Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
doubletongued ^ 54_1TI_03_08 Likewise <5615> must the deacons <1249> be grave <4586>, not <3361> {doubletongued} <1351>, not <3361> given <4337> (5723) to much <4183> wine <3631>, not <3361> greedy of filthy lucre <0146>;

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_27 If <1535> any man <5100> speak <2980> (5719) in an unknown {tongue} <1100>, let it be by <2596> two <1417>, or <2228> at the most <4118> by three <5140>, and <2532> that by <0303> course <3313>; and <2532> let <1329> <0> one <1520> interpret <1329> (5720).

tongue ^ 62_1JO_03_18 My <3450> little children <5040>, let us <0025> <0> not <3361> love <0025> (5725) in word <3056>, neither <3366> in {tongue} <1100>; but <0235> in deed <2041> and <2532> in truth <0225>.

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_26 How <5101> is it <2076> (5748) then <3767>, brethren <0080>? when <3752> ye come together <4905> (5741), every one <1538> of you <5216> hath <2192> (5719) a psalm <5568>, hath <2192> (5719) a doctrine <1322>, hath <2192> (5719) a {tongue} <1100>, hath <2192> (5719) a revelation <0602>, hath <2192> (5719) an interpretation <2058>. Let <1096> <0> all things <3956> be done <1096> (5634) unto <4314> edifying <3619>.

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_02 For <1063> he that speaketh <2980> (5723) in an unknown {tongue} <1100> speaketh <2980> (5719) not <3756> unto men <0444>, but <0235> unto God <2316>: for <1063> no man <3762> understandeth <0191> (5719) him; howbeit <1161> in the spirit <4151> he speaketh <2980> (5719) mysteries <3466>.

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_04 He that speaketh <2980> (5723) in an unknown {tongue} <1100> edifieth <3618> (5719) himself <1438>; but <1161> he that prophesieth <4395> (5723) edifieth <3618> (5719) the church <1577>.

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_09 So <3779> likewise <2532> ye <5210>, except <3362> ye utter <1325> (5632) by <1223> the {tongue} <1100> words <3056> easy to be understood <2154>, how <4459> shall it be known <1097> (5701) what is spoken <2980> (5746)? for <1063> ye shall <2071> (5704) speak <2980> (5723) into <1519> the air <0109>.

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_13 Wherefore <1355> let him that speaketh <2980> (5723) in an unknown {tongue} <1100> pray <4336> (5737) that <2443> he may interpret <1329> (5725).

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_14 For <1063> if <1437> I pray <4336> (5741) in an unknown {tongue} <1100>, my <3450> spirit <4151> prayeth <4336> (5736), but <1161> my <3450> understanding <3563> is <2076> (5748) unfruitful <0175>.

tongue ^ 46_1CO_14_19 Yet <0235> in <1722> the church <1577> I had rather <2309> (5719) speak <2980> (5658) five <4002> words <3056> with <1223> my <3450> understanding <3563>, that <2443> by my voice I might teach <2727> (5661) others <0243> also <2532>, than <2228> ten thousand <3463> words <3056> in <1722> an unknown {tongue} <1100>.

tongue ^ 60_1PE_03_10 For <1063> he that will <2309> (5723) love <0025> (5721) life <2222>, and <2532> see <1492> (5629) good <0018> days <2250>, let him refrain <3973> (5657) his <0846> {tongue} <1100> from <0575> evil <2556>, and <2532> his <0846> lips <5491> that they speak <2980> (5658) no <3361> guile <1388>:

tongue ^ 44_ACT_01_19 And <2532> it was <1096> (5633) known <1110> unto all <3956> the dwellers <2730> (5723) at Jerusalem <2419>; insomuch as <5620> that <1565> field <5564> is called <2564> (5683) in their <0846> proper <2398> {tongue} <1258>, Aceldama <0184>, that is to say <5123> (5748), The field <5564> of blood <0129>.

tongue ^ 44_ACT_02_08 And <2532> how <4459> hear <0191> (5719) we <2249> every <1538> man in our <2257> own <2398> {tongue} <1258>, wherein <1722> <3739> we were born <1080> (5681)?

