Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

evil 3956 ## lashown {law-shone'}; or lashon {law-shone'}; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'}; from 3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): -- + babbler,bay, + {evil} speaker, language, talker, tongue, wedge.

language 3956 ## lashown {law-shone'}; or lashon {law-shone'}; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'}; from 3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): -- + babbler,bay, + evil speaker, {language}, talker, tongue, wedge.

speaker 3956 ## lashown {law-shone'}; or lashon {law-shone'}; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'}; from 3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): -- + babbler,bay, + evil {speaker}, language, talker, tongue, wedge.

talker 3956 ## lashown {law-shone'}; or lashon {law-shone'}; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'}; from 3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): -- + babbler,bay, + evil speaker, language, {talker}, tongue, wedge.

tongue 0762 ## &Aramiyth {ar-aw-meeth'}; feminine of 761; (only adverbial)in Aramean: -- in the Syrian language ({tongue}), in Syriac.

tongue 1100 # glossa {gloce-sah'}; of uncertain affinity; the tongue; by implication, a language (specially, one naturally unacquired): -- {tongue}.

tongue 1258 # dialektos {dee-al'-ek-tos}; from 1256; a (mode of) discourse, i.e. "dialect": -- language, {tongue}.

tongue 1447 # Hebraisti {heb-rah-is-tee'}; adverb from 1446; Hebraistically or in the Jewish (Aramaic) language: -- in (the) Hebrew ({tongue}).

tongue 2013 ## hacah {haw-saw'}; a primitive root; to hush: -- hold peace ({tongue}), (keep) silence, be silent, still.

tongue 2084 # heteroglossos {het-er-og'-loce-sos}; from 2087 and 1100; other-tongued, i.e. a foreigner: -- man of other {tongue}.

tongue 2790 ## charash {khaw-rash'}; a primitive root; to scratch, i.e. (by implication) to engrave, plough; hence (from the use of tools) to fabricate (of any material); figuratively, to devise (in a bad sense); hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent, to let alone; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an accompaniment of dumbness): -- X altogether, cease, conceal, be deaf, devise, ear, graven, imagine, leave off speaking, hold peace, plow(-er, man), be quiet, rest, practise secretly, keep silence, be silent, speak not a word, be still, hold {tongue}, worker.

tongue 3956 ## lashown {law-shone'}; or lashon {law-shone'}; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'}; from 3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): -- + babbler,bay, + evil speaker, language, talker, {tongue}, wedge.

wedge 3956 ## lashown {law-shone'}; or lashon {law-shone'}; also (in plural) feminine l@shonah {lesh-o-naw'}; from 3960; the tongue (of man or animals), used literally (as the instrument of licking, eating, or speech), and figuratively (speech, an ingot, a fork of flame, a cove of water): -- + babbler,bay, + evil speaker, language, talker, tongue, {wedge}.