housetops 019 026 IIKi /^{housetops /and as corn
blasted before it be grown up .

housetops 037 027 Isa /^{housetops /and as corn
blasted before it be grown up .

housetops 001 005 Zep /^{housetops /and them that
worship and that swear by the LORD , and that swear by Malcham ;

housetops 048 038 Jer /^{housetops /of Moab , and
in the streets thereof: for I have broken Moab like a vessel
wherein is no pleasure , saith the LORD .

housetops 129 006 Psa /^{housetops /which
withereth afore it groweth up :

tops 002 005 Joe /^{tops /of mountains shall
they leap , like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the
stubble , as a strong people set in battle array .

tops 024 024 Job /^{tops /of the ears of corn

tops 004 013 Hos /^{tops /of the mountains ,
and burn incense upon the hills , under oaks and poplars and
elms , because the shadow thereof is good : therefore your
daughters shall commit whoredom , and your spouses shall commit
adultery .

tops 006 013 Eze /^{tops /of the mountains ,
and under every green tree , and under every thick oak , the
place where they did offer sweet savour to all their idols .

tops 008 005 Gen /^{tops /of the mountains
seen .

tops 005 024 IISa /^{tops /of the mulberry
trees , that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the
LORD go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines .

tops 014 015 ICh /^{tops /of the mulberry
trees , that then thou shalt go out to battle : for God is gone
forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines .

tops 007 016 IKi /^{tops /of the pillars :
the height of the one chapiter was five cubits , and the height
of the other chapiter was five cubits :

tops 002 021 Isa /^{tops /of the ragged rocks
, for fear of the LORD , and for the glory of his majesty , when
he ariseth to shake terribly the earth .

tops 015 003 Isa /^{tops /of their houses,
and in their streets , every one shall howl , weeping abundantly
