4607 ## mo hands): -- {lifting} up.[ql

lifting 4864 ## mas>eth {mas-ayth'}; from 5375; properly,
(abstractly) a raising (as of the hands in prayer), or rising
(of flame); figuratively, an utterance; concretely, a beacon (as
raised); a present (as taken), mess, or tribute; figuratively, a
reproach (as a burden): -- burden, collection, sign of fire,
(great) flame, gift, {lifting} up, mess, oblation, reward.[ql

lifting 7427 ## romemuth {ro-may-mooth'}; from the active
participle of 7426; exaltation: -- {lifting} up of self.[ql

lighting 5183 ## Nachath {nakh'-ath}; from 5182; a descent, i.e.
imposition, unfavorable (punishment) or favorable (food); also
(intransitively; perhaps from 5117), restfulness: -- {lighting}
down, quiet(-ness), to rest, be set on.[ql

loftiness 1363 ## gobahh {go'-bah}; from 1361; elation, grandeur,
arrogance: -- excellency, haughty, height, high, {loftiness},
pride. [ql

loftiness 1365 ## gabhuwth {gab-hooth'}; from 1361; pride: --
{loftiness}, lofty. [ql

meeting 6116 ## reth}; from 6113; an assembly, especially on a festival or
holiday: -- (solemn) assembly ({meeting}).[ql

meeting 5222 # hupantesis {hoop-an'-tay-sis}; from 5221; an
encounter or concurrence (with 1519 for infinitive, in order to
fall in with): -- {meeting}.[ql

melting 2003 ## hamac {haw-mawce'}; from an unused root
apparently meaning to crackle; a dry twig or brushwood: --
{melting}. [ql

mounting 4608 ## ma i.e. (concretely) acclivity or platform; abstractly (the
relation or state) a rise or (figuratively) priority: -- ascent,
before, chiefest, cliff, that goeth up, going up, hill,
{mounting} up, stairs.[ql

natins 0776 ## >erets {eh'-rets}; from an unused root probably
meaning to be firm; the earth (at large, or partitively a land):
-- X common, country, earth, field, ground, land, X {natins},
way, + wilderness, world. [ql

naughtiness 1942 ## havvah {hav-vaw'}; from 1933 (in the sense
of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication, of
falling); desire; also ruin: -- calamity, iniquity, mischief,
mischievous (thing), {naughtiness}, naughty, noisome, perverse
thing, substance, very wickedness. [ql

naughtiness 7455 ## roa< {ro'-ah}; from 7489; badness (as
marring), physically or morally: -- X be so bad, badness, (X be
so) evil, {naughtiness}, sadness, sorrow, wickedness.[ql

naughtiness 2549 # kakia {kak-ee'-ah}; from 2556; badness, i.e.
(subjectively) depravity, or (actively) malignity, or
(passively) trouble: -- evil, malice(-iousness), {naughtiness},

neglecting 0857 # apheidia {af-i-dee'-ah}; from a compound of 1
(as a negative particle) and 5339; unsparingness, i.e. austerity
(ascetism): -- {neglecting}.[ql

obstinate 0553 ## >amats {aw-mats'}; a primitive root; to be
alert, physically (on foot) or mentally (in courage): -- confirm,
be courageous (of good courage, stedfastly minded, strong,
stronger), establish, fortify, harden, increase, prevail,
strengthen (self), make strong ({obstinate}, speed). [ql

obstinate 7186 ## qasheh {kaw-sheh'}; from 7185; severe (in
various applications): -- churlish, cruel, grievous, hard([-
hearted], thing), heavy, + impudent, {obstinate}, prevailed,
rough(-ly), sore, sorrowful, stiff([necked]), stubborn, + in

Palestina 6429 ## P@lesheth {pel-eh'-sheth}; from 6428; rolling,
i.e. migratory; Pelesheth, a region of Syria: -- {Palestina},
Palestine, Philistia, Philistines.[ql

Palestine 5960 ## Almon, a place in {Palestine} See also 5963.[ql

Palestine 6429 ## P@lesheth {pel-eh'-sheth}; from 6428; rolling,
i.e. migratory; Pelesheth, a region of Syria: -- Palestina,
{Palestine}, Philistia, Philistines.[ql

parting 0517 ## >em {ame}; a primitive word; a mother (as the
bond of the family); in a wide sense (both literally and
figuratively [like 1]: -- dam, mother, X {parting}. [ql

perfecting 2677 # katartismos {kat-ar-tis-mos'}; from 2675;
complete furnishing (objectively): -- {perfecting}.[ql

perverting 1499 ## gezel {ghe'-zel}; from 1497; plunder, i.e.
violence: -- violence, violent {perverting}. [ql

Philistine 6430 ## P@lishtiy {pel-ish-tee'}; patrial from 6429;
a Pelishtite or inhabitant of Pelesheth: -- {Philistine}.[ql

