tower 006 027 Jer /^{tower /and a fortress
among my people , that thou mayest know and try their way .

tower 009 052 Jug /^{tower /and fought against
it, and went hard unto the door of the tower to burn it with
fire .

tower 012 001 Mar /${tower /and let it out to
husbandmen , and went into a far country .

tower 021 033 Mat /${tower /and let it out to
husbandmen , and went into a far country :

tower 144 002 Psa /^{tower /and my deliverer ;
my shield , and he in whom I trust ; who subdueth my people
under me.

tower 022 003 IISa /^{tower /and my refuge , my
saviour ; thou savest me from violence .

tower 002 015 Isa /^{tower /and upon every
fenced wall ,

tower 002 001 Hab /^{tower /and will watch to
see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am
reproved .

tower 061 003 Psa /^{tower /from the enemy .

tower 005 024 IIKi /^{tower /he took them from
their hand , and bestowed them in the house : and he let the men
go , and they departed .

tower 009 017 IIKi /^{tower /in Jezreel , and
he spied the company of Jehu as he came , and said , I see a
company . And Joram said , Take an horseman , and send to meet
them, and let him say , Is it peace ?

tower 013 004 Luk /${tower /in Siloam fell ,
and slew them , think ye that they were sinners above all men
that dwelt in Jerusalem ?

tower 005 002 Isa /^{tower /in the midst of it,
and also made a winepress therein: and he looked that it should
bring forth grapes , and it brought forth wild grapes .

tower 020 024 IICh /^{tower /in the wilderness ,
they looked unto the multitude , and, behold, they were dead
bodies fallen to the earth , and none escaped .

tower 004 004 Son /^{tower /of David builded
for an armoury , whereon there hang a thousand bucklers , all
shields of mighty men .

tower 035 021 Gen /^{tower /of Edar .

tower 012 039 Neh /^{tower /of Hananeel , and
the tower of Meah , even unto the sheep gate : and they stood
still in the prison gate .

tower 003 001 Neh /^{tower /of Hananeel .

tower 031 038 Jer /^{tower /of Hananeel unto
the gate of the corner .

tower 014 010 Zec /^{tower /of Hananeel unto
the king's winepresses .

tower 007 004 Son /^{tower /of ivory ; thine
eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon , by the gate of Bathrabbim :
thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward
Damascus .

tower 007 004 Son /^{tower /of Lebanon which
looketh toward Damascus .

tower 012 039 Neh /^{tower /of Meah , even
unto the sheep gate : and they stood still in the prison gate .

tower 003 001 Neh /^{tower /of Meah they
sanctified it, unto the tower of Hananeel .

tower 008 017 Jug /^{tower /of Penuel , and
slew the men of the city .

tower 022 051 IISa /^{tower /of salvation for
his king : and sheweth mercy to his anointed , unto David , and
to his seed for evermore .

tower 009 049 Jug /^{tower /of Shechem died
also, about a thousand men and women .

tower 009 046 Jug /^{tower /of Shechem heard
that, they entered into an hold of the house of the god Berith .

tower 009 047 Jug /^{tower /of Shechem were
gathered together .

tower 029 010 Eze /^{tower /of Syene even unto
the border of Ethiopia .

tower 030 006 Eze /^{tower /of Syene shall
they fall in it by the sword , saith the Lord GOD .

tower 004 008 Mic /^{tower /of the flock , the
strong hold of the daughter of Zion , unto thee shall it come ,
even the first dominion ; the kingdom shall come to the daughter
of Jerusalem .

tower 003 011 Neh /^{tower /of the furnaces .

tower 012 038 Neh /^{tower /of the furnaces
even unto the broad wall ;

tower 017 009 IIKi /^{tower /of the watchmen to
the fenced city .

tower 018 008 IIKi /^{tower /of the watchmen to
the fenced city .

tower 014 028 Luk /${tower /sitteth not down
first , and counteth the cost , whether he have sufficient to
finish it?

tower 003 027 Neh /^{tower /that lieth out ,
even unto the wall of Ophel .

tower 003 026 Neh /^{tower /that lieth out .

tower 018 010 Pro /^{tower /the righteous
runneth into it, and is safe .

tower 009 052 Jug /^{tower /to burn it with
fire .

tower 003 025 Neh /^{tower /which lieth out
from the king's high house , that was by the court of the prison
. After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh .

tower 011 005 Gen /^{tower /which the children
of men builded .

tower 011 004 Gen /^{tower /whose top may
reach unto heaven ; and let us make us a name , lest we be
scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth .

tower 009 051 Jug /^{tower /within the city ,
and thither fled all the men and women , and all they of the
city , and shut it to them, and gat them up to the top of the
tower .

towers 032 005 IICh /^{towers /and another wall
without , and repaired Millo in the city of David , and made
darts and shields in abundance .

towers 026 015 IICh /^{towers /and upon the
bulwarks , to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name
spread far abroad ; for he was marvellously helped , till he was
strong .

towers 003 006 Zep /^{towers /are desolate ; I
made their streets waste , that none passeth by : their cities
are destroyed , so that there is no man , that there is none
inhabitant .

towers 030 025 Isa /^{towers /fall .

towers 014 007 IICh /^{towers /gates , and bars ,
while the land is yet before us; because we have sought the
LORD our God , we have sought him, and he hath given us rest on
every side . So they built and prospered .

towers 026 004 Eze /^{towers /I will also
scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock .

towers 026 009 IICh /^{towers /in Jerusalem at
the corner gate , and at the valley gate , and at the turning of
the wall, and fortified them.

towers 026 010 IICh /^{towers /in the desert ,
and digged many wells : for he had much cattle , both in the low
country , and in the plains : husbandmen also, and vine dressers
in the mountains , and in Carmel : for he loved husbandry .

towers 032 014 Isa /^{towers /shall be for dens
for ever , a joy of wild asses , a pasture of flocks ;

towers 008 010 Son /^{towers /then was I in his
eyes as one that found favour .

towers 023 013 Isa /^{towers /thereof, they
raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought it to ruin .

towers 048 012 Psa /^{towers /thereof.

towers 027 011 Eze /^{towers /they hanged their
shields upon thy walls round about ; they have made thy beauty
perfect .

watchtower 021 005 Isa /^{watchtower /eat , drink :
arise , ye princes , and anoint the shield .

watchtower 021 008 Isa /^{watchtower /in the
daytime , and I am set in my ward whole nights :