tongue ^ 44_ACT_02_26 Therefore <1223> <5124> did <2165> <0> my <3450> heart <2588> rejoice <2165> (5681), and <2532> my <3450> {tongue} <1100> was glad <0021> (5662); moreover <1161> <2089> also <2532> my <3450> flesh <4561> shall rest <2681> (5692) in <1909> hope <1680>:

tongue ^ 44_ACT_21_40 And <1161> when he had given <2010> <0> him <0846> licence <2010> (5660), Paul <3972> stood <2476> (5761) on <1909> the stairs <0304>, and beckoned <2678> (5656) with the hand <5495> unto the people <2992>. And <1161> when there was made <1096> (5637) a great <4183> silence <4602>, he spake <4377> (5656) unto them in the Hebrew <1446> {tongue} <1258>, saying <3004> (5723),

tongue ^ 44_ACT_22_02 (And <1161> when they heard <0191> (5660) that <3754> he spake <4377> (5707) in the Hebrew <1446> {tongue} <1258> to them <0846>, they kept <3930> (5627) the more <3123> silence <2271>: and <2532> he saith <5346> (5748),)

tongue ^ 44_ACT_26_14 And <1161> when we <2257> were <2667> <0> all <3956> fallen <2667> (5631) to <1519> the earth <1093>, I heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> speaking <2980> (5723) unto <4314> me <3165>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) in the Hebrew <1446> {tongue} <1258>, Saul <4549>, Saul <4549>, why <5101> persecutest thou <1377> (5719) me <3165>? it is hard <4642> for thee <4671> to kick <2979> (5721) against <4314> the pricks <2759>.

tongue ^ 59_JAM_03_08 But <1161> the {tongue} <1100> can <1410> (5736) no <3762> man <0444> tame <1150> (5658); it is an unruly <0183> evil <2556>, full <3324> of deadly <2287> poison <2447>.

tongue ^ 59_JAM_03_06 And <2532> the {tongue} <1100> is a fire <4442>, a world <2889> of iniquity <0093>: so <3779> is <2525> (5743) the tongue <1100> among <1722> our <2257> members <3196>, that it defileth <4695> (5723) the whole <3650> body <4983>, and <2532> setteth on fire <5394> (5723) the course <5164> of nature <1078>; and <2532> it is set on fire <5394> (5746) of <5259> hell <1067>.

tongue ^ 43_JOH_05_02 Now <1161> there is <2076> (5748) at <1722> Jerusalem <2414> by <1909> the sheep <4262> market a pool <2861>, which <3588> is called <1951> (5746) in the Hebrew {tongue} <1447> Bethesda <0964>, having <2192> (5723) five <4002> porches <4745>.

tongue ^ 59_JAM_03_06 And <2532> the tongue <1100> is a fire <4442>, a world <2889> of iniquity <0093>: so <3779> is <2525> (5743) the {tongue} <1100> among <1722> our <2257> members <3196>, that it defileth <4695> (5723) the whole <3650> body <4983>, and <2532> setteth on fire <5394> (5723) the course <5164> of nature <1078>; and <2532> it is set on fire <5394> (5746) of <5259> hell <1067>.

tongue ^ 59_JAM_03_05 Even <2532> so <3779> the {tongue} <1100> is <2076> (5748) a little <3398> member <3196>, and <2532> boasteth great things <3166> (5719). Behold <2400> (5628), how great <2245> a matter <5208> a little <3641> fire <4442> kindleth <0381> (5719)!

tongue ^ 59_JAM_01_26 If any man <1536> among <1722> you <5213> seem <1380> (5719) to be <1511> (5750) religious <2357>, and bridleth <5468> (5723) not <3361> his <0846> {tongue} <1100>, but <0235> deceiveth <0538> (5723) his own <0846> heart <2588>, this man's <5127> religion <2356> is vain <3152>.

tongue ^ 42_LUK_01_64 And <1161> his <0846> mouth <4750> was opened <0455> (5681) immediately <3916>, and <2532> his <0846> {tongue} <1100> loosed, and <2532> he spake <2980> (5707), and praised <2127> (5723) God <2316>.

tongue ^ 42_LUK_16_24 And <2532> <0846> he cried <5455> (5660) and said <2036> (5627), Father <3962> Abraham <0011>, have mercy <1653> (5657) on me <3165>, and <2532> send <3992> (5657) Lazarus <2976>, that <2443> he may dip <0911> (5661) the tip <0206> of his <0846> finger <1147> in water <5204>, and <2532> cool <2711> (5661) my <3450> {tongue} <1100>; for <3754> I am tormented <3600> (5743) in <1722> this <5026> flame <5395>.