Philistines 6429 ## P@lesheth {pel-eh'-sheth}; from 6428;
rolling, i.e. migratory; Pelesheth, a region of Syria: --
Palestina, Palestine, Philistia, {Philistines}.[ql

plaiting 1708 # emploke {em-plok-ay'}; from 1707; elaborate
braiding of the hair: -- {plaiting}.[ql

prating 8193 ## saphah {saw-faw'}; or (in dual and plural)
sepheth {sef-eth'}; probably from 5595 or 8192 through the idea
of termination (compare 5490); the lip (as a natural boundary);
by implication, language; by analogy, a margin (of a vessel,
water, cloth, etc.): -- band, bank, binding, border, brim, brink,
edge, language, lip, {prating}, ([sea-])shore, side, speech,
talk, [vain] words.[ql

predestinate 4309 # proorizo {pro-or-id'-zo}; from 4253 and 3724;
to limit in advance, i.e. (figuratively) predetermine: --
determine before, ordain, {predestinate}.[ql

putting 0555 # apekdusis {ap-ek'-doo-sis}; from 554; divestment:
-- {putting} off.[ql

putting 0595 # apothesis {ap-oth'-es-is}; from 659; a laying
aside (literally or figuratively): -- {putting} away (off).[ql

putting 1745 # endusis {en'-doo-sis}; from 1746; investment with
clothing: -- {putting} on.[ql

putting 1936 # epithesis {ep-ith'-es-is}; from 2007; an
imposition (of hands officially): -- laying ({putting}) on.[ql

repenting 5150 ## nichuwm {nee-khoom'}; or nichum {nee-khoom'};
from 5162; properly, consoled; abstractly, solace: -- comfort(-
able), {repenting}.[ql

resting 7258 ## rebets {reh'-bets}; from 7257; a couch or place
of repose: -- where each lay, lie down in, {resting} place.[ql

rioting 2970 # komos {ko'-mos}; from 2749; a carousal (as if
letting loose): -- revelling, {rioting}.[ql

setting 4396 ## millu>ah {mil-loo-aw'}; feminine of 4394; a
filling, i.e. setting (of gems): -- inclosing, {setting}.[ql

setting 3326 # meta {met-ah'}; a primary preposition (often used
adverbially); properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or
causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive case
association, or accusative case succession) with which it is
joined; occupying an intermediate position between 575 or 1537
and 1519 or 4314; less intimate than 1722 and less close than
4862): -- after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and,
+ follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and
{setting}, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out).
Often used in composition, in substantially the same relations
of participation or proximity, and transfer or sequence.[ql

shouting 7440 ## rinnah {rin-naw'}; from 7442; properly, a
creaking (or shrill sound), i.e. shout (of joy or grief): -- cry,
gladness, joy, proclamation, rejoicing, {shouting}, sing(-ing),

shouting 8663 ## t@shu>ah {tesh-oo-aw'}; from 7722; a crashing
or loud clamor: -- crying, noise, {shouting}, stir.[ql

sitting 4186 ## mowshab {mo-shawb'}; or moshab {mo-shawb'}; from
3427; a seat; figuratively, a site; abstractly, a session; by
extension an abode (the place or the time); by implication,
population: -- assembly, dwell in, dwelling(-place), wherein
(that) dwelt (in), inhabited place, seat, {sitting}, situation,

snorting 5170 ## nachar {nakh'-ar}; and (feminine) nacharah
{nakh-ar-aw'}; from an unused root meaning to snort or snore; a
snorting: -- nostrils, {snorting}.[ql

sporting 1792 # entruphao {en-troo-fah'-o}; from 1722 and 5171;
to revel in: -- {sporting} selves.[ql

sting 6567 ## parash {paw-rash'}; a primitive root; to separate,
literally (to disperse) or figuratively (to specify); also (by
implication) to wound: -- scatter, declare, distinctly, shew,

sting 2759 # kentron {ken'-tron}; from kenteo (to prick); a
point ("centre"), i.e. a sting (figuratively, poison) or goad
(figuratively, divine impulse): -- prick, {sting}.[ql

stink 0887 ## ba>ash {baw-ash'}; a primitive root; to smell bad;
figuratively, to be offensive morally: -- (make to) be abhorred
(had in abomination, loathsome, odious), (cause a, make to)
{stink}(-ing savour), X utterly. [ql

stink 0889 ## b@>osh {be-oshe'}; from 877; a stench: -- {stink}.
[ql stink 4716 ## maq {mak}; from 4743; properly, a melting, i.e.
putridity: -- rottenness, {stink}.[ql

stink 3605 # ozo {od'-zo}; a primary verb (in a strengthened
form); to scent (usually an ill "odor"): -- {stink}.[ql

subverting 2692 # katastrophe {kat-as-trof-ay'}; from 2690; an
overturn ("catastrophe"), i.e. demolition; figuratively,
apostasy: -- overthrow, {subverting}.[ql

