another tongue will he speak

because their tongue

bridleth not his tongue

deceitful tongue be found

every tongue shall confess

every tongue shall swear

every tongue should confess

froward tongue shall be cut out

greek tongue hath

hebrew tongue armageddon

hebrew tongue bethesda

his tongue as

his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles

his tongue talketh

his tongue was loosed

holdest thy tongue when

keep thy tongue from evil

let him refrain his tongue from evil <1PE3 -:10 >

let my tongue cleave

lying tongue hateth

my tongue also shall talk

my tongue cleaveth

my tongue hath spoken

my tongue shall sing aloud

my tongue shall speak

my tongue shall speak

my tongue was glad

nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand

none moved his tongue against any

nor my tongue utter deceit

or his tongue with

our tongue with singing

perverse tongue falleth into mischief

sin not with my tongue

slow tongue

so they shall make their own tongue

soft tongue breaketh

syrian tongue

syrian tongue

their proper tongue

their tongue

their tongue

their tongue

their tongue

their tongue cleaved

their tongue faileth for thirst

their tongue sh

their tongue walketh through

they flatter with their tongue

they have taught their tongue

thou false tongue

thy tongue deviseth mischiefs

thy tongue frameth deceit

tongue among our members

tongue can no man tame

tongue edifieth himself <1CO14 -:4 >

tongue is

tongue pray <1CO14 -:13 >

tongue speaketh not unto men <1CO14 -:2 >

tongue words easy <1CO14 -:9 >

touched his tongue

viper's tongue shall slay him

water with his tongue

who whet their tongue like

wholesome tongue

will hold my tongue

will make thy tongue cleave

with my tongue

with our tongue will we prevail

your tongue hath muttered perverseness
