Antipas 002 013 Rev /${Antipas /was my faithful
martyr , who was slain among you , where Satan dwelleth .

multiplied 021 015 Eze /^{multiplied /ah ! it is
made bright , it is wrapped up for the slaughter .

multiplied 008 013 Deu /^{multiplied /and all that
thou hast is multiplied ;

multiplied 001 012 Exo /^{multiplied /and grew .
And they were grieved because of the children of Israel .

multiplied 031 005 Eze /^{multiplied /and his
branches became long because of the multitude of waters , when
he shot forth .

multiplied 003 016 Jer /^{multiplied /and increased
in the land , in those days , saith the LORD , they shall say no
more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD : neither shall it
come to mind : neither shall they remember it; neither shall
they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.

multiplied 011 021 Deu /^{multiplied /and the days
of your children , in the land which the LORD sware unto your
fathers to give them, as the days of heaven upon the earth .

multiplied 009 011 Pro /^{multiplied /and the years
of thy life shall be increased .

multiplied 001 007 Exo /^{multiplied /and waxed
exceeding mighty ; and the land was filled with them.

multiplied 001 020 Exo /^{multiplied /and waxed
very mighty .

multiplied 059 012 Isa /^{multiplied /before thee,
and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with
us; and as for our iniquities , we know them;

multiplied 047 027 Gen /^{multiplied /exceedingly .

multiplied 008 014 Hos /^{multiplied /fenced cities
: but I will send a fire upon his cities , and it shall devour
the palaces thereof.

multiplied 107 038 Psa /^{multiplied /greatly ; and
suffereth not their cattle to decrease .

multiplied 002 008 Hos /^{multiplied /her silver
and gold , which they prepared for Baal .

multiplied 023 019 Eze /^{multiplied /her whoredoms
, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth , wherein she
had played the harlot in the land of Egypt .

multiplied 027 003 Jos /^{multiplied /his seed ,
and gave him Isaac .

multiplied 007 017 Act /${multiplied /in Egypt ,

multiplied 006 007 Act /${multiplied /in Jerusalem
greatly ; and a great company of the priests were obedient to
the faith .

multiplied 011 009 Exo /^{multiplied /in the land
of Egypt .

multiplied 005 009 ICh /^{multiplied /in the land
of Gilead .

multiplied 027 014 Job /^{multiplied /it is for the
sword : and his offspring shall not be satisfied with bread .

multiplied 005 007 Eze /^{multiplied /more than the
nations that are round about you, and have not walked in my
statutes , neither have kept my judgments , neither have done
according to the judgments of the nations that are round about

multiplied 016 004 Psa /^{multiplied /that hasten
after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not
offer , nor take up their names into my lips .

multiplied 009 003 Isa /^{multiplied /the nation ,
and not increased the joy : they joy before thee according to
the joy in harvest , and as men rejoice when they divide the
spoil .

multiplied 006 001 Act /${multiplied /there arose a
murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews , because their
widows were neglected in the daily ministration .

multiplied 016 051 Eze /^{multiplied /thine
abominations more than they , and hast justified thy sisters in
all thine abominations which thou hast done .

multiplied 016 029 Eze /^{multiplied /thy
fornication in the land of Canaan unto Chaldea ; and yet thou
wast not satisfied herewith .

multiplied 003 016 Nah /^{multiplied /thy merchants
above the stars of heaven : the cankerworm spoileth , and flieth
away .

multiplied 016 025 Eze /^{multiplied /thy whoredoms

multiplied 029 016 Pro /^{multiplied /transgression
increaseth : but the righteous shall see their fall .

multiplied 001 002 IIPe /${multiplied /unto you
through the knowledge of God , and of Jesus our Lord ,

multiplied 004 001 Dan /^{multiplied /unto you.

multiplied 006 025 Dan /^{multiplied /unto you.

multiplied 012 010 Hos /^{multiplied /visions , and
used similitudes , by the ministry of the prophets .

multiplied 035 006 Job /^{multiplied /what doest
thou unto him?

multiplied 001 010 Deu /^{multiplied /you, and,
behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude .

multiplied 011 006 Eze /^{multiplied /your slain in
this city , and ye have filled the streets thereof with the
slain .