tongue ^ 41_MAR_07_33 And <2532> he took <0618> (5642) him <0846> aside <2596> <2398> from <0575> the multitude <3793>, and put <0906> (5627) his <0846> fingers <1147> into <1519> his <0846> ears <3775>, and <2532> he spit <4429> (5660), and touched <0680> (5662) his <0846> {tongue} <1100>;

tongue ^ 41_MAR_07_35 And <2532> straightway <2112> his <0846> ears <0189> were opened <1272> (5681), and <2532> the string <1199> of his <0846> {tongue} <1100> was loosed <3089> (5681), and <2532> he spake <2980> (5707) plain <3723>.

tongue ^ 50_PHP_02_11 And <2532> that every <3956> {tongue} <1100> should confess <1843> (5672) that <3754> Jesus <2424> Christ <5547> is Lord <2962>, to <1519> the glory <1391> of God <2316> the Father <3962>.

tongue ^ 66_REV_09_11 And <2532> they had <2192> (5719) a king <0935> over <1909> them <0848>, which is the angel <0032> of the bottomless pit <0012>, whose <0846> name <3686> in the Hebrew tongue <1447> is Abaddon <3>, but <2532> in <1722> the Greek {tongue} <1673> hath <2192> (5719) his name <3686> Apollyon <0623>.

tongue ^ 66_REV_16_16 And <2532> he gathered <4863> <0> them <0846> together <4863> (5627) into <1519> a place <5117> called <2564> (5746) in the Hebrew {tongue} <1447> Armageddon <0717>.

tongue ^ 66_REV_09_11 And <2532> they had <2192> (5719) a king <0935> over <1909> them <0848>, which is the angel <0032> of the bottomless pit <0012>, whose <0846> name <3686> in the Hebrew {tongue} <1447> is Abaddon <3>, but <2532> in <1722> the Greek tongue <1673> hath <2192> (5719) his name <3686> Apollyon <0623>.

tongue ^ 66_REV_14_06 And <2532> I saw <1492> (5627) another <0243> angel <0032> fly <4072> (5740) in <1722> the midst of heaven <3321>, having <2192> (5723) the everlasting <0166> gospel <2098> to preach <2097> (5658) unto them that dwell <2730> (5723) on <1909> the earth <1093>, and <2532> to every <3956> nation <1484>, and <2532> kindred <5443>, and <2532> {tongue} <1100>, and <2532> people <2992>,

tongue ^ 45_ROM_14_11 For <1063> it is written <1125> (5769), As I <1473> live <2198> (5719), saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>, <3754> every <3956> knee <1119> shall bow <2578> (5692) to me <1698>, and <2532> every <3956> {tongue} <1100> shall confess <1843> (5698) to God <2316>.

tongue ^ 66_REV_05_09 And <2532> they sung <0103> (5719) a new <2537> song <5603>, saying <3004> (5723), Thou art <1488> (5748) worthy <0514> to take <2983> (5629) the book <0975>, and <2532> to open <0455> (5658) the seals <4973> thereof <0846>: for <3754> thou wast slain <4969> (5648), and <2532> hast redeemed <0059> (5656) us <2248> to God <2316> by <1722> thy <4675> blood <0129> out of <1537> every <3956> kindred <5443>, and <2532> {tongue} <1100>, and <2532> people <2992>, and <2532> nation <1484>;

tongues ^ 44_ACT_19_06 And <2532> when Paul <3972> had laid <2007> <0> his hands <5495> upon <2007> (5631) them <0846>, the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151> came <2064> (5627) on <1909> them <0846>; and <5037> they spake <2980> (5707) with {tongues} <1100>, and <2532> prophesied <4395> (5707).

tongues ^ 66_REV_17_15 And <2532> he saith <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, The waters <5204> which <3739> thou sawest <1492> (5627), where <3757> the whore <4204> sitteth <2521> (5736), are <1526> (5748) peoples <2992>, and <2532> multitudes <3793>, and <2532> nations <1484>, and <2532> {tongues} <1100>.

tongues ^ 66_REV_10_11 And <2532> he said <3004> (5719) unto me <3427>, Thou <4571> must <1163> (5748) prophesy <4395> (5658) again <3825> before <1909> many <4183> peoples <2992>, and <2532> nations <1484>, and <2532> {tongues} <1100>, and <2532> kings <0935>.

