tithe 014 022 Deu /^{tithe /all the increase
of thy seed , that the field bringeth forth year by year .

tithe 011 042 Luk /${tithe /mint and rue and
all manner of herbs , and pass over judgment and the love of God
: these ought ye to have done , and not to leave the other
undone .

tithe 031 005 IICh /^{tithe /of all things
brought they in abundantly .

tithe 031 006 IICh /^{tithe /of holy things
which were consecrated unto the LORD their God , and laid them
by heaps .

tithe 023 023 Mat /${tithe /of mint and anise
and cummin , and have omitted the weightier matters of the law ,
judgment , mercy , and faith : these ought ye to have done , and
not to leave the other undone .

tithe 031 006 IICh /^{tithe /of oxen and sheep ,
and the tithe of holy things which were consecrated unto the
LORD their God , and laid them by heaps .

tithe 013 012 Neh /^{tithe /of the corn and
the new wine and the oil unto the treasuries .

tithe 027 032 Lev /^{tithe /of the herd , or
of the flock , even of whatsoever passeth under the rod , the
tenth shall be holy unto the LORD .

tithe 027 030 Lev /^{tithe /of the land ,
whether of the seed of the land , or of the fruit of the tree ,
is the LORD'S : it is holy unto the LORD .

tithe 014 028 Deu /^{tithe /of thine increase
the same year , and shalt lay it up within thy gates :

tithe 014 023 Deu /^{tithe /of thy corn , of
thy wine , and of thine oil , and the firstlings of thy herds
and of thy flocks ; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy
God always .

tithe 012 017 Deu /^{tithe /of thy corn , or
of thy wine , or of thy oil , or the firstlings of thy herds or
of thy flock , nor any of thy vows which thou vowest , nor thy
freewill offerings , or heave offering of thine hand :

tithes 004 004 Amo /^{tithes /after three years

tithes 012 006 Deu /^{tithes /and heave
offerings of your hand , and your vows , and your freewill
offerings , and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks :

tithes 003 008 Mal /^{tithes /and offerings .

tithes 031 012 IICh /^{tithes /and the dedicated
things faithfully : over which Cononiah the Levite was ruler ,
and Shimei his brother was the next .

tithes 012 011 Deu /^{tithes /and the heave
offering of your hand , and all your choice vows which ye vow
unto the LORD :

tithes 010 038 Neh /^{tithes /and the Levites
shall bring up the tithe of the tithes unto the house of our God
, to the chambers , into the treasure house .

tithes 007 008 Heb /${tithes /but there he
receiveth them, of whom it is witnessed that he liveth .

tithes 027 031 Lev /^{tithes /he shall add
thereto the fifth part thereof.

tithes 007 009 Heb /${tithes /in Abraham .

tithes 010 037 Neh /^{tithes /in all the cities
of our tillage .

tithes 003 010 Mal /^{tithes /into the
storehouse , that there may be meat in mine house , and prove me
now herewith , saith the LORD of hosts , if I will not open you
the windows of heaven , and pour you out a blessing , that there
shall not be room enough to receive it.

tithes 007 006 Heb /${tithes /of Abraham , and
blessed him that had the promises .

tithes 018 012 Luk /${tithes /of all that I
possess .

tithes 014 020 Gen /^{tithes /of all.

tithes 010 037 Neh /^{tithes /of our ground
unto the Levites , that the same Levites might have the tithes
in all the cities of our tillage .

tithes 018 024 Num /^{tithes /of the children
of Israel , which they offer as an heave offering unto the LORD ,
I have given to the Levites to inherit : therefore I have said
unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no
inheritance .

tithes 013 005 Neh /^{tithes /of the corn , the
new wine , and the oil , which was commanded to be given to the
Levites , and the singers , and the porters ; and the offerings
of the priests .

tithes 007 005 Heb /${tithes /of the people
according to the law , that is , of their brethren , though they
come out of the loins of Abraham :

tithes 026 012 Deu /^{tithes /of thine increase
the third year , which is the year of tithing , and hast given
it unto the Levite , the stranger , the fatherless , and the
widow , that they may eat within thy gates , and be filled ;

tithes 007 009 Heb /${tithes /payed tithes in
Abraham .

tithes 012 044 Neh /^{tithes /to gather into
them out of the fields of the cities the portions of the law for
the priests and Levites : for Judah rejoiced for the priests and
for the Levites that waited .

tithes 010 038 Neh /^{tithes /unto the house of
our God , to the chambers , into the treasure house .

tithes 018 026 Num /^{tithes /which I have
given you from them for your inheritance , then ye shall offer
up an heave offering of it for the LORD , even a tenth part of
the tithe .

tithes 018 028 Num /^{tithes /which ye receive
of the children of Israel ; and ye shall give thereof the LORD'S
heave offering to Aaron the priest .