multiplied 035 013 Eze /^{multiplied /your words
against me: I have heard them.

multipliedst 009 023 Neh /^{multipliedst /thou as the
stars of heaven , and broughtest them into the land , concerning
which thou hadst promised to their fathers , that they should go
in to possess it.

multiplieth 034 037 Job /^{multiplieth /his words
against God .

multiplieth 009 017 Job /^{multiplieth /my wounds
without cause .

multiplieth 035 016 Job /^{multiplieth /words
without knowledge .

multiply 035 011 Gen /^{multiply /a nation and a
company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of
thy loins ;

multiply 023 029 Exo /^{multiply /against thee.

multiply 001 022 Gen /^{multiply /and fill the
waters in the seas , and let fowl multiply in the earth .

multiply 008 001 Deu /^{multiply /and go in and
possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers .

multiply 001 010 Exo /^{multiply /and it come to
pass, that, when there falleth out any war , they join also unto
our enemies , and fight against us, and so get them up out of
the land .

multiply 001 028 Gen /^{multiply /and replenish
the earth , and subdue it : and have dominion over the fish of
the sea , and over the fowl of the air , and over every living
thing that moveth upon the earth .

multiply 009 001 Gen /^{multiply /and replenish
the earth .

multiply 030 016 Deu /^{multiply /and the LORD
thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to
possess it.

multiply 008 013 Deu /^{multiply /and thy silver
and thy gold is multiplied , and all that thou hast is
multiplied ;

multiply 016 007 Eze /^{multiply /as the bud of
the field , and thou hast increased and waxen great , and thou
art come to excellent ornaments : thy breasts are fashioned ,
and thine hair is grown , whereas thou wast naked and bare .

multiply 026 004 Gen /^{multiply /as the stars of
heaven , and will give unto thy seed all these countries ; and
in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed ;

multiply 009 007 Gen /^{multiply /bring forth
abundantly in the earth , and multiply therein.

multiply 017 020 Gen /^{multiply /him exceedingly
; twelve princes shall he beget , and I will make him a great
nation .

multiply 017 016 Deu /^{multiply /horses :
forasmuch as the LORD hath said unto you, Ye shall henceforth
return no more that way .

multiply 017 016 Deu /^{multiply /horses to
himself, nor cause the people to return to Egypt , to the end
that he should multiply horses : forasmuch as the LORD hath said
unto you, Ye shall henceforth return no more that way .

multiply 001 022 Gen /^{multiply /in the earth .

multiply 004 027 ICh /^{multiply /like to the
children of Judah .

multiply 036 010 Eze /^{multiply /men upon you,
all the house of Israel , even all of it: and the cities shall
be inhabited , and the wastes shall be builded :

multiply 029 018 Job /^{multiply /my days as the
sand .

multiply 007 003 Exo /^{multiply /my signs and my
wonders in the land of Egypt .

multiply 006 001 Gen /^{multiply /on the face of
the earth , and daughters were born unto them,

multiply 036 030 Eze /^{multiply /the fruit of
the tree , and the increase of the field , that ye shall receive
no more reproach of famine among the heathen .

multiply 033 022 Jer /^{multiply /the seed of
David my servant , and the Levites that minister unto me.

multiply 006 014 Heb /${multiply /thee .

multiply 030 005 Deu /^{multiply /thee above thy
fathers .

multiply 017 002 Gen /^{multiply /thee
exceedingly .

multiply 048 004 Gen /^{multiply /thee, and I
will make of thee a multitude of people ; and will give this
land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession .

multiply 013 017 Deu /^{multiply /thee, as he
hath sworn unto thy fathers ;

multiply 028 003 Gen /^{multiply /thee, that thou
mayest be a multitude of people ;

multiply 007 013 Deu /^{multiply /thee: he will
also bless the fruit of thy womb , and the fruit of thy land ,
thy corn , and thy wine , and thine oil , the increase of thy
kine , and the flocks of thy sheep , in the land which he sware
unto thy fathers to give thee.

multiply 030 019 Jer /^{multiply /them, and they
shall not be few ; I will also glorify them, and they shall not
be small .

multiply 037 026 Eze /^{multiply /them, and will
set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore .

multiply 009 007 Gen /^{multiply /therein.

