Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-anatithemai- ......... and communicated 0394 -anatithemai- >

-anatithemai- ......... declared 0394 -anatithemai- >

-antidiatithemai- ......... that oppose 0475 -antidiatithemai- >

-antitassomai- ......... and he doth not resist 0498 -antitassomai- >

-antitassomai- ......... And when they opposed 0498 -antitassomai- >

-antitassomai- ......... resisteth 0498 -antitassomai- >

-antithesis- ......... and oppositions 0477 -antithesis- >

-antitupon- ......... figure 0499 -antitupon- >

-antitupon- ......... The like 0499 -antitupon- >

-antitupon- ......... which are the figures 0499 -antitupon- >

-apotithemi- ......... apart 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... aside 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... away 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... laid 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... lay 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... laying 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... let us lay 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... off 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... put 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... putting 0659 -apotithemi- >

-apotithemi- ......... That ye put 0659 -apotithemi- >

-diatithemai- ......... And I appoint 1303 -diatithemai- >

-diatithemai- ......... hath appointed 1303 -diatithemai- >

-diatithemai- ......... made 1303 -diatithemai- >

-diatithemai- ......... of the testator 1303 -diatithemai- >

-diatithemai- ......... that I will make 1303 -diatithemai- >

-diatithemai- ......... the testator 1303 -diatithemai- >

-ektithemi- ......... and expounded 1620 -ektithemi- >

-ektithemi- ......... And when he was cast 1620 -ektithemi- >

-ektithemi- ......... he expounded 1620 -ektithemi- >

-ektithemi- ......... him unto them , and expounded 1620 -ektithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... And he laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and lay 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and not to be set 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and on 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and putting 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... And set 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... and to us , to lay 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... And when they had laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... but setteth 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... had laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... him of his raiment , and wounded 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... him they laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... him to put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... I lay 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... in , and putting 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... it , he layeth 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... it on 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... Lay 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... man shall add 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... on 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... shall add 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... shall set 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... that he laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... that he put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... that he should put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... that on 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... them ; they shall lay 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... them unto him ; and he laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... they laded 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... they laid 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... they put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... to put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-epitithemi- ......... unto them , He put 2007 -epitithemi- >

-hupotithemi- ......... down 5294 -hupotithemi- >

-hupotithemi- ......... If thou put 5294 -hupotithemi- >

-hupotithemi- ......... in remembrance 5294 -hupotithemi- >

-hupotithemi- ......... laid 5294 -hupotithemi- >

-katatithemi- ......... and laid 2698 -katatithemi- >

-katatithemi- ......... to do 2698 -katatithemi- >

-katatithemi- ......... to shew 2698 -katatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... And were carried 3346 -metatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... being changed 3346 -metatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... had translated 3346 -metatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... men , turning 3346 -metatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... over 3346 -metatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... removed 3346 -metatithemi- >

-metatithemi- ......... was translated 3346 -metatithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... and alleging 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... before 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... commit 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... he forth 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... he set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... I commend 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... I commit 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... is set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... men have committed 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... put 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... such things as are set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... them ; and they did set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... them before 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... they commended 3908 -paratithemi- >

-paratithemi- ......... to set 3908 -paratithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... and hedged 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... and put 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... and set 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... him , and put 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... it about 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... it on 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... it round about 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... on 4060 -peritithemi- >

-peritithemi- ......... we bestow 4060 -peritithemi- >

-prosanatithemi- ......... added 4323 -prosanatithemi- >

-prosanatithemi- ......... I conferred 4323 -prosanatithemi- >

-prosanatithemi- ......... to be somewhat in conference 4323 -prosanatithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... add 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... Added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... and was laid 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... be given 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... he proceeded 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... Increase 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... It was added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... more 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... shall more 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... should not be spoken 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... there were added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... things , he added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... things shall be added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-prostithemi- ......... was added 4369 -prostithemi- >