tongues ^ 44_ACT_02_03 And <2532> there appeared <3700> (5681) unto them <0846> cloven <1266> (5730) {tongues} <1100> like as <5616> of fire <4442>, and <5037> it sat <2523> (5656) upon <1909> each <1538> <1520> of them <0846>.

tongues ^ 44_ACT_10_46 For <1063> they heard <0191> (5707) them <0846> speak with <2980> (5723) {tongues} <1100>, and <2532> magnify <3170> (5723) God <2316>. Then <5119> answered <0611> (5662) Peter <4074>,

tongues ^ 66_REV_07_09 After <3326> this <5023> I beheld <1492> (5627), and <2532>, lo <2400> (5628), a great <4183> multitude <3793>, which <3739> no man <3762> could <1410> (5711) number <0705> (5658) <0846>, of <1537> all <3956> nations <1484>, and <2532> kindreds <5443>, and <2532> people <2992>, and <2532> {tongues} <1100>, stood <2476> (5761) before <1799> the throne <2362>, and <2532> before <1799> the Lamb <0721>, clothed <4016> (5772) with white <3022> robes <4749>, and <2532> palms <5404> in <1722> their <0846> hands <5495>;

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_21 In <1722> the law <3551> it is written <1125> (5769), <3754> With <1722> men of other {tongues} <2084> and <2532> other <1722> <2087> lips <5491> will I speak <2980> (5692) unto this <5129> people <2992>; and <2532> yet for all <3779> that will they <1522> <0> not <3761> hear <1522> (5695) me <3450>, saith <3004> (5719) the Lord <2962>.

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_22 Wherefore <5620> {tongues} <1100> are <1526> (5748) for <1519> a sign <4592>, not <3756> to them that believe <4100> (5723), but <0235> to them that believe not <0571>: but <1161> prophesying <4394> serveth not <3756> for them that believe not <0571>, but <0235> for them which believe <4100> (5723).

tongues ^ 66_REV_13_07 And <2532> it was given <1325> (5681) unto him <0846> to make <4160> (5658) war <4171> with <3326> the saints <0040>, and <2532> to overcome <3528> (5658) them <0846>: and <2532> power <1849> was given <1325> (5681) him <0846> over <1909> all <3956> kindreds <5443>, and <2532> {tongues} <1100>, and <2532> nations <1484>.

tongues ^ 41_MAR_16_17 And <1161> these <5023> signs <4592> shall follow <3877> (5692) them that believe <4100> (5660); In <1722> my <3450> name <3686> shall they cast out <1544> (5692) devils <1140>; they shall speak <2980> (5692) with new <2537> {tongues} <1100>;

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_18 I thank <2168> (5719) my <3450> God <2316>, I speak <2980> (5723) with {tongues} <1100> more than <3123> ye <5216> all <3956>:

tongues ^ 46_1CO_13_08 Charity <0026> never <3763> faileth <1601> (5719): but <1161> whether <1535> there be prophecies <4394>, they shall fail <2673> (5701); whether <1535> there be {tongues} <1100>, they shall cease <3973> (5695); whether <1535> there be knowledge <1108>, it shall vanish away <2673> (5701).

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_05 <1161> I would <2309> (5719) that ye <5209> all <3956> spake <2980> (5721) with tongues <1100>, but <1161> rather <3123> that <2443> ye prophesied <4395> (5725): for <1063> greater <3187> is he that prophesieth <4395> (5723) than <2228> he that speaketh <2980> (5723) with {tongues} <1100>, except <1622> <1508> he interpret <1329> (5725), that <2443> the church <1577> may receive <2983> (5632) edifying <3619>.

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_05 <1161> I would <2309> (5719) that ye <5209> all <3956> spake <2980> (5721) with {tongues} <1100>, but <1161> rather <3123> that <2443> ye prophesied <4395> (5725): for <1063> greater <3187> is he that prophesieth <4395> (5723) than <2228> he that speaketh <2980> (5723) with tongues <1100>, except <1622> <1508> he interpret <1329> (5725), that <2443> the church <1577> may receive <2983> (5632) edifying <3619>.