multiply 022 017 Gen /^{multiply /thy seed as the
stars of the heaven , and as the sand which is upon the sea
shore ; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies ;

multiply 016 010 Gen /^{multiply /thy seed
exceedingly , that it shall not be numbered for multitude .

multiply 026 024 Gen /^{multiply /thy seed for my
servant Abraham's sake.

multiply 003 016 Gen /^{multiply /thy sorrow and
thy conception ; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children ; and
thy desire shall be to thy husband , and he shall rule over thee.

multiply 017 017 Deu /^{multiply /to himself
silver and gold .

multiply 004 004 Amo /^{multiply /transgression ;
and bring your sacrifices every morning , and your tithes after
three years :

multiply 008 017 Gen /^{multiply /upon the earth .

multiply 036 011 Eze /^{multiply /upon you man
and beast ; and they shall increase and bring fruit : and I will
settle you after your old estates , and will do better unto you
than at your beginnings : and ye shall know that I am the LORD .

multiply 017 017 Deu /^{multiply /wives to
himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly
multiply to himself silver and gold .

multiply 026 009 Lev /^{multiply /you, and
establish my covenant with you.

multiply 028 063 Deu /^{multiply /you; so the
LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to
nought ; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou
goest to possess it.

multiply 032 013 Exo /^{multiply /your seed as
the stars of heaven , and all this land that I have spoken of
will I give unto your seed , and they shall inherit it for ever .

multiply 009 010 IICo /${multiply /your seed sown ,
and increase the fruits of your righteousness ;

multiplying 006 014 Heb /${multiplying /I will
multiply thee .

multiplying 022 017 Gen /^{multiplying /I will
multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven , and as the sand
which is upon the sea shore ; and thy seed shall possess the
gate of his enemies ;

Potiphar 039 001 Gen /^{Potiphar /an officer of
Pharaoh , captain of the guard , an Egyptian , bought him of the
hands of the Ishmeelites , which had brought him down thither.

Potiphar 037 036 Gen /^{Potiphar /an officer of
Pharaoh's , and captain of the guard .

Potipherah 041 045 Gen /^{Potipherah /priest of On .
And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt .

Potipherah 046 020 Gen /^{Potipherah /priest of On
bare unto him.

Potipherah 041 050 Gen /^{Potipherah /priest of On
bare unto him.

tip 008 023 Lev /^{tip /of Aaron's right ear
, and upon the thumb of his right hand , and upon the great toe
of his right foot .

tip 016 024 Luk /${tip /of his finger in
water , and cool my tongue ; for I am tormented in this flame .

tip 029 020 Exo /^{tip /of the right ear of
Aaron , and upon the tip of the right ear of his sons , and upon
the thumb of their right hand , and upon the great toe of their
right foot , and sprinkle the blood upon the altar round about .

tip 014 017 Lev /^{tip /of the right ear of
him that is to be cleansed , and upon the thumb of his right
hand , and upon the great toe of his right foot , upon the blood
of the trespass offering :

tip 014 028 Lev /^{tip /of the right ear of
him that is to be cleansed , and upon the thumb of his right
hand , and upon the great toe of his right foot , upon the place
of the blood of the trespass offering :

tip 014 014 Lev /^{tip /of the right ear of
him that is to be cleansed , and upon the thumb of his right
hand , and upon the great toe of his right foot :

tip 014 025 Lev /^{tip /of the right ear of
him that is to be cleansed , and upon the thumb of his right
hand , and upon the great toe of his right foot :

tip 029 020 Exo /^{tip /of the right ear of
his sons , and upon the thumb of their right hand , and upon the
great toe of their right foot , and sprinkle the blood upon the
altar round about .

tip 008 024 Lev /^{tip /of their right ear ,
and upon the thumbs of their right hands , and upon the great
toes of their right feet : and Moses sprinkled the blood upon
the altar round about .

Tiphsah 015 016 IIKi /^{Tiphsah /and all that
were therein, and the coasts thereof from Tirzah : because they
opened not to him, therefore he smote it; and all the women
therein that were with child he ripped up .

Tiphsah 004 024 IKi /^{Tiphsah /even to Azzah ,
over all the kings on this side the river : and he had peace on
all sides round about him.