-protithemai- ......... And again 4388 -protithemai- >

-protithemai- ......... forth 4388 -protithemai- >

-protithemai- ......... hath set 4388 -protithemai- >

-protithemai- ......... he hath purposed 4388 -protithemai- >

-protithemai- ......... I purposed 4388 -protithemai- >

-sugkatatithemai- ......... had not consented 4784 -sugkatatithemai- >

-suntithemai- ......... and covenanted 4934 -suntithemai- >

-suntithemai- ......... assented 4934 -suntithemai- >

-suntithemai- ......... had agreed 4934 -suntithemai- >

-suntithemai- ......... have agreed 4934 -suntithemai- >

-tithemi- ......... after he hath laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... and appoint 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... and he set 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... and I lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... and laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... And laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... and put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... aside 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... be made 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... doth set 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... forth 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... giveth 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... hast thou conceived 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... hath made 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... hath not appointed 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... hath put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... hath set 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... have ye laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... he hath appointed 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... he hath put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... he laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... he was laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... him , and put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... him , he put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... him , Wilt thou lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... him in , and to lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... him in sunder , and will appoint 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I am appointed 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I am ordained 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I have laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I have made 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I make 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I may make 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I will lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... I will put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... it from me , but I lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... man put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... on them , and put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... one of you lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... part advised 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... purposed 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... putteth 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... putting 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... set 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... Settle 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... sink 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... that is laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... them laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... they have laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... they laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... they were appointed 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... thou hast laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... to be put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... to lay 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... unto them ; and hath committed 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... up that I laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... up that thou layedst 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... upon him , and bowing 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... us , saying , I have set 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... was laid 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... which put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... ye put 5087 -tithemi- >

-tithemi- ......... you , and ordained 5087 -tithemi- >

-titlos- ......... a title 5102 -titlos- >

-titlos- ......... title 5102 -titlos- >

-Titos- ......... any do enquire of Titus 5103 -Titos- >

-Titos- ......... By these 5103 -Titos- >

-Titos- ......... Did Titus 5103 -Titos- >

-Titos- ......... not Titus 5103 -Titos- >

-Titos- ......... of Titus 5103 -Titos- >

-Titos- ......... Titus 5103 -Titos- >

-Titos- ......... To Titus 5103 -Titos- >

destitute ......... and destitute 0650 -apostereo->

destitute ......... and destitute 3007 -leipo->

destitute ......... being destitute 5302 -hustereo->

multitude ......... a multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... a multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... And the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... and the multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... And the multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... And when the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... But the multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... For the multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... from among the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... from the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... he to the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... in multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... it for the multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... multitude 3461 -murias->

multitude ......... multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... of the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... out of the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... that the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... the multitude 4128 -plethos->

multitude ......... to the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... unto the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitude ......... with multitude 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... and multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... and the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... And the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... But when the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... multitudes 4128 -plethos->

multitudes ......... the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... to the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

multitudes ......... unto the multitudes 3793 -ochlos->

partition ......... wall of partition 5418 -phragmos->

petitions ......... the petitions 0155 -aitema->

repetitions ......... use not vain repetitions 0945 -battologeo->

restitution ......... of restitution 0605 -apokatastasis->

superstition ......... superstition 1175 -deisidaimonia->

superstitious ......... superstitious 1174 -deisidaimonesteros->

tithe ......... for ye tithe 0586 -apodekatoo->

tithe ......... tithe 0586 -apodekatoo->

tithes ......... I give tithes 0586 -apodekatoo->

tithes ......... tithes 1181 -dekate->

tithes ......... tithes 1183 -dekatoo->

tithes ......... to take tithes 0586 -apodekatoo->

title ......... a title 5102 -titlos->

title ......... title 5102 -titlos->

tittle ......... tittle 2762 -keraia->

Titus ......... any do enquire of Titus 5103 -Titos->

Titus ......... Did Titus 5103 -Titos->

Titus ......... not Titus 5103 -Titos->

Titus ......... of Titus 5103 -Titos->

Titus ......... Titus 5103 -Titos->

Titus ......... To Titus 5103 -Titos->