surfeiting 2897 # kraipale {krahee-pal'-ay}; probably from the
same as 726; properly, a headache (as a seizure of pain) from
drunkenness, i.e. (by implication) a debauch (by analogy, a
glut): -- {surfeiting}.[ql

taunting 4426 ## m@liytsah {mel-ee-tsaw'}; from 3887; an
aphorism; also a satire: -- interpretation, {taunting}.[ql

tin 0913 ## b@diyl {bed-eel'}; from 914; alloy (because removed
by smelting); by analogy, tin: -- + plummet, {tin}. [ql

tingle 6750 ## tsalal {tsaw-lal'}; a primitive root [identical
with 6749 through the idea of vibration]; to tinkle, i.e. rattle
together (as the ears in reddening with shame, or the teeth in
chattering with fear): -- quiver, {tingle}.[ql

tinkle 0214 # alalazo {al-al-ad'-zo}; from alale ( a shout,
"halloo"); to vociferate, i.e. (by implication) to wail;
figuratively, to clang: -- {tinkle}, wail.[ql

tinkling 5913 ## tie, specifically, with fetters; but used only as denominative
from 5914; to put on anklets: -- make a {tinkling} ornament.[ql

tinkling 5914 ## anklet: -- stocks, {tinkling} ornament.[ql

unwittingly 7684 ## sh@gagah {sheg-aw-gaw'}; from 7683; a
mistake or inadvertent transgression: -- error, ignorance, at
unawares; {unwittingly}.[ql

waiting 6635 ## tsaba> {tsaw-baw'}; or (feminine) ts@ba>ah {tseb-
aw-aw'}; from 6633; a mass of persons (or figuratively, things),
especially reg. organized for war (an army); by implication, a
campaign, literally or figuratively (specifically, hardship,
worship): -- appointed time, (+) army, (+) battle, company, host,
service, soldiers, {waiting} upon, war(-fare).[ql

waiting 5281 # hupomone {hoop-om-on-ay'}; from 5278; cheerful
(or hopeful) endurance, constancy: -- enduring, patience,
patient continuance ({waiting}).[ql

wanting 2627 ## chacciyr (Aramaic) {khas-seer'}; from a root
corresponding to 2637; deficient: -- {wanting}. [ql

wanting 2642 ## checrown {khes-rone'}; from 2637; deficiency: --
{wanting}. [ql

wanting 3007 # leipo {li'-po}; a primary verb; to leave, i.e.
(intransitively or passively) to fail or be absent: -- be
destitute ({wanting}), lack.[ql

wasting 4325 ## mayim {mah'-yim}; dual of a primitive noun (but
used in a singular sense); water; figuratively, juice; by
euphemism, urine, semen: -- + piss, {wasting}, water(-ing, [-
course, -flood, -spring]).[ql

wasting 7701 ## shod {shode}; or showd (Job 5:21) {shode}; from
7736; violence, ravage: -- desolation, destruction, oppression,
robbery, spoil(-ed, -er, -ing), {wasting}.[ql

wittingly 1847 ## da cunning, [ig-]norantly, know(-ledge), [un-]awares ({wittingly}).

wittingly 7919 ## sakal {saw-kal'}; a primitive root; to be
(causatively, make or act) circumspect and hence, intelligent: --
consider, expert, instruct, prosper, (deal) prudent(-ly),
(give) skill(-ful), have good success, teach, (have, make to)
understand(-ing), wisdom, (be, behave self, consider, make)
wise(-ly), guide {wittingly}.[ql

writing 3791 ## kathab {kaw-thawb'}; from 3789; something
written, i.e . a writing, record or book: -- register, scripture,
{writing}. [ql

writing 3792 ## k@thab (Aramaic) {keth-awb'}; corresponding to
3791: -- prescribing, {writing}(-ten). [ql

writing 4385 ## miktab {mik-tawb'}; from 3789; a thing written,
the characters, or a document (letter, copy, edict, poem): --

writing 0647 # apostasion {ap-os-tas'-ee-on}; neuter of a
(presumed) adj. from a derivative of 868; properly, something
separative, i.e. (specially) divorce: -- ({writing} of)

writing 0975 # biblion {bib-lee'-on}; a diminutive of 976; a
roll: -- bill, book, scroll, {writing}.[ql

writing 1121 # gramma {gram'-mah}; from 1125; a writing, i.e. a
letter, note, epistle, book, etc.; plural learning: -- bill,
learning, letter, scripture, {writing}, written.[ql

writing 4093 # pinakidion {pin-ak-id'-ee-on}; diminutive of 4094;
a tablet (for writing on): -- {writing} table.[ql

abstinence 0776 # asitia {as-ee-tee'-ah}; from 777; fasting (the
state): -- {abstinence}.[ql
