Antipas 0493 ** Antipas ** {Antipas}.

Antipatris 0494 ** Antipatris ** {Antipatris}.

Hatipha 2412 -- Chatiypha/ -- {Hatipha}.

multiplied 7680 s@ga/ -- -- grow, be {multiplied}.

multiply 1995 -- hamown -- abundance, company, many, multitude,
{multiply}, noise,riches, rumbling, sounding, store, tumult.

multiply 3527 -- kabar -- in abundance, {multiply}.

multiply 6280 -- \athar -- deceitful, {multiply}.

multiply 7227 rab -- -- (in) abound(-undance, -ant, -antly),
captain, elder,enough, exceedingly, full, great(-ly, man, one),
increase, long (enough,[time]), (do, have) many(-ifold, things,
a time), ([ship-])master, mighty,more, (too, very) much,
{multiply}(-tude), officer, often[-times],plenteous, populous,
prince, process [of time], suffice(-lent).

multiply 7231 rabab -- -- increase, be many(-ifold), be more,
{multiply}, tenthousands.

multiply 7233 r@babah -- -- many, million, X {multiply}, ten

multiply 7235 rabah -- -- [bring in] abundance (X -antly), +
archer, be inauthority, bring up, X continue, enlarge, excel,
exceeding(-ly), be fullof, (be, make) great(-er, -ly, X -ness),
grow up, heap, increase, be long,(be, give, have, make, use)
many (a time), (any, be, give, give the, have)more (in number),
(ask, be, be so, gather, over, take, yield) much(greater, more),
(make to) {multiply}, nourish, plenty(-eous), X process[of time],
sore, store, thoroughly, very.

multiply 4129 ** plethuno ** abound, {multiply}.

Potipherah 6319 -- Powtiy Phera\ -- {Poti-pherah}.

Potiphar 6318 -- Powtiyphar -- {Potiphar}.

tip 8571 -- t@nuwk -- {tip}.

tip 0206 ** akron ** one end...other, {tip}, top, uttermost

Tipsah 8607 -- Tiphcach -- {Tipsah}.
