Eltolad 0513 ## >Eltowlad {el-to-lad'}; probably from 410 and a
masculine form of 8435 [compare 8434]; God (is) generator;
Eltolad, a place in Palestine: -- {Eltolad}. [ql

Tola 8439 ## Towla< {to-law'}; the same as 8438; worm; Tola, the
name of two Israelites: -- {Tola}.[ql

Tolad 8434 ## Towlad {to-lawd'}; from 3205; posterity; Tolad, a
place in Palestine: -- {Tolad}. Compare 513.[ql

Tolaites 8440 ## Towla a Tolaite (collectively) or descendants of Tola: -- {Tolaites}.