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_23 If <1437> therefore <3767> the whole <3650> church <1577> be come together <4905> (5632) into <1909> one place <0846>, and <2532> all <3956> speak <2980> (5725) with {tongues} <1100>, and <1161> there come in <1525> (5632) those that are unlearned <2399>, or <2228> unbelievers <0571>, will they <2046> <0> not <3756> say <2046> (5692) that <3754> ye are mad <3105> (5736)?

tongues ^ 66_REV_16_10 And <2532> the fifth <3991> angel <0032> poured out <1632> (5656) his <0846> vial <5357> upon <1909> the seat <2362> of the beast <2342>; and <2532> his <0846> kingdom <0932> was <1096> (5633) full of darkness <4656> (5772); and <2532> they gnawed <3145> (5711) their <0846> {tongues} <1100> for <1537> pain <4192>,

tongues ^ 45_ROM_03_13 Their <0846> throat <2995> is an open <0455> (5772) sepulchre <5028>; with their <0846> {tongues} <1100> they have used deceit <1387> (5707); the poison <2447> of asps <0785> is under <5259> their <0846> lips <5491>:

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_39 Wherefore <5620>, brethren <0080>, covet <2206> (5720) to prophesy <4395> (5721), and <2532> forbid <2967> (5720) not <3361> to speak <2980> (5721) with {tongues} <1100>.

tongues ^ 44_ACT_02_11 Cretes <2912> and <2532> Arabians <0690>, we do hear <0191> (5719) them <0846> speak <2980> (5723) in our <2251> {tongues} <1100> the wonderful works <3167> of God <2316>.

tongues ^ 44_ACT_02_04 And <2532> they were <4130> <0> all <0537> filled <4130> (5681) with the Holy <0040> Ghost <4151>, and <2532> began <0756> (5662) to speak with <2980> (5721) other <2087> {tongues} <1100>, as <2531> the Spirit <4151> gave <1325> (5707) them <0846> utterance <0669> (5738).

tongues ^ 46_1CO_13_01 Though <1437> I speak <2980> (5725) with the {tongues} <1100> of men <0444> and <2532> of angels <0032>, and <1161> have <2192> (5725) not <3361> charity <0026>, I am become <1096> (5754) as sounding <2278> (5723) brass <5475>, or <2228> a tinkling <0214> (5723) cymbal <2950>.

tongues ^ 46_1CO_14_06 <1161> Now <3570>, brethren <0080>, if <1437> I come <2064> (5632) unto <4314> you <5209> speaking <2980> (5723) with {tongues} <1100>, what <5101> shall I profit <5623> (5692) you <5209>, except <3362> I shall speak <2980> (5661) to you <5213> either <2228> by <1722> revelation <0602>, or <2228> by <1722> knowledge <1108>, or <2228> by <1722> prophesying <4394>, or <2228> by <1722> doctrine <1322>?

tongues ^ 66_REV_11_09 And <2532> they <0991> <0> of <1537> the people <2992> and <2532> kindreds <5443> and <2532> {tongues} <1100> and <2532> nations <1484> shall see <0991> (5692) their <0846> dead bodies <4430> three <5140> days <2250> and <2532> an half <2255>, and <2532> shall <0863> <0> not <3756> suffer <0863> (5692) their <0846> dead bodies <4430> to be put <5087> (5683) in <1519> graves <3418>.

tongues ^ 46_1CO_12_28 And <2532> <3739> God <2316> hath set <5087> (5639) some <3303> in <1722> the church <1577>, first <4412> apostles <0652>, secondarily <1208> prophets <4396>, thirdly <5154> teachers <1320>, after that <1899> miracles <1411>, then <1534> gifts <5486> of healings <2386>, helps <0484>, governments <2941>, diversities <1085> of {tongues} <1100>.

tongues ^ 46_1CO_12_10 <1161> To another <0243> the working <1755> of miracles <1411>; <1161> to another <0243> prophecy <4394>; <1161> to another <0243> discerning <1253> of spirits <4151>; <1161> to another <2087> divers kinds <1085> of {tongues} <1100>; <1161> to another <0243> the interpretation <2058> of tongues <1100>:

tongues ^ 46_1CO_12_10 <1161> To another <0243> the working <1755> of miracles <1411>; <1161> to another <0243> prophecy <4394>; <1161> to another <0243> discerning <1253> of spirits <4151>; <1161> to another <2087> divers kinds <1085> of tongues <1100>; <1161> to another <0243> the interpretation <2058> of {tongues} <1100>:

tongues ^ 46_1CO_12_30 Have <3361> <2192> (5719) all <3956> the gifts <5486> of healing <2386>? do all <3956> speak <3361> <2980> (5719) with {tongues} <1100>? do <3361> all <3956> interpret <1329> (5719)?