extolled , ISA , 52:13

extolled , PS , 66:17

toll , EZR , 4:13 , EZR , 4:20 , EZR , 7:24


tribute 5411 # phoros {for'-os}; from 5342; a load (as borne),
i.e. (figuratively) a tax (properly, an individual assessment on
persons or property; whereas 5056 is usually a general toll on
goods or travel): -- {tribute}.[ql


toll Interlinear Index Study

toll EZR 004 013 Be it known <03046 +y@da< > now <03705 +k@
unto the king <04430 +melek > , that , if <02006 +hen > this
<01791 +dek > city <07149 +qirya> > be builded <01124 +b@na> > ,
and the walls <07791 +shuwr > set <03635 +k@lal > up [ again ,
then ] will they not pay <05415 +n@than > {toll} <04061 +middah
> , tribute <01093 +b@low > , and custom <01983 +halak > , and [
so ] thou shalt endamage <05142 +n@zaq > the revenue <00674
+>app@thom > of the kings <04430 +melek > .

toll EZR 004 020 There have <01934 +hava> > been <01934 +hava> >
mighty <08624 +taqqiyph > kings <04430 +melek > also over <05922
+ Jerusalem <03390 +Y@ruwshalem ( Chald ) > , which have
ruled <07990 +shalliyt > over all <03606 +kol > [ countries ]
beyond <05675 + the river <05103 +n@har > ; and {toll}
<04061 +middah > , tribute <01093 +b@low > , and custom <01983
+halak > , was paid <03052 +y@hab > unto them .

toll EZR 007 024 Also we certify <03046 +y@da< > you , that
touching any <03606 +kol > of thepriests <03549 +kahen > and
Levites <03879 +Leviy > , singers <02171 +zammar > , porters
<08652 +tara< > , Nethinims <05412 +N@thiyn > , or ministers
<06399 +p@lach > of this <01836 +den > house <01005 +bayith > of
God <00426 +>elahh > , it shall not be lawful <07990 +shalliyt >
to impose <07412 +r@mah > {toll} <04061 +middah > , tribute
<01093 +b@low > , or custom <01983 +halak > , upon them .


will they not pay toll

- toll , 4061 ,



extolled -5375 able , accept , accepted , accepteth , advanced ,
bare , barest , bear , beareth , bearing , borne , bring ,
bringing , brought , burned , carried , carrieth , carry ,
carrying , cast , contain , ease , exalt , exalted , {extolled} ,
fetch , fetched , forgavest , forgive , forgiven , forgiving ,
forth , furnished , furthered , given , have , help , helped ,
high , hold , laded , laden , laid , lift , lifted , liftest ,
lifteth , lifting , lofty , magnified , married , obtained ,
offer , pardon , pardoneth , pluck , raise , receive , regard ,
regardeth , respect , respected , set , setteth , spare ,
stirred , suffer , suffered , sware , swear , sworn , take ,
taken , takest , taketh , took , wear , wearing , yield ,

extolled -7318 {extolled} ,

toll -4061 {toll} , tribute ,


extolled 7318 rowmam -- -- be {extolled}.

toll 4061 -- middah -- {toll}, tribute.




extolled 7318 ## rowmam {ro-mawm'}; from 7426; exaltation, i.e.
(figuratively and specifically) praise: -- be {extolled}.[ql

toll 4061 ## middah (Aramaic) {mid-daw'} or mindah (Aramaic)
{min-daw'}; corresponding to 4060; tribute in money: -- {toll},


extolled 052 013 Isa /^{extolled /and be very
high .

extolled 066 017 Psa /^{extolled /with my tongue .

toll 004 013 Ezr /^{toll /tribute , and
custom , and so thou shalt endamage the revenue of the kings .

toll 004 020 Ezr /^{toll /tribute , and
custom , was paid unto them.

toll 007 024 Ezr /^{toll /tribute , or custom
, upon them.



toll Be it known now unto the king, that, if this
city be

builded, and the walls set up [again, then] will they not pay

{toll}, tribute, and custom, and [so] thou shalt endamage the

revenue of the kings.

toll There have been mighty kings also over Jerusalem,

which have ruled over all [countries] beyond the river; and

tribute, and custom, was paid unto them.

toll Also we certify you, that touching any of the

priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of

this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose {toll},

or custom, upon them.
