Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
touch all 18_JOB_01_11

touch her 01_GEN_20_06

touch him 42_LUK_06_19

touch him 41_MAR_03_10

touch him 41_MAR_08_22

touch his bone 18_JOB_02_05

touch me not 43_JOH_20_17

touch no unclean 23_ISA_52_11

touch not 47_2CO_06_17

touch not 51_COL_02_21

touch not 25_LAM_04_15

touch not mine anointed 13_1CH_16_22

touch not mine anointed 19_PSA_105_15

touch nothing 04_NUM_16_26

touched him 11_1KI_19_07

touched him 42_LUK_05_13

touched him 41_MAR_01_41

touched him 40_MAT_08_03

touched his garment 41_MAR_05_27

touched his tongue 41_MAR_07_33

touched me 27_DAN_10_18

touched me about 27_DAN_09_21

touched my mouth 24_JER_01_09

touched not 27_DAN_08_05

touched one another 26_EZE_03_13

touched their eyes 40_MAT_20_34

touched them 40_MAT_17_07

toucheth any unclean 03_LEV_07_19

toucheth him 42_LUK_07_39

toucheth shall be unclean 04_NUM_19_22

toucheth them shall be holy 03_LEV_06_18

toucheth them shall be unclean 03_LEV_11_26

toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put 01_GEN_26_11

toucheth you toucheth 38_ZEC_02_08

touching any 15_EZR_07_24

touching whom ye received commandments 51_COL_04_10